i 4 CapKal Journal, Salem, Or., Thursday, April 28, 1949 Big Linn Mill Resuming Soon Lebanon, April 28 After be ing closed four months, the Ore gon Plywood corporation plant at Sweet Home will open on Monday, May 9, it i announced by Harold M. Buckner, newly appointed plant manager. Offi cial announcement of the plana Were made earlier by Franklin , A. Hofehinj, president of the plywood corporation. The return to work will fur nish employment for 130 to 200 men, plant officials say, and pro duction will be put on maximum output. Employment will firat b of fered to former plant workers. Remainder of the erewa will be filled through the state employ ment office at Lebanon. Monthly payroll at the compa ny will amount to about $60,000 The company halted opera tions during the heavy winter freeze when ice coated the mill pond, closing all logging opera tions. Revision of the official staff has been made since, the new plant manager being formerly associated with Northwestern Door company in Tacoma as general superintendent. Did you read the ads today? Journal Classified. Big 3 Day 2 Pants SUIT Sale! $50 Regular 1-Pant Suits Fresh new styles, clear-rut worsteds, hand detailed tailoring, Ingle and double breasted models. Patterns, colors and eir.es to satisfy your taste and fit, In regulara, shorts, longi and stouts large variety. These Reg. $50 1-Pant Suits Now MAGIC PRICED With 2 Pairs of Pants ONLY Vi?j Another group of $55.00 Suiti now $43.50. Alto $60.00 Suits at $48.85. Regular $25 to $27.50 Sports Coats 100 Pur Wool Fobrica Now Spring and Summer Stylet Colon and Patterns Siiet 34 to 42 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRAND WHILI THIY LAST 14! 50 SLACKS TO MATCH AT $6.93 Finest Quality Fabrics EXPERTLY TAILORED And Suit Materials; Extra Panls. Regular 114.95 to t2t.i. NOW SLACKS i. Regular 114.95 to 13 CHELSON hand-blocked, union mod FUR FELT HATS new low prices. $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50 FOR THI GREATEST CLOTHING VALUES IN FINEST QUALITY CLOTHES FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN You'll Find It Pays, All Ways, to Buy Your Clothes at JJ's SALEM'S QUALITY CLOTHIERS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 O'CLOCK IJ.CIothesShop 387 STATE STREET I Doors Wet of Liberty Neat to llartman't Jewelry Store ws one groiIw && yc t0 29 Av-) MEN'S. BOYS' & GIRLS' tl&k U U 10 JLh A, M - SHOES Hif Good buy that make good dense. Sweet cotton and rayon dresses that are full of fashion the kind tola love with whirl skirts, puff sleeves, novel yokes, pretty appli que and embroidery trims. Tub bable prints In sunny colors. Sizes 1 to 6',. Women's brown and black suede baby doll pumps. Sizes 5.-9. Reg. 6.95, now 3.99. Shop Until 9 P.M. Friday Boy's Surf Denim TROUSERS reg. 1.29 now 79c Hlue surf denim trousers In sizes 6, 7 and 8. Long Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS reg. 1.79 now 1.49 Ameriran airline print sport shirts In yellow, blue and tan. Fused collar and cuffs. Sizes 8-18. Women's Satin and LACE BRAS 87c reg. 1.98 now Sizes 32-40 reg. 1.00 brat J now 69c or Mm for I .UU reg. 3.98 2-woy stretch girdle 1.98 Boys' Bib LONGIES reg. 1.59 now 99c Boy's bib longies blue and (an In sizes 7-10. Boys' Tee Shirts Values to 1.39 now 79c Boys' knit lee shirls with long sleeves. Variety of stripes in sizes 4 (o 10. Genuine Goat Skin LEATHER BAGS Reg. 5.00 to 10.00 NOW 1.99-4.99 Several Styles to Chooi From, Mountain Cloth JACKETS reg. 7.45 now . 5.99 Shirtt to match, reg. 5.7S new 3.98 Jackets in sizes 36-46; shirts in sizes II' j to 17. Sun tan color. MUSLIN SHEETS reg. 1.98 now . 1.47 Pillow Cotes . 4 for 1.23 Economy priced sheets In sizes 81x99. rillow rases In sizes 42x36. Willow FISH BASKETS "2.44 Natural color. Leather tip fastening; strap. Two inch square opening. Men's Hercules Cotton Work Pants and Denims reg. 2.49 now 99c Hercules cotton work pants in Sizes 36-46. SUN SUITS Reg. 1.49 to 1.98 49c to 99c Cotlon seersucker and percale sunsults in stripes and prints. Sizes 8 to 6j. BOYS' CORDS Values to 3.98 now 2.99 Brown and grey partridge cords and solid colors in creme, castor, corn, brown and navy blue. Sizes 4 to 18. COTTON SEERSUCKER GOWNS reg. 2.98 now sizes 38-48 1.99 reg. 2.1 9 knit gowns now . . 99c reg. 4.29 ond 3.98 knit rayon gowns now 2.99 Kenmore Coal and WOOD RANGE reg. 114.95 now 99.95 $149 reg. $169. 36" twin top Gas Range, now Plaid and Stripe SHIRTS Re;. 98c to 1.29 49C and 79c Short sleeved plaid and striped shirts In sizes 4 to 6'j. Boys' Boxer SHORTS reg. 89c now 49c Sanforized boxer shorls. 2 snap, sturdy elastic waist. Sizes 8 to 16. Men's Sweaters ret;. 4.91 slipover sweaters., reg. (.95 eoat sweater , ref. 1.91 sleeveless sweater, ref. 1.9. sleeveless sweater., ref. JJS eoat sweater now. . , .2.99 .4.99 ..99c .1.99 . 1.99 Upright Vacuum Cleaner reg. 44.95 now 34.95 2 only Attachments also available. Reg. 116.95; Now $12.50 Cotton Seersucker 49c Reg. 69c, Yd YD. Cotton seersucker In stripes and checks. 36 In. wide. All colors. Flowered Seersucker 98c yard CASTING ROD reg. 1095 now 7.95 Special this week-end only Casting rod with actionized tip. Lynn Spun Rayon and Linen reg. 1.19 now 49c Lynn spun In all colors. . 39 inches wide. Yard SINK FAUCET reg. 7.50 now 2.98 Deck type sink faucet. 6 In. spread. RAYON JERSEY LIMITED QUANTITY reg. 98c now 49c Yard Plain colored rayon Jersey. 89 Inches wide. Miracle Sponges 65cr 89c, 1.39 inn uses good for walls, woodwork, w indows, cars, dishes, and bath. 4 f