-12 Capital Journal, Salem, On Murders Skirts By TERRY AOLER Chapter 29 Two hours later they were hav ing coilee in Ellen's apartment Raff had pulled the couch up to the Iirepiace ana a Diuzing lire warm jd mem. "Well." he said. " I wae lay' -na 11 I hadn't cluttered my mind . ""Up with unimportant details such as tnougnts aooui your inapeiy legs, I would have ilmred It out the min ute you told me about the lire on Wednesday. "But I still don't see how," she protested. "It was such a small thing. In fact, the only reason any. on paid any attention to It was because Dr. Hubbard woke up so mad. and then was so mean to Bill Griffith." That's right. The fire didn't do any damage. But you see, It did offer an excuse to get some water sprayed around that room That's something I should have thought about Immediately." "But why?" "He had to destroy the phosgene Iterwards. And water win do 11. Don't you see? It's so simple, could kick myself for not having figured It out before." "I'm sorry, but I don't see. Would you mind beginning at the very be finning?" she asked. "Okcy, To begin with, he planned the murder of Hubbard about two weeks ago. That was when the orig inal copy of the proofs of the thes Is arrived. The copy we found last night was a second one the publish ers sent after Hubbard had written to say that the manuscript was ov trdue and hadn't been received yet. "You must remember now what sort of person Worden U. He has brilliant mind. There's no doubt about that. But at the same time he had the conviction that people were out to take acvaniage 01 mm, that they thought he was nothing . but a fool. 60 at last, with the pub lishing of his thesis, the world would know, would have proof of his brilliance. Imagine how he felt when he looked at the manuscript and found that it wasn t ttdcue wor- dens name that appeared as auth or, but Jasper Hubbard's! And he. Worden, the real brains behind the research, the one who had planned It and done all the work, got only a one-line credit In a footnote I No wonder he went off hall-cocked. "Then you mean that for two weeks Eddie was planning to mur der the chief?" Ellen asked in credulously. "That's right. The first thing he did was to order a package of those Egyptian cigarettes at the smoke shop on the campus. It wasn't hard to check on that. Hubbard was the only person on the campus who ever smoked them. That was the one pot in the whole scheme where Worden slipped up. He didn't know that Hubbard had given up smok ing. And It was when Bray found ""the cigarette stub mat it made him suspicious of the wastebasket fire." "Sure," Ellen said sarcastically; - "it's clear as mud to me." "Well, look, honey, Iff simple," " Raff explained patiently. "Worden knew Hubbard took a nap every . afternoon and he was a sound sleep- er. He also knew that Hubbard kept mthe electric heater going all the time In that room. All he had to do was to go in there and tip the bot. w tie of chemicals so that the drops would fall on the red hot wires. He could hold his breath while he did that and he wouldn't breathe any " of It himself. Then all he had to do would be to go for about ten m minutes. He could then come back and put the bottle back In Its place and enough gas would be generated to kill a horse. But then there would be the problem of all that poison gas In the room. However. , Worden realized that water, pure simple H20, would destroy the as." Ji "80 that's why he made such a mess with that '.vater I" "What he did was to balance a I lighted cigarette on the edge of the wastbaaket. He crumbled a lot of carbon paper In the basket, and you know how inflammable that Is when the cigarette burned to the pot where It was balanced and this J took about ten minutes It fell Into J the basket and set the paper blai--0 lng. Of course, Worden was wnit- lng Just outside by the water fau- I Mi Q 3 jMp . p ' ' , -eV!g&L -y V -; -' - -1 Iks Oregon, Monday, May 2, 19491 cet." "But supposing the cigarette fell the other way?" she asked. "He took care of that, too. He put a wad of carbon paper on the floor outside the basket. Whichever way the cigarette fell, it would start a lire.- They sat In silence for a few moments, puffing at their cigar ettes. A slight shudder went through Ellen, n can't help feeling some-1 now mat rate took a nand in it Supposing someone had seen Ed die going into the chief's office the first time, I mean to arrange tne cigarette and start that stull dripping. worden didn't leave anything to Pate, as you call It. He knew that Penton, Bray and Orlfflth were all In Bray's office at the other end of the hall priming Orlfflth for his forthcoming exam. He knew you. e.uen, were at tne mimeograph or flce. He knew that Vereck wouldn't come to the campus until late In I the afternoon. That left only Rus- sej to dispose or. "Exactly, and that wouldn't be easy. Paul snarea Eddie's office.' Russell was on a skating date. lUHiiemoerr "That's right, he was." "A skating date that Worden had deliberately gotten Russell to ar range, mat was the date that Wor den bragged about breaking so that he could have the chance to move the furniture and throw out some of the Esquire pictures Russell had in the room. It certainly was an In genious set-up." Ellen asked, "How did Dr. Bray ugure it out' (To be continued) Sun to Shadows You're ready for all whims or summer weather in this ensemble! Wear the cool boat- neck dress lor sun scenes . merely add the matching bolero when oreeus diow. No. 3969 Is cut In sizes 11. 13. 15. 17. and 10. Slse 13 dress. yds. 35-ln.; bolero, 1 yds. 35-ln Bend 25c roc PATTERN with Name. Address, and Style Number State Size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK Is Just off the press, presenting the best In Summer fashions, all de signed with the simplicity that npeiis good styie ana easy sewing and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 150 pattern designs lor au ages and occasions Send now for your copy, price Just 20 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal. 552 Mission Street. Ban Francisco 8. Cain. Pillowcase Pretties Embroider these delightful daisy designs In restful white or flowing colors as the perfect touch for bedroom linens. Your choice of color Is unlimited but one suggestion Is pale yellow daisies with brown cen ters and green leaves, with the rib bon bows and French knot In soft ly blending shades. Pattern Envelope No. RJ81S con tains hot-Iron transfer for two de signs each measuring 4 by 11 Inches, material requirement, embroider ing Instructions and color sugges tions. To obtain this pattern send 9Ac In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and tone num bei to Peggv Roberta Capital Jour nal K Mission Street San Fran cisco 3, Calif VTAi th l I rgsk W'4&-VlT COULD BE AN INNOCENT UTHC X( CV THIS WSH lAYOUTI-MArBl n Mulout I flSVJ &WwM AeA06fT TO FIND OUT MAT OX'S Ui V 0 BfTrfP PUT Tut Y T VLhottat. . yS fiJM VlJJr1 A CUFSTS Al SAYING ABOUT t 1 OV A fIV MOfiC OF THfk .ountt" (TM WVV tl fitirSX'Mm ours fbee GsoceRies-. uk. ,WS Ro 3 (U XYTTliJ I Vi 1 IMA (U nrT O P' ""''-- ''feJrr veoh! r vou HflONT'"""'-' mwbe not-but DO EH? B U. RCHT. UNOLI JEB? T HEHCh! OH. P RUN IMS SIXTV ftNO ( OH, 1 QJESS t J S V0O NOTTCe WHOTS MOlH) LEWN' LKORObI f f I WHOLS 6HEBAIi WOULD HWE I ETOPPED "ER t B SHUT OFF TH MOTOR- 0AMQER- JPl I BEYOND THE ORCHARD? ) 6 f&3 ' fi J 1 LIKE NOCTHVIUE J f WWV, TWAT5 CINE, ROSETTA.."! f OU,SfO--l WANT Ol nnn ( SO MUCU THAT I'VE F ARE VOL) PLANMIN'TO LIVE ) A PLACE OF MV WHO-- 1 1 T DECIDED TO SETTLE S W1TU PUOEBE AND WILBUR? Jr5 OWKIAKJD THATSa ME ? 1 WUEgE VOUjn OF COUHtX, MR. FATBACK THE SHADOW FROM THAT MOUNTAIN MUST ANNCTY vm I. HMM SEEMS TO BE A SMALL COMMUNITY ON TOP BUI THAT 5 Ul- . KJO IMPCPTANCEl THE. QOICKtST WAV WOULD BE. TO DYNAMITE WrlATSTHIS?JEFFAM.ND""r IF HE EVER CAW A HVIPFllOH MIGHTy 1 SMW MUTT'WHATi M READER AND FORTUNE TELLER' SPOOK HE D FAINT j T TC' I SWAMI JEFF.' 'M.mWm&'i TrP Z ! n HE TALKS jrf4 WATCH ME SCARE A REAL 1 1 WOOLDST TAIK lfflV-v' nrtiwn jZZZZ " . WITH C&MIJt THE WITSOUT ,J SH0ST L, iiltLZi! "udi f H5mU i'l SAIP I KNOW SOMESOOvi ltOOK.BOSS, lis TALLIN1 ABOUT MISsI pw VNiNB. 'PvEt, BILL. I DC CJ THEV'P LIKE TO WAVE, I BLAKE. PATTV EVEN PAKEP A EVA, I HOPE YOU'LL SOB3IVB Bk I KNOW ALL PIP HSU SAV, TEX, THAT OD DIONT SAV SHE COVLD6C HI6H PEVE? SO SHE'O STAY. THEM MB W I SiEM TO BE BUTTlNfi IN, BlV ABOUT HIM ! R KNOW SOMEBOPV WHO COPLP 60 W . s- KIPS NEED A MOTHER, AND SHE BUT t WOHPEi; IP VQU KNOW THE j QPV Jtm I TOTHE RANCH AND LOOK AFTEB BUSTvJZ J ' - WELL, TO BE 6?EAT IP .HE'D 60. KINO OP WAN 'WAXY BQVAL IS .'jf Will1 fr'j THMt ROOM WHtMW NEI0 RRIC-.-BRM.) ORV MARfjO'6UtlXlrLx ' ' f S.t I 4Ht MILL MM TVl 1 WPe0 CRAWIINO T0M...5PAR,N6LY UHD! I'll CNKJ t$r . .IKfel ) YC0MACCOUNTANTt0tWtCANjTHtv,twFR0MTM1, U AUY " Wjm HEART.OOeiNT H6 j"1"!?" OtTWMtGOOPCHINtil PRINTJAND U vsllNOOW.' II '-r M WSS "WANT TO60 Till I WITH OUR WORK.! i . ... DYNAMITE ITA WMY.TOU INUUHAM c s4 ffr S EuS At CRACK SOME OF MY PRIZE f . tJrr COULD YOU BE. 'ZlJ i SO INHUMAN fj RADIO PROGRAMS ALL PROGRAMS PACIFIC STANDARD TIME MONDAY KSLM JSS KGW 5' :M I Mmu MatUkl CtklaU SImpv Jm Kan MuBlag :1A SMmaB ' MmaUavl CKktftll Bhyltaa Back ftevUh M CM MtAalfBI VIm FlrMtont Blni CrMKr Ctatl HaaUts :4ft Im MU mn ! Ftfitw Sprt rmtm Ntwt 6" m Gskrltl iMllit " TaltpbM Roar MeUO br Bdl Thlr :l Ntws Tlibnt Htar CaUUfcl R4I ThMtr :M riihlB BaBttai Dr. I Q Ntwa Bdl Thafttra :4ft rtahtof . tUg pf. Q Wm la jptrti Hdl Thlr 7:00 Amaiicaa Faraai CwlroM Heir Hart' U Tela Mir rttaai Irma :1ft f lha Air CanlanU Hoar Kddl LaHar Mr friend Irm : Cliea Kid ralftta mi flasA BaacbII Bob Hawk Sha :a Clica Kid ao.OOd Chlldraa lUndiUnd 8b Hawk Ihaw 8 M Ul Oiint Da II Bupaar Clafc Daiant Don LawallTbaau " :1ft Lai Oaaria Da II Nawi af Warld BaaabaJI Jack Ha ba :46 Sbarlack Balaiat Cavalflada af Baiaball Talant fleoala :M SbTloak Helmaa Awarlaa Kaaaball Talent eaata 9:00 Natra Qtaria Moorad Baiaball riva liar Final tft T B A sp.rl fa.a Final Baaeball lonar ....til : Orcbeatra Bit Slary Ba.aball inner SanetBm OrcbtHra Big Slary Baaeball N,fht uw 1A :" i,b'1" J1' ' 8a Hayaa Baaaball Serenade MIU b" Waaa Nw Koiinda. Yaa and Warld 'VJ ?? "T . . Mualeal Madam Traek I4H Qena Krapa Mwlual Wawaraal Bain Quartet Traefc I4W Nawi n:00 The Shadow tfMB 4 -:1ft Th dfaadew Track I4M S Network Orch. Track 14M Lenny Beaa Track I4W lt:00 gign Of! Sim Off ftlia Off alUnt TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. m m inewo Newa KOIN Kloek g, rift Newe Claek Watahar New Tbj:M March Tlaa The Old News v Ww New Fred Back 7-M Newa frcd Harla Tei RlUer Ceainmer New lift Breakfaal Oans ff fVarln Ntwt S Sparta Art Bakar :30 Breakfaal Gang Jack Breb Tap Manna Masl far Ta i'ft lea Iradaa Tom Bar Daraay New Muilc far Tea C:00 Banal Centar Tamait Daraay Havaa f K Vecal Varlattea .1ft Vic tar Llndlahr Tammy Daraay Bava l Baal Newa :SU Son at Piaaear Temmy Daraay Waatern Ballads Grand lUa M T B A Newa Waatara Ballads Baacmary 9 too Nortbw.il News Boaten Syatpbany Chnreb to Wild. Wendy Warren ' .IS Kau Smith Beaten Synpbany I'ppar Boon Aunt Jenny m Paator'a Call Builders af Oral. Matle Wltbaal Helen Trent 4 Cbarll Splfsh Brltbtw Day Words Our Oal Sunday Atk :M S,WB Deubla or r ffa Cup Bltr Slater 1;16 Three Son Nalbli - N.W. Report Ma Perkins irf:3U Wllea Oraanal. Today's Children Rbapaody Rbythn Dr. Malon M Walt Screnad Llybt af Warld Bhapaody Bhrthm Ouldlnt Llybt mm -OQ Ladles Plrat News Glass Wai Duncan"" MeUoT" II ID Ladles Flnl Ma Perkins Glaaa Was Cone fk Get It fl iSU Queen far a Day Pepper Vaunt Glaaa Was North Drake u 46 Queen for a Dot To Happlnea Glaaa Was Makes You Tick m Top Tri-M Backatai i WH Cvarrbodr'a Ideas Snd Mrs. Burton In It News Stella Dallas Ortsn Mds Perry Masan :80 Nrt"t News Larenaa Jana Newi Pal O'Brien Shew i i :4a Bob. Eg"lrabow Wldder Prawn Ted Dale Presents Newapapor af Air 1M ?.hl!ira.Mii. 0,rI " Cl.i.ka Hint Hunt 16 Port,a F"M Clawlc Hint Hunt 46 niB' 91p" Front Pa Fsforltca Newapapor af Air r:00 Asalnst tbs Stern Koad af Ufa Off lha Shelf Tunefully Tenra- f:iB Walnat the Slorn La,. Lawtaa Off the half T-nefully Your ,S0 Across Footllsbts Aunt Mary ... Meet tha Mi.?.. Acraas FaollUhta Lara A Leam Off the Shelf Mwlthe Mlu! 3:00 Happy Cant Weman'a laaret Kaper Arthur Gedfray " :1ft Happy Cans Life Beanllful Kaper Arthur Gadfrey .8 Son af Tin Dardanella Trla Kapera Arthur Gadfrey ' N'w More Out a Ufa Kaper Arthur Godfrey 4;00 Fallen Lewis. Jr. Woman's Secret Woman's Pace Paalura Stair 15 Hemlncwar Today'a Children Dick Shannon The Little Shaw - 30 Paaalna Parade Tbe Snnny Side Spatllrht Motto Club 1ft :4ft Newa News Spstllsht Muale Id. B. Marrow DIAL LISTINGS: KEX J 190; KOAC, 6M fPY Monday P. M 5:00, Ktsplat l l t A Wlth gportai ft: 18. Home Edi tion; B:t9, Challons of Tukont l:00t Id win C. HIUi 0:1ft, Klmar Dsvlsi 0:00, Mr. President! 7:00, Lena Banrert 1:10, Dream Girl; 1:4ft, Arthur Gsethi S:00, Rallraad Henri 0:30, 811a Ma Morsat :, Henry J. Tarlori 0:00, Klebflald Baparleri 0:16, 9:80, Concert Hour! 10:80, Memo t Tomor row I 11:00, Xtra Hour, 11:00, Slsn Off. 1 TV Tueaday A. M. I t:4S P. M. l LA 5:oo, Early Blrdi 0:4ft, Eddls Ar nold! 6:00, McCall News; 0:15, Time Tarn do; 0:30, Robert's Almanac) 0:46, Time Tempo. t 1:00, Mrrt Marset 1:15, Martin Aironakr; 7:M, Ea.y Aceai 7:45, Zake Manner.; 8:00, Breakfast Club; 0:00, Nawai 9:15, Stars of Todsri 0:80, Kay Kyaer; 10:00, Ted Malon t 10:15, Galen Drakei 10:3O. My True Story; 11:lM, Betly Crocker) 11:15, Newai 11:80, Banknote Talklnsi 11:45, Club Time; lt:00, Nartbwesternersi IJ:30, Kay Westi 1:00, Braawfast In Hollr aood; 1:80. Mualrally Yours; t;00, Survrlt Fruitland Mr. and Mrs. Alan Harmon of Portland visited at llainnnap ACROSS 1. Largo rodent S. Narrow lnlt 8. Fish 12. Topni hum mtntjblrdo , 18. Conclude 14. Woodwind Instrument 15. Pin In bowllna; 17. Dlscunstotl 19. Sea eagle 20. Small candle 22. Licht browo 2S. Alternative 2ft. Defac jfi. You nnd 1 17. Presented 10. Placed canto aboard A ship 88. Arttc! 34. Pampered 36. Sun ftod ST. Shakap4ra lovar 19. Bid 41. Like 42. Favorite 48. Perform 44. Depression between mountain" pak 48. Tear down 48. Spread for drytn; 11. Klnpr of th Vlslitotha Si. RelUloua . beada 86. Mountain In Swltierland BO, Orek Utter fid. Melody Sv. Amphibian animal Rfl. Put on 61. Colored ? I5 I3 h H5 r wt 0 1" 73 air i 3f" il pa ' M :vm a7' 71 n WT -jm u. JM. 3Tp4 ,: "1 ,)V. W vf So Ti st JJ st ss "TZsTr? 35 si .; S3 E tJA ROOM AND BOARD tW JUST B6TWCSN US, PlNKr " OH. NO?" W6LL. I ?. CHATAORS IS GONG TO TRT AND Kg WAS A CIRCUS COOK "1 ih CCHS AS A CLOWN" ( kNOW THE LIFE FROAA I DONT ktte"D IT AS APPLE PlE TO ZEBRA. WOAK BUTARElNlHi SO TEE OP TOUR, EARS I SPIRIT OF A JOLLY LARK ) AND t'l I. I 1ST TM'WORIC THE DROLL PRANKS OT S I A CUA.. ' ' V. CLOWNING CANT BE 1 I VOU WOULD WAS6 TO DOi ARDpASy -P.M. K0C0 ST 'KOIN S lAAT Man .aa 1:00, On late Up. lWw aaatt 1:50 Onartai 0:00 Newt :1. TaurUI Boat Waaki 0:80. Nasi ad CshalfahJai Itift, Btanlas Pans Benri 8:00, Sports Timet l:l, Campus Baeltali :4ft, Warid la Review i 0:00, Musi Thai Endures t 0:4ft, Meditations) 10:00, Sin Off. Turaanr a m. la 0:40 p.aa.1 F-WMV News i 10:10, Par Woman lOiSO, Peyabalery at Panllyi UiOO, Oik van Sehaal at lha Alri 11:11. Canaart HaUi 11:00. Nwi II lift, Nean Paras flour i 1:00, Bid ' Cowboyi 1:1ft, Ora an Schoal af th Alri 1:80, Melody Lanei 1:1ft, All ed Thlnsi Btln at Homai t:00. Keep Mentally All re; f:, Baoksi 8:45, Orfa School f Cha Alri 8:00, New. Packer) 1:80, Brtd anal Groomt 8:00, Welcome Trayelerai 8:80, Art Llnklclteri . 4:00. Suulrral Case; 4:80, Sky Klnr. the Albert Harmon home last week, 1 j j j U 1 I 1 ARC! AX O U SjT I pf M 1 PAL Em C A UlP ATE c1ulsUf e t sbl e d Solution of Soturdoy'o Puzxlo DOWN 1. Top of th head 1. State S. Artillery 4. Serpent I. Oav another S. Amoni 7. Serpent I. Mai swaa . Lessened 10. List 11. Hammer head 1(1. Pronoun 18. Son of Jui) ah 51. Propellers for canoes S4. Division ot mankind 21. Walked in water 27. Orientst dwelling It. Town In Pna syWonln SO. Alao 20. Allow II. Notable period St. East Indian article of food IS. Cathedral church of Rom SH. Kind of ffrapn 40. Revolving 42. Measured br walklnc 44. Wacon th. kledley 45. Smallest ttfttot abbr. 47. Thus 4. County tn OhM in. Couple 52. Dlncumbf 54. Mournful 7. Towaxa By Gens Ahirn 2k. - '