10 Capital Journal. Salem. On Murder's Skirts By TERRY ADLER Chapter 28 It wa.1 at nine-one in the morn ing when fUff walked down the corridor to the wares wnere ne : to make the daily rounds. Suddenl he stepped short. The vajtue re collection of something imporlan: which had been eluding him Hood ed his mind. He had H. It all fitted In perfectly. The water-soaked cig arette. The fire. The bottle out of place. The theais. The thesis! Ellen was probably going to show it to Worden that morning. He had to stop her. He ran to tne pnone booth. Quickly he aked the hospit al operator to get the Biology de partment. "Your party does not answer." came the singsong voice of the operator. Never mind that. Oet hold oi Emergency. Tell Uiem to send an ambulance and someone from Psy cho around to the front door. This Is Dr. Rafferty talking. We ait going over to the Biology depart ment across the campus." He bang eo down the receiver and ran down the four flights of stairs. When he reached the front door, the am bulance was Just pulling up. He jumped In the front. "Open up thai, siren and let's get over there!" he shouted to the driv er. Meanwhile Ellen was walking down the long corridor to Bdd ie Worden s office, one was carry iiir the sheaths of galley proofs In her hands to put on Worden's de.sk so he could correct them. worcien door was partly open and she ent ered without knocking. "Why Eddie!" She was surpris ed to see him. "I didn't know you were coming in this morning." Eddie Worden had been stand Ing with his face toward the win dow. At the sound of her voice hr reeled around. He stared at her. and the color drained from hi face. "I wonder if you'd take chargf of these. Iiipy re the galley sheet' for your thesis. They finally came.' Worden crossed the room 1 n three long steps and tore the sheets irom ner nana. "Here, give me those. They're mine!" she looked at him with un concealed annoyance. "Well, don't be so unpleasant about it" she said crossly. "And why should I be pleasant about It? That old skunk tried to teal H, didn't he?" His face was twisted with emotion. "I don't know what you're talk ing about, Eddie." She was genu inely puzzled, and at the same time a cold fear began to creep up on her. "Look at this!" He held one of the sheets up to her face. "See what It aavs 'By Jasper Buxton Hubbard. Yeah. My thesis by Jasper Buxton Hubbard.' It was my Idea and I did all the work And look what it says. Look down here in small letters at the bot tom "The author wishes to ex-j press his gratitude to Edward J. Worden.' I think up the wholel project and do all the work and he gives me credit In a footnote. Yeah! Well, he didn't get very far." "Is that why you killed him. Eddie?" Ellen asked quietly. Worden turned and looked a t Ellen for a while minute without talking. "Pretty smart, aren't you?" he said softly. "You know Bray was smart too. He had it all figured out. And so I had to kill him. too." He was still speaking in that oft voice and had started coming to ward her with slow steps. "You didn't know that did you. Miss Know-it-all? I killed them both. I didn't like killing Bray." He shook h la hea d slow ly from side to side. "He was a swell guy. But I had to do It." ' Sheer terror, auch as she had ever experienced in her whole life. PATTERN N. KMM Ona-PW Sansvii Mothers ort asy-to-aew and nimpla-to- la under play wilts and children adors their onl wearing comfort. Thai suit Is mad In one piece the cut sing ing bird and eag ar embroidered Pattern Envelop No. IU0ft3 con tains tiaaut pattern for pi vault ROOM AND BOARD . . ir CMATMOBC CAM GETE A JOB. TOO, AS A CIRCUS ClOWM. IT VOJLD SOLVt MV VACATION PROBLEM PC. TH SUAWER. YE?. CCMft THE WWOLC COUNTRY IN TRAVtUNG Ort., Saturday. April 30. 1949 seemed to paralyze her and kept her rooted to tne spot, tie was close enoutth to seize her wrist and he felt his nails dig into her flesh. There was hate in his face. She went on talking faster. "He must nave faked a lot of data. If you look at the summary you 11 see that his conclusion is just the opposite irom what you got from the ex periments. " She held her breath while Worden stopped In his tracks ; Hate gave away to rage. "He changed it. He changed my thesis ! " He wheeled around and ran to the desk, picked up the sheets and avidly read through the last paragraph. I In that moment Ellen slipped! out of the door. She glanced wildly about the deserted corridor. Without hesitation she dashed across the corridor into the room marked "Ladies" and slammed the door. Thank God, there a a lock ie thoukht as she snapped It. ''he expelled her Breath in reuei. On the other side Worden rat tied the knob and kicked at the heavy wooden door, but It held fast Presently the noise stopped. In a few minutes a small noise ttracted her attention. She frown ed. It seemed to be coming from the ceiling. She looked up. The transom was opening slowly. (To be rontlnuedi 2205 SIZES 2-1 Side Order of Buttons Buttoning at both sides makes this butterflv sleeve dress easy for daughter to slip into . . . and easy for mother to iron ! Panties are included in the pattern. No. 2205 Is cut in sizes 2. 4, 6. and 8. Size 4 dress, 1 yds. 35-in.; pant Irs, yd. 35-ln. Applique in cluded. Send 25c ror PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number State Size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK Is Just off the press, presenting the ocsi. in cummer I asm oils, an de signed with the simplicity that spells good style and easy sewing and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions Send now for your copy, price Just :o cents. Address pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 552 Mission .street. San Francisco . Calif. aires 1. S and 4 Included. Tracing of embroidery, allien Illustration and material requirement. To obtain this pattern, tend 30c in wins, giving pattern number, your name, address and Bona num ber to Pegy Roberts. Capita) Jour nal 828 Mission Street San FY an' Cisco 1, Calif By Genu Ahern PUT MfRE' "lLL HAVE TO 5 WAVE OFF MY MUSTACHE CD TO TMiNlkO IT. I DOMT RECALL tVEA SEEING A CLOWN VVITM A MUSTACHE OR A VOUNI5T WITH A PEARDr .9S;7I?X B I should W oar woo machinery not moo at L, oot to home CftPfWLT operate rr th' twctor- your I why, phh. will wreck yfliWfiS. I UNSfLS- YMPS AOO...ONLV ) ME. HI RIGHT YES. SIREEMONEY 1 HELPS- S KNEE-NO USE VOU I THAT TRACTOR rt-L RUH 1 1 M fj.. TU,S"M 'nThiS AINT LEAP rcCAUSE I AlKh-'.TMATS WHY! TUAj-S VMAT VOU NljiiJ " s (lEAP YEAR,7) vear: AND ANYWAV , MOT.l JEST LIKE ROSETTA K THINK'. VOUREONLYAl 0: (l wONDER WHAT V -v f R05ETTA AWT THINK-AWHV AS A FRIENO-IU NEVERV I PK1E-YOL) NEVER J T ROSETTA WANTS TO) .-if IN OP SETTING N NOT?) 6lT MARRIED ASAlM-f KBEEM MARRIED 1 J i H SEE ME APjpUT K'qSi , MARRIED-1 UOKjyK ITS TOO 6XPNSIVE- s 7- )T j A ' ' -t 5 fOH.r.HCW LUCKY UeTXwE BOGPftTCHEBS ") ( WL IS ) I lSOON'S WE GET TRAtYwE'U- SLICE rT THROUGH 3:J? I IS THET DOGRWCH ISON A IS AS FIRM TH' , I K Mm IMTAIKI PURVEYED THE BOTTOM. WITH DYNA- "A I i At WAYS A MOB OF VOiteS ) T LOCA AT CM OAli UP AT HIM' II I f H6BE IS THE PtAN' rOMORSON. THE OTHERS AILL K WAITING l S C mac sue an' i mu roaS' They've ncmqhada vou win. CAa ROPER and tell L he will neves leave the ' . ( newel wnceo' r-y hbai meet'- uxf ouK' jf him to come to my home to m house -alive ' i , ' F I CONFER SECRETLY WITH MEMBERS I Jr-r- f M jTn-x l5Zi. ') L?T I Of THE FIFTH COLUMN COMMITTEE' WS . . rQr ft j xmjjj rid yJmm ; a i mr jiLk Jg- - ti ill lg-jrj1-' WOUIO HOE DONE IT. TOO, ONLV y f V Et, I HIRSO PHIL HO' MY KNEE fO.S FINE I O W SMOPT MOVF aIME- rjjaD VDO-RE tj OLLUS BEEN O BITSHORTO-OAPniL.-l WELL W ft CUMBLE HE CCM RIH I THIS KITtO Of WEflTHER- I tk' A MOONT'lN-TOP.Tj 'I AN SECURE AS )( MASTERS ) I 7 WE'LL HAUL IT MITE AND DRILLS-AND f " L TM' MOUNT'IN, ) cALL. WL I ( AWAY.V , ' DOMP IT SOMEWHERCT U: 7 rrsTHisFRESH ) ) V, n-stiLF.'-.'X I gstr' ) v, , ' I THOSE ARE. "ZL 1 (( H 1 M PICKED OUT FOR VOL) SHELL r- 1 LlVERWuRSTJ --fliw,. tlLKf ) ''TlJ. fj ' -3PT ' ' -v7 VOU MEAN YOU WANT THEM WORE THAN THAT. I WAS CONSIDERING gogS THATB A IwELL.TEX, I'P HAVE TO T YEAH. I SEE. I If TEXI'VE BEEN THINGS A LOTPAL0MlWS'VOUWANr kHf1 SSHfn SHUMPiN(5ER OP PINP A PEPENPABLE wEa,IKN0W- 11 K PUPE RANCH. I'M ALMOST RAPhY rK?6 JUST ONE WOBLSM. PROBLEM IN rrfD 'PTt!EB0DVD()N6,UNS W5CHD 1M . .nfiOt v..-bhbm 11-3... K 'in 'I'le n IH,iTft. angina ll--JtA'" m mi nnra rrr. ran 1 sr?; WJ JF 7 . " , 1 I mi VAi OF (URNITURC A 1 fi, I YOU VILL FLINCH fROM ' l . ,ppo wlti ZJ F ItT BE ON OUR WAY!--AND JS ANO DRAPtRIl HAVE 'S ,r iLnN6 HAVING NANCY 4Et U TO61THW, f iT, mfifT liwn I I MHt.0ARLIN6.'..ITl NOFUN TARTE0 TO V5N0RA CANYON, I f ATf R DON'T Y0U?WELL, DON'T.'.-lf TO it. .40MFTIMF ' I I H0WIN6 OFF A PRI7E PUR S fSS TOM! WANT TO COME OUT mTri A STUPID CUP'D Ml5E ONE TARGET HE KEEPS CHEWIN6 THE Xv I . M AND WATCH Ml WORK Aj. I AND HITS ANOTHER , t REFUSE TO h r7ISS W LEASH! . k iV I J A MY COSTLY MAGIC' JT hrl FtEL RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS LS Mfcl IV -ik J'Sj'jl! L C-L ' Tot a- l; h $0 : RADIO PROGRAMS ALL PROGRAMS PACIFIC STANDARD TIME SATURDAY .M. KSLM " KGW .SIKOCO T'KOIN U iTfM lalM U Trt ar fl :M'rhriiil !) M Tiki Nnmtt Vk f Trath ValM f Trilh Ufa BaflM at l Lift t I MM lia Praaa Mtfl tha Praaa Newt Dink Tantataa Plant at Parly Plantallan Parlr Waslani Hit Ecvlaw Kawa Urrkaaira Often Bum Omb Haaaa OaB) Nawa sin Off SUNDAY Maiia Malta Taaa Taaaalrlaa Taa Taaaalrlaa Pint Baallat Ch Plral Ballal Cb Vale af Praabaav Valca a( Pravbacy Badla Bibla Claaaa Badla Blbla Claaaa Latntraa Haar Latharaa Haar Stmt Eddla Bawar4 Neva Milt Rarlh Trla John B. Kaaaair T B A Bandar PaTarllaa Canary Pat Sbaar Nawa VaUa af Araar Javaalla Jarv Javfalla Jar? Haaaa af Mvalary Haaaa af Myatarr Traa Dftarllva Mralarlaa Matla far anaay Mntle far Sanaa? Quick aa Plaab daltk aa a Plaab Bar Baiera Ray Baiara Mrk Carttr Nick Carter TBA TBA Dick Pawcll Dirk Pawall Can 1 aria far Cbrlat Harrla A Paya Harris A Paya Wfnia af Htallni Wtant af Haallni Fred Allaa Fred Allea Henry Morraa Henry Merraa NBC-Thealra NBC Tbaatra Albaaa PamUiar Maala lt Brawa Newa Symphony Prer. Srmpbony Prac. Hymphony Prar. Symphony Prar. Mayar af Towa Taka at Laava ft Takr ar Ltata It Mayar af Tawa Mrdlcal Hie nil taa Harata Hcldt Haraca Heldt Nartbwtal Nawa Twenty Qaettlsaa Twenty Qaaatlaaa Martla Lawla Martla Uwla Walter WlnrhaU Symphony Boar Symphony Haar tat I la Paraana Ntwa I Maala Symphoay Haar Srmpboav Haar Comedy Playheatal Comedy Playhaaaa. Cathalle Haar Calhalle Hoar Revival Haar Revival Haar Revival Haar Revival Haar M. Downey Slnva Pawner Sines Western Caravan Western Caravan 8Kb Off Rita Off L PV Sal. P.M. S:M, let Freedom AC A Mm. A: IS, Harry Wlsmar. :, Teen Tanes. :M, Here's ts Vets. :I5, Home Edition News. d:M, Campaa Head lines. 1:00, Utile Herman. T;M. Masan Players. I:M, lane Bamer. ft:M, Tear FBI. t:M, Break tha Bank. t:M, Novak fnr Hire. 1A:M, News. 1:I5, Qaartett aa Parade. Dsnee Band. ll:aa, Memaa l Tomorrow. lt;Mi, Bilra Haar. 1:M. Sin Off. CV Ban. A.M. 1:M. Mamlnr Mela i t A ollea. S:M, Maala Tims. 1:41, Nwm. t:Dt, Garden Talks. f:lfi. Caneart II In lata re. t:W, Hoar af alth. 1:M, Can lent Invader. l:la, Maala. !:, Maa as af Israel. Il:aa, Top a' lha Morn int. 1I:U, Bowanea at tha Hlrbwaya. Natlanal Veapers. lt:M, Parade af Hits. lt:IS, Mors Oat ar Ufa. lt:M, Plan Playhouse. 1:00, Rdltar at Home. 1 1 15, So ciety News. 1:M, Breatoffa Orehaatra. 1:8. Manic af Today. S:M, Opera Albam. Evergreen Assembly Rainbow Girls Meets Woodburn Mitt Jeanette Bauman was initiated into Evergreen Assembly No. 12 Order of the Rainbow for Girls, at the Masonic temple and Mrs. Robert H. Treupel was installed as Mother Advisor succeeding Mrs. Neal Butter field who has resigned on ac count of moving to Vancouver. Mrs. Treupel was elected mother advisor at a meeting of ACROSS 1. HlRtt mount..! 4, Klsn spear t. vContaioara 11. Hodily It- Realoa 15. Always 14. usatlng It. Ancient Qroak shrtna 20. EIctrods 31. Roman data 51. Clamor 14. A rilfl rial languatw lft. Gain 38, Keepsaha SO. Tahiti 11. Part of B cunt It. fmsll pier U. New Zealand trtb ar claa 14. Light bad II. Drive away 17, Number SI. Forward It. Part of a raaV road trala 4 fiinctten 41 Aimlessly 44. Poorest 47. Pertaining ta th ansa at hearing II. River Ttiiaaal SI. Fenca oka at . Tallies It Add m one ta building M. Csrrnaea 17. Want flrat DOWN L Hltb cartl I. A (recti OS) ' r r J fH K " rr '7 ts r7t r xTi J5t XT & u fi ffi W T S? JTj; 17 H ri hfc jn"-j .. . . 44 ts"ti " 53 -35 jr j- f II Kaa4 V Tlaia Ota 4alrr X A L'b Tlaaa ! tatrr Immj VmW Clraal WhIU Way Dascar Aka4 Jav Caaa Ortal Whlla WaF Nawa Daaalt D Malair PM1I Marlawa Pracraa tUIUM Pallls Harlava Oraai Ola Oarv Wawa Mai-naa Cfaa Ola Oprr Mf . TiflDaBiaai brltra Caart Slat II Atala gbaw Taaa Tlaa RlM II Tratb at ftaaaaall B atlaai Slaf II Aiala Caaaaaaaaaaa taaaaall aalaaa Slai II Aiala II Paraaa Ditaal Daa Vaaaha MaarM HM Paraaa Daaaal Daaa Vaafka MaarM allrwaaa tut iaaabaU Oaaf Baatara Thaatar Baaakall Gang Baatara tddU r.nlar Baaafcall f1a Star Flaal lilt ?:.! ;' JM, Ntw- Bastball Mailtal PHI V Barailsaaa . Sw'""aL OMhtalra Daaalat PaH Orabaalra Onbaalra Paaalag farly Qrbaatf " Danclat Parl Daaclaa Part Daaflac Part Daaclac Partr laa Off Off SLrm-i NatlaaaJ EaAto Ckarah a4 tha Air Charcb la Baaaa Cbarah af tba AJr Charab la Haa Cbarab af tba Air Nawa Jaatart Nawa Hani. Raraaaaa Nawa Hawar4 tailtb Jaba Daa1 raa. Wbla hat. GaJlarr Gaaalp Haabj Paa. Blbla laal. Nawa Llrla ltit Fellawibla Valaa Iarllallaa LUIat 1Mb Clark Denala to Laaratar ftlcraal Lira! Ava Maria Haar Paaala'a Plalfana Elaraal LUbl Ata Maria Haar Pearla'a Platfara Glaaa Bballar Cbarab fca WU. Salt Laka Tabar. Gltaa Iballar Ulbtrt Rait Laka Tabar. Cblaara Baaa Waraa Slai Tall It Arata Tabla Wayaa Kiai Tall H Arala Warli Affalra Plral Bavtiat Cb Ryaiabaaatla WarU Affalra Pint Bantlal Cb Syaaabaaatla Ualf. Thaaira Pint Baallat Ob. Maria la Maala Calr. Tbaatra Plrtt Barllal Tb. Nawa UalT.Tbtalra aaraaada far NT Phllbarnaala UbIt Tbaatra tlrlaaa N T Phllharraaala Maa'a Paaally Nawa N T Pbllbarmaala Maa'a PaaiUr Gay Laabarda W T Pbllbarraaala Qalt Klaa Wards Maala N T Pfallbarataala Qala Kid Waraa A Maala N T Ptallbaraaanla Maalaal Data Warda A Maala Skyway ta Stan Cbark Paalar Warda A MaaU Nawa Rabcrt MarrIN Daaald Starrat Chsraltara Babart MarrUI Daaald Starrat Charalttra ' laaaaa MHtaa Daaald Slarrat Nawa Jaaiea Mtltaa Danald Slerret My Streaada Maala af Maalara Baaaball Paaillr Haar Maala af Maatara BaaabaU PaaiUr Haar Dick Bayaaaa Randay Sarcaada Oaaia A Harritt Cbark faalar Randay Baraaads Quia A Harritt Daraat Dana Jack Benny Jack Bennr Baaeball Baseball Baseball A moo A Andr A moo A Andy Dallas Ministerial Nawa Geerre Fit her Champoar Day Dallas Ministerial Sleep. Hal. Raneb Baseball Champaar Day Nawa Helen Hayes Helta Harts Oar Mlaa Breaks Oar Mlaa Brooks Lam 'a' Abaar Lam 'a Abaar Jack Bonny Jack Benny Raered Heart Melody by Candlelit ht Baaaball Baaeball Baseball Baseball Daraat Den Baaeball Baaeball Baseball It Pays ts Bo Iraoraat Tba Whistler Tha Whistler Baseball Nawa Baand TJp Plva Star Flaal Ram Spaa St. Francis Hoar Reran ada Caneart HaH Contort Ball Maala af Univ. Rsplarer Hnlv. ftanlertr Gone Krana Nawa Man bat taa La wren 00 Walk Nawa lira Oft Slra-Off l:aft. This Chanrlnr World. I:1B, Honey drtamtra. S:M, Randay with Taa. 4:00, Denser, Dr. Danflald. 4:M, Greatest Starr ver Tsld. :, Step tba Mask. 0:00, Qaltt, Pitas. :S0, Tad Malone. :, Gaest Star. 7:M. Walter Wlnebell. 1:1a, Loaella Parsons. 1:M. Theatre Galld. S:M, Jlmmla Fldler. S:45, Baadslda Chapel. :0t, Drew Pearsaa. :U. Monday Mam lnr Headline. t:M, Walter Wlnebell. :4f, lalermtssa. 10:M, Richfield Beportar. 10:11. Drew Pearson. :, Claremont Ma la! Orehaatra. 11 :M, Boootvtlt Hotel Or ehaatra. Mmoa to Tomorrow. M:M, Bstra Hoar. 1:00, Sin Off. 1CkAC ' :M. Him iMt .1 M)raH.I :M, L.nd.a Utlwr :tb. Thl U S.llh Afrle.l 7:M. Oran Owr. T.allhtl :4I. N.wai :M. Dun P.rad.t ff:M. OMO Nawtl :!. Da... P.r4.i !:. Slga Off. the advisory board which pre ceded the Rainbow meeting;. Mr. and Mn. Butterfield pre sented a Rainbow flag. they had made ai a gift of remembrance to the girlt, and corsage wai presented to Mrs. Butterfield. A report was made that 114.21 was the net proceed! of the re cent candy sale. Refreshments were served after the meeting by Misses Ole ta Murphy and Lois Marriott, assisted by Mrs. Archie Murphy. The next meeting will be held May 11 when new officers will be elected. otutlon af VtBttrday'i uuli DlTloloa af a dtp Extend Depletion of tba baauttfal "I m 315 n $l i ill mS L 0rMLHT 0 Hr 1 A rQwBt o t tb ru R A TlSQp O C OWfL OP b n o rjIba fs2lSlKlT" 1 5ffnWT'c lnili tiiTqn CI fJLAIsjeTR Ifll a rT kSNl!IIl v 1 3 1 Dlotaat t. High batted ball 1 Cenduetaari tick I. toad cavtrtaB It. Prod a a 1U Drooa It. Poka IT. Whirl tl. Harden SB. Serlouo IS. Re strata It. Chief Norao god If. City in Tesaa ST. Cots rt It aarcaoth) tf. Method of mount irtg th horisoa tai bar Sb. Fatherly !&. Reams S. r'ar down l. Hlnca to a aolutlaa tl. Notar . Puppet 4$, Local loa 4a. Dtyit a nat oblrfjualr T. Monkey 41. Stria genii 4s. Frnien wats ta. Doneaif antrrai ti. T aad oaa T 4. As