ClJi '4 Capital A Journal A Dog's Life An independent Newspaper Established 1888 GEORGi PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher ROBERT LETTS JONES. Assistant Publisher 1 Published every otternoon except bunday at 444 Che ' meketa St Salem. Phones Business Newsroom, Want I Ads. 2 2406. Society Editor 2 2409 ' Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press and The Uiited Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publication ot all news dispatches I credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and also j news published therein SUBSCRIPTION RA1ES: ! By Carrier: Weekly, tie; Monthly. J1.00; One Vear. 12.00. Hy , Mall In Oregon: Monthly. 15c; Mot., S4.00: One Year, f 1.00. ' U.S. Outside Oreion: Monthly. S1.00: Mot.. $6.00: tut SIX. 4 Salem. Oregon, Thursday. April 2R, 1949 What Has Johnson to Say? When John L. Sullivan quit as secretary of the navy Tuesday, his action should have caused no real surprise 'In what are called "official quarters." When his boss, Defense Secretary Johnson, called a halt to the navy's -plan to build a super aircraft carrier, Sullivan was left no alternative. The tension had broken out over which branch or - branches of the service would be recognized for the cov "eted strategic bombing assignment. Johnson's abrupt order to halt the giant carrier indicated to observers he was ruling out the navy for the task of heavy bombard- ment of strategic areas. The navy couldn't launch big y enough bombers to do the job unless ships were available of the size of the USS United States, whose keel had just been laid. There was more than that to the dramatic exit of the ' navy secretary, however, There was the matter of the marine corps, too. Ever since General MacArthur years ago spoke out in favor of abolishing the marine corps, ;the leathernecks as part of the services have led a pre- carious existence. Some top army brass had agreed with ' MacArthur. The special jobs of the marines, seizing ad vanced bases for the navy and amphibious warfare, had been copied by the army. So, since the marines are a part of the navy department, they figured, too, in Sullivan's walkout. So did naval and marine corps aviation as integral parts : of their respective branches of the armed forces. Because "the navy and marines' defense activities called for special "type of air support, both had developed their own. Now 'these, too, were in jeopardy. v In other words. Defense Secretary Johnson had busted . wide open the fears of the services over their very exist ence. The only plausible explanation that anyone could give to Johnson's killing of plans for the super carrier ,was that such a carrier, to his way of thinking, was not , the right vessel for future warfare. The other implica- - tions followed. ., " So the only way to ease the tension now is for Johnson to come out and tell the people of the United States what his views are on which service is going to do what assign ment in any World War III if it comes. Sullivan's action calls for no less than that. . When Johnson moved into his top job a short time ago, his words sounded as if he were going to work toward a 'fair union of the branches of the armed forces. But his order stopping the carriet United Stales killed all his earlier words of good will. An explanation is in order as to why he even permitted "the keel to be laid in the first place, if he knew he were going to stop construction shortly afterward. The people r of the nation after whom the vessel was named deserve a plausible accounting. It is their navy and army and air 'force not any one cabinet officer's. Three Medical Service Plans There are three plans before congress for medical rare for everyone, different methods but the same goal. The Truman plan is compulsory, the federal government is to take over and force most people in along the British experi ment in socialized medicine. The Taft plan leaves medical care to the states. The Hill plan leaves it in private hands with federal assistance. But they all mean higher costs and outlays of tax money for a broader health program. The three conflicting plans are summarized as follows: TRUMAN PLAN: Health insurance, compulsory for nearly everjDoay, 10 sian diuy i, workers, employers each pay 1 4 per cent pay-roll tax on first $4,800 of wages; self-employed pay up lo 3 per cent on net income up to $4,800. Medical care, at no additional cost, to include: examination, doctors' visits: limited dental treatment; 80 days' hospitalization; homo-nursing, laboratory, X-ray, ambulance service; expensive medi cines, hearing aids, wheel chairs, eye-glasses, crutches and other special appliances. Federal subsidies for medical schools, students, local health units, hospital construction, rural duelers, etc. Estimated cost of health-insurance benefits: about $8,000. 000.000 a year. TAFT PLAN: No compulsory Insurance, no special tax. People unable to pay all costs of medical care are offered required medical aid free from state health agencies. Federal govern ment to split costs with states, up to certain limits. Federal subsidies for medical schools, free examinations of school children and tree treatment of needy children, grants for local hospital construction, etc. Federal costs: about $1,817, OOn.OOO in five years. HILL PLAN: State health agencies to pay all or part of monthly premiums charged by voluntary ' hralth-in.vurance plans, for people unable to meet costs. Eligible plans limited to those providing hospitalization, diagnostic service. General medical care, office calls, home nursing not included. Federal government to split costs with states, and encourage expansion of state public-health programs. No special taxes, all partici pation voluntary. Estimate of costs not available. The least desirable and the most costly of these pinna is the Truman plan, which has its inspiration in bankrupt Britain, where it is anything but free, and costing $100 a year for every adult in England, half paid in weekly levies hy the employe and half by the employer, which does not begin to pav the costs. Aneurin Bevan, British minister of health, says social ized medicine has already cost 40 percent more than esti mated and costs will continue to rise for the next 10 years. It cost over $1 billion this year and pleases no one, and is wrapped up in red tape. STORIES IN LIFE 'Who Did You Soy It Was?' Fort Lewis The Information Pvt. Clair E. Irish, tnr! di vision artillery radio man, was gettlnc on the field radio Jus4 didn't jibe with the firing problem of the day at the Yakima maneuver. Cel. Ralph M. Otborne, eierutlTe officer of division artil lery, was called In, "Who's this gumming up the works?" the rolonel Inquired gruffly over the radio, which has normal maximum rant f 15 miles. "Thl Is the artillery officer at Fort Sill. Oklahoma." wa the flahergasllng reply. Colonel Osborne made tome inquiries that satisfied him some freak of nature was relaying the message about 100 limes the normal distance. The two officer concluded with an exrhangi of Informal! f their respective problems. C jy 'Y SfcVl . IxJ WHAT A sfef - 9 HA- rVt W. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Closed Foreign Policy Meeting Combs Pact By DRIW PEARSON Washington Terse, urgent questions affecting our hopes for peace came boiling to the top the other day behind the closed doors of the senate foreign relations committee. s Answering them, the men who must implement the North At lantic pact were kept under steady fire for 4 4 hours. Big, bull- BY GUILD Wizard of Odds tvk -1 -Li A "S SIPS FOR SUPPER Two Timers By DON UPJOHN Daylight savings time in Portland. Sane and sensible time in Salem, for a little while at least. Folks who have to do business between these points are beginning to complain about the ano- m a 1 o u s situa- voiced Senator Vandenberg set the pace, but each senator got a load of ques 1 1 o n s off his chest. They combed the 'pact's fine print for oitfalls and lnnnhnlt m n A i'j ..:....' a ."Hwiis. .... Or r..r hidden mean- ings between the lines. As a re sult, many tough problems were plowed up. The chief targets in this verb al shooting gallery were Secre tary of ' tary of ECA Ambassador Harriman. They talked brilliantly, but not quite enough, to please the senators. them wanted to do, but Senator Pepper of Florida warned that the pact, itself, promised to abide by the UN charter. Secretary Acheson explained, however, that the only "meas ures" we are obliged to report to the security council are what ever measures may be taken jointly after an armed attack occurs. "What I want to know," chimed in Utah's scholarly Sen ator Elbert Thomas, "is what do you mean by the rearmament of Europe? One thing Europe knows how to do is arm. The State Acheson, Secre- jdea 0f supplying arms seems ueiense jonnson ana archaic unless we give them our best bombs and techniques But if we do that, I am against the whole program. "The aim of the Atlantic pact is to bring about an atmosphere to make arms unnecessary. If we are not going to teach the processes of peace, we may as well auit now. because the world knows all the processes l- T MIBT0 tVIHTISE.' N (? At"-'. AIM0ST TWICE AS MUCH rffiR) . ) A-i" a National income I 1 ; SaV WAS SPENT IN I .B ' hSiW. ADVERTISING ll X - S-V fiM IN '928 I ltl7f) I I 5To4iFyouDONT SEijjUiSeyjy I JH CRV...'HEA05'lSCALlfO STILLS STILL'- HT!?''"1 , . , i fTlTl 70UT0f 10 TIMJS. SIX TO 1 THERE WILL (C i WT CMttS UP0NLV MORE BOOTLEGGING I 3'J?i'?5 ARRESTS THIS VEAR A '?!S??-. THAN LAST 1 J1' iOSlSHUBtn 1 1 o n, whether - tne business is done by phone or by traveling back and forth As one of these unfortunates re marked to us to day, "It's the biggest J o b of two-timing ever fois ted on a patient and long suffering people.1 Ll1 "I can't be offhand and free about information that involves other countries." Acheson re torted impatiently, when pressed for details. Johnson also buttoned more ef-mlniature oopner numor D c t, wiI1 caus. f Lebanon R. M. Hayden, aft- shudder than the recent earth er obtaining expert advice, put quake. out noxious bait for a bevy of gophers throwing up dirt in his Corn Preventative garden. Next day the whole Los Angeles IUR) William E clan ........ j . Johnson also buttoned up ,., At last It haDDened vester- j. . or war. dav Like a voice from the oast , . "iesun Thomas also warned against t , ! I. on atomic energy from Senator buiidinB ,1D , ..United SMr, Will Jones, well known Macleay McMahon of Connecticut. The army 0f Europe." Senator Ful farmer. appeared before the queries were based on secret in- bricht nt Arkansas nn th nih. county budget committee and formation which McMahon had nand .r(,uen that a compos- . . .... ... !.. r i "iimoii. aim ,te armv would be asked that the committee pro- Johnson objected to going into rectiv, than several vide a budoet nn larcer than the i . Li.. ec"' Inan several " ueiau in uum 01 coiiiiiiuiee armies o?,?. S, wh',C. Clerks- Thi' caused McMahon to Another question, raised bv 7hi firir tlrfn ilr decle that he wouldn,t senators, was whether to Z. J.r. ,vh H, Z. inowed POrt the pact " he tl 'urnish Europe with American five years anybody has showed ,n, information he wanted. madp arms or helo the treatv up with an idea of cutting down th, npi, , ,(. ."e "rm" , . p V', xnmty wif .,ni n,. v,., " ,ne prlce of ,ne sena,or nations manufacture their own about that back in Washington violation of what 1 consider the i a. .11 .u- . security of the nation, then we needed for the allied world, the may have to forego the senator's production and logistic problem, vote." t was argued, Would be terrific. But. on the other hand, plants To add lo the turmoil, the built in Europe would be easy meeting was Interrupted 13 prey to the Russians and might POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER Fortune in Wire Spring By HAL BOYLE New York IIP) If you ever had an idea and tried to rum It into money, the story ot Dick James may Interest you. He taught a piece of coiled wir to walk downstairs. Now It makes him an ft - f L I a) Br excellent living. james, a 01 year old form er marine en gineer, is the 4 inventor of 4S 1 1 n k y," revolution a r yj new mechanicall toy. Slinky Is I nothing but TO fnA nf high carbon clockspring steel '"iftance there I, in th. wire arranged in 92 coils. He wrJ.dh ag1a,nst new idea; A ill,, .n nlH.fa.hinned hed. The oy Pe0Ple wanted no spring pressed flat-so the coil. ft of Slmky ' 'he Uughed touch. Tom and the other kids in th neighborhood were fascinated. "I gave one coil to a boy In bed with the mumps. Hit par ents said h had had so much fun with It I should sell the coils as toys. And my wife Betty, who'd thought 1 was fool ish to spend two years tinker ing with wire springs, agreed." But James found then how "Finally one department stor agreed to let me us one end of Z.ZL"?,??. LMey. mailman 'or 20 year,, )imes bv vo)es (he be -,urned against No one housekeeping in Neighbor Bob was held today for keeping 5 Penland's yard, where they set 000 letters instead of delivering to work with energy, throwing them. ."The more letters I de up entrenchments. With all the livered the more people mailed," assurance of the Pied Piper, complained Lilley, 46. "When Hayden silenced complaints with my feet hurt I just took the mail a promise to rid the Penlands home. I always intended to de of the pest. He did, indeed, for liver it later." Postal authori se gophers straightway moved ties said none of the mail had back to their old quarters in his been opened or tampered with. own garden. Now everybody who has writ- It seems It makes nn differ- ten a letter to somebody in Los release t-m-t- wnere you gopner em, iney Angeies recently is going to start aren't there. worrying. Bird Gives Cat a Bad Time Fast Sheen, Eng. iiPi You've heard of the canary who was so tough he sang bass? A local rat named Whiskey has met the eanarys' cousin. Whiskey was stalking blackbird, when suddenly the bird turned. A veterinary took IS stitches in Whiskey. MacKENZIE'S COLUMN An Oasis or a Mirage? By OeWITT MacKENZIE I Forrlin Atuiri Analrstt The western allies are moving cautiously (though hopefully) to make sure they are seeing a real oasis and not a mirage in the startling Soviet offer to lift the German blockade. The Russians. senate floor. This kept the sen- had a ready answer for this. a tors straggling ud and down Before Senator George stairs to the senate floor until walked out, he was In a nega-71-year-old Senator George of tive mood toward anything that Georgia finally snorted in dls- cost more money and warned gust: that every move we made In "By God, T can't go up and Europe only implicated us deep down those stairs any more!" er. Many senators were also an And he quit the meeting. gry with the administration for Another problem was how pushing the arms program be much lo tell the Dress. Vanden- fore the treaty is even ratified. berg was airainst issuing anv Acheson's reply was that the until the secretary of arms program was the only log- state formally presented the mil- ical way of implementing the itary program to congress. The pact. ,Averell Harriman report Michigan republican warned, ed that the Marshall plan had however, that "Drew Pearson saved Italy from disintegration has a dictaphone hidden In and had stiffened the upper lip here." of other western, nations. All they needed now was the arms. Later, Chairman Tom Connal- he declared, to make strong ly stamped angrily Into the stand against any aggressor. meeting after a trip upstairs to n,,t Cllnlrv ran An 1hin0 A child can take him in his " ."" m hand and play the coils back demonstrate the toy myself, and forth like a silent accor- ' buht alon u400 c'u dion. Put Slinky on the top of ?nd sId ,them " a" hur a"d 1 staircase and flip his coil over, nalf- Thal convinced them. They and Slinky will coil and uncoil n immed'a, order for his wav down the stairs like a 5 0T00- . . , . rhythmic snake James had to borrow money "He changed'my whole life," ' buy the coils from a factory said James, who has sold 2.500.- '"al maae ". specuica- 000 Slinkys and expects to mar ket another 1,000.000 this year. Simple as the gadget is, it tions. A month later he quit his S5.000 year marine engineer ing job. "It was a hard gamble," he said. "My family thought I was took James several year, of to jv(. englneer httfA umrlr in mill. I a m.paec Back in 1943 he was working career over a toy." Slinky mushroomed so fast n a i-iuiauciuiu. ...n.u. ,nat other compani began began foo ing with some round making ,he coUs iigurin , , " " , . , 'j T .U. P'tent application by James meters that registered the wouldn't be granted. James feels luck has played a vote. "Somebody has already leaked the amount (of the prooosed military aid), he thundered MERRY-GO-ROUND Wealthy Oil Heiress Perle Mesta, social arbiter for the Tru- mans, will shortly be rewarded Some newspaperman told me by an appointment as first lady the figure and asked If that was correct." ambassador to either Denmark Luxembourg. (Mrs. Mesta agree t'jjw' I 0'UJ3 A. I our rtlan ' ht cairi A tremendous stride towards 'he meeting iu. uu:i:ii: t i 1 1 ir I crilrJUilllH I1UII Ol WCSiem , ...... . . tmnnm r,irnn. rnilA AM k.... 'n cianiv ine important quen- "k". Europe would seem to have whether the oact was Georgee Kennan, now chief been marie in the imPmpnl in llon 01 wncin" n P was . i:. M.ahlUh th , .nvmlnt Thi "other old-fashioned mill. ?lt"VrA!Z1 date for its inauguration has tary alliance or a genuine in- been set for July 15. The ac- ''rn' collective security have stated their willing ness to abandon the blockade if t h e democra cies in turn will end their counter - block arie and to a meetin the council foreign minis tors to consider the whole German question. ..L k. eveniuaiiy. iney nope a pros- exercise of this right of self- ended the foreign ministers p,ruS west German republic defense shall be Immediately re council some sixteen months ago wj bP , attractive to their ZlZ ,L ..ZTf Fnllnwlns thi incident It was Used to be republican.) agreed to release an outline of The joint chiefs of staff have the SI. 130.000.000 plan to help decided to equip our western rearm the North Atlantic treaty European allies with the fam- nations ou5 M1 Garand rifle. Reason behind the move: The U.S. has Here are other highlights of million Garands in surplus e meeting. "ncl planning to make a new. Senator Vandenberg wanted improved model for American horsepower output of ship macninery. lar, .rl . h ,... "The coils of round wire "Hundreds of engineers hv wouldn't stand up," he said. "So worked with elastic wire, and just for fun I had the company never thought of turning It In- make me up a couple of dozen to a toy," ha said. "Neither did samples of flat wire. t. if j had ,et out deliberately "It wasn't until the next year to develop a top that would that I learned I could make the walk downstairs, I might hav coils walk downstairs. My son spent a lifetime on It." OPEN FORUM Daylight Saving Time IttWItt cord naturally ignores Russia. which occupies close lo one- hird of the old Reich. Here it should be well noted that the western German lead planning staff, will be promoted to counselor, replacing Chip Bohlen, who moves to Paris. However, Kennan will continue his important job of trying to anticipate what the Russians will do next. by walking out on it. The western powers Ameri ca. Britian and France are prepared to agree, provided the Russians have no further con ditions up their sleeve. This caution is Inspired by the fact that, by striking coinci dence, the Soviet offer comes as tne oiner tnree allies con clude the agreement for the establishment of a new Ger man republic out of the three western rones, with Russia holding out its eastern zone. The western allies are ask ing themselves: "Can Moscow's offer be He pointed out that the UN charter recognizes the right of nations to "collective self-defense" in case of attack. The charter, however, adds In Aitil St "Mn. i pa. talr.n hv ers aim at a united Germany members (of the UN) in the REDS GROW IN ARGENTINA Argenune ooservers nave long suspected that when Presi dent Peron set out to use .the countrymen in the Soviet zone rjoes this mean. Vandenberg communists for his own politi- that a union of the two will be as(ed that the treatv nations cal ends, he was asking for real brought about. must '.,, their et defense trouble. Now he has it. That could well be. for the plans to the security council Back in 194Bl ,he Argentine Germans are a determined peo- where Russia has easv access? commies were nominally lined pie. This was something ' none of UP wilh tn rad'cal nd social- iwi parties in a so-cauea national To the Editor: The action of the will of the majority of the saving time is another proof that an apathetic majority to do its bidding. That the majority is opposed to the time change is amply proven by the action of the leg islature in vesting the right to proclaim daylight time In the governor, by the piddling maj ority which daylight time re ceived even in Portland, as well as by the opinions expressed In "letters to the editor." In view of the determination shown heretofore by the day light time addicts, 1L seems safe to assume that they will exert the utmost pressure on Gover nor McKay to proclaim daylight the city of Portland In defying people by proclaiming daylight a determined minority can fore saving time. Those of us oppos ed to this ill-conceived measure should inform the governor of our views. How can we expect him to stand firm if we don't tell him that we are behind him? We should not be intimidated by the threat of the daylight time addicts to file a petition. They know that in state-wide re'erendum they will be beat en. All they can possibly hope to achieve by a petition is to fight a delaying action. A. E. BRETTAUER Route 2, Woodburn BEAST DOESN'T LIKE 'SHOTS' Hungry Lion Is No Easy Patient, Vet Finds Out ' the doctor sighed Yakima "The trouble with sick Hons Is, you can't examine them very well." But Big Sammy, a middle-aged Ethiopian lion who was once a trick to disrupt the member of Hailie Selassie's democratic union, opposing Peron's presidential candidacy. Actually, however, the Reds reached a secret, last-minute "mutual understanding" with Peron. Until recently, both sides out wardly observed this bargain. In several subsequent elections for congress, provincial legisla tures and the national constit uent assembly only the Peron- formation of the German gov- palace, was off his food. And a cage with lion and stick lsts nd communists were per- ernment so that Russia ran get something had to be done about needles in him. He might decide mitted to campaign freely, while complete control of a unified it quick. He hadn't eaten for to get hungry after all. radical and socialist candidates German regime which would six days. But Captain Roth went into found themselves without press ' include the Soviet zone?" Capt. Louis Roth, owner of the cage and while he poked facilities, barred from the radio, Both General Lucius D. Clay, the lion ranch In nearby Selah and jabbed Big Sammy, his as- their political meeting banned U. S. military governor in Ger- and Big Sammy, become wor- sistant, Judy Allen, slipped or broken up. many, and U. S. Ambassador ried. He called Dr. Peter Mac- rope around the 470-pound Peron's on purpose was to Robert D. Murphy. Tuesday ex- klnlosh. a semi-retired veterln- beast Just below the shoulder keep his native Reds flourishing pressed wariness over the So- arian who had some experience blades. The spectators outside as a first-class bogey, to be used viet offer. treating lions In Chicago 35 the cage took the rope and angl- n bargaining with the United years ago. ed Big Sammy toward th tag state when th moment wa And tnat is wner in trouoie oars. Tin. Lest there be any doubt re garding the attitude of the west ern allies, they have made it crystal clear that they are go- The commie, on their part. started. Then they jammed 2x4 iney couion i examme Dig p.-na unarr n cnin ana uocior ., n,d , p.lusonf about Sammy because a hungry and Mackintosh went to work with p.rnn', eventual aim Like their ing ahead with the creation of weak lion is still dangerous the needle. comrades everywhere else in the new anti-communist Ger- lion. The big animal took It quiet- ih. -.nrM ih.v .r ... .ni lad to accept a deal based on mutual nnnnrtuniam with man republic. General Clay Captain Roth and Doctor ly for the first time, but when declared that Mackintosh went into a huddle the doctor came back for even it the Russians lift the and decided that something was second shot, he reared on his srtrewd confidence that they blockade "it will have nn ef- troubling big Sammy's tummy haunches and nearly broke coud gve the other side lessons feet whatever on the west Ger- A hypodermic to relax Big away from his restrainrrs. But (n (,e rt nd that is just what man government." Sammy's insides was in order, he got the second dos Just th jj happening In Argentina today. "Wt ar going ahead with But you don't just Jump Into sam. icmraai 1 DUMPED VVIIISKEYlfl Mm4sI WMsaef M f I L' 1 M Ma Httrt mUXlf j