16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, April 29, 1949 On Murders Skirts By TERRY ADLER (Chapter 27) "Honestly," Elian entreated, What can you make out oi this lull that Bray was sending you!" "You mustn't forget that Brr wasn't sending this to me. Ft n ton caine across the envelope and he put It in the malls. My hunch Is mat uray was lust going tnrougn Hubbard's things and put this stull inside, either to talk to me about it or else to dispose ot it nun st::. He probably had the whole thing figured out. And ot course that's whv he was killed." "So as far as we're concerned we've drawn a blank?" Ellen asked wearily. 'There's onlv one more hope.1 "What's that?" "We'll stop at the Janitor's. Vall's, rnd see who's borrowed his key re cently. Maybe we can make some sense out of this puzzle then. Let's leave mis stun here ana pick it It up In the morning It we need It." Ellen locked the envelope In her desk, Tliey turned off the lights in the room and made their way ou of the darkened building. In a lew minutes the car was travel ing toward the outskirts of the city When Raff stopped the car they were In front of a small darkened farmhouse. Ellen, who had been dozing, awakened when Raft tucked a blanket around her. "Walt here. I'll be out In a few minutes," he said. About five minutes later Ruff came back, his breath steaming in me com air. e got in ine car oesine ner. "You're beginning to act as If you have this whole thing all sewed up. Just what did you learn from von?" she asked, "Not a thing," he said In dls gust. "The list of people who have borrowed his key reads like a list of staff members of the depart ment. Bray borrowed it about two weeks alter he had resigned from the chairmanship, five years ago Bill Griffith borrowed it about three years ago, Paul Russell borrowed it about two years ago the first time and then again about a month ago. The day after he returned It. verek borrowed it. Fenton bor rowed it on Thursday and you oorrowea it on roaay afternoon. "Oh, golly, that's about every one. isn't it?" "That's Just about everyone. And that about washes us up. Ellen, we've got to go to the police. Just iigure it out for yourself. So far we know there were at least four people who could have had a motive ior wishing Hubbard dead. There was Bray himself for one. but I don't think he did it because he didn't commit suicide. There's Fen ton, who might have reached the end of his rope. Certainly Bill oriinin would have a olauslble mo tive. From what you tell me about now miooard treated Dr. Verek, he wouldn't be so unhappy about Hubbard's death. And you can't tell what goes on In the mind of raul Kussell. Certainly he wasn't shedding any tears over Hubbard, or Bray either for that matter. The tame goes for Worden." "It does look hopeless, doesnt It?" she said wearily. "And I lust thought of another thing. A per son didn't have to have a key to get Into Dr. Hubbard's oftice while he was there, even when he was taking his nap. The door was kept uniocxra curing the day. Jt was jocaea only when he wasn't in there "There you are. It means that each of the people around the de partment will have to be ques tioned very carefully as to his v.hereabouts both on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday midnight It means that the stories will have to be checked." "You're right. Dennis. I know you're right. But It seems like such a terrible thing, to have the police all around the department to have all these filthy storlea publi cized. A lot of Innocent people are jrolng to suffer, and that doesn't seem right." "You know my chief. Dr. Norton at the hospital, had the same idea when I told him what Bray had said about Hubbard being murder ed. The way I figure It, it takes a pretty emotional upset for an otherwise law-abiding citizen to commit murder. When such a per son get to tne state wnere ne can commit two murders, then I'd say he's psychopathic he's no longer a resnonsioie person. There's no telling how long he can continue eliminating people and justifying it to himself. There was the attempt on you, too. We've got to find out who he is. It Isn't so much that he has to be brought to Justice as that he probably needs hospitalization. There's some men tal quirk that's warped his whole judgment. 'meres no telling what ne u ao next. He s got to be round and quickly. Ellen." "Of course youte, right. I should nave realized that this morning. Are you going to call the police. or wiu you go aown mere your self?" "I think I'd better go down. There is too mucn to explain." "Dennis, I'd like to go with you." "Swell. I was going to suggest that. I have to make the rounds in the wards tomorrow, but I'll be through at 10 o'clock. That be too early lor you7" "Oh. no. I'll be ud at the office at 9 tomorrow morning. I've got to type up a ust oi dooks to be placed on me reserve sneu ior tne UDrary, and then I'm through for the dav." nan arove rapiaiy back to the hospital, parked his car and went dlrectlv upstairs to bed. He had little difficulty getting to sleep, al though ior a lew minutes he had a vague uncomfortable feeling that mere was sometmng important that ne snouia be remembering. State Session Calls Independence Attending the 36th annual state convention of the PTA In Eugene this week are Mrs. Bev Walker, delegate from the Independence unit: Mrs. M. M. Nelson, state hot lunch chairman and incoming president of the unit and Mrs C. A. Fraazke, regional vice president for district No. 9. The theme of the convention is "Cor nerstones for Living, Home School, Church and Commun ity." Two-Way Knscmble The button front sun-frock and bolero are stars of this two-part storyl Jacket on, you're turned out In a trim little ensemble; Jacket off, you're wear ing a shoulder strapped style for tanning. No. is cut In sizes 12, 14, 16 . 20. 3G. 38. 40. 42. 44 and 4tt Size 18 dress. 31 yds. 35-ln.; bolero, i- yus, j3-in. Send 25c tor PATTERN with Name. Address, and Stvla Number Stnte Size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK Is Just off tlie press, presenting the best In Summer fashions, all de signed with the simplicity that spells good style and easy sewing and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 160 pattern designs for all ages and occasions Send now for your copv, price Just 20 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 5S2 Mission Street. San Francisco 8. Calif RADIO PROGRAMS PROGRAMS PACIFIC STANDARD TIME FRIDAf P.M. KSLM re'KGW K0C0 "? 'KOIN Sir In i Serenade St Tin Serenade Red 8k 1 1 Ion Red SheltQB U fi oi liifcr 1.1 fa af BilI BUI Stern. Sparta Rhythm Time Supper CIo .Newa af Warl Jimm Durante Jimmy Durante Proudly UelliT Proudly Wi 1UU fill Town Itii Town f WiSH I D BWUGHT MV DON'T WQPPy. 1 FetjT WHY 15 0EP TwhOKNOwS'' TO ChiOP 1 M?E7 ME IN ONE HOuff TT C ISUNOAV SUIT ALONG, CHAPltE ) STEVE IN WASH M TOWN' fS-Tl UTTiE SONG TO THAT ff f( BE6IDC TMl BIO CHAIR ) FOP COUNTESS KAVVAAP-INGION. EVEPYBOOY 5tV COMMITTEE MAYBE ' ' rw4" Item ClAMBAKf ' e-n-H(NK5 EVERYBODY ELSE jfLf 1 ANYHOW WE GOTTA GET HIM I If77 iFVIlV-VJ SlT 1 1 7 (5 IMPORTANT'- ThEYU. W)r. OUT Of TOWN- IN A Will JJ J-'W'sJ . ALL o " ' 1 1 z7 8;sisj: 11 ? O t. ft C - S, V' fil. TBA ,... Final ( ' fT - 1 ? J -r& "'t J O V 9 Tf I'll"''"" B..S W.ion JOj O ' ' rU. P t Jt .Ct J ft :" Motion Uown.r H feAVVxA . r vJav V-v ! y9LM' '111 14 SfI t-0' nin-uiiton lTtt ill I J1VV i ll. I trt:r .i hi ii w .-i ir i i i i TT Wf WT- MU-EB- mmBr Ot? -IS Breklit Otns Clock Watcbtr I I , I ' ..i.. ... . 4--. ;S0 Brkft Gang The OI Kongt m-mm n m o1MjMiJfj :S Top rradfi Sgm Hith B W . T lr 1. ' J fki Birfiln ConnUr Meet Iho Slccki n y 1 S-- J I Heu. COST TH- BOSS ) flfO WITH I HM-M THffr RIGHT, AMNIE V" f ft Ml iho HnU W AS I WaS oIMN; ONME-j WO WPVE GOT TO T f OON EARN BHD HeUL MESS k UNCLE JES I (FfXTT tS MAYBE PHIL FL1MBUE J II g so Son. ol rinnn Ed MtCoOD.il R THIS PHR. FUMBLE IS J HOJE A HIREO MAN ID I UP THNQS ArD BREAK MACHtNEfTA KNEE SO BAD, t WONT ME S S THINGS UP 1 . W.o OictoUII Ed McCung.U TW ONLY HRB3 MftN ( HELP RUN TH' TRACTOR I! I BUT MDU TPKE WHOT YOU J H CANT AHV WORSETt JEB WOULD ) ( II North.l Nt.i Ntwl ' . rtILABLE- HMD 00 TH- HEAVY J GET, THESE DAYS'" ffl DO MUCH- Wr- V II 0 " ".r"ct! NolHilllhlJ H eTUO- J . . ..-r-lh. ..u 4 lit ?' BBTI IT II US Sno'k" M. Bedim ll run SUr Jm Knot Manning Rhrlbm Baaak Bulah Bint Craabr Cbcl Hnntltr Rl Kara Nawa Utiodr br Thaalrt at tha Air Candlallabt Thentra t Iht Air Stmt Thoalra af tha Air Flih CatUr Thealra al tha Air Aa Proadlr Hall Playhouia Ra Proudly Ball Plavhoaia Batrball Yoara Truly. RandtUnJ Johnny Dollar DouKout Dopa Lowell Thomaa Batrball Jack Imllb Bhaw Hi i ball ' Jack Caraoa Show Hawaii 3mrk C"an 8h'"' Bawball Fly a Star Final Raacball My Favarlta Baseball Hatband Baaeball Elton an Ccptary Burball Serenade Newt Bonndop You tha World Track IIM Gena Krupa Orrh Track 1100 Oena Krupa Orca Track Tim ' Track MfJO Track MHO Track MOO 1:00 A.M., 8lan Silent SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. R2670 breath. - r1 TMWS "N 1 HOPE SQ-irU SERVE) rwXOSAlD Yl SAIDSO'.SHE YAM VOlI XVOU CAMTXfVoSi ( WONOeRCUL'. HIM RlSUT-ME'S 8EEKI VOOUE SOM CALLED ME ON TM' iSTO AWAY SCARE MC, v 'CUPJ-- TPr'WITW ASHE GIVE ME A SmAK, AFOfiS HUNK OF ASEO JPX "a I H VZ- lJyW FMit ROSETTA JhlJOTOF ENCOUWajl 61T MV 7MEAr.ILLTAE; S JT 1 KiVMrMRJ fC-rr. JJSH KSvJ KJJF-! J SME TELLS l L tgk? H S4A ' F Ai I yoor eqg-but; rrs brght i nwvta r w nw i ntjt Arched on top call my tiKiERR.v Ifc ' 1 I TaaH . IojTHISSiDE. WMVDON-T V. stU MAN NOR I !J.,prM. L OC 7t CALL MV OVNAMITERS. I vm' m l u m umM zivi r aN Kvan SEE rtM JFFF Y WAIT.' I'M - f YOU SEE WERE BOThI Tvou RUNT WHEN I "f nul H - I M miss b. bop 1 . vbu (I ONlyTHINKIN' 66TTIN' on in age Y mv was sateen YARsiL NC0LN never& U I'M THINKIN' I DARLIH6 11 ABOufTrTTP N0WN7cMEAr, vvORDT ODIW PMBMOT 1 WNT )N FQR F ? about ) r-a l-iskvs. ' to be Ruoe but V op the united states i TrtAT Silly X " T MARRIAGE! t?m. YOU AIN'T NO SfZfo PRESENTED ME WITH STUFF' M T Y P V,- y "ZT IL - - -j LtJUkli Jh L'E, I lsry. WAT PO VDiry" 60LLV1 1 PONT L2iWj WoH.HELLO,Bia! ! WPDV PLEASE1 WOMiTX TurlninlfiT P I I THINK DAPPYte Jr KNOW. BUT I WISH- r,EVA! JUSTdHECkriNSl WHV,VES- TA V TSa. . ffiKSAiM TELL LPUNNINfi?V WELL, PATTV, PIP VOU ON 'cHJ? PATE TON16HT. iV OF COUKSEi J C " JsAeErOL VVVOUS00Niv' tlirT- ftfll KNOWTEXS6OIN01D IS IT STILL ON ? ' Tl A V U WDWOKlf TOROL S II If II V APUPERANCHTOBUY k. 5 Vl T W s y Y ' l'"' l J tV U- Vlfi rM'ELL. IS REVERSE ON THel I v T II ( OH.WELL.N J I ill I V al!v"fl HELLO DONALD A30LJT TOP LPX OR T4.IGMT. J N. J V ON TVE JU NO VVONDei?; rM haJ ' I a. y i i . - " i ' ujt"" . 1 1 I AiriWI MAKIV7 1 LUrnKLLltLT W"H OU'" ' - I HOUGH I Oh MP .THE I ' rvw?" mtmu? "-w r-- w-i-ii - M0Nl'NANV-7 WoO ANOTOM MWMuUMlBWicrTjXTHlTHT I A MA6NIPICENT t ARl AN0 THREW ' larntlfTnl MM.WOTH'rs M0MW roTMlcOMeiNATNtVEN0NCE0fOMBO0Yn IT AWAY BECAUSE 5MI lEAfiNtD THAT J M M"lr-T2't4 L OtMAS&ONEASNEMANO "X Vim SPoTlED IT MAO A TINY 6RAIN Of 5 AND V A V" J ipwTWL Y0U ABSENCE, RUT IN MI4 ) IvEWrHING' . J3 I U IV INSIOt IT!- 60OB OAY. Ji , 2 3 4 Collect Choir Colltta Choir Newt Btna Slnca Gunt Star Herc'a la Vett Scatltra'd Balnaa Scattcrg'd Balnaa 00 1 Over Jordan Ovtr Jordan Sonrm of Timet Newt Driven Playhoui Hcmlniway Smoke RltiM Smoke Rinn Tea BIttar Newt Farm Mkt. Kaa. Eilentlon flervlca Farm A Doma Farm A Bom Man Lee Tarlat Mary Let Taylor RFD American RFD American The Youni Orcaonfana Mutle Ploneera Mutie Ploneera Mutle Ploneera Muile Pioneera Your Health Health In Oreiten Frank Herrlwell Frank Herrlwell Latsla Hcrta Raeea Jlmmr Dorter ror Dorter Newt Summary (iuett Star NBC Srmpnon NBC Symphony NBC Symphony NBC Symphony Owena Orehr-ttra Owena Orchettra Columbia Faatar Columbia Faalura Columbia reatar Columbia Faatara Haven at Beat Haven af Rett Ueiltrn MelaJlaa Pop, Varltly Pop. Variety Fop. Variety Uutia YYUbonl Worda Cycle af Boni Cycle af Bona Prlneeaa Melody Talei for Toll Newt Saluta ta Btataa Hal Derwln (al ilcrwli Eyerybody't Ideaa Salon Concert -.ewa Jk Sporta Mcmorabla Hutta Review la Rhythm Kiddle Mi line Kiddle Mallnea Sat. Matinee Sat. Matlnea al. Matinea Sat. Mattnea Cbln.fp Corner Chln-Vp Corner Chin -Up Corner Chtn-Cp Corner Newt Pea Waa Hunt Spetllta an Hutle Spotlit on Mutle Koln Klaek Newt Newa Conaumtr Ntwa Newa Ufa Preten Junior Mlaa Junior Mlaa Theatra af Today Thealra af Today Grand Central Station Stara Over Hollywood Glva and Taka Glv and Takt Newa Driver Playhaata Meet tha Mletut Meat tha Mlaaua Mother Knewa Free tar All Frea for AU Newapaper af Air Newapapr at Air Janlar Stand-in Junior Stand-la Newa Rent Cantral Tha Catbird Seat Meet tba Prlneeaa Newa Lake Suceett Garden Gate Harry LaSnrar Crota Section Crott Section Saturday at tha Cbaaa DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1190; KOAC, 550 lITY Friday P.M. 8:00, Keeplny Vv fCA With Sportt: 8:1A. Home Edi tion. 6:S0, Yukon t'haltenfe;6:00, Edwin C. HUM :IS. Elmer Davit; 6:30, The Sher I'fi Flahtt; 7:4S, Sport Showt 8:00, Fat Mam 11:30, 'Neath Wettern Skieti 9:00, Richfield Reporter. 9:1. lntermesto; 0:30, Cuncert Hour: IO:S0, Memo to Tomorrow;! ll:W, Lstra iiouri iz:vu, sun un lrY Surday a.m. ta : .m.t llxCA Dawn Beat; :. Eddie Arnold; I 7:00. Round-up Boy: ':,a Martin Aaron tkri 7:30, Shopper Special i 7:48, Adven- lurea in Retearciit weep River dow (1:15, Home Demonalratlon Aceni; a.sv. Wbat'a My Namei :uv. uirit soiyn Toyland Tuneat 10:00, stara of Tomorrow! 11:00, 101 Ranch Boyti ll:S0. Fatrlnatlna Knyinmi i:, d. and Hot Club; 1:00, Thia I for Yont 1:30, KOAC I rn. P.M. 8: On tba Oaaaali 880 Sparta Clabi Newtt S:18, Eddy Duehln Showt :, Ha llo af Chech; 7:15, Evening Farm Bonn a. Research Reportt S:18, Hlllcrett School) f:, Newa i 0:00, Mutlet 9:48, Evanlac Meditation 10:00, Slsa Off. lAAr " A.M. 10:00, Nawat 10:05, IXWMVtf Beaver Co-ed Weekly i 10:50. Especially far Women, 11:00, Concert Halli 13:00, Newt i lt:15. Noon Farm Hour; 1:M, Rida 'em Cowboyt 1:30, Voice af tha Ar my i 1:45, Melody Lanei 1:00, Muela at tha Matter. Tom Glayar'a Balladat 1:45, Mrtodlee ta Ramemberi t:00. Tea and Crumpet t 1:00, Junior Junction. 5:30, McNeill Shel don i 4:00 Inqulrnla Parent) 4:15, Barry Wltnert 4:50, Honeydreamere. Mill City School j Girls Planning Tea Mill City High school girls are making plans for a Mother's Day Tea to be given for all mothers of high school students May 5 in the high school audi torium. In charge of arrange- ments is Miss Hope Baney. The program will include several musical numbers and a style re view. Committees have been appointed and are already al work on plans for the party which will be a lovely affair. The Home Economics classes will be in charge of refreshments. ACROSS I. Garment 6. Debased Irish coin 8. Bazaar 12. Attain 13. Rowlnaj ImplO- ment 14. Italian coin a 15. I'nlte closely 16. Gave one's word it. Learning; 2ft. Pointed hill 21. Land meaaura 23. Ourselves 24. Walks un- Pteadily 25. Rodents SO. Somewhat! musical II. ProopiriK 32. So. American Indian 83. Spanish tltla 34. Constrictor lb. One thousandth of an Inch S. Indigo plant 37. Vy 33. Given to rla;ld eelf-denlal 40. Dnd 41. Symbol for teUurlum 42. Clique 43. Electrified particles 45. State attain 49. Narrat Iva nS, Unemployed 63. Born 64. Wicked 66. Ornamantai hall It. Head coTerlna; a". Legal conveyance AatoUp I TllDgivlA P I 3M O N 0 RlloplgNl s'o'slopg N PJsipir e nr i p aiPiSIe sB o e nut o o 5. jfi I. MlRE oIb n t M O AllA N TBR 6peb stu Y Uf R E pa NlJJ EJ ME A R vHeLAlN a, la i na e l aTtt I N E Rj I Ne T ONflHo E cioltU pe n yUenp1 Solution of Yeatarday't Puizta DOWN L Cold and pan t rating I. Unit S. Cotton pod ' I2 I I4 f i s 7 Pla 9 ' " jl 7'.i 7s tit' ; X ff: , r 23 rr ar '"fV" si Jj 5 t., 'i v 4. I.ttl. non upon i. H.wa.r . Swlaa rlTir T. Prellmlnair draft I. Coqu.tt I. Thre.-t4 loth, 10. Wrath 1L BrUllmt Mlar IT. Small nffln. 19. Airaln: prf)K 2U Pieaiant im.ll 22. Hindu qua.aa 21. Braclnf It. Ialand of Napoleon'! ill. It. P.rch 27. Flood 29. Soft tnlntral 20. Repentant 23. Feeda to tha full 17. Breathed rapidly St. Ancient chariot 40. Italian rlrtf 41. Newspaper paragraph 44. Reicue 45. Cheat bona 44. Dutch com- muna 47. Wln 4K. The turmerli BO. Falsehood (1. Olden tlmea FATTKRN No. KZS't Hmarlly Hralloprd This eaayto- sew bloiut la rlpht up to the min ute with Ita cap aleeves and pert pepium. Mnoromemi oauies set off the scalloped cloning and 'tel! oil how pretty you hret Pattern Envelope No. R2070 con tains tUsue patlern. slna 14. 16, and 18 Included, traclnn for design amen iiiuuraiionr material re mitrements and flnlslilng dtreo tlons. To obtain this patlem send 30c In COINS. (lvtn( pattern numoet youi namt. address and tons n urn Dei to Peitisy Roberts, Capital Jour nal &it Mission Street San Fran cisco 3, Callt ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern CONT TELL ANYONE. JUNIOR BUT CHATOCftS W SET ME A I JOB WITH MIAA IN THE CIRCUS AS A CLOWN- -NOT AS A STEADY JOB. VKNOW, but JUST AS A LARK FOR THE SUMMER I IT'LL BE A DivER,S'ON.TO RELAX FSOM MY VERY TRYING SCIENTIFIC . RESEARCH WORK PTELL ANYONE, JUNIOR, I DID A SEASON TMOR6 MAY SET ME A 7 WIT' A CIRCUS OCS- 1 H HIM IN THE CIRCUS W A RASSLIN' ACT J .OWN--NOT AS A ft WTT' A TRAINEO j" ' JOB. VKNOW, BUT . BAVioBKrr T & A LARK FOR THE XA f X?Zll :R IT'LL BE A g-TUH LE T DS J&i S'ON.TO RELAX FROM BEAK WIN' y1!"1'! ERY TRYINS SCIENTIFIC SEARCH WORK mental work U: ;., ,?3i.V3L il?IV