lol j Capital Edited bT MARIAN (U-Capilal Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, April 28, 1949 Conference For Clubs An event for Saturday here will be the spring conference and peech contest for interna tional Toastmistress clubs, north west regional council No. 3. Mrs 3 M. Hartley, Salem, is chair man of the council, and Thurs day announced the program for trie event, to be held at Nohl gfen's restaurant. 'The program begins with registration at 10:30 a.m. Sat urday and the executive board meeting is at 11. During the ljo'clock luncheon, with greet ings to clubs from Albany, Eu gene, Roseburg and Spring fiflrl by Miss Amanda Anderson. ife club president, there will hi group parody singing led by Kirs. Mary Willis of Eugene, ta ble topics by Mrs. Betty Stock man and an educational talk by Mjss Mildred Ringo of Tilla bsok. At 2 p.m. there will be a business session with election of officers; at 2:45, discussion groups on: 1. Public relations at a means to membership led Miss Ruth Jaynes of Salem; 2 Program planning as a means t(J education, Mrs. Woodrow Sarchet of Albany, leader. Following the general assem bly and summarization of dis cussion groups, at 3:30 there will be skits by Mrs. Don Roth of Albany on "Have You Heard?" and the Eugene Toast mistress club on "The Eyes and Ear Have It." Hazel Loomis wjll be the evaluator. The evening program will be: J , o'clock, dinner, Mrs. J. M Hartley, presiding: invocation Mrs. Emerson Teaguej welcome, Mrs. Edward White; response, Mrs. Helen Perkins; 8:50, speech contest, Mrs. Donald Densmore, Albany, toastmistress; 7:40 p.m., installation of officers by Mrs. Myra Wirenius of Albany, In ternational Toastmistress club director. The program will conclude with the introduction of con testants and judges, announce ment of winners and remarks by the newly elected council president. , ... i Miss Adams Tells Of Engagement ,'The engagement of Miss Leta Adams to Gene Marchington, both Willamette university stu dents, was announced Tuesday evening at the Delta Gamma sorority. Miss Adams, a fresh man on the campus, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams of Portland. Mr. March ington is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marchington of Portland. He Is a sophomore at Willamette and a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. No date is set for the wedding Xn umbrella arrangement on the door announced the news n( a betrothal. An unmbrella of flowers was on the table and a lKrge hat box arrived in which were varied other boxes, els bbrately decorated and berib- boned, to be opened to reveal the names of the couple and the eigagement ring. ... I OAK KN'OI.I, Ladies Golf enib held its weekly day Wed nesday, a large number attend ing. ' In the novelty event, Mrs Hilda King won first prize: Mrs. Iuiline Maerz, second prize; voim consolation going to Mrs Jack Eakin and Mrs. Don White L)inchenn followed the play. Plans were made for the two hkll foursome to be held Mav 21 for members and their hus bands. Your Prescription Store ! WHEN YOU THINK DRIIftc. TMIhJaf truiccti "If Poyi. to Trode at Schoefcr't" 7S99 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1949 EVERYTHING vVe hove o complete line hi ji tin your prescription. Special This Week DeLuxe Peanut Brittle Lot of lurrer and Peanuts 45c Worth SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Yailow Front Druf And Canity Special Store in Selem US N. Com'l. St. Phone 3-31S7 or 2 9123 Women LOWRT FISCHEB From Roseburg Visitors from Roseburg here Wednesday were Mrs. J. F. Bar ker, Mrs. Velle Broadway, Mrs. Stanley Kidder and Mrs. George Wharton. The group was enter tained at luncheon by Mrs. F W. Poorman and Mrs. Wilmer C. Page also was a guest at the luncheon. The visitors were en route to Portland. Two Honored At Party In honor of Mrs. C. Danielson, who will leave soon with her husband for Minneapolis, Minn , to make their home, and Mrs. E. M. Sjoding, who has been a visitor here in the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sjoding, Mrs. Dewey Baumgart entertained with a party at ner home on Monday afternoon. Guests who attended were: Mrs. C. Kenyon, Mrs. George Fake, Mrs. C. Mollett, Mrs. M. Getzendaner, Mrs. B. Sjoding, Mrs. J. Elton, Mrs. Louis Thomp son, Mrs. Joe Cook, Mrs. A Engler and the honored guests Thorpes Feted On Anniversary Celebrating their 50th wed ding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Thorpe were honored at a dinner given in the mirror room of the Marion hotel, Tuesday evening. The couple were married April 26, 1890. at Ada, Minn. Mrs. Thorpe being the former Selma Overland. Mrs. E. C. Trost, the former Bertha Thorpe, and Iver Overland attended the couple at the wedding. Mr. Overland was a brother of Mrs. Thorpe. Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe have one daughter, Mrs. Reynold Lee, who resides in Washington, D C. Toastmaster for the Tuesday evening dinner was Frank Zinn. Cutting the wedding cake was Mrs. John Fritz, a sister of Mrs. Thorpe, with Sandra Kay Olson serving the cake. A dozen yel- ow roses decorated the table, a gift from the couple's daughter. Present at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Thorpe, Mrs Karen Barnes, Mrs. E. C. Trost, both sisters of Mr. Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. John Fritz of Mantico, Calif., Andrew Overland of Los Angeles, brother of Mrs. Thorpe, the Rev. and Mrs. M. Getzen daner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zinn. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Olson, Sandra Kay Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ramus, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Gold man of Tillamook, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ramus and Mrs. W. E. Benjamin. Louis A. Ramus sang "I Love You Truly," accompanied by Mrs. Frank Zinn, who also play ed two piano numbers. ... TO MR. AND MRS. Fred Matthieu are being extended congratulations upon the birth of a daughter, Annette June. Tuesday, April 28, at Salem General hospital. There is a son in the family, James. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clark Craig and Mrs. Jean Matthieu, all of Salem, and the great grandparents are Mrs. A E. Vaughn of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Craig of Tacoma . WOODBl'RN Members of the Woodburn Woman's club will entertain with a no-host dinner and card party Friday evening. April 29, at the library club rooms for members and families. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. and members are asked to bring a covered disn Coffee and rolls will be fur nished by the committee. FOR THE BABY of medical need for babies. Lb. More i i I Tea, Dance Honor Queen Two social events of special interest in connection with the May Week-end at Willamette, starting Thursday evening, will be the tea at University house Saturday afternoon to honor the queen, Miss Edith Fairham. end her court; and the Queen's Ball Saturday evening in the school gymnasium. The tea Saturday afternoon will start about 3 o'clock, the event following coronation cere monies. In the receiving line for tea will be Mrs. G. Herbert Smith; Miss Fairham and her mother. Mrs. Silas Fairham; the two princesses of the court, Misses Cnrol Dimond and Barabara Miller; Mrs. Alan Patton, who was last year's May queen; and Miss Patricia Howard. Members of Beta Alpha Gam ma, sophomore honorary for women, are taking charge of the tea to assist with the serv ing. At Dance For the dance Saturday eve ning, also honoring Miss Fair ham and the princesses, the patrons will be Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Schulze, Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gatke, Professor and Mrs. Chester F. Luther. In the May royalty party will be Miss Fairham as queen and her escort, Peter Gunnar; the two princesses. Miss Dimond and Miss Miller and their es corts, Don Hunsaker and Ray McCoy; Misses Barbara Mac- Duffee and Joyce Reeves, at tendants for the queen, and their escorts, Russell Tripp and Peter Bryant; Miss Aldene Gould, the attendant for Miss Dimond, and Norman Gould as escort; and Miss Dona Adams attendant for Miss Miller, and her escort, James Miller. On Sunday afternoon Pi Beta Phi members are entertaining at dinner to honor Miss Fair ham, Miss Dimond and Miss Miller. ... Home from Trip Being welcomed home from two months travels by car, cov ering 13.000 miles, are Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brownell. They were in New Orleans and in various places in Mississippi, including one of the Natchez garden tours, then went on into old Mexico. On their way home they stop ped at Grand Canyon and at tended the Easter sunrise ser vices on the rim of the canyon. At Matrix Table The Oregon State chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, national jour nalism honor society for women, sponsored its annual Matrix Ta ble banquet last evening with Dean Clifford W. Weigle of the University of Oregon school of journalism as the speaker to discuss problems in newspaper readership. About 250 attended the dinner and program. Several awards to recognize "women of achievement" were given out, three to senior girls at the college, three to women of the community. Mrs. Kate W. Jamieson, formerly dean of women at the college jyr We're keeping an ey? on your budget! ff smartest forowny and whites in town... 11 'Mil ix last If TinralfmillinnapUtformrd B Fand (l' fl I ; Sw middlin heel, hi W White wede with tan calf. 5aaat ! ! V. '5.09 QualiCrnft shoes with the twenty dollar look you'd expect from America's largest retailer 170 N. Liberty SALEM 8 NEWEST SHOl STORi FOR 3: i' Gift for YW Use Members of the Young Matrons club and the YWCA Service club recently donated a 48-cup coffee maker to the Salem YWCA for use at the building. Present ing the gift here are Mrs. James Lies, at left, president of the Young Matrons group, and Mrs. Charles Knapp, center, pres ident of the Service club, to Mrs. A. A. Schramm, at right, president of the YW, ( Jesten-Miller studio picture) Tea Honors State Officer Mrs. Christine Mumm will be hostess Sunday afternoon, May 1, between 3:00 and 7:00 o'clock at a tea to be held at her country home southeast of Hillcrest, to honor Mrs. D. F. Furlough, de partment president of the Mar ine Corps League auxiliary, de partment of Oregon. At the tea table Mrs. George Pro and Mrs. Eva Rush will pour. Mrs. Joseph Tompkins will be in charge of the guest book. Miss Golda Wheeler will cut the cakes. Mrs. Frank Millett and Mrs. E. Simkins will assist in the dining room and Mrs. E. Powers and Mrs. William Noyes will greet the guests. An invitation to the tea is extended through the press to marines and their families to meet Mrs. Furlough. Rainbow Order Honors Mothers Following their regular meet ing Tuesday 'evening, members of Chadwick assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls honored mothers with a social and pro gram. Miss Dorothy Pederson play ed piano numbers. A skit comedy, "Teddy's Dress Suit," directed by Miss Esther Per kins and the following in the cast: Misses Geraldine Radcliff, Barbara White, Norma Hamil ton, Beverly Beck. - Announcement was made that at the May 10 meeting there will be formal initiation and election of officers. The semi-formal dance is slated for May 13 at Glenwood ballroom and tickets are now on sale by all Rainbow mem bers. Young people of all the local high schools, academies and Willamette are being invit ed. was awarded in the field of ed ucation; Mrs. Laura Hanson in the field of philanthropy and interest in young people; Mrs. Victor Moses in the field of community service. Among those attending the banquet were Miss Maxine Buren, Miss Marguerite Gleeson and M r s. Robert M Fischer, Jr., all of Salem. r 7r''A 3 ilfS Aj y; j Mothers Plan To Form Club Plans to organize a Sigma Kappa Mothers club were talked over at a meeting held Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. A. Reeher. Mrs. Robert Schroeder, Mrs. Delmer DcSart, Mrs. Reeher, Mrs. Winston Bur ns and Mrs. Vern McMullen were named an acting commit tee to function until the formal, organization is completed. Mrs McMullen is chairman of the committee and Sigma Kappa mothers of Salem and vicinity are asked to contract her, tele phone 24290. A group of alumnae. Mrs. E. E. Beckman, Mrs. B. W. Stacey and Mrs. Bert A. Walker, met with the mothers to help in the organization. The alumnae are to send cards to all known Sig ma Kappa mothers in Salem and surrounding area inviting them to join the new mothers group. A no-host luncheon is to be held at the Golden Pheasant, May 18, at 1:15 o'clock. Reser vations may be made with Mrs. McMullen. ... Recitals Listed At Sacred Heart The annual spring recital of Sacred Heart academy is sche duled for Friday evening of this week at 8 o'clock in St. Joseph's hall. On May 13 will be given the choral hour, also at 8 p. m. in St. Joseph's hall. The two programs feature advanced high school students. The academy gave the last of its monthly recitals Friday in the academy assembly hall. The following pupils were presented in the program: Douglas Gentz kow, Bette Wilson, Roxanne Brown, James Burke, Jackie Chan, Dorothy Frank, Kath leen Wilson, Jacqueline Doer fler, Patricia Bales, Sydney Shepherd, Joan Colleran, Doro thy Meier, Glenda Lou McCor mick, Geraldine O'Berg. Mary Helen Edick, Helen Belsher. Yvonne Broussard, John Bren nan, Dolores Koutny, Betty Loony, Shirley Taggart, Caro lyn Jones, Ardis Ann Christen sen, Jcre McCarthy and Mary Suing. The accompanists were Geraldine Kiser, Patricia O'Con nor, Rosemary Dougherty and Shirley Koutny. the low prices of women's shoes! AH2ittMiont WOMEN Birthday Party Today Paul Wallace Gormsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W Gormsen, observed his first birthday this afternoon, his mother arranging a party at the home of the little boy's grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace. In the group were Mrs. Har ris Lietz and son, Bobbie; Mrs Glen Martin and Glen Kay Mar tin; Mrs. William R. Shinn and Michael Shinn: Mrs. H. E. Bo gardus and Randy Bogardus; Mrs. Lester Pearmine and chil dren, Larry and Marcia; Mrs Robert Dow and daughter, Bar bara Ann; Mrs. Donald Bar nick and Candy; Mrs. Stewart Johnson and daughter, Katrin r.a: Mrs. J. M. Ritchie and Roger; Mrs. Carlton McLeod and daughter, Franca; Mrs John H. Johnson and son, Ste phen; Mrs. Robert Brownell and daughter, Kathleen; Mrs Robert Burns and daughter Nancy; Mrs. Vernon Siemens and Danny; Mrs. Paul B. Wal lace, Mrs. Gormsen and the little honoree. . Golf Day Is Wednesday Event New members welcomed at the weekly day for the Salem Women's Golf association, Wed nesday, were Mrs. Arnold Krue ger, Mrs. Emery Hobbs, Mrs. Douglas Drager and Mrs. John Hughes. Winners in the day's play were: Mrs. Stephen Fouchek class A; Mrs. Max Allen, class B; Mrs. Morris Crothers, class A; Mrs. Al W. Loucks and Mrs. Conrad Paulus, first and second in the class D eclectic event for those who have played previous ly; Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mrs Gilbert Groff, Mrs. Joseph Ma tujec, Mrs. Charles Musser and Mrs. W. J. Grant, the latter two tied for fourth place, in class D for new players. The group is planning for a two-ball foursome on May 15. ... VFW Auxiliary A regular meeting of Marion auxiliary Veterans of Foreign Wars was held Monday evening at the VFW hall. New members welcomed are Mrs. Martin Fon din and Mrs. Jean Sigfrit. It was announced that the na tional president will be in Port land May 11 and 12. Commit tee reports were given by Mrs Joe Hornnefer, rehabilitation; Amazing Short Cuts In Food Processing Explained by Leilla Knight, Noted Deepfreeze Home Economist IN PERSON FRIDAY April 29 2 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. Bring Your Freezer Problems FREE PRIZES FREE Si I BBBBtiBBSB fttaV aast a aat aa VlfJCE'S Mrs. Clarence Forbls, Ameri canism; Mrs. Charles Hagan Women'! Council. Mrs. B. R Osborn reported a dinner is to be served to the Marion county Tuberculosis association May 6 at the VFW hall by the home fund committee, Mrs. Leon Hansen reported the auxiliary would help in the Marion county cancer fund and a sum was voted for this. Mrs. Willie Boone announced the Widows club will meet at the home of Mrs. Elvira Beard, 550 Tryon ave. on May 15 at 2:30 p. m. Couple Feted On Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Frazer were given a surprise party Monday evening on the occasion of their 30th wedding anniver sary. The evening was spent in formally and a gift was pre sented the couple by neighbors attending the party. In the group of neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Read er, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Laswell, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Tucker, Mr and Mrs. P. G. Staprans, Mrs. Terese Hanks, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Loewen, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rust, Mrs. Cecilia Greene, Mr and Mrs. George Mirich. Later, a group of relatives called end also presented gifts. In this group were Mr. and Mrs Clarence Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Poindexter, Mr. and Mrs. William Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott, Mrs. Peets. NOW! For 10 days only. No refunds No ex changes ... No approvals. Bring your husband! Bring your friends and tee the lat est in preparing your food for your home freezer. You may win o prize! SilMutl HttLNI m HOME FREtZtR Notices Out For Meeting t Notices have come to Salem women regarding the fourth an nual meeting of the Oregon State College Mothers' clubs in the museum building auditori um Saturday, May 7, at 1 p.m. The meeting is part of the Mother's day week-end at the college. The Corvallis unit Is to serve a buffet luncheon for the state mothers' clubs board members on Friday. Registration for mothers begins at 2 p.m. Fri day and meetings of committeei and groups will be held Friday and Saturday, the main general meeting to be at 1 p.m. that Saturday. The mothers' ban quets come that Saturday eve ning, the events to be held in all the campus living organiza tions and in the Memorial Union building ballroom. New officers are to be elected at this meeting to serve the next two years. Mrs. Oscar I. Paul son of Salem is the retiring vice president. ... THE SALVAGE shop spon sored by the Salem YWCA will be open Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p. m. at 141 South Win ter. Mrs. W. E. Anderson and Mrs C. W. Parker are co-chairmen for this project, among others assisting being Mrs. Amelia Wharton, Mrs. W. C. Barber, Mrs. Helen Goodenough and Mrs. W. E. Kirk. Sale at LEON'S Buy the first pair at the regular price ... get the second pair FREE! . . . Think of It! You con now buy o Genuine DEEPFREEZE HOME FREEZER 129.50 Just $19.50 Down and $1.25 per week Five Year Warranty Fire Year Food Insurance Haldt 13S Pounds of Food 157 SO. LIBERTY PH. 3-9239