Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 30, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Business, Vrofessional Women's Group is in Spotlight During Mid-May
N ANTICIPATED event for tha
high school and college groups
will be the annual spring semi-
formal dance of the Chadwick assembly,
Order of Rainbow for Girls.
The dance is to be the evening of
Friday, May 13, at Glenwood ballroom,
"Black Magic" being the theme for the
party. Invitation is extended to all high
school friends and college friends of the
members to attend.
Miss Leah Case, worthy adviser for
the assembly, is general chairman Miss
Gladys Boock heads the ticket and pro
gram committee and is being assisted
by Misses Helen Booth, Donna Phelps,
Bonnie Jacobson, Dorothy Sweigcrt, Ida
Jo Henderson, Beverly Grabcr and Jean
Hartwell. Miss Marilyn Power is chair
man for the patrons committee.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
r)T " "jr jc. t
AMONG social affairs on next
week's calendar is the informal at
home for which Mrs. Dean K.
Brooks is to entertain Wednesday after
noon to honor her mother, Mrs. Paul
Moser of New York City.
Mrs. Moser is to arrive in Salem,
Monday morning, and will be here
through the week. She has visited In Sa
lem previously, having been for many
years an active worker in the national
Presbyterian church. She organized the
national women's auxiliary of the
church several years aeo and is now a
member of the church's board of foreign
missions. She is on the coast at this
time in the interest of the board's work.
The at home will he between 2 and
5 o'clock. Salem friends who have met
Mrs. Moser previously or those who
wish to greet her during her visit here
now are invited to call at the Wednes
day afternoon event.
Among those assisting Mrs. Brooks
at the at home will be Mrs. Kenneth
McNeice, Mrs. Horace Miller, Mrs.
Charles Bates, Mrs. James Stone, Mrs.
Lewis Clark, Mrs. Orville Cox, Mrs.
Wallace Carson, Mrs. Harvey Gibbons.
Party Thursday
Mrs. Lloyd T. Riches and Mrs. Ralph
H. Campbell are to be hostesses next
Thursday afternoon for a luncheon and
bridge party for several tables at the
Ben Lomond park home of Mrs. Riches.
Varied spring flowers will be used in
decorating the home. The party is one
of series planned by the hostesses.
Being welcomed home this week-end
after several weeks travel are Mayor
and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom. They went
to Texas to visit their son, Robert Elf
strom, Jr., who is in the air force, then
on to Florida and a few days at Havana,
and have returned west via the mid
west. Miss Jeanne Hoffman, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. G. S. Hoffman, and Miss Fran
ces Baum, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W.
W. Baum, are home from the University
of Oregon for the week-end.
Among other university students home
from Eugene for the week-end is Miss
Josephine Caughell, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John R. Caughell.
Mrs. Donald Madison was hostess for
an informal luncheon Friday at her
home, honoring her house guest, Mrs.
P. T. Lee of Portland.
Places were marked for Mrs. Lee,
Mrs. Lawrence Lister, also of Portland;
Mrs. David Cameron, Mrs. Frank Mar
shall, Mrs. Earl Andresen, Mrs. Ben
Maxwell, Mrs. Howard R. Pickett, Mrs.
Albert C. Gragg, and the hostess.
Dr. Harold E. Poole left Friday by
train for the mid-west. He will meet
Mrs. Poole, who has been visiting rela
tives at Webster, Iowa, and they will be
home in two weeks. While in the mid
west Dr. Poole will attend a number of
surgical clinics.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan While, who have
been visiting here from Trieste, left
Several Informal affairs have been
given in their honor during their visit
here. On Thursday evening. Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Spaulding entertained at an
informal at home, some 30 calling dur
ing tha evening to greet the visitors.
ANNOI'M'KII rerrnlly (he enrscrairnl
Mr, and Mrs. J. I. Berhe i( rnrlUnri. tit
Harry A. JoIuum at talata. UMIaa-aUUar
MRS. JOHN VERSTEEG, left above. Is general chairman for the convention of the
Oregon Federation or Business and Professional Women's clubs meeting here May 13,
14 and 15. ( Jesten-MNIer photo. Representative from the national federation and
convention banquet speaker will be Judge Sarah T. Hughes, center picture, who comes
from Dallas, Texa. At right is Mrs. Arthur Weddle, Salem, state president of the fed
eration, who is to preside. (Jm ten-Miller photo)
Spinsters club will be entertained
Monday evening by Mrs. Peter H. Gei
ser, Mrs. Stuart McElhinny and Miss
Betty Jean Manoles at the Edgar
T. Pierce home, 797 North Winter.
The group is to make plans for its an
nual Mother's Day breakfast to be given
May 8 at the Marion hotel with Miss
Margaret Lovell as chairman.
On Tuesday. Mrs. Douglas McKay,
wife of Oregon's governor, will resume
her weekly at home day. Local friends
and visitors In the capital that day are
invited to call at the McKay home dur
ing the afternoon.
A May day party was given Friday
afternoon by Georgianna Criswcll at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Criswell, guests including a group
of her school friends. A May pole, May
baskets and a May day cake decorated
the refreshments table.
Guests included Mrs. Alice Robinson,
fifth grade teacher; Beverly Burgoyne,
Peggy Reed, Judy Tcmpleton, Linda
Davis, Charlone Cushing, Dorothy Brad
ley, Yynne Enyeart, Charlcne Tucker,
Jane Froman, Carol Gregg and Fritze
Early May Dancing
Several dances are
for early May, three
next week-end.
on the calendar
being dated for
Trotters club is to have its dance next
Friday evening at Glenwood ballroom,
Glenn Woodry's orchestra playing. Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Wood are chairmen for
the event.
Carousel t'llih
Carousel club's May dance is arranged
for next Saturday evening, May 7. at
the Mayflower hall. The social hour
will be at 8:30 o'clock, the dancing be
ginning at 0 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs, R, L. Cliristphier are
if Mlw Harhara Jean Reel. lUnthtrr of
Harrv R. Johntan. Jr son t Mr. and Mra.
... . ..
Christening services for 13-months-old
Sydney Thornton Harris, son of Mr.
and Mrs. James S. Harris, are to be
conducted Sunday at 12:30 p.m. in St.
Paul's Episcopal church, the Rev. George
H. Swift officiating.
Godparents for the little boy are Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Fisher of Salem and
Robert Southerland of Henderson, N.C.,
Marvin Long, brother-in-law of Mrs.
Harris, to act as proxy for Mr. Hender
son. Grandmothers of the little boy are
Mrs. Charles Bruce of Salem and Mrs.
Charles Harris of Henderson, N.C. Fol
. lowing the Sunday service a family
dinner will be served at the Harris
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Raymond Hay mov
ed this week to Portland to make their
home, Colonel Hay previously having
been transferred there to the Oregon
district army recruiting office.
Delta Delta Delta alumnae are to
met at the home of Mrs. Ralph H.
Campbell. Monday evening, dessert to
be at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. H. J. Anning,
Mrs. Kenneth Brown and Mrs. D. C.
Moore are co-hostesses for the meeting.
chairmen of the committee for the eve
ning and are being assisted by Mr. and
Mrs. M. B. Rudd, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Todd, Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Laird. Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Reuter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Goeck
ner. Mr. and Mrs. Tor Ncwland.
Tillicum Party
The annual spring frolic for the Tilli
cum club is scheduled as a dinner dance
for next Saturday evening at the Mar
ion hotel.
Wisteria Event
Wisteria club members are planning
their next dance for May 13.
( 'Si'
I f " fa n .. i I mi I
HI. r reremanT lat unit, atlrrnann waa Mr. Wtlhiir E. Ttndil. Jr, the former
Patrlrla .lanr Orlh. riauihlrr at Mr). Matin Orlh af Halrm. Mr. Osdd is tha aoa
af Mr. ana Mr, w. I. DM a, b. at Oarvaah UUCvaa aawta)
TV k 1
Miss Taylor to Be
A wedding of interest to many friends
fakes place this evening when petite
brunette Lorraine Taylor, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Austin C. Taylor of Mo
lalla. will be married to P. Dixon Van
Ausdell, Jr., son of Mrs. Beth Van Aus
dell of Salem and the late P. D. Van
The service will be solemnized at 8
o'clock in the First Baptist church, the
Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson officiating. For
the music, Mrs. Robert F. Anderson is
to sing and William Fawk will be at
the organ.
Miss Taylor has asked Mrs. Vernon
Barkhurst of Eugene to be matron of
honor, and the bridesmaids will be
Mrs. Duane Lantz of Molalla and Mrs.
Rex Adolph.
Malcolm L. Page is to be best man and
ushers are to be William Pero, E. Jack
Smith, Carlton Ramsden and Duane
Lantz, the latter of Molalla,
Mr. Taylor is to give his daughter in
The reception following the service
will be in the church parlors. Mrs.
Mark Hungate of Silverton, aunt of the
bride-to-be, is to serve the cake. Mrs.
A. W. Vernon and Mrs. Chester G. Zum
walt are to pour. Mrs. Homer Munson
of Molalla, sister of the bride-to-be, is
to be at the punch bowl. Assisting with
the serving will be Miss Marcella
Schwartz, Miss Pauline Turin, Miss Ruth
Skinner, Miss Dorothy Richard of Port
land, Mrs. Ivan T. Lowe, Mrs. Malcolm
L. Page, Mrs. Gerard Brown. Mrs. Hil
lary Etzel is to pass the guest book and
in charge of the gifts table will be Mrs.
Don McNeill, Mrs. Oscar Donaldson, Jr.,
and Miss Ardell Scott.
A popular member of the Salem
Spinsters club. Miss Taylor has been
honored at many affairs preceding her
Expected to arrive home Monday
from several weeks trip to the east are
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley and
daughter, Miss Margaret Jane Cooley.
They went to New York City, and this
week have been in 'Los Angeles and
San Francisco.
Wed Tonight
A group of 16 members of Alpha Ep
silon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will
be in Portland this evening to attend
the founders day banquet at the Mult
nomah hotel. At this affair a group of
pledges will receive the ritual of jewels.
The dinner will be at 6:30 o'clock
Attending from here will be Miss
Edith Kyle, Mrs. B. O. Bishop, Mrs. E.
Braden Daggett, Mrs. Roger Cochran,
Mrs. Eldon Lindhorst, Mrs. Ted Kerr,
Mrs. Alvin Stoddard, Mrs. Byron Tho
mas, Mrs. Duane Janicek, Mrs. A. L.
Cummins, Mrs. Taze Barton, Mrs. Ches
ter Nelson, Mrs. Robert Bccktell, Mrs.
Willard Morrison, Mrs. Paul March, Mrs.
Walter Flagcr.
Installation of new officers for the
chapter will be May 12. The officers in
clude: Mrs. B. O. Bishop, president;
Mrs. W. M. Collier, vice president: Mrs.
Eldon Lindhorst, recording secretary;
Mrs. Willard Morrison, corresponding
secretary; Mrs. E. Braden Daggett, treas
urer: Mrs. D. L. Parker and Mrs. Wal
ter Flager, city council.
Mrs. E. M. Page entertained for her
bridge group, Thursday, entertaining
the members at luncheon and cards.
Mrs. Roy S. Keene was here from Cor
vallis for the party.
A wedding of Monday morning will
be that of Miss Patricia Ann Amort and
Raymond G. Klecker, the ceremony to
be at 8 o'clock in St. Vincent de Paul
church, the Rev. George O'Keefe offi
ciating. '
Mrs Vince Rodakowski is to be soloist
and Wayne Mousey will be at the or
gan. Mrs. J. W. Arey is to be matron of
honor for her sister. Mrs. Robert Gor
man and Miss Rosella Heuberger will
be bridesmaids. James Hayes is to be
best man and the ushers are to be
Walter Bilycu. Robert Suing, Jerry Heu
berger and Robert Prange.
The reception will be at 10 a.m. at
Mayflower hall.
The bride-to-be is the daughter of
Mr and Mrs. Leo F. Amort of Hyam
pom, Cailf., Mr. Klecker. the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Klecker of Salem.
A'rba C'lil Oireca Miners club will
meet on Mnndav eveninc at 7:45 nVlock
in the c'lailcr hnue. 2.11) North Winter.
New officers will be choren at this meet
ing. Among club hostesses next week will
be Mrs. Emery ltnbbs who has invited
her bridge group for cards and late des
sert Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Keith Towell and Mrs. Genrte
Hug will be hostesses at the home of the
former for the meetlnr of Kanpa Alpha
Theta alumnae Thursday evening at 8
An event Interesting to many for
Saturday afternoon. May 7 will be the
annual silver tea to be given by the
Wesleyan Service gcild of the Jason Lee
Methodist church in the parsonage,
hours to be from 2 to 4.
All ladies of the church are invited to
attend. Special guests invited include
members and friends of the First Meth
odist Weslcvan guild and the Leslie
Mrthodist Wes'eyan guild; alfo the
ladies of the Methodist Old People's
Mrs Louis Lnrenr is the general
chairman In charge of the arrangements.
Mrs. Ronald Glover, Mrs. Carle
Abrams and Mrs. Bertha Compton will
be hos1ejej Tuesday, at the Glover
home. 1720 South Winter, to the Yomir
cos, dessert to b at 1:19 o'clock.
SALEM GARDEN club's meeting Is
planned for Monday afternoon at
2 o'clock in the Salem Woman'i
club house.
For the program, Mrs. Daniel Heff
ner of Portland will talk on table dec
orations and do some demonstrations.
Mrs. George W. Ailing is tea chair
man and will be assisted by Mrs. Wil
liam Schawrz, Mrs. Frank Durbin, Mrs.
William Anderson, Mrs. Maurice Duni-,
gan and Mrs. Lee Canfield.
Miss Elizabeth Lord and Mrs. A. A.
Lee are to pour.
Mrs. George Crockett and Mrs. Rus
sel E. Pratt are to arrange the table.
Bush School Mothers club plans its
final meeting of the year for next Tues
day in the school cafeteria, the busi
ness meeting to be at 2 p.m. Harry B.
Johnson director of curriculum in the
city school system, is to be the guest
speaker to discuss "Questions Parents,
Ask." There will be an instruments
group lay, presented by Mrs. Victo?
Palmason. The tea will honor teachers
of the school, also the mothers of chil
dren who will be entering the school
in the fall. Children accompanying their
mothers to the meeting will be super
vised. Mrs. Otto Wilson, Sr.. (will entertain
for the meeting of the Ratihaterians on
Thursday afternoon at her Fairmount
Hill home at 2:30 o'clock
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Scott of Davis,
Calif, arrived last evening to spend the
week-end at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry w. Scott.
Mrs. Donald McCargar is to entertain
next Thursday for her bridge club, the
(roup meeting for luncheon and cards.
The mother and daughter banquet and
program at St. Mark Lutheran church
will be next Tuesday evening, May 3,
at 6:30 o'clock at the church.
Dr. Robert D. Gregg of Willamette
university is to be guest speaker to dis
cuss "Let's Be Good Americans." Mrs.
Alfred Sather is to be i toastmistrcss.
The Rev. John Baglien is to give the
invocation. There will be songs by the
Junior Debutantes of the church, whis
tlirg numbers by Mp.rjnrie Jordon. vio
lin solos by Roberta Graham, accom
panied by Mrs. Victor Palmson. Mul
L. J. Stewart is program chairman.
Salem Women's Golf association will
gather for its resular weekly dav, Wed
nesday, play to be at 9 a.m., luncheon
at 1:30 p.m.
Falem club. Daughters of the Nile,
will meet Monday. There will be sew
ing at 10 a.m.. luncheon at 12 o'clock.
On the committee are Mrs. Melvin
Propp. Mrs. S. G. Rundlett. Mrs. C. E.
Guenther. Mrs. Howard Jenks, Mr". T.
W. Lcasure. Mrs. Al Feitelon. Mrs.
Joseph Hutchison. Mrs. David Wright.
Mrs. William Cole and Mrs. Harry
B. Johnson will be hostesses at the home
of the former next Thursday afternoon
for the meeting of Chapter G. P.E O.
Sis'erhood, the group assembling at 1:15
Amorg national muic week pro
grams next week will be the Muic
Teachers association program Tuesday
evening in Roberts studio.
Students of high school age are to be
presented In recital. Refreshments will
be served at the conclusion of the re
cital. The committee In charge is Miss
Futh Bedford. Mrs. Jean Hobson Rich
and Prof. T. S. Roberts. Attendance A't
tha affair Is by invitation.