r T-i efi n . n.n. 's3 TSlBlfCK SOGERS S7W Rocket to the Moon Now Actually Possible New York U A rocket icientist said today that it is now possible to build and send a man-made moon into space where it would travel around the earth at a distance of 470 miles. Furthermore, according to Willy Ley in a report to the American Rocket society, sci ence has Ihe knowledge to pro duce a "moon messenger," that is, a rocket that will reach the moon 235W00 miles from earth. Ley, one of the earliest rocket scientists and who came here from Germany in 1935. said that in recent V-2 rocket experi ments in New Mexico man al ready had penetrated space with a missile. 'Stalingrad Stand' for Shanghai Nationalist troops and refugees arrive in Shanghai (top left) after excavating towns along the Shanghai-Nanking railway. At top right, troop reinforcements arrive to bolster the Shanghai garrison and help defend the city as the communist armies near. Gen. Chen Ta Ching, commander of the" Shanghai-Woosung garrison, said he was prepared for a "Stalingrad stand," on which the fate of all China depended. Bottom photo shows Shanghai's citizens moving out. Photo by Warren Lee, NEA-Acme staff correspondent. (Acme Radio-Telephoto) Four Corners People Greet New Arrivals From Newport Four Corners, May J Newcomers to the Four Corners com munity this week are Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Shattuck and children, Eunice, Sharon and Larry Jean. The Shattucks moved from New port here and are living in the Laura Donnelly cottage at 255 S. Lancaster drive. Mr. Shattuck is a truck driver. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lauder- back moved this week to 750 S. Elma. They purchased the property from Oliver Rickman. Mr. Lauderback is employed by the Dairy Co-operative associa tion in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Powell of Independence are visiting with the granddaughters, Kath arine and Carol Ann Powell at 890 Eldin avenue while Mr. and Mrs. John Powell are on a trip to the coast. Mrs. Iva Gamble of Springfield, Ore., is also vis iting in the John Powell home. King, Linda and Johnnie, Mrs Margaret Hatspek, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wells, Sharon and Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. T. Nolan Bath urst, 4385 Hager street, are re ceiving congratulations upon the birth of a son, Daniel Dean, born April 14. The little boy has 3-year-old brother Thomas. The maternal grandmother, Mrs. Mary I'gleheart of . Billings, Mont., came fdr a visit with her new grandchild. .From here she will go to Yakima to visit other relatives before returning home. The paternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bathurst of Laurel, Mont. The Bathursts recently came here from Mon tana. The Rickey Garden club will meet Thursday night at 8 o'clock. There will be a hobby (how and plant exchange. Those displaying hobbies are asked to bring them by 7:30 o'clock Hostesses will be Mrs. E. E. Walker, Mrs. Ross Chrisman, Mrs. E. M. White, Mrs. Mildred Corning. Mr. and Mrs. Nestor Tokstad, Jr., who have purchased the property at 4365 Glenwood drive were given a house-warming on Saturday night by friends and relatives. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Nestor Tokstad, Sr., Norman Tokstad, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hamilton, Gary, Ruth, Billy and Learea Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hamilton and JoyAnn, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bids Called for Clearing Timber Col. O. E. Walsh, Portland district engineer, has invited bids for clearing, logging and stockpiling merchantable tim ber in an area of 175 acres ly ing within the Detroit dam re servoir area. Bids for the work will be opened at 2 p.m. May 27 and award will be made as a whole Phil Schnell Firm Expands Phil Schnell of Salem an nounces that he has purchased Parker Food Sales in Portland, wholesale distributor located at 1814 NE Sixth avenue. He will change the name to Phil Schnell company. ' The firm will continue as the franchised dealer in Durkee's packaged foods, which is its principal line. For the last five years Schnell has been Durkee distributor in Salem and vicin ity in the local firm of Parrish Food Distributors. The name of the latter also will be changed to Phil Schnell company, and his son, Roger Schnell, will ma nage the Salem operation. A fleet of 12 trucks will be used by the two operations. Before he went into the food business Schnell was for 23 years with Union Oil company in several capacities. At various times he was district manager in Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane. In that test, a WAC corporal rocket was attached to the V-2 niissile and was released when the V-2 spent its fuel. The WAC continued on to 250 miles alti tude "which to all intents and purposes is the outermost limit of the atmosphere. Ley said The experiment showed, ac cording to Ley, that only a third step or another rocket to go, off when the second spends its , fuel is now needed to place an j artificial satellite in an orbit at 470 miles above sea level. It would travel around the world . at 4.6 miles per second, making the circuit in one hour and 45 minutes, he said. The satellite would continue its circling indefinitely, and Ley said the problem would be "getting it down." Under his plan the satellite would carry 200 pounds of instruments which would make observations and relay them to ground crews. The "moon," he estimated. would weigh 237,000 pounds, or 119 short tons, at take-off, but would lose much of the weight as its fuel was spent on the way up. The rocket to the moon, he said, has been assured by the development of using burning hydrogen in a rocket motor. Such motor power can permit the rocket to travel at 15,000 miles an hour fast enough to counteract the pull of the earth's gravity. He said it has been shown that atomic energy is not necessary for space rockets. The moon messenger, he said, would be unmanned and would leave a mark on the face of the moon, not by explosion or flash light powder, but the scattering of a white powder like glass which would make a permanent mark. With all the new develop ments, Ley said that science does not "need any new basic inventions or discoveries either for establishing an orbital rocket and a moon messenger." It Is a problem of engineering development, patient work and cash to finance the program, he said. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 2, 19499 a price dispute with packers took to their boats by the hun dreds Sunday to open the 194S salmon season. Fishermen Out to Sea Astoria, Ore., May 2 U.R) Co lumbia river fishermen despite ...1 SPECIAL Packard 6 and 120 Brake Reline Labor Motor Tune-Up Labor Chassis Lubrication Labor Front Wheels Balance Labor Front Wheel Bearings Repack Labor STATE MOTORS, INC 340 N. High PACKARD DEALERS 2.00 3.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 You Get Hearing UNDERSTANDING A Hearing Aid is Not Enough See W F. DODGE SONOTONE 1933 State St., Salem to one bidder. Time for com pletion is 180 calendar days. The timber is mostly second growth Douglas fir. The area is accessible from existing roads. $050 Down Only 6.63 Per Month Priced as low as any chain or mail order house Local service The exclusive repre sentative for the Royal Standard KAY TYPEWRITER CO. S57 Court Phone 3-8095 POBSGH . m Stop itehtar. dry l'Mjt,Mil:lTii'l.'IH!l.l MOf FORI WAXES, POLISHES AND CLEANERS arllllanca cue portlt to yew car wHh Him my.ta- ( apply Fard praapch. Thay'ra ipaetatly aaa for Hr4 Sfl. Iih.,1 Ward Ilka UOUnt CUANtl pausxme wax POUSM AN CUANtl CNtOMI CUANtl IODT POUtM FOAM UPHOUTttY glMNtJ) SOI UOjUW tLAZI CUANfa rose uouio emu maim A CaWFiiWf'tj of rW "wry Akj" Valley Motor Co. ( 875 FORD SINCE 191.1 Center Ph. 3 3147 THE TURN OF A WHEEL Steering wheels are more costly than any wheel of for tune. Drive carefully and .carry adequate automobile liability limits with SALEM'S GENERAL OF AMERICA AGENCY. Customer parking at our new location. CHUCK m che J 1 INSURANCE Lu SALEM AND COOS BAY 373 No. Church St. Dial 3-9119 The Perfect Gift for Mother's Day The thought behind the present for your mother on Mother' Day can best be expressed by a box of fine chocolates Hoefler't Chocolate, from old San Francisco Ask for Hoefler' Chocolate, the superb result of more than 50 year of candy-making tradition. HOSTLER'S cHOCOlXrgg Buy them at OUIJfNlfMr COINM COUtT ft COMMtCMI KmH XfO'CAl CtNTM IKNCN UC 4111 Itltll Mm t opt rat ssotu' nomi or J14S& 14! ajilWlp Lite-Wate PUMICE BLOCKS dtractty la ear blacks FHA APPROVED. LOW COST! FIREPROOF! SOUNDPROOF! WEATHERPROOF! Smittiwick Concrete Products L I IH Di 1 t YARD, PHONE 3-916 I &mucA ' System HARD MILLED SOAP Fine assortment of quick lathering both size soaps (or the entire family 1 8cAmiHsjicBAd9 JlfL I rW M l J f. 4 Savon Lfoc ryviiv ah. fforof SoiJi rina 6 loyal Sort Gordwifa 7 loyal Sort Appl. Blows' S. loyal Sort Appl. atouaa) tight cokes ore conveniently packed In a plastic rigeralot bog. Period lor storing loods and vege' les. Washable and odorless this refrigerator bag can be used over and over. Take advantage ol this outstanding combination oiler now. uisenflerru r. B --T3: fMt OUISfNitUr COINFtl COUII ft COMMIIC1A1 m imi JUE0ICAI CfNTft HUNCH S4M OIIAt STIfll Kw, MIS HJiat operatt as out You may he ML by constipation and not know it! li you suffer from: Headaches, Dizziness, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Gas, Pimples, Loss of appetite, Loss of sleep twowe of constipation. HADmiTWODaN0W! For millioM of men and women, the tbove irmptomi cn be Na nire'i emergencv wuniogt that the body is having difficulty in ridding i tie If of the inteuioai wastes that Cm bt tlminitrd , . . mrts If tnd roraobrvtl. Ua doc tori know thai it n tjutif MBtbM to M lllrly XMieW hf faulty tliminuroa. CltnKal tetn shew thai if yoit hac fauhr tlimiiMtKM, rrf atn sWh mp tm your ' Dgtt Z ' ihi ltt iittiiiit) whr ttvrr kccofM pwtrirWd and ftonoaout. Tht lo finer that? IWll (tar ia rHif inrMttael raft, thr arflatn trnr jrert of lnir a n trm. la a amu'rijtly irran Irnetb of tisst. fuj caa btcoana th ktiib of VI potaoajitvf." Kf iBtnb Ml atai anowiM ovt of rouf DtOfftt Zona" by iim rhu) mrm, Hh, tUa-ttstsaral mtioii . Talrt Mirvflat for a mtitt thorouih, htalthf tlirniflttioav. f. MARVELAX cnnami no Jrugt. no oiU or Mln. MAH. Vtl.AX oaiam rttVNtt, onfKtrrfeJ by muit aWihorirn en b Nartirv't fanoni aoi-ofa arioairoo fond trl 4 4r. iroM aol font ohr irl iftrrdrnn thai totran, iltrkm lnri(nl um lor oatir lira tee trots . . . and ajantlv ' titit ita" nei cotwJiiiOa irta Importaot aftuatkt ia rwr 4inue trar Ttir MAAtLAX for am Jan. r cording as lunptr tatovnioaa. If yoo ut bat abtoUatl pltm4 and iaWW ith muln. ptifa cKiw m mi vui tw iftvaaa tat full I iL Fred Meyer 14S N. Llbertj DR. PAINLESS PARKER Dentist DR. PAINLESS PARKER HK1TM IPILATH 15 Months to Pay IMMEDIATE RESTORATION.. . enables yoif to wear your plate IMMEDIATELY after teeth are extracted. NOW you don't have to go toothless while waiting for Dental Plates ! Modern, convenient "Immediate Restoration Service" eliminates the em barrassment and annoyance of "Toothless Days" prevents loss of valuable time from your job. Ask Your Dentist NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY Come to the office when convenient for on ex amination. Credit terms apply to all types of dental work... Plates, Extractions, Fillings, Crowns, Inlays or Bridgework. Get needed dental work NOW...uje your CREDIT. DR. L. B.WARNICKER Manager Now associated with Dr. Painless Parker, Dentist 125 N. liberty Street Salem, Oregon DR. PAINLESS PARKER Dentist 125 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon Telephone Salem 3-8825 Offices in Eugene and Portland also in all principal Pacific Coast cities