.4 Junior Court Is Organized Mt. Angel Installation of of ficers of the senior court holy family, Women's Catholic Order of Foresters, and institution of a junior holy family court, and Installation of the- junior court officers was conducted by Miss Mary E. McCullough of Chica go, high chief ranger of the Wo men's Catholic Order of Forest ers at the St. Mary's club rooms Present for the program was Mrs. Jennie Kirk of Portland, who organized the holy family court here in 1912, and three charter members, Mrs. Basil Stupfel of St. Paul. Mrs An drew Oster and Mrs. Henry Saalfeld. The ritual for the institution of the juveniles began at 7:30 o'clock with Joan Fisher repre senting "Benevolence," Kath leen Stolle represented "Love," and Marv Lu Schmaltz repre sented "Charity." All of the juniors received a pin from Miss McCullough assisted by Mrs. Fred J. Schwab, chief ran ger of the senior court. The high chief ranger,- Miss McCul lough, was presented with a ro sary from the holy family jun ior court. Rev. Father Damian Jentges, OSB, chaplain, gave a talk. Junior court officers installed were Virginia Ebner, junior chief ranger; Lenore Piatz, Jun ior vice chief ranger; Donna Diehl, junior recording secreta ry; Jeanette W a v r a, junior treasurer; Dorothy Hammer, senior conductor; Marlene Diehl, junior conductor, and Mary Lou Fauhaber, sentinel. Mrs. Edward Hammer is. director of the jun iors. Twenty-eight of the thirty-six members were present. The entertainment on the pro gram was prepared by Mrs. Walter P. Smith. Numbers in cluded tap dancing by Joyce Bean; piano solo by Kathleen Kloft; solos by Mrs. Agnes Smith, and group singing. Sup per was served to the members of the seniors and juniors, with Mrs. Cleta Mamie and Mrs Paul Wachter in charge. Following adjournment of the juniors, the seniors held mstai lation of the newly elected offi cers. Seated were Mrs. Fred J Schwab, chief ranger; Mrs. John Schmitz, vice chief ranger: Mrs. John Kloft, recording secretary: Mrs. Fred Rosera, financial sec retary, and Mrs. Val Eberle, treasurer. Juvenil member at Holy Familj Court OUSTS Miller. Janie Aman. Jranrtt Wavra, Mary Eberle. Mary Lou FaulhsbM. Utrlene Diehl, Donna Diehl. Dorothy Hammer, Virginia Ebner,' Chirlene ruber. Joanna Flaher, Lenora Ploti, Kathleen Kloft. Mary Lucy Schmalta. ' Kfthleen Stella, Jomn Stupfal. Rosemary Schmidt. Wary Jan Schmltt. Loll Schmilt, Jeen ttt Wachter. Joyce Been. Joyce Sujvee, Laura Schmiti. Arlene Bchmlta, Patricia ftchmitl. Myra Lou Fleck. Barbara Huber, Florence Huber, Leona Huber. Gertrude Huber, Loretta Huber. Martaret Eberle Xaren Smith, Maraaret Smith Dorothy Baumgartner. Donna Maa Fredeek, Lucille Benta, Kathleen Buw. Silverton Methodist Church Holds Rites Silverton Rev. Ben. F Browning of the Methodist pas torate is announcing a number of small children receiving the rites of baptism, and a group of adults admitted to member ship recently. Children baptized are David Lynn, son of Mr. and Mrs. E A. Hargreaves: ee Alien, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster: Elise Marie, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Richard Nelson; Janet Ji lary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rogers; Charla Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char les E. Johnson: Scott Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Barkhurst: Mark Antrim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hagedorn. New members admitted. Miss Marilyn Moe. Miss Frances Fox. Harry Hagedorn, Wayne Spen cer, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Dix, Mrs. Allen Foster, Robert Jack son, Rose Marv Thomas, Louise Smith, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lier man and Letha Mae, Mrs. Man E. Howell and Frank Dederick Frultland Rev, and Mrs. Harvey deVries and daughter. Lynda of Portland, were dinner guests at the home of Mr, and Mr. H. W. titVriea. j Winners of FFA Awards Here are some of the award win ners at the parent-and-son program of the Future Farmers of America at the high school. From left, Clay Rambo, runner-up for outstanding agriculture student from ali classes; Don Bassett, the winner, presented $23 bond and to have name engraved on permanent trophy; C. W. Bobbins, Busi ness Men's Assurance company, trophy donor; Wayne John ston, runner-up, and Gerald Brog, winner of senior scholar ship awaTd of $100, of which $50 is from Bobbins and $50 from Salem chapter of FFA. Rambo and Johnston as runners up receive $25 bonds. Bassett, a senior, has a livestock and crop enterprise and has made over $3000 in three years of vocational agriculture work in school. He has been a fre quent winner in FFA divisions at the state fair and the Pacific International. He has the State Farmer degree and the Safeway award among other honors. He is a state vice president of the Farmers Union Young Peopie and a .4-H leader and is active in student affairs. Johnston, new chapter president, and Rambo, reporter, are juniors with outstanding project programs. Brog will enter OSC next fall. (Photo by Mrs. Ralnh Gifford.) Weather Man Helps Start of Cleanup Silverton The weather man aided the first move of the Jay- cees in. their demonstration of their intention to start a clean slate for "clean-up" week in Sil verton Saturday. A drenching rain, cold at that, fell during the entire hour of the parade, wetting mops brooms, rakes, paint brushes and other significant parapher nalia suggesting methods of neating up the town. Even the .city garbage truck came in for a thorough wetting for the Cub Scouts riding in the carrier bed, enthusiastic for the work of cleaning. Via the 103.50 Italy talatratl CRANE CRITERION Todr' top in bathtubs the Crane Criterion. And from every ogie, tool Comfort. Sloped back. Flat bottom and ftrafght fides. Broad rim seat. Quality. Certain!? it't a Crane bathtub. Appearance. Beautifully staled. Dis tinctive panel design. Glistening white, ea.ytoceaa turfate. Equipped with gleaming Chrome Ttmph faucets with Dilas fingertip controls, the Criterion it also avail able with Dtviafor spout and water saver shower. 5 ft. and $H t ffL UMCING -HtA TING Junior forum officers and representatives of the city led the parade in cars. Jefferson Miss Helen Lake, who is employed in a Jewelry store in Astoria spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lake and Dor othy. -a mm HAIR BEAUTY helps check all 3! NIWI , , , HORMONE HAIR BEAUTY ujm horraonaa to at , tack hair troubles at the root, and i -offers a defiaift home beauty pro. f ram complete with SHAMPOO and SCALP CONDITIONER. 4 OUT Ot S women tti by doctor! definitely cleat 3d vp da. draff, itchy scalp, faliin hair those three robbers of natural btr betutyi 50 QUICK , . , utf bow to give jaa hair die touai of pro fmionai ore! Today, Hart th Eadocnttw way to tkriliiaj new Hair Beauty! -. . . tpttinlitt In hormen toimaJitt r- aoavrf a aa Lebanon Water Main Hearing Completion Lebanon A 1300-foot water main of four-inch cast iron ex tending along Seventh atreet from Rose to Grant at an estl mated cost of $4,400 is now nearing completion, according to K. P, Sims, manager for the Lebanon district of the Moun tain Statet Power company. Thia project is to improve the present water service to the west side residential area which is rapidly expanding. The new Una will replace an obsolete two-inch pipe and will increase the supply of water for consumers in new additions. Also installation of a new fire hydrant at Seventh and Grant will be made possible due to construction of this new main. The Job is being done locally under contract by H Den-Herd ers construction forces. Senior Prom Attracts Sublimity The senior prom was held at the parish hall which was decorated in royal blue and white and the theme of "Twilight "Time" was carried throughout the decorations. Jeanne Rueff and Thomas At- bus were crowned queen ana king of the prom by student body President Jerry Roberts. A large crowd of St. Boniface students, their parents and alumni attended. Save those dollars. Buy through Classified. Gifts for Mother SHEAFFER3 r Httn imkewj CHoic of brown, biu v Pert, SH.0Q; 9miit $tfewfittf $io.t. tempi TItfMtome f fin est, $30.; ft4, t. - Modf thswfi ffi jt Cry-it Dot" Pert. Gibir Shiffir Set lfm S$0 t JM aaaWaaaaattW1aWM MONDAY AT Capita! Jeurnri. Saftm, Oregsa; Mgnday, May liitt mm mmm mnm mmsm iff feftMH. Wtit t feiteSL Ptfi, $& f THreesem eampfti hint 0m)y aJft-lMxtf. $21 .00, n 14 tax. GENE BEAROEN U ntclnr f tlx OmttaiK) tasiin r i MADE ""N f " r 1 30-DAy TEST. ) Cs vu ::S.Jt Camus are th& fV f MltOtJT, iI$T- fjfV 'C I TTIN CfARTTH j la a wcent ten of hundreds of people who smoked only Cimeii for $9 days, aoted throat sptdaitso, makint waekiy namicationt, Mporod NOT ONE SINGLE CASE Of THROAT IRRITATION du to smoking CAMELS I A glorious opportunity to realize great savings on fine ladies apparel long associated with the name "Schtesinsrer&Co GOATS Imported English Broadcloth! Tweeds! Converts! $19.00 $25.00 $29.00 t00 Ali Wool! SUITS 100 All Wool Rosenblum! Gaines! Printzess! $25.00 $29.00 Srtft AA Serat Groups J7.UU Stisht!y Kt9her For Mother's Dcy! Vanity Fair Nylon HOSE Values is L9S Now 99c SCHLESINGER & CO. Prom the houses that set the pace Is women's wear the county over come the apparel Hews featured in thai inlet Rothmoor COATS Shorties and Full Length At A New Low! 39 00 DRE SSES Prints! Dressy! Gabar dines! 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