18 Capital Journal, Salem, C1.ASS1FIED ADVEBTlSlNQl Per Line 15 Per Una tlnu ..40 Per Line I time . 60 Per Lin I month 13.00 Outside of Salem Is psr Una per day ma ooei I times mm $6 time mln 11.20 No Refunds READERSla Local News Cat Oaln Par um SO to Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: 1 bdrm. A oeauty. Hi rd wood floor, fireplace, automatic ell beat. Attached plutarad urui. Located . among all new home. Must ba eeen to ba appreciated. Fb. 22m eveninsa or 39 08 daytime. a!02 LARGE HOUSE with fireplace and oil furnace, with 10 ecrea In fruit. Near - buj line. Rt. 4, box 36$, on Old Pac. hlway South. a 103 Multiple Listing MODERN FAMILY HOME Nice llvtni rm., din. rm.. a bdrms., hdwd. lira., utll. room. Youngstown kit chen. Low cost Bonneville elec. ht Insul. and weathers tripped. Price 19,000. 12,000 ahould handle. 1374 Third 8t. HOLLYWOOD I bdrm. hm. Pull basement. Fireplace. L. Ho Bua. possibility. 3 dra. from Willamette Valley bank. $10,500. 1920 Fairgrounds Rd. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS 1211 Idiewater Day or Eva. Ph. 1-5109 ai03- DUPLEX Ne w unoccupied. 3 bedrooms each . Small down payment. FHA, terma. Owner. 460 5. 30th. al03 $1,000 DOWN. 5 room home. Fireplace. oaaement. sawdust heat. Attached far- ace. 60x100 lot. Located close to bua Una on paved St. Pull price 16950. Call O. V. Huma with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 161 . High Bt. Phone 34131 Eves 35306 a1 SMAO New 3 Br. none located aat. Has HW Doors, auto ell floor furnace. At - tached an. race. 1139 sq. ft floor space. . Lot 11x154. Terma. Call O. V. Huma with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS . 163 S. Hlah Bt. Phone 34131 Evea 35304 a 103 FHA APPROVED DISTRICT BUILD NOW Drive out to the Ben Lomond area ft see our sign on these vacant lots; In side city limits; city water: desirable d 1.-st Net; McKlnlgy school; priced 1500 ft up. WHY PAY RENT? When $600 down A 370.00 per month buys a new 3 bedroom auburban home; hardwood floors; fireplace; unfinished upatalra; payment Includes principal, 4 Interest: taxes ft Insurance; Immediate possession. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5(138 331 N. HUh (Across from Hotel Senator) Eve. Ph. 3-1734 or 3-7534 a!02 THIS NICE 3 B.R. home at 3810 Cherry Ave., with m acres, lined Inside with aheet rock, 18x30 sarase, 13000.00 cash Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Ph. I470T 484 Court Eve. 37393 - 34173 a!02' fL',2.10 This unflo. home la liveable. Has lot 100x180. Located 4-Corner Dial. Oarden In. Call o. V. Hum with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 1K9 Sl. Mlh Ht Phnni 9.4191 Eves 35306 al02 BDRM. HOME Juat finished. SflO ft. on 1 fl.. Is. Uv. ft din. rms., 15x150 lot. new home dlst. near ocean ft stores, 15350 or furnished 16450. W. C tie? ley 13th ft Thorpe, Delake. Ore. a 105 DUPLEX 115.800. New Modern Duplex close In. t-Br. each. Electrle heat. Immediate Poaseaslon. P.H.A. commitment. This Is a wonderful buy for someone. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS Ml S. High St. Phone 34131 Eves, 15561 a!03 MODERN HOME by owner, la. lot, 50x150. Si cr II Ice for quick sale 15950. tmmed. poaaejulon. 898 Locust. a!03 4' WV-Clean modern 1-Br. home, I yra. old. Larae lot 10x135. Cloae In North. Hardwood floors. Fireplace. Auto oil furnace. Basement. Attached sarase. Carl Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS let S. Hlah st. Phone 34tn Eves. 35561 al03 111, MO FURNISHED Close to Cathollo ach. ft Hollywood. Neat lean 8 BR home. Nice lot 60x160. Pvd. st. Good loan value. 113,000. HOLLYWOOD D18T. Hard to beat thla buy. Has 3 apis., aep ent. Full burnt., oil ht. 1105 mo. In come phis 3 Is. DR, Llv, rm., din. rm kit., nook., for owner. Nice outside f'plaee. This la not Just an old shack made over, but a aood home. Will con sider trade for cloaa In acreata. Phone MOM. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. al03 PRICE SLASHED . On very nlre 3 bdrm, home, mod terms, at tkk titrl t-ar In trails. Ph -liliaa ai03 BARGAIN HUNTERS" Come south on ME to the $9 Cafe, turn rttht up Ewald Ave. to first at. left (Willy Ave.) tor a block: any evenlns 4 to I, and Inspect two of the finest new ranch style FHA built two bdrm. homes on the market today. At about 13 000 below market price. Do It now. Tomorrow may be too late. alOfl FOR Ym.E"oE KENT: 1 bedroom house. On Sweale road. Robert Frrrear, Rt. 6. box 316. Salem. al02 BY OWNER, 1 acre, house. Flowers, shrub bery, fsmlly orchard, barn, chicken shed 1540 Lancaster Dr. alfl.l SPECIAL Bit reduction In price of neat i- hnue. Offered by distant owner. It's nirely located near senior Man and a food buy lor some one at 67 600. This is a rmiMT 10 see 11 can i-eiace . r.im 3130 Garden Rd. Ph. 31331. l3 Drive Buys We will he 1 lad to show you these flares anytime: m Reach Ave,, near ME North. Good tmsineae location. ' acre A neat I bdrm houne. A bargain. 16800 IftMi Hani Rt Close In. Nlre for elderly rnupi, rtrm i norm noma wnn up porch, html., fenced bark yard. 87500 $wft Academy St Corner lot. 3 bdrm home, all Iffe rms. Fireplace, din. rm. 14 000. B. Isherwood, Realtor SOOT N CaMtal Rt Office Ph. 1-3883; eves. 1-3147 or -Mi $:?(oo Neat, clean modem I bdrm. home on acre of food land. Good stnte. tas and circulator, plus some other f.irnl. tura ants Can ba handled by State vei. sor xw aown. Want an Offer P-iTl bsmt , I bdrm home neat Mth School, has a fireplace and a Isrte kitchen with nork. property will pass niA aprruicsuone. SOOOO One acre !n flty limits, I Mrm linme. w.th plenty of fruit and nut trees, large garage, quick, possession. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N Capitol. Ph 3831$ Eves. 2R4T$ or 38518 Biol BY OWNEIUWortli'lonVlng St. $ A.3 rm house, attie. builtlns, shower, etc. aaV-lasa ItlM tkfl Msu Ul B A W. , Uaa. u An, i kit. mm ol ttui Bosp" si I tuuj Oregon, Friday, April 29, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSE NEW HOME in restricted East Ernie wood addition. Built by owner who la anxtoua to tell. 3 bedroom. All better feature!. House at 1310 N. 34tb. Call j-4so. aioi REDBOOM HOME. Linoleum, otl heat, elec. water heater. Beautiful, larte corner lot. Small cash pmt. down. 195 North Liberty. al03 HM. HOUSE ft 'i A. Reasonable. Rt. 4. Boa 674. Boon Rd. a 104 YOU MAY llva In the urate while you f:nlan this 3 bedroom houae with bath. II vim room, combination dining room and kitchen, all electric. Lathini U dona, plumblni la roughed In, insola tion for house la there and the ex terior u fin nhed. Nice larta patio, overlooking the mountain!. Priced at lfl.M9.77. Joseph L. Voct. 130 Hansen Av. Wat HAVE a client who wishes to pur chase a aood business corner with caa station on It. In Salem. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 CHEMEKETA STREET Ph. 31545, 3-4896. Evea. $-7565, 2-6686, 2-8568 a!04 sia.ooo Terma ft B R., dble. plumb, base ment, wall to wall carpet, oil fur. Clean throughout. Sll. ouo Terms 3 bdrm. South, llv. R., in. n., nwo. ura. uil pipe lur., fenced and patio Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. RItors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 33371 Evea. 3&091 alOl For Thrifty Buyers Let us show you the well built house at 435 South 33rd atreet. There Is s basement with furnace and traah burn er; one bedroom, LR, DR, kitchen, nook and bath on cround floor and two up atalra bedrooms: very nice yard with Hants and outdoor fireplace, also fish Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. Hlsh St. Ph. 37660 R1031 TODAY'S BEST BUY Thrt. tedroomi. ftrCDlac. fnll h... iwnt. furnace, elec. water heater, wired for r.nie, hardwood floor, down, Ven etian blinds. Lars, lot 50x204. Who could uk for annhlni more? Ye., there a.r.ae. oe. it inspect It then make your proposal to buy It. The price la lasoo. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 1U N. High St. Phon. 37850 E'e, Ph. 345J1 . 30005. .102. SEP. THU LOVRI.V 3 BR Home. LR, DR, . Kit., hwd. firs., dbl. larsie. basement, w. furnace, plastered, located at 1338 Franklin 8t, 12,500 Dn., bal. at 157 per ..ii." DVH1 pr,ce- this today. LIKE NICE HOME WITH INCOME? ....... ... , nn nome, with nice aar- J7. hse. rental of 1(0 per mo. partly furn., very aood set-up, and nice prop "' loeed at 1533 Ru. 6t. Prlc . ul ,llc,., ,na otner properties John H. Hansen, Realtor 1931 Palnrounds' Rd. el02 down .. ,7' "X F. H. WEIR REALTOR 1347 8. Commercial. Ph. 39411 a 103 SEE AND compare this new home with - -' uwiHB. roomy ununished upstalra (stairway ! in and upstalra floored), llvlrtR room, large dining room. Rood sized kitchen, hdwd. firs, fireplace, full bath with shower, auto, heat, coved cellinm. attached ea rs e. Approz. 1000 ft. fir. space. Lot TOilM. Choice location NE near bus. A good buy for 19350. 81100 FHA commitment. C0LBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24552: eves. 31405 a 103 EXCLUSIVES! 1385 N. Cottane 2 bdrm.. LR, DR right 'Ul' bsmL " ,urnc' Priced 20M N. Commercial Zone 3 income property. Real opportunity. 3157 Maple I 6-rm. apt, 3 bdrms. 1 3-rm. apt. Easy terms! 4085 stale 3 bdrm. home. 100x200 lot. Close to 4 Corners shopping district. A good auburban buy. 1051 Parkway-West Salem. Older type home. Nceda aome work. The best of terma. Call Len Orton Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 241 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 30371: eves. 33963 al04a 6 RM. HOl'KE In choice district. Alt furn. a-car nrw garage. Lge lot with many shrubs ft treea. A good buy at 88,500. Easy terms. J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 303 PEARCE BUILDINQ a 104' 6-RM. HOME In aood location. Nlre lse. rmi, ah in gooa condition. Also a good careae. Lae. corner lot. walk: and atrret paved. Room for a second house. !i00. J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 302 PEARCE RUILDINO a 104 Homes for F.H.A. Loans I'NFlNIfWKFi home. North, this week only iM30. Large lot. NEW 3-hdrm. home, South, am all down payment. nroo. NF.W 1 bdrm. home, RE, large lot, amall aown payment, imuo. t RtiRM. home, Myrtle atreet. Only SBJOO. 1 HDRM. home, McCoy St. $8400. 4 RDRM. home, McCoy St.. bsmt ft ga rage. 8S7A0. BFM'TlFl'L home on Norway St. Only $11,500. L. E. Klump Real Estate North of Orevhonnd Bus Depot Hv 2-7BtJ. Rev 2-0138. a!03 FOR SALE LOTS ATTENTION Itt'linrR!. Nicely located auhurbrin Ws. East, Restricted district, lM Up. Bre these lots before you buy. John H. Hansen. Realtor Ph. 37819. or 3-4.VJ2. 1991 Pstra rounds Rd as 103 pNlPE torn, pavins. citv water, Klni woort Ter. ISftO each. Trade lor ear or ec reuse. Call S3M9. aalda 5UII LOT In rest rifled area 1750 Will he shnas after 5 pm. Inquire at MrNary, West Salem. aalflS S!0 DOWN OOOD RI'ILPINO LOTS NE Price 1335 Trrms 1 1 rt dn. and $10 month. COLBATH LAND CO. 1SJ Center St. Phone 3J aalM West Salem Lot n 100 Paved street, $13oo Aln 3 lots, $400 each. Terms en all at lhfe B. Isherwood. Realtor 3W-7 N Taplfal Bt Of fire rh. J-J8H. eves. 1-3147 r 1-W.tS aal0.i WML fin l hit e-juiiv in 3 acres for I'M. On paved toad. Leaving town Ph 3 14$ aaioj- riHr R lloAorrNce-Ea!r.-nt"bMs. S'te, Sm;8, 1st tot N of Sunnv,lw. Ph l-fJ. Wall Socolofakv. Real Estate aalOS VtlW OTa. 0l Mk . VUta Ae WOOH- HI LOTS. SOfl Mk., Fslrliff Dr. Re. .r'rttvrl rit wifor p'. 1.JM FOR SALE ACREAGE Ms 30 acres Is located about V miles S W. of Salem About H In tim bfr aitl yesr arr-und stream. Bal. In cult l vat i -in Part in ore hard T-f O V Hume wth STATE FINANCE CO. KALTOM Jij Irw. 1UM .1U' FOR SALE HOUSES 3 BDRM. HOME A beauty, very Ineable. bedrm., dtp. rm.; kitchen nook. dble. a a rage, oil fur nace excaUtnt location hdwd. firs., fireplace. Call Peter Oeisar. WEST SALEM HOME Located tilth on hill. I bdrms., llv. rm., din. rm.. hdwd. firs., fireplace, basmt . dbls. sarase. Priced risht. Call Roy Ferris. FINE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 1 bdrms . lse llv. rm , d-n. rm.. hdad firs, fireplace, plenty of eloset spaee. full basmt . auto-heat, lot 50x140 It. with fenced back yard On bua line and very close to Jr. Hlsh ft grade schools. If you have school children, you will ilka this home. Call Earl Wast. MANBRIN GARDENS Owner teavins city, must sell this strictly modern I rm. home with utility rm. 3 nice bdrms., liv. ft din. rms, csrpeted. all lie. rms., israse attached, nlcs yard, lse. lot. Price 111.500. Call O. H Orabenhorat. Jr. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS lit S. Liberty St. Ph. 1-3411 Kvcdjom ft Sundays eal.' Peter GUer 1-9988 Earl West - 2-1313 Riv Perrw - 3-M10 al0!H FOR SALE ACREAGE A Very Nice Acre with 1 BR hse., am. barn, lots of fruit ft nuts, plenty of shrubs ft flowers, close In. ao If you want variety on an acre, thla la It, see this place today. Price $7,400. Will take ear ft trailer bae. In trade in. Call Rice, or Hansen. John H. Hansen, Realtor Phones 3-7819, 3-4533 1993 Fairgrounds Rd. bb!03 SEVEN ACRES y acrea strawberries, 3H raspberries. t acre boyaenberrles; three bedroom house, barn, poultry house, pressure water system. 18500. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Ph. 37600 bb!02 NEW HSE., 2Vi acres $4800 Rt. 4, Box '40. Baxter Rd. bbl05 84750. 5 ACRES All wooded, wonderful view. Juat the plaoa to hide away. Lee. 1 rm. house ft shop. II MO. Elec. wtr. system. 4 ml. south. Ph. 36680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. Mth St. bb!03' $35,000133 acres good soil, wonderful oulldlnis. beautiful view, artesian well. Cell Ray Davis Ph. 33849. eve. 38658 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 B. Commercial bblOS REAL ESTATE LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS ACRES. 9 mo. old 2 bedrm. houae completely furnished. Elec. ransc, Te f rig., washing machine, etc., oil fur nace. Family orchard. Price 17850. OWNER LEAVING CITY. Must sell 6 rm. home with breakfast nook; fire place; cement basement: oil furnace. Lots of storaae space. Trees: shrubs. On bus line. Close to McKinley School. Price 113.000. THRIVING BUSINESS consisting of 24X 60 bids. Lot 50x100. Completely equip ped. Can be operated by man and wife. Net Income last year $6000. Price only $17,500. AN ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME 34 acres of productive well-drained soil. Close In on paved highway. 3 yr. old modern home consisting of 3 extra Irg. bedrm.: Irg. living rm.; dinlns rm.: den; nice pullman kitchen with breakfast nook; full basement with air condition oil furnace. A good barn: double garage; larae machine seed; chicken house. Drilled well and elec. water system. Nice lawn and shrubs. Tractor and other machinery to go. Fries $40,000. Will consider modern city home as part. Shown by appointment. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Evenlnss call: 3-4007. 3-4510 or 3-8103 C104 BY OWNER, must be moved, cozy 1 bed room house, wired for range, V, Minds. Inquire at 3990 Center St. c!07 MAKE OFFER This place Is golna to be aold. Location 155 Klaher Road. 3 bedrooms. LR ft DR. Kitchen ft nook, basement. Air cond. Furn. Barn ft chicken house. xk A. Bus by door. We want an offer. Call Maddy. 33 ACRES HAZEL GREEN Lovely new rambling Ranch Home. 4 bedrooms. Pull basement. Some straw eernes. Bal. In grain. Borderlna on Pud ding river. Will trade for good 3 bdrm. home In Salem. Call O. H. Zeller on this one. TRADE FOR CITY Owners will trade 5 A. with a lovely 3 bdrm. home. Excellent barn. Family fruit. 1 A. strawberries. City bus by door. Call Bill. 19750 1 A. North. Just outside of Salem. 3 bdrm home. Lots of shrubs and shade trees. Oood barn ft chicken houae.Call O H. Zeller. STEWART REALTY 1345 State St. Phone 3-7962 Eves. Maddy 2-3488 Stewart 3-4733 Zeller 2-7374 c!03 NICELY FURN. Modern 2 bdrm. with oil fir, furn. 17950. For appointment to aee thla call Mr. Noonchester. 7 ACRES close In north, nice modern home, good barn and other outbulkl Inis. Land Is In berries, walnuts ft l'l berts. Price reduced to 112,500. To see this see Mr. Noonchester, Ph. 20103 eves, GEIGER'S REAL ESTATE 3205 Portland Rd. Ph. 21073 C103 EXCLUSIVE Zone 3 BELLEVUE & S. LIBERTY Lot approximately 60x100 with good home. $ rms. and bath on first floor. 4 rm. apartment up with outside ent rance. Pull basement. Thla la Ideal rental property. It la only four blocks from State St. Owner will consider a good lot 50x100 ft. close in as part payment. Call Be r land for , appointment. . ART MADSEN REALTY CO. 133$ Stat St. Ph. 3-S586 Evea $-6418. ttt VALUE PLUS Ranch at via. newly built f BR home on 71 H35 tot. Attractive homes all around. $8350. wui carry large loan EXCELLENT TERMS TO RIGHT PARTY 2 BR. LR, DR. kitchen and bath. Pull basement. Oil piped turnaee. Fruit, shrubs, and lawn Jusl I blocks to In llewood school. 16950, $300 DOWN. $40 MONTH S A. and I rooms. $2950. Total price. Keiirr Dial r let, Joe Hutchison - Realtor 455 Court St. Phone 3-3839 Eva. .47$$ or Mr. Crete 3-5053 Member el the Balem Multiple Listing Bureau. Inc. (102 Leo N. Chifds, Inc. RF At TORS OOOO IwrttTMENT: 4-store Puilding on fi Hlthwav Lot SOalM: concrete ulldins, only t rears old. Income 1305 per mo. Pre $35 000 50 ACRE FARM: AiMtrov II A. straw- berries. I A bovsenbrrrtes. $ A. wheat Ail tn cultivation. 1 room house. Price I1 00 WFXL r-ONSTRITTrn NW Vroom home Beautiful oak fl'vrs. fireplace, at tarred tsraie. Fnelewood D.jimrt Price $1(iao0-FHA romrtvtmen Minn LEO N CHILDS, INC. RFUTORS 144 eVa'a St Phone 3-383 ! Ph. I-4O01; 3-451. or $.6103 clol BUILD tout dream home in Kmrwood. neautirui rnire view iota. Blno ap. A. N. Willich Real Estate 113! RI'GE ST.. WEST SALEM fh. MJI. Opn v.$ gun MM Journal Want Ads Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE George W. Hubbs Co. 1853 N. CAPITOL PH. 3-3031 HOUSE with rental in business sone. One of the finest locations In Salem for anart menta or any other business. Located only 2 blocks from city center ft post office. This Is a real buy for only fiu.auu. iuocsiea it ui rerry bi. S ACRES with a beautiful 3 bdrm. home just out of city limits with all city conveniences. Dble. garage, amall barn Ac chicken house, l acre in strawoer rles. li acre in boyaenberrles. . acn In cherries, apples, peaches, walnuts, filberts. Lovely family orchard. You must see this property to appreciate lis vaiue. a reai ouy at oniy aiz.iuu. ABOUT 3 acres, very good soil, located on Lancaster drive. 4 bdrm. older type home but In very good condition with all modern conveniences. Has 2 at an chlon barn ft poultry house. The extra acreage could be used for business pur poses, would consiaer j or t oarm. home la trade. NEW APARTMENT COURTS, 4 1-bdrm. apart, courts, bath-shower, LR, kit chen, Ven. blinds. All electric heat. All hive elec rinses and utility room. Terma can be arranged. Call us for more Information. Evening po. a-onej 3-8163, 3-7723 13-5481 farms). cl03' USE ZONE 3 3 Acres. Only $2000 Walter Socolofsky RKAL ESTATE. Ph. 3-8835 t!03 WANTED REAL ESTATE GROCERY KTORE. will pay cash. Box 3B2 Capital Journal. cal04 Nelson Wants Land A California client wants 1,000 or more acres of foothill land. Stumps ft snags on some will be O.K. Must have all year live water. Nelson & Nelson SPECIALIZING REALTORS 702 N. High Phone 3-4522. calOS WE NEED YOUR LISTING Our loan loan dept. can close your deal. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. Hlah St. Ph 2-4139. call2 WE ARE In need oi good bouses to sell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale aee GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 U Liberty St. Phone 2-3471 ca NOTICE! If your property Is for sale. rent or exchange, list It witb us. We have all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8 Hlah St BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Looking for a Business? Small grocery, living quarters, com' plete with atock. $6500. One of the best paying Ice Cream & Bandwlch shop, next to a Greyhound dus aepoi. runy equipped, aii ior $7500. Business tone, down town Balem. 3 housea with income, a real gooa invest ment . v need to sen. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate APARTMENT blda.. completely furn. apta. A safe investment witn a fooa income. Fr ee va.ooo. lerms. J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 202 PEARCE BUILDINQ cdl04 SPECIAL Taxi huslness In Silverton, Oregon. 1947 Packard and going business. 13680.00 Homeseekers Agency Silverton, Oregon cdl02 FOR LEASE Fully equipped confectionery. Idesl downtown location, immeoiste possession. Phone 34750. Cdl04 sr RVICE STATION and repair garaie. Some equipment. 24x50 bids. Well lo cated on Hwy. Price 15,000 plus Inven tory. Terms Call o, V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S. Hlih Bt. Phone 34131 Eves 25208 Cdl02' Men's Furnishing Store Located In good district. $3,000 plus stock at inventory. Will consider late model car in trade. See JOHN H. HANSEN REALTOR Ph. 3-7819 3-4522. 1993 Fa In round Rd. cdl03 TAVERN. card license. shuffleboard. punch boards. Cleared 11500 per mo. 1918. Lone lease. 114.000. Have other Interests reason for aellini. Wilbur Denny, Rocks way. Ore. colo RESORT PROPERTY 'lEAI'TIFI'L LAKE SHORE home at Dev. tl'a Lake on the new lake point addi tion. 2 larae bedrooms. Larae living room, dimna room ft sun room, with hardwood floors thru out. Kitchen ft breakfiist nook. Beautiful rock fire place. Wired for electric stove A elec. water heater last sited. Ideal place for iv f red folks or summer home. Will cm-'Wr Salem property, arrease or cheaper place. Owner, J. P. Boyl.Neot su. Orei , Rpx M crinj FURNITURE FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL 5-pc. ma hoe any bedroom suite. Real value. 838 '4 N. 30th. dlfl3 DAVF.NO $10, 3 occasional chairs It ea Solid oak blond modern kitchen suite 130. 4 p.ecr maple bedroom suite 157 Oood condition and good values. Rear door 1387 N. Winter St. after 8 pm dl03 DAVFN'O ft CHAIR. A-l cond. 14V 9 CU ft Fhilco ret. 1113. Must sill. 1343 Wal ler after 3 p m. dl05 LOWEST OVERHEAD LOWEST PRICES Lrtiely modern sMd cascade oak 4 pe. bedroom suite eotuistine of roomy chest, vanltt with landscape plate mirror, van it, oench and full ana bed. Guaranteed const. Reg 11490. A sent st tons! buy at 199 95. Only 830 down, tl a week. Free delivery. H. & H. Furniture Co. Felrirounds Rd Prone 8-3T97. d HOLLYWOOD double bed complete Tvorv leatherette head b-rd Breakfast set !! Pi after nnpp dinj' WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Rill TRADE 8 yr eld gent cMt and 1-hcrse trauer for 3-horse trailer O R. Mr Far lane, Rt. , Bax 393. Baiter Rd eld' l-TR OtD DUri COIT, gentle. P R MrParlane, Rt. 4. Bog 19), pavt'r LIVESTOCK WANTED ovnrn iirrrn n'vaiors. utsr 1. C sICUMiW, 1111 . U. Fl. IKI4T Mill REAL ESTATE MAKE OFFER This place U going to be aold. Location 155 Fisher Hoad. 2 bedrooma. LR & DR, kitchen it nook, basement. Air cond. Furn. Barn & chicken house. 14 A. But by door. We want an offer. Call Maddy. 33 ACRES HAZEL GREEN Lovely new rambling Ranch Home, 4 bedrooms. Full base ment. Some strawberries. Bal. in grain. Bordering on Pudding river. Will trade for good 2 bdrm. home in Salem. Call O. H. Zeller on this one. TRADE FOR CITY Owners will trade 5 A. with a lovely 3 bdrm. home. Excellent barn. Family fruit. 1 A. strawberries. City bus by door. Call Bill. $9750 1 A. North, just outside of Salem. 3 bdrm. home. Lots of shrubs and shade trees. Good barn tt chicken house. Call O. H. Zeller. STEWART REALTY 1345 State St. Phone 2-7962 Eves. Maddy 2-3488 Stewart 3-4722 Zeller 2-7374 OUR BEST BUYS $6800 FULL PRICE for this cutt t bed rm. home, la. Iv. rm., fireplace, hwd. floors, bath, basement, furnace, very clean, choice location, paved at. Call Ray Davis. $5500 HOME ft INCOME 3 bed rms., Iv, rm kit., bath down. S rm. apt. up, separate entrances, basement, trays, alec- water heater, paved st.. very good. Call Ray Davis. $8500 Buys this very good 4 bed rm home Just off State St., Is. lr., fireplace. D. rm., h&mt.. auto oil furnace, Is. lot, fruit ft nuts, wonderful location. Terms. Call Ray Davis. ffOoO Unfinished 3 bed rm. home wtta semi bsmt.. Insulation Id, Iv. qtrs. In gar aae. Call Ivan Si vers. 8R&00 Ten acres prunes ft pears, new one bed rm. home, good view, close la on otl road. Call Ivan Slvere. $8400 HOME ft INCOME, kit bd. rm., Iv. rm., utility down, $ rm. apt. up, aome furniture goes, terms. Call Ivan Slvers. $10,500 Oood solid pre-war home on N. 3Cth St., 3 Ig. bed rms. ft child's rm. with built In bunks, dining rm fireplace, hwd. floors, bsmt., sawdust lurnace, lovely back yd. ft garden spot, near high school ft Ingle wood grade school. Call Oeo. Walters. $8500 One of those new low type, with pleasing deslm. att. gar., S bed rm., hwd. floors, pretty kitchen with bar, on 4 A. Z., nice lawn. Call Oeo. Walters. GEO. A. WALTERS, REALTOR M0 S. Commercial Phone 33849 Eve. Phones: Ray Devis 3-8858 - Ivan Slvers 3-7013 - Oeo. Walters 9-5380 e104 RABBITS FOR RALE OR TRADE: 100 rabbits. 3365 Maywood Drive. Ph. 37130. eb!02 PETS FULL BLOOD ID Cocker pupa. 163 Pearl. ec!04 COCKER PUPPIES, registered Cocker stud service. J. E. Peterson, Rte. 1, Box 402. (Wallace Road.) ecl03 REGISTERED DALMATIAN puppies for sale. Litter of 11 dogs, 8 males, 9 fe males from championship stock Rt. 3. Box 356B, 1 mile north of Xelzer School on St. Paul Rd., or Phone 8-1957. eel 03 TOL'R DOG Does be obeyT Is he well cared for when you leave hlmf LeOray Kennels. Rts. 3. Ph. 3-1398. ecllO' CHOICE Canary Birds 160 H. 18th. ec!07 FUEL SLARWOOD. 8 cords ror $30 or $13 load. Prompt del. Anderson Bros. Phone 3-9734. el0 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 3 Unit Loads Delivered to Salem $1300 For orders please call colieet Independence 43 Independence Lumber ft Manufacturing Company Independence, Oregon eetW FOR SALE Clean Sawdust No bark Pick Up and Haul at 13.00 per Unit Call Independence 43 for Delivered Prices eelOS TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph. 37443. We give S ft H Ore en Stamps. Green 16 In. mill wood. ee GOOD SLAB, dry or green. Oreen edging 15.50 a load. Double load $10.00. Oood clean sawdust. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533. eelSl West Salem Fuel Co. IB-IN. CRT OR OREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 18-Ut CLEAR, NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVS OIX Phone Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1435 Idgewater Bt W Salem ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 ee FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS all popular varieties. In cluding Leghorns, Hampshlras, Par m enters. Auatra-Whitea and others. Phone 33861 er write today for Lee's Baby Chick Chats containing free poul try Information. Lee's Hatchery P. O. Box 735, Salem, Oregon. ! PRODUCE AnPARAGUS for sale. 13c a. lb. Bring containers. George Aahers on orand Island.. I1U3 RHUBARB picked dally ae par lb. Coun try eggs, bedding plants, twmatoea ft cabbage. Oreen Apple Ukt., 3 ml. on OPE. ff!04 HELP WANTED CAR HOPS for Sat. and Sun. Farmers drlve-ln. Front of Salem Drive -In Thea tre. (bl03 3 EXPERIENCED sales persons to man ate lingerie dept. ft yardage dept. in Nat l Retail Store. Write Capital Jour nal Box 383. al04 ALL TI B KEY HELP report to work Tues.. May 3. at 8 a m. Marlon Cream try ft Poultry Co., 945 N. Commercial. H01 HELP WANTED MALE W ANTrn experienced Photo Finisher. Wilson Photo Service. 174 N. Com 1, St. ga104 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED GIRL or young woman to as sist with general housework In new home Your own private room. Must like children or otherwise do not in oy. 43ft State St. gbt04 TEACHERS Earn from $73 to $100 weekly commis sion during Bummer vacation repre senting elementary and grade school reference work; Encyclopaedia Brltan ntra. Jr. Write R. H. Rested, 1330 S W. Morrison Hm. 439. Portland t, Oregon. gblOS EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND fl.FRICAL FOtmONl CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency ISA mate St Ph t-t4t tf WANTED SALESMAN CAN4.IM MT NfriM an ilert tn liment. neat-appearing and ag gressive young man, 35-38. to lake en arga el adveriuint. mere nan duuna and selling their bever ats m Salem and surrounding territories on thread v. established Tvie Palar, rrm mission, ear aMowanee and mile ate. Applicant hum 1h tn ilem and b goe-d btrkirMirtd Call tor appointment. V-nte Base. EA 115$, Portland Or. ffglM TBM$FNT tMFlorMtNT may be had bv two since ret ambitious men or women If you are free to travel in Wetter, Oregon, and are tnf"'estd in etiah'e tncom pms a jtombtle allow, anre, Mr w. Merke at the Senator Hotel Mondav. May I from t a a. through tl ia. FieaM 4Va sot phone I REAL ESTATE WANTED POSITIONS STACK YOUR SEWING. Then call 3-1 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 34-hr. ser vice. Former phone op. Ph. 3-5073. hl26 COMMERCIAL PLOWING, disking, with Ford tractor. Ph. 35583 or 37437. hl07 LAVARS NURSERY for Infants. Orad. reg. nurse in charge. Ph. 23391. hl37 CHILD CARE In my home or yours. Eves, Sat. and Sun. 1445 B St., Upstairs. hl03 CHILD CARE in my home. Ph. 35103. hl38 CUSTOM TRACTOR work. Ford tractor. D. B. UarabalL Ph. 31343, near Bwegle schooL hl08 AUTO PAINTING just a shade better by Ray Ztter. Call Sbrock Motor Co. 3-9101. h LANDSCAPE service, garden plowing, tree topping. Ben Brown, Phone 2-0004 eve. hl05 PAINTING laside or outside. 30 years experience, rn. s-ei. mot GEN. HOME REPAIRING and remodel ing. Ph. 3-8234. h!04 BOT WANTS lawns to mow. Ph. 3-7894. M04- C15TOM PLOWING and discing. Ph. 2-6334. Quick Service. h!04 NEW LAWNS Pruning Rototilllng, Landscaping, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 2-8110. hl33- FOE'S mimeographing, typing service, prompt service, quality work, lower prices. 669 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643 hl28 JOURNEYMAN PAINTER by hour or con tract. Guaranteed work. Reference Reasonable. Ph. 2-2843. hl04 PLOWING For Immediate service. Ph. 36608. h!04 LANDSCAPING. New lawns a specialty. Free estimate. Phone 34549. hl02a ORCHARD DISCING with Cletrac. Also rototiller work. Phone 3-3322. hl02 AUTO painting ft body works, 125 ft UP. Time payment accepted. Ph. 39960. M03 CEMENT WORK. Sidewalks, driveways, patios, floors, etc. Ph. 3-4850. hll2 LET US do your cement work NOW. Drive ways, sidewalks, patios, etc. Ph. 2-4412 bin- Painting & Decorating Chaplin. 20 yra. expr. Ph. 3-7353. hill ROTOTILLER work. 1980 S. High. 20394 hiis PLOWING ft Discing. Ph. 31180 23839. hill INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. hll3 BABY SITTING. PH. 20580. TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ins. Insured operator. John Payne 3-6014. 248 S. Church. hill GARDEN work. M. E. tiller. Ph. 2-3838. 1455 Lancaster Dr. hl09 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 23093. hl09 CARE FOB CHILDREN tn my home. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 3-6876. hlOB DRESSMAKING and alteration Fh. 2-7904. huo TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov int. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. Mc Allister, 840 Trade. Ph 31496. hl07 PLASTERING. PATCHWORK ft chimney building. Ph. 3-4389. Free estimates. hI07 GARDENING of all kinds, also lawns put tn. Ph. 3-3943 h!03 LAWNS, prepared and seeded, garden owed. Light tractor on rubber, doser. disc etc Ph. 38137. Duana Wolcott. bl02 LANDSCAPING Pruning. Rotot tiling New lawns, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 3-8110. hl33 SAW FILING, $44 Center St. Ph. 2-5071 for pick-up and delivery. MOJ EDUCATION EDt'CATION ta Job insurance. Write or can ior rree catalog on 400 i.c.S. courses. Don McNeill, International cor respondence Schools. 1553 State, Salem. Phone 36350. O.I. Approved. hhlOS FOR RENT ROOMS COMFORTABLE quiet sleeping room. Bus iness men. aee n. winter, rn. Jkl07- SLEEPING rm. for man. 838 I St. Ph. 37393. Jkl03 PLEASANT sleeping room. Cipaa In 38 s. cnurcn. jkiot rms., single or double for men. uts Oak. Jkl03 Qt'tFT SLEEPING RM. Close to bus. Walking distance to town. No drinker. $17 50. Ph. 39337. JklOS ROOM 14 APARTMENT near Capitol bids. Business woman. Breakfast prlv lesae. Write Box Ml The Capita) Jour nal, j Ik 103 BOOM WELL furn. Quite, kitchen home invltege. On bus line. Man preferred 873 N 20th Jjkl 03 WEIX Fl RN. H. ft C. water. Close-in Men only 737 Center. jk!03 PLEASANT SlTeTpING BM for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4S47, ikios BOOM WELL furn, aulte kitchen home privilege. On bus Una. Man preferred JklOS' SLEEPING BMS. for man. double and single. 383 N. !4lh. Jkl4 Fl BN1SHED BOOM with or without gar age. Close to bus. $60 Spruce. Fa. Jmt )kll$ CLEAN BOOMS tor clean men. Pa. 3ftvs FOR RENT APARTMENTS I ROOM fum. apt Frlv. bath, autfi ta range r. wmrer ei. ipioj" t RM ft 1 RM. APT. ' Bleeping rt Tim w cnuren. m a-ajjs jpitia- WOILD LIKE to shar my d'ip'.ax with working girU Gail 8990$ sMtir 8 m AU 4ktl Sat, $!$ FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICE ROOM very close in, cheap. 740 Che- rnekcta. iPlM 1 4 8 RM. ft private bath. 633 Ferry St 1P104- SMALL FTRN. APT. for 1 or 3. Clean 780 N Church. Ph. 29J01. JPI02 NEW MODERN 4 rm. apt., all a keltic partly futn. Ph. 2s4 tics. )pl04- CLEAN, nicety furn. 3-rm. apt. suit. 1 or 2 emp. g'rla. 435 N Winter, jpiw RM. APT. Middle-aged emplored lady. 1113 Oak St. IPlM 4 RM. I'NFIRN. court apt. with elee. aiova $50. 1263 S. 15th St. Ph. 30035. JP102 $ BMS. partly furnished upstalra apt. with bath. 194$ S. 12th. Ph. 2-6975. 1P10J APT. FOB BENT. Adults. 1139 Broadway. jplOJ SMALL APT. Close In. outside entrance. Employed adult. No drinker. 123 so. Ph. 3-4469. Pl03J 3 BM. FURN. apt., 3nd fir. 640 Marlon. NO children. Ph. 3-5067. Jpl03 UNFUKN. APT., 3 rooms ft bath, ground floor. Adults. 1318 Madison. lp!03- UN FURN. 3-rm. apartment, $38. 615 B. 22nd St. Jpl02' MODERN Fl RN. large 3-rm. apt. 208 Bush St. Ph. 39331. 1P102 3-RM. COTTAGE. 2663 Portland Bd. JP103' 1 RM. APT. Also dandy space lor trailer house. Cheap. 160 Union. Ph, 2-9835. JP105 MCE FURNISHED apartment. All electric. 1075 W. CapitOl. Ph. 3-BlOfi. JplOV FUBNIsnED APT., 3 rooms end kitchen ette. Phone 2-7546. 140 Williams Ave. 3PW3 FOR RENT HOUSES 3 RM. COTTAGE partly furn. Electric heat. 1947 N. Church. Ph. 3-8883. Jml03 FOB RENT new home $70 per mo. 1st and last month's rent in advance. Pn. 21073. JmlOS- ALL ELECTRIC t-RM. unfurn. hse. 1173 th St., West Salem. Ph. 30986. Jml03 RM. UNFURN. modern hse. 600 N. Madison. Silverton. Ph. 4342. jml02 5-RM. HSE., 4 miles west of Salem. Ph. 21330 eves. Jml02 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS boom for bent, business loc. 115.00 per mo. Call 33889. J102 FOR LEASE Store Bldg. on 09E. 175 month. Call the COLBATH LAND CO. PHONE 34552 between 9 ft S. 1103 Business Rental Have two business rentals good location, for amall business or office, reasonable lease. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38318 JI03; U DRIVE trucks cars Ph. 3-9103 GROUND FLOOR rooms, aultabte for of' lice or stores. State Finance Co., Tele phone 34131. POWER TOOL rentals for home ft in duetrleJ use. Bowser Bros, Ptt. 83646 TRAILERS, 33.00 per day. Howser Bros 608 Edsewater St.. West Salem. J BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. stiff, I1 GOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. IRONERS by week. Phone 2-4439. FLOOR SANDER foT rent. Montgomery Ward. J' TO DO a good lob rent a good floor send er. We sell everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3846. ROOM AND BOARD WANTED TO RENT DEPENDABLE settled couple would like care of apt. house or court in exchange ior comiorcaoie living quarters. Phone 3-7418. h!04 MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR J-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY S EM LER DENTIST Adolph Bids-. Stat ft Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m HAVE YOUB SINGER Sewing machine r oil red hr a oualif led Singer represen ts he. ph. 3-3513 for free pick up and delivery service on ail makes oi ma chines. Free estimate given before work la started. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. m BUILDING MATERIAL PH.ROOF NOW One, two or three years to pay. For free estimates pnone j-titt. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. ma 130' ALVMA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See your dealer or dist. Call 2-6401. mal28 SHIPLAP $25 PER M. Free delivery. West Balem Saw Mill. 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. ma 109' M" PLYWOOD pieces Sc sq. ft. Take your cr.otce. 6 lite window sash. Idesl for barn, garage or chicken house, $2.25. Used glass doora complete) with hard wue and frames. Uaed toilets, wash basin, shower cabinets, C. O. Long, S mile north of Keitar. Ph. 256.1. ma 1 06 ALUMINUM ROOFING, corrugated 26"X 6' to 12'. 5V crimps 38 XS to 13 . Ph. 31459. met 02 100 SASH WINDOWS, 100 new and used doors. 8,000 ft. of used 3x4's, I good used Ice box. 1 used wood ft gas range, new ft used wash bowls and toilets. Madsen Wrecking Co- 1260 Howard. mal04 ALUMINUM WINDOW Sash for sale. H price. Write to W. L. Johnson, Canby. Oregon. ma 104 CEDAR SIDING. V'xlO". limited quan tity, regularly up to 198 per M, only $85 per M at Keith Brown, Front ft Court Sts. ma CASINGS, mouldings and stands rd trim patterns, short lengths, from 3' to 6' at H regular price l Ideal for short trim, fence tickets, garden stakes, etc. KEITH BROWN. Front ft Court, ma HARDWOOD FLOORING (Closeout), V'X lli", mixed pecsn and oak. Reg. up to 114 per M. now only 195 par M at Keith Brown. Front ft Court. ma II IN. CEDAR SHAKES In 10 different painted colors. 13.80 sq. Including un dereours. Ted Mulier. Ph. Salem 2-1196 ma 105 USED LUMRER, Rt. 6, Box 273T. Out Center St. to Frultalnd church. Vb ml. N, cia 118 PLYWOOD, reduced prices all grades, thicknesses, starting V at 7Hc per aq. ft. and up. Keith Brown, Front and Court Sts. ma FOR SALE No. $ Common Lumbar lx ft IU Shlplap $26 00 2x4 17.50 1x6 ft 1x8 S4S. 17 80 No. 3 Com. ft Btr. 2x4 r I2j M Independence Lumber ft Manufacturing company, toe, waepenaenee, uregon ma' FTRM4-STONB your home Call gt Ba3en Perma-Stone Co.. 455 Court analog ATTENTION BUILDERS NEW DUO-THERM ail furnace templet with an aatomatie controls and air conditioning blower. 75 000 BTO tor basement or utility Special contractor price ont: 11$: 50 OOOD HOCSEKErFTNQ. !NC. 47 Cour St Pione 3-911 ni' NEW FHIPMENT r:aat board V 8c. V . tt it ft Rock latha U eg. ft 11.75 MONTOOMEBY WARD llLEM SAVE OK ROOFTNO , Let ftard g i ve you com ptet fN STALLED pnea on vout roof ins needs Wtd ranee of cr:ora Call our eutsde salesman tor tree estimate Phone 1-311 MONTOOMERT WARD ft CO. aALLM, OAXOON BUILDING MATERIAL ALUMINUM ROOFINO t ft width la the following length. a" II 74 r 3 32 10- 3 90 ir $ $ Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. SALEM. OREGON ma NURSERY STOCK RHODODENDRONS, $3 and Hp. Aisle Mollis In bloom, w re J. Aceteas, a for $1- Geraniums, Puirhlea, 25c. Dah lia bulbs: Cactus, pompom, large, f for $1. Yellow rose bushes 75c. Bedding plants $35c don. Tomatoes 38c dog. Merrill's Greenhouse, Brooks. mbl03" LEAF MOLD excellent for flower boxes or fiats. $1.50 per sack aai. seers ror $5. Phone 3-6848. mbl02 BEDDING PLANTS, large selection choice colored giant panslea, asaieaa, peren nials ft vegetables. Pemberton'g Flower Shop ft Greenhouse. 1980 S. Mth. mbios FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BEN LOMAND PARK. 740 Tillman Ave. View home, overlooking city, valley ft mountain!. A pleasant blending of old fashioned home appeal with the mod ern Idea of broader, better living. Large 3 bdrm. and den that ean ba used for bedroom, l' baths, wal Ho wall life time carpet on oak floor, knotty pine recreation room. auto, otl heat and air condition, kitchen, young lawn, well landscaped lot with sprin kling system. Price $22,500. Shown on appointment only. Call 39016; eves. 36213. nlOJ LIKE NEW 9x12 Mohawk rug and pad. Ph. 20931. 3280 Broadway. P.10 ROUND OAK dtnlng table. 6 chairs, $12.50. Nesco elec. roaster oven -u. rorrn awing, metal base, alat seat $12.50. Brown Simmons atudlo couch. $20. Floor lamp $7.50. Indirect table lamp $3. All In good condition. Ph. 20139. n!04 USED double lnteraprlng mattress and aprtnga g7.ao eacn. rn. a-a-itu. GOOD double coll aprlnga, lnteraprlng mattress, total price ro. s-jooi. B104 DeWALT ARM SAW, Iioo cesn. a n r.- i p. un ei7 . wu Salem Saw Mill. nl04 MAYTAG. Square tub. aluminum, $60. Twin luos New lawn mower. Misc. garden tools. Fire screen. Fluorescent floor lamps. O. X. Iron. AH reasonable. Ph. 2-7495. n!02 1-12 GAUGE DOUBLE BARREL HAM MER SHOT GUN. 112.50. 1-12 GA. SPENCER PUMP OUN, $1$00. CALL BETWEEN 5:30 ft :30 P.M. AT SOUTH DOOR OP MILL RACE. 190 B. 14TH, FRI. ft BAT. H102 CLEAN Twin Beauty Rest mattress. Mrs. J. D. Foley. Ph. 3-3674 ni03 "siLENTsYoux oil circulator heater. Like new. $70. Ph. 3-7966. 103 BY OWNER Equity tn 1 yr. old home. 1 BR down, room for 2 up. Cor. lot. City water. Take car as part pmt. Full price J47DO or make offer. See or write Bud Nicholson. P.O. Box 320, Aumsville, Ore. nl03 USED HOT POINT electric range, lg good condition. Only 149 50. Terms. OOOO HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court St. Phone 3-9811. n COLLAPSIBLE BABY BUGGY, excel, cond. 525. 1245 Vista. Ph. 2587$. nl03 BIDING GARDEN TRACTOR, disc, cult harrow, V-t trans, ft wheeL I h.p. Ph. 25198. nl03 JUNIOR BICYCLE, tricycle, wardrobe irunc. r ranae, iuumi maciiinc, wheelbarrow, lawnmower, hot water tank, floor lamp. 305b Portland Road. n!06" NIGHT CRAWLERS. 31$ S. 16th. Ph. 3-5810. 8103 COMPLETE DRUMMER SET, bass, snare, tom-tom combine. Plus two cymbals, brushes ft block. Ph. 39035. n!06 THE NEW REMINGTON Five With 3 twin blue streak head electrle shaver. This Is new. never been used. Ph. 38742 alter 5:30 p.m. nl03 USED WASH BOWL. Bathtub. Window ft screens. Doors. Kitchen sink ft built lns. 4x8 sheet rock. Ph. 34347. nl03 L FRIGHT IVAR POND Piano, excel, tone. Call 1.-6400 evenings. nlOl FILL DIRT Walling Sand and Gravel Co. him. 3-n'l HOYT ST. SURPLUS Tents, tarps, sleeping bags, bunk beds, folding cots. Swivel chetra $9.75: secre tarial desk $33.50; wall safes 110 00; oil circulators. 30.000 BTTJ $39.98; oak bed aide tables $4.00 and $6.00; steam ket tles, steam cookers, restaurant slie dtsh washers. Carrier refrigeration unit, S ton capacity. 225 H. P. Mariana motor; steam or hot water furnaces; large laundry dryer ;elec trie bakery oven; H K and 1H Inch galv. pipe; soil pipe and fittings, caulklnc lead, toilets, bath room sets, k lichen sinks. Nationally advertised electric water heater, guar anteed. 40 gal-. $79.95. 194T OMC 1 ton 16 flat bed truck: 13 ton low hed 8'x20' trailer, hard rubber tires. $190.00; new double laundry trays complete $21.95. Come aouth on 12th to large HOYT sign, turn east one block. Tel. 3-7916. n!02 OUTBOARD motor, 3', hp. like new. Rt. 5, Box 114, Garden Rd., close tc Swegle achool. Ph. 27389. nl03 PIANO for sale. Excel, rond. Jtees. Ph, 36924. R102 SO-Ml SPRINGFIELD SpOTttr. Pert, cond. can 2-iota alter a. mot NEW CSOSLEY Frostmaster. Priced for quick sale. Ph. 20580. nlDS OIL BURNING white enamel kitchen rang. Oood condition, $50. 380 Taylor. nios UPRIGHT PIANO, fine ton. Davenport, vacuum eleaner, electrle toaster, waf fle Iron. 1640 Broadway. Ph. $701$ after 4. nl03 BOAT. IS FT. runabout. Types Ideal fat fishing. New pslnt, first class cond. 1125. Ph. 25485 eves. nl02a ram isnrrri th sta--i,jt maM l block south and 1 block east af Jill B11U U Oi urn- nnUKNIT, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 37 to 30 Steel cable - rope pulleya snatch blocks $ ton wench - gas en gine - Mavtag aas engine with centri fugal pump - 300 gallon steel tank -steel trail r bed - shop trailer - 19 ft 20 inch tires - hand toots and mis cellaneous items. For Information phone 2-8343 after 6 pre. nl02 CLOSING out balance of plumbing etoct at wnojeje Lin ssies oniy. no De liveries. No pipe salea only. No returns Buy here now and save. W a. Skewli Co.. 1390 Madison. Ph. J-4600. n SAVE 3c gal. on gas! Broadway's Bupei Service. 898 N. Liberty. nl35 CUSTOM SPRINGFIELD, .30-06; Redfleld sights; remodelled and stocked for scope; eatl 2-664$ and as thla fine rifle. nlOi STEEL CLOTHESLINE post $12 pair up Ratlins In stock to order. 114$ N. Lib erty. Tll ntn irtinrii e, on am T CAI ER APPLIANCE CO. ntlT A REAL BUY! Deena China Tabl Lamp Hand painted, 24-karat gold trim of blue base. NEW. never used. $10. Set at $65 Garnet St. Phone 3-625$. nlOI HANDMADE pillow cases, towels, pillows tor Mother's Day. Pot-hetders $0e ft up Siesta Oift Shop on Portland hi ray 89K. $ ml. N. of Hollywood dst 0163 USED Electric Refrtgeraterg. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. nil? OON'T WAX your floora Use Ptest.-Kata the cellophane Uk finish for wood ea linoleum YEATEH APPLIANCE CO all 7 CSD tire" SALE twe to the 'remendo') sale of our Riv erside Air Cushion Ttrea, we have ae eumuli'ed a large atock M nnusuall- Lpod traie-tn Urea . . . price $1 to $1 IOWTOOMER Y WARD TIRE STORE S E. Corner. Trade and High n ELECTRIC Fnc Controllers. $149$ VFATFR e.S'PLIANCE CO nllT" 14 CU. FT CHEST freeaet. New $330 ", Ph. $-4384 fA (Continued on Page 191