Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 30, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    N EVENT for tomorrow after
noon win be the tea at the horn
of Miss Lena Blum knni.
Mm. Henry Kayser and Mri. Lloyd
jByert. Both honorees are district of
llcera in the Credit Women's Breakfast
clubs and will be attending the district
conference in Seattle in May and the
national convention in Boston in June.
Mrs. Kayser is district president, Mrs.
Myers, district corresponding secretary
Tomorrow's tea will be between 2
and 4 o'clock.
Introducing guests to the honorees
will be Mrs. Wayne Weston and Mrs.
Mertie Eccles.
Miss Irene de Lisle, Mrs. Marie Ling,
Mrs. Dorothy Walker and Mrs. Gervaise
Elliott are to pour.
The May day theme will be used in
decorating for the tea. May baskets of
flowers to be used. Pink dogwood and
lilies of the valley with crystal appoint
ment! will decorate the tea table.
Missouri club auxiliary is meeting on
Tuesday, a no-host luncheon being plan
ned at 12:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
W. W. Rolofson, 161 South 14th.
At a simple home wedding Wednes,
day, April 27, Mrs. Evelyn Shimondle
was married to Lloyd F. Hamby at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
Propp 410 N. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Al
Zimmerman attended the couple.
The bride wore a blue suit with pink
accessories and an orchid corsage. The
matron of honor wore a blue suit and
Acorsage of Talisman roses. Miss Mary
Vune Wofford sang "I Love You Truly."
Rev. Carl Schulz performed the cere
mony. The home was decorated with
, white lilacs, pink tulips and candela
brums with lighted tapers, Mrs. Ann
Wane and Miss Betsy Darby assisted
in serving at the reception following.
After a short wedding trip Mr. and
Mrs. Hamby will be at home at 1745
Chemeketa street.
Salerris Club
J " y p r; N i iff -
v Vftf 1 J I i
AMONS COMMITTEE chairmen arraiurinr for convention events Is Mr. Mona Yeder, left
above. (Jeiten-Mlller photo). Mrs. Charles Forrette, center picture. It the president ef the
hostess elab and completes her year In the office this month. (Jesten-Mlller photo). Miss
Zala Van Glider, at rlrht, Is another of the business women's chairmen working on
convention plans.' (Jetlen-Mlller photo)
Mother't Week-end at Oregon State
college next Friday and Saturday will
attract a large group of visiting moth
ers. The fourth annual meeting of the
state organization of the OSC Mothers'
j "Vc,ub wi" be held in connection with
' the week-end program, the general
meeting for the group to be at 1 p.m.
Saturday in the Museum Building audi
torium. The Portland unit mothers" chorus,
formed this year, will sing. Mrs. Leslie
B Blaknev is chairman of the group,
and Mrs. William Welch is the director.
Bob Clark, Corvallis. will give the in
vocation. Officers will be elected to
terve for the next two years, and will
be installed during the meeting. Now
serving are Mrs. Harry Compton. Port
land, president; Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson,
Sr., Salem, vice president; Mrs. F
Bohle, Lebanon, secretary; and Mrs. T.
G. Waring. Lowell, treasurer.
The Corvallis unit will serve a buffet
luncheon for the State Mothers' club
board members in Room 105, Memorial
Union. Friday. May 6. at 1 p.m. The
executive board will meet immediately
after the luncheon in Room 208. Mrs.
5 H. Peterson and Mrs. C. W. Labhort
of Corvallis will be co-chairmen of the
luncheon. Mrs H. A. Schoth is the
president of the Corvallis unit.
Mrs. Paulson, chairman of the state
b'idget committee, has called her com
mittee to meet at 11 a.m., Friday, May
6 Mrs Carl W. Emmons. Salem, chair
man of the state scholarship commit
tee, has called her committee to meet at
11:45 a.m., also on Friday, May . Both
committee meetings will be held in the
Memorial Union lounge.
The Orgeon State College Mothers
club will sponsor an outdoor tea on tb.e
yower campus, Saturday from 4 to S
OALEM General Hospital auxiliary
will gather for its final event of
v ' the season, Tuesday morning, at
10 o'clock in tht Salem YWCA. New
officers, headed by Mr. Carl E. Nel
son, will take over their offices at this
Reports will be given on the mem
bership campaign now closing, the
the committee being asked to give its
concluding report at the Tuesday meet
ing. Invitation is extended to all auxiliary
members to attend the meeting.
Theater Arts group is to meet Tues
day for dessert at 1:15 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. V. M. Sackett, 1510 South
Winter Mrs. Melvin Geist is to give a
review of Tarkington's "The Intimate
The May fellowship day for the Sa
lem Council of Women's Organizations
is slated for next Friday, May 6. in the
First Presbyterian church, starting at
10 o'clock.
Dr. Chester W. Hamblin is to lead
the devotions. "The Christian Home"
is the day's theme. A play, "Citadel of
Faith" will be presented, Mrs. Seth R.
Huntington directing. The luncheon
will be at 12:15 o'clock and for the aft
ernoon session Mrs. Roy Fedje is to
preside. Dr. Dan Walker of Corvallis
is to be the speaker for the afternoon.
A stewardship discussion will be fea
tured wth Mrs. Edith Vernon as the
May meeting for the Salem Women's
Army and Navy League is planned for
Tuesday, luncheon to be at 1 p.m. at
the Senator, cards following.
The board of directors of the Salem
Art association is to meet Tuesday at 8
p.m. at the Chandler Brown home. Miss
Elizabeth Lord is president of the group.
Members to Entertain Annual
p.m., to which all mothers, sons and
daughters are invited. The Corvallis
unit of the Mothers' club will act as
hostess, with Mrs. W. B. Bollen. chair
man of the tea, and Mrs. E. C. Allworth,
chairman of decorations.
Registration of mothers will be 2
p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, May 6. and 9
a.m. to 12 noon. Saturday, May 7.
Coffee will be served in Room 211. Me
morial Union, on Saturday, during reg
istration hours.
Mothers' banquets will be held at 6
p.m. Saturday in all living organizations
and the Memorial Union ballroom. The
Memorial Union banquet was planned
especially for the mothers of off-campus
students and mothers of students whose
living organizations are unable to stage
"at home" dinners.
All mothers and their sons and
daughters are invited to attend special
services in Corvallis churchet at 11 a.m.,
Sunday, May 8.
Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, newly named
president of the Salem unit, it to attend
the clubs' executive board meeting with
the retiring local president, Mrs. L. O.
Salem women holding offices in the
state organization of the mothers' clubs
this year have been: Mrs. Oscar I.
Paulson, state vice president and chair
man of the budget committee; Mrs. Carl
W. Emmons, district representative fir
diftrict No. 3 and chairman of the schol
arship committee: Mrs. L. O. Arens. Sa
leT president; Mrt. Harlan Pearson,
nominating committee member; Mrt.
Glenn S. Paxson, member of the con.
ttitution committee: Mrt. George Croi
tan, chairman of the legislative com
mittee: Mr. A. E. Ullman, member of
the budget committee: Mrs. D. H. Up
john, publicity chairman.
More Than 400 Due for Event
First of several conventions for women's groups in Solem this summer will
be the annual one for the Oregon Federation of Business and Professional
Women's Clubs, May 13, 14 and 15. Between 400 and 450 visitors and
delegates are expected.
The Oregon federation now has 47 clubs, representing about 3000 mem
bers. Mrs. Arthur Weddle, past president of the Salem club, is the state
president and will preside at the meeting.
Highlights of the convention will include the informal dinner, followed
by the annual stunt program, Friday evening, the program to be in the
armory; the international relations luncheon Saturday noon; the formal
banquet Saturday evening followed by a meeting in the armory with the
national federation's representative as speaker; ond the annual Sunday
morning breakfast to be given in the Marion hotel with the Rev. Dudley
Strain as the speaker.
Judge Sarah T. Hughes of Dollas, Texas, national first vice president, is
the notional federation visitor ond speaker for the Saturday night program.
Judge Hughes, a former instructor in law at both the Jefferson school of
low and Southern Methodist university, as well as a former member of the
Texas state legislature, is now judge of the 14th district court in Texas, an
office she has held since 1935. She has held varied offices in the Business
and Professional Women's organization and is octive also in the Dollas
Zonta club, the council of social ogencies, and the American Association of
University Women.
The formal banquet Saturday evening of the convention is to be stoaed
in both the Morion hotel and the American Legion club, the program fol
lowing to be at 8 o'clock in the armory
Convention meetings ore to be held in the First Methodist church, the
Saturday luncheon also to be in the church.
The regular reciprocity luncheon of
P.E.O. Sisterhood chaDtcrs will be at
noon Monday at the Golden Pheasant,
sneeial invitation being extended to un
affiliated P.E.O. members.
Job's Daughters will honor Miss Jac
quelyn Jones and Mrs. Kehne Wain at
their meeting Monday evening, 7:30
o'clock, Beaver hall. Miss Jones was
appointed to a position in the order at
the grand session in Ashland last week
and Mrs. Wain was named to a position
on the grand council.
baa beta Mist Betty ElofsM of the kalMt
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The Oregon State Nurses' association.
District No. 3, has planned a program
meeting for 8 o'clock Tuesday evening
in the Salem Woman's club house. A
travelogue film from the Oregon state
highway department, "Vacations in Ore
gon." will be shown.
American War Mothers' club is meet
ing Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Central
Church of Christ for a special business)
State Convention for 3 Day:
Mi (witness women's troops shl put year
tiab, (JeMM-MlUtr (thoU)
THE NATIONAL rehabilitation
vice chairman for the American
Legion auxiliary Mrs. Charles W.
Gunn of Portland, will be guest speak
er for Capital Unit No. 9, Monday eve
ning, at the local group's regular meet
ing at 8 o'clock in the Salem Woman's
club house.
Mrs. Gunn also is in charge of the
hospital workers schools throughout the
county as part of the auxiliary program
with veterans' hospital and she will tell
of the making of the poppies sold each
Memorial day time for the benefit of
veterans and their families.
Special music is planned for the Mon
day evening meeting. Mrs. Helen Mc
Leod will preside as president.
Meeting Wednesday for a no-host
luncheon in the parish house, at 12:30
o'clock will be St. Paul's Guild, St.
Paul's Episcopal church.
New officers will be Installed at the
meeting hf Wesleyan Serves guiid of
the First Methodist church Monday, at
8 p.m. at the home of Miss Mildred Yet
ter. 1010 North 18th.
The officers include. Miss Phebe M"
Adams, president; Mrs. J. Edgar Purriy,
vice president: Miss Adeline Wil.son,
recording secretary:; Mrs. Norma Shaw,
promotion secretary; Miss Mildred Yct
ter. treasurer; Mrs. Kenneth Hamilton,
missionary education secretary; Miss
Laura Linton, spiritual life secretary;
Mrs. Bertha Bergman, Christian social
relations secretary; Miss Ruth McAdams,
local church activities secretary; Mrs.
L. V Shafer. supplies secretary; Mrs.
Harry W. Swafford. publicity chair
man: Mrs. Mabel Hayles. membership
chairman: Mrs. Fay Lindley, cheer and
contact chairman; Mrs. Fred Humphrey,
hospitality; Mrs. James Taylor, libra
rian; Mrs. Eric Horlin, status of women
chairman; Miss Dorothy Buck, music
secretary; Mrs. Brooks H. Moire, co
ordinator. 1
Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, is to meet Tuesday at 8 o'clock in
the Masonic temple.
MRS. WILLIAM J. LIN FOOT of the rommlltee rhslrmrn wiahln plans for the ilale ronirenllon sf the
kiariiMM women la Mr. William J. Unroot, above. (Jrslrn-Miller photo)
rUSIC week Is to be featured in
the program for the meeting of
Chemeketa chapter. Daughter!
of the American Revolution, next Sat
urday, May 7, at 2 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. E. C. Jory. There also will be
annual reports and election of officers.
A paper prepared by Mrs. Ruth Hern
don is to be read. Three high school
girls will give a musical program as
follows: Flute solos, Miss Marilyn
Brocr; whistling solos, Miss Marjorie
Jordon, with Miss Dorothy Pederson at
accompanist for both.
Hostesses with Mrs. Jory are Mrs.
Carey Martin, Mrs. A. L. Wallace, Mrs.
R. H. Scott, Mrs, B. H. White, Mrs. Clar
ence Mulcahy, Mrs. R. D. Paris, Mrt.
Harmond Darlcy, Mrs. James Liket,
Mrs. John H. Carkin.
Ghopin Program
One of the series of faculty concert
is announced by Willamette university
college of music for Monday evening at
8:15 o'clock in Waller hall.
The program is part of the world-wide
observance honoring Chopin, great
Polish musical genius, 1949 marking the
100th anniversary of the death of
Chopin In commemoration of the com
poser's contribution to art, the people
of Poland are holding a centennial,
which began February 22 and is to
continue throughout the year.
For the local program, Ralph Dobbs,
associate professor of piano at Willam
ette, will feature as the main work on
his program the 24 preludes by the
Polish composer.
The public is invited to Monday's
concert. Program for the evening is
as follows:
Prelude St Fugue G Minor
Prelude G Major Bach
Chorale Prelude: In Thee Is Joy
Preludes Op. 28 Chopin
C Major F Sharp Major
A Minor E Flat Minor
G Major D Flat Major
E Minor B Flat Minor
D Major A Flat Major
B Minor F Minor
A Major E Flat Major
F Sharp Minor C Minor
E Major B Flat Major
C Sharp Minor G Minor
B Major F Major
G Sharp Minor D Minor
Barcarolle Griffee
Pembroke Gardiner
Intermezzo Op. 118 A Major. . Brahma
Song for the Beloved (Russian)
Spanish Rhapsody Liszt
Folies D'Espagne
Jota Aragonese
Rrreption Follows
Those who attend the Monday eve
ning concert are Invited to the reception
which the Music Teachers' association
will Rive in honor of Professor Dobbs
at Lausanne hall, following the concert.
In the receiving line will be Professor
and Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, Dean and Mrs.
Melvin Geist, Miss Lena Belle Tartar
and Mrs. John Schmidt.
Mrs. Frank Burlingham will pour and
three Willamette music students, Misse
Aldene Gould, Jean Rickli and Pauline
Bristlin, -will assist with the serving.
The committee in charge is Mrt. Robert
Schroeder, Mrs, David Eason and Mrt,
John Schmidt.
Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen will be host
ess to her bridge club next Friday, in
viting the group for luncheon and card.
Travel group of the Salem branch,
American Association of University Wo
men, is to meet Tuesday evening at 8
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Virgil T.
Golden. 2895 South Commercial. Mri.
Scott Samsel and Miss Constance Wein
man are assistant hostesses.
Mrs. Donald Madison it to be guest
speaker to tell of her recent travel in
European countrlet. She will thow
tome of the article the brought back
with her.