12 Capital Journal, Salem, UUtSrimED ADVERTISING. Per DM 15 Pet una time 40 Pel lid Unit Me Pei Lid 1 month H 00 Ouukte of Salem 16 per Una par day alln IOC; I time mm at Tine mln 1120 No Refund READERS- la Local Neva Cel Oalri Psr im . . 0e lo Place rd Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Multiple Listing MODERN FAMILY HOME Nlc IIvIim rm, din. rni., a bdrm., hdwd, fir., util. room, Youngtown kit chen. Low cot Bonneville elec. ht Irani. and weatherstrlpped. Price 19.000 12,000 Aiiould Handle. 1174 Third 6t. HOLLYWOOD I bdrm. hm. Pull basement. Fireplace. Li. lto Bu. possibility. 3 dra. from Willamette Valley bank. 110.500. 1920 fair round Rd. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS t BDRM. HOME Just finished. 960 ft. on 1 11., 1. II v. ft din. rm.. 1SH50 lot. new horn dlat. near ocean ft atore. 15350 or furnUhed 16450. W. Cheater ISth ft Thorpe. Delske. Ore. a 105 DUPLEX 116,500. New Modern Duplex clow In. 3-Br. each. Electric heat. Immediate Poweaalon- F.H.A. commitment. This La wonderful bur for omeon. Cnll Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS ItS 0. Hilh St. Phone 14121 Eves. 25361 aiw PRICE SLASHED On ry nlc 3 bdrm. horn, good terms, or tui tuea car la iraot. rn. BARGAIN HUNTERS Com south on WE to th 09 Cafe, turn runt up Ewald Av. to flrt t. left (Wilty Ave for a block; any evening 4 to I. and Inspect two ol th finest new ranch atria PHA built two bdrm. home on the market today. At about 13.000 below market price, do n now. Tomorrow may be too late. at BY OWNER, 1 acre, house. Flower, ah rub- bery. family orchard, barn, chicken ched. 1540 Lancaster Dr. a 103 SPECIAL Big reduction In price of neat 6-rm house. Offered by distant owner. It's nicely located near senior high tod a good buy for some one at 67.000. This Is a must! To see It call Lelaco H. Ellis, 3120 Garden Rd. Ph. 31231. ai03' Drive Buys We will be glad to show you these pieces anytime: 1M Beach Ave., near 39E North. Oood business location. V acre ft neat 3 bdrm. house. A barealn. 66000. 10M Hunt St. Close In. Nice for elderly couple. Neat 1 bdrm home witn sip. norcb. bsmt.. fenced back yard. 67500. (0 Academy Ht. Corner lot, 3 bdrm. home, all lg rm. Fireplace, din. rm, B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Cintt.1 St. eiflc. Ph. 3-3611; . 3-3147 or S-MJ $3600 Neat, clean modem 1 bdrm. homo en Vi acre of good land. Oood stove, gas and circulator, plus some other furni ture goes. Can be handled by State vet. tor 5oo down. Want an Offer Full bsmt.. 3 bdrm. home near high school, has a fireplace and a large kitchen with nook, property will pass ha specification. $6000 On acre In city limit. 9 bdrm. heme, wah plenty of fruit and nut trees. large garage, quica possession. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 36216 Eves. 28476 or 3B51B a!03' BY OWNER Worth looking" at, Vt A., 3 rm, house, attic, bulttliu, shower, etc. Price $3800.00. See Mr. Roth, 630 Nor man Ave., 4 blka east of State Hospital a 105 NEW HOME In restricted East Engl. wood addition. Built by owner who Is anxious to sell. 3 bedrooms. All better feature. House at 1310 N. 34th. Call 2-4650. a 103" t BEDROOM HOME. Linoleum, oil heat, lec. water heater. Beautiful. larre rorner lot. Small cash pmt, down. 1095 North Liberty. a 103 l-RM. HOUSE ft tt A. Reasonable. 4. Box 674. Boon Rd. al06 YOU MAY live In Uie garat while you finish this 1 bedroom house with bath, living room, combination dining room ana kitchen, all electric. Lathing Is don, plumbing 1 routhed In, Insula tion for house 1 then and the ex tenor Is flnlahed. Nice large patio. overlooking th mountains. Priced at $6 929.77. It a 11AVR a cUent who wishes to pur eha a good business corner with a a siauon on it, in Balem. P. H. Bell, Realtor Ml CH EM EX ETA STREET Ph- 1154, 1-4696. Eves. (-7565, 3-6666. 3-6566 a 104 (19,000 Term I B R., dbla, plumb, base ment, wall to wall carpet, ell fur. Clean throughout. mi.wio Term j bdrm. South, llv. R , din. R.. hwd. fin. Oil pip fur., fenced era ptuo uu nervey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. 2?ltera 341 Chemeketa St Fh. 90371 Tgve. 15091 10t BDRMIp study foem. All elec. heat. hdwd. floors, dbla tar. itooo. (iooo down. F. H. WEIR RMAT.TTiSt M4T S. CJommercleJ. Ph. 3141! aioj REE AND ooupex thlg new heme with I large bedrooms, roomy unfinished upatalr (stairway la ta and npstatre floored), living room, large dining room, good alaed kitchen, hdwd. firs., fireplace, full balh with shower, auto, heat, coved ceilings, attarhed ga rage. Appro. 1000 ft. fir. spare. Lot 70x155. Choir location NX near bus. A good buy far 89360. (7100 FHA commitment. COLBATH LAND CO. 1063 Center St. Ph. 34863; rre. 31408 103 EXCLUSIVES! 1361 M. Cottage bdrm., LR, PR, LR., full bsmt.. ell furnace, priced right. torn if. Commercial Em 3j raceme frnpertv. Real opporlunltT. mi Maple l l-rm. apt, J bdrms. 1 J rat, apt. Xaay terms 1 4otl Stata 3 bdrm. hern. 100x300 iot,. l tow o corners snopplng district. A (ood suburban buy. 32 N. 11th I edrm, plastered. Very nice. 1061 Parkway West Balem Older type home. Need aem work. The beet et terms. Call Len Orion Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 39371; eves. 3J96J al'4 I RM-noUSE In choice district. All furn. 3-rar new garage. Lg lot with many shrubs At trees. A good buy at 60.500. Easy terms. J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 903 PEARCI BUILDING al04 Rm7HOME In good location. Nice Ige rmi. All in aood condition. Also a good garage. Lg. corner lot, walki and street paved. Room for second houe. 9500. J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 303 PEABCI BUIUIWO 104" GOOD BUY 3741 rl. Front St.. Imp. Itr., 3 Mrm horn. nr. Ornu III M M pl.r' t. Wow. 1H Ore., Saturday, April SO, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES Homes for F.H.A. Loans UNFINISHED home. North, thla tnk only 82950. Large lot. NEW 2 -bdrm. horn. South, until down payment. 86500. NEW 3 bdrm. home SE. Urgt lot, until down payment. 16500. t BDRM. horn. Myrtle street. Only 1 BDRM. horn. McCoy St. S84O0. 2 BDRM. horn, McCoy St.. birat ga raae. 66750. BKAt'Tlr'UL horn on Norway St. Only 611.500. L. E. Klump Real Estate North of Oreyhound Bue Depot Ph. 2-7643. Rei. 2-0126, 3-6846 a 103 For Thrifty Buyers Let u show you the well built bouse at 42i South 23rd at reel. There la basement with furnace and trash burn er: one bedroom, LR, DR. kitchen, nook and bath on around floor and two up- ataira bedroom-, very nie yarn who llfhta and outdoor fireplace, aLto flab pood. Priced at 18350. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N Hlih St. Ph. 37660 ! TODAY'S BEST BUY Three bedrooms, fireplace, full base ment, furnace, elec. water heater, wired for ranae. hardwood floors down. Ven etian blinds. Large lot 50x204. Who could ask for anything more? Yes, there la a garage. See It inspect It then make our proposal to buy It. The price la 69500. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 140 N. High Bt. Phone 7660 149 N. HlSh St. Ph. 27660 10I' BEN LOMAND PARK, 140 Tillman Ave. View home, overlooking city, valley & mountains, a pieasam oienaiog oi oia fashioned borne appeal with the mod cm Idea f broader, better living. The room are large, S bdrm. and den that can be used for bedroom, l ' bath, wall to wall life time earpet on oak floor, knotty pine recreation room, auto oil heat and air condition, kit chen in Younistown, well landscaped lot with sprinkling system. Price $32, 500. Shown on appalntment only. Call 34016. eve. 38213. 1 $500 DOWN! 640 per month not a mansion but a S bedroom home to live In. Oood sited lot In a fair neighborhood. Price 14,000. No. 351 4 BEDROOMS! With living room, dining room, large kitchen, full basement, new auto oil furnace. Range and bedroom et goes. Lot 125x125. 110.500 with a little as 61.500 down. Will trade. No. 409 We have multiple listings! Reimann for Real Estate Ph. 3-9303 301 South Hith Street Eve. A Sun. 3-3731. 3-6241, 3-2346, 3-5905 103' Real Opportunity New 3 bedroom bungalow, all plaster ed Attached garage. This home Is un finished but can be completed at a small cost by s handy man. 70 by 160 ft. view lot In a fine neighborhood. Price 55750. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1211 Edge water roone ssiuv Eves. 3-9939 al04- NICK HOME with beautiful view, over looking Salem. 2 bedrms . LR., D. R.. kit., bsmt.. furnace, L. trays. Double garage. Large lot. Price only 19000. 976 Terrace Drive. Klnswood heights. Call Huge, eve. 37049. ALSO 14 ACRE for 11500. Lively home. burn et garage, good land Close to Salem. Call Hushes, eve. a-7049. 5 ACRES with 3 houses. Full plumb. In each. Own water system Barn, creek fed by sprlnss. Nice trees. Few min utes from flrilem. 1mm. poss. Price Iftano. 8m II down payment. Oscar Sed crstrnm eve. 2-7692. Severin Realty Co. 313 N. Hlsh Ph. 3-4016 al03 Pre-War Construction Wonderful Location Yes, this cot? 3 bedroom home was built under FHA. specification tn 1940; nice living rm. St dinette; con venient kitchen with corner sink; good utility rm. es attached garage: nice lawn with tree et shrubbery; close to Senior HI; bus by door, price Is 110, 750 with iS.ooo down. Rental Investment Here Is a small 1 bedroom home lo cated north on Laurel Ave.; room in front for another unit; garage: nice lawn; should rent for ISO per month. Price Is 14.500. BEST LOT RUYS IN SALEM CALL US 1435 'O 14,000 We'll give you the location Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5818 Insurance 231 N. High (Arross from Hotel Senator) 104 BY OWNER, 2i year old house, excel, condition, price 18.950. 1 BR, hdwd. firs., Weslx elec. heat, fireplace, garage. lawn. Lot 66x280. FHA terms, 1045 Vista. Phone 3-6819. aiOl BARGAIN HI INTERS ATTENTION! Well built 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. home. Immacu late condition. Must be sacrificed for quick sale. Owner leaving for east Im mediately. About 1200 sq. ft., large rm.. all hardwood, plastered, garas util ity. Insulated A weather stripped. Clean economical electric heat, atoraa apace, lare lot, patio. Near bus and school. 110,600, excel, term. 1061 Rural Ave. Ph. 31830 or 38267. al05 BY OWNER unfinished 6-rra. hrmis, with well ex electric pump, fruit trees, 12600. Jh. 3-8689. a 105 MODERN 7 RM. dwelling, I b. rooms, basement, wood furnace, lot 50x110. fruit. 2 block to bu 16600 full price. 12600 down, bal. en term. Owner 490 N.21t St. 105 BY OWNER View home, Candalarla hit. new, x Beflrra., large L.R.. dn. rm., kitch. x nook, dbL gar., auto oil turn.. i. iou i Alice Ave. turn west Dairy Queen. Ph. 34408. s 103 BY OWNER Laree anfernUhed tteaae. Oood neighborhood, close in. Newly decorated Inside and eutstde. Newly paperea, f bedroom. I bath. Double tarag. Basement and furnaca heat. Easy terms. H. L. Stiff. aioo STOP & SEE! I Wnfii to Bntlewood school. Nice I bedroom. All oak floor. Texture Plas ter tn llv. rm. and din rm. Rendu washer. Owner will stand expense ot street Improvement, going in. 1060 N 22ndJ alOS EAXLUSIVELriStiNGS IPS N. 24th. 2 bdrm. . $ 7.500 7.10 N. 16th. 2 bdrm. . . 10,(130 B80 Ratcliff. 2 bdrm. 9.9S0 Klngwood-Longwood Dr. Now 9.750 1491 S. Com'l. 5 bdrm. 11,500 Rt. 4 Box 240. 3 bdrm. 3'i Acres 28,000 945 Cross. 3 bdrm. .. 10,000 345 Jerris. 3 bdrm. . . 10,000 Chas. Hudkins & Son 3SH H Hi.li. PJv 3-413 tlM OPENHOUSE Sunday, May 1, 2 to 5 p.m. I ura K M 4 Ti l P71 , TCHJ M Y IN SPECT ONE OP SAl.rMS FINFN 3 PR HOM H W FLOORS. FIPF PL4CF ISAJpr ITUTTY A COOl PH. LAm.r nru'TirviLY LANnncAPKn lot. rRicrn Rimir at iii.soo. pha terms cnAwronn BURT PICHA .Realtor ITt U. HUB St. Pa. 1-3449. Eve. I I 10l FOR SALE HOUSES NO. 3 BUSINESS ZONE 3 bdrm. home, bath, kitchen, nook, garage, lot 30x100. Set this at 1660 South 13th St. Call Pater Geiser. SEE THESE FIRST 2475 Winola New. 0. Salem I 1.500 80 1040 Snip Pin St. Excellent horn 9 500 00 1135 N. Capitol 8e it In Id 10 500 00 3C2Q S. Hun Premium location 13.000.00 CaJ Hot Ferris LADIES READY-TO-WEAR Class A Shop, beat of location tn downtown Salem, exeeUent JeM. nice fixtures. Cneck into thi today. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorst. 543 N. 22nd ST Modern, tood district, t bdrm., euto-oU heat, priced right it 110,000. Call Rich rd E. Grebenhorst. GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 134 S, Liberty St. Phone 3.3471 Evenings ft Sundays cail Roy rerri 3-6010 Peter Oeiaer 3-9968 Earl Weat 3-1233 1103 FURNISHED $6800 780 N. 17th Et. 1 the address of a neat, small home, en a fine lot. It's complete with utility room and garasee, and has plenty of room to build a larger home. Fur niture is complete and of the best quality. Call Crawford. 425 MORGAN AVENUE i Acree, I BR home, modern, nice lawn, shrubs, garage, and chicken house. City bus at door, Auburn Orsde scbooL 15900. Call Johnson. BOX 78A, LANSING AVENUE I BR home, bath, lot 5ix31. Ask for an appointment to see. 64500. Call Johnson. COUNTRY HOME $10,500 This fin house has a larse lot and is well furnished. Most of the furniture goes with th house. Owner Is leaving and will consider an offer or will trsde for a house In Salem that will make a good rental. Xiggln. BURT PICHA, Realtors 373 North Hilh Street FOR SALE LOn MIDDLE GROVE TRACTS On SUvertoo Road, H mile put Lancaster Intersection. LOTS WITH WATER 326 DOWN 315 PER MONTH Representatives on the grounds Sunday 3-5 p.m. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES NEW t BDRM. home. Hdwd. fir., full basement, dble, gar. V acre. 1 mil out Wallace rd. Easy terms. Open 3 to 6 Sunday. ai03 $1950 FULL PRICE Furnished 3 Rooms Bee. utility rm. Chicken rue. Apptox. 310 acre. Nice shrubs & flowers. Paved road. Near Balem. Immediate possession. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 B. Liberty Ph. 3-7113. 103 IN KEIZER New 3 bdrm. home. 11500 down. Price 17500. Lot 60x135. To see this Ph. 3-3289 General Real Estate Co. 3S3 Center a 103 FOR SALE LOTS LEAVING TOWN, must sell 75 x179 ft. lot and garage. Two blocks west or River Road on Churchdale, Xlt block north on Elisabeth. 11400, terms. Apply 960' Parrlsh. al05 51x119 LOT In restricted area 1750. Will be ahown after 5 p.m. Inquire at 195 McNary. Weat Salem. - a!03 West Salem Lot en inn. Paved street. 11300. Ala 3 lota, 84O0 each. Terms en all of these. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capital St. Office Ph. 3-3883; eves. 3-314T or 3-8836 aal03- WII L SELL my equity In 3 acres 'for 1300. On paved road. Leaving town. Ph. 2-4249, aal03 FISHER ROAD Nice Ea. front bldg. site, 65x288, 1st lot N. of Sunnyview, Ph. 3-(-:35, Walt Socolofsky, Real Estate. aal03 VIEW LOTS, 500 blk.. Vista Av. WOOD ED LOTS, 600 blk., Ratcliff Dr. Re stricted, city water. Ph 3-4284. aa FOR RENT FARMS Walking Distance! CLOSE IN 86 A. FARM 3 miles NW in wondrous EOLA HILLS 3 grand roads. All Salem service. Roll ins, wonded, entrancing pasture. 24 A. prime farm land in crop. New rm. house on cement. El. water heater, fully plumbed, wired for el. ranae. SHOO drilled well ft el. pump. 12100 woven wire hog tight fences. 10 cow barn on cement. 3 car garage ditto All yr. stream, spring. Idyllic COUN TRY SUBURBAN HOME or profitable fa rm ONLY 18500. TAKE SALEM HOME TO 15.000' C. W. BTULLF.R, Exclusive Agent Salem, Or., WALLACE ROAD, Vs mile north of brldxel blOJ 120 ACRES! Alt tillable and level. Crops all In and may be purchased. Concrete floored barn with 1630 sq. ft. 4 bedroom older type house, machine shed, other out buildings Well worth I30.OOO. Ne. 1024 20 ACRES! V seres in variety of berries, t acres timber and pasture. room home. 4flx 00 barn. Should be 14.000 to 15.000 worth of berries this year. Price 110. 000. Will trad up to $6,000 for house In town. No. 170 Reimann for Real Estate Ph. 3-9303 301 South Hih Street Sun. A Eve. 2-1711, 3-8341, 3-2146, 3-5905 bios' FOR SALE ACREAGE MUST SELL On main highway. 42 H Acre. River bot tom land. Oood home. 6 rm. down, full bath, 3 up. Basement. Oarage. Springs A well. WlU take In Salem home a part payment. Price 3-100. Ph. 33389. General Real Estate Co. 353 Center St. bbtOS $9950 FULL PRICE If you want 16 acres of the best soil in th valley Just lve us a call. Prop erty ha 3 house on It renting at 180 per month. Also a chicken house valued at over 13.000. An eat and vetch crop Is all In and there is a live stream en the property. This Is a steall 13000 wiU handle. H. E. Corey, Real Estate ISO N. Broadway Ph. 30553 Eves. J-1816 or 3-5343. Bbl03 SELL OR TRADE for large trailer house and cash, 6 rm., all modern furnished home, Barn, eutbuildlns 8 acres, clear. In city limit Mill City, outh side. N M Bond. Mill City. hblOO A Very Nice Acre with t BR hit., m. barn. Iou of fruit A nut, plenty et hrub A flower, close in, so It you want tariety en an acre, this ts It. e this place today. Price 87.400. WUI take car A trailer hse. la trade in. Call Rice, or Hansen. John H. Hansen. Realtor Phone I-T819, 9-4532 1991 Fairground Rd. bblOS SEVEN ACRES 3't acres atrawberrie. 3' raiberrie. H acre boysenberriea; three bedroom house, earn, poultry house, pressure water system. I8MW. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 19 N Nigh St. Ph 1710 bblP3 MH nE.. 3't acre 1400 Rl, 4 Bnx 140. baxler ltd bbiov I47SO I ACRES All weeded, wonderful view. Just the place to hide away. Lae. 1 rm. house A hop 11600 ric. wir. araiem. 4 ml. outh Ph. 30 ED. LUK1NRFAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St bhIOS To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Phone 3-3B43. .103" FOR SALE LOTS 301 So Hirh St. U103 FOR SALE ACREAGE 825,000133 acres good toll, wonderful oulidlngs, beautiful view, artesian well. Cell Ray Davis Ph. 33849, eve. 28858 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial bb!03 REAL ESTATE BY OWNER 11 A with lovely modern home. 15 mm. drive from Salem. On paved road. All good black soil. 5 A. garden ground. Bal. prunes, Bartlett pfara, family or chard. 3 BH, ho-ise with bath, fire place, furnace. Elec, water system. Can Irrigate. Lawn A shrubbery. Would consider home In Salem. M. D. Looney 3314 6t,l St. Ptiona 3-4993 Englewood Dist. $6300 Close to schools, modern 3 bdrm. home. Electric cooking, oil heat, gar age. Lot 50x150. Well worth the price. 14 Acre $4300 City bus, I bdrm. down. Unfinished upstair. Hardwood floors. 3 yds. old. Price for quick sale 8613 down, bal. 855 per mo. View Lots $800 60x110. as ood place to build RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood District 34664. Eve. 3-5757, 3-7128. 3-8013 C105' Ph. NICELY Fl RN. Modern 3 bdrm. home with on fir. furn., full basement 179 W For appointment to see this call Mr. Noonchester. 7 ACRES close in north, nice modern home, good barn and other outbuild ings. Land is In berries, walnuts A Ci ne ru. Price reduced to 112.500. To see this see Mr. Noonchester, Ph. 20103 GEIGER'S REAL ESTATE 320S Portland Rd. Ph. 31073 C103- LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS flti ACRE, t mo. old 2 bedrm. house completely furnished. Elec. range, re frig., washing machine, etc., oil fur nace. Family orchard. Price S7850. OWNER LEAVING CITY. Must sell rm. home with breakfast nook: fire place: cement basement; ell furnace. LoU of storage space. Trees: shrub. On bu line. Close to McKinley School. Price 113,000. THRIVING BUSINESS consisting of 34x 60 bid. Lot 50x100. Completely equip ped. Can be operated by man and wife. Net Income last year 18000. price only 617.500. AN ATTRACTIVE Hl'Bl'RBAN HOME 34 N acre of productive well-drained soil. Close tn on paved highway. 3 yr. old modern home consisting of i extra Irg. bedrms.: Irg. living rm.: dinlns rm.: den; nice pullman kitchen with breakfast nook; full basement with air condition oil furnace. A good barn: double garage: larxe machine seed: chicken house. Drilled well 'and elec. water ytem. Nice lawn and shrub. Tractor and other machinery te go. Price 1 40.OO0. Will consider modern city home as part. Shown by appointment. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 844 Stat Bt. Ph. 3-3683 Evening call: 3-4007. S-4S10 or 3-8103 Cl04 EXCLUSIVE Zone 3 BELLEVUE St S. LIBERTY Lot approximately 60x100 with good hom. 6 rms. and bath on first floor. 4 rm. apartment up with outside ent rance. Full basement. Thla is ideal rental property. It Is only four block from Stat St. Owner will consider a good lot 50x100 ft. close in as part payment. Call Berg land tor appointment. ART MADSEN REALTY CO. 1336 State St. Ph. S-N58 Eves. S-6438. 10J VALUE PLUS Ranch at vie. newly built 1 BR home en 17x115 mt. Attractive homes all around. 18350. Will carry isrg loan EXCELLENT TERMS TO RIGHT PARTY 8 BR LR, DR. kitchen and bath. Pull basement. Oil piped furnace. Fruit, shrubs, and lawn Just 1 blocks te En glewood school. 16950. $500 DOWN, $40 MONTH V A. and 3 rooms. III50. Total price. Reiser District. Joe Hutchison - Realtor 455 Court St. Phone 3-3829 Pve 3-4769 er Mr. Craig -0M Member et the Salem Multiple Llstlns Bureau, Inc. (102 Leo N. Childs, Inc. RF 41 TORS IOOO 1NVF4TMENT: 4. tore building on 99 Hiah Lot 80x 1 50 : concrete Building, only 3 yesrs old. Income 1205 per mo Pr:ce 135.000. 9 ACRE MR: Ar-rrox. It A. atraw berrie.. 3 A. bovsenberriea; 4 A wheat All in cultivation. I team ho see. Price tl000 wpix roNftTirrrrn nvw i-room bom Beautiful oak floor: fireplace, at seated garae. tn He wood Dvstrtct. Price 110 ;0 - F H romnvtment "0 LfO N. CHILDS. INC., RFALTORS HI Pis' St Pnon 2-363 r Pat, -tM1t 4-44 19, er 6-4 10 1 1U REAL ESTATE MAKE OFFER Thii place Li going to be sold. Location 1S5 Fisher Road. 2 bedrooms. LR& DR. kitchen 4 nook, basement. Air cond. Furn. Barn & chicken house. Hi A. Bus by door. We want an offer. Call Maddy. 33 ACRES HAZEL GREEN Lovely new rambling Ranch Home, 4 bedrooms. Full base ment. Some strawberries. Bal. in grain. Bordering on Pudding river. Will trade for good 2 bdrm. home in Salem. Call O. H. Zeller on this one. TRADE FOR CITY ' Owners will trade S A. with a lovely 3 bdrm. home. Excellent barn. Family fruit. 1 A. strawberries. City bus by door. Call Bill. $9750 1 A. North, Just outside of shrubs and shade trees. Good H. Zeller. STEWART REALTY 134S Stale St. Phone 2-7962 Eves. Maddy 2-3488 Stewart 3-4722 Zeller 2-7374 10J' OUR BEST BUYS MOO FULL price for this cute I bed rm. home, lg. v. rm.. fireplace, hwd. floor, bath, basement furnace, very clean, choice location, paved it. Call Ray Davis. SMOO HOMF INCOME 3 bed rms.. lv, rm., kit., bath down. 8 rm. apt. up. separate entrances, basement, trays, rlec. water heater, paved St., very good. Call Ray Davis. 9500 Buy this very good 4 bed rm home Just off State St., lg. lr fireplace. D. rm., bsmt., auto oil furnace, lg. lot, fruit fc nuts, wonderful location. Terms. Call Ray Davis. tf-950 Unfinished 3 bed rm. home with semi bsmt., Insulation In. lv, qtrs. in gar age. Cell Ivan ftlver. HMO Ten acre prune 4c pears, new on bed rm. home, good view, close In on oil road. Call Ivan Siver. Mtoo HOME A INCOME, kit., bd. rm.. furniture goes, terms, can ivar oiver. (10,600 Oood solid pre-war hom on N 3fth St., I lg. bed rm. at child's rm. with built in bunk, dinlns rm.. fireplace, hwd. floor, bsmt.. sawdust furnace, lovely back yd. es garden spot, near high school e Englewood grade school. Call Oeo. Walters. 96500 One of those new low type, with pleasing design, stt. gar., 3 bed rra- hwd. floors, pretty kitchen with bar, en H A. I., nice lawn. Call Oeo. Walter. GEO. A. WALTERS, REALTOR 960 8. Commerelsl Phone 33840 Eve. Phones: Rey Devts 3-8858 - Ivan Slver 37013 - Geo. Welter 3-5280 el04 REAL ESTATE BY OWNER, must be moved, cozy 1 bed room house, wired for range, V. blinds. Inquire at 3990 Center St. cl07 BUILD yoar dream home In Klngwood. Beautiful choice view lots, 81200 up. A. N. Willich Real Estate 1131 RUGE ST.. WEST SALEM Ph. 3AS31. Open eve,. & Sun. C104 George W. Hubbs Co. 1853 N. CAPITOL PH. 3-3031 HOUSE with rental In business xone. One of the finest locations in Salem for apart ment or any other business. Located only 3 blocks from city center A post office. This Is a real buy for only 810.500. Locatea at 721 rerry et. S ACRES with a beautiful 3 bdrm. home just out of city limits witn an city conveniences. Dble. garage, email barn B cnicxen nouse, 1 acre in straw oer rles. acre in bovsenberrles. acre In cherries, apples, peaches, walnuts, filbert. Lovely family orchard. You must see this property to appreciate its vsiue. a reai ouy at oniy i,ruu, ABOUT 3 acres, very good soil, located on Lancaster drive. 4 bdrm. older type home but tn very good condition with all modern conveniences. Has 3 stan chion barn A poultry house. The extra acreage could De usea tor ousineu pur poses. Would consider 3 or 4 bdrm. home In trade. NEW APARTMENT COURTS, 4 1-bdrm. apart, courts, bath-shower. LR, kit chen. Vcn blinds. All electric heat. ah ha lw raneea and utility room. Term can be arranged. Call us for more Information. Evening ph. 3-6863. 3-8183. 2-7723 (3-5481 farms). Cl03 USE ZONE 3 3 Acres. Only $2000 Walter Socolofsky REAL ESTATE. Ph. 3-8835 C103 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT APT. HOUSE 4 TO 8 UNITS FOR CASH. WIT.T.tMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 S. Liberty Ph. 3-7113 calOS GROCERY STORE, will pay cash. Box 382 Capital Journal. cal04 WE NEED TOUR LISTING Our loan loan dept. can close your deal. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. High St. Ph 3-4139. ca!12 WE ARE In need 01 good houses to I) in or near Salem. If you wish te list your property for sale r.RABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 3-3471 ea NOTICE! II your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyer. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8 High St ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SELL OR TRADE - LOW DN. PAY'T Consider Real Cheap PROPERTY IN TRADE FOR Equity in 11-Rm. House SUITABLE FOR APTS., FULL BASE PIPED OIL HEAT. APT. HSE. ZONE 13 LOTS). A CORNER PAVED. TREES. Bus at Door. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. waLAMETTI SaEAL aVTATI 172 S. Liberty Ph. 3-7112. cdlOS MAN TO SERVICE vending machine route. Nationally advertised product.) t hra. weekly. Can make up to I JO. 00 a week. S725 investment secured by stock. cd107 AUTO COURT ON COAST GOOD LIVE TOWN 9 rental beside 4 rm. heme, gas eqlup ped. Oround occupies 5 lots. Illness forc es sale. 119.000. Kim In. BURT PICHA, Realtor 379 North Hlth 8t. Ph. 3.3849. edl03 BUSINESS SITE OR CAN BE SUBDIVIDED Pour seres Inside City limit. Zone 3 14000. This I a good buy Klgcln. BURT PICHA, Realtor 179 N. High St. Ph. 3-3649. Cdl03a DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT It takes only S1T50 (full price to buy this money-making restaurant, well located, complete equipment, very reas onable rent. Ill health forces sale. Call Crawford BURT PICHA, Realtor 379 N. Hit h St. Eve. 1-63M. Phone 3-3649 CdlOl FOR SALE-hoe 'repair shop. Land! equipment. Established 35 years. Ser vice Shoe Shop, 316 Main St., Inde pendence. Ore. edios FOR SALE OR LEASE New. B Corinth mill New 30 x80- bids. Pond 1 In. Can supply logs. Henry Henberger. Be 10, Ore At Jordan Dam ) cdl04 BUS! NESS-6 PPOBTU NTTIES" NEAR DETROIT DAM Lars Block Structure building with modern I room Ih ing quarters, three acre coed level ground with 150 hlsh war fronts. Ideal for shop er equip ment house. Price 127.000 00. Terms. Hardware and Auto supply store en highway located w.thtn the twn of Lon. All th traffic to the Detroit dam and arross the Sentient pass use this read. Sell stock and fixtures, res enable price. Low rental, building may also be bought. Will consider term. For further particular see Fred A. Lind. mans Rest Estate. Lyons, Oreem CdlO APRTMe"NT bldg, rompl .elv furn. I apt a sare imetment with a good Income. Pru 835.000. Term. I. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 303 PFARCE BUILDINO rdl94 FOR It A Fully equipped confectionery. Ideal downtown location. Immediste possession Phone 34750 cdl04 T4VCRN, card license. shufflebnarc) I i9 La !eaf. 114 000 Have oth-r Interests reason fir Muictg. W:isn' 1 Dcn&i, Reck way. Ore, 4.4 REAL ESTATE Salem. 3 bdrm. home. Lots of barn tV chicken house. Call O. lv. rm., utility down, I rm. apt. up, some BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Looking for a Business? Small grocery, living quarter, com plete with stock. 65O0. One of the best paying Ice Cream eV Sandwich shops, next to a Greyhound bus depot. Fully equipped. All for 67500. Business xone. down town Salem. houses with Income, a real good invest ment rriceu 10 sen. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate Men's Furnishing Store Located In good district. 83,000 plus stock at inventory. Will consider late model car in trade. See JOHN H. HANSEN REALTOR Ph. 3-7819. 34522. 1993 Fairgrounds Rd. cd!03 FURNITURE FOR SALE FOR SALE CHEAP Hollywood bed & vanity, 3 French antique cherrywood cnatr. 1 antique mahoc. table. 1 8-way portable radio, 1 walnut coffee table. Several old lamps. 1775 Saginaw St., Paul J. Yeater. dl06' DINETTE SET. Black, propleaf exten sion tame. . cnairs. pn. 2454s. aio' BEAUTIFUL 5-PC. mahogany bedroom suite. Real value. 638', N. 30th. dl03' DAVE NO CHAIR. A-l COnd. 145. 9 CU. ft Phllco ref. 1215. Must sell. 1343 Wal ler after 5 p.m. dl05 WANTED FURNITURE HimiEST PRICES "paid. Phon Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. 3-5110. da Households Ph 3-5511. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WILL TRADE 3 yr. old gentle colt and 1 -horse trailer for 3-horse trailer. D R. UcFarlane, Rt. 4. Box 393. Baxter Rd. 103" S-YR. OLD BLACK COLT, gentle. D. McFarlane, Rt. 4, Boa 392, Baxter nd. ei03' LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED LICENSED UvMtoek buyer, t C. McC.nduO, 1137 a. 33. Ph. 3-3K7. .B137 PETS FOR SALE Schauzer pup. 4 mo., fe male. A KG ret. Bred In Calif., cham pion stock. 425 Wayne Drive, Manbrin Gardens. ec!05 COCKER PUPPIES, registered Cocker atml service. J. E. Peteuon, Rte. 1. Box 403. (Wallace Road.) eclOS REGISTERED DALMATIAN PUPPles for le. Litter of 11 dog. male. 1 fe males from championship stock. Rt. 3. Box 356B, 1 mile north of Kelter School on St. Paul Rd., or Phone 3-1957. eel 03 CHOICE CAN ARTS. Ph. 3-4385. 1340 Chem. ecl20 TOUR DOG Does he obey? Is he well cared for when you leave hint LeOray Kennels, Rt. 3. Ph. 31398. ecllO' CHOICE Canary Bird 360 N. I8th. eelOT FUEL 66 cords of second growth 4-ft. wood 6750 per cord. 17 ml. out near Marlon. 490 N. 3 1st At. eel 05 SLABWOOD, 6 cords for 830 or 112 load. Prompt del. Anderson Bros. Phone 3-9734. eeloe TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph. 37442. We give 8 ex H Green Stamp. Oreen 16 In. mill wood. ee GOOD SLAB, dry or green. Oreen edging 45 50 a load. Double load 110 00. Good clean sawdust. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 1-5533. ee!31 West Salem Fuel Co. lnt DRY OR OREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER 8TNDS OLD OROWTB BLOCK WOOD, 16-IR CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND 8TOVB OIL Phone Salem 34031 AIM ptefc up wood at 1628 Bdgewater St W Salem ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Steve Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Blab Wood Phone S-6444 FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS aU popular varieties, in cluding Leghorns. Hampshire, Par menters Austra-White and ethers Plan 3-2661 er write today for Lee' Baby Chick Chats containing free poul try Information Lee' Httcbery P. O Bot T3S. Sslem, Oreton ! PRODUCE ASPARtnt'S for sal. 13r a lb. Bring container, ueorge snr on umnn Island. ffU3 RHt BARB picked dally 5c per lb. Coun try fm, oroaine iiih, ivmiwi m cabbage. Green Apple Mkt 3 ml. en 99F ff!04- HELP WANTED WASTED Full time eardenrr tor r vste estate near Ban Francisco Wilr te fo som housework This I desirable si i permanent position tor reliable part. Oood salary, including modern cwtsst suitable for mll family. Oood trans portation, near school Writ O T. Conner. 343 Sansoma St., San p-an- CISCO IV t rXFFRIENCrn sate person to ma v ai .inter dPt. r arls tepf in Nat l Retsi: Store. Writ Capital Jou; Sal Boa Jat. tl94' HELP WANTED MALE VEGETABLE MAN evening work, full or part tlm White' Lunch. 1138 I. Com'l. gsl05 WANTED Men 17 to 35 to Learn REFRIGERATION LEARN BY DOING Come for interview from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday ONLY retarding starl ing dates, housing nd part-time work Ask lor Mr. Kehun St Mar lon Hotel. GI APPROVED WANTED experienced Photo Finisher. Wilson Photo Service. 174 N. Com'l. St. gal04a HELP WANTED FEMALE ALTERATION LADY for ladles' apparel shop. Must be experienced. Kalles' Ap psrel Shop. 320 Court. ab!05 EXP. CANDY sales girl 30-30 yrs. Must be sole to sen. oww aiair- " stating age, exp., etc. Capital Journal Box 369. aPlOS- WANTED GIRL for fashion dept. Must be experienced In this line of selling. Apply with Mr. Glsnvllle, Montgomery Ward., Salcrn ibl03 WANTED GIRL or young woman to as sist with general housework in new hom Your own private room. Must like children or otherwise do not ap BIT. 426 State St. gbl04 TEACHERS Earn from 175 to 8100 weekly eommts slon durlno Bummer vacation repre sent ing elementary and grade school reference work; Encyclopaedia uriun nlca, Jr. Write R. H. Rested. 1220 S.W. Morrison, Rm. 439, Portland 5, Oregon. gblOS EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS " CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 Stat St Ph 1-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN SALESMAN Responsible man for local protected territory. Our men contact industries, institutions, railroads, etc.. offering a scientific maintenance ser vice. Unlimited earnings on commts s tn basis. Constant repeat business as sures you an opportunity of building a permanent Income considerably above average For detail write United Lab oratories, Inc., Cleveland 12, Ohio. Si-103 TOP SALESMAN WANTED for nationally known manufacturer complete line paints, roofings, tech nical coatings. In protected territory on commission basis. Sales experience es sential, not necessarily with paints. Apply only If you are aggressive, re sponsible, willing to work and -accustomed to good earnings. Write: The Electric Paint ex Varnish Co., Cleve land 2. Ohio. g103 PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT may be had by two sincerely ambitious men or women. If you are free to travel In Western Oregon, and are Interested m a sizable Income plus automobile allow ance, see Mr. W. Merke at the Senator Hotel Monday, May 3 from 9 a.m. through 11 a.m. Pleas do not phone. ggl03 WANTED POSITIONS OPENING NEW SHOP ON CHERRY AVE. Over he II all type of farm machinery. tractor A; some truck. Ph. 20149 or come to 3910 Cherry Ave. hl5' STACK YOUR SEWING. Then call 3-f TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 34-hr. ser- ice. Former phone op. Ph. 3-5072. hl26 COMMERCIAL PLOWING, disking, with Ford tractor, pn. 355S3 or 37437. niD7 PRACTICAL NURSING or care of conval- scent. Ph. 3-4454. hl03 L AVARS NURSERY for infant. Grad. reg. nurse in charge. Ph. 22291. hi27 WANTED: Housework for 2 per day. Ph. 29227. CHILD CARE in my home or your. Eves, 4t. and sun. 1445 B St., Upstairs. hl03 CUSTOM TRACTOR work. Ford tractor. D. E. Marshall Ph. 31343, neai Swegle school. hl08 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Biter. Call Shrock Motor Co, 3-9101. h" LANDSCAPE service, garden plowing, tree topping Ben Brown, Phone 3-0004 eve. M05 BOY WANTS lawns to mow. Ph. 3-7894. hl04 CUSTOM PLOWING and discing. Ph. z-ozzt. uuicg. Bervice. ni04 NEW LAWNS Pruning Rototllllng, Landseaptng, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 3-8110. hl23 FOE'S mimeographing, typing service. prompt aerrice, quality work, lower price. 689 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643 M3S- JOURNBYMAN PAINTER by hour er con tract. Guaranteed work. Reference. Reasonable. Ph. 3-2843. a 104 PLOWIWO For Immediate service. Pk. 38603. hl04 CEMENT WORK. Sidewalk, driveways. patio, noors, etc rn. z-4aso. una LET US do your cement work NOW. Drive ways, sidewalks, patios, etc. Ph. 3-4413 hll? Painting & Decorating Chaplin, 30 irs. expr. Ph. 37552. hi 19 ROTOTILLEK work. 1980 S. High. 20594 hi 18 PLOWING Discing. Ph. 31180 23829. nii3 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-8796. hi 13 BABY SITTING. PH. 20560 TREE WORK topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. John Payne 2-6014. 248 8. Church. hill GARDEN work, M E. tiller. Ph. 2-2828 ns3 Lancaster or h!09" CARPENTER WK. New. repair. Ph. 32093 bios C'RE FOR CHILDREN In my home. 183 Ifltn Pn. 2-M76. hl09 DRESSMAKING and alteration Ph 3-7904 hiio- TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov- ing. in op. vsorg guar, w R. Mc Allister 840 Trade Ph 3-1496. hl07 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK ft ehlmney vuiHuns ro. i-uH rre estimate hl07- GARDEN1NG of all kinds, also lawns put In Ph. 3-3943 hlOS LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototliiing New tawns, tree work Richard Boyer. Ph. 2-6110. hl33' SAW FILING. 844 Center St. Ph. 3-5071 lorpicx-up ana delivery. h!03 EDUCATION EDUCATION Is job Insurance. Write or cu iow iree catalog on 400 ICS courses. Don McNeill, International Cor mpondenre Schools. 1553 State, Salem Phone .111.10 o I Approved. hh!03- FOR RENT ROOMS 9TRNISHED ROOM with or without ear- age. i., ose to du. geo spruce. Ph. 20348 rooms to nrvr WEEK OR MONTH I JiLiL SALEM Te: 1-1141 tk. StEEPIN. . -ea. Very good beHm. lortable Cm 886 N. Commercial tfcUia COMfORT 4RI t qiit ieping" rrm l"7 ease, M t St Ph jaiw FOR RENT ROOMS PLEASANT sleeping room. Clot In. 343 S. Church. Jkl04 RMS., single or double for men. 1149 Oak. lkioi, to bus. Y rlrlnktrr QUIT SLEEPING RM. Close Wklxtn distsnce to town. No drinker.1 6 1 7.50. Ph. 29227. Jkl03 ROOM IN APARTMENT near Capitol bldi. Business woman. Breakfast priv ies es. Write Box 361 The Capital Jour nal. Jiki03 ROOM WELL furn., quite, kitchen hom rivllegc. On bus line. Man preferred. 573 N. 20th. JJ.103 ILEASANT SLEEPING RM. for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 3-4547. Jkios- SLEEPING EMS. for men, double and ' single. 385 N. 14th. Jkl04 CLEAN ROOMS for clean men Ph. 36093. Jkioi FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 RM. FURN. apt. Close In. Adult. No drinkers. 696 N. Cottage. Ph. 39430. JplOS SLEEPING ROOM In private home. Four block from town. Men only. 3-6653. JplOS CLEAN MAIN FLOOR apt. for 3 or I em Ployed girls. Private entrance. 435 N. Winter St JplOS NEW CO CRT apt. 3 rm. St balh. Elec. range. Refrlg. St laundry rm. Located S. 13th. 1555 McCoy. JplOft 1 3 RM. apt. furn. Reasonable. 1397 N. Com'l. Ph. 39881. jpl03 3 BASEMENT apt. Very clean. Close In. Reas. rent. 405 Union. JplOS UNFURNISHED 4 large room and bath on ground floor. Close In. All utilities paid. Call 27569. Jpl03 MODERN ..RM. unfurn. apt. with elec. range. West Salem. Phon 2BO08. JplOS DANDY FURNISHED APARTMENT Close in. H. L Still. JplOS NEW COl'RT APT., 3 rm. Aj utility. Re frig., rsnge ft wash machine furn. Near 14th ft State, S65.00. Ph. 34205 alUr 5:30. JplOS 3 ROOM furn. apt. Prlv. bath, auto gas range, izao n. winier oi. jpioj" S RM ft I RM. APT. Also sleeping rm. lira ri. inurcn. rn. j-J3. jpioe- WOILD LIKE to share my duplex with ( working girl. Cell 39903 after S p.m. All day Sat. Jpl04 NICE ROOM very close In, cheap. 140 Che- mexeta. jpi4" I A 3 RM. ft private bath. 633 Ferry st. Jpl04 NEW MODERN 4 rm. apt., all electric, partly furn. Ph. 2tf584 eves. Jp104 RM. APT. Middle-aged employed lady. 1118 Ouk St. JplOS 4 RMS. partly furnished upstairs apt. with bath 1945 8. 12th. Ph. 3-6975. JplOS APT. FOR RENT. Adult. 1139 Broadway. )Pl03 'MALL APT. Close in. outside entrance. Employed adult. No drinker. 12350. Ph. 3-4469. Jpl03a I RM. APT. Also dandy space for trailer Qouse. Cheap 160 Union. Pb. 3-9835. JplOS NICE FURNISHED apartment. All electric. too n. capitoi. pn. 3-8706. Jpl04s FOR RENT HOUSES NEW 2 BR house. Close in. 170. 460 Uni versity, ph. 3-4887. Jml03 DUPLEX, 2 bedrooms. 595 N. 30th. Cill 3-34.19. Jml05 RM. COTTAGE partly furn. Electric heat. 1941 N. Church. Ph. 3-8883. Jml03 'OR RENT new home $70 per mo, 1st and last month's rent in advance. Pn. 31073. Jml03 ALL ELECTRIC S-RM. unfurn. he. 1173 6th St.. West Salem. Ph. 20986. Jml03- FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS Business Rental Have two business rents! good location, for small business or office, reasonable lesse. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38216 J103" U DRIVE truck car Ph 3-9103 TRUCKS and car. Smitty's Clipper Ser vice. Ph 3-9600. Cor. Center ft Church. ground FLOOR rooms, suitable for of fice or stores. j STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34121 J POWER TOOL rentals tor home ft in dustrial us Bowser Broa Ph 33646. TRAILERS, 12.00 per day. Howter Bros, 608 Edgewater St., West Balem. J BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L, Stiff, j GOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. IRONERS by week. Phone 2-4439. FLOOR SANDER for rent. Montgomery Ward. ) TO DO a good Job rent a good floor send er. W sell everything- te complete the Job, HOWSER BROS Ph. 3-3648. ROOM AND BOARD WILL RM. ft BOARD children by week or month, girls preferred, cxper. ears. 193 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 3-8S31. jjios ROOM AND BOARD for pensioners. 266 S. Cottage. Ph. 3-6680. JJ108 WANTED TO RENT VETERAN AND WIFE would appreciate small furnished home. Reasonable rent. Ne drinking. No pets. Eves. 31493. J10S DEPENDABLE settled couple would Ike carw oi api. nouse or court xo exeneng) far eom fort able living quarters. Pnone J-78. M04 LOST AND FOUND LOST Plastic frame glasses In brown leather case. Call 2S481 after I or on Sat, kios- LOST Man' banded wedding ring In vicinity Liberty and Chemeketa. Re ward. Return to classified counter Cap Its) Journn). klOS MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatUr. 464 Court. ml04 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENT 1ST Adolpb Bldg State ft Commercial Sts. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m AVE YOIR SINGER Sewing machine repairao or a qualified singer reprasen ta'iv. Ph. 3-3513 for free pick up and delivery service en all make of ma chines. Free estimate given before work I started. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N Com'l m BUILDING MATERIAL USED FIR FLOORING. Ph. 39702 or KE-HOOr fJOW One. two or three years to pay. For free eitimstes phone 3-7177. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. mslSI Al l MA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See vour dealer or dist. Call 3-6401. . mel26" SH1PLAP $25 PER M. Free delivery. Weat Sslem Raw Mill. 1050 WsllaceRd. Ph. 39593. mal06' M" PLYWOOD ptecea 8c sq- ft. Take your . .'..nice. 6 l ie v inflow asli Ider.' fr barn, garage or chicken boue, 83 31. U-ed glass doors complete with hard ware nrl frames. Used toilet, wash bMn, shower cabinet. C. O. Lont I mil north of Kelser. Ph. 2-5621. msioo 100 SASH WINDOWS, 100 new and used door. 1.000 ft. of used 2x4', 1 good used Ice box, 1 used wood ft gas range, nw sj u.. uh bowls and toilets, Madsen Wrecking Co, 1360 Howar tn .04 tU MINI M WINDOW Sssh for sale. price. Writ to W. L. Johnson. Canor, Ore ton. ma 104 ' CEDAR S1DINO, V'xlO". limited euan tit, regularly up to I9i per M, only per M at Keith Brown. Front ft C Su a - H1 i iwur nome Can at 8a (Continued on Page 13)