Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 02, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    Newhouser Sets Pace for 30
Winners with 3-1 for Tigers
Salem Bowlers
Post Marks in
Northwest Meet
Portland, May 2 . M" Top
bowlers of the region will have
pace-setting scores to knock ov
er tonight when they resume
play in the Northwest Interna
tional Bowling Congress.
Dee Fauver of Tacoma posted
a 692 in class A singles to take
an early lead last night. It was
six points better than the total
that won the last title for Ted
Wakefield of Tacoma.
The leaders (including only
those in which Salem players
Singles Class C: Bill Mc
Clary, Salem, 572; Dale Cross,
Hood River, Ore., 569: Goldie
Bentson, Salem, 563: E. Hauck.
Portland. 554; James Beagen.
Salem, 553.
Doubles Class A: Fred Maze
and John Budiselick, Coos Bay
Ore., 1138; Bill Roller and Dan
Musgrave, Bend. Ore., 1137: Bill
Cerveny and Laurie Redifer
Redmond, Ore., 1123: Clyde
Cushman and Jim Stewart,
Portland, 1103; Walt Larson
and Chet Boyce, Salem, 1102.
Class C: Kenneth Kruma
nacker and James Jeffers, Hood
River. 1120; Dan Crawford and
Jim Ross, Salem, 1071; Goldie
Bentson and Bob White, Salem.
1066; Eugene Kitzmiller and
Arthur Upston, Salem, 1049:
Charles DeGuire and Al Lerion,
Waldport, Ore., 1014.
Teams Class C: Shrine Hos
pital, Portland, 2514: Hood Riv
er Laundry, Hood River, 2466:
Goldie's of Silverton, Salem,
Evans Bowls 300
Again in Match
It's getting to be habit
with Frankie Evans rolling
300 bowling scores. He turned
in his second perfect mark In
eight days Sunday at the Ca
pitol alleys in match play
against E. T. Hartwell and
John Glodt. Evans is second
high in league competition,
with Walter Cline In the top
Evans has his own personal
ball as a result of his record
score of Sunday. He had been
using one of the management's
balls. But when he came
through with the second 300,
he was presented with the
sphere as well as a bag In
which to carry it.
Correct for Newport
1:M a m. I I ' : m. -0 4
1:13 p.n. f.l 8.38 p.m. 2.1
30 1;27 ft.m. 3. 8 7:10 t.m. -0.S
1:63 p.m. 6.6 T:01 p.m. 3.1
1 - 13:57 t.m. 3.3 3:03 l.m. -O S
3:33 p.m. 3.3 7:30 p.m. 3.4
1 1:33 K.m. 3.4 3:38 t.m. -0.4
3:36 p.m. 3.1 8:11 p.m. 3.7
Rain Curbs Elks First
Unplayed matches marked
every bracket in the annual
Elks golf tournament today as a
result of week-end rains which
soaked the Salem links and the
handfull of golfers who finished
their tours Sunday.
Matches still to be played will
be combined with second round
contests this week despite the
fact that the first round dead
line was Sunday night.
Bob Sederstrom recorded a
1-up victory over Lawrence Al
ley at the top of the champion
ship flight while Bill Schafer
scored a 4 and 2 win over Ray
Farmer to bracket himself with
the medalist lor the second
Other first round scores were:
Jim Sheldon i up over Vince
Aleksa, Jack Owens, 6 and ft
over Lin Sloan; Jack Russell, 6
and 5 over Leo Estey; Frank
Schafer 3 up over Floyd Tay
lor; Bob Burrell, 3 and 2 over
Tom Wise; Bob Powell, 1 up
over H. W. Quistad: Walt Cline,
6 and S over Jack Brande; Tony
Painter, . 4 and 3 over Harry
Carson; Ralph Ma pes, 1 up over
Bud Peterson.
Second round schedules:
CHAMPIONSHIP Bob Stderatrom j
S.l! Schafer; Jim Sheldon va Jack 0eiw:
New York, May 2 (U.fe Lefty
schedule today on the pitching time-table he hopes will bring him
his most cherished goal in baseball a 30-victory season.
The Detroit ace figures he could hit that mark by winning a
little better than a game a week
of the season completed, he al
ready has a 3-1 mark.
That's the best start of his ca
reer, even better than in 1944
when he won 29 games and lost
but nine, Just missing the magic
mark which no big league pitch
er has hit since Dizzy Dean of
the Cards had a 30-7 season in
1934. No American leag u e
pitcher has had a 30-game sea
son in 18 years, Lefty Grove of
the Athletics being the last with
The American league's pre
mier southpaw had to have a
measure of that luck he mention
ed yesterday at Detroit when he
won a 3 to 2 duel from Bob
Lemon of Cleveland, who gave
up only two hits. But one of
those Tiger hits was a three-run
first inning homer by Dick
Wakefield and that gave New
houser all the help he needed. He
gave up eight hits, including two
doubles and two triples
The White Sox, who have won
seven of their eight victories
from the Browns, moved into
second place at the expense of
their Missouri cousins whom
they defeated 7 to 6 and 14 to
At New York the Yankees
suffered their first home defeat j
after seven victories, the Red
Sox winning and 11 to 2 deci
sion as Ted Williams hit a grand
slam homer and Vern Stephens
and Johnny Pesky got two run
The Athletics crushed the Sen
ators twice, 15 to 9 and 7 to 4
at Philadelphia.
Bonus Pitcher Johnny Anton-
Senators Plot for Vic
Series After Washouts
Rained out of all but the opening tilt of their series with the
Vancouver Capilanos, the Salem Senators were slated to square
off against the Victoria Athletics at 8:15 Monday night at Waters
park, weather permitting. The field was reported in good condi
tion earlier in the bar and barring further downpour the two
clubs were expected to inaugu-
rate their four game series on
WIL Standings
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Yakim 2 .750 Wenatchea 4 ft .444
Sleo- i 1 .7S0 Vancouver 3 I .400
Spokane 4 S .571 Tacoma. S 6 .333
Bremerton ft 4 ..158 Victoria 2 7 ,332
With the exception of the dou
bleheader at Yakima the entire
league was washed out Sunday.
Yakima took advantage of the
lull elsewhere to hand Victoria
two defeats 11-6 and 3-0, there
by regaining a tie with the Sen
ators for the top spot. Victoria
now reposes in the cellar with
a record of two wins and seven
Saturday Victoria downed
Yakima, 9-6, Spokane beat Ta
coma, 5-1 and Bremerton nudg
ed Wenatchee 6-4.
frank Alorleh v winner On Leniren-.
Pat Mtklift match: Jack Ruuell vj, Prank'
Schafer: winner Dirk Yost-Clay Caraon
match ti Bob Burrell: winner Wlf Ned-ham-Rex
Pemberton match v Bob Pow
ell; Walt Cline Jr.. va Tony Painter; Ned
Iniram vj Ralph Ma pea.
FIRST Lawrence Alley v Ray Parmer:
Vincent Aleka vj Lin Sloan: Harold Ol ni
ter y loaer Lennren-Miklia match: Leo
aVtey ti Floyd Baxter: lor Yoxt-Carion
match y Tom Wiae; laser Needham
Pemberton match vi H. W. Oulatad; Jack
Brande v Harry Caron; Bert Victor v
Bud Waterman.
8RCOND Winner Jack Hay-Del Owynn
mat eh ya Harry McBurnett: R. K. Putnam
va Max Allen; Don White va Ray Clark:
Jerry Lilllt va John Emlen.
THIRD Loaer Jack Hay-Del Owynn
match va Vera Miller; B. Thompson v
J;m Johtuon: Chuck Urnex va Robert
Price: Mo. FitKiimmon v Bob Johnon.
FOURTH Winner Oeorae Bethera-Ken
Potu match v Tom Kav: Don Hendrk va
John Oraham: Floyd Moore va Rex Kim
mell: V. MrMullen vn Con Paulaon.
FIFTH Loaer Bethera-Potta match va.
Dr. Joseph: Olen Burnt ht va Bob De
Armond: Millard Pekar v O. I. McCrary;
Don Woodry va Roaer Daxch.
SIXTH Clay Knelaion va W. C Wil
liam i Burdetl Oven vi Dick Hendrie:
winner Barney Filler-Stan Wadman match
v Rum BoneJteele; winner Harold Oilla
pie-Ed Roth match va D. W. Eyre.
SEVENTH Don Vandevort v Harry
Ouatafaon: Ted Medford va Ralph Kleti
ini: Barney Filler va. Paul Marah; loaer
OillMpie -Roth match va Jim Clark.
EIGHTH Winner Tom Settlemelr-Ace
Pjih match va Jtm Zialer; Fred Harp va
r.nner T1 Chambern-Blli Lowry match;
At Wattier va Doui Kline; O. W, Lanadoc
M I. w. sioan.
NINTH Loaer Settlemelr-FUh match t
Harold Hauk: H. B Olatayer va loaer
Chambera-Lowrr match; aMilton Borlni va
O S. Hoffman; H. A. Cioaa va. J. W.
TENTH Roy Farmer va John Coomler:
Ha roW WeMfall va M t. Oadwa: Dick
Hal Newhouser was ahead of
and, with less than two weeks
Major Standings
Bv United
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Boston .I43 Brooklyn 7 .43
Cincinnati 7 h .583 Pttuburiti f 7 .463
St. Louu f I .545 PMldlPMa. I I .428
New York 7 .462 Clilcaio ft 7 .417
W L Pet. W L Pi-t.
New York 10 S .769 Phtldlphit S 7 .633
CMcaao I S .115 Boston 6 .500
Cleveland I 4 .600 Si. LouU 3 10 .331
Detroit 7 ft .583 Wuhlnaton 3 11 .314
Keaulta Sunday
Brooklyn 3, Philadelphia 4.
Cincinnati 4-3. Pittsburgh 10-3.
Chicago 3. fit. Lout S.
Boston 6-4. New York 1-3.
'2nd same called end of 7th Innlni, cur
tew law.
Philadelphia 15-7. Washington' fl-3.
New York 3 Boston 11.
Detroit S. Cleveland 3.
81. Louli 6-11. ChU-BRO 7-14,
ell i won his first big league ball
game as the Braves took over
first place in the National
league with 6 to 5 and 4 to 2 vie-
tones over the Oiants in Bos
A lie runs, vacating lasi place,
surprised the Dodgers for theJn I WO L.6QQU6S
I third time in a row. winning a
4 to 2 victory in Brooklyn be
hind Russ Myer s eight hit pitch
ing. Harry (The Cat) Brecheen
wasn't as effective as usual, but
he didn't need to be as the Card
inals got 15 hits to beat the
Cubs, 8 to 3 in Chicago.
Cincinnati's Reds made it three
out of four over the Pirates by
splitting a double bill, winning
the second game, 5 to 2, behind
Bud Lively's stout six-hit pitch
ing after Pittsburgh took the op
ener, 10 to 4.
As the Senators open against
Victoria, they have a record of
three wins out of four over Ta
coma, two out of three over
Bremerton and one over Van
couver. Short scores:
Short acorea:
Victoria, 003 000 ! 1 7 '.
Yakima 015 014 x 11 13 :
Ward. Clrlmeli , and Mori an; Drill
ing and Orteis.
Victoria 000 000 0000 I 1
Yakima, 110 000 iiK 6 10 1
Lotue and Bay: Bradford and Torn ay.
OSC Backfield
Coach Marries
Rossville, 111., May 2 UPi
Barbara Lee Conard of Ross
ville and Chalmers (Bump) El
liott, former star University of
Michigan halfback, were mar
ried Jiere today. ,
.-hipw va B. Erlckson: winner Len Hicka
Oeorie Schwann match va winner Ted
Johnson -John Johnson match.
ELEVENTH D. R. Dewey va Clay Dyer:
Don Tnomb vs Bob Parker: Bob Kelley va
E E Borini: loser Hlcka-Schwarte match
va latter T. Johnnon-J. Johnaon match.
TWELFTH BUI JohnMon v winner
Frank Bolton-Howard Wicklund match:
Fay Rtce va Vln Schurir; Gene Vanden
ynde va I. S. Johtuon; Roy Hunt va Mil
ton Plnxham.
THIRTEENTH Doug Fouburc va loaer
Bolton-Wlcklund match: Fred Siarrett ti
Claude Joan; Eugh Earte va Al Loucka;
Olen Mnrrl va Victor Wolfe.
FOURTEENTH Harry Oarreit va Frank
Ward: Frank Ma pea va winner Huih
Morrow-Cla renew Iom match: Georte
Dobney va Bob Johtuton; Bill Grant va
inner Dava Hillerich-Bob Thorn paon
FIFTEENTH D E. Edward va Oeorie
Canary; W. Entllah va loaer Morrow
Ixom match; Harold Helaerman vj Stan
Smith: Len K re men va loaer Hsllerlch
Thompson match.
SIXTEENTH Robert Anderaon va Buck
Haiel; Ken Lee va Bud Noffainier: Al
Trout man va Bill Duffua: Ford Watklna
va. winner Walt Larson-Bill Snow match.
SEVENTEENTH -Ken Mannint va Carl
Charnholm. M. F, Rob.naon Em men
Kllenke: loaer Walt Larson -Bill Snow
Tatooing was once
among primitive peoples in var
ious parts of the world.
' BianaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaananaavjiisJ1
Abney-Ball Fight
Gets Headliner
For Next VFW Go
A rematch of tile Dean Ab-ney-Davey
Ball fight of several
weeks aRo when Abney won an
unpopular decision over the
California in eight rounds, will
constitute the main event of the
May 11 Veterans of Foreign
Wars fight card at the armory.
Matchmaker Tex Salkeid had
planned to get the pair together
some time ago but Ball subse
quently broke a hand and has
just recently returned to train
ing. The winner of the bout will
be matched against Dick Wolfe
or some other ISO pounder.
The May 11 show will witness
a comeback effort on the part
of Keller Wagner, heavyweight.
No opponent has as yet been se
lected. However. Matty Morell
and George Masters, local train
ers, report they have the big
fellow in the best possible condition.
Indian Joe Pete, winner over
Jimmy Ogden, will appear in
the six round semi-final against
a contender yet to be named.
Johnny Hoffert will be used
in a four 'rounder.
f. -
DlVICle AmetlCOn
Legion Entrants
Woodburh Pete DeGuire,
Woodburn coach of American
Legion junior baseball, has re
ceived word of tile division of
the Willamette valley region
(district 2) with the Eastern lea
gue comprised of teams from
Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem,
Silverton, Stayton and Mt. An
gel and the Western league of
clubs from McMinnville, New
berg, Sheridan, Independence
add Dallas. The division into
two leagues was made to avoid
confusion which might result if
the entire roster of 11 teams
were used in one large, un
wieldy circuit.
Why Not Teach
Him to Driver
Portland, May 2 tf Is
this a record Frank Wo
mack's 18 putts for 18 holes?
Al Zimmerman, pro at the Al
derwood Country club intends
to send Womack's card to the
National Golfing associations
to find out. The one-putt-a-hole
round was turned in at
Alderwood yesterday. Wo
mack had trouble on the fair
ways, however, using up 63
strokes for a total of 81.
Fish Stories: They're
Fishing should be good next
week-end, judging by results
reported over the week-end by
anglers who, for the most part
came home thoroughly soaked
and with few trout. As one fish
erman remarked "it should be
good next week, for we certain
ly didn't deplete the stock."
One limit catch was reported.
Supreme Court Upholds
Grid Bribe Conviction
Washington, May 2 A) The supreme court today upheld by
a 4-4 vote the conviction of two men charged with offering bribes
to New York Giant pro football players.
The pair, Harvey Stemmer and
David Krakower, contended New;
York state illegally used evl -
dence against them obtained by
uuac . k.
in the case By long precedent
an equally d.vided decision up-
holds the lower court.
accused of offering Frankie Fil -
chock and Merle Hape S2S00
oieimiitrr aim ruarvuwn wcic
.... , i
each p us the returns on a $1000
bet if they would throw a game:
to the Chicago Bears. The game
1946 National Football league
Stemmer and Krakower were
sentenced to S to 10 years in
prison each. Filchock and Hapes
were barred from the league
! Stemmer and Krakower appeal-
n,K" inuunai alter nit
igrM. offer
Architects recommend Empire Block for
beaut and modern design in home building.
These block reduce building costs and
keep upkeep at a minimum. They art dura
ble, weather-tight, fireiafe. Approved for
low-cott financing.
For largt or until hornet and any style
of architecture you'll be wise to chooie
Empire building block.
Pumilite Block
Out Idftwattr Strttt
Back Durocher
ing arm around the shoulders of his suspended manager, Leo
Durocher, following a conference in New York City. "Leo
is in the right and we will back him 100 per cent," Stoneham
announced. Durocher was suspended by the baseball com
missioner's office for allegedly having struck a fan. (Acme
Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon. Monday, May 2, 1949 11
Causey Leads in
Hole-in-One Go
George Causey at . 5 feet 1
inch from the pin, holds the
lead for the $50 cash prize of
fered by the Men's club in con
nection with their sponsorship
of a hole-in-one contest, over
the- Salem Golf range.
Bill Grant missed taking the
lead when his ball stopped 5
feet 1, inches from the cup.
Laurence Alley is in third place
at 9 feet, 34 inch. Each one of
the contestants will receive a
Pendleton shirt donated by
Dick Cooley.
Next week the special prize
will be" 50 gallons of fuel oil
from Al Loucks.
Twenty-seven scattcrgun art
ists took part in Sunday's pro
gram sponsored by the Salem
Trapshooters club in spite of the
Lyle Hughes, of the fire depart
ment, caught all the law permits
in Pudding river before it got
too high.
Paul Phillips, also of the fire
department, and Cliff Radcliffe
tried the Big Elk but came home
without getting a strike.
At Fisherman's camp on the
Luckiamute at least 15 carloads
w.( vrt Miiri nt nnnr.nU nn.
!hpiri 4hpir convictions
held their convictions.
New York police said they dis-
covered the attempted bribes aft-
. tapping telephone convcrsa-
PP w Yk u ,
enforcement officers to tap
certflin clnamaUin
,. , .
es - lne P"?f "a'a, "ty '"""iRohlffs and
"n?er a"thorlty.' 4hr" '"r' of Portland.
oraers. Lawyers lor oiiMiimcr
KrakowJ argued lnat 5PV.
fore the of evi(ience th.
ered by these calls was in vio-
The federal communications
act forbids wire tapping wilh-
out the consent of one of the
pi uc. w mi- iuii vc. .-.a nun.
more otvonfooes
home builders
ran ftooKUT
Phn r writ
fr your cosy.
Ph. 2-5641
& Supply Co.
West Soltm
President Morace Stoneham (left) of the
New York Giants throws an encourag
storm thst swept over the Tur
ner roads grounds. The four
shooters who placed in the tele
graphic meet were: Don Can
non. 25; Clarence Townsend, E.j
E. Ball and Chris Neitling withj
24 each
Rockets to Host
West Salem Team
The junior high baseball lea
gue swings into its fourth week
of play this week with the Les
lie Rockets, coached by Jim Di-
mit, playing host to Coach Bill
Hanauska's West Salem Giants.
The Rockets hold down second
place, while the Giants are sit-;
ting in the cellar. The game will
be played on the Rocket dia-i
mond at 4 o'clock Tuesday.
Friday at 4 o'clock the Par
rish Pioneers travel across town
to face the Leslie Rockets. Clay
Egelstons Pioneers are in first
place in the league.
Ail Wet!
of fishermen were on hand for
Sunday's opening 'but few fish
were caught because of the ra
pid rise of the stream.
Silver creek was extremely
muddy by Sunday and angling
was impossible.
Anglers who tried Battle
creek, Croisan creek and simi
lnr small streams close to Sa
lem found the banks posted in
many instances. The same was
tn e for Mill creek.
Fishing tn the Santiam was
"dynamite, according to Carl
W. Wood, 570 Judson, one of a
party of four fishermen who
fished from a five-man rubber
boat from Stayton to Greens
I Bridge, the net result being one
cut-throat. Wood, who regards
ithis section of the river as his
favorite fishing stream, has ne
ver before met with such poor
results. The river was high and
of course the day was wet, he
explained. With him were Ken
Doerfler, Salem, and Bill
Jim Martin, both
"Don't try 'Handy-Man'
'II ijjiiij
For Ixptrt Workmanship Quality Material-
Cartful Supervision Thorough Impaction Co0
2 79 N. CO MM
Stars and Padres Fight
For Lead; Bevos Split
By Ills AMOCIItfd PrrMt)
Pacific Coast league fans saw some fine Sunday pitching and
also some fine Sunday slugging but no change in the league
lead. It's still Hollywood and San Diego one-two, a half-gamt
apart. '
Hollywood had to come from behind twice to beat Seattla
4 to 3 and 10 to 9 while the
slugging Padres did just that to
beat San Francisco 6 to 3 and
9 to 4. The losses halted the;
Seals winning streak at six
Portland and Oakland ex
changed shutout in their two
games. Earl Jones gave but four
hits as the Oaks took the opener
3 to 0. In the nightcap Ad Lis
ka flung a two-hitter to give
the Beavers a 2 to 0 win.
(Saemmfinln and T rc A n oolta 1
also split. Joe Grace drove iniFQf SoftBolI Is
ine winning run in me lasi 01
the tenth to give the Solons the
second game 6 to 5. The Angels'
margin in the first one was 3-1.
In the first game at Oakland.
Jones had to pitch four hit ball
to best the five hitter that the
Beavers' Hal Salzman turned in.
Jones helped along his own cause
by singling in the first of the
Oaks' three runs. Besides Lis
ka's beautiful mound work,
Johnny Rucker gets a hero's nod
for scoring both of the Beaver
nightcap runs. He was wild
pitched home for the first and
homered for the other,
First game boi:
Portland Oakland
Baslnskl.Sb 4 0 13 Lodlglaiii a 3 0 13
.Rucker, ct 4 0 10 Lavaatto.3 3 0 10
Tliomu.3b 4 0 11 Met k velvet 4 0 0
Barr. If 4 0 10 VnRobya.r 3 110
Wenner.rf 4 3 3 0 Padietl.e 3 13 0
Krui. lb 3 0 11 0 Scarjiella.l 3 1 t 0
Bun here 3031 ChrUtplir.l 3010
Zak, ft 3 13 4samcof.M 1 1 3 5
Snltzman.P 10 11 Jonea, p 3 13 3
Dibiaai 1 0 o o
Swltrrt. p 0 0 0 0
Gladd' 10 0 0
Total 31 4 34 9 Total 3a a n iu
Filed out for ft It man in 8th,
Grounded out for Krui in in.
Portland 000 000 000 - 0
Hit 001 100 1011
Oakland 0 Ml 20x 3
Hiu wo 00' 3UX o
Winning pitcher: Jonei; loaini pitcher:
Pitcher IP AO k m mr no bo
Bailsman 1 23 3 3 1 3 1
Swlgert 1 3 0 0 0 0 0
Jon 9 31 O4013
Run: Van Robar. Padgett, Same off.
Error: Lodiaianl. Left on baes: Portland
8. Oakland I. Two bae hiU: Wenner,
Samcoff, Van Robaya, Sacrtflca hlU: Saltz
man. LodiRlani, Bamcott. Runs Datteo in:
Scarxella. Samcoff, Jone. Double play:; salfman to Krui.
Time 1:3$. Umpire: Deever, Runte and
Secortd lame box:
Rucker. 1
S 0 0 1 Lodialanl.2 10 3
l l l fl Lavattlto,3 3 0 0
Thomas. 3
10 13 3 10 0
Lazor, if
Krua 1
Giadd. c
Zak. m
Liaka, p
3 0 9 0 VnRobya.r 3 0
3 0 3 0 Scarsella.l 3 0 3 3'
3 0 7 1 Chrlstphr.l 3 13 0
2 0 3 1 Raimndl.c 3 0 9 1
Sill Samcoff.aa 3 0 3 3
S011 Shone, p 1030
Padiett 10 0 0
Buxton, p 0 0 0 3
Marlln" 0 0 0 0
Total 33 4 21
Total 34 3 21 10
Padgett filed out for Shone In th.
Martin ran for Van Robaya In 7th.
Portland M0 101 03
Hlta 001 111 04
Oakland 000 000 00
Hlta 100 010 0 a
Levant pitcher! Shone.
Pitcher 1p Ab ft H ErBbSoWp
LUkft 7 34 0 3 0 1 3 1
flhona 32 3 4 110 1
B- xton 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
Runs: Rucker 2. Errors: Basinskl, Th om
it, Lavaaeuo. Lett on buses: Portland 1,
Oakland 4. Home runs: Rucker. Sacrifice
hiu: Gladd. Run, batted In: Rucker. Dou
ble plays: Ralmondl-Samcoff-Lodlglanl
Time 1.23. Umpires: Runte, Deever and
Short Scores:
Seattle 001 010 0013 11 1
Hollywood 001 000 0134 I 0
Beast and Oraa.'o; Maltiberier and
Seattle 000 40S 000 I 13 0
Hollywood 330 103 101 10 10 1
Karpel. Dreisewerd 4), Ardlsota (III,
Arhanr. 6. and White: Woods. Paepke
Mi, Halveson (7) and Unser, Sandlock
Tuesday Night 8:30
Tony Rom tr.
Andr Truman
Bill Weldncr Ti.
Bill SlrdM
10 Kartlnko n.
Burk Davidson
Surl Ilyamakl vs.
Rrd l.vons
Call Plusubwt"
PC A L PHQNt 3- 4141
PCL Standings
United Press i
W L Pet. W L Pet..
30 14 .588 Lot AniU 17 18.486.
IB 14 .8 Seattle 18 II .471
18 16 ,i39 Siif-'rncixco 16 19 .47
18 17 .514 Portland 12 30 SH
San Dieao
Sacra mnto
RemilU Sunday
Oaxland 3-0. Portland 0-3.
Hollywood 4-10, Seattle 1-9
Sun Diego 6-9. 6hii Francisco 3-4.
La AnteW 3-V 1-6.
Industrial Loop
To Be Discussed
Organization of the industrial
division of the Salem Softball
association will be discussed,
during a conference to be held
at the school Administration;
building on North High street
at 7:30 Wednesday night
The industrialists play for tha
fun of it each Monday, Tuesdav;
Thursday and Friday evenings"
at 6 o'clock on Leslie field. A
game a week will be plaved
each Wednesday night under
he lights.
Sponsors or managers of
groups wishing to participate
are urged to attend Wednesday
night's conference. Teams may
be selected from their own or-,
ganizations or draw from other
sources. "
Jim Dimit, league Softball
manager, under whose direction
the Industrial division will op
erate, reports five teams have
signed for competition: Team
sters, Eisner Motors, Stone's,
Interstate Tractor and Naval
Aan Francisco two 1J0 000 1 7 8
San Dleio 000 003 03k t 2
Dempaev and Partee: Jurulch, Moor
9 and Rllchey. k
San Francisco 120 Oftfl 14 10
3an Dleao 103 000 X 9 t V
Sinsleton and JarvU; Rescltno and
Moore. .
Los Angeles 020 100 03 I T
Sacramento 001 000 01 4 9
Watklna and Matone; O Hies pie, Savo (Br
and Kerr.
Los Anaeles 001 001 300 0 B 9 f
3acramcnto 110 301 000 11 13 1
Carben. Hide
Lynn ( and Bur
Holcombt, Comet
brink. Mb lone
B and Plumno.
8:15 P.M.
Waters Park
25th & Mission
Good for
Ph. 33106
236 N. Commtrcial St.
Solem, Ortaon
yJ nr Adwit aMwt n Cm i?
fX at tut ' wHI be t'et Mil U
AJ. f.M Can of rihff-Th'i ujj
Xi Cum V.rrlih. M WATia. hi
U MOOPAet ( wHI net U
fwM r! white. W
M (!....... fx
S t.ty IW &
W tttn 6weOM limn - u1. 1th