Hustling Senators Meet Vancouver Hurdle for Homecoming Bush Lot Slated For Double Work For Cats Saturday Willamette university's Bush Pasture field will be the scene Saturday afternoon of a two-ring athletic circus. The Bearcats' baseball club will meet the Uni versity of Portland Pilots at 3 o'clock. At the same time Coach Jerry Lillie's thin clads will en gage Linfield's runners and weight tossers. Coach John Lewis' selection of a pitcher to go against the Pilots depends upon the outcome of Friday's clash with Pacific at Forest Grove. Howard Olson or Larry Stocks will probably draw the assignment. The track meet will be the first on the new Bush oval. WIL Standings (By tht Auocitml Pr Yftkimt Siltm Spoktnt WentcliM W L Pet. S 1 .750 Viikouvt ft t .714 Bremnoa I I .600 Tacoma 4 I .571 Victoria W L Prt 1 4 .429 UinN Thursday Saltm 7, Bremerton I. Tacomft 4, Wenatehee S 13 tnnlnix). Five Games . Separate Celler Bevos from Top By the Aiociated PrMM Hollywood is on top of the Pacific Coast league and Portland Is at the bottom, but the two are only five games apart. That's close, brother. ; The Stars got back on top of the pack Thursday night when they counted six runs on two homers to beat Oakland 7 to 4. At the same time, the Portland Beavers made it two straight over San Diego, winning 3 to 2. The loss dropped the Padres a half-game behind Hollywood. Elsewhere around the loop, Guy Fletcher held the Sacra mento Solons to five hits in pitching Seattle to an 8-3 win. Both clubs are only one game off the pace. San Francisco ral lied around the tight pitching of Jack Brewer to beat Los An geles, 6-2, ' making it three straight for the Seals over the Angels. At San Diego, Bill Burgher tingled home what proved to be the Beavers' winning run in the sixth. San Diego had moved ahead in the third on singles by Dain Clay and Buster Adams and a double by Steve Mesner The Beavers tied it up in the fourth on doubles by Leo Thorn as and Dick Wenner sandwiched around a walk to Johnny Bar rett. Official Box Score Beard Brings Crew Home to Salem for Debut with 5-2 Win Record in Two Series Home from a successful invasion of the north country where they won five out of seven games played, the Salem Senators will show their wares for the first time this season to Waters park fans at 1:15 Friday night. At that hour thry will engage the sixth place Vancouver Capilanos, directed by Manager Bill Brenner. Pre-game ceremonies, includ ing the tossing out of the first ball by Governor Douglas Mc Kay and raising of the colors are scheduled for 8 o'clock. There will be no speech making and after the players of the two clubs have been introduced they will have at it. With Jim Foster pitching six hit ball and with Mel Wasle having a big night offensively and defensively, Manager Bill Beard's Solons closed out the series with the Bremerton Tars Thursday night on the long end of the 7-2 count. The series went to Salem 2 to 1. Wasley took over the hero s role at the platter with a double and three singles an afield turn ed in the defensive play of the season when he made a shoe string catch of Lou Briganti s fly and then rifled the ball to Al Spaeter at second for a double killing. This occurred in the seventh when the bases were jammed as the result of two walks and a hit. The spectacu lar performance retired the side without damage insofar as scor ing was concerned. The Senators opened with one run in the first when wasley singled Wert home. Wert had reached first when hit on the foot by a pitched ball. i The Tars took a 2 to 1 leadj in their half of the first on two walks, two hits and an error After that Foster settled down and while he issued a total of seven passes, other than the seventh he had easy sailing. The fact that his mates continued to add to their string was of material assistance. Stan Halstead. the losing pitcher, gave way to Merv Allen at the start of the eighth and the Solons picked on him for three runs in the ninth on hits by Wasley, Bob Cherry, Larry Orteig and Bill Beard. An error figured in the scoring. In the only other league game of the night, the Tacoma Tigers edged Wenatehee 4-3 in 12 in nings as Joe Orrell walked in the deciding run with the sacks loaded. - .- 1 Salem. Oregon, Kridav, April 29, 1949 13 r PCL Standings Br United Preui W L Pet. W L Pet Hollywood 17 13 .547 Lo Anal 15 1C .484 San Dibo 16 13 .51? Oakland 13 14 .484 4acr m to 16 II .513 In Frtwo 14 17 .4S2 Seattle 16 14 .533 Portland 11 17 .393 RMuItt Thursday Seattle I, Sacramento I. Hollywood 7. Oakland 4. 8d n Franc Uco 6, Lot Amtki 3. Portland 3, San Diego 3. -t t--: v I ',' f ; Vaw""' i '"l - J v:;;n a turn. - ; fiSf 'fr tt&l Ml'-.- i j - " , JCx : i Molalla Takes Trophies Given Three-Way Meet For Cap Golf In C luaAH Trophies won as a result ' ' T I 1 W I Iho enrin if hnnHirnn U'.rn n u Silverton Molalla. silverton ed Thursday night during a ban- Pnrllanri Anril ?o fPTha and Mt. Ancel finished in that ciuft spread at the Salem Golf i hantrlails will rape Vira aftpr order Thursday afternoon as they c'ub which was well attended. ;,n engaged in a three-way track I V" " P pny went 10, Af( crossini! b'a, ,word. Horses to Run In Meadows Oval .ward' ! After Compromise meet. The winners tallied 73 points. Silverton 42 and Mt. Angel 36. Sum nary: 12. Mt Am. 16 Molalla. RirIpt, Silverton; Popping, Harvey Quistad. Clay Carson of, the slate racing commission and Dom in the Middle Dom DiMaggio ot the Red Sox is tagged out by Athletics catcher Joe Astroth in what appears to be a traffic jam at home plate in Boston. Dom ran after being trapped off third after Johnny Pesky hit to right field. Umpire Art Passarella, bumped in play, loses cap and starts to fall (in background). Ted Williams, next Sox batter is at left (No. 9 and No. 24 is Athletics pitcher Carl Scheib who ran In to back up play. (AP Wfrepho'to) Molalla 7.1. Sihfrt. Low hurdle h Shi Mt. Antel; Branli. Molalla. Time. 34 5 Mile Rrlnrh, Molalla: Popping. Molalla: Lai. Molalla; Anderson, Silverton. Tim. 4.50. 440 Mver. Silverton: Kirk. Molalla: Oreen, Silverton; Muen. Mt. Angel. Time, ;54 4 100-vard dash Tie for first. Pmnrr and tianauska. Mt. An-1: tie lor yilid, Fiwhe, Molalla and Evans, Mt. Angel. Time. :1 1.2. 220 Srhlewe. Molalla; Penner, Mt. An sel; Fmrhe. Molalla; Myert, Sllvrrton. Time. :25. 880 Reis.h, Molalla: Lais. Molalla; Burhhelt, Mt. Ansel; OUen. Molalla. Time. 2:10.6. High urrlle! Srhtewe. Mnlnlla: rVarth. Silverton; Bigler, Mt. Angel; MrOiU. Mo lalla. Shot put Penner, Mr. Antel. Neprud, Silverton; D. Penner. Mt. Ansel: Myera, SUvertbn. DIM ante. 41 feet ' Inrh. Pole vault Woolsey. Molalla: tie fnr Ket'oud, La man, Molalla. and Lame. Sil verton; Hodges. Silverton. Hr:ehl. B Irrt. Iltgh jump StautlltiBer, Molalla.-. Hrisrh. Molalla: lied lor third. Bnker. Molalla: Woolsrv. Molalla and D. Penner, Mt. An sel. Helsht. S feet 5 Inches. ' Javelin Neprud. Silverton; Latter, Sil verton; Hedge. Sllvrrton; Norman. Mo lalla. Distance. 156 leet 4 Inches Diai-ua Neprud. Silverton: u. primer. Powell and Bob Burrell, tied for third while Frank Shafer placed fifth. The presentations were made by Tom Wise. of Canby Cougars Nab Triangular Woodburn Meet Woodburn-Scorinj; a total of 58 points, the Canby Cougars took top honors in a triangular meet here Thursday with Wood burn and Dallas. Dallas placed second with 50 'i and Woodburn came in with 43 'i. Dean Seaton of Woodburn. took individual honors when he won four ev ents, low hurdles, high hurdles, vrlin and shotput. The winners: 110 yard dash, Eriigcr. Dallas. :11.1. 220. Chris tian. Canby. :25.9. 440, Hoover. the Portland Meadows, worked out compromise yesterday by dividing up the dog racing sea son. , The commission set May 2T July 16 for the Meadows horse racing meet, but Kyne said th windup might come as early as July 9 to avoid conflict with meets at Seattle and Vancouver, BC. Earlier Kyne had threatened to abandon horse racinz her for the season in protest against dates he said were 'too late." The Multnomah Kennel club dog races were set for May 11- 26, July 18-Aug. 20. Aug. 23 Sept. 3 and Sept. 12-Scpt. 19. inciin""'!Canby- :S6 4- 880' Holdorff, Dal- Aniel: Hpndr. Sllvrrton Bmd jump Tie tor ttrn. pr-nner. Mt. las and Irwin. Canby. tied. 2.16 .' . "Il- .""HS: SSI Mile. Holdorff. Dallas. 5:06 2 lalla: Kniu. Sllvertol 3 Ira-he. 880 relav-Moiillt. Pl.-he. Juktlcel, Mt Time. 1.31.7. Your prospect is watching the ads. Journal Classified. Anglers Await May Day Opening The day for which several .of fish, lag number, where and thousand inclprs have bfen an- W'hen taken. Baivkl.Jb Thorn a,3b Barrett.lf Wenner.rf Burvher.e 7,nk,M Diblut.p 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m io m ii Aan Dleto B H O A S 1 5 J J 0 S 0 UVMTtM ilia 3 I Atanu.lf 4 110 t f Wect.rf 3 0 1 0 I Shu w, lb 4 X 1 t 0 Storey, 3b 4 10 1 t 0 Ritchey.c 4 112 2 3 B.Wibm,2b 0 4 Lindr.p aEuter xCfwcarart tA wtl.-on TotatA S3 1 27 12 Total a Sinxled for Llivde In flth. Ran for Rttchey In tb. a Ran for Eaater In 9tb. Portland 000 201 000 3 Hits Ill 112 100 9 &n Dieao 002 000 000 2 H1U 013 201 01210 Runs: Thomaj. Barrett. IWenner, Clay, Meaner. Error: BajUaskt. Left on baxex: Portland 7, San Dieo 0. To ba hiU: dhupe. Mrxnrr, Thorn a, Wenner, Xriti, Burrhr. Doubl play: Ritchrjr o Wll rn. Thomas to Baln.skl to Burt her, Lindr to Meaner to Sliupe. BaAn:jklto Kttig. Time: 2:13. Umpire:, ford, Oordon and Mutart. Attendance: hkll (official). Spokane, Jackets Buy Oakland Men Oakland. April 28 U.R)The Oakland Oaks of the Pacific Coast league yesterday sent two young righthanders to the West ern International league. The Oaks announced that they had sold John Conanl to Spokane of the Western International league and had optioned Keith Simon to Bremerton of the same loop. Idaho Defeats Missionary Nine Walla Walla, Wash., April 29 UP) -College of Idaho defeated Whitman 3-2 in a bob-tailed Northwest conference baseball game here yesterday. Rain caus ed it to be called at the end of Whitman pitcher, fanned 10 but received weak support as his 'mates made five errors. Settle 032 lOfl 200 10 3 Sacramento 000 100 030 S I 3 Fletcher and Ora.uo: Ho:combe, Lier ntdn 3 and Plumbo Hallywood 431 COO 0007 11 7 Oakland 000 220 000 a I 1 The first three men in the line up for the Philadelphia A's in a game against the St. Louis Browns last season collected 13 hits. Sehallock and Una.r. Bandloclc '61; Hit tie. Wallace l, Zldlch 101, Wllkle I8 and Raimondt. tan rrenclaco 200 000 303 10 0 Loa Anaelea 000 010 0012 7 2 Brever and Partee: Kelly. Lanlranconl t and Malone. Expect 10,000 Fans to Crowd Far West Debuts 'Br the Aijociated Preaal At least 10.000 fans are expected for the opening of the class D Far West Baseball league tonight. The league's two Oregon teams will Invade California, whose clubs make up the rest of the a i -K- , .... ' The other Aieaiora, Official Box Score Pet-n.1b Wert, lb b PUn.M Ortrli.rf 8taetr.2b Beard. c I'oster.p TotaU 37 IS 27 x Constant, for t Rainl walked Bremerton 2 2 3 0 Br:antl.2b ft 0 Poc'kav.rf 4 OTaylor.If 4 0 4 1 Ron Ing e 4 1 Stnird 3b 4 0 Arn'ch,jw. 3 3 HaUled.p 1 Allen. p 0 xOonMntl, 1 rnnRni 0 Totali 32 Allrn in 9th. for Ha Is ted In ticipating for weeks will roll round Sunday, May 1. That is the official opening dale for the 1949 fishing season (with certain exceptions) and some 100,00 fishermen with high hopes will seek their favorite streams and lakes. The state game commission has sold 260.- 000 licenses to the estimate of 1C0. 000 for the opening day ex ercises should not be far off. Because of the keen competi tion for the most likely fishing holes, hundreds of anglers will not take advantage of the open ing day but will wait until con ditions are less crowded. The daily limit of 10 trout but not over 15 pounds and one fish is still in effect. Because of the volume of snow water coming out of the mountains, first day catches are not expected to be phenomenal. The game commission requests that tagged fish that are caught should be reported as to length 7th. Salem. 100 003 1037 Bremerton 300 000 0003 Error: Wtert. Patrr. Sullivan. Foster. InniriM pitched, t: at bat oil. 33: hiu off. 6: run. scored. olf. 3: earned run. 3. 80 . i. b.wev on ball off. 7. Ha late ad. tn mnta pitched. 7: ai bat off. 30: hit oil. t run scored off. 4: earned runa. 4: SO br, 0. baea on ball off. 6. Allen, In nlni pitched. 3: at bat oft. 11: hit off. run wored off. 3; earned run. 3: SO or. 0: bae on ball off, 0. Hit by pitcher. Wort by HalMend. LIt on baex. Salrm 11, Bremerton 10. Two baM hits: Ron nina. Waley. Ch'rry. Runa batted In: Wasley, Cherry 3. Foster. Tavlor. Ronntnr. Orteit, Beard. Sacrifice: B. Peterson. S'ol n bn.e. Wulrr, Double play: Brltantt to Snll:van. Wasley to Bud Peterson. B hn lint to Ronmna. Time: 3 00. Umpire: Htuband and B.iham. Among the observers was Amos Alonzo Stagg, the "grand old man" of the gridiron and father of Paul Stagg, Pacific coach. Another practice game between the two teams is set for next Thursday at Pacific. niatinr IS feet Low hurdles. Seaton. Woodburn JSSS: SaiveVton: 1 :25.7. High hurdles. Seaton, Woodburn. :18.3. Javelin. Sea ton, Woodburn. 127-8. Shot. Sea ton. Woodburn. 38 feet. Discus, Krueer. Canbv. 108.2. Pole vault. Fisher, Dallas. 9 feet. ' High jump. Krupika, Woodburn. 5-2. Broad ump, Bair, Canby. 18-3 4. Relay, Canby (Bair. Kee, Christian, Hoover), Dallas, Woodburn. are eligible to play. Numerous exceptions to the general regulations are contain ed in the 35 page booklet com piled bv the commission for distribution. To avoid compila tions fishermen should carry a copy. The commission's first fishing bulletin of the season predicted good luck in all Tillamook coun ty streams, in the Metolius river, the Salmon river, the Me Kenzie river, Gales Creek, and various other streams. The outlook by districts: Willamette Valley. Lane county Eugene: water ; conditions on McKenzie river i normal. Brown and blue up rights hatching. Horse Creek,! Blue river south fork slightly i high. Anglers In McKenzie area requested to fill out catch records. Prospects good. I Deschutes area. Deschutes river below Crooked river slightly muddy! but clearing. Bend to Crooked i river prospects good, wickiup to Bend water high, slightly rnurky. Prospects fair. Metolius river excellent. Wickiup reservoir fair Water high. Little Deschutes prospects A practice session' poor, water very high. River over banks. Suttle and Blue Lakes prospects good. Most, other lakes in area still frozen over. Coastal section. Lincoln county Salmon and clear. Prospects Tillamook county all streams in Tillamook county are low and clear at this time, and PaI .RnlnrC vpH good many trout observed jumping. Best prospects for trout angling will be the Wil son, Trask, Nestucca, Kiichis. and Nahalem. Trolling for sal mon in Tillanook Bay should be good. Try Spring Grid Portland, April 29 UP Foot ball stuck its foot into the sports door here yesterday as the University of Portland roll ed over Pacific university. 35 0. in a spring training workout. Ask TED STARK li Sunday Practice Set for Juniors Woodburn has been called at Legion park for the candidates for the 1949 American Legion junior base ball squad this Sunday in Wood burn. The coach of the crew. Pete DeGuire, points out that all play ers 17 years of age or younger, river low 1 eood. ,.000 200 too 000-1 I 3 Wenatehee T aroma .301 000 000 0014 I Orrell and Praut. Snell and Warren, Holme fniir tnamf Viai'as Ore., will play at'.ri,i. ,.,. .k . Vallejo: Willows will meet San- jor ,e outfits -Marvsvilie Ifc Rosa: Redding W!ll travel to wltn the Boston BVHi Reddin Marysville and Klamath Falls.with ,he s, Loui Browns. Wil Ore. will be enlertamed by low, wjth the s, Louij Cardj. 11 !? . . ., nals and Klamath Falls with the r'.1"""" : Philadelphia Phillies. Last season's pennant winner. the league should draw double its season attendance of 200, 000 fans last year. A 126-game schedule will be played. . Four clubs Santa Rosa. Pitts burg. Vallejo and Medford will. operate independently. Oroville, is now out of the league. Its franchise was pur chased from the Boston Red Sox by Phil Jones and moved to Vallejo. BASEBALL Opening Night APRIL 29 - 8:15 p. m. SALEM SENATORS VANCOUVER ENTIRE GRANDSTAND JiESERVED Tickets on Sal HOWARD MAPLE Sporting Goods No Phone Reservations Gates Open 8:45 P.M. BY ALL MEANS... Bohemian Ulub C2S E t p ort I f e r B e r a wwn m smmm mmw mc mum Distributed in Salem by McDonald Candy Co. l i tv w-i in . L " I JITVi M&e friends with UJJ Wine .Ot TOWI HOtlCTIOM Don't bo low man on lh totem polo when it comtt to tntertaining. Servt Guild California Port. A smart way to mak friondt for everyone Mr tt its mellow flavor. lOttll. IK CA1IIOINU IT WINI OWIIt Ull, IO.I. SPORTSMEN ATTENTION! ANNUAL SPRING FROLIC IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE St. Joseph's Hall, Monday, May 2 Starting at 6:30 p. m. JA(CD4E1T Bishops have just received their special purchase of the finest dinner jackets we've been able to find for you in years! Just In time for May festivities when you want to look your well groomed belt. And like oil Bishop' formal weor, their top quality keeps its distinctive good looks for times to come. 3 ijs-r r Tightly woven, long staple fabric that shakes off wrinkles and doesn't need fuss. Truly a Bishop quality bargain for '27.75 145 North Liberty Dial 3 4933