1 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oresron, Monday, May 2, 1949 East Salem Schools Join For Well-Baby Clinics East Salem, May 2 The spring well-baby clinic will be held at Swegle school Wednesday, for five East Salem schools. Hours have been assigned to schools as follows: Swegle 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.; Middle Grove 10 a. m. to 11 a. m. and Fruitland from 11 a. m. to 12 noon. Auburn from 1 p. m. to 2 p. m. and Rickey from 2 p. m. to 3 p. m. Dr. Wil- ; hold short meetings each month throughout the summer with one family picnic. The members voted to enter a display at the State Fair in the fall. Guests present were Mrs. Ed Rebufh and Mrs. Smith with members, Mrs. Robert Ballard. Mrs. Ethel Sion, Mrs. Milton Blackman, Mrs. Ed Tobin, Mrs. Halbert Kempler, Mrs. Rufus Anderson, Mrs. H. W. Cole, Mrs Carl Seetler, Mrs. Roy Lively. Mrs. Marcia Applet, Mrs. George Wilcox and Mrs. A. W. Marsh who assisted the hostess, Mrs. Rehm at the social hour. . Mrs. Vicar Wagers entertain ed members of the Merry Ming lers club in the home of Mrs J Irvin Wagers Thursday aft ernoon, with a dessert lunch eon and social afternoon. Guests were Mrs. William Nipper, Mrs Lue Schultz and Mrs. Lee Wag ers. Memberi present were Mrs. George Hardy, Mrs. Dan Scharf Mrs. Covil Case, Mrs. Carl Sny der, Mrs. Fred Scharf, Mrs. Ir Sunday guests In the home of I Swegle Womani club meets Tuesday at 1 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Rex Peffer on Hollywood drive. A plastic party will be held for the social hour. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brandt on Last Garden Road were Mr. and Mrs. L. Mitchell and Mrs. Olgs Petterson of Portland. The wo men are cousins of Mr. Brandt 1 Y vin Wagers, Mrs. Wade Carter and Mrs. Clyde Colwell, who has recently returned from an auto trip through the south west. Mrs. Carl Snyder and Mrs. Col well were appointed as a nom ROOFING Now is the time to order that new root before the busy summer season. ' Expert workmanship with the highest quality material Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons lard Stone will be in charge with the school nurses from the respective schools present for consultation. ... Lansing Neighbors Garden club members met In the home of Mrs. Herman Rehm for the regular meeting. Mrs. W. M. Bartlett of Brooks was the guest speaker. She discussed flower arrangement and as each member had brought a bouquet for judging she criticized them individually. At the business meeting Mrs. Ben Rathjen, chairman of the committee ar ranging for the clubs favors for the National Federation meeting in Portland In June, re ported that the name of the club would be with each cherry jar favor. Mrs. George Wilcox, Mrs. H. W. Cole and Mrs. W. A. Marsh will serve on the nominating committee for new officers to be elected in May. The club will inating committee for officers for the new club year. The fam ily picnic is planned for May I3tn. Adfcrtlacnaat (Sublet) ti blcbly eon ailowa and would can ITCH ter lift If not itopofd. tot I lh itch nil wbleb it Immune to ordinary Ircitneatt. E 80BA kiUi the Itrh aaite almost Instant ly. Only thro dr EXSORA treatment la required. At Year Nearest FRED METER Draa Section Hall Orders G1tb Vrempt Attention 255 No. Commercial Street Phone 38478 Salem Unconscious a Year Five-year-old Larry Dean Wilson is shown in an Elkhart, Ind., General Hospital bed where he has lain unconscious tor a year. Doctors say the child, struck by an autombile, may never awaken. With him are nurse Vir ginia Hursey (left) and his mother, Mrs. Donald Wilson. (AP Wirephoto) Plan Welcome For Porllanders Silverton The Silverton Chamber of Commerce enter tainment committee met at Toneys and worked on plans for dinner and social pleasures for the sixty forum guests from Portland to be here Friday, May 5, and decided on another ses sion Tuesday to check on last minute changes necessary. Tentatively arranged are for the guests to arrive by special busses around 11 o'clock, tour the town by citizen guest cars, then drive to the lodge at Silver Falls State Park for the noon luncheon. Welcoming the visi tors will be Mayor Clinton Weiby, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, V. V Runyan, and the chairman of the entertainment committee, Glenn Briedwell. A social hour with light re freshments has been planned for the guests enrout to Mt. Angel from the park during the afternoon. LtMfd to Portland Chamber of Com Bi'Tcc fuwiU tre: Nrll T. At tin, vice president, Power Fur nit u re Co.; H. K. Albert, mannier Railway Expreju: Leo H. Biruti. jrc retard treasur er, Wadhnm & Co.; Nate Boody, manager, RoberU Brothers: ft. E. Carr. manager. United Grocer; T. Ed Dale, office man aer. Roy Burnett Motor; Harry A. DavU. AslMant vice president, U. B. National Bank; J. M. DomnUae, manlier, Dohrman Hotel Supply Co.; Holme Ehream, man aier. Underwood Corp.: K. C. Eldrldae. Jr., president Elrldas Pood Sales: T. E Oarbade, Oarbade's Bakery, president , Portland Retail Trade: Dnutlasa E. Oer- j ew, pattner. United Finance Co.; Harold D. Olll. vice president. J, K. QUI Co.: V. M. Hall, assistant asles manaaer. North western Drut; Dr. E. T. Hedlund, post master; John Helmer. owner, Helmer Man Shop; Don Henderson, president. Service Bronil and Brass Works; Joseph A. Hermann, manaier. Portland Hotel; W F. Hlntien. Swift and Co : Ronald Hnn-en-.an. manaaer of sales. May Hardware; Fred Inkster, sale manaier, Blake Mnf feit and Towns; John S. James, presi dent, John B. James Co.; J. C. Jensen, eneral manaier, Kaark Laboratories; H. A Johnson, Ames, Karris Neville Co ; Ward S. Kelley, assistant vice president. First National; Bruae Kllmora. Partite Lla-hL and Power: E. J. Larson, A. O. F. A Southern Pacific Co.; Oeorae A. Law renre, president. Oeorae A. Lawrence Co-Lawrence- Mann, president, Portland Printlni Co.: W. E. Maness. T. P. A., Southern Pacific Co.; O. R. Mariln. man aier Inv. Dept.. Bank or Call!.; W. W, Marsh, district aalea manaier. Western Air Lines; R. O. McCullen. senior accoun tant, Pltperbrlnk A Kron: Ralph S. Nes bitl. manager. Brinkenwald A Co.; I L Noble, manaier, S W Flna Foods. Mylea D. O Hlisk C. P. A.; Oeoria W. Pat terson, credll manaaer, McKesson and Roberts: Harry Pedersrn. manaier Pacific Dept. Store; president E. Side Commercial CHio: Leslla Pi-yton. vice president. Equit able Savlnis and Loan; V. W. Plarson. E. M. Adams Co.; Lewis J. Rains, vice president. Candy Products Co.; R. M. Ricketts. retired; E. Don Ross, president. Irwin Hodson Co.; Arthur Senders, pres ident, Lant-Benders Co.; Donald Sloan, owner, Sloan Ac Wilcox; Edward F. Sin clair, manaier. Sinclair At Co.; Myron E. Sinclair, partner, Sinclair A Co.; H. W. Shields. O. P. A.. S. P. & 8. Ry.: J. I. 8.111th worth, T. P.A , Union PaclflcRy.; Robert C. Smith, manaier. Crane Co.; J W. Speer, Jr.. district traffic manager, NW Airlines; Herbert J. Stewart, sales manaier. Packer Scott Co.: A. C. Stlckley, general aaent, N. r. Ry.; John L. Talbot, credit manager, M. Sellers Co.; H. P. uickery, Una extension manager, P. O. & E.r Arthur B. Wallace, national advertise ment manager, Oregon Journal; Edward N. Welnbaum, manaier. Trade It Com merce Dept., Chamber of Commerce; Al ien H, Wey, Board of Directors. Portland Chamber of Commerce; J. H. White, man aaer, Dunn A Bradstreet; Dls Woodbury, chairman board, Woodbury A Co.: Cy 8. Young, manaier, Weatimhouse XEX. TIME to repair or replace GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS FLASHINGS WIJ- PL UMB ING-HBA TING 279m COMMlHCIJkl HOMty14t RE-ROOFING? These quality J-M Asphalt Shingles will protect your home, give it new beauty 3 Attracive, easy to apply, and fire-resistant Johns-Man ville Asphalt Shingles will give you new beau,ty and protection. Let us show you samples and tell you how little they cost. 10 Year Guarantee Nothing Down and up to Three Years to Pay Mathis Bros. Roofing Co. 164 S. Corn ! Ph. 3-4642 1 ft 4. eiu UnTurn . .: . oii mumm a gill j she'JI use all-year-round... Wt NAVI THIM I to We suggest the new Kodak Tourist Camera with Kodet Lens. It makes it simple to get good pictures in full color or black-and-white. Has synchro nized flash for easy indoor shots. Takes Kodak 620 Films. Negatives 2'4x314. $29 here, including Federal Tax. Capital Drug Store State A Liberty "On the Corner" AT Penney's SALEM, OREGON Rayon Crepes BUY A SLIP FOR MOTHER! DOWNRIGHT AMAZING AT THIS BEAUTIFUL SLIP FOR SO LITTLE! COME SEE FOR YOURSELF! Rely on plain old-fashioned Penney's to bring you honest-to-goodness values' like these! Exquisite RUFFLES, LACE and EMBROIDERY on MULTI FILAMENT RAYON CREPE for only 2.98! (Think of it') Just FEEL the FABRIC (multifila ment rayon crepe is famous for the way it wears and washes) ... SEE THE EXPENSIVE DETAILS on the tops ona hems . . . LOOK AT the BEAUTIFUL PASTELS they come in! What WONDERFUL GIFTS they'll make! 32-40. MAIN FLOOR Wonderful Mm K'H. 0 FOR MOTHER ...in SLIPS 1.1 You ust can't beat nylon! Take this slip for instance! It's all nylon fabric from the straps down to the pretty trimmed hem. Dip it in soap and water , . . hang it up it's dry in no time flat and ready to wear again! (You don't even hove to iron it') to 40. Pink, white, blue. 32 m MATTER WHERE YOU RUY IT, getagifTFORM ' U ' Gowns for Mother 3.98 - 4.98 LUXURY DOESN'T COST A LOT AT PENNEY'S Lovely lace trimmed tops and hems . . . round necks . . . square necks ... V necks. Cap sleeves, strap or puffed sleeves. Some with the great big flounce skirts. All of fine rayon satin ... all pretty-as-con-be . . . priced low for Mother's Day giving. MAIN FLOOR GORGEOUS NYLONS V fi3 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER A-a-h-h 51 gauge, 15 denier Gaymode sheers! Luxury for Mother's day at a plain, old-fashioned price! (Excuse us for throwing out our chest a bit but Gaymodes ore so good!) Every last thread, loop and stitch is carefully inspected for the slightest flaw! Gaymodes are perfect! Newest shades! Sues 8'-i to 10"2. MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR 51 Gauge, 30 Denier 1.15 45 Gauge, 30 Denitr 98 C J