UTQM08IIW BEST BUYS IN TOWN 1940 DodW tedan, radio, heater (clean is 40 Nash "dan. dual Inc. A-l (shari 11(1 piymoutn sedan, new paint (try me) aft Olds Hydramatic, radio heater till Old sedan, radio, heater new paint 1941 Btude. Club coupe, radio, healer, perfect 1941 Old M club, radio, heater. Hydramatlc oil old M cdan. Hydramalic all ace. 1 owner , tail Chev. if dan. 2 tone, all ace. low mileage tail Olda Club Hydramalic all ace. 1 owner i4T Olda W Conv. Hydramatic. all ace. 1 owner , 117 Old 91 Con. Hydramatic. all acc 'c'assj ! Hudson ti ton pickup, only 13.000 mile ... M Iota of cheat one too at LODER BROS. Your Old. Dril.r 3410 ritriroHndARoBd'Port. Htry ) Phon. S-14B0 AUTOMOBILES ,1 IH Uotor Co. HI H "" .105- BI."- , STrOKD pickup & '35 ford panel. Lou ol !?!?. ,,. an oiler. Ph. 1-3001. olos- M. Ford. Chev.. Ply. & Dodge. lathaMe onl ! Includln. wheeU ST-i. 110 down payment. Flrejitone hTfoRD V-0 truck lot aale. Reasonable. :irMiRD V-8 convertible super deluxe. Radio? beater, accessories. PH. 35476. TT, fHEV deluxe 2-dr.. R. Sz H. This if STTont. BUS. CPE. Exc. cond., R. k ..lij ..11 fln.ll 33921. 0105 H. rnc - : : r rHF.VROLET. lood mech. condition. v- Vr : iiTS Mia E Rural. Q.105 HfH UUJ - TwlPCHEVBOLETS, 47 4-door Fleet TWU .. Flftelmaatsr. both T"r equipped. Car perfect. Call 3481 ..L-ftrm. eVM. 11105 wnft SALE 193 ord 'our door aedan, u .? ,nr tan 9TwA Hteirwr nan Market. 105 WANTFD clean used cars. Bob Marr. mm A Com'l. 1 i7 CHEV , food cond. mechanically. Price mi. Ph. 14039. 5105 Mil POSTIAC Bllveratreak S. hydra mat'c RH. epotllght. foflixht, and Like Hew. 1580 Norway. q!08- M17 BUCK Sedan, a food family car far only 1371. Set cover, radio, heat r Oood paint, tire, etc. Phone 33646 jT: evening. aHN BEST Oiler laaca riiu "od rubber, A-l eond. Muat aetl. 1342 waiter f il DESOTO euitom. Radio, heater, new LKATirG TUVt.". mu""- "-J'- S-Td dump truck, with Job. 3360 Tess i.. Ph. S-8744. 0" ' l7tt OLDS, B-pass. club coupe. Heater ' mechanical, fond. Ph. '38421 before 5 VmJTblJ q 10 II DOUOB coupe. ira w. ,,..-.-. Oood mech. ahape. Out 8. Coml.. lust pi.t VlBta Mkt.. turn left to 670 Rat tlilf Dr.. after I p.m. ejlM M DODGE aedan, '46 Ply. motor, new pitnt Job. 1430 Candlewood Dr. Ph. 3B7I4 befort 11:30 a.m. ql06 fl PLYMOUTH BuBnie Coupe. Orlflnftl owner. Low mileage. Excellent condition ed J-4143. Eve. 8-1655. 106 PONTIACS 1017 Syrian Courje $1695 1948 Sedan Coupe 2195 1947 Ford Deluxe 5-Dasa H95 1941 Sedan Coupe 1095 Herrall Owens Co. m n. iibrtr pn. m. Eisner Motors Fine Cars v Eisner Motors to Buy v ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT BELL TRADE TERMS til Pain-round Road Phone 1-6454 Thl rime Ira BUDBOMI BtrrltM Bedaa Part onu mt Oood Daad Car turjioc. MOTOR oo i Ph l-tlll PONTIACS 1947 Sedan Coupe ... $1895 1948 Sedan Coupe .... 2495 1947 Ford Deluxe S-nas. 1595 1948 Pontiac sedan . . 2195 Herrall Owens Co. m rl. Liberty Ph. " Eisner Motors to Sell UU FORD 3-dr. P.&H. Clean. New motor IMS.m) Cull. Bill Olf-en 3-4,71. ql07" MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS IBIS CUSnMAN Motor ScooWr (225. 1947 CuRhm.n I wheel ptckate Cr 1350. 1947 Doodlehu, Scoter I6. 1935 Hrley-D.-vtdion Uotorcyeta lioo. Ye, term, too. LODER BROS. nl3 CUSRMAN MOTOR SCOOTER. Oood cond. 1J74 Franklin. W. Salem. W0S INDIAN World! moat modern motorcyeia CUSUUAN BCOOTER8 WHIZ ZER BIKE8. Oenulnt Part. crv lea every modal Shrock's Motorcycle Sales Open inrr enlni till . Mondaf throufl- Friday 1001 Portland Road - Ph- l-14 FARM EQUIPMENT NEW REAR Iront mounted mowen For Penuaon. Ford Ferjuaon Ford tractora Immedlau dellerr. Bird Eyawt Co.. 171 WaUaca Rd, Weal Sa lem. Ph. I-M. . ".'?? BOATS 11 FT. BOAT for aal,. Set Martin alter I p ro. Roat Cottaaaa, I mile North ol Btoot on WE. "" ll FT. OUTBOARD BOAT. Very tood cm dlilon. Ml oreaon Bt Ph. 1-QMl, ,?I0 FINANCIAL OBXXHAX. PIlfANCB CORP. LOANS LH. S-Ua. and M-l and ROT R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS HI R. niwnm.rcla Bl. Tel. Ml" r $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FtTRNITTJRE, LIVESTOCK ' BQCIPMENT LOANS CP TO 1300 Oar loan np to 1000 Coma in or phono Hollywood Finance Co. 1001 Palrtround Road Acroa atreet from bank No Parklnt problem Rn M03J Lie. N M101-S101 nord ItapKon. H REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO 1U . ga' St. Lie. S ill M-171 f FARM AND cm LOANS 4 and I TOI'R OWN TERMS ol repaymfnl within reuon Ca.b tor Real Batata Contract And Second Mortaaxe CAPITOL SECURITIES CO . Ml Placer Truat Bldl Ph. f BEE OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY OR OH" rNTEHWT to 40 Teara and No Commuaien Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 4 SUM ak. Phoot, I Mtt V I AUTOMOBILES . 1355 down 365 down 3H down 385 doan 33 down S3l down SOI down 165 down 585 down 195 down loo down S3 3 down 431 down , 1695 , 2295 . , 1795 , 2395 , 3100 , 1405 , 1285 FINANCIAL AUTO LOAN? WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. 183 8. Church Parkin a Plenty P". 3-3457 Lie No. M-!s S-134 T PRIVATE MONEY Special rate and term on larger loan lone and short time payment ROT H 8IUMONB 136 Soi-'b Commercial St Phone J-91B1 AIRPLANES WILL PAY CASH for Usht airplane. Uuat oe n iiyina condition. Capital Journal. Box 3114 ,io TRAILERS f IT. TRAILER ROUSE, food condition. uiuiop oueet Trailer court. 1005 Bo. 31. tlOl ...TRAILER HOUSE, 14 ft. Cmtom Pair. Reasonable E. H. Chadwick. 888 N. Commercial tlOS f4B H-FT. Whitely Hou Trailer, furn- Litied. Can ee at Brook' Trailer Park, 1B84 State St. tl04 IS VAGABOND Hou.ie Trailer. 34 ft. Cheap. Jone. Howard's Trailer park. U07" TRANSPORTATION DRIVING to Minneapolis latter part of wera. iae two, div rora tyt. jr. loo DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makei imed machines told, ranted, repaired Roen 466 Court Phnna 1-8773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC UOME appliance repair service Free etlmate. Tiade-ln accepted on new appliances. Vlnce'a Electric. Phone 3-9239. 157 S. Liberty Bt. 0 AT-LB DOOR GRINDING 'iiiwnmower sharpening and repairing. Dexter'. Ph 36833. o At TO RADIOS Authoriied Warranty Repair Station for all make of- Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. 113 S. Liberty. Ph. I-69S1. o' MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phono 8t2M. Mltm 3-U04. 333 Center. o AUTO WRECKERS MOTORS REBUILT. Arr.axlng low price Easy payment plan 12th 8t Junction Auto Wreckers. Ph 38301 ollO Mlke Panek, 27& 8 Com'l. Ph 3-1161 Brake b Wheel aligning specialists O104 BI'ILDINC, CARPENTRY Don't put off sprint repairing, rebuild ing. For QJkk. expert service, guaran teeo aatitfaction. Ph. 3-4810. olJO' BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 28537. Bulldozing, leveling, road b,dg clear ing teeth for brush Virgil Huskey 1010 Palrvlew ave Ph. 2-1146 Salem. elOS1 BUILDING CONTRACTOR Building a Ktw home? Let Sullivan Taylor home builder build It for you Ph. 2-4479 or 3-7579. Ol2t Building a new home? Let Sullivan St Taylor home builder build It for you. Ph. 2-4479 ir 2-7S79. O130- BUILDING OP COURTS or homes oy builder of courts at nth-Rural. Labor plus 1. Satisfaction guar. Pb. 19813 nlio Pramo or masnry construction, residen tial, commercial houses raised. New -foundation. Alt Bros. Ph. 31901. 0115 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash reenter Al makes sold, rented, re paired. Roen 451 Court. Ph 3-8771 o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned ErUey 771 8 21st Ph 3-7178 o!04 Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensley. 771 8. 31st. Ph. 3-7178. O130' CEMENT WORKS "An ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure." For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of founda tion, atdawalk. driveways, call 3-4850 0113- DRESSMAKING Dressmaking, Alt Shop, fur work, sew Ins Open May L, rms. 31-37. 160 State Ph. 3-7004. 130 ELECTROLUX Electrolux cleaner ft Air purifier Bales serv supplies. 1079 Broadway. 1-4078 O107 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vine' Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing 117 8. Liberty Ph 3-9238. 0 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth. Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-30SS. Let Cross. 1555 Pearl. olW Brelthaupt'j for flowers Dial 1-tlTg. c HOt'E MOVING Ph. 24542 days. Ph. 21804 Nltes. ollO' HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watklns Co. products Free de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-1398. o INSULATION ABC. INSULATION CO. BLOW!1 RUI.EWUUL 1131 BROADWAY. PH. 1-17 41 LANPSCAPT NURSERY P. A. Doerfler ft Sons, Ornamentals. 110 N. Lancaster ur a. -or. ra. -... v LAWN LAW! sprlnkllni ajstama. Ph. 14137. 0114 LAWN MOWERS Bharpenlnt, guarantied oerTice. New power and nano mowers. mm W. Scott. 147 So. Com l. Bt. 0139 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING i .trv mntrcr anada tst rut oerfect 1121 Pn I-lt07 At youi door lawnmower sharpentnt Dexter the lawnmower anaa Pb 1U33 MASONRY PireDiares. chimneys ft block laylne Ph. 13988. MATTRESSES Capita.' Bedding. Phone 1-4089 MOVING Sm:ttys (Tpper Sen trucks, caw rented Ph 394VM oor OnMt ft Cbareb MISIC LESSONS SpanUf and Hawaiian Oultar. Mando lin. Baniej. tie. i" court ru i" OllO NIRES' REGISTRY PractKai ursos. Day-nUbt. Ph. 1M71 DIRECTORY OFFICE FCENITl'RE SITPUES Dexk chair, files and Mini supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, deak lamps, typewriter it and, brief case Pierce Wire Recorder. Roen. 451 Court. OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-8073. PAPER HANGING Expert Paperhanilns and pa in tin. H J Wood worth. Ph. 3-5868. Free est. ol33 Inside or out C Horn, phone 35518 O10B Elf strom's are equipped to do your painting. Phone 3-3493 o PAINTING PAPEHBANGING Call 33808 for your Pa in tins Paper ha ruins. Attractive rate. allO PAPERHANGING Jerry Johnson. Ph. 1-1733. PICTI'RE PEA KINO PLASTERING Patching. Repairing Ph. 3-1101. ol08 PLl'MBING Plsher 344 8 Com'l. Ph. 1-3019. ol28 PRUNING, SPRAYING Philip W. Be like. Ph. 2-1208. L. W. Caudle. Ph 3-7900. Phillip W. Belike Ph 3-1308 RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired. J C. Bair b Bon. Ph. 31191. By Drive Id Theatre Since 1917 0123- John Radio Shop. Reasonable rates. Ph. 2-3418. 390 Court St. Expert radio and appliance service. olll Ref Moore 1370 Portlsod R4 Ph 8-943.1 SAND GRAVEL Oarden Boll, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand It Gravel Co. Phone 1-9240 o Valley Band ft Oravel Co Silt, sand & fill dirt Excavating 108 shovel tt eat Tractor scoop St trucks for dirt moving Ph. office 24002. res. 37148 o" Cat. Shovel Si Truck work of all kinds LLOYD M HILL. INC. Ph. 24387 199S State St. O10S1 York's Saw Shop 992 Edie water. Ph. 3-Tjm. OU3 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electrlo Roto-Rooter Exclus've Patent Raxor harp Steel Cutting Blades Clean sewer or Drains Septic Tank Cleaned Re a Ph I-H27 or 2-9461 SEPTIC TANKS K. P. Hamel. Septic Tank Cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143 8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7104. oll9 Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 10.9 Elm 8t W. Salem. Pb. S-9461, 3-5337 O130' Septic Tank and Drain Lines Cleaned Jack Boenlng. Pb 3-9633 1061 Elm St olOS Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewer 1079 EUt St.. W. Salem. Pb. 1-9468, 8-5327 Ol04 TRANSFER ft STORAGE Local ft Distance Transfer, etorase. Burner oil, coal ft briquets Trucks to Portland dally. Agent for Bekln Houe hold good moved to anywhere In U 8 o. Canada. Larmer Transfer ft Storage Ph. 1-3131 o' TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remington Royal. Under wood portables. Ail make used machine Repairs and rent. Roen. 456 Court, o VENETIAN BLINDS Made In Salem Pree est. Phone 37328 Elmer the Blind man. o' WATCH ft CLOCK REPAIRING WELL DRILLING WEATHERSTRIPPING WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaner Window, walls ft woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph 3-1337. 347 Court. Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Made to order. 1 Day Del Reinholdt ft Lewis. Ph 23639. o WOOD A SAWDUST West Saler. Fuel Co. Pb. 3-4031. WOODSAWING Atkins ft Cross. Ph. 38674 or 38178. 0124 LODGES i.O.Oi meets every Wed i w1"-- rtMriav niffht. Visitor Wel come. SALEM LODGE No. 4, A.P St A.M., Wed.. May 4. Stated Communication, Enoch Carlson zuest sneaker. 8:00 pm. 106 LEGAL f.:rTICE OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE HICKORY TTREET rKUM VMJ-sa rt'jAD TO BROOKS STREET Notice hereby is liven that the com mon emmcll of the city of Salem. Ore- ! gon, deem It necessary and expedient i and hereby declares It purpose and in- i tention to Improve Hickory atreet from 1 the west line of Valpak road to the east line of Brook atreet, In the city of Salem. Jarlon County. Oregon, at tna expense I the abutting and adjacent property, v nrinaina aaid portion of said atreet U the established grade, constructing cement concrete euro, ami paving saioi portion of aald street with a 34 Inch not.. l tie concrete pavement 27 feet wide In accordance with the plana and speci fication therefor which were adopted by the common council April 35, 1949. which are now on file In the nines or u city recorder and which by tht reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declare Its purpose and Intention to make the I'Mve described improvement by and through the street improvement depart ment. By order of the Common Council April .1. 1949. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Data of first publication hereof is April 38. 1949 Capital Journal April . 39, 38, May A 3. 4. ft. I. 7. 9. 10th. (43TICE OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE WEST NOB HILL STREET FROM HOYT STREET TO FAWK AVENUE. Notlo hereby is given that the eom jor. council of the city of Salem. Ore gon deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declare it purpose ana in tention to Improve West Nob Hill street f:om the north line of Hoyt street to the outh lint of Pawk avenue, in the city of Salem. Marion county. Oreyon. a the expense of the abutting and adja cent property, by bnneina said portion of ad street to the established trade, conttrnctlng cement concrete curbs, and psvtnt said portion of said street with a 3'i Inrh asphalt :e concrete pavement 34 feet w4 m accordance with tht platv and specifications tnerefor which were adopted by tht common council April 31 1949 whleo are now on flte In the office' e the eity recotder and which by this reference thereto art auadt a part hereof. The commoti council hereby declare ..j purpose and intention to make the abov deribo3 improvement by and through th street improvement depart ment. Br order of the Coaiano Council April 2 1949. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder. Date of first publics Hot. hereof is .pril 21. 1949. Cspitai Journal Arrll 21. 79. 341. tilt I 1 4. 1 7. 9 lllh Journal Want Ads Pay i LEGAL Ncrr-ICE OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE itjRTH TWENTY-SECOND STREET PROM "D" STREET TO .NEBRASKA AVENUE. Notice hereby Is fives that the com mon council of the city of Salem. Ore- , deems it necsssry and expedient end hereby declares It purpose and in tention to improve North Twenty-second street from the north line of "D" street to the Nortn line of Nebraska avenue. In the city of Belem. Marlon county. Ore con, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the treet In tersections the expense of whleh will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bring ing sat? portion of aald street to the established grade, const rue tini cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a J men aspnaitic cuueret pavement 10 feet wide tn accord ance with the plan and specification nerefor whlcn were adopted by the common council April 38. 1949, which are now on file In the office of the city re corder and which by this reference there to are made a part hereof The common council Hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and hiough the street improvement depart ment. By order of the Common Council April 31. 1949. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof 1 April 38. 1949. Capital Journal April 38. . 10. May 3, 1. 4, 1. 8. 9, 10th. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE AROYLE DRIVE FROM HANSEN AV ENUE TO C AND ALAR LA BOULEVARD. Notice hereby I given that the com mon council of the city of Salem, Ore gon, deem It necessary and expedient and hereby declares 11 purpose and In tention to Improve Argyle Drive from the "orth line of Hansen avenue to the south 1 ne of Candalarla boulevard, In the city of Salem. Marlon county, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street Intersections the expense of which will be assumed - (he city of Salem, by bringing said ortlon of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curb, and paving aald portion of said meet with a 3'i incb asphaltlc concrete totvement 30 feet wide In accordance with the plan and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common coun cil April 35. 1949, which are now on file n the office of the city recorder and whirh by thl reierence tnereto are made a part herco'. The common council hereby declare It purpose and intention to mate the above described Improvement by and through the street Improvement depart ment. By order of the Common Council April 25 1949. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Data of first publication hereof Is April 21 1949. Capital Journal April 28. 29, 30. May 3. 2, 4, 1, 6, 7. 9, 10th. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE NORTH TWENTY -SECOND STREET PROM BREYMAN STREET TO THE SO JTHERLY TERMINUS OP TWENTY tTCOND STREET. NUioe hereby Is given that tht com mon council of the city of Salem, Ore- ion, deems It necessary and expedient ' nd hereby declares its purpose and In tention to Improve North Twenty-second si.eet from the south line of Breyman street to the southerly terminus of Twen-y-second street, In the city of Salem, Murlon county Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent oronerty. by bringing ald portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion said street with a 3Vi Inch asphaltlc concrete pavement 30 feet wide In accord ance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the com mon council April 25, 1949, which are now on rile in the office of the city re corder and which by this reference there to art made a part hereof The common council hereby declare its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and throuf tlx street Improvement depart- ment. By order of the Common Council April 30, 1949. ALFRED MUNDT. Cltv Recorder. Date of first publication hereof 1 April KB. IB49. Capital Journal April 21. 39, 29. May a a, a, a. a. i, , 10m. Hid Mail William E. Lil ley (above), 46-year-old let ter carrier who hid some 5000 letters in a closet in his Los Angeles home during the past year, was arrested by Federal authorities for delaying and detaining U.S. mails. Lilley said, "The more letters 1 de livered, the more people mail ed. There wasn't any end to it." (Acme Telephoto) Mrs. Lynch President Baptist Church Circle Amity Mrs. Ted Boyer was hostess for the Baptist Women's Mission circle it her home south of McMinnvllle. Mrs. Edward Lehman In charge. New officers elected were Mrs. Louis Lynch, president Mrs. William Neely, vice presi. dent; Mrs. W. H. Loop, secretary, treasurer. The officers will ap point the department chairman and arrange the yearly program Members reported on the an nual meeting at Salem. A letter was read from the Elmer Boyers, missionaries in the Belgian Congo. Mrs. An drew Wakeman, a former mis sionary to the Belgian Congo had the lesson hour and told of the people and customs of the African people. Guests were Mrs. Ted Lehman and Mrs. Ralph Konzelman. Refresh ments were served. The hor?shoe wa srejiarded as a charm sRainst witchcraft during tht middl ages. Court Affirms Of Attempted Washington, May 2 u.R) By a today affirmed the convictions of of attempting to bribe New York The two men, Harvey Stemmer and David Krakower, were convicted on charges of attempting to bribe Frankie Filchock and Merle Hapes to throw a game with the Chicago Bears u December, 1947. Filchock nd Hapes subsequently were suspended by the National Foot ball league. Stemmer and Krakower were tried and convicted in New York City and were given 5 to 10 year sentences. They chal lenged the convictions on grounds that evidence against them had been obtained by wire tapping. Wire-tapping is lawful in New York when done under court authorization. Introduc tion of evidence obtained by wire-tapping is not permitted in federal courts. In other actions today the court: 1. Refused to reconsider its two month old decision that states may ban union slowdowns wage dispute cases. The na tional labor relations board sought to reopen the case on the grounds that the NLRB did not realize full significance when it first came to the court from Wisconsin. 2. Refused to consider a new test case involving properties bought by Negroes in white res idential developments covered by restrictive covenants. The court last year held lower courts cannot enforce such cove nants. 3. Agreed to consider the case of a 33 year old German war bride who claims she has been improperly denied admission to the United States. Mrs. Ellen Knauff said the attorney general gave no reason for barring her last August, five and one-half months after her marriage in Germany. 4. Unanimously upheld the government's right to use in an anti-trust suit documents barred from a lower court trial on the grounds that they were the fruit of an illegal search and seizure The charge of illegality was based on the lower court's con tention that the grand jury which ordered the documents produced was improperly set up because women are excluded. 5. Agreed to review a Cali fornia court decision that Ne groes may be barred from pick eting a store in an effort to in duce it to hire more Negro workers. MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem LteeHwrk Market 1 By Valley Packing Ct-mpanyi Wooled lambs 130 00 to 133.00 Splint lamb 81 to 81 lb 133.00 to 125.00 Sprlnfi lambs, 89 to 100 lb. 122.00 to 124.00 Yearllncs, under 120 lbs. tlrj.00 to I1S.O0 Yearlings, over 120 lbs. 113.00 to 117 00 Ewe 1200 to 110.00 Cutter cows 110.00 to 815.00 Fat dairy cow MS 0O to M 00 Dairy heifers lift 00 to 119 00 Bull iW ' mvu Calves 'SOP to 4.10 lbs 1 t?ft 00 to !? bit Veal 1150-300 lbs.) choice 825.00 to 130 00 Imh prices paid within isr si fori nd prices for each type. Top, 170-238 ibs Portland EasUlde Market Radishes sold generally 50 to cents a doxen bunches with an extreme top of 80 centK on the Portland Eastslde Farmers' Wholesale Produce market to day. Green onions were 50 to 60 cents dozen bunches. Canny district asparagua brought 84.50 a 10-lb. pyrsnid. Yakima valley spears were 11 to 18 cents a pound. Spinach was 13.00 to ta.za an oranae box. Lettuce sold lor ll.oo a lour-oosen head crate. Tomatoes moved at u do to t.so a lug- Turnips aold for 11.21 to 11.39 a doxen bunches. Portland Produce Ratterf at 1 amative, sustect to imme dlale change Premium quality maximum to .31 to I percent acidity as n versa in Portland 3-66c lb., first quality 81-84C lb.: second auam? 19-62c Valle routes and country polnta 1c less than first natter wnoiesait run ouia cud. o Wholesalers Grade A A. 91 score. 82-63c; A. 92 score, 81-63'ic: R. 90 score. 60c lb.: C. 89 score. 60e lb Above prtoes are strict ly nominal Cheese Selllna orlce to Portland Whole sale Oregon singles. 38'6-48'A,e, Oregon 9 lb loaf. 41to-Ho.- triplet tie las than Ingles exsa To wnoiesaiersi A craae large 53-i3c; A medium, M-51 '-K. grade B, arge. 46't-49,tC Kara- Purchased from far inert Carrtn receipts. I7V-C14 dot.; buyer 1-H be low wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs Portland Dairy Market Baiter Price to retailers- oraae a prints, 97c AA cartons. 68e. A prints. 67c ; A cartons 68r; 8 print, 95c. Efft - rrive so maiiera: a a irg 4-55c: certified A larte. 14c: A larac. S3 -Sic; AA medium. ll-SJe. certified A medium. 13c; A medium, ll-52c; carton 2c additional Cheeeo Prlrt t retailers. Portia a Oregon sincles tO'-ftO'ic Oreaon ioat. i b 41tt-2ci triplet IVtt lest than sin gles Petiiry Live Chick ana - No I nualltt POR plants. No. 1 broilers under 3V lbs 17 -lie lb.; fryers 3' to J ins.. 31-joc .o.. 'osMer 4 lbs and over, 21 -13c lb: fowl Lexhorns under 4 lb.. 24-36c: over 4 lbs. 26-29c: colored fowl, all weight. 31- 2c: rooster all weights, ll-30c. Rabbits Averste to growers ror nve white; fryer white, 4-1 lb 27-29e lb., 1-8 Ibt.. 'S-T1e lb . colored 31-25e; old at netvy does. 11-lie oressad fryers tc butcher 7 e pi hsr one IS-lftc Tarkeye (Price quoted are not to the producer oa a dressed weight oasis i- u fraot s young wmi i . n I young hens, nominally 96c Dressed tafkeya to relallerei Uade A. young hens 70-71c New fnrr style draae ed A grade yrung tome 69-89 Per I land MUeeManeees raaeara Park Dry 20e lb., green Te Fa Keel Valley eoarst and medium trades tie lb Mnkalr 36e lb. en 12-month growth. Hides Calvet 30t , according tm i areiaht klaa lie l beef 13-lie it. ftu.1 1 S-6e lb country buyers pay 3t Ma Wei Qfjciatlafie ffalntte Pranqtiettet first auauti rum do. 14 7e, large. 317. medium, 27 le; sec ond Quality jumbot, 30 2t. .trgt 21 le; medium. 26 It; baby 93 le. eofl shel first quality large, it 7e; median 21 2t; eet ond qusl;ty targe 37 3 medium It ?: beht 21 3- ritberts - iuniM, 30 , targe lie med'um. lie, email, tie Quotations above auppllew ay stonil wet Nut Orowera Quotation are m the tasU of 100-Ib betpurehaaa fob plants, Chfretw l.letek Chicseo May I J--Mvetvlt market Hoea 9 000. artne; 31 to mostly 10 eent h:gher on b'jtrher": Tiilv 2S cent up on -o- top 111 sparingly; bulk gtod and UtMt 179-379 sat UN I UM, 1- Conviction Bribers 4 to 4 split, the supreme court two New York men found guilty Giants football players. May Wheat Up In Day's Trade Chicago, May 2 UP May wheat showed strength at times while the new crop deliveries eased on the board of trade to day. Other grains were mostly a little lower, but losses were too small to be significant. The May delivery ran up around 2 points at one time fol lowing news the government was in the market for cash wheat. Some traders had doubt ed that the government would continue to buy this month. New crop futures sank on reports of rain in the northwest and a fa vorable crop report on wheat growth in the southwest. Wheal closed ' lower to higher, May $2,18V-'i, corn was . lower to Vt higher, May $1.32'a-1.33, oats were unchang ed to higher, May 64 4 -ft, rye was unchanged to z lower, May J1.22. Soybeans were ,i lower to li higher. May $2.27 2.264, and lard was S cents lower to 2 cents a hundred pounds higher, May $1.85-1.92 Body Offers Play Amity The Associated Stu dents of Amity high school pre sented the play "Good Night Uncle George" to a large audi ence Friday night. STOCKS QUOTATIONS (By tht Asoetsted Press. American Can Am Pow ft IA Am Tel At Tel Anaconda ........ Bendi Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane Calif Pack In I Canadian Pacific Casa J 1 Caterpllar Chrysler Comwlth sj Sou Con V ui tee Continental Can Crown Ikeroacta Curtiss Wrlgni Douglas Aircraft upon! de Nrm General Erect rle Qsneral r-oud Oeneral Hu'ora Qoodyear Tirt Int Harvester ........ tnt Paper Kennecott Lib by UcN A t Long Bell 'A" Montgomery vVard lash tCelvlnator .1st Dairy .-IT Central Northern Pad fie Par Am P"ah Pae Oa al Piea Pea Tel I el Penney J O Medio Corp , Rayonier Rayonler Pfd Remolds Uetal Riehfleld afeway Store 9ar Rneburk leathern Parlfk Itaadard Oil Ca ImdebaXer Car ftutublne Minlns rrns.ar!ta ,. ate Paolfl .1B0H . 37 v; . 41i . 58 . 41 , .. 23 . 46'a , 21 , 37 . 22 4 , 37 '4 , 40', Ualaa Oil Ca 0 ailed Mr mas 0 S Steel . Warner dree Pie WMiwertb , 45'. 430 lbs 17 00 to 17.71; few 360-433 lb b'ltchers 18.31 to 18.79; tood and choice lows under 400 Ibs 18.71 to 16.50; 4JS-iO0 Ibs 14.75 to 15.50; heavier welehts dowr to around 11.71 for 600 lbs; early clear ante. Cattle 12,000; calves 500: nrnket ac tlve; steer 25 to 75 cents higher: heifers 25 to 50 cents higher; cows strong to 50 cents miner; bulls strong to 35 cents hith er: vealers fully steady: few loads hlih choice steers weighing up to 1375 lbs 27.50 to 2100: lop 28.00; few loads 27.25 anu 37. SO including prime 1670 lb beeve il 00; bulk good and choice strer 24.31 to 26.71; medium to low kind 22 00 io 34.00: load of choice 1150 b fed heif ers J6.S0; bulk good heifers 24 00 to 25 00 common to good beef cows 17.00 to 20.00: canners and cutters 13 00 to 16.75; medium and good sausage bulls 30.00 to 21.72. Veal cm 36.00 down. Sheep 3.500: generally steady all classes- top 39.75 paid for choice wooled Col orado fed lambs; clippers around 29.00 down; shorn ewe mostly 12.80 down. Portland Grain Portland, May OP) No wheat futures quoiea. Cash train: Oats. No. 2. 31-tb white, 57.00; barley. No. 2. 41-lb B W . 4100 Cash wheat bld: Soft white. 2 18. soft white lexrludlng rexi 2.11; white club, 3-18; western red 2.16. Hard red winter: Ordinary, 2 II: 19 per rem, s io, u per cent, a.ao; 12 per cent, 2.23. Hard White baart: Not quoted. Today's car receipts: Wheal, 80; bar ley. 4; flour, 14; corn, 7, oats, 3, mill feed . Pert land Livestock Portland. Ore., May t UP) Livestock Cattle salable 1500: cahes 10; market oenint very alow; most bids lower: few led ster 10 cents off; many bids oft more; fond 1050 to 1100 lb. steer 24 00 .'omn held sbove 25.00; few tood heifer 3400: very little cone canner and cutter cow: senerally asking strong with last week's clone or IJ.0 to 15 50 or above: few medium and food beef cows It M to 30 00 ome held hie her; eond beef bulls 31 00 to 2?50: few tod vealers 39 00 to 30 choice 33 00. Hoes salable 104: butchers steady to 15 oenM Miner; sows sttadv; early bulk sood and choice 110 to 111 lb butcher 70 00 to 20 SO; few 119 lbs 18 00; tood tnw, 16 00 to 17.00: no feeders aold early; tood and cho.ee 27 50 or Shove. Sheep salable 309: fairly active, gener ally steady, small lot good and choke 101 lb wooled lambs 34 50. few feeding lambs and yearlings 21 00 ta 21 AO: odd hesd good slaughirewei 11 S0,commoni Salem Markets Completed tree repene el St lees deal ers fee the gal a nee a :ep1lal Jearnal Reader. fRtelaad tally I. at all Peed Prtewe let Ma.b 918. Rabbit relicts 14 4 Daley Peed 14 00. Pealtrvi hi.im tnees Ord A com. d hens 33c ; trad A Leghorn hens. 21 cents. Grade A colored fryers, three pounds and up, 30c. Orade A old roosters is -ents tcrs Be Int Prleee ftTatra Tares AA 4c larte AA. 4Sc. larte A. 41-4ftc med.ums A A 41. medium A 4I-43C: pullets, 2I-10C ffbelossle Pfleeo Baa Wboiasait prices te 1 hsu above these prices above Orade A generally quoted at lie; mi d mtu 47t4 Bttleefal Premium 4e, No , Me; N t H-60 b'i nt priresi Baiter Wnolesalt trade A. 9l-97c; rt tAi 11-TAt, Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Monday, May 2, 1949 15 Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, May 2 (Pi The stock market held a mixed price pattern today in quiet trading. Movement in either direction was small. The volume was around 750,- 000 shares. There was a slight edge visi ble on the upside, although the plus signs could hardly be called a trend. Steels perked up slightly aft er stockholders of United States Steel Corp. approved a 3-for-l stock split at the annual meet ing. Irving S. Olds, chairman warned that any wage increases granted at this time would nec essarily result in increased costs. On the other side were Stan dard Oil (NJ), Union Pacific U. S. Steel, General Motors Firestone, Sears Roebuck, Amer ican Tobacco and Republic Pic tures. DEATHS George 8. Brerkenrldte George S. Breckenrldxe, at the residence n the Talbot district. April 29. at the it of 65 year. Survived by a ton. Georxe C. Breckenridta of Turner; and two daughter. Mr Herman Bohl of Snlem and Mrs Oakley M. Cochran of Talbot. A'so furvlved by three trandchlldren and wo treat grandchildren. Attended Mis- slonsry Alliance church. Graveside serv ices were held Monday. May 3, at 1 p.m. in the Idlewlld cemetery at Hood River with Rev Everett Brownlee officiating. Direc tion the Howell -Edwards chapel. tneela Viollett Ansela V.ollette. at the residence at 758 North Commercial street. April 30. the ate of 72 year. Survived by a sister, Mrs. Jack Connel In England: and a niece. Mrs. Marvin Stuhr of Salem. Serv ices will be held at St. Joseph's church Tuesday, May 3. at 9:30 a.m. Interment In St. Barbara cemetery. Direction Clouth- Barrlck company. Hnxh Strong Hugh Stronff. late resident of 1177 North o'.mmercial street, at a local hospital, April 10. Survived by wife, Lela Strong of (taiem; three daughters, Sandra Strong, Nancy Lee Strong and Christina Strong, 'II of Salem- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Htronz of Salem; and four brother. Jame Strona of Copall Beach, Wash., Lee Stronx of LaOrande. Vern Strong of Boise, Idaho and Donald Strong of Sa lem. Services will be held from the Cloush Barrlck chapel Wednesday. May 4. at 1:30 p. m. with Interment In the City View cemetery. Olto Berhtel Otto Berhtel, at the residence, tso 1'amarat.k St.. April 30. Survived by wld ..w, Alice Bechtel; Salem: daughters. Annie -.-yston, Ocean Lake. Mrs. Elsie Sims, Washouts!. Wash.. Mrs. Grace Bock rod t. Stillwater, Ok la., and Mrs Ada Brers, i 'on land; and five grandchildren, stemoer of the Naiarene church. Services will be held at the Howell-Edwards chapel Tues lay. May 3, at 1 p.m. Melvln E. Jordan Mel v In E. Jordan, at the residence, 20) S. 22nd St. April 30. at the ate of 94 vara. Survived by daushters, Mrs. Jesse P. Hayes, and Mrs. E. R. Cornina. both -a. Ssiem. and Mrs. 8. C. Stephenson, Wa- hlawa. T. H.; ten grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Member ol trie Bap tist church. Services will be held Tues lay. May 3, at 2 p.m. In the Howell-Ed wards chapel with Rev. Lloyd T. Ander- .son Dffli-latlnx. Interment In Br lc rest Mem. orlar park. Prlends art kindly asked to omit flower. Mrs. El It a bet h Gladys Peters. Mrs. Ellfabrth Gladys Peterson, it the residence, 155 N. 31st St., Sunday. May i. Survived by her husbsnd, Ernest W. Teterson Snlem two daughters. Mrs. Jesn EMhrr Hamilton, Vancouver, Wash., and Peggy Ernestine Peterson, Salem; two sisters. Mrs. Ray Todd. Vancouver, and Mrs. Herb Erwin, Gull Lake. Saskatchew an, Canada: and three trandchlldren, Lin oa Lou. Betty and Billy Hamilton, til of Vancouver Services will be held at First Uapllst church Tuesday. May 3. at 1:30 P m.. the Rev, Lloyd T. Anderson officiat ing. Direction by dough-Berne k company. Carrie Mathews (' rrlt Mathews In this city Sunday, May 1, Carrie Mathews, late resident of Salem route 7, at the see of 77 yeara. Survived by sons. Floyd Mai hews, Salem, and Roy Mathews. Denver. Colo.: a damhter. Mrs. Msy rlrnsley Butte, Neb.; a brother, John SiBltti, St. Lout, and a atater, Atlie Smith, 3: Louis. Shipment will be made to Ly man. Colo, by W. T. Rltdon company, for service and Interment. Harry H. Bonney Harry H. Bonney, at the residence, 185 Piedmont St.. West Salem, April 30 at the age of 73. Survived by widow, Mar garet Irene Bonney, West Salem; sons, Kelley Bonney, Salem, Merle Bonney and Warren Bonney, both of Denton, Texas: laughters, Mrs. Blanche Wilder, Portland, tind Mrs Ethel Johnson, Oakland, Calif.; brothers. Bert Bonney snd Paul Bonney, both of Snlem, and Ralph Bonney, Gar Held, Wash.; ller, Mis. EUle Long, Oar field. Service will be held from W. T. Rltdon chapel Tuesday, May 3, at 3 p.m. with Rev. Leonard Jones. Interment la Belcreat Memorial park. amet M. Jartensew fesmuel M. Judgenson, lata resident of Mill City, at Vancouver. Wash.. April. An nouncement, of services later by Clouth Barrick company. Mrs. Nina E. Adams Mr. Nina E. Adama. at the residence, route 1, box 195. Salem. May 1. Sur vived by husband. Moses P. Adams or Salem: a son. George M. Adams of Los Antelea; a sister, Miss Laura S. Elms of Hie Hester, N. T. , two brothers, Oeorxe Elms and Amos Elms of Lisbon. N. H , and two grandchildren, Audrey Adam and George Taylor Adams of Lot Antele. An nouncement of services later by Clouth Barrlck company. Art her If. Maere In this ct Msy 1. Arthur H Moore, late resident of 341 North Huh street, at the see of 71 years. Survived by two daughters. Mrs. Helen Bradley and Ml Ruth Moore, both of Salem, and several niece and nephew. Service will be held Wednesday. Mar 4, at 1:10 p m. at the W. T Rltdon ehapel under the atis o,ces of Pacific lodge No. 10. AP ex AM Mrs. Elsie M am art Mrs. Elsie M Smart, la's resident of tlO Locust street, Salem. May 1, at St Vincent hsopltal In Portland Wife of Gamer C. Stuart of Snlem; dueehter of Marr E Treuter of Portland; and sister of Jennie L. Patterson and Samuel A Oennar. both of Port; and Also survived by three nephews and four nieces. Services will be held Wednesday. May 4. at 1 p m t tht LI Mle Chapel of the Chime at 430 North Ktlllntaworth atreet. Portlrtnd. with Capt R. B Lohr. of the Stlvstlon Army corps. Salem, official Int. Inter ment in tne Rose City cemetery, Port land. OBITUARY Minnie Walter tun Independent Puneral services for Mrs. Minnie Wolverton of Monmouth, who died at a Salem hospital, were held from he Methodist church here Monday aft ernoon with concluding rlte at RelrreU Memorial park In Salem, She was born tn ftaratota. Minn., July 13, lino, and , married Richard Christie September 35. 1913. who died five years later. She came in Oregon In 1931 In married O. A. Wolverton in Salem July 31. I 111. He died In 194V She was a member of the Methodxt church here; Ada chapter OE8 of Independence: Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem and Age' Rehekah lodge ITT or Monmoutn. commnsi services . were In charge of tht Eastern Stars. Sur-. vlvlnt art t brother. W. M Persona, Be-1 tem. and a lister, Mrs. Kate Stedman. Biimark, rl D. Martha 'Minnie i agaim pcit- Mrs Martha i Minnie Smith, tt. I pioaeet oUast totiatf res id tat wbt ttatMij west by ox team In 1887, died Sunday at an Albany hospital. Funeral services will be held from tht Plsher funeral home In Albany at 1:30 o clock Wed nesday, Rev. Victor Loucks officiating. 8he was born tn Whitman county. Mo, February 13, 183, and had lived all her life In this community, she was a mem ber of the Sclo Baptist church. River view Oarden club and the Women's Ben efit association. Surviving are two chil. dren. Mrs. Anna Mespelt, Scio. and X. C. Smith. Salem; two half-brothers. Clyde Reiley. Eugene, and James Be; ley, Douglas. Arli.; ali grandchildren, eight great grandchildren and tight treat treat grandchildren. r John Puhr " """" OTUIir, oj, aitrj i xnt iBilverton hospital. He was born in Nor- -... nan mora hi mia community many years. His only close survivor la his widow, Mr. Moll I., Fuhr. Announce home" 1t,f tTm ttt KlinIi funeral Boy A. Ruber Lyons-Roy A. Huber. 80. died at hit home Sunday night. Survived by widow , c ! duhter- Mr- Oeorxe Keeler of Portland, a son. Donald Huber of Lyona and a step brother and step sis ter. Puneral services 2 p.m. Tuesday at .uu;io,i Hornoj ,n uiayion. -interment in Pox Valley cemetery. Joseph J. Botlder Independence Joseph J. Bowlder, 90. died In Salem Sunday. He was born In Missouri September 3. 1168. and cam iron, there to Oregon In 1888. He was married te Joslt Hophlns In Independence April 39, 1900. and moved to a farm in " iiTa uniu 19, when he moved Into Salem. Betides hla . V . " uomaer. ne is sur vived by two daughters. Mrs. Ehrmaa Ward. Indpeendence, and Mrs. Vesta Me Pherson, Salem; sister, Mrs. Catherine, Rhodes, Independence; two granddaugh ters and three great grandsons. Funeral services will be Held from the Walter L. J clock, Rev. H . A. Schlatter. Salem, of- ......ii.iB ino ouriai in the IOOP ceme tery south of Independence. Alfred Dale Sturterant Lebanon Services for Alfred Dale Stur .vant who was killed In the battle of the B.ilge in Belgium. Jan. 4, 1945, will bt ; 'WMnesdey. May 4. it 3 p.m. at th IOOP cemetery. The Howe-Huston chapel will receive the body In Albany on Tues day, and announce the military rites con ducted by the V.PW. post with Rev. Lynnton Elwell officiating The yount veteran was born Oct. 8, 1924 at Agata Beach. Oregon, comlnt to Lebanon In 1937. He enlisted In 1943 and was sent to Port Lewis. Oolng over sea In 1944. ho wa a member of the 113 para troop in fantry. Survivors arc his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Granville Sturtavant of Leban on; brother. Jack and Bobbie, Leban sisters, Mrs. Pay Atkinson. Salem, Mrs. Nadyns Masston. Corvallis: trand oother, Mr. Carrie Thomas, Lebanon. Mrs. Mary Ada Woeldrldse ,.. m,i, Aai wooidridiq died at the Lantmack hospital on April - ... - " "Kin ii, iooo ai ooai Creek, Tenn.. and had lived In Oregon , " Gcirmonies were ncia -, viBwiuraaviue union cemetery with Ret. D. D. Dahltren offic itlnt. Arrangement in charge of tht Howe-Huston chapel. Survivors are the widower. Julian H.; daughter. Mrs. Clay- " v.Mii.nmia: sisters. Mrs. Franklin Wllhott, Mr. Margaret Andrew ".i " wawioraaviue, Mrs. Reed Moore Sweet Home, Mrs. Roy Oar- ' .- '; "V "imam or Cal ifornia, Charles, Crswfordsville, Ernest, Molalla. and two grandchildren. (Advertisement) Mora Comfort Wearing . FALSE TEETH . Hiruini way io OVerCOmt ..-ose plat discomfort. FASTEETH. tn Im proved powder, sprinkled on upper and lower plate hold them firmer so . nip icei more eomiortauie. No gum my, tooey pasty taste or feeling. It s al kaline (non-acid). Does not sour. Check Piste odor" (denture breath). Get FAS TEETH today at any drut store. (Advertisement) New Hearing Device . . , Has No Receiver ... Button in Ear . . . Chicago, 111. Deafened people are hailing a new device that gives them clear hearing without mak ing th.m .Mr a riu,al.,a, U.... ilvmci UUbLVIf in the ear. TTiey now enjoy songs sermons, friendly companionship and business success with no self- consr.lmia flln 1. - pc-upic are looking at any button hanging on ...... "iwi uic new invislDle Phantomold, you may free your self nnr. nnln ..- from even the appearance of deaf- nn, : . m n l n,. . V- . v "ir.cia ui eeaone. uept. 40, 1450 W. 19th St.. Chicago ft 111. are so proud of their achieve ment they will gladly send you their free brochure (In plain wrap per) and explain how you can test this amazing Invisible device In the privacy of your own home without risking a penny. Write Beltone to day. tAdv.rtlMm.nti Deafened" People May Now Hear Clearly Science hn nnln tna!n U n sible for the deafened to hear mini sounas. it is a hearing de vice so small thAi ii in ik. hand and enables thousands to enjoy sermons, music and friend ly companionship. Accepted by the Council on Physical Medicine of the American Medical Asso ciation. This device does not rc- auire ..nnral. hnttarv ncl. battery wire, case or garment to uuikc or weign you aown. ine tone is clear and powerful. So marie that vnn pan aHin.t If vnr- self to suit your hearing as your nearing cnanges. ine makers of Reltnnp ripnl A 1an Wa.t tail. Rt rhlca.n ft III ... . of their achievement that they will gladly send free descriptive booklet and explain how you may get a full demonstration of this remarkable hearing device in your own home without risk- ng a penny, wrne ociion xonay. NEW LOCATION 1144 Center Saltm, Orfgon Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Netaro-Preeleloilil Beelal Specialist l1-m iBJ Phene Offlet 9-949, I' Beai 1-9411 V; Plenty f Fret Park- f, W tug Space Heath Jf" ' Aeraat Street fret iV Berg's New ft a per t-vl Why Suffer Any Longer When eners fail use tut Chine remedies Amatlna success for 1000 years m China No matter with what llmrnta toa are afflicted disorder sinusitis hesn lunts. Uver. kidneys tas. 4.011 ll potion auers dlabetea rneumatlsm. tall and bladder, fever skm imaie complaint CHARLIE CHAN CHINE IF WEBB CO, nfflee Heart t to 9 Taee tad Sal Oaly UI H ('mmerelal Phene 11 'M 9AHM. !