It Capital Journal, Saltm, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Per LtttO 1M ' Per Lin I time 40a Per tint I times 60e . Par Line 1 month 13 00 Outside of Balem llo per line per day. aim. Iflei I tlmu mio. Ofte time mm 11-30, No Refund READERS la LeeaJ Ntwe CeL ObIti Per una sOo To Placo) an Ad Phon 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Mr OWNER: 1 bdrm. A weauty. Hardwood floor. flfeple.ce. automatic ell heat Attached plastered garage. Located among all new homes. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ph. 33000 eveninga or 19 08 daytime. "lu Highland dist. bomb (lui no. .. Comm.) 1 BR., fireplace, basement, nice yard, well landscaped. . .. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Ph 1470T Eve 272B2 - 34713 LARGE HOUSE wltn fireplace and oil furnace, with 10 acre in fruit. Near . . bus line St. . box 108, on old Pec. hi way South. 103 Multiple Listing MODERN FAMILY HOME Nice llvlm rm., dm. rm., 3 bdrma., "Mwd. lira., util. room, Youngstown kit chen. Low coat Bonneville elec. ht Insul. and weatherslripped. Price 19.000. - 12,000 should handle. IS 74 Third St. HOLLYWOOD I bdrm. hm. Pull basement. Plreplara. Le. Ho. Bui. possibility. 3 dr. from Willamette Valley bank. 110.500. 1930 Fairground Rd. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS 1111 Bdgewater Day or Eve. Ph. 1-8109 a ioj fWO Unfinished bedrm. home with emi-basement, Insulation In, llvknt quarters in tha laraie. Call Ivan Si vers, Ph. 23B49. eve. 37013 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 080 S. Commercial alOl MAO HOME INCOME K . Bdrm., 1y. rm, At utility down, 3 jm. apartment up. some furniture goes. Terms. Call Ivan Sivera, Ph. 23049. eve. 37013 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 000 8. Commercial al Kfioft Three bedrm. horn on paved St. . In nice dlatrlct, If. Iv. rm., flreplare, hwd. floors, bsmt., furnace, newiy oe , corated. Call Geo. Walters. Ph. 33349. eve. 36380 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 0R0 B. Commercial al FOR SALE or ex. for home eub. Port, 6 rm. mod. home., att. garage, H.W. heater, fireplace, V. blind. PI. furnace, fl. attic, If. yard. 083 Edina Lane. Ph. 3-2293. alOl DUPLEX New unoccupied. 3 bedrooms each 'Small down payment. PMA, term "Owner. 460 8. 20th. al03" NEW l-RM. HOUSE being completed, fil i-iieat, hardwood floor, on bna line. Pri vate builder At owner. 17860.00. Ph. ...1-0489 day. 3-3 .66 eve. alOl BY OWNER-JJirtall hse. to"be"moved . "Rte. o, Box 7flft, corner ol Sunnyvlew " - Hollywood Dr. alOl Beautiful new S bedrm. rambling ranch type home, large llv, R., Dining R.. kitchen, nook. Hwd. firs., fireplace, . all furnace. Oood loan value. Sea Omer Huff. WHlft Near Bnglewood school, nice clean 4 bedrm , bath up, ft room, bath down. f'rd bamt., furnace. A perfect setup .for am. rental a Income, Will consider smaller home a trade In. Sea Omer , Huff Real Estate Co. tlf..eo 4 B.R. and den, dbla. plumb., fireplace, basement, dole, gar., near HI and Parrlsh achla. fff.flflft I B R. and den down, upjtatri floored, basement, fur. Pretty yd., pond, fireplace, dbla, tar., South, Call Harvey : Huff Real Estate Co. R, all or Pn. 3B371 -Best Buys To-Day 4 bdrm. Home, OSxlOO lot. Highland Ave. iesoo. t bdrm Bom, So. Comm'l. Bt. Bualneaa Von 17360, '' 1 bdrm New Home, H.W. floors Oarage lOAOO. Targo Hon down town Balem, ft apM. Incoma over list Mo, Pull price 111. Son. ,'' L. E. KLUMPP Real Estate North of Greyhound Bn Depot Ph. 1-7042 Rea. 3-0136. 36040 alOl IlK.nmt Good aolld pre-war home on N. . 30th St., I It. bedrma. h. child1 rm. with built-in bunlu, dining rm., fireplace, hwd. fiooia, burnt., aawdiut furnace, . lovely back yd. ft garden apof, near . hlrh achool At In lie wood arada achool. Call Oeo. Waltera. Ph. 33849, eve. 35200 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 900 8. Commercial alOl WILL TAKE a horn on trade up to 18.000 ' on ft 4 unit court apt. Ph. 2003V alOl xi. noo DOWN, ft room homr. Fireplace oaement. aawdiut heat. Attached gar- m' SOxlOft lot. Localed cloe to bu , Una on pad St. Pull price I89S0. ("nil O V Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 101 S. Hith 141. Phone 34131 Eiea 29200 a 103 rRMliot'REirAr"ReMVnabTe.Rr 4. Box 074. Boon Rd. aloft OWN FRW ILI. At C K PT fem odel c a r a part payment on thin new 3 bdrm home wltn bath, nice amed living room, eomblnation dining room and kitchen, breakfut nook, automatic oil floor fur nace, attached garage. Cloae to bug line and achool. K35o. T,iU home la very well built, la plaAtered and nu pecan floor, fireplace, ai matlc heat, 3 bedroomi bain, living rwotn dinette, kitchen, garage. I09S0, P. H. Bell, Realtor 3fll OtEMFTKri A STRfKT T. 1194ft, -4fl9. FVM. 1-7665, I 0686 ' 3-0S69. ftlOl t 4v New 1 Br. home located eaat. Ha . Hff Door, auto ell floor fnrnaca At tached taroffe. 1130 a, ft floor apace, loot TlxIM. Term Tall O V Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. RRALTORB pot) B. Bhvk St. Phone 34111 Bej I&31X alOl ARE YOtn.OOKING f ' Por fl A. approa 0 ml, from Salem La rte ft bdrm. home located In lote- hr- aeittnt. Crek. family orchard. 1 k atrawberrw ex cant berriaa. Barn, ehlrk ft b. S ear garage. He ha liv -., dm. rm., brak. N , double plumb - KM. We will honaatly aav thla Mace ee4U aome work to ba done but for U.000 you cannot beat It C. W. Reeve. Realtor - 040 B. Commercial Ph. 1490 Bva. 39510 Of UOOt XOl !TflA APPROVED DISTRICT BUILD NOW PTieo out to iho Ben tomond area at e our aign on Iheao vacant loU. In ' i4e city lim:U: city water. teirafc!e ' district. Mc Kin ley achool. priced 1900 1 P WHY PAY RENT? , W"n laoo down ITOftO per month iW new I bedroom auburban home hardwood floor i fireplace: unf inuned rwtalrt; fMmtent Inriuilea principal,1 -interwt: taiew tftiurincg; immediate iMattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Pto M9 III N High (Acre fretn Hotal Senator) Ev. Pfc. j-lT34 w I-1H4 BtM 0r.t Thursday, April 28, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSE THIS NICE S B R. home at IS10 Cherry Ave., with l'a acre, lined Inside i aneet rock, 18x30 laraie, 12000 00 cash 111 nandie. Dal. term. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Call O. V. Hum with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTOR lea s. mm Bt. Eves 2201 1 BDRM. HOME Just finished. M0 ft. on 1 fl., Ig. llv. At din. rnu 16x1 SO lot, new home dial, near ocean At stores, If. J 50 or furnlahrd 16460. W. Chesley lllh Ac Thorpe, Delake. Ore. alOS DUPLEX I IS. 600. New Modern Duplex close In. 3-Br. each. Electric heat. Immediate Possession. P. HA. commitment. This la a wonderful buy for someone. Cell Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 101 8. High St. Phone 34131 Eves. 36961 a!03 MODERN HOME by owner, Iff. lot, 80x160. Sacrifice for quick aale 19990. Immed. possession. 098 Locust. a 103 if Clean modern 3-Br. home, 0 yre. o;o. Large lot 7UX13. C!0e m North. Hardwood floor. Fireplace. Auto oil furnace.- Basement. Attached garage. CuV. Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 103 B. High St. Phone 14131 Eve. 25901 al03 BY OWNER 1 bedroom home, large .dining room, kitchen with nook. Fireplace, hwd. floor, attractlva bath, wardrobe clo- ew, large garage, acre good garden aoil wim gome fruit t.aeer id aotl with aome fruit tree. On bus line, north. 111.000. PHA terms. Ph 37270. glOl- For Thrifty Buyers Let im aliow you the well built houe at 439 South 33rd street. There U a base ment with furnace and trah burner on bedroom, LR. DR, kitchen, nook and bath on ground floor and two up stair bedrooms: very nice yard with lights and outdoor fireplace, also fish pond, priced at 18350. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 140 N High Bt. Ph. 17660. a, 01' 111,500 FURNISHED Close to Catholic sch. At Hollywood. Neat clean 2 BR home. Nice lot 60x100. Pvd st. Good loan value. 113.000. HOLLYWOOD DIST. Hard to beat this buy. Has 2 apt., gep ent. Full bsmt., oil ht. S105 mo. In come plua 2 la. DR. Llv. rm. din. rm kit., nook, for owner. Nice outside f'place. Thla Is not lust an old shack made over, but a good home. Will con alder trade for close In acreage. Phone 206 AO. ED. LUKTNBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. al03 TODAY'S BEST BUY Threa bedrooms, fireplace, full base ment, furnace, elec. water heater, wired for range, hardwood floor down, Ven etian blinds. Large lot 90x204. Who could ask for anything more? Yes, there is ft garage. Ace It Inspect it then make vour proposal to buy It. Tha price 1 10900. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 140 N. High St. Phona 17660 Eve. Ph. 24991 - 16605. a 101' PRICK-SLASHED On very nice 2 bdrm. home, good termx, or take uaed car In trade. Ph. 36189. MUST SELL! Bought acreage. Will arcrpt IliJOfl dwn. Oood 4 rm. nouse. Lee. corn, lot So. Summer 14000 full price STROITT REALTY 090 B. 13th St. Ph. 2332J. ftlOl BARGAIN HUNTERS Oome south on 98 E to the 90 Cafe, turn right up Ewald Ave. to Nrt at. left Wllty Ave.) for a block; any evening 4 to 0, and In.' pert two of the finest new ranch atyle r'HA built two bdrm. home on the market today. At about 13.000 below market price. Do It now. Tomorrow may be too late. atoo NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom stucco home In desirable surroundings, has nice basement with extra room, attached tarns e with ex tra storage, room. Auto furnace, fenrerl tn bark yard. Only 17.600. No. K0 BEAUTIFUL HOME! 4 bedrooms and den. I.ree living room, dining room, full basement, auto heat. Dutch colonial. Double garage, corner lot, all hardwood floors. Every thing In this home for your pleasure. Prlca 133,000. No. 503 Reimann for Real Estate Th. I-930S 301 South High St Sun. At Eva. 1-2730. 1-0341, 1-3346, 3-9905 101 NICE HOMR with beautiful view over looking Salem. 3 bdrm.. L R., D R.. kit., burnt., furnace, L. tray, double raragf, large lot. Price only 99.000. Ad drew 976 Terrace Drive, Kinawood Height.". Call Hushes, eve. 3-7049. IF INTEKEMTKn In ft acres with 2 houses. lull plumb, in each Own water ays terns. Bam. creek fed by springs. Very many tree. Frw minutes drlie from Salem. Price 92O0. Small down, 1mm. poss Call Seder! rnm. Severin Realty Co, Ph. 1-4010 313 N. Huh Eve. 2-7693 alOl FOR HALE OR RENT: 2 bedroom house. on flegie road. Robert Fryrear, Rt. 4 box 310, Salem. alOJ BY OWNER. 1 acre, houne. Flowers, shrub bery, family orchard, barn, chicken shed. 1.S4H Lancaster Dr a 10.1 fonoo 4 bdrm. new home, nearly flnUhed. on 1 arre Norih. romb. LR, PH. uttl. rm, garage, excellent construction. HUM A very lovely and well arranged 1 mirm nome witn l k. im. very attractive kitrheu, lull hath, utility rm., attach, garage, fir. furnace. It.fttMt Here la 0 new vrrv lovelv 1 bdrm home with RH. LR, DR. HN. den. full bath and shower, flrejilarr, hdwd fir., mil rm, attached garage Located In Orchard Height. Weal Salem. Would coneider trade for car. house or lot, Keizer Real Estate & Ins, AMOS B 01ON C R RICK ARD fl9 Chemawa Rd . t ml. Weat of Kelter School. Ph. 3-1360 or J -an 3. e.101 3-1360 or 3-3 dty bna "im CI OMR tn on dty hu line. I-ovelv new 3 bdrm home . hdwd. flri. ihmtiehnut Fireplace, comer lot, flnent conit. Price fil.aog. General Real Estate Ph. 33300 16ft Centei 101' F-NO EL WOOD MSTRICT NFW RANCH atyle. 1 bdrm. wardrobe rloet Ream, picture window, hdwd. fin thru out. flreplare. I-rar faraga PHA. Pull prlca tlO.too. General Real Estate SPECIAL Biff redurtlon tn prim of neat I rm houae. Offered be distant owner. It nicely localed near penlor high and tood b? for aome one at 07 600 Thli t a mut To e it call lelac H. Kllta 3130 Gyden Rd Ph. 11311. alOJ Drive Buys We will be glad to show yon tneie place anytime' IM Beach Ave., near tK North. Good buiniea location. li acre A neat 1 bdrm houe. A bargain. I M00 Ifto Hwnl Ri Clos in. Ne for elderly couple. Neat l ndim nome wiin ip doit h. bmt.. fenced ba k ard OHoe OwA Academy ft I. Corner lot S bdrm home all ir rati. Fl repine, dir., rm 014 000 B. Isherwood, Realtor foot N Capitol St Offirt Ph 1-363, flea. 1-314T W Mtg 10J Journal Want Ads Pay , FOR SALE HOUSES WEST SALEM HOME Located hlsh on a hill, I bdrm., llv. rm., din. rm., dbla. garage. Priced rliht. Call Roy Ferris. APT. 0 unM-a located very elose In. Income saxe noma in eatera or asuaene a part payment. Prlco 129,600. Call Peter Geiser. IDEAL SERVICE STATION SITE 1390 Hoyt Street Lee. corner lot, 109x13!. ft., has 4 rm. home, aaraie, excellent business all. Frlci IS, 600. A real buy. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorat, GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 I. Liberty St. pa. 1-1471 Evenings Jg Bundaya call Peter OeUer - 1-996$ Earl Wui 2-1333 Roy Ferrl . 3-8010 alU' FOR SALE HOUSES $3600 Nat. clean modern t bdrm. homt on lt acre of good land. Oood stove. aa nd circulator, plua soma other furni ture goe. Can bg handled by State vet. lor oo down. Want an Offer Pull bmt 1 bdrm. home near high school, ha a fireplace ajid a large kitchen with nook, property will pa PHA apeclficatlons. $6000 One acre In city llmlti, 1 bdrm, home, with plenty of fruit and nut tree, large garage, quick possesion. Joe L. Bourne Realtor BY OWNER Worth looking at, .t A.. 3 rm. hoiiAC, attic, bulltitu, shower, etc. Price 13800.00. See Mr. Roth, 030 Nor man Ave., 4 bllu east of Slate Hospital. a 105 BEST BUYS REDUCED $8900 2 BDRM., attached garage, eler. heat, bus at front door. Owner will accept car ft part payment. $3500 TOTAL PRICE A very clean modem house Inside city limit. I1 block to bu. Well worth the money. Term arranged, $1200 DOWN A very tood older type home tn a select location 1 block to acnool. Bui at front door. Basement. Paved atreet has been recently renovated. Total prlca only 165O0. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member of Multiple Liating Bureau 303 Portland Rr. Ph. 3-7820, 2-4698. Eves 30473 - 33558 ftlOl NEW HOME In restricted Bant Engle wood addition. Built by owner who Is anxloua to aell, 3 bedroomi. All better features, House at 1210 N. 24th. Call 2-4890. a 103 1 BEDROOM HOME. Linoleum, oil heat, elec. water heater. Beautiful. lari!f corner lot. Small caah pmt. down. 1095 worm uoeriy. i '$1950 FULL PRICE Furnished 3 Rooms Elec. utility rm. Chicken h.e. Approx acre. Nice nhniba St flowers. Paved road, nrar Balem. Immpdlat? io."rul WILLAMETTE REAL ESTA'IT. 172 8. Liberty Ph. 3-7113 FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN OOOD BUILDING LOTS NE. Price 1325. Terms 110 dn. and 110 month. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Phone 34552. aal02 We7tienTLot (Will 00. Paved atreet. 91200. AU 2 lota, 9400 each. Terms on alt of these. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3O07 N. Caoital St. Office Ph. 2-3863: eves. 3-2147 or 2-8836 aaiu3 WIM. SELL my equity In 3 acres for 1300. On paved road. Leaving town. Ph. 2-4249. aalOll FISHER ROAD Nice Kb. front bids. site. 05x288, 1st lot N. of Sunnyvlew. Ph. 3-P835, Walt Socolofsky, Real Estate. aal03 LOT SoxlflO. 1 blk. from Capitol on Mc Coy. Ph. 36462J aaioi VIEW LOTS, 600 blk.. Vista Ave. WOOD ED LOTS, 600 blk., KatClill Dr. Ke tricted, city water. Ph. 3-4284. n' FOR SALE FARMS 5 ACRES Nice building site about 3 miles from town. l.iOO down will handle. Total price 10 ACRES f rm. hoiiae. nice oak grove. Private well. Tot ul price only 19,000. Call for Mr. Leavens. Al Isaak & Co. Realtors Member of Multiple LiMlng Bureau n02S Portland Road Ph. 3-7030, 2-4590. Eve. 3-8403, 1-35,8 blfll Talking distance CI.OSE IN. 86 A. FARM. 2 miles NW In wondrous EOLA HILLS. 2 grand roads All Salem services. Rolling, wooded, entrancing paalures. 24 A. prime farm lands tn crop. New ft rm. house on ce ment. El. water heatrr. full plumbed, wired for elec. range. 11 100 drilled well Ai elec. pump 12100 woven wire hog : Ight frnce. 10 row barn on cement. 2 car garaee ditto. All year stream sprint. Idvllic COUNTRY SUBURBAN HOME or profitable farm! Only I8.1OO TAKE SALEM HOME TO 16000. C W. STULLRR. Exclusive Aaent Balem, Ore WALLACE ROAD. ' mile Norih of Bridie blfll 26 ACRES! 20 cultivated. 0 In pasture. Barn St rhlrkcn houe set up for turkeys. Irri gation equipment and ponda Furnished 7 room hon.e well kepi. Exertional tuy at 19.5011 No. ai6 40 ACRES' With 3 homes, year round creek, good barn, about 13 acre rleiircd 1 of the home ta very nice and modern with basement , fireplace. Price only 111 tn and terms. No 10i Reimann for Real Estate Ph. 3-9303 2lH South High Bt Sun. e Et. 1-S7S8. 1-8341. 1-3340, 3-505 blOl tlg.lWMt 100) arrea hill farm, good fences lovely building site, best view In val Call Rav Pav'a Ph. 31849 eve. 30658 Geo. A. Walters. Realtor 90fl 8 Commercial talOl 10 ACRE FARM t bedroom homa 2 tears old. Pull baement. electric throughout. Small barn, poultrv nouae. ft A. tn cultivation Pasture. Some timber. Fenced. Good aoil. A good place for 113.500 Term. RAWLINS REALTY HOt.LVWOOn ntSTRICT Ph. 14664 tte ph. 20013, 3-7110. 3-575T blOl 72 acres7north T rm. house, electric, 10 stanchion barn, pouilrv houses, plenty of sheds. A:i under cultivation. 190 head of chick ens 130 small chickens. Berries, pas ture, some !o--k. Place can be bouaht without equipment for 110. 000. Will trad fer amaller farm RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. 34664 9N- ph 16013 9-7179. -77 VM FOR SALE ACREAGE SEVEN ACRES l' acres strawberries, l'i rftrerrte. acre boysen berries; three, bedroom home, bam. poultry house, pressure water aratem. 1M00. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 140 je H h 8t Ph. 3To jbMM i ruuRrn . RFiTTmiieout tm higv i' E. Cftsb at tern. Phone 1-43M or I -81 80. bftlOl IFOR SALE HOUSES hdwd. lira., fireplace, burnt. HOUSE 1430 per mo, plus owner quarter. Will FOR SALE ACREAGE 14750. ft ACRES All wooded, wondei f ul view. Just the placo to hide away. Lge. 1 rm. house & hop. 11600. Elec. wtr. system. 4 ml south. Ph. 36680. ED. LUK1NBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. bblOl' 0X5, 132 acre good soil, wonderful oulldlngs, beautiful view, artesian well. Call Ray Davis Ph. 33849, ve. 38668 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial bblOJ ltoo Ten acres prunes St pears, new one bedrm. home, good view, close In on oil road. Call Ivan SI vera. Ph. 33849, eve. 37012 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 900 8. Commercial bblOl ts.OftO This 10 acres Is located about 7 miles 8.W. of Salem. About i In tli ber with year around stream, Bal. In cultivation. Part In orchard. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 101 B. High St. Phone 14131 Eves. 25300 bbl03' READ THIS 13 3, HO. 20 A. Three rm. hse. Small barn. Fenced St cross fenced. Creek. Good spring. Elec. W. system. Family or chard. C. W. Reeve, Realtor REAL ESTATE ACRES t MILES from town. 20 acres tillable. 0 acres timber pasture. Family orchard. Good five room and bath bun galow, Upstairs could be finished Into 3 more rooms without much trouble. For quick sale owner will include 2 good cows. 1 heifer calf. Also small trac tor and several piece farm machinery. All for 16500 with 13500 down and owner will consider large Trailer house fairly priced on deal. Dandy five room modern home with at tached garage. Exceptionally well built on lot 125x135 in Lyons. Ore., with a ' house full of nice furniture and ap pliances that couldn't be replaced for leu than 11500. All for 18950. You should ee this. 2 for the price of one. Number one a very comfortable five room modern house with good detached garage and work shop. Number two Is a four room rental rented for 130.00 per month. Number three Is a hotue that Is sold on contract with 12350 still due draw ing 6". with payments of 140 per month All of this for 16500 with half down. Income property In Slay ton which has 14 large rooms tn good repair. Built on four good lots. Plenty of fruit and mils. states present Income Is 0130 per month from upstairs alone and by converting another good build ing into apartments Income could be Increased to 1200. All of Uils for 112, 000. Owner will carry 10000 at 5. For these and other good buys Call or See JOE H. DOUGLAS, BROKER Stayton, Oregon 845 N. 1st St. Ph. Blue 264R. clOl tlful yard. Price 17050 General Real Estate Co. Ph. 333B9. 355 Center St. clOl MAKE OFFER This place Is going to be sold. Location 155 Fisher Road. 2 bedrooms. LR Si DR. Kitchen St nook, basement. Atr cond. Kurn. Barn St chicken house. 1 'j A Bus by door. We want an offer. Call Uaddy. 33 ACRES HAZEL GREEN Lovely new rambling Ranch Home. 4 bedrooms. Pull basement. Some straw oernes. Bal. In grain. Bordering on Pud ding river. Will trade for good 3 bdrm. home In Salem. Call O. H. Zeller on this one. TRADE FOR CITY Owners will trade ft A. with a lovely 3 bdrm. home, Excellent barn. Family fruit. 1 A. strawberries. City bus by door. Call Bill. 19790 1 A. North, just outside of Salem. 3 bdrm home. Lots of shrubs and shade tree. Good barn At chicken house.Call O H. Zeller. STEWART REALTY 1345 State Bt. Phone 2,-7962 Eves. Maddy 2-34M Stewart. 3-4722 Zeller 3-7374 C03 NICELY FCRN. Modern 3 bdrm" with oli fir. furn. 17950. For appointment to see this call Mr. Noonchester. 1 ACRES close in north, nice modern home, tood barn and other outbuild In. Land Is in berne. walnuts 1-1-bens. Price reduced to 113.500 To see t lus see Mr. Noonchester, Ph, 20103 GEIGER'S REAL ESTATE 3205 Portland Rd. Ph. 31073 cl03 A pLeasant"home 17.000 2 Rd. Rm. 3 Rm. Full base ment: furnace Well Improved tot. A good value. Near Highland Srhool. garage house 3 neatlj finished rooms. mtal cab inet s.nk. Electric rente. Oil Circulator. ' Acre, fruit, berries, flowers. Keizer dtnet 13700. K. A. McGLAUKLlN Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor EXCLUSIVE j?one 3 bellevue a s. liberty Lot approximately 60x100 with good home, ft rm. and bath on first floor. 4 rm. apartment up with outside ent ranee. Pull basement, Thla is Ideal rental property. II 1 only four blocks from State 8t Owner will onsldei a good lot 50x100 fl. close in as part payment. Call Bergtand for appointment. ART MADSEN REALTY CO. 1310 State Bt. Ph 1-99X0 Eves 1-0411 103 VALUE PLUS Ranch style, newly built I BR home on 77x119 tot. Attractive homes all around. 18290. Will carry large loan EXCELLENT TERMS TO RIGHT PARTY I BR LR, DR. kitchen and bath Pull basement. Oil piped furnace. Fruit. airiibs and lawn .lust 1 blocks la En glewood school. 16050. $300 DOWN. S40 MONTH S A and 1 rooms. 13990. Total price Keiaer District. Joe Hutchison - Realtor 494 Court Bt. Phone 1-1019 Pre - 1-4788 or Mr Craig 1-SOM Member Of the Raiem Multiple Ll. nt Bureau. Inc flOI Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS OOOO INVESTMENT: 4-store building on 99 Highway Lot 80x190: concrete building, only 2 years old. Income 1205 per mo. Price 125.000. SO ACRE FARM: Apptox. 10 A. straw berries: 2 A. boyaenberriej. 4 A. wheat All tn cultivation. 7 room house. Price 116.000. WELL CONSTRUCTED NEW 5-room home Beautiful oak floors: fireplace; at tached garage. In il wood District. Price 10.900 F.H A commitment 18000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 144 State St Phone 2-3063 Eve Ph. 3-400T; 3-4910, or 2-1103. cl02' SACRIFICE $6850 An exceptional buy on hl-way to De troit, restaurant Ac confectionery, fully stocked, equip. Ac living quarters. All on 'i acre. An excellent Investment. $9950 FULL PRICE 10 acrea of choice Willamette sltt , soil localed In excellent farming disi. 14 acre now in crop, 2 hse. on prop erty both rented, good well, live atream a Placo that 1 priced right, 13.000 will handle, H. E. Corey, Real Estate 130ft N. Bond Ph, 30592 Day or eves. 33816, 35243 clOl LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS GOOD INVESTMENT: 4-stora building on 99 Hlghwav. Lot 80x150: concrete building; only 2 years old. Income 1205 per mo. Price 135.000. ft ACRE FARM: Approx. 10 A. strawber ries: 2 A. boyaenberrles: 4 A. wheat. All In cultivation. 7-room house. Price S16.000. WELL CONSTRUCTED NEW 5-room home, Beautiful oak floors: fireplace: attach ed garage. Englewood district. Price rio.900. F.H A. commitment, 18.000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St, ph. 2-3661 Eve. Ph. 2-4007; 3-4510 or 2-8103. clOl CAPITOLA DISTRICT II 000 DOWN Well built. 2 BR house, l'i stores, Loorcd attic. Large LR and DR com bination. Large garden space In back of house. One-half block to store and bus. Full price 18 000 00. KEIZER DISTRICT 11.500 DOWN New 2 BR house. Electric heat. Attach ed garage. Full price t7,M)f). EAST ENGLEWOOD 13,200 DOWN New 1 BR house. LR. DR. Nicely ar ranged kitchen. Fireplace, piped oil h at. attached garage. Full price 111.500. F.H. A. payment on balance 152.54 per month. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9317 Real Estate - Insurance Mtge. Loans clOl WANTED REAL ESTATE Nelson Wants Land A California client wants 1.000 or more acres of foothill land. Stumps A snags on some will be OK. Must have 11 year live water. Nelson & Nelson SPECIALIZING REALTORS 102 N. High Phone 3-4522. cal02 WE NEED YOUR LISTING Our loan loan dept. can close your deal Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. Hlffh St. Ph 2-4129. Cftll2 WE ARE In need oi good houses to sell in or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Phone ,2-2471 ca NOTICE! If your property la for aale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8. High St. ca WANT APT. HOUSE 4 TO 8 UNITS FOR CASH. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 S Liberty Ph. 3-7113. calOl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SELL OR TRADE - LOW DN. PAY'T Consider Real Cheap Property in Trade FOR EQUITY IN 11 ROOM PLASTERED HSE. SUITABLE FOR APTS . FULL BASE.. PIPED OIL HFAT. APT. HSE. ZONE (2 LOTS). A CORNER PAVED. TREES. Bun at door. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 8. Liberty Pit. 3-7113. cdlOl FOR RENT to couple, full equip, rests., also unturnLstwd apt, Ph, 21391, be tween 10 Si 13 a.m. cdlOl SI RVICE STATION and repair garage. Some equipment. 34x50 bids. Well to ceted on Hwy. Price 15.000 plus Inven tory. Terms Call O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 151 8. High Rt. Phone 34131 Eves 29208 cd'.02 Men's Furnishing Store Located In good district. 13.000 plus stock at Inventory. Will consider late model car In trade. See JOHN H. HANSEN REALTOR Ph. 1-7819. 3-4522. 1993 Fairground Rd. cdl03 TAVERN, card license, shuffleboard, punch boards. Cleared 11500 per mo 1948. Long lease, 114,000. Have other Interests reason for selling. Wilbur Penny. Rockaway. Ore. cdl04 G ROC E R YST0 RE A going business, ft good location. Lease tSS per month. Owner leaving town. Will take a car In on the deal. Stock at lnen;ory RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT P!l. 24661 Exe. Ph. 26013, 3-7128. 3-5757 edlOl ARE YOC looking for a b'uiness? We have several aood ones lb ted. Groceries. Apt. Courts, Service Stations, Taverns. Come in and tnlk It oxer. Ask for Leit Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. R-altors 341 Chemekcta St. PH. .1 JT1 T.vff rdlOl RESORT PROPERTY WjI'JU'TfrYt LAKE SHORE home "at Dev III Lake on tlie new lake point addi tion. 2 larte beU rooms. Larse living room, dining room At sun room, with hardwood floor thru out. Kitchen breakfast nook. Beautiful rock fire place. Wired for electric stove At elec. water heater Installed. Ideal place for wtred folks or summer home. Will consider Salem property, acreate or cheaper place. Owner, t, P. Boyl.Neot sit. Ore . Bot 95 eclflj FURNITURE FOR SALE SELLING OUT? Heavena no' We are price eonclotia. Jul like mott people. That's whv we are offering thla marvelous buy In bed room suite. Walnut bed rm. suite, consulting of vanity with plate gla.a mirror, bench, chest, bed and Inner sprlng mattres and box spring. Guar anteed for one yr. All for 899 . Terms, of course. OLENN S FVRNnTRE MARKET 1603 N. Summer dlOl KAt'TIFVL 5-pc. mahogany bedroom autte. Real value. 30't N. 10th. dlOS 0VFNO 910. 1 occasional chairs 14 ea" Solid oak blond modern kitchen suite Ml) 4 piece maple bedroom suite 157. Oood condition and good value. Rear door 1197 N, Winter St. after I p tn d!02 DAVEN6HAIRr"A-rcond845t cu ft Phiko ret. lilt. Must eU. 1)43 Wal ler afier 5pm dloS LOW EST OVERH FAD LOWEST PRICES Lovely modern sol d cascade oak 4 pc. bedroom suit eonaUttna of roomy aheet, vanity with landscape plate mirror. van It. bench and full esse bed. Guaranteed const Reg 1149 A A ftentattonal buy ai 199 99 Only IM doan. 13 Weei H. & H. Furniture Co. loM Fairground Rd. Ptteme 1-1717. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOLLYWOOD double bed comp'lete. Ivory leatherette head board. Breakfast st t!ti Pn. 2-85STaftr J0j.m; .J103" DAVENO ft CHAIR 49?00. Antique hard' wood maple bedroom set 179.00. Ph. 3-4597. dlOl WANTED FURNITURE HIcllEST PRICESpaid. Phone Olenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. 1-5110. da FI'RN, " Households Ph. 2-5511. da AUCTIONS Horse Auction May 1 PALOMINOS. QUARTER HORSES. PLEASURE HORSES, STALLIONS, COLTS. PONIES CONSION EARLY. KILGORES AUCTION. DAYTON AMITY HIOHWAY. PHONE DAYTON RED 44. Bale 12 noon, rain or shine FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WILL TRADE 3 yr. old gentle colt and 1-horse trailer for 2 -horse trailer. D. R. McFarlane, Rt. 4, Box 392, Baxter Rd. el03 3-VB. OLD BLACK COLT, gentle. D. R. McFarlane, Rt. 4, Box 392, Baxter LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED St LICENSED livestock buyer. E C. McCandlsh, 1127 8. 39. Ph. 1-8147. eal27 RABBITS PETS CO("KER POPPIES, registered Cocker stud service. J. E. Peterson. Rte. 1. Box 402. (Wallace Road.) eel 03 REGISTERED DALMATIAN puppies for sale. Litter of 11 dogs. 8 males, 3 fe males from championship stock. Rt. 2, Box 256B, 1 mile north of Keizer School on St. Paul Rd., or Phone 3-1957. ecl03 YOi;R DOG Does he obey? Is he well cared for when you leave him 7 LcGray Kennels, Rts. 3. Ph. 3-1398. eel 10 CHOICE Canary Birds 260 N. 18th. ecl07 FUEL TRI-CITY FUEL Presh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph. 27442. We give S St H Green Stamps. Green 16 In. mill wood. ee GOOD SLAB, dry or green. Green edging 15.50 a load. Double load 110.00. Good clean sawdust. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533. eeiai West Salem Fuel Co. 10-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOL DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 10-IN CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edge water St W Salem CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS all popular varieties, In cluding Leghorns, Hampshire, Par mentcrs, A ustra -Whites and others. Phone 2-2861 or write today for Lee's Baby Chick Chats containing free poul try information. Lee's Hatchery P, O. Box 725, Salem, Orenon. f PRODUCE RHL'BARB picked dally 6c per lb. Coun try eggs, bedding plants, tomatoes Ac cabbage. Green Apple Mkt., 2 ml. on 99E. ffl04 HELP WANTED ALL TI'RKEY HELP report to work Tues., May 3, at 0 a.m. Marion Cream ery Ac Poultry Co., 945 N. Commercial 102' HELP WANTED MALE EXP. TRICK DRIVER. Must have knowl edge of building materials. Apply 10 to 12 a. m. or a to 4 p. m. Z460 state st. galOl' HELP WANTED TemALE TEACHERS Earn from 875 to 1100 weekly commis sion during Summer vacation rcpre. Renting elementary and grade school reference work: Encyclopaedia Britan- nica, Jr. Write R. H. Restad. 1320 S.W. Morrison, Km. 429, rortiana ft, dree on gblOS PRIMARY TEACHER for 1st Ac 2nd grade next yr. Some musical ability preier. Pleasant surroundings. Good salary. Ap ply to Eva Bates. Hbo Ore. ablOl EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS" CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 380 State St Ph 2-14B8 gf WANTED SALESMAN WANTED: Man for profitable Rawletgh business. Products well known. Real opportunity. Write Rawleighs, Dept. ORD-155-119. Oakland. aalOl PERM4NENT EMPLOYMENT may be had bv two sincerely ambitious men or women. If you are free to travel tn Western Oregon, and are interested in a suable Income plus automobile allow ance, xee Mr. W. Merke at the Senator Hotel Monday, May 2 from 9 a.m. through 11 a m. Please do not phone. gal03" SALESMA'N"ltK7a7tTaervlceVitabltshfd wholesale route, Salem territory,' 1 day a week mot Saturday!, Comm. possi bilities unlimited. Write Box 380, Capi tal Journal. gslOl 1I00O PER MO. If you will work to build It. Repeat products. Car nece5tary. Write 365. Capital Journal. gclOl WANTEO POSITIONS PRAC'TU'AI. M RSING or car, o conval-..-Cfnt. Pli. 3-44SV hl03 I.AVARS NtRSERY for infants. Orad reg. nurse in charge. Ph. 22291. hl27 WANTED: Housework for 8 or 3 hrs. per day. Ph. 2932L hl03 CHILD CARE In my home or yours. Eves, 4at. and Sun. 1443 B St., Upstairs. hi OS CHILD CARE In my homt. Ph. 25103. M26 CH I LP CARE, 040 8. 12th. Ph. 20403. hl26 CVSTOMTRACTORworx Fordtr actor D E. Marshall Ph. 21341, near Swegtc achool. hi 08 AI'TO PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray Etter. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-0101 ANDSCAPE service, garden plowing, tree topping Ben Brown, Phone 2-0004 eve M05 PAINTING Inside or outside. 20 years Experience. Ph. 3-0753. hl04 ROY WANTS lftWTtg tO BIOW. Ph. 3-784. rVSTOM PLOWING and discing. Ph. 1-0224. Quick Service. hl04 NEW LAWNS Pruning Rot tilling. Landscaping, tree work. Richard Bover. Ph 1-lliQ h!2S POF'SmlmeograOhing, typing service prompt serv ice. quality work, lower prices. 660 N 16th. Ph. 3-SC43 hlJB JOI RNtTMAN PAINTER bv hour or con tract. Guaranteed work. Reference Reasonable Ph 1-1641 hlM WILL C4RE for children tn my home from 1 10 till late evening. 438 N. 17th hlfil Journal Want Ads Pay WANTED POSITIONS HOL'aEWORK and cleaning by the hour. Phone 2W01. hlOl LAND S CAP IN ( J . New lawns ft specialty. Free estimate. Phone 34549 OKCHARDDIScTnG with Cletrac. Also rototiUcr work. Phone 3-3323. hl02 ALTO painting At body works, 125 Ac UP. Tme payment accepted Ph. 39960. hioa HAND FINISHED drapes made to ordei to our home. Your material. Ph. 2-3632 hlOl LET I1 8 do your cement work NOW. Drive wars, sidewalks, patios, etc. Ph. 3-4413 hllT Painting & Decorating Chaplin, 20 irs. expr. Ph. 3-7552. hll9 ROTOTILLEB work. 1980 8. INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 8-0790. ht!3' BABY SITTING. PH. 20580. TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. John Payne 2-6014. 348 S. Church. hill GARDEN work. M. E. tiller. Ph. 3-2828. 1455 Lancaster Dr hi 09' CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph.' 22093 bl09a DRESSMAKING and alteration Ph. 2-7904. hUO TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. B. Mc Allister. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1490. hl07 PLASTEHING, PATCHWORK Ai chimney building Ph. 2-4389. Free estimates. hl07 LAWNS, prepared and seeded, garden owed. Light tractor on rubber, dozer, disc etc Ph. 28127. Duane Wolcott. hl02 POE'S mimeographing, typing service, prompt service, quality work, lower prices 669 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. M101 LANDSCAPING Pruning Rotoiilling. New lawns, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 2-8110. hl23" EDUCATION BE A STENOGRAPH (machine shorthand) secretary, personnel assistant, execu tive assistant. Special class, 2 nights per week at Salem Chamber of Com merce. See registrar, Howard S. Dietz at Marion Hotel. April 28-29.' Bee free movie film "Miracle Machine of the Age" showing graduates and students using these machines In Portland Stenotype School. At Salem Chamber of Commerce, April 28 at 8 p.m. hhlOl EDUCATION Is Job Insurance. Write or can ror iree catalog on 400 ICS courses. Don McNeill. International Cor- repondence Schools. 1553 State, Salem. rnone jojju. u.i. Approved. nniOJ' FOR RENT ROOMS rms., ainele or double for men. 1143 . Oak. Jkl03 QUIET SLEEPING RRL Close to" bus". Walking distance to town. No drinker. $17.50. Ph. 29227. Jkl03 ROOM IN APARTMENT near Capitol bldg. Business woman. Breakfast priv ileges. Write Box 381 The Capital Jour nal. Jlkl03 ROOM WELL furn., quite, kitchen home privilege. On bus line. Man preferred. 575N. 20tli. JJkl03 WELL FURN. H. At C. water. Close-in. Men only. 737 Center. jk!02 PLEASANT SLEEPING RM. for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. JklOS- ROOM WELL furn., quite kitchen home privilege. On bus line. Man preferred. Jkl02 NICELY FURNISHED sleeping rm. Close In. Woman pref. 2B mo. 1434 Ferrv. jklOl SLEEPING RMS. for men, double and Single. 385 N. 14th. Jkl04 NICE SLEEPING rm. (men). 448 Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg. JklOl COMFORTABLE ROOM. Prlv. home. Gen tlemen. Gar. 985 N. Summer. Ph. 2-6368. JklOl FURNISHED ROOM with or without gar age. Close to bus. 860 Spruce. Ph. 20348 Jklie LADY TO stay nltee wltlwldVriylady for use of room. 749 N. Liberty. JklOO FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1 KM. APT. Middle-aged employed lady. 1118 Oak St. JP103 , RM. I'NFI'RN. court apt. with elec. stove $50. 1262 8. 15th St. Ph. 20035. JP102 RMS. partly furnished upstair; with bath 1945 8. 12th. Ph. 2-1 GROI'ND FI-OOR 5 rm. apt. partly furn. No objection to children. Nice garden spot. Call at 2586 Lee St. JplOl SMALL APT. Close In. outside entrance. Employed adult. No drinker. 123.50. Ph. 3-44G9. Jpl03 x RM. FI'RN. apt., 2nd fir. 040 Marlon No children. Ph. 3-5087. Jp102 I'M URN. APT., 2 rooms r bath, ground floor. Adults. 1310 Madison. Jp102' l-RM. modern rum. cottage. Ph. 26618 . JplOl UPSTAIRS unfurn. 4 rmi. At bath, in cludes gas range, oil circulator, auto water heater. Large At cheerful with private entrance At large yard. 855 with utilities paid. Ph. 37977. Jpl02 I'NFI'RN. 3-rm. aflartment. $2B. 818 8. nn eu jpiiu- MODERN FI'RN. large 2-rm. apt. 308 Bush St. Ph. 39331. Jpl02 l-RM. COTTAGE. 2063 Portland Rd. JP102 I RM. APT. Also dandy space for trailer nouse. Cheap, 160 Union. Ph. 2-9815. JP105 upstairs apt. 1373 N. jpioi NICE EI RN1SHED apartment. All electric. 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8706. Jpl04 1 ROOM Turn. apt. Prtv. baih. auto gas range uoo n. winter street. jpioi mi. APT., amomatic hot water. 130 a month. Inquire 243 Chemeketa. JplOl L;E. NICELY furn. 2 BR. Apt. Bath. rrfrlg.. priv. ent. 1771 N. Front. Ph 20800 or 39037. JplOl FURNISHED APT., 3 rooms and kitchen ette. Piione 2-7546. 140 Williams Ave IplM FOR RENT HOUSES 4 RR PLASTERED house. 3 ml. from Hoi Ivwood Available now. 165. Aldenbowe Rtal Est . 2280 Fairgrounds Rd. JmlOl t BDRM. unfurn. hse., elec. range and refrig. a. Salem, ito a mo. Ph. 2-9155 JmlOl ritMi NFI RV modern hse.""-0OO ft Madison. S:lverton. Ph. 4242. Jml02 S-RM. HSE,, 4 miles west of Salem. Ph. 21.120 eves. Jml02 WANTED to rent, warmous In Salem. Suitable for food dlstrib. Ph. 3-7111. JmlOl FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FORrt ASiStore-Bldt on ME. " 175 month. Call the COLBATH LAND CO PHONE 24953 between OAil. JI03 Business Rental Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 14. Capitol. Ph. 30310 V DRIVE trucks ears Ph 3-0101 GROI'ND MOOR room, suitable for of fice or rr.-s. Stale Finance Co, Tee P'.ione 34111 ) PO r TOOl rentals Tor bomeJs in dustriaj asa, Rowset Broa. Fa. 1-1041 I FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TRAILERS. 12 00 per day. Hawser Bros. 608 Edwcwster St., West Balem. ) BirsiNESSR-M for rcnt.H.L. 8tlff. ) Cil6Dl'SED PIANOS, H L. Stiff. j" IRONEK8 by week. Phone 2-4439. FLOOR SANDER for rent. Montgomery W a rd J TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand- er. We sell everything to complete tha Job. HOW8ER BROS Ph. j WANTEDJTO RENT DEPEND A RLE settled couple would like care of apt, house or court In exrhense for comfortable living quarters. Phone 3-743B. Jal02" LOST AND FOUND FO t'NDWrlsiwat ch. Ph. 1-7072. k 1 oi LOST Lady 'a gold wrist watch Sun. night. Reward. Please Ph. 1-1969. fclOl MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. ml04 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR ' J-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State As Commercial Sts. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m HAVE YOI'R SINGER Sewing machine) repaired by a qualified Singer represen ts tv. Ph. 1-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work la started. Singer Sewing Machine Co. ISO N. Com'l. BUILDING MATERIAL STEEL AND ALUMINUM Window Frames, residential casements, double hung and commercial types. PUMILITE - OUT EDGEWATER BT. ma 101 AI T MA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing, see your dealer or dlst. Call 8-8401. 0 ma 136 SHIPLAP $25 PER M. Free delivery. West Salem Saw Mill. 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. ma 106 W' PLYWOOD pieces Be sq. ft. Take your choice. 6 lite window sash. Ideal for barn, garage or chicken house, 82 25. Used glass doora complete with hard ware and frames. Used toilets, wash basin, shower cabinets. C. O. Long, 1 mile north of Kelier. Ph. 2-5821. ma 106 ALUMINUM ROOFING, corrugated 26' X 8- to 12', BV crimps 30"x6' to 12'. Ph. 31459. ma 103 lot) SASH WINDOWS, 100 new and used doors, 5.000 ft. of used 2x4', 1 good used Ice box, 1 used wood Ai gag ranae, new At used wash bowls and toilets. Madsen Wrecking Co., 1200 Howard. mal04 ALUMINUM WINDOW Sash for aale, 4 price. Write to W. L. Johnson, Canby, Oregon. ma 104 CEDAR SIDING, V'xlO',1 limited quan tlty, regularly up to 198 per M, only $85 per M ftt Keith Brown, Front Ai Court Sts. ma CASINGS, mouldings and standard trim patterns, short lengths, from 8' to 6 at Mi regular price! Ideal for short trim, fence .tickets, garden stakes, etc. KEITHBROWN.Front St Courtma HARDWOOD FLOORING (closeout), 'V'x l'i". mixed pecan and oak. Reg. up to 1194 per M, now only 195 per M at Keith Brown, Front St Court. ma ( IS IN. CEDAR SHAKES In 10 different pelnted colors. 12.80 sq. Including un dercourse. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196. malOS USED LUM BER. Rt." 0. -Box "373T Out Center St. to Frultalnd church, V ml. N. main PLYWOOD, reduced prices all grades, thicknesses, starting V at Tie per aq. ft. and up. Keith Brown, Front and Court Sts. ma for-Bale No. 4 Common Lumber 1x0 Ai 1x8 Shiplap 126 00 2x4 1750 1x6 As 1x8 S4S 17.00 No. 2 Com. At Btr. 3x4 0' 02i.OO Independence Lumber As Manufacturing Company, Inc., Independence, Oregon. PERMA-STONE your home. Call at Balem Perma-Stone Co., 455 Court. maios ATTENTION BUILDERS NEW DUO-THERM oil furnace eompleta with all automatic control and air conditioning blower, 75,000 BTU for basement or utility Special contractor! price onl; 1197.50. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 487 Court St. Phona 1-0611. ma NEW SHIPMENT pleat board. H", B'liel 4". 6o aq. ft. Rock latha. 40 aq. ft, 11.78 MONTGOMERY WARD SALEM ma SAVE ON ROOFINO Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phono 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON ma ALUMINUM ROOFING 2 ft. width In the following lengthat 6' 11.74 r 1.32 10' 2.90 12' 2.48 Ask about Installation terries MONTGOMERY WARD Al CO. SALEM. OREGON NURSERY STOCK RHODODENDRONS, 83 and up. Axalea Mollis in bloom, 75c to 03. Azalea, S for 11. Geraniums, Fuschlas, 29c. Dah lia bulbs: Cactus, Pompom, large. 0 for $1, Yellow rose bushes 75c. Bedding plants $35c dore. Tomatoes 35c dot. Merr'll's Greenhouse, Brooks. mbl0.1a LEAF MOLD excel Ientf or flower boxet or flats. $1,50 per sack del. 4 sacks for $5. Phone 3-6848. mblOl BEDDING PLANTS, large selection choice colored giant pansles, azaleas, peren nials St vegvtables. Pemberton'a Flower Shop At Greenhouse. 1980 8. 12th. mbins !RALE MISCELLANEOUS MAYTAG. Square tub, aluminum, 160. Twin tubs New lawn mower. Misc. nerden tools. Fire screen. Fluorescent floor lamps. O. E. Iron. All reasonable. Ph. 2-7495. nl02 1 - I? G A C O E DOli BLE BARREL" HAM MER SHOT GUN. 112.50. 1 - 12 OA, SPENCER PUMP OUN. 118 00. CALL BETWEEN 1 30 At 0 SO P.M. AT SOUTH DOOR OP MILL RACE. 190 8. 14TH. FRI. Ai SAT. nl02 ""CLEAN Twin' BeautrRMtikttresa. Mrs". J. D. .Foley. Ph. 3-3074 nI03 SILENT SIOCX oil clrrtilfttor heater. Like new. 870. Ph. 3-7960. . ni03 BY OWNER Equity In 1 yr. old home. 1 BR down, room for 3 up. Cor. lot. City water. Take car as part pmt. Full price 14700 or make offer. See or write Bud Nicholson, P O. Box 220, Aumsvllle, Ore. nio.1 USED HOTPOINT electric ranet. In good condition. Only 149 90. Terms. OOOO HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court St. Phone 3-9011. n COLLAPSIBLE BABY Bl'C.GY, 4X011. cond. 125. 1245 Vista. Pn. 35872. nl03 PAINT At your War Surplus 8tor Savo 30, on Paint Needs, Outside White $3 50 gal. Hl-Oloss Enamel 4 50 gal. Flat Wall 2 90 gal. All ottier types available CASCADE MERC. CO. Corner Fairgrounds Rd. Jt Church St. nlOl RIDING GARDEN TRACTOR, disc, cult., harrow, V-0 trans. At wheel. 1 h.p. Ph. 29198. nioiy JINIOl BICYCLE, trlcvcle. wardTobJ trunk, gas ranae. washing machine, wheelbarrow, lawnmower.' hot waty tank. f?or lamp. 305s Portland Roacf. COMPLETE DRI MMER SET. baas, snare. tom-tom combine. Plus two cymbals, brushes ekbiofc. fn. 39D3S, nlM THE NEW REMINGTON- Pit with 3 iin blue streak head electric shaver. Thla t ner. neur been used. Ph 374 2 :trr i 30 p m. (Continued on Page 23)