n VCampus Clippings WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY By DONA ADAMS It wal more than might happen to the average Willamette coed in four years, but for Edith Fairham it was all the event! of one memorable week. What could be a more exciting way to cele- hrnt a birthdav than bv announcing an engagement and by being elected May queen? Friday'! headline! in the "Collegian" proclaimed that Edie would rule: over this week-end's activities assisted by Princesses Carol Di mond and Barbara Miller and four attendants. In a flowing white gown, the most charming contralto will be crowned by last year's queen, Mrs. Alan Patton, in coronation ceremon ies Saturday afternoon. From the official opening of May week end Friday morning with "Inter-sorority Sing" until a special dinner in the court's honor at the PI Beta Phi house following Sunday church, Edie and her fiance Pete Gunnar will be on a merry-go-round of ac tivities from sottball games to formal balls. Although houses have been feeling the pressure of the busy week end for several weeks with practice! for the aings and preparation for the many guests, the entire campus will begin to experience the festivi ties Thursday when the barbe cue watch atarti at 7 p.m. This year the Individual classes are watching the flrei with the threat that the class with the fewest representative! will be enjoying KP dutiel following the all-school barbecue and program Friday noon. Tug-of-war and greased pole climbing competition between the fresh men and aophomore! will fol low the glorified picnic in Sweetland field. Week! of stren uoui rehearsals and back stage construction will be culminated Friday evening with the pro duction of "Our Hearts Were Young and Gay," the escapad es of two young lovelies on a trip to Europe. Saturday's round will begin early with the YWCA-sponsor-ed breakfast in Lausanne din ing room for all campus. Inter fraternity sing at 11 will crowd Waller hall with Willamettites and guests eager to hear their favorite fraternity In a semi classical and house song. Coronation ceremonies will include the processional of queen and court down the walk to Eaton, the May Pole dance by formally attired Junior wo men, the presentation of the key of the city by Mayor Robert L. Elfstrom and musical selections by the choir and orchestra. Cups for the sing winners will also be awarded at the ceremon ies by Queen Edie. Directly fol lowing, Mrs. G. Herbert Smith will open University house for a reception ' in the, royalty's honor. Although the committee is not committing itself as to decoration plans, setting for the Queen's Ball promises to be as regal as the chairman can make it. Kurt Kenyon's orchestra will provide all musical background for the formal which is schedul ed from 8:30 to 11:30 with special late permission of 1 be ine rranted to women students. 50th Anniversary Observed Recently Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaeffer observed their golden wedding anniversary April 17, a family gathering being held at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Schaeffer were married in Dickinson, N. D . and have lived in Salem since July of 1921. There are four children in their family, Carl Schaeffer of Salem, John Schaeffer of Spokane, Mrs. M F. Becker and Mrs. Lloyd Mc Farlane, both of Salem. There are also five grandchildren. All the family were present except the son, John, living in Spokane, and two grandchil dren. Also present for the din ner were J. Kipp, a friend from Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Serdotz. WOODBl'RN Women of the Woodburn golf club will meet Thursday at 10 a. m. for golf (weather permitting) and lunch eon will be served at 1 p.m. In case of rain the women will meet at 10 a.m. for bridge at the club house and the lunch eon will be served at 12 o'clock Hostesses will be Mrs. L. H Shorey and Mrs. Gerald Smith Lost week the hostesses were Mrs. Kenneth McGrath and Mrs Edgar Tweed. Before Yon Store, See Our STORAGE! CLEANING! RESTYLING! FREEZER SCHOOL All the Latest Methods FRIDAY -APRIL 29 2 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. VIMCE'S 'ELECTRIC 157 So. Liberty Ph. 3-9239 WHfcH 1 mi HA CQ0aM-jte&h For iheer enjoyment of a truly fin ice cream try ArHcn "Flavor-Fresh.( Because of its exceptionally high quality, it costs a few cents more but youll agree it's worth it Ask for it by name '.cakemUorTout lowing v , ,bfc lemon i-"' n lU'- ?A mt or mushroon", rol P d rremed J"? " " j:.h. tonnkle w"" , I"" - ntil COM" 3 miu. odne, ,', lhe '"" Bodied Process, 'Con,r1..7 " Br. ng .he blend ; Ar"'n8 "B' '"hn, ad J Pcked' utmos, 2 GRINDS Us v hry6ocfy fos Ms Sns Goflse Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday. April 28, 1919 7 7dm W M . ANOTHER EXCITING ONTH 2 EXCITING DAYS! FRIDAY and SATURDAY - EXCITING BARGAINS GALORE! In EVERY DEPARTMENT - EXCITING VALUES you CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS! EXCITING LY PRICED! Odd lots - one-of-a-kind - limited quantities! BE HERE EARLY for best se lections they can't last long at these prices! Bue . ir 3.9 Rayon Print Gowns Floral Design Sizes 32 to 42 Regular $2.98 White Tearose . Yellow $0 17 Blue jLi ' Shirts V- 69c LADIES' BLOUSES One Group Includes whites, pinks, aquas, in sizes 32 to 46. Regular $3.98 Priced to move at 1.77 MEN'S WOOL JACKETS Big Yank Brand, heavy weight with zipper Sizes 34 to 42 Regular $6.98 k Now $4.77 COVERED SAUCE POT Triple Coated Red Finish Durable & easy to clean 77c Now HAWAIIAN COLORED NAPKINS Pkr. of 60, Refular 15c Now 2 for 25c SILK PANTIES White and tearose. Tailored leg style. Regular 79c Now 57c Buy several at this price Black Denim JEAN The Original Zipper Jean 99 shrink proof. Full range of men's sizes. Regular 3.98 n.w 2.67 LADIES' Dress Gloves Light Blue, Grey, Pink, Brown Regular 98c 57c Now Sies 6V, to 8', 7-pc. Cloth TABLE COVER SET 54x54 Cloth plus six Napkins. Regular $3.98 Now $2.33 PROTECTO Moth Flakes 6 o. pk(., Rffular 10c Now 5C Yank Jr. Boys GABARDINE TROUSERS Blue only in sizes 14 and 16 Now Only 1.77 Gingham Brand BATHROOM TISSUE Regular 2 for 25c Now 7c Roll BOYS' WHITE "T" SHIRTS Sites, small, medium, large Regular 39e "T Now JmC INFANTS' DRESSES White, Pink, Blue, Yellow. 6 Months Sixt 57c WATER JUG and TUMBLER SET Consist of Jur and 6 tum blers. Attractive Deslfn. Regulor $3.49 Now 2.57 Girls' Jumpers 100 wool. Sizes S to 14. Solid colors and some with fancy (rim. Regulor $2.98 $ Now 1.47 Plastic Mixing Bowls Colorful Bright Colors Regular 59c Now 37c MEN'S GREY COVERT PANTS Regular $3.29 Now $1.97 Save on This Bargain Girls' Sweaters Slip-overs and button style Sizes 4 to 14 Now '2,17 Plymouth Lace TABLECLOTH Refular (4.91 Now 2.77 Full Length MIRROR Ivory or Maple Frame Size 13x51 Regular $5.95 $, Now 4.77 Infants Sweater Set with Cap and Booties. 100 wool. 6 mo. size. Regular $2.98 Now 133 BATH TOWELS 22x42 Pink, Blue, Green Regular 98c NOW 77c Kiddies POLICE KIT Whistle, Badge, Bltlie Club and Handcuff Regular $1.19 "JJq ENAMEL Sauce Pan Qt. site. Regular tie Now 17c BAKE KING CAKE PAN Simple to operate, to Clean Easy Now 47c INFANT'S SHIRT, Interlock cross knit, siies 1 to 6 regular 50c, now 37c One Group MEN'S SOCKS, long and ankle length, sizes 10'i to 12, regular 25c pr., now 19c P'- One Assortment of NOVELTY CROCKERY, regular 98c, now your choice 67c BOYS' BEANIE HATS, three styles, one price black, brown, green; regular 29c, now 17c Girl's TRIMFIT ANKLET, sizes 8 to 1 1, values to 29c, now 17e Waist Style COTTON APRON, pink or blue stripe with trim; regular 49c, priced to move at 33 C FANCY CUP and SAUCER SET, decorated finish in 2 patterns, reg. 59c set 49 C ALUMINUM WASH BASIN, regular 69c, now 47c Silk Head Squares Head Scarfs Regular $1.98 Solid Colors, Prints and Shaded Patterns $ Now 1.57 BOX STATIONERY Fasanation Brand 24 envelopes and double sneets or paper Regular 79c Now 47c COTTON THROW RUGS 18x36 Regular f 1.00 69c Now Variety of Colors BOYS' COLORFUL SWEAT SHIRTS with bucking bronco design Sizes 10 and 11 Regular $1.00 Now 77c SNOWY WHITE Pillow Case Size 21x32. Buy several at this money saving price. Now 27c each Laurel POTTERY CUP and SAUCERS Regular 49c Now 27c ALARM CLOCKS Juliet Deluxe Brand Ivory Finish Reg. $2.98 plus tax '217 Now Plus Tax Save Today SHOP! COMPARE! YOU ALWAYS SAVE AT For Nationally Known Brands Always Shop rr-L.- 136 North Commercial THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES SHOP EARLY! Doors Open 9 a. m. Salem, Oregon