Sublimity Regains Club Work Interest Sublimity For the first time in a number of years Sublimity was again represented in 4-H work. A large crowd attended the spring show at Silverton. Those winning blue ribbons were: Mary Louise Hottinger, Mary Jean Dtiter and Carolyn Heuberger. Red ribbons, Elea nor Steinkamp, Kathleen Hart man, Sharon Meier, Beverly Roberts, Mary Jo Hendricks, Marilyn Johnson, Jeanne Etzel Margaret Minden, Patty Reiser. White ribbons, Marilyn Min den, Carole Jean Doerfler, Rose Ann Minden, Geraldine Hart man, Dorothy Frank, Beverly Miller, M a r 1 e n e Highberger, Carole Koenig, Bernardine Yost, Lela Boedigheimer, Marlene Podrosky, Anita Leverman, Ger aldine Highberger, R n s e 1 1 a Wolf. Louis Heuberger won a blue ribbon for his woodwork. Adults attending from here were: Mrs. Mabel Tate, Mrs. Grace Ditter, Hubert Stuckart, Thomas E. Tate, Mrs. Cecelia Ditter, leaders. Also attending were Mrs. Agnes Heuberger, Mrs. Clara Frank, Mrs. R. L. Johnson, Mrs. Berhorst and P. J. Gries. Silverton Asked To Balance Budget Silverton The Silverton dis trict 4 school taxpayers are to be asked to vote on May 14 an additional $34,275.84 in excess of the 6 percent limitation in order to balance the 1949-90 financial budget. Lloyd Larsen, chairman of the board of directors, explain ed that maintenance and repairs of school property is causing the advance of- more than $25,000 above the budget demands of the past school year. The bud get totals an estimated $228,-816.48. Around and Around We Go Salem Gate Swingers, de votees of oldtime dancing, turn out for a rehearsal of folk dancing to be staged at the armory May 15. The group of 60 members was organized six months ago with John Geisler as president. Tatoo marks can be removed only by removing the skin Itself. PTA Installation Slated at Lebanon Lebanon Mrs. Glenn Huston will be installed as president of the P.-T.A. at the May meeting of the Lebanon unit Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the little theater at the high school. In stallation officer, Mrs. Gene Tanner, will be assisted by Ern est Caldwell. Other officers to be installed are: Paul Chilcote, vice presi dent; Mrs. Helen Tracy, secre tary, and Mrs. Alvin Klavano, treasurer. Special music is being plan ned and an invitation is extend ed to all the community to at tend the meeting. Room mothers' club presidents will be introduced as staff as sistants. They are: Mrs. Jack Hollenbeck, Green Acres; Mrs. William Sisson, Santiam; Mrs. Hal Burgess, Queen Anne and Mrs. Alfred Rucker, high school 86th Anniversary Of Birth Observed Fairview Complimenting Samuel C. Dixon, 86, who was born April 27, 1863, at Pleasant View, Dearborn county, Ind., his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dixon enter tained with a family dinner at their home. There were 54 present. Mrs. Estel Wilson and son Velmer of Centralia, Wash., came the far thest to attend. Dixon resided many years near McPherson, Kan., and lat er resided near Corvallis, Ore and with his wife and eight children, four sons and four daughters, came to Unionvale in 1908 and his home since that time has been in the Unionvale area. His wife died without a moment's illness October 6, 1930. All of his children are living. Afternoon Farewell Given for Friends Sunnyside Mrs. Eskew en tertained a group of her friends with an afternoon farewell par ty recently. The guests gave the hostess a handkerchief show er. Later a dessert luncheon was served by Mrs. Eskew as sisted by her sister, Mrs. Wich lar. Those present were Mrs. Klock, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Rose Bunse, Mrs. Bertha HecKart, Mrs. Violet Heckart, Mrs. Wan da Alexander, Mrs. Fern Pear son, Mrs. Altha Neuensehwan- der. Mrs. Margaret Neuensch- wander, Mrs. Wicklar, Mrs. Gray and the hostess. Mrs. Eskew. The Eskews have sold their home in Sunnyside and expect to be leaving soon., , Woodburn DeMolay Chapter Is Joined Woodburn At the April meeting of the Woodburn De Molay chapter with Roy Henn, presiding, two petitions for membership were received and plans were made to practice the degree work at the regular meeting May 12. Boys who passed their proficiency tests were Earl Ahrens and Keith Mc-Nary. As this year is the 30th anni versary of the organization of DeMolay the local chapter is hoping to be able to initiate a class of 30 this fall. A meeting of the advisory council preceded the chapter meeting and after the meeting refreshments were servd by the Mothers Circle. PTA Council Calls' Aurora Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith. Mrs. Merritt Wirth, Mrs Ben Wetter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Lowrie, Mr. and Mrs. How ard McLaren and Mrs. Harry McKissic attended the Marion County Council of Parents and Teachers. Josslin Wins In Demo Race Portland, May 2 (Pi William L. Josslin, Portland attorney and once secretary to the late Gov. Charles H. Martin, has been elected chairman of the demo cratic state . central committee. He was elected on the first ballot over Mike De Cicco, Portland tire merchant, and Dr. J. C. Hicks, Eugene, at one of the best attended gatherings in recent party history. De Cicco later was elected treasurer and Volney Martin. Portland, AFL state building trades council secretary, was elected committee secretary. Mrs. Jo Ada Leonard, Klamath Falls, was elected vice chair man. Execut 1 v e committee mem- bere are: 1st congressional dis trict Lyman Ross, Aloha, and Margaret C o a t e s , Tillamook 2nd district Mrs. Helen Prov ince, Mitchell, and Leslie Sher wood, Hood River; 3rd district Nicholas Granet, P o rt 1 and and Mrs. Minnie Smeaton, Port land; 4th district Jay C. Hicks, Eugene, and Mrs. Isabel H Small, Cave Junction. The committee election was held Saturday prior to a Jackson-Jefferson day banquet here attended by 750 persons. Prin cipal speaker was Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn), who sup ported President Truman's pro posals for a Columbia valley administration. Chairman Josslin named six ex-officio members to the com mittee yesterday and said they would help promote party har mony. The six are National Committeeman Monroe Sweet land, Newport; National Com mitteeman Nancy Honeyman Robinson, Portland; Multnomah County Treasurer Jack Sum merville, Portland; Dr. Emery Ingham, Willamette democratic society; Robert D. Vavis, Eu gene, president of the Young Democratic clubs of Oregon, and Mrs. Norma Silverman, Portland, Women Democrats, Inc. A member of the American Institute of Banking, Ritchie holds the institute's standard certificate. In addition to his service in the financial field, he has long been active in Salem civic af fairs. He is a member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Salem Breakfast club and the Salem baseball boosters. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 2, 194913 Bridge Club Guests Dayton The Kroweldeen Bridge club met in the home of Mrs. Virgil Frink at McMinn ville. Mrs. Paul Londershau sen was a special guest. Mrs. Harry Sherman held high score Wesley E. Ritchie Ritchie Gets Bank Advance Wesley E. Ritchie, Marion county banker who was born and reared in Salem, has been appointed chief clerk at the Ladd & Bush-Salem branch of the United States National bank, E. C. Sammons, president, has announced. A graduate of the Salem pub lic schools, Ritchie has devoted his entire financial career to sevrice with the United States National bank's Ladd & Bush Salem branch. Starting as a bookkeeper May 1, 1936, he gained experience in all phases of banking and at one time held the position of head bookkeeper. Later he served in the collateral department and at the time of his current appoint ment as chief clerk, he was ac tive in the consumer credit field. Senders President Of Concert Group Albany Ralph Senders was re-elected president of the Linn County Community Concert as sociation at the annual board of director's meeting. The meet ing was held in the offices of the Albany Chamber of Com merce. Other officers selected are: Mrs. Marshall M. Woodworth, first vice president; Ianthe Smith, second vice president: Frances McKechnie, secretary. and Alfred W. Trimble, treasur er. The latter two were also re elected. Plans for the coming mem bership campaign were dls cussed. ine association will close a successful season May 11 with the appearance of Igor Gorin, baritone. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich Crenshaw President Jefferson Students Jefferson The Jefferson high school has elected officers. President, Earl Grenshaw; vice president, Richard Reeves; sec retary, Nancy Beal; treasurer, Shirley Welton; sergeant-at- arms, Lucille Bentley; yell leaders, - Donna Armstrong and Shirley Higgins; song queen Paula Smith. Mrs. M. H. Beal took several of the newly elected officers to Bend Monday for the state stu dents' council conducted by the Bend high school. They will be the guests of Mrs. Harry Mc Kee while there. A suit of armor In the Metro politan Museum of Art is made of 219 steel plates held together by 1400 rivets and 85 straps. Medieval suits of armor rang ed in weight from 25 to 100 pounds. 10 Down p Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades W alM wath, rcttpt, alnl tnl rtaUl year aid VentlJan blioda. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Fm Estimates PhoM 1-7321 14.13 Rure St. West Salem We give S&H Green Stamps CORNS GO FAST Kniov quirk relief and apeandily mnova arhing rornj with thin, cuahion- Ibi Ur. 8c ho II Zin paHa. CoaH but trifle. Tun mmmm and Mrs. Oscar Dower was sec ond high. Refreshments wet served at a late hour. Only improved Com-t-lt t,ds sit PRICELESS COMFORT Tour False Teeth PH Ulnar Ptai Stay toli In platu. Chaw anything. Rt-1 nw avtry S0-M day I lor baat ruuiu. 59c si Fred Meyer Stores arwl ethar Drug Stora CU thU A', lar laaart' VCS Ml 1 Capital Drug Store State. & Liberty "On the Corner" Dorothy Gray ; fpi Hot Weather Ji-4 Cologne : PLUMBING CONTRACTING Featuring Crane and Standard Fixtures Call 3-8555 Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 1085 Broadway J FREE ESTIMATES ? T oo plus tax Regular I2QQ Size : Limited Time Only! 5 fragrances Including lippy new SUMMER BRIIZI A huge bottle full of cool fragrance. -At this easy-going price you can af ford to shower with it. Scents: June . Bouquet, Jasmin Bouquet, Sweet ; Spice, Natural, and Summer Breeze. "I didn't say 'tune' I said, 'tone'l Walt lor the dial ton before) you dial I" The steady hum of the dial tone is your signal to begin dialing. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. Chrysler Spitfire Engine First in "!i.rsVJL3cJ Vd sHi?h Compression i V-' J- Now Chrvahr 25 Years Ago Chrysler revolution ired automobile power with the Bret high compression engine in America . . giving Chrysler owners the advantages of smoother, more powerful, more efficient engine power during all the years the others were developing their high compression engines! i m j m i i 'i ii f i 4 m 4 mm ir v-iv S KSJ 1 TmyL OhLVIf VZ,X New Chrysler Has Still Higher Compiettionl New increased horsepower for far faster acceleration. Even smoother response! A mightier Higher Compression Spitfire engine that gives the finest all-around performance in history for the new beautiful Chrysler Silver Anniversary Model! New Waterproof Ignition System I Exclusive With Chrysl.rl Drive through high water safely! Start your car in dampest weather! Even hose played on the Chrysler engine won't stall itl Completely waterproofed coil, distributor, wiring harness, and new suppressor type apark rings! Vmcker starting, smoother idling, longer a "fa Interference with radio and televiswin virtually eliminated! Still Mora New Chrysler DevelapmenH tot Finer Perlermencel New Generator gives longer lite, more curreni ouipui, roi u...., j..:- m,H tirw Air Cleaner, more efficient, more compact, easier to service gives you quieter engine performance! New improved Oil Filter alters all your od, stretches engine life! More new developments than we can describe-New Fuel Pump, New Longer Breather Pipe, New Distributor. Come let ni demonstrate this magnificent Chrysler Spitfire Engine .nd unaiing Prestonutic Fluid Drive Transmission . . . Again yen get A good things fint from Chryilerl Prtxomstie fluid DrfrV rmtmiliaiMl drlw tttthmit Mtlnl Chrysler Spitfire Engine combined with Prestomatic Fluid Drive Transmission give yon America's finest performing motor car. FRED MEYER FOR MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS $5.95 7A9 $1,59 $8.88 FRED MEYER AUTO SUPPLY Combination Waffle Maker and Sandwich Grille with heat indicator All chrome a $10 00 value for Twin Waffle Iron An Ideal Gift Waffles in a Jiffy Reg. $13.00, now Reg. $3.00 Two Slice Toaster Exceptional Value Now Reg. $14.50 Dominion Automatic Pop-Up Toaster 2 slice Now Reg. $8.95 Famous Dial-A-Matic Samson Iron weighs 4 lbs. NOW $4.00 DOWNSTAIRS VARIETY 12 pc. Ivory Fire King Ovenware Baking Set, Gift Boxed $3.49 4 pc. Pyrex Colored Mixing Bowl Set $2.95 4 pc. Pyrex Colored Refrigerator Set can also be used for cooking, $2.95 12 pc. Pyrex Blue Diamond Set, Casserole, pie plates, etc $3.19 Revere Copper Clad Stainless Cookware A perfect gift Complete stock from 1 qt. saucepan at $3.40 to 5Vi qt Dutch Oven at $9.85. FRED MEYER CANDY "A LOVELY GIFT" (or "A LOVELY MOTHER" BEAUTIFUL "CHROME PYREX PIE DISH" Packed with a choice selection of Famous Fifth Avenue Chocolates and Postel Bon-Bons, Smart, Graceful Chrome Pie Plate Holder $J with 9 inch Pyrex Pie Dish ?.DU A GIFT OF "SWEETNESS" for the "TWO SWEETEST MOTHERS" 2 boxet of our Famous Fifth Avenue Chocolates, reg. $1.75 each, $ e Fancy Gift Wrapped BOTH FOR MOTHERS DAY FANCY GIFT BOXES $1.50 to $4.50 Packed with our Famous Fifth Avenue Chocolates FRED MEYER APPAREL Famous Fifth Avenue Hose in individual cellophane tubes, 51 gauge, 15 den ier, all new shades, $1.75 PO'r, $5 3 pair in Gift Box ?. Reg. $2.95 Rayon Crepe Gown Lace and ribbon trim Blue, Pink and Yellow SAVE $1.00 FRED MEYER BAKERY ORDER YOUR MOTHER'S DAY CAKE NOW! ! ! Roses in Snow Cake from Fred Meyer Bakeries. It's a feathery light white coke with sparkling white icing, sprinkled with crisp eocoanut and Oft topped with a bright red rose EACH OC Fruit Drops, filled with diced fruits and topped with Jt vanilla icing Regular 5c each O for FRED MEYER DRUG "The Right Gift" 3 pc. Pro-Phy-lac-tic Dresser Set $0 1ft Reg. $9.00 NOW O y Reg. $7.65 Counselor Both Scales Watch your weight $5.95 Reg. $7.95 Halo Alarm Clock right ize for traveling $5.49 Reg. $1.00 Bath Pearls for a lovely both 69 C Reg. 98c Sta-Neet Home Hair Trimmer 69 C Reg. $2.98 Hair Brushes plastic handles good bristles 59c Reg. $6.95 Musical Powder Boxes popular tunes $2.98 Reg. $2.00 Barbara Gould Pom Pom Beauty Cream $1.00 Reg. 97c "Wahl" Pen and 50c Evers'iarp Refill BOTH 97 e $5.00 Value "Royal Crown" table cigarette lighter $2.98 Ronson Pocket Lighters $6.50 to $12.50 Watch for Tuesday Mystery Specials Fred Meyer $1.95 25c SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO., INC. 1 435 N. Commercial, Salem, Ore. 148 N. LIBERTY