Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 30, 1949, Page 1, Image 1

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    Loyalty and May
Y Day Parades in
Eastern Cities
I I I r ssi
nunareas or I housands
March and Watch
Spring Celebrations
New York, April JO (Pi Hun
dred! of thousands of New York
ers Jammed sidewalks and
peered from buildings today as
thousands of others marched
through Manhattan and Brook
lyn streets In rival Loyalty day
and May day parades.
The first contingent In the
loyalty line of march, which
sponsors estimated would total
150,000 marchers before it end
ed,' began moving down Fifth
avenue at 1 p.m. (EST). The
marchers were led by Secretary
of Labor Maurice Tobin, the
parade grand marshal, and
Francis Cardinal Spellman, and
former Postmaster General
James A. Farley.
May Day Parade
Four blocks to the west, the
city's annual May day parade
r got under way 15 minutes later
More than 1,000 police lined
the route of the parade, from
Eighth avenue at 39th street to
the reviewing stand in Union
Square. The May day march
was sponsored by the "United
Labor and People's Committee
for May Day."
An estimated 80,000 march
ers, 57,000 of them children
streamed through Brooklyn
streets in that borough's Loyal
ty day demonstration. An esti
mated 250,000 spectators lined
the parade route.
Although May 1 has been the
traditional date for the leftwing
groups to put on their show,
they switched the date to today
this year in order to vie with
the "Loyalty day."
Originated by VFW
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey gave
official recognition to "Loy
alty day" this year, after it was
originated here in 1H4S by trie
' " eterans of Foreign Wars.
Following suit. New Jersey
and Los Angeles, Calif., also
have planned "Loyalty day"
celebrations, but the events will
not be observed until tomorrow.
In Trenton, N.J., Gov. Alfred
Driscoll yesterday proclaimed
May 1 as "Loyalty day," saying:
"It is particularly fitting In
a day of false and devious prop
aganda that we engage In volun
tary expressions of individual
liberty and obligations of citi
zenship." Hollywood to Parade
In Hollywood tomorrow, city
officials and Gold Star Mothers
will join with spectators in a
"pledge of allegiance" over
loud speakers as part of a "Loy
alty" parade, which will move
over a two-mile route.
Part of the theme of the New
York "May day" march this
year, sponsors announced, is a
demand for "a peace pact with
the Soviet Union instead of the
Atlantic War alliance."
At Portland, Ore., tomorrow
Archbishop Edward D. Howard
will head a Loyalty day parade
of Catholic war veterans and
Knights of Columbus.
Farm Program
By Grange Chiei
Washington. April SO ")
The head of the national Grange
today proposed a farm program
he said would meet most mar
keting problems without "resor
ting to the payment of cash sub
sidies." Albert S. Goss said in testi
mony prepared for the house
agriculture committee that no
single program can solve all
farm problems and suggested
instead an entirely new ap
proach: Create a farm commission
composed of representatives of
producers, processors and dis
tributors with authority to use
different plans for different sit
uations as they arise.
This commission, to be ap
pointed by the president, should
have access to all government
statistics and reports. With the
aid of this information, the
board could advise producers,
processors and distributors how
to handle crops.
Goss objected to Secretary of
Agriculture Brannan's proposals
for an Income formula is place
of the present price parity for
bula, and to his use of direct
subsidy payments to producers.
The committee Is studying the
price support program. It was
the only committee of either
house or senate, both in recess,
to schedule a hearing on ma
jor bill today.
However, lawmakers were
busy laying the groundwork for
action next week.
Mrs. W. . l"Ren Dies
Portland, April 30 Mrs
William S. U'Rcn. 82. widow of
the "Father of the Oregon sys
tem" of government, died today.
Her husband, whose efforts at
the turn of the century led to
adoption of the Initiative, ref-
erendum and recall, died March
6 1st Year, No. 103
Truman Gets
Only Partial Pay
On April Salary
Waahinrtnn. Anrfl tA ts
President Truman rot Anlv
partial pay check today pro-
oably about one-third of the
S12.500 April pay to which he's
entitled under his recent raise.
The curtaileri iuu h.i-
suited from the deadlock be
tween house and senate on the
$538,000,000 deficiency appro
priation bill. It parries (unrf.
for the salary boost recently ap
proved by congress, along with
such items as funds for Whiio
House repairs and pay money
ror some other federal workers.
A White House spokesman
id the check arrived on cr-h.
dule at the White House, but it
was only a "partial" one. The
exact sum was not revealed.
Money Bill Stuck
About the same time three
democratic members of the
house aDDroDriatinns committee
called on the president in an ef
fort to devise strategy for get
ting the money bill unstuck, but
they neglected to discuss the
presidential payday.
Rep. Rabaut (D-Mich), one of
the callers, told reporters:
. "The bill is in a jam between
the senate and the house and
we're getting it straightened
Congress raised the nresi-
dent's pay from $75,000 a year
to $100,000 plus a new $50,000
expense allowance, boosting his
monthly check to twice the for
mer $6,250. He has been paid at
the new rate and the bigger
checks have eaten up all but $4,-
167 of the earmarked money.
since the appropriation was
made at the old rate.
There s about $4,000,000,000
in the treasury's cash till but
the president can't have any of
it until the bill passes.
T-H Repeal Bill
Up on Tuesday
Washington, April SO )
Worried administration demo
crats buckled down today to the
job of saving their labor bill
from defeat in the house.
They took a severe beating
yesterday. But they had three
days more to round up votes
against a substitute bill sup
ported by a strong, confident
house bloc of republicans and
southern democrats.
After winding up their fourth
stormy day of labor debate.
leaders of both parties agreed to
truce until Tuesday. The
house will take up other busi
ness Monday.
On the record, both sides still
predicted victory.
Chairman Lesinski (D..
Mich.) of the labor committee,
sponsor of the administration
bill, declared house leaders have
enough pledges, including some
from republicans, to fight off
the substitute offered by Rep.
Wood (D.. GO.
Rep. Halleck (R., Ind). a
member' of the GOP policy com
mittee, told reporters the Wood
bill will be passed next week.
Privately, some administra
tion lieutenants told reporters
they believed they had lost
ground during the last two davs
of debate. But they insisted
that the ground could be regain
ed over the week-end.
Dork Workers Strike
Southampton. Eng., April 30
IMS A cargo of wheat and tim
ber was tied up aboard the
Canadian freighter Seaboard
today after dock workers refus
ed to unload the ship in sympa
thy with striking crewmen.
Boys State Legislators
Thresh Out 47 Measures
Forty-seven bills. 12 of which
threshed out in committee Saturday as some 150 boys and girls
from over the state prepared to wind uo their second annual
YMCA sponsored Youth and Government session at the state
capital. Not like their elders who remained long after the regu
lation u asys 01 law making
had elapsed, the youngsters
were prepared to depart for
their homes late Saturday after
concluding their 'legislative
The nine committees and
chairmen to which the legisla
tion was referred included: agri
culture, Lenuel Dickerson of
Oregon City; resolutions, James
Dudley of Portland: labor. Marl-
lee Crawford of Klamath Falls:
buildings and institutions, Rich
ard Rounseveile of West Linn:
fish and wildlife, James Miller
nt Eugene; elections, Robert
Simpson of Ashland; roads an.l
highways. Charles Cline of
Springfield: revision of laws,
Dan McHenry ot Portland; med
icine, Jim Lovell of Newberg:
education, Joe Berg of Corval-
Mnt enntrnveriial nf the bills
inimAnfA win lntr .limn nt
Capital k Jonir
Safer M Meoj tM
BAtUf at sUltm Otmoi
Strike of 60,000
Ford Workers
Looms in Plants
(Br th Auoclattd Prru)
The CIO United Automobile
Workers union International ex
ecutive board held the top decis
ion today on strike sanction for
66.006 Ford company workers.
The workers at Ford's River
Rouge and Lincoln-Mercury
plants accused the company of
a "speed-up." The company de
nied the charge. A vote of the
locals involved authorized a
strike, but final strike author
ization must come from the
The International executive
board said it would authorize a
strike "only" after a "first hand
check of fact" and after all
peaceful means of settlement
had been exhausted.
One Strike Sanctioned
The board has already sanc
tioned a strike of 3.500 Lincoln
Mercury workers after a "speed
up" accusation. The strike is
pending negotiation.
A temporary restraining order
won by the Hudson Motor Car
Co , was served on the Bendix
local of the UAW at South Bend,
Ind. Hudson asked the order to
make possible the removal of
brake dies from the strikebound
Bendix plant. Bendix has made
brakes for Hudson. Pickets pre
viously prevented removal of
the dies on a circuit court order.
The Bendix strike involves
7.500 workers. The plant's shut
down has forced a production
stoppage in other automotive
plants. Since the Bendix strike
April 20. Packard. Kaiser-Fra-zer
and Nash have closed down.
Altogether, some 35,000 have
been made idle because of the
Bendix dispute over pay rates,
speed-up and dismissal of work
ers. Wildcat Strike Called
A two-day "wildcat" strike at
the Youngstown Sheet and Tube
Co 's Campbell works ended Fri
day night. About 275 workers
were made idle when men in the
cold strip department walked
out because of "dangerous con
ditions." Company officials said
they were not informed of the
(Concluded on Para 5, Column 7)
Queen of May
Crowned Today
With their stage and the seat
ing set up on the lawn In front
of Eaton hall but with the gym
nasium available in case of nec
essity, Willamette university
students were prepared early
Saturday afternoon to go ahead
with their May day ceremonies
regardless of weather conditions
The coronation of Queen Edith
I and the winding of the May
pole were scheduled to climax
the three-day observance of
"May day" which got under
way Friday when the various
sororities held their annual
song contest in Waller hall.
The play "Our Hearts Were
Young and Gay" was presented
in the high school auditorium
Friday night and at noon Satur
day the annual inter-fraternity
singfest held the spotlight.
Rain threatened to wash out
the baseball game and track
meet slated for Bush Pasture
late Saturday afternoon.
A formal ball Saturday night
will close the activities, although
the queen and her court were
due to attend services at the
First Methodist church Sunday
pertain to education were beine
gambling devices as a means of
raising county revenues; yearly
instead of biennial meetings of
the legislature, physical exam
inations for motorists over 65
sex education in schools and an
act to provide medical and
dental care for all children from
birth to 15 years.
The young legislators met at
the YMCA Friday night for
their banquet with Tlnkham
Gilbert, president of the Y board
presiding as toastmaster.
Late this afternoon Dr. U.
G. Duhach, head of the depart
ment of physical science at Lew
is and Clark college and
state chairman ot (he YWCA
youth and government commit
tee was scheduled to deliver an
j address before a Joint session of:
the house and senate lust nrior
in artinurnmsnL '
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, April 30, 1949
1 1 V an
Diversity Features Rotary Hobby Show Top: Miniature
steam engines that actually run are a hobby with Earl Andre
sen of Salem. At the left is an Erie type common in steam
sawmills. This model is rated at a half horse power. The ver
tical twin cylinder in the foreground is a single expansion
with no dead center. Steam shovels and hoists use this type
of engine. Andresen took three months to build it from
scraps of steel and brass shown. At the right is a link motion
engine, a type used in the first locomotives of 120 years ago.
Below: A part of the collection of 60 horseshoes made by Mrs.
W. F. Krenz of Silverton. In this collection are horseshoes
used decades ago and specialized kinds used to deaden sound
for heavy pulling and for racing purposes.
Freezing Temperature
But Little Frost Damage
Freezing temperatures hit the
this morning and a white frost was evident on roofs and grouna.
No reports of any damage from the frost were received at the
office of Harry Riches, county agricultural agent, Saturday morn
ing. Young garden crops, such as beans, peas, tomatoes and cab
bages, would be the most like-"
ly to suffer, and any severe
freeze would affect strawber
ries and any fruit set on the
trees, such as cherries.
The mercury slid to 32 de
grees at the weather bureau at
McNary field and may have
dipped even lower In some sec
tions of the county.
Frost was general in the Port
land area and some garden
plants were said to have been
damaged. Yakima reported
smudging operations in the orch
ards around there.
Sub-freezing temperatures hit
the eastern Oregon regions. Bend
registering 16 degrees, other sec
tions 24. 27 and 28 degrees.
Forecast here is for rain to
night and showery conditions.
Sunday, and the weather bureau
looks for slightly warmer tem
peratures tonight.
County Budget
Within Limits
Final check on the 1049-50
budget adopted by the Marion
county budget committee this
week shows that it was held in
side the 6 per cent limitation al
lowed by the narrow margin of
$72.00. The actual levy within
the 6 per cent limit is $1,020,
P.08 80, although the total levy
is $1,220,088.60 including the
last' of three annual $200,000
levies for courthouse construc
tion approved by the people out
side of the limitation. The levy
inside the 6 per cent is $57,
723.60 over the total levy for
1048-40 which was $063,275.
Total estimated requirements
set up by the budget are $3,016,
601.54, the additional being
made up by $1,106,818 34 in es
timated revenues and $502,
874 80 in estimated expendable
A final public hearing will be
held some time in June before
the actual levy is made.
Canada Election June 27
Ottawa, April 30 Prime
Minister Louis St. Laurent in
formed the house of commons
officially today that a general
election will be held in Canada
on June 27. He also announced
that this parliament will be dis
solved upon adjournment today.
mil mi carri mm n n rtrcnr
Iff fi Uff ATYvl HI V t lilfi H IT l&l
i?rr i An ' rim i
rkmMJX-lM I lirT J W IU II I
Salem area last night and early
April Building
Building permits for Aprill
surged past the million-dollar
mark, and the month was one of
the four biggest on city records.
The 138 permits In April to
taled $1,262,509.69. Of that
total $1,199,419.69 was for new
construction and $63,000 for al
terations and repairs of exist
ing buildings. A booster was
the permit Friday for the Capi
tols school.
The biggest orders for the
month were the Kress building
on the Pacific Mutual Life In
surance company's project.
$250,000; the First Christian
church, $265,000; school district
No. 24, Capitola school, ?20,
079.69: a garage for the Sears
store in the Pacific Mutual
project, $62,000; and a church
school building at Jason Lee
Memorial Methodist church,
The biggest month on Salem
records was June, 1948, when
the total reached $2,365,340.
June. 1947. had a total of $1.
794.716. and September, 1047,
New permits today: Ray V.
Bairey, to alter a two-story
dwelling at 1725 North Capital.
SlOOn. Effie Morgan to alter a
two-storv apartment, 1467 Court.
$100. Claud C. Bell, to build a
one-story dwelling at 490 Orch
ard Heights road, $6500. Ariol
phui K. Ryley, to repair a two
story dwelling at 1820 Cheme
keta. $40. school district No.
24. to build Capitola school at
3165 Lansing, $206.070 69.
(Reled by United Rtstes
Weather Bureau
Forecast for Bslem and Vi
cinity: Rain tonlnht ami early
Stindv, becoming showery In
afternoon. Slightly warmer to
night. LsweM temperature ex
pected tonight. 40 ojtrew; hlgh
et Sunday, M decree. Condi
ttorw will be mainly favorable
for farm work Sunday. Maximum
yesterday ,M. Minimum today 32.
Man temperature yesterday 47.
which waa 8 below normal Total
34-hour preelpitatlon to 11:10 a.
m. today 0.1 of an lneh. Total
precipitation for toe month M
of an Inrh which U 1.74 Inehe
below normal Willamette rtv-r
height at Salem Saturday morn
Int. 81 feet.
(18 Pages) Price 5c
Hobby Show
That humans do not spend all
of their time and energy grub
bing for money is wpII demon
strated through the medium of
the second annual SBlem Rotary
club hobby show being held at
the, armory. The display is more
comprehensive than the initial
venture of last year and is well
The show will be open for
inspection until 10 o'clock Sat
urday night and on Sunday from
2 to 10 p.m.
Workmanship of the highest
degree has gone into many of
the articles on display. This is
particularly true of a number of
framed "pictures made from
pressed flowers. From a dis
tance the work resembles paint
ings, but closer inspection re
veals the patience that has gone
into the arrangement of the
Another worthwhile display
is the collection of doilies by-
Mrs. A C. Shaw, while Earl
Andresen has added to his group
of model steam engines that
work. These engines are ma
chined from bits of metal scrap
and are accurate in detail.
Among the unusual collections
are Viiginia Kline's miniature
horses, Wm. Kingston's coins.
currency and stamps. Mrs., W
F. Krenz, horseshoes and a vari
ety of cut and unpolished
stones. A revolving mirror up
on which have been placed 1
number of semi-precious stones
attracts the eye.
Group displays have been en
tered by the Salem Camera club.
the public schools, the Salem
Art association, the Chemawa
Indian school and a number of
Bids A'ked Detroit Reservoir
Portland. April 29 iPi The
army engineers will Invite bids
M.-y 9 for clearing, logging and
stockpiling merchantable tim
ber in about 175 acres of the
Detroit dam reservoir area.
Shanghai Garrison Suspends
Living Cost Index to People
Shanghai, April 30 (U'l Shanghai garrison headquarters today
jsuspendrd the cost of living Index and at the same time ordered
workers In this teeming city of 8.000.000 to be psid in silver
dollars In accordance with the cost of living.
In the same order the Central Bank of China was Instructed to
kcII employers 400.000 silver
dollars within four days to help
meet the month end payrolls.
Suspension nf the cost of liv
Ing rienx ETAOl shrdlu nu nu
ing index infuriated workers of
all classes, adding new fuel to
the chaotic economic and labor
situation. The Index provided
the base on which wage pay
ments were computed semi
monthly to keep up with China's
runaway Inflation.
The workers' discontent may
be the spark to set off wide
spread disorders inside Shang
hai, smoothing the path for
communist captur of the city.
Chinese Reds
Within 25 Miles
All Rail Traffic From
Shanghai Cut Off
Kashing By-Passed
Shangahi, April 30 P Com
munist troops tonight knifed to
! within 23 miles of Hangchow,
Nationalist defense anchor for meetings" on the Berlin blockade
the Shanghai front. Rail traf- situation between American Am
fic between Shanghai and Hang-j bassador Philip Jessup and So
chow was cut off. vlet Deputy Foreign Minister
Railway officials in Shanghai: Jakob A. Malik,
said no trains were running past This information, indicating
Kashing, vital rail junction! officially that the Soviet-Amer-where
the Shangahi-Hangchow lean negotiations have not yet
line joins the Hangchow-Soo- j reached a final decision, came
chow line-up with the Nanking- from Department Press Officer
Shanghai railway. Michael J McDermott. A short
This report might indicate1
the Reds moving along the Soo-chow-Hangchow
line have by
passed Kashing and cut between
there and Hangchow the last:
rail escape route from Shanghai!
to the rest of Nationalist China,
Nationalists Withdraw
The newspaper Sin Wan Pao'
said government employes in'
Hangchow had been ordered to
lleave and that locally-organized1
! militia took over police duties.
This might indicate the Na
tionalist soldiers had withdrawn
from the coastal citv, 121 rail " '"" be does not know ex
miles southwest of' Shanghai ac".v where Webb went for the
There was nothing official to week-end. but that Acheson la
bear out this, however.
The Shanghai garrison com
munique said that one commu
nist column had reached Tech
ing. 23 road miles north of Hang-
chow. Earlier the garrison saidjpeared today to be advancing
Nationalist troops had with- slowly toward an agreement on
drawn from Wukang, 12 miles; lifting the Berlin blockade.
west of Teching,
Sin Wan Pao reported artil
lery fire could be heard in
Hangchow The city was quiet
and most shops were closed.
7 Armies Said Trapped
(The Communist radio boasted
that the main battle raged 70
miles or so northwest of Hang
chow, where it said seven gov
ernment armies were trapped
and were being "annihilated."
(This would mean more than
140,000 Nationalists, or nearly
one-third of the total force as
signed to defend the now-punctured
(There was little to indicatt
the Nationalists were putting up
much resistance on the Hang
chow front, although previously
strong government forces were
reported moving up to block the
Red advance.)
The departure of Chinese and
foreigners from Shanghai sped
on without letup. American
and Chinese planes took off
with mostly capacity loads.
Bids Called on
Meridian Dam
Portland. April 30 W Bids
on a million dollar railroad and
highway relocation Job in Lane
county will be called about
May 16.
It will be the sixth reloca
tion contract in connection with
work on Meridian dam on the
Willamette river The bids will
be opened by Col. O. E. Walsh
Portland district army engi
neer, on June 14.
The prnieet Involves shift
ing 2 5 miles of Southern Pa
cific tracks and 25 miles of
state highway No. 58. It starts
five miles east and one and
three-quarters miles south o f
Dexter and extends to near the
Willamette national forest
Walsh issued the following,
report today on other relnca
tlon work: Lost Creek section,
million dollar Job, 64 percent
complete; Rattlesnake Creek
section, million dollar Job, 83
percent complete; section under
contract to Miller St Strong.
Eugene, quarter million dollars.
68 percent complete; section
recently put under contract to
K L. Goulter. Seattle, million
dollar Job; section on which
bids will he npenrd May 13
miI,'on,dol.1"r Jo'
i nr jvirrininn nam in ohp ni
the major units of the Wil
lamette vallev project.
Shanghai businessmen, fear
ing disorders, made belated et
forts to protect their plants,
warehouses, businesses and fac
tories with the help of Shang
hai's guilds and other commer
cial organizations.
A Joint protection committee
was organized by the Shanghai
Industrial Federation and the
Chinese General Chamber of
Commerce. Further action was
scheduled for Monday when lo
cal guilds will plan formation
of a mutual protection corps to
guard business properties. ll
No Agreement
Yet Reached on
Berlin Blockade
Other Meetings Slat
ed Between Envoys
Jessup and Malik
Washington, April 30 A
state department official said to
day that "there will be other
time earlier he had talked with
Jessup, meanwhile, conferred
with Assistant Secretary of
State Dean Rusk, one of the de-
partment's top political officers.
and with Counselor Charles E.
Bohlen, an expert on Russian
Secretary of Slate Acheson
ni Undersecretary of State
Webb are bo,n out of town, Me-
Dermott said. He added that
there is no policy significant to
their absences from the city. He
at his nearby Maryland farm
Advancing Slowly
New York, April 30 W Rus
sia and the western powers ap-
This was the view expressed
cautiously in some western cir
cles as the result of a "satis
factory" meeting late yesterday
between United States Ambassa
dor Philip C. Jessup and So
viet Deputy Foreign Minister Ja
kob A. Malik.
Western delegates said it la
not yet time to become too op
timistic about a settlement of the
10-month stalemate.
But after hearing Jessup's re
port on his two and one-half
hour talk with Malik they ob
viously were encouraged.
IConcludrd on Tare S, Column I)
Russia Agrees to
Free Barges
Berlin, April 30 U. The
Russians agreed today to keep
hands off British barges In
western Berlin's waterways and
released three British soldiers
seized last night while they
were trying to retrieve live
stork from Soviet zone rustlers.
The Soviet actions removed
two minor obstacles that had
threatened to complicate Anglo
Russian relations at a time when
lifting of the Berlin blockade
appeared imminent.
The waterways dispute was
settled at a noon conference be
tween Brig. E. R. Benson, dep
uty commander of Berlin, and
MaJ. Gen. P. A. Kvashnin, So
viet transport chief.
The agreement was under
stood to call for freedom of
movement on western Berlin's
caanls for both British and
British-licensed barges.
The dispute erupted Wednes
day when the Russians, who
control all Berlin's canals under
an old fnur-power agreement,
stopped British barges in the
British sector of Berlin. Next
day, armed British military po
lice shooed away the Soviet con
trol officials and announced their
,, ,n, p,,K. o( rjt.
ish barges.
McMinnville Sells
Watershed Timber
McMinnville, April 30 uW
This city has sold, for $243,000
some 15.00n.0nn feet of timber
in its watershed 14 miles north
west nf here in the Coast Range
i ii,mi.
i Carnation Lumber company,
Forest Grove, which bought the
timber, is limited In the annu
al cut to 3.000.000 feet.
The city plans extensive im
provements and development
nf Its water supply system.
When t Is
Because of the difference
in time, the working day
on the east coast is Just
coming to a close when the
Capital Journal is being
made up for printing. That
difference means much of
the news from the east, for
instance. Is already news
In the afternoon's Capital
You get the latest news,
whether In the east, in Chi
na, or in the Central Wil
lamette Valley in the
91 9r itih k rarrivt.