AUTOMOBILES I Y FOR SALE USED TRUCKS 11945 KS-5 Int l., chassis & 1 1938 Ford, flat bed with (ingle axle logging trailer 11943 Federal Dump Truck, 3 -1940 WA20 White with 1947 WA22 Motor, Brown- lipe and log truck equipment 1350 1 1943 Federal, Chasaii and Cab 2 1941 K-5 International 29-pauenger Busses, ex cellent for "Crummies" or hauling berry pickers, etc 1250 11942 K-7 International Dump Truck, 4-5 yard box 1850 JAMES H. MADEN CO. 2955 Silverton Rd. Ph. FARM EQUIPMENT . TRACTORS Where Prices Are Lowest Quality Highest Crawlers Late Model "Al" Chalmers HR7, perfect Late Model T6 International, blade and drum, A-l . . Model K AC Wide Gauge, runs like new Late Model Wheel Tractors 1948 Ford Tractor, in new condition 1944 Farmall Model M top condition Late Model Oliver 70 top shape Old Model John Deere Model D 1948 John Deere Mode! M very low hours. New MUc Equipment lor Ptriiuoo Tractora, 1 1-Ft. Dempster Grain Drill New, Tandem Lift Type Disci, Plowe, TlUara, New Side and Rear Moaera BIRD AND ZYSSET CO. 891 Wallace Road BUILDING MATERIAL CASINOS, moulding and standard trim patterns, short lengths, Iron. I' to 6 lit ri regular pricel Ideal for abort trim, feno ncttts, garden stakes, etc. KEITH BROWN. Front St Court, ma alARDWOOD FLOORING (cloaeout), Wx IV, mixed pecan and oik. RI. up to tin per M, now only 188 par M at Keith Brown, Front St Court. ma" a IN. CEDAR SHAKES In 10 different pilnted colors. 12.80 Includlni un dercours. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 3-1198. malOfi fjSCD LUMBER. Rt. 6, Box 373T. Out - ai n rriiiuind ehurch. A ml. N. mall FXYWOOD, reduced price all grades, thicknesses, starting V at Tfco per aq ft. and op. Kaltb Brown, Front and Court Bta. FOR BALI Ko, 4 Common Lumbar 1x8 lxl Bbiplap Wf.08 3x4 " M 1X6 1x8 848 MO. 1 Com. Btr. ixi r iis.oo Independence Lumbar ManuUcturlni Companj, Ine, Indapendanc. Oregon. ATTENTION BUILDERS HEW DUO-THERM oil furnac eom plate with all automatic control and air conditioning blowar. 15,000 BTU for basement or utility Special contractor - price onb 1107.80. OOOD BOUaEKEZPINO, INO. 4,87 Court St. Phone 1-9811, ma SEW SHIPMENT plast board. ". St a. ft. Roci lath 41 so. ft SAVE ON ROOFTKO L1 Warda fit jou complete m aWTOITITI -.rt m VOUf rOOflOl DtOt Wide rang of color CaD our outlde suiMmui for tree estimat. Phon 11 MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALKM. ORBOOM ma ALUMINUM ROOFTMO ft width la the following lenxtnat 11.74 I " " iji if Ask about initallatloii aerrle MONTGOMERY WARD a CO. SALEM. OREOOH NURSERY STOCK FEAT MOSS, 14.00 par bale. Ball Bros. mbl0& Turner, ore. 7n.nnnwvnDnNI at and OB. Aialea ., ii. a 1 A rale IB. S? il. Oeranl-m.. Fu.el.1... JJe. Dah lia bulbi: Cactui, Pompom, larie. "or II. Yellow ro.e bu.he. He. Beddlni plant! MSs dole. Tomato.. ?; Vlerrni'l oreenliouie. Brooi. "'"i ?. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CLOVER HAY ' For aal. la acr. J aharea. Mar slw laaa for !. Homeseekers Agency Silverton, Oregon Wiona 161 IANO FO SALE. Sue. eonaiUOD. JWaaon able. Phona !"", arrow nrroRM k cash heowtto uifh far sale STATX FINANCE CO, TEL. I Madea. II4S AUoa lln tt. Muaa "- BIOS t. wr rwtniHAIRE. Uniteraai au nor.. .... nr hunk beds, mattress P'tnf ..... nios- compiete ih w, 'Hr Capital frm oillte. Bat., appointment or.lf. Call Jll PH. 80S31. 3 Broadway; Nnco alee, roa.lar oa ' SftiSi?&fll,,!S irWi mh. 4 H F ffteWALT AHW ' ' CgD west a P. line nioi Salem Saw MUI. : 17..... Uri liVrTioVx oil circulator heater. Like new. - iV-0SSa-5.1i w T' K " .mi ". Pull priee Nieltolaon. P.O. Bo. IN, Auma.Ula, m I'SEO HOTPOII eleetrle ranea, la food condition. on.T ... . . OOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC i court at nm -"' i..... aianT Bl'ODT, terll eond. 133. 1341 Vlite. PH. J34 nlOS BIDIW GARDEN TBACTOB, JW. Cult hatro, T-a uaaa. a AUTOMOBILES Cab $1250 - 4 yd. box 900 950 24123 Salem, Oregon FARM EQUIPMENT Check These Tractor .$2995 .$3795 .$1295 .$1295 .$1595 . .$695 ..$395 qbl03 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BABY BUGGY & bathlnette, excel, cond 1050 Hunt at Ph. 30068. nl03' JUNIOR BICYCLE, tricycle, wardrobe trunk, aaa ranae, wasmni macnine, wheelbarrow, lawnmower, hot water tank, floor lamp. 303a Portland Road. nlOO NIGHT CRAWLERS. 31ft 8. 16th. Ph, 1-9810. nl03' COMPLETE DRUMMER SET, baas, enare. tom-tom combine. Plus two cymbals brushea St block. Ph. 39035 BIOS' THE NEW REMINGTON Five with 2 twin blue atretic head electric shaver. This la new, never been used. Ph. 3S742 after 5:30 p.m. nl03 FILL DIRT Walling Sand and Gravel Co. NEW CROSLET Prostmaater. quick sale. Ph. 20580. OIL BURNING white enamel kitchen rama. Good condition, 150. 380 Taylor. nl03 CLOSING out balance of plumbing stock at wnoiesaie. casn sales only, no de liveries. No pipe sales only. No returns. Buy here now and save. W. A. Skewli Co., 1380 Madlaon. Ph. 3-4800. n SAVE 3c gal. on raal Broadway's Super oervica, ess n. uberty. nl35' CUSTOM SPRINGFIELD, .30-08: Redfleld aithU: remodelled and stocked for scope; eall 3-8048 and see this fine rifle. n!04 STEEL CLOTHESLINE post $12 pair up. Railings In stock to order. 1145 N. Lib erty. nl25 USED WASHERS, 130.00 to 840.00. T EATER APPLIANCE CO. nll7 USED Electric Refrigerators. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, ntl7' DON'T WAX your floors Use Plaati-Kote the cellophane Ilka finish for wood or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. BUT USED TIRE SALE Due to the tremrndou sale of our Rlv. erslrie Air Cushion Tires, ws have ac cumulated a la rs;e atock of unusually good trade-in tires . . pries 11 to 88. MUlIlUUHfiKI WAHU TIHE STOKE II. Corner, Trad and High ELECTRIC Pence Controllers. tl4.05 i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nlI7 CEDAR POSTS Ph M-F- BOAT. V-Bottom. Cmi top. Deck. Like new. m parx Ave. en. 37491. nici USED Eleetrle Ranae. water heatera. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. n!17 SAVE 3o (al. on cant Broadwajr'a Supfr oerrica, aaa n, uio.ny. ni3S VILK paateurlrar for the home. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. nlll" tTEWBERG TYPE RIVER BOTTOM TOP SOIL. Hign quality, attractive price. All kinds: Pit run; gravel; aand: mix crush: eoncrata pipe as tile; re-lnfore. tag steel. OREOON ORAVKL CO. 1408 N. Front St. Ph. 3-3417 M13 CAROLINE, 1 gal, free with 0 gat. pur chase. Recapping 18 n. 6 00x16 site Retread Tire Service. n RRUBHES. 1745 Orant. TOUR CAR grfued A waahed 11.85. Re tread Tire Service n" PEAT MOM. planer aharlnga. oat hulls cottonseed hulls, sernall Northwest Poultry 1MI H. Front. Ph. 1-914 ni09 KLECTROLVX factory branch rebuilt model 10. Ouarsnteed. I SB 71 1070 Broadway ph. 34078. nI07 SILVER PLATINO, complete repair St met al finishing service, baby shoes "bronaed." Avek Plating Co., 1440 8 i:.h. Call 1-7771. nioe SALEM SAND St OR A V EL COMPANY Contract Work Rood - Clearing Ditching SeweT A Basement Equipment Rental II B H yda. 13 00 per hr 10 B S yda. I 60 p?r hr D-7 Cat Dose 10 SO per nr D-6 Cat St Doser 1.40 per hr D-4 Cat At Dot i 7.00 per hr Phone Days t-40" Ires 3-H6 or 1-400 balem Oreson n "AHOLINE. I gai free with I tal pur chase Recapping MM. lOOill sire Retread Tire eWvlee n GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Olbaon and Monies Appliance at Oevuru. WALLINO SAND ORAVEL CO. CRVRRED ROCK for roads and drlvrwan cement, ready mli concrete, garden sand. BulWoiinf drainage and dltchtnt V-id. hovel and drag Una Pb. J-tut SPRAY OCNS AND COMPRESSORS Tea cab ret the best in spray pamv toe aecaaaoriea at Wards) Sturdy and tirelent spray guns. comprora. vtw ura tanks eta Spray funs toe a. Utile m M IB MONTOOMFRT WARD CO SALEM OREGON Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE NEW AND USED MACHINERY 1 New TD-6 TracTractor, with guaK. 1 New Farmall "H." 1 New Farmall "C." 2 New Farmall "Cubs" 1 New Ensilage Harvester with Blower. 1 New Potato Planter with Fertilizer Attachment. 1 Corn Planter with Fertilizer Attachment Pull type. 2 No. 30 Power Manure Loaders New 1 UD-6 Power Unit with 430 GPM Irrigation Pump. 1 New U-4 Power Unit. 4 McCormick-Deering 4'' Tandem Disk. 2 New Fertilizer Distributors 1 300 Gal. Iron Age Orchard Sprayer at bargain price New. 2 New 10' grain drills. New Cover Crop Disks, Cultivators, Sub-Sailers, Diggers. Good Assortment of other New Equipment. New and Used Two and Three Bottom Plows. 1 Used T-20 TracTractor. 1 Used TD-6 with Dozer $3250 2 Used Farmall "H's", new rubber, each 1300 1 Used Model "A" Tractor with Plow and Wood Saw 1200 1 Practically New No. 60 Oliver Tractor 1550 1 used No. 60 Oliver Tractor BOO 1 Used VAC Case Tractor with Direct Connected 2- bottom Plow, Cultivator with Fertilizer Attachment 1500 1 Used 8' Dunham Roller 100 See Us, Your International Harvester Dealer, for Your Farm Needs JAMES H. MADEN CO. 2955 Silverton Rd. Ph. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept. of fere complete aervtca facllltlea for all Monti-omen- Ward appliance. Just eall H.aRlON ELECTRIC Ranges, Rangettea Hollywood Appliance Co Ph 3-4439 n' TARPAULINS Sturdy canvaa, 10 ot betora traatlni. 9atr and mildew resistant. Metal irommeti e i r i mi t x r 10- X IS 10 96 11 1 14' 1315 MONTGOMERY WARD CO, SALEM, OREOON GARDEN SAND, travel, crushed rock Shovel St drag-line excavating. WALL ING SAND A GRAVEL CO. Ph. 1-9249 FERTILIZER. Co or chicken manure delivered In Salem Wei) rotted or freih 5.00 per cubic yard del. Alao manure by sack 11.00 per sack at place or will del. live sack orders. Also horse man ure lor hot beds St plants. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 118. Salem. Pb. 68K22. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CULTIVATOR -forModel L John Deere. Ph. 35649 na!04 WANTED Binocular or telescope ault able for Aluka trip. Will purchase or pay liberal rental, 15 days. Safe re turn guaranteed. A. L. Lamb, S27 Knapp St.. Salem Oregon. nalQ4 NEEDED AT ONCE Spot cash for house hold furnishing, appliances, ruga, wht have you? Have immediate outlet for huge quantity. No Junk please. Will pay better than reg. prices, no obligation. Pb. 15110 for our appraisal. nal08 4FWING MACHINE. nr make or eond. W Davenport. Pb. 1-7871, 1BJ0 . lBtn. na!20 WANTED furniture to glue repair Lea eroa. Furn Keiinianing wo ro, tuvt USED FURNITURE- Phone S-91S3. PERSONAL NOT RESPONSIBLE tor debU other than my own. Vlckl A. comena, apiu 1849. "103 HTANLEV HOME Products. AM Cross St Ph. 3-5MU. . i'i. AUTOMOBILES 41 MERC. 4-dr. Sedan. Can ba aeen at 133 McNary alter a p.m. wm. Q104 lM PONTIAC Sedan. Cheap. Cell eve- nloaa. Mummeu, 3411 rairarouna nomy. qlOI1 WANTED TO BUT, food uaed iruck St pickup. Ph. aaria. etaiem. s.v. '41 FORD, 3 door 1630 or beat offer, 3303 Le. St. a uim.nv .nod condition Very reaeonable. Or trade lor good pickup. 3535 Laurel Ave. ql04' rrb'BD sedan, R h"165. PH. This Time It'a HUDSON1 Service - Sales - Parte Home of Oood Used Car ounrvif MOTOR CO. church St Chemeketa Sta. Ph. 3-4101 CHEV. CPE. 8. B. Lights. A. W. Htr., - u.t rnT Jk butter J. food ttm 1450 or terms II desired. Phone .fter 6 P. M. '47 FORD V-. For sale or trade for iattle. Ph. 2-J1B4. lflll INTERNATIONAL Pickup, trans. 1695. Eisner Motor Co. Hith. 4-spewl 352 N qlOS1 TRUCK BATTERY Pay much lesa lor a battery that tle maximum aerv ce. power ana aepenam blllty under all conditions. Longer term Kuarantee. rardleaa oi nuea ariven. r?ATn in a nd st ! MONTGOMERY WARD St CO., SALEM nior REMANUFACTURED MOTORS Ford. Chev., Plymouth. Dodse owners . . get power, economy, performance with a Ward motor. New motor guaran tee! Liberal trade-lnl Aa low as 110.00 monthly. MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO., SALEM II CONVERTED HUDSON business coupe. Heater, nrw patnt, excellent condition, Ph. Sunday 37558. WILL NOT be responsible for any debt other thau my own alter May 10. liovo E. Lytle. P"' '87 CHEV. deluxe J-dr.. R. A H. This ir a good dfpendaola car. 15J court oi or Ph. J3485. fliOJ' M PONT. BUS. CPE. Ext. cond., R. St H, Priced to sell. Call 21S31. 4105 in CHEVROLET, tood mh. condition Real buy at t375. 102S E Rural. ql08 TWO CI I T. V RO LETS. '47 4-door Flee' master, "48 club coupe Fleetnwter, both fully equipped. Cars perfect, ca.i zibi, Btlverton. eves. flios 1M 8TUDE. CHAMP. By owner. Light blur 3 dr. sedan, dean car thru-out Radio, heater auto, overdrive, gas ssv. r 1445. Eves, at 1151 N. Church. 1-91170. J10J POR SALE IMS Ford four door sedan. 41 Mercury motor !W. Fred 8telnr, J 10 Murker 4105 WANTED clean used ears. 3160 6' Com ), 'II CHEV., good cond. mechanically. Price $35. Ph. 14039. I10S ma PONTIAC Sllverstreak I. hydn malic. RAH. spotlight, foellahU, and extras. Like New. 1580 Norway. qlOl mi BI'ICK Sedan, a good family car for oni 1178. Stat covers, radio, rt'st' er. Oood patnt. tire, etc. Phone 11841 days: 36713 evenings. 4104' WILLYS IWD PICKUP truck, trada up or down for good car. Sell. H. R. kicks. Stayton Blue 114R. 4103 M PORD TUDOR. 8 tires, good trans- Borlatlna. Ptimw 33310. 1H BllUT Ave, Marlei-m addition. 4101 ta STUnr.RARER. eieell. eond. tlras, rad.o A beater 1671. 777 R. W n ter. 4Joe IfiU FOUR -DOOR V-l. Recond. new tires 1335. 170 N. 14th. BEST offer takes parkard l-eyl., RH god rubber. A-l cond. Must sell. 1343 Waller after ft p.rn ,lM 'II nrsbTOcutntii. Rarllo, heater, new rubber. Call after ft. 141 N. 23 ejl04 LT AVISO TOWN, must tell new Chev I-yd. dump tru'-k, vita) Jot, J3M Teu 1AUTOMOBILES 24123 Salem, Oregon Q103 AUTOMOBILES r.ojD CLEAN 1MB Ford 4 -dr. Sedan. 93! 16th. qioa HELP! HELP! WE NEED Good Clean Used Cars ! The people of the Willamette Valley have responded so en thusiastically to our sensation al values that we now find ourselves short of cars. If you have a good, clean '36 to '42 model car for sale, see us. We Offer You This Week from Our Salem Location: 47 Packard Super Custom 4 Dr., fully equipped and sell ing ne w for $4500, selling here for $2895 '42 Buick Super Sedanet, a real value at $1395 '42 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sp. Del R&H, very clean and only $1145 '47 Chev. 2-Door, heater, low mileage, only $1575 '41 Chev. 2-Dr., heater. Hurry on this one at $895 '40 Olds. 76 2-Dr., R&H, far above average $995 '39 Chev. Cpe., fair condition but priced $300 under Blue Book, our price $435 '38 Ford Pickup, very good condition, at $495 '35 Ford Pickup, rough, but 4 fair price $154 Our Reputation Depends on Your Satisfaction LEE'S USED GARS 240 N. Church, Salem Phone 2-1527 1505 S. Main, Lebanon Phone 7021 PRICES ALWAYS LOWEST at TEAGUE'S USED CAR LOT Salem's Most Progressive Automobile Dealer HOME OF KAISER FRAZER 30 Fine Used Cars SEE JOE SPURLOCK TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 1S2 N. Com. Plione 3-4173 ql03' 41 PLYMOUTH Buanless Coupe. Original owner. Low mileage. Excellent condition. Hi. 3-4143. Eves. 3-7655. ulOS '48 DODGE Coupe 81186. Forced sal to Jay for new car. Com aa see Itl 2083. 670 RatcllflDr. 1M 1843 CHRYSLER 4 -door Sedan. 11380. 1815 Nob Hill. Salem, Oregon. qioj PONTIACS 1S47 Sedan Coupe . . . 1948 Sedan Coup ... 1947 Ford Deluxe S-pass 1941 Sedan Coupe , . . $1695 2199 149S 1099 Herrall Owens Co. 360 N. Llbtrtr Ph. 31113. Eisner Motors Fine Cars 'U CHEVROLET dump truck t '33 tlr.a. 4 yard. lea. avar. PH Mill 33M Taa Art. .103 Eisner Motors to Buy ZEEB'S USED CARS UY SET.I, . TERMS 183 Palrgrounda Road TRADE Phona I-I4S4 This Maw If gTUttol em - Sahw Pan owe tf Ooetf 0M Car tunc job Moron oo On are 4s Onaaaiata Sta. pax a4iti AUTOMOBILES PONTIACS 1947 Sedan Coupa $1895 1948 Sedan Coupe .... 249S 1947 Ford Deluxe S-pass 1595 1948 Pontiac sedan . . 2195 Herrall Owens Co. 33ft N Liberty Ph. 34113. Eisner Motors to Sell 133 FORD 3-dr. RJcH. Clean. New motor. IMS. 00 Cull. Bill 01en 3.447. 9101 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS 1018 CUSHMAN Motor Scooter 1335, 1S47 Cuahman S wheel Package Car 1350, 1947 Doodlebug Scoter IBB. la naney-us vidson Motorcycle 100. Yea, terms too LOEER BROS, qalOi' riTHHMAN MOTOR SCOOTKR. Oood cond. 1174 Franklin. W. Salem. qal05 INDIAN World's morn modern motorcycle CUSHMAN SCOOTERS- WHIZ ZER BIKES Oenulna part serv ice tvery model Shrock's Motorcycle Sales Open every evening till 7, Monday th roust Friday 3007 Portland Road - Pa. 3-1433 FARM EQUIPMENT NEW REAR St front mounted mowers. For Ferguson. Ford Perguson A Ford tractors Immediate delivery. Bird A Zysset Co., 171 Wallace Rd., Went Sa lem . Ph. 3-68. qh!04 BOATS It FT. OUTBOARD BOAT. Very Rood con dition. 501 Oregon St, Ph. 3-0941. qqlOS OUTBOARD MOTOR. 6 H.P.. automatic trolling plate, pn. 3B7 auei o.ju p.m. qn.103 FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO., 518 Stat. Rm. 135. Ph. 3-3404. C. n. Alien, Mar. nc. 8-133-M-165. tW GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. B-1S8, and U-I3I and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 S. Commercla St. Tel. 3-9161 f $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Car loans up to 1500 Coma In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone 37032 Lie. N M369-S391 Floyd Kenkon. Mgr. t 4Vi REAL ESTATE LOANS PER.SONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO, lit S. Hi?1 St. Lie. 8-318 M-373 T' FARM AND CITY LOANS , and ir. YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Calais uoniracis and Second MortRaaes. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph. S-7163 t AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 8. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 3-3457 Lie. No. M-159 S-154 t SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4T, OR V INTEREST - to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 3-3663 r PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and terms on larger loans long and short time payments ROY H. SIMMONS 138 8ot'h Commercial St. Phone 3-0181 AIRPLANES WILL PAY CASH for light airplane. Must be in flying condition. Capital Journal, Box 384. 10" TRAILERS 1 MOS. OLD Spartan Royal Mansion prailer, 33 ft. long 130 Lana Ave. t!02' tP-FT. TRAILER HOUSE, good condition. Mission Street Trailer Court, 1005 So. 21. tlOl ...TRAILER HOUSE, 14 ft. Custom Fair. Reasonable E. H. Chadwick, 888 N. Commercial. tlOS 1048 17-FT. Whltely House Trailer, furn ished. Can see at Brook"a Trailer Park, 19R4 State St. tl04 It VAGABOND House Trailer, 24 It. Cheap. Jones. Howard' Trailer park. tlfi7 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes nsed machines sold, rented repaired Roen 458 Court Phone 1-8773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service Pre estimates, iraae-iiw ictr-i new aPPllencea. Vlnce's Electric. Phone 3-9238. 157 S. Liberty St. AT-UR DOOR GRINDING '.awnmower sharpening and repairing Dexter', Ph 36833, AUTO RADIOS Authorlied Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Ridlos Morrow Rsdlo Co.. 153 S. Liberty Ph 1-6935. o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phon 8-9386. Nlgnt 3-1804 333 Center AUTO WRECKERS MOTORS REBUILT. Arr.ailng low prleea Easy payment plan I2th St. Junction Auto Wreckers Ph 3H308 QUO' Mike Panek. 375 S Com'l Ph 3-5161 Brake Wheal aligning specialists ol04 BUILDING CARPENTRY Don t put oil spring repairing, rebuild ing For quick eapert service, guaran teed sellsfactlon Ph 3-4850 Ql04' BULLDOZING Dean Robinson Ph. 25A37. nulidniins. levrllna. road bldr. clear Ing teeth for brush Virill Huskey 1010 Falrvlew ave Ph 3-1148 saiem omn' BUILDING CONTRACTOR Building a "! home? Let Sullivan St Taylor home builder build It lor you Ph. 3-4479 or 1-7579. 0131' Building a new home? Let Sullivan St Taylor home bui:dTs build It lor you Ph 2-4479 r3-7579 CI30 BUILDING OF COURTS or homes oy builder of court at 13th-Rural. Libor plus 6. Satisfaction guar. Ph. 39M5 Pram or mainr? ronitruetlon. reiiden tiki, eommerrlal hour. ralert New foundations, Alt Bros. Ph 35901. ill CASH IFOISTERS Inst an' delivery of new RCA cash ret U ter Al makes sold rented, re paired Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned En..)ey Til 8 311 Ph 3-7171 oI04 CEMENT WORKS "An - ounc ol prevention Is worth a pound of cure" Fir espert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of founda tions, sidewalk, driveways, eall 8-4HM olll Journal Want Ads Pay DIRECTORY DRESSMAKING Dreaamaklni, Alt Shop, fur work, sew tng Open May 1, rma. 31-37, ISO State. Ph. 3-7004. O110 ELECTROLUI Electrolux cleaner A Air purifier Salsa, serv., supplies. 1079 Broadway. 1-4071 O107 ELfcTTRlt'AL CONTRACTING Vines' Electric for alectrleal wiring, contract Ing. repairing 117 8, Liberty. Ph 3-S33I O KXTF.HMIN ATOR8 Cockroach, Moth, Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056 Le Cross, 1555 Pearl. Ol04 Brcithaupt's for flowers. Dial I-I17I. o HOUSE MOVING Ph. 34543 days. Ph. 21804 Nltej. OllO HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Wat kins Co. products. Pre itvery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-MM. INSULATION ABC. INBULATION CO. BLOWN ROCKWOOL 1535 BROADWAY. PH. 3-3741 LANDSCAPr NURSERY A. Doerfler A Sons, Ornsmentals. 150 . Lancaster Dr. ai-4 Cor. Ph. 3-1133. o LAWN sprinkling systems. Ph. 34817. LAWNMOWERS Sharpening, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 Bo. Com'l. St. ol39 Sharpening, guaranteed service New power .md hand mo era Call Barry W Scott, 147 So Com'l. St. olOS LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN mower made to cut perfect. 11.35. Ph. 3-1407 Oil At you: door lawnmower aharpentng Dexter the lawnmower man Ph. I0B33 chimneys A MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phona 1-4088. MOVING Rent a truck. Capital City Transfer Co 330 S Front St Pb. 13418 O10S Smltty'a Clipper Sarv. trucks, oars rented Pb 39600. eor Center Cbnreb MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar, Mando lin. Banjo), etc. 1823 Court. Pb. 3-7S69. OllO NURSES' REGISTRY OFFICE FURNITURE Jj SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps typewriter stands, brief easts Pierce Wire Recorders, Rosn. 48 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-6073. PAPER HANGINQ Expert Paperhantlng and painting. H J Woodworth. Ph. 3-3868. Free est. ol33 Inside or out C. Horn, phona 35818 ol06 ElfGtrom's are equipped painting. Phone 3-2493 to do your PAINTING PAPERBANGINQ Call 23608 for your Painting fc Paper hanging. Attractive rates. alll PAPLR HANG ING Jerry Johnson. Ph, 3-3738. PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Vutchaoo Paint Store Phoke 8-6687. PLASTERING Patching, Repairing. Ph. 3-1101. ol06' PLUMBING Fisher 344 B Com'l. Ph. 1-3019. 0136' 1'KUNING, SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 3-1308. L W. Caudla. Ph 3-7900. Phillip W. Belike Ph 3-1301 RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired. J C. Balr St Bona. Ph 31193. By Drive-In The at r Since 1917 0121 Johns Radio Shop. Reasonable rates Ph. 3-3416. 250 Court St. Expert radio and appliance service oil! Rev Moore 3370 Portland Rd Ph. 1-9433 RAND A GRAVEL Oar dm Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand Q ravel Co. Phone 3-9349 0 Valley Sand St Oravil Co Silt, aand Si fill dirt Excavating 10B shovel St cat Traotor scoop St trucks for dirt moving Pn. office 34002, na. 37146 Cst. Shovel A Truck work of all kinds LLOYD M HILL. INC. Ph. 34367 3985 State St. O106 Salem Baw Wrk. Ph. 1-7603. 1398 1. Bth 0138 York's Saw Shop 193 Edge water. Ph 3-7S71 113 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS El ret Do Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Ranor ?hrp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers or Drains Sept! Tank Cleaned Re, Pb 1-8131 or 8-9464 SEPTIC TANKS K. P. Hamel. Septic Tanks Cleaned Electric machine service on aewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work.. 1143 8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. ell Septic Tank and Drain Line Cleaned Jack Boenlng. Ph 1-9913 1067 Elm St O106 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers 1078 El.i St. W. Salem. Ph. 1-948. 1-5337 O104 TRANSFER s STORAGE '.oca I St Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal St briquet. Truck to Portland dally. Agent for Bekln House hold goods moved to anywhere In US o. Canada. Larmar Transfer as Storage Ph 3-3111 o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal. Under wood portable All makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court. VENETIAN" BLrXDI Mnde in Salem Pre est Phon 37131 Elmer tha Blind man. e' WATCH Mt CLOCH REPAIRINO WFI.f, DRILLING Fred Wymora Rt 1 Box 311 Pb 35135 WKATIII.RHTRIPPmn mate T PULLMAN. Ph. I-8B8I HIMHIW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaner Windows, walls St woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned. Wtied and polished. Ph. 3-3317. 147 Court, Langdot, Culbertsoa and Mather WINDOW SHADES .shBble Roller Mad to order 1 Dy I Remnoidt at Lewi. Ph 31633 e WOOD A SAWDUST Wejt Salti. Fuel CO. Ph. t-4011. WOODSAWINO A'k1ni At cronV Ph. 38874 ofltl7l. elll TS. I OO.r rtiMU every Wed nmiiay night. Visitors Wti corns. ' Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Stocks Advance Irregularly New York, April 30 l De mand for stocks picked up a tri fle in today's market and lead ing issues advanced fractions to around a point. Buying was not aggressive but prices responded easily to small orders. Turnover was slow even lor Saturday. Business was at the rate of around 300,000 shares for the two hours. Richfield Oil, one of the few issues showing any signs of ac tivity, moved up more than a point at one time to a new peak for the year. The best gain was later shaded a little. The custom of wearing rings was transmitted by the Greens and Etruscans to the Romans LEGAL V.Su "d" mBxrr to nibrabka ivrNitt Notice hereby U given that the com- ..,.a-n Af the city of Salem, Ore- ion, deems it neeiiary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose ana in tention to improve North Twenty-second .t.t frnm the north line of "D alreet to the Nortn line of Nebraska avenue. In tht city of Salem. Marion county. Ore. gon at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street In tersections the expense of which will assumed by the city of Salem, by bring ing said portion of aald atreet to the ri. constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said wrtlcn 01 saia sfre wim ...... r .-- concrete pavement 30 feet wide In accord ance with the plan and specifications t.fnf whien were adopted by the oommon council April 38. 1041. which are now on 111a in ma omc. ... eorder and which by thla refarenca there to are made a part hereof The common council nit, T A. IU purpose and Intention to make tne above described improvement by and through the street improvement depart ment. . . By order of trie common uouncu nm 38. !. ALrniu unui, City Recorder. Data ot first publication hereof U April 31. 18. . , M Capital journal apmi . . 3. 3. 4. 8, I. 7. I. 10th. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TMPROVE AROYLE DRIVE FROM HANSEN AV ENUE TO CANDALARIA BOULEVARD. Notice hereby Is given mac vne com mon council of the olty of Salem, ore gon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and In tention to Improvo Argyla Drive from the nniK lino nt Hatuten avenue to the south 1 na of Candalarla boulevard. In the city of Sslem, Marion couniy. tran, expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street intersection the expense of which will be assumed . - the city oi oatem, oy rin,n. portion of said street to the established mnatriietln cement concrete curbs and paving said portion of said street Wltn a avt men wnt " pavement 80 feet wide in accordance with the plana and apeciflcatlona therefor which were adopted by the common coun cil April 38, 1948. whioh are now on file n tha office of the city recorder and which by this refarenca thereto are made The common council hereby declares Us purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement 07 through tha atreet Improvement depart- mBy order of tha Common Council April 18 1 ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Data of first publication hereof li Oaoitai Journal April 38, 38, 30, May J. 8. 4. 8, 6, 7, , 10th. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TMPROVE NORTH TWENTY -SECOND STREET ronu nnrvMAN STREET TO THE SO JTHERLY TERMINUS OF TWENTY M5COND STREET. NUIc hereby is given that the com i.m.n.Mi of tha city of Salem, Ore gon, deema It necessary and expedient nd hereby declare It purpose and in tention to Improve North Twenty-second t.eet from th outh line of Breyman tret to the southerly termlnu of Twen- y-secord street, in ww ww a.Aiit Oreaan. at the expense .i .t,. .Knitin and adlacent property. by bringing 4aid portion of said atreet to th estaolisnec. graae, wnswui. ........ concrete curb, and paving said portion o' aald atreet with a 3'i Inch asphalllc concrete pavement 30 feet wide In accord ance with tne plana na ,ic -".-th.r.f..r hirh were adopted by the com- ,nnn eouneil April 35. 1849. which are .... to. in th. office of the city re corder an which by this reference there- The common council hereby declares it purpose and intention to make the .hAv described Improvement by and through th street improvement depart- By order M in oommon ! City Recorder, Data of first publication hereof Is At-. ti lata Capital Journal April . , 10. May 3 3, 4. 5 6. 7. 3, 10th. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE HirKORY STREET FROM VALPAB HUAD TO BROOKS STREET. mi kaiia u aiven that tha com- ,,,nn nf the eltv of Salem, Ore gon, deem It necessary and expedient and hereoy eciare v iuihui - -tentlon to Improve Hickory street from the wast line or vaipsx roan m -.. iin af Brooks street, in the city of Salem, rfarlon County, Oregon, at tha expense ih. .hniUnsr and adjacent property, y bringing said portion of said street to tha established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving aald portion of said atreet with a 3't Inch asphaltlc concrete pavement 37 feet wide In accordance with lh plans and speci fications therefor which were adopted by the common council April 15, 1949. which are now on fll in the office of t eitr recorder and which by thla reference thereto ar mad a part hereof. Th common council hereby declare It purpose and Intention to make the u.nv described Improvement by and through th street improvement depart By orr 4 th Common Council April - ' ALFRED MUKDT. City Recorder Datt of first publication hereof Anrll 9S Capital Journal April 11, II, 10, May i I. 4, I, 8, 7. 6. 10trK rlOTtCl OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE WEST NOB HILL STREET FROM HOYT STREET TO PAWK AVENUE. Nolle hereby la given that th com a on council of the eity of Slem, Ore gon deem It necessary and expedient ind herebr declare Its purpose and In tention to Improve West Nob Hill street f:om th north line of Hoyt street to th south lln of Fawk avenue, in the city ef Sslem, Marion county. Oreion, ai th experts of the abutting and adja cent property, by bringing said portion of said atreet to tha established grade. constructing cement concrete euros, ana pevln aald portion of aald atreet wiu. a l'i Inch asphaltlc concrete pavemenl 34 feet wide in accordance with tha plan and specification therefor which were adopted by tha common council April 36 1148. whleh ar now on file In the office of the aity recorder and whleh by thit reference thereto are mad a na rt hereof. The fommott council hereby declares .s our Done and Intention to mine tne a bo described improvement by and through ih street improvement depart Br order a the Common Council April 31 1141. ALFRID MUNTTT, City Recorder Dai of first publication hereof Is tort! 1841. Capital Journal April II, M, M May I, 8. 4. 8, 8, 1, I. 10th. Saturday, April 30, 1949 13 STOCKS QUOTATIONS Bf the Aaoelaud Praasl American Can Am Pow A U Am re! A rl ., Anaconda Bsndis A nation ..... Beth Steel Boeing Airp:ane Calif Packlni , 3C'i . 31 S Canadian Pacifle Cue J I .. Caterpilar ... 33H Ohryslei , Comwlth Sou Cons Vuttee , Continental Can Crown Selleroacn Curtlss Wrlgnt ...... . , 0 . 33 , 33'i Douglas Aircraft . Dupont de Nem mflifc Oenerai rwctria 17 Oeneral foods 4114 Oenerai Motors 57 1 Oood rear Tirs 4i' Int Harvester 53. j Inl Paper 471; Ken nee ot I 4411 Ubby McN L it. Long Bell A" ,,, ig Montgomery Ward 5314 Nash Kelvtnaw . 11 Ral Dairy 391 NT Central nn Northern Pacifle 14 Pat Am fish ... Pae Oas It Flea Pae Tal Tel ... PBBty J 0 , Radla Corp Ray eel er Raraaiar Pfd . , Reynolds Melala Rlehfleld ... few ay St eras Soars Roebuck .. eat hero Pacific taatard Oil Cl tlagekaktr Coip liubln Mlnlu rraatsaerlea ... OalM Paaifla ... Oaiaw Oil Oa- ... rjalted 4irjiM 0 S AN! Wamer 4rm Pig , WwatwaeU , US , 37 '4 . 404 .. 13'4 .. 73 '4 ... U OBITUARY Edith Rath Aldereon E 68 RUlh AWMI0B- M- 7ft home or her sister. Mrs. r'. l. Burkhart, Friday, after a short illness. Funeral serv- -111 d neici irom the J, P. Flnley k Sons funeral chatml in patii.. charge of the Ftiher funeral home of Al bany. Dr. Edward A. Wolf, pastor of tha Sunnyslde MeUiodlst church In Portland will officiate. The deceased was born. April 30, I860, at Empire. Ore., and had lived ., ,u on in roniand. fine had formerly taught in the Portland elemen tary grades and had retired 16 years ato. She 1 survived by her sister, Mrs. Burk nart or Albany. ha . Sunnyslde chapter of the Order of East .s .isi, roriiano. neianoors of Wood craft Circle No, 638, Portland, and Port land Retired Teachers aaaoclaUon. She had also taught school in Stayton, Wood burn, Salem. Cor vail Is and Baker. Mre. Minnie Wolrerton Dallas Mrs. U Inn In Wlvrin. 1.1. resident of Monmouth at the' S. em Memorial hospital. Fridav t th. ase of 81 years. Born Jui 19 ibda . Saratoga, Minn., the daughter of Frank ana addis Persons. Married at St. Charles M.nn.. September 38, 1912, to Richard Christ! who died five rears later. Cam to Oregon In December, 1923, and at Salem July 31, 1938. was married to O. A. Wol verton, who died January 13. 1943, Member of Adah chapter, OES, at Inde- prmiencB; wraer or White Shrine of Jeru salem In Salem; Agate Rebekah lodge al Monmouth and th Inrionnnrlon- dlst ehurch. survived by a brother, w. M. Person of Salem: and a Salter. Mrs. Kat Stetman of Blsmark, N. D. Services will 09 nem Monday. May 3, at 3 p.m. at tha awnnimias cnurcn at independence. In terment at Belcrest Memorial park In Sa lem with Adah chapter, OES. in chars of committal services. Diiectlon HenWe ana Bouman ahapel. DEATHS Georre S. Breeklnrdl George S. Breckenrldge, at th residence m the Talbot district, April 79, at th ; of 85 years. Survived by a son. George C. Breckenrldg of Turner: and two daughters, Mrs Herman Bohl of Sslem and Mrs, Oakley M. Cochran or Talbot. Announcement of services later by th Howell-Edwards chapel. Vloletle Ansel Stuhr Vlolett Amelia Stuhr. at the resldene at 758 North Commercial atreet, April 30, i. ine aaa or 12 years. Survived by a Ister, Mr. Jsck Connal In End and; and a niece, Mrs. Marvin Sturh of Salem. An noun cement of service later by Clouah- Barrick company. Huth Strong Hush Strong, lat resident of 1177 North tmmerrlal atreet, at a local hospital. April 30. Survived by wife, Lei a Strong of Salem: three daughters. Sandra Strong. fancy Lee Strong and Christina Strong. 11 of Salem; parent. Mr. and Mrs. Le Strong of Salem; and four brothers, Jsmes Strong of Copal Is Beach, Wash., Lee Strong of LaOrande. Vern Strong of Boise, Idaho and Donald Strong of 8a- . Announcement of service later by Clough-Barrlck company. LEGAL NOTICE OF FILING OF TRADE-MARK SIONAL OIL COMPANY 1 a corpora tion orainlied and existing under th laws of the Stat of Delaware, and having place OI business at 811 West Seventh Street In the City of Los Ansele. County of Lo Angeles, State of California. Tha trade-mark to be registered is SIONAL PREMIUM. Tha merchandise to be covered oy th ree titration is: Btoriae batteries. The corporation and its predecessors in Interest nav used th mark sine April 3 1934. Apr. 31. 30, May T. SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL HTATfcMENT for the yenr emlt-rl December 31, 1048 of tin ful.K'YUOI.IiKK'S NATIO.N A I. L1KK LSHfltANi:: COMPANY i.f Sioux Knit, In itie state of South Pa knta, matle to the lmurance commia Inner ot the atate of Oregon, imrsu ant to law; INCOME Total premium Income for the year 81.722,322.63 In it rut, dividend and rent rmlved during the year 380,270 48 Income from fitter source recehed during the year . 204 SHI ST Total Inenme a2.207:4B4.94 DltillURSEMKNTS P lil for lose, emlow-mi-nti, snnmtles and rurreniter value 182.104.88 ho'r plM.5!c $ pM tn slm-k-ln, $H.- 17A.1H: 8.176.16 Oeneril Insurance x lenis Amnunt of all other ex Dn (lit lire (Inrlurtlni Imcetmrnt exp n i 821.151.42) Total expenditure 673 959 98 at s.ift as 1149.855785 VbItj of real cetate 188 808.28 i.t ivinilai Bwnata (smontitdi 3,131.378.10 Vslii of atnrks owned (market vntuei 807.78154 Premium notes and pol- Iry loan 383,837.8T Cih la bank and on hn1 105.760.01 Intereit irnl rent due and arerued - 61,028.28 Net iinfoiierieif and de- ferreil prmiumi . 124.100 ST. Other aaitta (nt .... 1U0.9J4 11 i it ii en ri'M'S Pet reserve -36.864 879 58 nikv flalms and leasee ntititanittna . 28 828 7T All other llablllttea .... 1 r74,3t)3 .4 Totsl llablllllea, except ranltal 7 78 n!l Caplt! paid tip I 2". 41147 pirlal mrplua fund . J5. Ou0 nil 8 HIT, 069.33 'tii4 year Nt premium and annul- tie received .-- 113.58188 Ol.ideMls paid to pulley r older duri-t tie er.. 382 68 pit lie and rlaimi. en dommentt (urreml'r. an- Fiilili paid during the fear 10.000.08 alN ails.