20 Cnpital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Friday, April 29, 1949 r I f - - Mrminrlc Kan 'St i i Bill Approved Seek Funds to Send Band to KF An extensive and Intense campaign to raise $1500 with which to underwrite the ex pense of (ending Salem high, school's band and orchestra to' Klamath Falls for participation! in the state music tournament has been launched. Participants Include students, parent! and the general public. More than 100 boys and girls.' members of the two organiza tions and chaperones are to I . lain Ib ti.a- uka-lal.- nisnc Hie iiijj .u mice vniiici- d buses providing financing ! can be arranged. They will leave Salem May 12, take part in the contest program May 13 and 14 and 'return home Satur day evening. Bui transportation will cost approximately $500. Lodging and breakfast has been secured In Klamath Falls for $1 a night for each individual. A committee, named by the bands parents to head the fund raising campaign includes U Q. Wolfer, August Manke, Mrs. Keith Dyer, E. J. Whittlesey, O J. Shute and O. N. Engdehl. Tha band and orchestra re cently received superior ratings in district competition. It is pointed out that the young musicians have been generous in participation in parades and public functions for which they receive little or no financial re wards. Plans include a "tag day" May 7 and solicitation of the general public. J- " "".'J WAS Dallas Will Remain On Standard Time Dallas There is no Imme diate prospect of attempting to "fool the sun" in .Dallas. Mayor Hollis Smith stated that the city was planning to take action on daylight saving In the near future. He Indicated that nothing would be done un less Governor Douglas McKay proclaims daylight time for Oregon at t later date. Then action by the mayor and the city council would ap ply only to city offices and it would be up to the business men and local industries to com- ply voluntarily to avoid con fusion. Meanwhile, sentiment is dl vlded on the issue. Farmers generally favor standard time, but sportsmen and others would like to have the longer evenings. Little confusion has resulted here from Portland's switch to daylight time. Cabinet Post Curtis E. Cal der (above), chairman of the Electric Bond and Share Co., may become Secretary of the army within 60 days to suc ceed Kenneth C. Royall. In the meantime, Assistant Army Secretary Gordon Gray will be promoted to undersecretary and will act as secretary until Calder takes office. (Acme Telephoto) Road Repair Rushed Independence A different group each day of Independence businessmen have assisted farm ers this week in repairing the road between here and Buena Vista this week. The Polk coun ty crew furnished the ' equip ment and Buena Vista farmers provided trucks to haul the gravel. sented by a national represents-! tive and local members said, they would go to court if neces sary to block It. Members said the lodge ses sion was disrupted by demands of members to soeak and was Shooting fireworks In Oregon ,ded with President Nicholas! except between June 20 andjGranet's ruling of adjournment. July of any year became ille- Member, id order di. gal today when Governor Doug-(recjni. Smiln., ,uspension as last McKay signed the legisla-, ,ecretiiry wa, based on tecnni. ture's fireworks bill ca, ground, only. The bill contained an emer- gency clause, so it become law , when the governor signed it. Dld you read th d ,oday The new law also outlaws the Journal Classified. bigger and more dangerous types of fireworks. Small cap pistols are not affected by the law, so they can be shot off any time. The Governor also signed into law the $59,000,000 public wel fare program for the two years beginning next July 1. It is $10,- 000,000 more than the program for the current two-year budget period. This program contains $28, S00.000 for old age pensions, or $3,500,000 more than for the current biennium. Governor McKay signed the bill which requires motorists to stop when school buses are loading or unloading. Accident Fails to Stop Author from Prize New York, April 29 U.R A novel dictated through a wired Jaw while its architect-author was recovering from an auto mobile accident was awarded the $15,000 first prize today in the Christophers' book contest. George Locke Howe, 51. a na tive of Bristol, R. I., and mem ber of the architectural firm .of Howe and Foster, Washington, iD. C, won the prize with "Call It Treason," a spy story based on his experiences as a civilian intelligence worker. Portland Eagles Split with National Portland, April 29 (UR)Port land members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles reported today a sharp disagreement with the national organization. Ray Smith, secretary of the local aerie, has been suspended by the national group, they said. At a lodge meeting last night the suspension order was pre- Hotels, Country Clubs, Restaurants, Tavern Owners Increase Your Profits Own Your Own "Shuffleboard" 22' Tournament Six Masonit Surface SOLD ON TERMS For Details Write P. 0. Box 3842 Portland 8, Oregon SPECIAL . Packard 6 and 120 Brake Reline Labor 12.00 Motor Tune-Up Labor 3.00 Chassis Lubrication Labor 1.00 Front Wheels Balance Labor 1.50 Front Wheel Bearings Repack Labor 1.00 STATE MOTORS, INC 340 N. High PACKARD DKAIKItS School Budget Wins Woodburn, April 29 Voters at the special school election Thursday approved by a vote of 198 to 78 the inclusion of $107. S53 in the school budget which was outside the 6 percent tax limitation. The total of the bud get was $129,450 of which $21 -4fllt was within the tax limit. You Get Hearing UNDERSTANDING A Hearing Aid Is Not Enough See W. V. DODGE RONOTONE 193 J State St., Salem Let's Go with Those Farm Repairs! A well-maintained farm means increased efficiency . . healthier animals . . . greater production . . . MORE PROF ITS FOR YOU! Put your barns and buildings in top condi tion this week! Renew worn floors and foundations with easy-to-clean concrete, repair broken windows, fences, beams, steps and stairs. Fix-up cracked walls and ceilings! Our friendly advisors have all the information and ma terials you need for a complete Farm Repair Program! Call 38515 or drive over this week! BUDGET TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED! Stat St., Four Corners Dial 3-8515 COCCI? Til t I- kt ' rji jB aiii'i'Miif) cc a HO i U U ttHMJT 9 Not a water paint, not a powder paint, not a substitute. But a real oil-base wall paint that covert almost any surface thoroughly with on coat. Can b washed repeatedly painted over without streak ing. Your choic of 34 attractive colors In flat, temi glots and glatt finishes. Flat, par Gallon ' J4 (mi Hi tm rill ir, "COIO. DYNAMICS l Ymc Hum Modern Wallpapers! Coma in -see our widt assortment of 1449-50 wallpapers to fit any tails, any purpose, any purse. Choose from Dorothy Leibea reproductions of beau tiful hand-loomed fabrics. United Style Album and Salon selections with rich color effects, handprinted papers, and long-lasting budget patterns. Per single roll .... 39 to $4.50 At 9m ItalnW Wallpap Cnu!tant U There's e PrMUrs Pake) lor Every Heme rites I $UN-MOOP HOUSI SAINT -New. fumeprooft Will not darkrn or discolor from coal smoke or tncW tnal Bast. Gallon ' $6.11 WATItlPAi. INaMll-Quick-drying Jinwh for any type surface inside or out Quart 1 lOSHIDI interior ores, trhor Floor Enamel. Oatlon I $ 4 PITTSBURGH PLATI GLASS COMPANY 254 N. COMMERCIAL Store Honrs: I to I fhone S-JS16 NOW! H Shoe 7 Sale at LEON'S For 10 days only. No refunds ... No ex- Buy the first pair at the regular changes ... No ap- price ... get the second pair provals. FREE!.., (jfijrfrZ Moms Hot' Ate erlnd D Ajnerl ton UiUao and culbcabAq eoee- bin). back by ) roM Ncntwrul tBVriMt. Hb IhouflOBOi tm um all r tbt country. AWEN8-TD.LE1 bar rows. H diKt. at H $tlow ... a coapUtaly iUrttd level eeed bed ta ONE epewHee ... Hie prapetiy pnpm4 eeeel bed Ibereiighly aerated rltb ike pulvertfed eeU htedded and evenly nuxed . . . ne larae U cbunni te retard plan) arowlb . . . ne elew eele. e dry eeaiene aed bandies easily km envoi! ajpaeee. Medeb rJ te BMet your needs. Let ne ebew yea tne AJUENaVTILUB. CesM l let dsqQBsaea at yew convenience. TERMS EASILY ARRANGED STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 173 South Liberty - Phone 2-6038 Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. h ' 1" i 1 ' .1 nl. ,,',' ' , i l ,' ., inn i I iV. i,i i'.iT,. " 'f$M&l&k K THE 9&fiAW WATCH 111 CIRVEX "aTADa"X Give your graduate tooiertlung te nJly chear ADoat . . . siiV fl 1 - CarTMsrtrse MereweBt ;; a beautifully styled Cruen! Your choice o( on of iSs"". Alc (i. I . - L these truly distinguished timepieces is the ideal . "tt- P'j 't way to wish him or her the very best time t WIs ' Ipl n the years ahead. L i .atk Wm (Xl xr: r's $5950 I ' Lm"? 100 2.W p ' S w5V$i ,k j . I 1, VV vrSL ' ''jtg' . Jnf...from $5.00 I fiL I 1 I H L brtr 420 Court ' .. . '. 'j