I I Y If" -. i h I 7 Queen Joanne I Queen Jeanne ill Rule Fete Dayton Miss Jeanne Barnes, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross L. Barnes of Dayton, a senior in the Dayton Union high school, will rule as Queen Jeanne I. over the May day fes tivities Friday The coronation will take place in the city park at 9:45 o'clock. Her escort will be Jack Sherman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherman, who is also a senior. Miss Barnes entered her sophomore year in the Dayton Union high school, coming here from Los Angeles. She is very much interested in art and hopes to continue her studies in that field. She is the second senior to have been chosen May queen for a number of years. Following the coronation of Queen Jeanne I, there will also be a junior coronation from the Dayton grade school. Little Linda Rutschman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rutschman has been chosen Queen Linda I, and her escort is Leslie Lyman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Lyman. v The maid of honor, Betty Mc Farlane and escort, Dennis Wright. Princesses and escorts for jun ior cororation: Sandra Borgan, Jimmy Fih; Charlotte Kom raus, Jeffrey Wright; Velma Farmer, Dale Hunter: Karen Cruickshank, Johnny Schutz; Donna Carson, Jerry Over- guard; Carol Rutschman, Mike Joe. Junior bishop, Keith Knoche; crown bearer, Mickey McKinney. Following this coronation will be a dance given by the primary group. An operetta, "The Farmer in , the Dell," will be given by a ' number of the grade school children. The May pole dance will be by the high school. There will be a baseball game between Dayton and Sheridan. In the evening at 8 o'clock the play "Molley O'Shaughnessey, will be presented by the student body. ONE-TIME NATIONAL FAME Willamette Student, Who Once Published Valsetz Paper, Engaged Mnlalla (UP.) Dorothy Anne Hobson, who founded and pub lished the Valsetz. Ore., Star when she was nine years old and plugged for "hemlock, fir, kindness and republicans, nas De- come engaged. Now a junior at Willamette, still fighting under our house I university. Salem. Miss Hobson 1 something fierce." and that' will marry Fred Graham, Long view, Wash. Graham is a grad uate student at Willamette. The Valsetz Star was a mod est, mimeographed newspaper but under Dorothy Anne s aao lescent guidance it achieved na tional fame. Despite Dorothy kie "daddy got mother two boxes of cigars and a gun for Christmas." Dorothy folded the Star when she was 12 years old and after h hnri rpreived letters of Draise from Herbert Hoover and Will- Cat Loses Her Litter Of Kittens to Hen Lincoln, Cal., May 3 U- Missy, a cat belonging to the Fred Newcomb family here, made a mistake when she pick ed a chicken house to have her litter of kittens. Shortly after the four new kittens arrived, a New Hamp shire hen took charge and dis possessed the mother cat. Missy is allowed to approach only at feeding time, said Newcomb, and then tiie maternal hen an grily clucks the cat away if the feeding is prolonged. LKGAL LEGAL Anne's fervent republican poli tical partisanship, the late Pres ident Roosevelt was a subscrib er of the Star. Her subscrip tion list covered the nation. Readers enjoyed such items in the Star as these: "We stand firm and believe in the United States and Cobbs & Mitchell Lumber company, the republicans and England and Wendell Willkie and Greece. . . . "The day after Willkie was defeated, mother changed all the furniture around in the liv ing room then sat down in a rocking chair and said she guess ed things weren't so bad after all. . . ." "The Star's foreign policy, is mind our own business a little and keep on taking vitamins. . . . "Mrs. Fraser. our best bridge player, has a cold in her nose She knows where every ace is. . . Paul Lowe left to join the U.S. army and get 21 dollars a month and a new suit. . . . Mrs. Heydon got discouraged with the rhumba. . . . Bill Bywers landed the longest fish here Sat urday and Germany landed in Norway Monday. . . . Mrs. Den no has six toes on one foot and we've stopped taking cod liver oil. . . . We are very proud of a letter from Mr. James A. Far ley, who is postmaster general. He wishes us well and dashes his name off in green ink. He isn't a republican." Dorothy noted that "James Roosevelt got a divorce and Leonard got married to Ber nice." that "Russia and Finland slopped fighting but the cats are Committee Inspects Kingwood District A special committee of the city planning and zoning com mission Monday afternoon made an inspection trip over the Kingwood water district annex ation to the city. On the committee are City Manager J. L. Franzen, chair man, R. A. Forkner, Robert Stanley and City Engineer J. H. Davis. Tuesday night a special meet ing of the planning and zoning commission will be held to con sider the temporary zoning of the area. "If we owe anyDody any money we hope they won't get excited. We hope they will be calm and we will pay them as soon as we all get our business settled." At Willamette. Dorothy is the president of Chi Omega sorority. Her parents' home is in Molalla. Scoutswiii Show Talents Air Scouts and Sea Scouts will demonstrate their crafl manship as a part of the Sen ior Scout program at the Cas cade Boy Scout circus at Sweet- land field next Saturday eve ning at 7:30. These demonstrations are in addition to activities to be pre sented by Boy Scouts from all parts of Linn, Marion and Polk counties under sponsorship of the Salem Lions club and the Cascade area council. Air Scouts are to have an airplane on hand and prelim inary reports say the Sea Scouts will build a ship before the Sweetland field grandstand, "complete to masts." A number of surprise num bers are planned by the Boy Scouts and no information could be obtained on their nature. However, Scout acts will in clude tower building, signaling and a series of first aid demon-1 strations. ! General Chairman Carl As- i chenbrenner said plans are com-1 ing to a head for the big par- ade which will wind through; Salem downtown streets 3:30 j Saturday afternoon, presenting; nearly 3000 Cub, Boy and Se nior Scouts. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE NORTH- TWENTY -SECOND ITREET PROM BReTHAN TKEET TO 1 lit, 0 JTHEHLY TERMINUS Of TWENTY- RCONC STREET. Nolle hereby U civn thtt tht com mon council of tht cur of Salrm. Ore gon. Wmj it necpiary and exprdirnt ml hereby Jeciar iu purpana and In tention to iniprova North Twrnty-Jircond -t.tet from the aouth tine of BrrymnD (lr?t to the outherly ttrmlnu o! Twn-y-Jtcond trt. In the cltf of Aaleifi, Marlon count r Orr f on. tt the txprnse of. thr abutllni and adjacent property, by orinalna laid portion of aaid atreet 10 l ha Mtablijhd irade, conmuctlni cement Lincrete curtu. and pa Una aaid portion o aaid at re i with a I'j Inch aaptialtic c one-ret pavement 30 feet vide In accord ance with the plana and specification therefor which wera adopted by the com mon council April 35. 1949. which arc now on file In the office of the city re corder ar" which by I His reference there to are made a part hereof The rommon council hereby declares it purpose and Intention to ma He the above described improvement by and tlirouil the street Improvement depart ment. B order of the Common Council AtII :i. 1948 ALI RED MUNDT. C:iy Recorder. Data of first publication hereof i April (8. 1949. Cap. tat Journal April 38, 39, 3U, May 2 3. 4. 5 6 7. 9, 10th. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINO NOTICE hereoy i aiven to all persons particularly Interested and to the gen eral public that a hearing will be held before the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon. Council Chamber. Clt Hall. Salem Oregon, at the hour of S 00 p m.. Monday. Mar t. 1949. to consider Lhanilnt from a Claw I Reaodenttal Dis trict to a Cia.- III-X Restricted Builne DUtrtf t the folio Ina premise: Block Thirty-five 3.t North Sa lem, with Additions. Marion County. Oregon, Save and except the North 3C feet thereof measured at right a nv les to the North line of sa Id B'oclt. By Order of the Common Council. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder May I 4 ft NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE AROVLE DRIVE FROM HANSEN AV ENUE TO CANUALARIA BOULEVARD. Not'ro hereby u given t:iai the com mon council af the citv of Salem, Ore ion, dfcma tt neceuarr and expedient nd hereby declares lis purpose and In tention to tmorove Argyle Drive from the "orth line of Hansen avenue to tht south I n of Candalaria, boulevard. In the city of Salem. Marlon county. Oregon, at the expense of the abultlni and adjacent property, except (he street intersect loos the exiierue of which will be assumea ' - the city of Salem, by bnnilna said tort Ion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said xtieet with a I1 inch ajphalttc concrete lavement SO feet wide In accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common coun cil April 2V 1949, which are now on file n to of fice of (he city recorder and which by this reierencs tnerete are made a 'art hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make the above described Improvement ay and through the street improvement depart- By otder of the Common Council April 1949 ALFRED MUNDT. v City Recorder. Da:e of first publication hereof ts April 21 1949. Capita, Journal April it. . 30, May 3. 3. 4. S. f. 1. 9. 10th. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE NORTH TWENTY-SECOND STREET .'ROM "D" STREET TO NEBRASKA AVENUE. Notice hereby ts liven that the com mon council of the city of Salem. Ore son, derma it necssary and expedient It:-!) derUr'- t:s purice and in-temir-ti to Improve North Twenty-second street from tiie north line of ""D" street to ti Nor'. i line of Nebraska avenue, in l: city of Salrm. Marlon county. Ore gon at the ex pease of the abultint and adjacent property, except the street In tersection the expense of which will be assumed by the cilv of Salem, by brlna lne sal-1 portion of said street to the ej.ub'vhrd irnde. corwtnrt.nt cement concrete eurba. and saving laid portion 31 ss id street aitn a J't inch fcapnatnc euticrcte pavement 30 feet wide In accord ance with (ha plans and ascitic -lion 'lerefor whlcn were adopted by the common council April 25, 1949. whirh are now on file in the office of the city re corder and which by this reference there to era made a part hereof The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make t!ie above described improvement by and 'h'ouih tne street improvement dep.it merit. By order of the Common Council April 1949. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is April , 1949 Capital Journal April 31, 39. 30, Uar 1. 3. 4. f, 0. T. 9. loth. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Tuesday, May 3, 191913 pfOTICB OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE WEST NOB HILL STREI7T FROM HOYT STREET TO FAWK AVENUE. Notice hereby Is ghen that the com tior. council of the city of Salem. Ore gon deems It necessary and expedient nd hereby declares lui purpose and in tention to Improve West Nob Hill street f:om the north line of Hovt street to the outh line of Fawk avenue, in the city of Salem, Marlon county, Oregon, ai the expense of the abutting and adja cent property, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, onitrui'tlng cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a3'i Inch asphalt ic concrete pavement 14 feet wide in accordance with the plans and apec If lea lions therefor which were adopted by the common council April ii 1949 whlcn are now en file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference, thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares .a purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street improvement depart mrm. By order of the Common Council April Ji 1949. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof Is prll 2. 1949. Capital Journal April 31. 39. 30, May 4. S. 0. 7. 9, 10th. rvrTICE OF "I NT E NT ION-"TO IMPROVE HICKORY STRF.LT FROM V ALPAK 'AD TO B HOOKS STREET Notice hereby l given that the com mon council of the city of Salem. Ore gon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares i's purpose and in Lent Ion to Improve Hickory street from the west line of Valpak road to the ee.st U of Brooks street, in the citv of Salem, vlarion County. Oregon, at the expen.se i the abutting and adjacent property, y orini ins said portion of said si reel to the ea'.ablLuied grade, constructing cement concroa curbs, and paving aaid portion of said street with a 1 Inca asphaltlc concrete pavement 37 feet wide In accordance with tne plana and eptrl Mcatton therefor which were adopted by tiie common council April 3i, 1040. whlcn ice now on file in the office of the city ecorder and which by this reference t er'to are made a part hereof. I The common council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the I t'xivo described improvement by and j through the street ImprovemtBt depart t ment. Br ordtr ot the Common Council Apr .5. 1949 ! ALFRED MUNDT. i City Recorder. Date of firit publication hereof U i April 28. 1049 Capital Journal Anrlt 31. 39, 30. Mar i 3. 4. 1 0. 7. 9. 10th. DIRT FOR SALE About May 2 Sound Construction & Engr. Co. New Star Office Bldg. Phon, 2-5660 Druggists' Prescription For Relief.pr' Itch When yoiii skin is irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, t r y Sanitone Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears imme diately. Sanitone Ointment ts also wonderful for itching feet, cracks between toes and Ath lete's foot. Foi Sale at Willett's Capital Drug Store State at Liberty Plione 3-3111 WOMEN WANTED For beauty training Ex cellent opportunities are al ways open to the skilled beautician CUse are now forming at Salem's oldest and most advanced bpauty school. Call or write for our new low rates Oregon School of Beauty Culture 230 N Liberty Ph. 36800 Better Tasting Highball 5S ,, j That's why thousands have switched to Calvert Reserve. JALVERT reserve Blended Whiskey -86.8 Proof-65 Qrain Neutral Spirits. Salvert Distillers Corp., New York City 98' NEW. STREAMLINED PEERLESS 983 II DAI I DniKJT DEKI II DW- Rata IT 111 I r E.I1 WITH A 10 YEAR WRITTEN SERVICI POLICY WIITIS TO 1 YIARS WITHOUT RCrMLUN JJ Tlite mnpon anJ only R mtttlM beam to the fantoua BatkmBtir-tvlvrrttMat PRRBLKSS new bail point P-n (S.M !. preelalonMl-nwl la KMif M Otiful imulatMl folrl-nWr an rial rp and hod jr. Truly rvrnarkabta value I Coa parva with aspen! pna. No Irak, no ahip. tnatant drying. Hakes 1 earboei II MnU InniiMiln fwAtla Blahl 1A iar wrntlrn ttrvirf irrMUMil M.tl ordara ftJWd IM axtra, Hurrr I Supply limited. Aak for PEERLESS pan at H Perry'i Drug Store 129 S. Commercial btrret U Dal These prices feature JEiLtms" tlmt simmt! IF you're price-conscious these days as you shop for new cars, you've probably made a big discovery. It's important to find out what tht price iti' eludes particularly in the normal "spread" between list and delivered prices. Take these Buick prices given here. All of them, as the panel tells you, cover such universally wanted accessories as radio and antenna, heater and defroster, windshield washers and built-in back-up lights. These are individually itemized on your bill of sale. Not itemized, but still included in your Buick when you get it, are many things that classify as extra-cost items on many other cars. For instance, Foamtex seat cushions are an extra value on Buick SL'PKRS and Road MASTERS that cost you nothing extra. You man euMir mm inn get direction signals, rear wheel shields, a flexible steering wheel, an air cleaner, an oil filter, a clock all included in the basic ' list price. On all ROADM ASTERS, these prices even cover Dynafjow Drive as stand ard equipment, not an extra-cost item. Included also, of course, are such Buick extra values as Fireball power, which you get nowhere else all-coil springing, almost an exclusive the widest rims in the indus tryand that very special and desirable solid Buick feel. So check the "extras" when you price today's cars. Check the "deal" too, and make sure it's as fair and aboveboard as the Buick sales policy. We're pretty sure what your conclusion will be when you see what stepped-up produc tion is doing to deliveries. You'll decide "Buick's the buy!" and get your order in. DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR INC1UDINS RADIO, VNDIIISIAr HI ATIR, DIMOITIH, WINDSNII1D WASHIRS, RACK-VP UOWS-AND DTNAHOW ORIVI ON ROADMASHR MODUS. SPECIAL SERIES New SPECIALS an now mdr oWefopment and prices will be onnounceof when production of thit sen'ei it reiumecf. 56S 51 56C 59 76S 71 76C 79 SUPER SERIES 2-Door Sedanai Ulimtrttrft $2595 4-Door Sedan .... 2694 Convertible 3145 tstatt Wagon .... 3745 ROADMASTER SERIES Inthiding Dynoflow Orv 2-Door Sedanet .... 4-Door Sedan .... Convertible ..... tstatu Wagon .... 3144 3263 3706 4295 Stott and total fox!, if any, antra. Dyrtaflovr Drivt ep'ionef of astro coif on SUPER tnodafl. Wfiif itdawoft firai optional at txtro cotf on all modafi. All pricti lubjacf fo chonoo with' out ftotica. Prtcti may vary itightly in adjoining cominwnifial bocovfo of fromporfofion cfiorgti. - ! mVH U. will Ml Ihrrn 1 rffi' 1 S a .pzl ..i "v tr r la Hfftr I. lAtlO. ASC N.r-t. rrr lUoWar ri1 POUSHIS AND CLEANERS gg VIIUUW .XSpg ?J Bellows a Co., New York rTZZZf O 86.8 Proof " ' ' 607C GrsirNeulrsI Spims j.tJ 6, r-"1" Quickly r.tlor. loit brlllionc. and tparkl. to your ear with th.to oaty-io-apply Ford product,. Thay'r. tpacially mad. for Ford Rn lih.,1 Work Ilk. magic. IIOUID CLIANIR POllShlNO WAX POLISH AND CLIANtl CHROMI CLIANIR SOOT POLISH POAM UPHOLSTIRT CLIANI FORD IIOUID OLAZI CLIANI FORD IIOUID OLAZI SIAlIt A compefe lino of ford "Beauty Aids" Valley Motor Co. FORI) SINCE 1915 375 Center I'h. 3-3147 '1, IfiWtJ- ftXM 9 IfM&JKJm rtdlCi die lunci MEfeS than you may think m v-JMt piii uru vnok ''nwt i.iiii nr ii i linn i $950 "Mother-its Aunt Emily calling longdistance" (Hnvtimn station rt for Brtt thr minuted not inclurtinR toa. When you talk longer than the three minute minimum. additional time ia charged by th. mmuu.l Birthdays are happy dayn and long distance can make them even happier. Long distance is personal, it's fast. Calls go through in an average of less than two minutes . . . usually while you Btay on the line. Get the answer fast... use long distance OTTO J. WILSON CO. .388 N. Commercial St. Salem, Ore. and Telegraph Company