18 Capital Journal. Salam. Oregon, Monday, May 1 1949 'Tag Day' for Band Tour Set Solicitation, in the form of "tag day" and other methodi in the interest of providing funds with which to send approxi mately 100 boys and girls, com prising Salem high school's band and orchestra to the state tour nament at Klamath Falls, open ed Monday afternoon. The "Tag day" sale will take place Satur day. The "tag day" operation has been sanctioned by the Salem Retail Bureau. It is estimated that $1500 will be needed to provide transportation, housing and meals. The group will make the trip in three buses, leaving Salem Thursday and returning the following Saturday. The commmittee in charge of the campaign points out that while the band has been privi leged to make a number of trips because of the demand for its services in parades, the orches tra has, for the most part, been tied down to the high school au ditorium. Since those engaged in the solicitation will not be able to reach everybody, those in charge of the movement suggest that persons wishing to contribute place checks in the mail ad dressed to "Band Trip Fund, Sa lem High School." Polk Blood Quota Is Set by Center Dallas A quota of 400 pints of blood from Polk county has been set by the Portland center for the four remaining visits of the bloodmobile to the county during 1949. Dates are June IS, August 16. October 28 and December 14. One of the visits will be sched uled for Grand Ronde, and Mer ritt Hart, chairman of the coun ty program, is planning another one of the four for either Mon mouth or Independence. A third might be in Falls City. On the first visit to Dallas on April 8. 89 pints were taken. Mrs. Lillian Bilyeu acted as coordinator at a meeting In the Portland center. The meeting was called to determine the dates for the visits of the mo bile unit for the balance of the year. Budget Is Considered Amity The city budget com mittee met at City hall recently and made the budget for the fis cal year. This calls for about $2000 increase in taxes over last year, and after approval tv the city council will be published in detail. For BABIES Fretted by Dry Emms Diipa? Risk Chifiif Do as your doctor ad vine and for tjair relief from the burning ken. kp handy a jar ot toothing Krainol Oint irifnt. I 'nd by many nuraet. and provrd invaluable to mothert for over 50 yeaia. i j vnn I'M mill II Before JJk You Store, sfc See Our STORAGE! CLEANING! RESTYLING! MERCURY SPECIAL BRAKE CHECK-UP 1. Will tdjuit tham for graatar safaty . . . Remove wheels inspect lining and drums Adjuat all brakes ; Add fluid to master reservoir Lubricate brake mechanism Only 2.70 2. Or we'll recondition tham at low cost Replace brake lining Replace cylinder!, if neceeenry Inspect brake dm ma; resurface, tf required Drain end replace brake fluid Adjust brakee, including emergency brake Repack wheel bearing Replace rear wheel greane retainer Free additional adjustment within 30 day Only 29.50 and HERE'S A BONUS! MP lftl Iris Ma V fft you vfca ytM (jrh U lor A your ktraja rtcndiloManaj c 9J ( drwhnanl. It awitltUa ycto t D fo artfJ -ol .get net hv Ia tpsjcHow to taw long Mr) T9i rtfl It, Mr tfMrift. a-jaWf- Warner Motor Co. YOUR I.INCOI.N-MKRC'l'RY DEAI.KR ' 430 No. Commercial Dial 2-2487 sIJiaaaaa.... - 'W bbNbAI I0NAL NEW LINE OF Seott-MUjater $lfr outboards Netfral Ravine Forward 4 m mhou -; $w95ora it ciuitn coNTioi w.th tha Sent. Atmal.e lUllt Start at- rkaitivb 1 M...a t aa aa o Reverte to beck up. tMItt to roTwaro to er-e-e-p ewav at a mite an hour, or to turn ahead at broath'taking speed. These now $HlfT modela are the bigieat newt In outboard history . . yet ther eoat no more than "shiftless! outboerdat Set them now I 17950 U M9950)J L I I H Dr L U MB g ft UWN YARP PH0NI mI 153 N. Liberty Phona 3-311 v On Sale Tomorrow, 9:30! 2 FULL RACKS WOMEN'S BETTER DRESSES Values to 15.98! PRINTS! PASTELS! BLACKS $4 One and two piece styles in rayon crepes end gabar dine. Broken sizes from 9 to 15, 12 to 90. Be here when the doors open for first choice! SECOND FLOOR MEN'S 2.49 BROAD CLOTH SHIRTS Fused Tacoma Collar! 88 Sri Stock up! Save! Quality Bienu In whites, stripes, new pastels. Full-cut, Sanforised. R sties. REGULAR 59c BEAU DURA BRIEFS A A Of Spun-lo Rayon "f"rC Cut for free, smooth fit) Spun lx knit rayon needs no Ironing, washes easily. Pink, white. 32-40. REG. $1 RAYON TIES FULL SIZED -TO Wrinkle Resistant' 0C Save! Buy your new Ue now) These man-sized onea tie Into full knots, stay wrinkle-free. REG. 98c PEBBLE DOT PANEL -70 17 in. by It in. OC Dainty pebble dots are firmly woven into sheer cotton mar Quiseie! Hems neatly finished! 10-OZ. CANVAS GLOVES, rag. 30c O il Reinforced Seams! afc"tC 8ave Buy now! Heavy cotton with snui double-thick knit wrists, strong seams. Large size only. 29c DISH TOWELS BUY FOR 15 Linen! Big Value! Famous "Startex" ltnen-and rotten towels known for fast drying! Woven borders. 11131". I49 REG. 2.29 GIRLS' DENIMS Below Budget Price! 9 Vours at a saving buy now! Blue or red denim so match jour )eana. Rubber aolee. I -X . m RIS. 79c T-SHIRTS FOR WOMEN (tale Priee! 68c mootti-ftttlng fist knit cotton Save during Ward Week! Blue, wtiK. rneiae, aearlel, 14 to 44. " - . s "idPv , Now! Wards Great May Blanket Sale WARM ALL NEW WOOL BLANKET IN NEW DECORATOR COLORS! e REG. 15.98! WEIGHT: 44 LBS.! SIZE: 72 x 90 in.! 1399 Beautiful different! They're bound all around with lustrous inch rayon satin binding. Luxuriously thick and warm! Guaranteed against moth damage for B years! See the beautiful new deeptones and pastels and compare with blankets selling for more Mian $30. Only 50c Down II I X al ; . ; noias i ourunoice DARINGLY DIFFERENT NEW COLORS IN THESE ALL WOOL BLANKETS REG. 10.98 (and that'g lew)! e WEIGHT 4 Lbs.! e SIZE: 72 x 90 in.! 999 You save money when you buy at our regular price. . . . but you save even more at this sale price! Don't forget these are full 4-lb. all new wool blankets in a big 72x90 size. The binding U 6-inch rayon satin. If damaged by moths within 5 years, well replace it See ttiem tomorrow t . m mifi(y om asm mio w yar-V V; M(rt. : I; 'Ir j A j SPECIAL PURCHASEI TRIMMED SLIPS IN RAYON SATIN OR RAYON CREPE Mod to s lor I 9. 1 48 Ht't t you' opportunity to o' a" ,h sl'Pt you naed al S'tot wvingtl Beautifully iryled, lavishly Irinuned with loce or opplique. So domry ond feminine you'll wont lev. oral in every color pink, white or blue. Sizes 32 to 40. layon Satin Slips, mode to for J.98 I.ll REGULAR 59c SANFORIZED COTTON SHORTS AT A LOW SALE PPICF Words "Neofffioards" -feck up suppryf 44c No ovtJi work about tneir quoliryl Theie sole-priced Heolthgord gripeer foitener thortt ore well tailored hill cut el Sanforized eot'on broodclo'h that won't - pv.r 1".. '-"I p.nt r-M.rr. S'lel from 30 tf ''. Kegular JSc Swiss ribbed ahlrta 5e SHOP WAtlDS UNTIL 9 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT! USI WARDS MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN . . . TAKI ADVANTAGE OF THESl WARD WiiX CUT-PRICIS