Capital Women Edited bT MARIAN LOWRT FISCHER Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 2. 1949 Betrothal Announced At Sorority Two announcement! were mari- t the Chi Omen loror ity at Willamette during the May day week-end. Mist Helen Blevini announ- ed her engagement to John Mar tin at Luncheon, Saturday, uai loom were distributed, two or three of them having the cards bearing the couple s name in side. Miss Blevins. a aophomore at Willamette, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Edwards of Fossil, Ore. Mr. Martin, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin of Kelso, is a mem ber of Sigma Chi fraternity on the campus and is doing gradu ate work. The wedding is planned for some time this summer. Barker-Andresen At a midnight fireside, Fri day, Miss Marjorie Andresen told her sorority sisters of the date of the marriage to Bruce Barker. The wedding Is plan ned for August 27. Miss Andre sen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Andresen of Camas, Wash., is a senior on the cam pus. Mr. Barker, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Barker of Ocean Lake, Ore., also is a senior on the campus and a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Guests Entertained All four of the sororities en tertained a number of guests for the May week-end festivi ties, including high school girls and some alumnae. Yesterday, Pi Beta Phi sor ority entertained at dinner to honor the May queen. Miss Edith Fairham, member of the sorority, her two princesses. Miss Barbara Miller, also a Pi Beta Phi, and Miss Carol Di mond. and the attendants for the three. Anniversary Event Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Hill were honored on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary at an informal reception Friday eve ning at their home. Friends and neighbors called between 7 and 10 o'clock. Two of the couple's daugh ters, Mrs. E. J. Hallisy and Mrs. Jean Meeks, were the hostesses. Another daughter, Mrs. R. F Hughes, lives in Columbus, Georgia, and was unable to at tend the reception. The refreshments were served buffet style. The table was set with a lace cloth, the large an' nlversary caka and lighted ta pers in crystal candelabrum!. NAMED on a nominating committee In the Salem Toast mistress club ara Miss Marie Bosch, chairman; Miss Ruth Jaynes and Mrs. Emerson Tea gut. The group will select a lilt of candidates for office! for the next term. THE MEETING of the Hi-Y Mothers club for Tuesday has been postponed one week, the meeting to be May 10 at the YMCA for dessert luncheon. Wins for Designs Miss Joan Voigt of Salem walked off with top honors In the 1949 fashion show of the School of Art Institute, Chica go, April 27, 28 and May 2. She received first place for the best all around group of de sign, first place for suits with her town and country tweed, a special award for her coat and suit ensemble, and first place for her white satin print eve ning dress. Miss Voigt is the daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Voigt, 770 Belmont, Salem. Judges rated her the outstanding young de signer at the school. Past Presidents The Past Presidents club of Capital Unit No. S American Legion auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Donald Madison Assisting hostesses were Mrs. O. E. Christensen, Mrs. B. M. Ben nett and Mrs. Earl T. Andresen The business meeting was pre sided over by Mrs. Paul Gem mell, president. Plans were made for a party at the Veter ans hospital in Portland, June 10. Mrs. Malcolm Cameron was appointed chairman of a com mittee to make poppy corsages to be worn by members of the ritual team. A paper on cur rent events was given by Mrs Albert C. Gragg. Donald Madi son showed motion pictures tak en on their trip to Europe. Mrs. Madison showed articles pur chased in Europe. Members present were: Mrs J. H. Boening, Mrs. O. E. Pal mateer, Mrs. Malcolm Camer on, Mrs. Hattie Cook, Mrs. Paul Gemmell. Mrs. Albert C. Gragg. Mrs. E. W. Richey, Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mn. Merle Travis, Mrs. Mem Pearce, Mrs. H. G Kottke, Mrs. Jennie Bartlett. Mrs. Austin H. Wilson. Mrs Florence Ames, Mrs. Ella Voves. Mrs. James Garsn, Minnie Gregory, Mrs. William Nothel fer, Mrs. Olga Lee of Portland, a guest and the hostesses. At Beach In a group spending the week end at the beach home of Mrs Frank H. Spears at Neskowin were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hicks and children. Ann anri Jimmy; Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Fal- tyn; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ren- ner; Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Mc Leod and children, Franca and ECOtt. Van Ausdell-Taylor Nuptials At Church Saturday Evening An attractive bride Saturday evening was Miss Lorraine Tavlor. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin C. Taylor of Molalla, who exchanged her marriage vows with P. Dixon van Ausdell, Jr., aon of Mn. Beth Van Ausdell of Salem and the late P. D Van Ausdell, in a ceremony at the First Baptist church, the rtev. Lloyd T. Anderson read ins the service at 8 o'clock be fore a large gathering of rela tives and friends. The service was entirely hi candlelight. White candles burned in all the windows and at the pews down the proces sional aisles. At the altar were four large and two smaller can delabrum! with burning taper!. A white basket of pink and or chid snapdragons stood at either side of the altar and palms and ferns also were used in decorat ing. The wedding music was pro vided by Mrs. Robert F. Ander son who sang and by William Fawk at the organ. Candlelighters were Miss Helen Zielinski and Mrs. Mich ael Bakala of Portland. Both wore sky blue net gowns with matching headdresses and mitts In Organs! Dress The bride was a charming picture in her wedding gown of white nylon organza. The dress was designed with a high round neckline outlined with a band of applique flowers of the dress material. Little bands of the same applique flowers embel lished the shoulders of the lfg- o'-mutton sleeves and at the wrists. The full skirt, ending in a short sweep, was trimmed with horizontal insert bands of the applique flowers. The fin gertip veil of net, belonging to Mrs. Vernon Barkhurst of Eu gene, was arranged from a little cap with clusters of orange blos soms at either side. For her flowers the bride carried a round bouquet of white roses centered with cynbidium orch ids. Mr. Taylor gave his daugh ter In marriage. Mrs. Barkhurst was the matron of honor. She wore a gown in lavendar taffeta fash ioned with a bertha collar and the skirt caught up in front wtih a large bow. She wore mitts matching the dress, and a tiara of net and flowers. Her bouquet was an arm one of pink snapdragons. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Duane Lantz of Molalla and Mrs. Rex Adolph, both in bonbon pink gown! made similarly to that of the matron of honor, and the two having the matching mitts and bouquets of lavendar anap dragons. Malcolm L. Page was the best man. Ushering were Wil liam Pero, E. Jack Smith, Carl ton Ramsden and Duane Lantz. A toast colored taileur with red accessories and a corsage of red rosea and lilies of the valley was worn by the bride groom's mother for the wedding Mrs. Taylor wore a gray taileur. with white accessories and corsage of red roses and lilies of the valley. Reception Follows The reception was in the church parlors. The table was set with a white damask cloth caught up at the sides with lav endar and light pink bows and arranged with streamers down the center. Maiden hair fern and pastel blossoms encircled the cake. Mrs. Mark Hungate of Sil- v-rton, aunt of the bride, served the cake. Mrs. A. W. Vernon, also an aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Chester G. Zumwalt pour ed. Mrs. Homer Munson of Molalla, sister of the bride, pre sided at the punch bowl. As sisting in serving were Miss Marcella Schwartz, Miss Paul ir.e Turin, Miss Ruth Skinner. Miss Dorothy Richard (of Port land), Mrs. Ivan T. Lowe, Mrs Malcolm L. Page and Mrs. Ger ard Brown. Mrs Hillary Etzel passed the guest book. In charge of the gift table were Mrs. Don McNeill, Mrs. Oscar Donaldson. Jr., and Miss Ardell Scott. For going away, the bride wore a toast colored suit with balenciaga accessories, a natural straw hat with the balenciaga trim and a corsage of orchids The couple will be at home in the Royal Court apartments after May 15. MRS. LOFJELLA Engstrom was hostess recently to the Am erican War Mothers, SO mem bers and three, guests attending The guests were Mrs. Louella Edy of Yelm, Wash., a Gold Star mother, Mrs. Edith Frentz, a Gold Star mother of Woodburn and Mrs. Justina Kildee of Salem. At the business meeting a letter was read from the veter ans hospital at Roseburg ex pressing appreciation for the card table covers sent by the American War Mothers, also for the homemade Easter cookies and other items. Mrs. Kildee gave two read ings, followed by a Maypole winding. Refreshments were served, a birthday cake honor ing mothers who have birthdays in April and May. The mothers honored included Mrs. Bertha Smart, Mrs. Ada Skiff, Mrs Hulda Bradford, Mrs. Gene Benson, Mrs. Cora Hutchins. Mrs. Bessie Grayson, Mrs. Gol die Kyle and Mrs. Carrie Lind say assisted the hostess for the afternoon. SPANISH ciub members met Friday evening at the YWCA and elected the following new officers: Carl Gies, president; Mrs. W W. Chadwick, vice president; Miss Verna Keppinger, secre tary. For the program, Mrs Carl Gies, Mrs. Phil Brownell and Otto Paulus were speakers to tell of their recent travels south of the border. The Spanish club meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month and all persons in terested in the study of Latin America are invited to attend the meetings. Recital Tuesday Taking part in the recital to be presented Tuesday evening by the Salem Music Teachers' as sociation in the T. S. Roberts studio will be the following: Lou Ann Wolf, Elaine Stan ley, Virginia Miller, Connie Nickey, Charles Hargrave, Jr., Marilyn Taylor, Dorjs Jones, Alice Rowland, Betty Jo Dav enport, Willeta Hersch, Rose Marie Wilhoit, Bruce Goldblatt, Edna Marie Hill, Jessica Kinsey with Dorothy Pederson to do the accompaniment for Willeta Hersch. The program will be at 8 p.m as one of the features of national music week. THE YWCA Service club Is meeting this evening at 8 o clock at the home of Mrs Peery Buren, dessert to be serv ed. Mrs. L. M. Johnson Is co-hostess. Remember MOTHER on May 8th A Radio Will Give Her Pleasure Irery Day! Ga. Valve 9 oU SeoJ 1 lei's you Ihere'l no beWor buy ft-i UW h H. iWto rat. Rtautiful JHrlormuK baaim- rui fn it. Rottwood plittk ctb intl Na I (.iw Wm. Enr. pnwtrrul Mmliira apttktf . Nrnsi Btithtr aerial of around. Foul uhat pliii rertifttr. AC Mid DC Set it AC HtUfl Modal loi , Mitchell's Radio & Applianca "Your Service Dealer" Stat of 19th Ph. 3-7577 FOR MOTHER'S DAY! Special! RUSSIAN SQUIRREL CAPES Regular $149.00 in Ermine Dyed Sable, Platinum Grey Givt Mother a fur cop for oil purpose weor ... it will give her tho thrill of a lifetime! These beautiful Russian squir rel capes in either ermine dyed, sable or plotinum grey ore gorgeous wrops. We be lieve, too, you'll be interested in one for yourself. At $99 you save just $50. Try Mil ler's for reliable furs ond a reliable fur service! FRIGID COLD STORAGE! DE-MOTHING! RE-STYLING! HUtlet ,6 I ( U V . 2 rf Dallas Bride-elect The en gagement of Miss Ruth Lier man to Earl M. Wiggs of Portland has been announced at Dallas. Miss Lierman teaches in the schools .here. (Jesten-Miller picture.) Phi Beta Kappas Meet at Linfield The president's house on the campus of Linfield college was the setting for the spring meet ing of the Central Willamette Valley Association of Phi Beta Kappa, Thursday evening, when Dr. and Mrs. Harry F. Dlllin welcomed members from Sa lem, Newberg, Yamhill and Mc Minnville. Dr. Winthrop W. Dolan, Dean of Academic Ad ministration In Linfield, spoke on the topic, "Measuring the Beautiful." Members of the Association together with husbands and wives attending from Salem were Dr. and Mrs. Chester F Luther, Dr. and Mrs. Robert D Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. John E Black. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dev ers, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ratcliff Mrs. Florence R. Parish, Miss Elizabeth Russum, Mrs. Bertha B. Sheets, Dr. and Mrs. Louis Garfin, Miss Jenette Roberts Dr. Martha E. Springer, Mrs R H. Saxton, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Seely,, Edward C. Koll man, Miss Irene Hollenbeck and Dr. Norman Huffman. Each spring the Association gives an award to the freshman outstanding in academic work and character. Dr. Norman Huffman, who presided over the business meeting, appoint ed Dr. W. W. Dolan for Lin field college, E. C. Kollman for Willamette university, and Mrs. John E. Black for Oregon Col lege of Education as a commit tee for the award. Going to Seattle The Rev. George H. ' Swift, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, and Mrs. Swift, and Mrs. George Corwin of Inde pendence left Monday for Seat tle for a church meeting. The synod of the province of the Pacific in the Episcopal church, representing the eight states west of the Rockies, will be meeting there May 3, 4 and 5. Mrs. Swift as president of the women's auxiliary for the dio cese of Oregon and Mrs. Cor win as the corresponding secre tary for the group will attend the women's meeting of the province, Mrs. Corwin being the delegate. Queen Candidate Miss Shirley Freeburn, daugh ter of Mrs. Jane M. Freeburn, 471 North Winter, is one of the eight candidates for May queen at Whitworth college in Spo kane. Miss Freeburn is a senior at Whitworth, majoring in Eng lish. a. COURT CAPITAL City of the Catholic Daughters of America gathered last week for their "spring party," the first social event since the beginning of Lent. All wore cotton dresses, as requested by the committee, in the spirit of spring. Mrs. John Ritchie assisted by Miss Olvia Hobbs and Mrs. George Gru- chella were in charge of the en tertainment and provided many clever games in keeping with tne season. Mrs. N. Rocque, Mrs J. P. Schmidt and Mrs. Sylvan Mauer served light refresh ments. Rev. George L. O'Keefe and Rev. Ervin Vandehey were guests Pledge Sororities Among new pledges for so rorities at University of Oregon at the close of spring term rush are Miss June Stowell of Salem, who pledged Alpha Omicron Pi, and Miss Shirley Wilson of Al bany, a new pledge of Alpha Delta Pi. THE WOMAN'S Society of Christian Service of the Lealie Methodist church is meeting at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in the church parlors. The hostesses, representing circle one, are Mrs. E. W. Stripling, Mrs. Mason Bishop and Mrs. John Bertelson. The program topic is "Light in Latin America." a a t i HOSTS Saturday evening to their bridge club were Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer H. Page, the group meeting for a no-host dinner and cards. In the group are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clumbers, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Schiess and the Pages. Additional guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Mc-Elhinny. 1 ..-irin ? . otVSjfU urges"- a. fri JT.JIJtM1 as ma UHUIHJ, So tttr to Jle right oms- Or am fla vor. BtiT to like. SO UbUU.SSc. htorrkvt far tha wMkTiBEBBBisJ. Mat.. UtT t Martha T- V I I ! . JF atr. ElfalraaVa Ram If- f WiLr En V,W ananlit. "Trick With tj W XUiJr Tata.. Mar t Mra. Fal IMM Hmr. warlt tranter, J ffOy f Wat., Mar 4 Martha Ta- ffiaW I Indent waatar, "w Gev- Ifl T"t1 I K m m Wl 7l d trnt Ik -Mat for Tw I -l1- jj lTiljJb' I Tin riaar Canriata." I VIY" h (U War DIAL fl BiilSSSBSSSiirSSSSSSlU All broadcasts are held In Drop in for coffee the G-E Model Kitchen at Elfstrom's and listen to the interviews. n the BIG DAY.. jT rilfi o v nothing like rich coffee W tft 94 1 cvfM torsari tvf Ca" te-b'l 1 M jKQtjfAh s ' Mk I j ) hM sttcl law m I ri. !. If)'! m4 fi&T&SV "4 3 14 " " it! m 1 frMtfmf - W M.afvr IW V tsfcQR J' - 9 COi. wS4aAt tfM ha f ', & Vstt57 """" ll (T E rnrXttd $.rt ttHet CwfM fMfep.hteJ S. fl . 4i-ev'ptte He I tv ok. w m4- I J30f I 1 l- 1 mm seij I H.xp . ttl to MM YS3 f'W T- ,rtH 4l4mt Vv rfP S P u cc BrttW attf twlti fnm tr tr ru t. aw mimy nth" l krimf yt ff ttf ritbm ftfr AT YOUR SAFEWAY STORE always tastes better ...and EDWARDS is always rich coffee! T