Miss Amort rBride This Morning Mothers' Week-end at UO To Open Friday Evening St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church was the scene of a wed ding this morning when Miss Patricia Ann Amort, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Amort of Hyampom, Calif., was married to Raymond G. Klecker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Klecker of Salem. The Rev. George O'Keefe read the rites at 8 o'clock. For the music, Mrs. Vince Rodakow- ski sang and Wayne Meusey played the organ. Lilacs, tulips and splrea dec orated the church for the serv ice, and at the pews down the processional aisle were white pompons with lilacs and stream ers. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of white satin, designed with lace yoke and cuffs, a draped pep lum in back, and lace over the skirt and train. The full-length veil was arranged from a tiny lace cap. The bride carried a prayer book on which was ar ranged an orchid. Mrs. J. W. Arey was matron of honor for her sister, wearing a gown of white flower marqui sette and a picture hat of white marquisette. Her flowers were white and pink snapdragons. Mrs. Robert Gorman and Miss Rosella Heuberger, the brides maids, wore gowns of white crepe and matching picture hats of white net. Their bouquets also were of the white and pink snapdragons. Acting as best man was Wal ter Bilyeu. Ushers were Jerome Hayes, Robert Suing, Jerry Heu berger and Robert Prange. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Amort wore a wine colored suit with gray accessories and corsage of white carnations. The bridegroom's mother wore a sand colored dress with brown accessories and a corsage of white carnations. The receDtion following the service was in the Mayflower hall, the pastel colored flowers also being used there to decor ate the table and room. Mrs. Fred Petzold cut the bride's cake. Mrs. C. R. Suing was at the coffee urn and Mrs. Ben Klecker at the punch bowl. For traveling the bride wore a blue-gray suit with walk-away skirt and peplum on the Jacket, a white frilly jabot at the neck line, navy accessories and cor sage of orchids. Following a trip to the moun tains of central Oregon the couple will be at home In Salem after May 8. University of Oregon. Eugene, (Special) Plans are In the final stages for the annual Junior Week-end, featuring the theme "1001 Niahts." May 8-8 on the University oi Oregon campus. Mother's Day Week-end will be held in conjunction with the festivities. Corornation of the queen to reign over the three-day cele bration, Friday evening, May 9, will open the week-end. Selec tion of the queen, from among five candidates, will not be re vealed until the coronation. Junior women nominated are Misses Mary Margaret Jones and Phyllis C. Morgan, Eugene: Miss Donna M. Masterson, Vale; Miss Virginia Thompson, Mon mouth; and Miss Harriet J. Van natta. Kohala, Hawaii. Follow-' ing the coronation, the all-campus sing finals will be held, with scholarship awards featured. First on the May 7 agenda will be a breakfast and business meeting for mothers. At noon, the annual picnic luncheon will be held on the old campus. Mor tar Board, senior women's hon orary, Friars, senior men's hon orary, and Askleplads, medical honorary, will tap new mem bers. Following the picnic, a mothers' tea is scheduled, with the annual float parade at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The 28 floats entered will depict some phase of the week-end theme of "1001 Nights." Saturday night is the Junior Prom at McArthur court. Theme for the dance is "A Night in Baghdad," with a special sec tion reserved for mothers. The Gerlinger cup for the outstand ing junior woman, and the Koyl cup for the outstanding junior man, will be awarded. Druids, junior men's honorary, and Skull and Dagger, sophomore men's honorary, will tap new members. Sunday, May 9, all living or ganizations will hold special dinners for the mothers. That afternoon, the "Sunlight Ser enade" will close the week-end. Engagements Are Told ! Two engagements were an nounced over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reitzen stein have announced the en gaement of their daughter. Miss Jerladine Reitzenstein, to Mel vin H. Horst of Albany. Mr Horst originally came from Gurley, Neb. where his family live. Miss Reitzenstein is fin ishing her studies at the Ore gon College of Education In Monmouth in teacher training. No date is announced for the wedding. Norn-Walter Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Walter of Woodburn are announcing the engagement of their daugh ter. Miss Paula Walter, to Roger Moen. son f Mr. and Mrs. O., Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 2, 19497 a. moen oi rvooaourn. xne wedding is planned for some time late In June. OREGON Grape camp. Royal Neighbors of America, Is meet ing Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. DIRT FOR SALE About May 2 Sound Construction fir Engr. Co. New State Office Bldg. Phone 2-5660 Tea Tuesday An event of Tuesday will be the membership guest tea to be given by the League of Women Voters at the home of Mrs. Wil liam Crothers, 4235 Shoreline drive, Manbrin Gardens. Hours are 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock. An ad mission Is being asked. Receiving at the door will be Mrs. Hal DeSart, Mrs. Alden Bowes and Mrs. John Clutter. Mrs. Arthur Bone and Mrs. Marie Ling are to pour. Mrs. cnarles Layport is arranging the centerpiece and Mrs. Ed ward Corrigan is general chair man for the tea. Ivan Block is to be guest speaker to discuss ' why a Co lumbia Valley Authority Ad ministration." ROGER BUXTON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Buxton, was honored on the occasion of his second birthday recently with a party at his home. Games were played and refreshments served. Honoring Roger were Michael Rathbun, Stephen Preston, Lin da and Donna Morrison, Sidney Simonson, Zane Zeltlar and the little boy's grandmother, Mrs. A. C. Meyers. THE LITERATURE group of the Salem Woman's club is meeting Tuesday at the club house, coffee to be at 1:30 p.m., the program at 2 p.m. Mrs. W. S. Ankeny is to review "Years of the Locust," by Erdman. WOMEN WANTED For beauty training. Ex cellent opportunities are al ways open to the skilled beautician. Classes art now forming at Salem's oldest and most advacced beauty school. Call or writ for our new low rates. Oregon School of Beauty Culture ISO N Liberty Ph. 36800 $$ MONEY $$ FHA . iH teal Estate Loans Fanp o. City Personal Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 8. Hlfb St. Ijc 821' MRS. EMMA K. HALEX ?5 Count up your assets, girls and don't fret so much about youx liabilities. Pretty, well cared for hair can more than offset a nose that's well, not your best fea ture. Nicely shaped Hps can draw attention from a receding chin and so on. Play down youi beauty liabilities by playing up the assets. Concentrate on youi good points hair, hands, eyes Hps and learn to make the very most of what nature gave you Do that and you'd be surprised at how many people who, in speaking of you will say, "She's very attractive, isn't she?" OREGON SCHOOL of BEAUTY CULTURE PHONE 3-6800 230 N. Liberty St. Watch Next Monday's Paper May 1st to May 8th -H$& -l ki "National jC' Nft') M. i?fX Baby Week" V? 7 Vr?$ k JJy e V ft i. r v i ft a . - t'u ii 1 . MVIL fiUl- CJIl t ! .Kv ... , .... ..... . "rr-.-- V rnar Preaous ounaie wnne '-.X-T-y r liii Trie lily it an emblem Of purity to they tall. When pieced beside fresh Master Bread, ' It doesn't far to well. ;WidgaiZD I It Pays To Buy Good Quality Baby Clothes ... The difference in price is so little between good quality and poor that most parents will readily choose the former. Miller's are proud of their nationally known line of Baby Clothes . . . they are proud too of their good service in this department. Won't you call at your earliest conveni ence and inspect the newest things for baby? A whole department brimming full in our downstairs baby store. Lady in waiting? Prepare for that precious bundle while leisure is still yours. Shop in comfort at comfortable prices for baby's needs. Here are some of the items listed for baby . . . CARTER'S JIFFON NEVABIND SHIRTS CARTER'S JIFFON NEVABIND GOWNS CARTER'S TWISTLESS TIE BINDERS PHILIPPINE HANDMADE DRESSES CURITY GAUZE QUICK-DRYING DIAPERS CURITY NURSERY PADS, EASY TO WASH ALL WOOL SHAWLS, WHITE, PINK, BLUE INFANT'S RAYON BUNTING WITH ZIPPER DAINTY HANDMADE KNITSACQUES EVENFLO BOTTLES WITH NIPPLES AND CAP WEST BEND STERILIZERS, FOR SIX BOTTLES DRI-DUCK THERMAL FOOD POUCH BABY BATHINETTES, WHITE WOOD FRAME UP-SEE-DAISY PRIMARY TRAINERS BASSINETTE WITH FOLDING LEGS BETTER HOMES AND GARDEN BABY BOOKS 1 - Sf