ifM ' 1 .11 "I Milk Prices May Soon Be Reduced Portland, April 29 W) A hearing that may reduce the price of milk for the first time since the war ii expected here soon. Thomas C. Ohlsen, chief of the milk control section of the state department of agriculture disclosed that distributors' cost figures were being investigated. Consumer groups recently have been asking a price cut, a request that some dealers have favored on the theory it would increase demand. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, April 29, 19499 Direct Courses Mrs, Vio let M. Orr, of the Yamhill school district, will be a su pervisor of teaching at the OCX summer session In Mon mouth. Summer school will be June IS to August 9. 750 Teachers to Meet in Monmouth Monmouth, April 29 W1 The annual conference on elementa ry education, sponsored by Ore gon College of Education, will be held here tomorrow with 750 Oregon teachers expected. Principal speakers will be Dr. school housing section of the California department of educa tion; Dr. Rod Langseon, direc tor of the University of Oregon graduate studies In elementary education; and Dr. Ray Faulk ner of the Stanford art department. Queen Patricia Will Rule Woodburn Dance Woodburn Miss Patricia Ann DuRette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DuRette, will be queen of the annual Gold and Green ball to be held to night at the Woodburn armory by the M. I. association of the local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Dancing will be from 9 o'clock until mid night with music by Carl Mik kelson's orchestra. A floor show is planned for intermission. The committee in charge In cludes Mrs. L. Workman, Roy Beckwith and Mrs. Arthur Sa bin. The public is invited to attend. West Salem School News By ANN GALLASPY The West Salem Junior high orchestra, directed by Mrs. Vir ginia Howell, will go to a re-1 gional rating contest for bands, orchestras and vocal groups Saturday at the Colin Kelly jun ior high school in Eugene. Pri vate cars will be furnished for transportation. Those taking cars are: Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Johnson, Mrs. M. ! G. Gallaspy, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Berlin, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Frie sen, Mr. and Mr.s R. C. Howell, and T. J. Means. Those students going are: Jane Barlow, Arlene Loewen, Barbara Watts, Phil Ritchey, Anne Ritchey, Jerry Curtis, Ann Curtis, Ann Gallaspy, Jan Cren shaw, Charles Edger, Linn Las well, Shirley Toewen, Melvin Pankratz, Keith Johnson, Roger Berlin, Allen Friesen, Louise Owens, Barbara Culbertson, Marcie Helton, Angela Hart man, Margaret Lutz, Raymond Utterback. It's Time to Let Elfstroms YOUR HOME for SPRING Now beautify the interior and exterior of your home with quality paint applied by expert craftsmen. Protect your home against the weather but do it now before the spring rush. DIAL 2-2493 FOR FREE ESTIMATE NO OBLIGATION Take Up to 3 Yean To Pay If You Like Ca 340 Court Dial 2-249.1 1 In QUARTS, CANS STUBBIES and lh handy '12-PAK iTliT:!SiiOIi W MR EVER BEER IS SOLO 155 North Liberty Phont 3-3191 ItWSJS A WARD WEEK Tmmmm j SUPER VALUE! GREEN BANDS 4)68 f jtj I ( I IH I Ksw Kiddies I H to 3 Jl fj$$ffi ' ' j" Jp4jgJfJ kislaJsSsi Tlk. Several styles to choose from hSSw'II i '-tV ' ' I fcXaV 1 I C fclsV I tficfiftT"X JfcPT'i- Jfm. Save even more now on these 1 U i I I I I I J 111 it CTw'4 gootiquality shoes at this Ward 1 J j" .lOsT "'JlVy rTvN I 98e COTTON CREPI r' HuAXS Sfe -- 78 ffMJTsm DRESSES yr M1M TSHJFSrJff 3g . I II V AT A NEW LOW PRICE (J ' MkK $ 1 98c RAYON SLIPS I 1 ; t Ll 1 IL IL X jf iVAVU for girls 7Q. J U i "V y Oft . w S-;-y. Ore,.rS.,in!78 f ; V. VU V ? Lovely lustrous fabrics in soft sf . 111 , ', V XX "v v I V K-i N. SJr pastels! All are built-up style if i I t ; XX J ' ,i V- , 'p . .' X dainty trims. Sizes 4 to ff ' I f - I X bm v NO ,V J '.,, I r r, 1 I ' . ' ' Wear It 3 Different Ways REG. 49c SMALL BOYS' IV' 1 ff! P'Vs T-SHIRTS I V f J STRAPlESS V 'C S?J 1 pricedHZ I Y I W1THSTRAPS V Vw X -r' Chowe maize, blue, tan. white Tl , I Ji, ' "i Vi'V ""if 'or sport tops or underwear! I . W , V. t . A J WITH BOLERO TnlTT. vV. . ' Flat knit cotton. Sizes 2 to . I I v ffl 'ittyT'vLy I 1 i!, i. ; Shirred elastic fmirHtf'i X I iffiRCfOjPV V B I V- I bodice for perfect VT'jyVlV'f jSoprl) , 1 2-4' BLUE JEANS I I ' - ' ' V F''ri08!' skirt' HIffif vJ-?-V OR BOYS 08 1 ... I V (hoire of it square i 'ffifrffi'W X - i Saddle Pant Type! X 1 V I I I J percale, 100x60 ItMin tl 'CTO w t "' jjr V I V broadcloth or plain tffljgT V Strong heavy 11-oz. denim San- (ktw K. Prints, florals and , , rt fit iUrP X (f kf JFs. forized to not exceed 1. Strain . I ' Jb ,olid 'hades of "JS ffipi lhluJZ!Sl S f points reinforced, Zipper fly ' .jBaa.w. powder blue, aqua. jegPV Jgtfttt wJm&rJr I I W J "" FL00R i WSr SPORT SKIRT 1S8 ( 1 AVlVriCHH K$TVWfcSS In-or-Outer Style! I "- $)4 4 COLORS' Mm i" "S?5" ' V "'J'C -64 M I llfei n PTl XJW CSTVA Bmart-looMng-atyled for action!' ' i W ,14,' f 1 l lrTv?T':!i Siafc" Lonn body, piped neck and :, .1 I M V . 1 ( 1. I ' 0Zyxt'f-e' 4 '&i&4$&;) rLI . B,ue' t,n' m w : i i 1 r -) -C Y REG. 17.93 WARDS A. 1. T SfftwCvST Vr ' V- f ' ' v. V LAWNMOWER' ,C44 . 1 , III'tWW Vi WICVJ 10'" wheeto. semi-pneumatie ; .' TSrMf fflr'i? ' 'J&J&Zs " l&liTs' n'b'x'"- "" crucible steel V t , V rtUV,-'l fUef ' t'Z$MJr Wr btadea. Enclosed tear., wheels. - 't .? K Jltf ff (lV3i! ' rlllS' , j j" "jr COOKIE PRESS SET REG. 2.49 SHOWER CURTAINS SALE! REG. 2.29 MARBLEIZED LINOLEUM "1 CUT FROM 89e Q( Add color to vour bathrnom with hlm- Bin savlnan now on famous Sloane Qusl- w5 Rnatnrnnf lumlniim' DO mering plastic film shower cirlins. lOd "V MarbleMone Linoleum! Colorful 188 r vyk Kiisiprooi aluminum, ww Won.t mll((,w 8tr0ni 1" marble arslnlng goes thru Ui felt bark- I " it J' U i "LTV hi... .i.. waterproof. hv 6 feet I lt linoleums Illel Choice of popular I 0VT!il$5l noodprH'zeV T 4 Teor M"h'" W'"rt"w C-In. ' "" 6 "' w""' "v. e I A 7 ator tips decorate cakes, etc. 1 I g Tj rsv jjc phi e. I S5Sii I REG. 69e DRAPERY I f I REG. S.79 ALL-METAL REGULAR 1.08 FLAT -3fWiS . ri IL FABRICS CC LAWN ROCKER 88 WALLPAINT QQ V,Tl'iMi J Inches wide yd. J D KPS Buy Now and Save! T Cut priced! Quart OO VvVK aaa ShI V mfc& Smart, colorful patlerrwl Inter- SR I Shaped seat and back. Weaiher- 7i oi 'SJ f'w Pte' hade. Soft, alare- estlna rotlon ehevronette weaves T sJ) resistant; baked on enamel fin- lgglj iKlirl?. fjj JVgJ and smooth -crMhe,! XjJ tel.. Heavy tuhui.r steel fram.. ifK I SAVE ON WEATHER- I I REG. 39c CURTAIN I I 184.95 40" ELECTRIC 111111 'TiliJ proof WIRE Q0O fiSr " MATERIALS 0) NfTI RANGE CUT! ICO88 I PSilmiiirsii 180-feetNo. I( . Sv-V V- Now Cut-nrlced vd. w I Ask about terms! 'sf- Single soft-drawn copper .eon- II JriSf-iy , Lovely, rnlorlul self-chn ked ' I H" "-I1- deep-well rookri ; 1- ttftiEl-- ,,llcU,r tough cover. REA II V' jillf Voile and tine close weave ravon I ( " piece top; storage spare; large asggD I 0ScPr ' ' I I I y-y 1 marquisette. 3' and 4J- wide. LAjsdJ "" ov'n' m"W ,"""ly 'r4tUrMl Blngl Boft-dmwn copper -ron durtor with tough cover. REA up proved. Mo. , No. 6 kIho re duce. I SHOP WARDS 'TIL 9 TONIGHT! BRING THE FAMILY! - USI WARDS MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN . . . TAKI ADVANTAGE OF THESE WARD WEEK CUT-PRICES