: tO Capital Journal, Salem, On Murders Skirts By TERRY ADLER (Chamer 201 "Monday morning?" Rail's face 1 tagged with disappointment. Perhaps the mail hafn't been . collected yet," ronton laid hope fully. "In that case It would be In the large wire basket on me main floor." "Thanks, Dr, Fenton. I'll try to 1 pick It up." "Well?" Ellen asked as he bound , : ed out. " You look pretty safe to - me." - Raff remained silent and started the car Immediately. "Well, for Pete's sake, aren't you going to tell me aoout renwnr "Same old story. He was look ing for a letter that Hubbard had ' been holding over his neaa. uriei ' lv he told her the story. ; When he finished he said, "He , must have been a vile manl You know. If It weren't for Dr. Bray I'd ' aay let his murderer be. He did a much needed service." "We can't do that, Ellen. There ', was Bray. And there was almost i you." He looked at her soberly. ' ''And tiiere may be others. Don't 1 you see, we've got to find him." "Ouess you're right Dennis, but I wish Hey, why are we going iack to the campus?" - "Fenton said he had turned up n envelope with my name on H - -written In Bray's handwriting." ' "Oh," she said excitedly, "do you suppose the whole thing's solved : and Just waiting In the envelope?" . He parked the car. -- "I sure Intend to find out. Come "Where'd he say the envelope was?" 7 "In the lntra-mural mall." "Oh, for Pete's sake. They empty that a 6 o'clock every evening." "There's Just an off chance that lie put it in alter nours." They entered the building and the beam of light from the flash light cleared the way for them. "It's down here on the first floor." she told him. She led the way and finally stopped In front of a wire basket o na table In the hall. A lock kept the cover clamped down He flashed the light on the bas ket. "I dunno. There are two large envelopes and a couple or let ters." He tried to pry the cover open. There was a little play to it. "Your hand's smaller than mine Sllen. I'll hold the cover up. See u you can nsn tnese things out." She put her hand In and after several tries brought one large en velope out. "Wouldn't you know It," she said m disgust. It was addressed to Dean J. E. Lindstrom. "It's prob ably the other one. Well, here goes." She had a little harder time, but finally managed to pull It out. "Here!" she exclaimed when she Cinced at the name. This Is it! t's go up to my office. I'm so anxious to see what's In It." They walked upstairs. Raff flash ed the light about them to make aure no one was lurking In the shadows. He went Into the Inner office to make sure no one was there. Then he pulled the big shade In Ellen's office. He switched the light on and they both blinked at she brightness. "Now let's see what we have nere. He opened the thick envelope and emptied the contents onto her desk. A small sealed envelope fell out first. It was perfectly flat ex cept for one corner which bulged considerably. He tore this open and emptied It Into his hand. The water-soaked stub of a cigarette lolled out. "And what does this mean?" he asked Ellen. He turned the butt around In his hand. There were Win Egyptian letters impressed xn gold near the edge. "Now where do you suppose Bray got It. and why It Is Im portant?" Raff asked. "I'm sure I don't know," Ellen aid. "What else la there?" "Well, lets see." He sorted out the rest of thecontents. There were wo letters written In Inng-hnnd and several sheets of paper with printing on them, each about three feet long. "This looks like the galley proofs yi a manuscript. rgives yov a o a . R2472 Sjjff Ore., Thursday, 'April 28, 1949 Ellen glanced at It. "Oh. sav. It's about time that came back from the publishers. That's Eddie Worden's thesis. It was supposed to have gone Into this month's journal. Now I suppose by the time the proofs are corrected It will be too late." "Say. this Is Interesting," Raff exclaimed. The title appeared In bold letters: On the Nature of the Synapse, and underneath In small er letters, by Jasper Buxton Hub- oara, j-n.u. ueneatn this, In paren theses, were the words: Prom the Laboratory of the Department 01 Biology, the Graduate College, Lin don University, New Salem. Indi ana. "Why do you suppose Bray put It in the envelope for you?" "I'll be darned If I know. Un less he planned to have me take It over to the hospital and show it to some of the neurologists there. w get tneir criticisms or opinions." He turned to nick ud the remain ing two pieces of paper on the desk "I guess this Is all there was In that big envelope." He glanced at one "This Is Fenton's letter all right." he said. "It's from that girl's moth- I think, my dear Hlen. we'll hane onto this letter, Just in case." He looked at the second lettei in his hand. It was covered with a broad sprawling handwriting. The letter bore the Oreat Seal of the State of Iowa and was dated some three years previous. It was a letter from Ellen's father. Hubbard had also kept It for possible blackmail maienai. (To Be Continued) Crand for Graduation The dainty edging of eyelet running all the way around the shoulder yokes and skirt flounce makes this dress grand for graduation day ana ror sunny days ahead 1 no. 203 is cut In slezs 6. 8. 10. 1. and 14. Size 8, 2'. yds, 35-ln., S yds. edging. Send 25c tor PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number State Size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK Is Just off the press, presenting the best In Summer fashions, all de signed with the simplicity that spells good style and easy sewing and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions Send now for your copv, price Just 20 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 551 Mission &rra, Can T-.. ...... 1 minimal a, lniii. PATTKKX Na. R!4?t Jiffy Crochet Colors both mod ern and dramatic are used in this cloth which is fast work for num ble fingers. White kanrta accented with bold red or glorious green, make a lovely setting for festive oc casions! Pattern Envelope No. R2472 con tains complete crocheting Instruc tions, stitch Illustrations, material requirements and finishing direc tions. To obtain this pattern, send JOc In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and lone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal 828 Mission street San Fran cisco 1. Calif V ti " fd 'AMlSSROSETTAXriTSTWEPRSTV VOU LOOK klf VES.ROSIE? WELL. MEBBE AHEM '. YOUU U AVE MjliiJ ft ;" j av.i iUf stone wants to j time sue ever Jsood enoosh i can see you tomi6ut about to excuse me jctw,rult.l ' Ms Wll- ( 5PEATOYOUOMLEOMEISToTALIOrJ EISHX. UNLESS YOUR SISTER 1 60T A VERV IMPYJBTAKIT) ' ! .IK T Vj4E PMONE.Mg. rtAMY "TIE STRAlSUTjTHE PHONE ,S PHOEBE WANTS TO INVITE J .DINNER ENGAGEMENT!- - m f rrs a very simple, diet 1 1 The next morning I I y ( pLAST ir I may i f may i suggest N I 1 atdavheach morming. -v KK-HalI ,6A tthat sESSv00 K5 1 YOUEATONCSUN-ENRICHtD P rj . 4? MOOrfTAIN SlK-THAT bvOUR PCVERTY- BO,, . t ' OH.T'-I CAM HARDLY Q kKEEPS J YOU MOVE STRICKEN MOUTH m VAIT UNTIL THE. SUN ) aPml SuTl TOJHE. SHUTT-I WONT. I i.llf4l FULLY ENRICHES J . ( TTJri) CfTHERSIDEl MOVET- t'JJ ak- iJH4L. kZ'SM JiCSo5S ffiffiWMOVETHEi lA?.VA a mlmm 0yP F I WAS TO MEET AN T CVEU HERE,5TEVE' SIT . OUB HOSTESS 15 A NEHCOUEB TO " -J 1 I DON'T KNOW, STEVE'" BUT I 0U FRIEND HEBE J DOWN AND LET'S GULP A t WASHINGTON. BUT ALREADY 5hE KNOWS MY WHY IS SHE VOU COULD ALWAYS SPOT A PHONY- I " CHAPLIE HARCI5.0F GOOSEuVE ON RYE WHILE THE SOMEBODIES AND HALF THE NOBODIES') TRYING TO , V THATS WHY 1 WANT YOU TO MEET I T AMERICAN PRE5S--I TELL YOU ABOUT THE PAOTY I -B PARTY EVERY NI&HT-- EVERYBODY GOES'.. OUT-MAXWRl COUNTESS KAVYAAR' r" 1 ; ' TTT r r i 11 iirl nir Tir inn nn Trmr in nrni y elsa.jharuE' ii V?fffSH PRESENCE TONIGHT A FEEDING FREE FOR WEEKS '--SHE DRAWS ls,i 1, Yt f'H v W5 CTjjmftpsTsn UKE FLIES T0 taffy-pull.' Jtt&$! ! CSs 1 ( ' CT . I LEBM To PUy( ' Ca2mrom J t ' r fg '"' ''' m ''vj'THtrrs bwkt, y!Lim f om.o'cajwe.we-u. use 1-1 "dont "N ft ' O VuMtflE, FOLKS-ISN'T -TVWry tVB BUT MOW J 7 I FOLKS SHE J BOUGHT IT TO WORK TH" WHOLE UHDERSTBNO Jf X D SWELL STUFF? rtS TO PLOW I CUD VOU GET M BOySJfr PAID COSH FOR IT? U PLftCE QETTtM' STARTED A 1 M MV SOUTH RELCH-WD UfE ALL THOT B l IT J EVER'THING- CASH? SB LfTTLE LATE, BUT WITH I CASHTHOUSdrCS- :H P I rr ano cucmrre rr- I saachtiepv? V. f Jr- the outfit we'll set our (how where- I Q ' i -- i ,i n it i bl w -ar it mm ?? . i a jr iw ,m - m ' . . ..j'aj'.xs Y seriously miss B Bop"Y don't hesitate, V j-M L J yES, Mvt V THE WAy I M M.6S B BOP I ASKED "'SS B BOPi- XUJeNTV.l TWEMTV-1 ARE v.. c,mSE B BOP U U MOWOLD HoW OLD THE LONGER VOU f I 0NE , I ONE ' I you' y I T'fVI NOT EVEN M I ARB Your" Vo0 ARE? fl T . L-flv T L BORN YET' JC- KMi J'S$-i'-'';? F SCit? "X, HE ' ' ,U- ,BS I WELL, ITS COOP TO 6EE 7 ,'M jysr FINE I 6LA0 TO HEAR IT-BECAUSE T" WHAT, PAPPY fl iv.'-"-fSal , , TV KlSHTIN! YOUUPANPAROUNP.LAPl novVMR .M1ESJ I'VE 60T 6R6AT PLANS FOR COME ON! TELL 4MF . RUSTY! OH, RUSTVl 55&sSS VOU WERE FEELINfi X. ! YOU YOUNSSTERS PCS . Ul J fP a0MSSEI ADC"y PRETTY 6EEPY WHEN T-HIS 6"MMEg'g VACATION, wM ' (fijgfeti Ssatsl rl Mfl WWi ?Mm I i rtuiNo .tm now ri I.. l.'"'t.':??.i,Al'..i U DON'T 1 I WHAT ARt wt A PtDHAP1 wl J P "pi mIVv'B Trr-oilH T'jfyBxPl V i flo,?,,i?,vir,.v-'k v y jj l that bawling out) y .. ; ih.ijci. a. The RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY KSLM JIT 'KGW So Strilffal Arrcw Al JlM Utr I Slrttlftal Arrcw Al JliM Bb-tfasS Cat MlalBlgb. Dr.ihr Lanaar Bibi Crtby Ton Hit Daflhr Uwrnt M Gabriel Rctlt re OallA HAi N.W. Nrwa llartrt Candltllf hi Lltllt Shaw rratl Warlni Nawa Unit Show Frotl Warlni Era f Chamw Drama Mod. BaMr Clab Ubiidi Vletarr Wlllior Muilo Niwo Kldla LaMar . Mora an manntr AltJHcb raailly To Band Morian Manaar Aldrlah faaally Ta Band Cbandi tba Barna a Atlaa Baiaball Madrlan Birna Alloa Bandstand Your Aoatrlcaa WtbiUr lara Daaoal Dooo Mm la Wbttn aja Baatball Newa N'owa Plaabaa Baaoball TBA iHrti fata rtaaj Bait ball Orcbctlra Orcboatra Baaoball Orchestra Orcbtatra Baaoball Poltoa Lowla Jr Now Baaoball Sclort LacaJ Nawa Mariao Baad N'" Nowo Orrboslra Track I40 Sewareal Orrbcatra Track 14W Mrstarloaa Track UN Traveler Track MM Orcbeitra Track 14M Lannr Roto Track I4W Sitn Off "ilia Off Elan Oft FRIDAY 6 A.M. Newa Newa Newa Clock fV ate her Marcb Tlma The Old Boon Newa Sim Hayea Newa Fred War In a Brcakfaat Ganc Fred Warlna Orchestra Jaeb Bercb Toy Traaea Tommy Daraay Baraaln Counter Tommy Derser Victor Llndlahr Tomasy Derser Sows at floaeera tmmr Doraor TBA News Northwest Newa Hostess Boose Kate Smith Binge Fartr Pastari CaU Carrent Event Wiles Welti Brie liter Par Newa Doable ar Gospel Sinter Nothing Ferr Com Toder'e Cblldras Walti Serenade I.Uht at World Ladies First News Ladles First Ma Perkins Queen for a Day Pepper Vonn Queen for a Par To Happiness Top Tradea Barkstaaa Wlf New Stella Pallaa Northwest Nawa Lorens Jone Bob Eberly Show Wldder Brown Orchestra A Girl Marrlea Jobaaon Paasll? Portia Faces Ufa Tell Ynar NeUb, Jast Plata BIO Blng Sims Front Page Ax Inst the Storm Koad of Ufa Aaalnst tbo Storm trt Lawloa Salem Hlgb Aant Mary Novelties an Par. Uve d Leara Happy Gsng Woman Secret Happr Gang uf, Beaatlfal Sanaa af Oar Musle N' The 48 Five FbIIod Lewla. Jr. Newa Remlngwar Georro Moorad Passing Parade Sunnyslde Carmen Cavalier F-lmer Peterson DIAL LISTINGS: REX. If FY Thursday P.M. 5:00, Krrplng UP es with Sports; :1S, Home Edi tion; S:Sa, Green Hornet. :M, Musle Fes tlvall :.HJ Jo Staffordi 7:M, Counterspy; 7!W, Bint Crosby) K:M, Milton Berlei :M, Damon Runyan Theatre i t:6. Rich field Re porter i 9:15, Intermeaa; Concert Hoar; ln:M, Memos I Tomor row; 11:00. Xtra Hoan lt:04J. Slsa Off. ICV Friday A.M. 5:0. Early Bird; M.A B:45, Farm News; :M, Lawson McCallt t:IA. Time Temaosi Robert'e Almanac; 6:tA. Time Tempos I !:. Mrrt and Marge; 7:15. Martin Agronsky; 7:M. Easy Arest 7:43. Zeke Mannerai S:eo, Breakfast Clab; 0:00, Mildred Bedelll Stars or Todayt S:U, Kay Kvser'a Kol egei llt:0A. Ted Malonei 11:15, Galen irake; I0:SII. My True Story; 11:00, Betty Crocker: 11:15, News; 1I:MI. Baukhage Talking) 11:15, More Out of Life) 12:00, Northwesternerat lt:o, Kay West; 1:00, Breakfast In Hollywood) 1:W. Talk Year en s sle; Party Helps Convent Sublimity A card party was held at the St. Boniface hall. proceeds were for the new sisters convent. High score for the men in S00 went to Ed Doer- ACROSS Flao 3(1, I timet 3S. Interprets! archaic (ft, Furtive 40. Surgical instrument 42. Rolled 44. Ardor 41. Turkish regi ment Rfl Animal Jelly (2. Guiding; strap of a brlrtl 61. English school 64. Adversary U. Foal 5ft. Contra dirt 67. Terminate DOWN 1. Urchins 4. First man 5. Biblical tower 12. Past 13. Asiatic tre 14. JBurldhlstla dlvln being 15. Miame 17. L'ncluM 18. TolerabI 19. Itlddl XI. Plarld 23. Tear 26. Paris of churches 29. La Ir an. In ad rl it Ion si. nvoiv 13. Ruler 15. Extinct bird I. I. 7v m t I7 M I " " zzzztzzzSli Ti , jj a jq t wis ZJL 'n'FF' ss AND BOARD EM VOU.' GOMS wrru A CIRCUS TO PEfORM AS A JOLLY CLOWN -THE GLAMOUR.. EXCITEMENT AND TRAVELING UM-M I WAS VOnDEUinS if you COULD GET AAE A JOB.TOQ V.rr.4 TUE CIRCUS TROUP6 OF MERRY US5TERS 7 - - P.M. IK0C0 'K0IN c2 Unas Maaalaf BobUb reatara Starr Newa SaiMaaa Baa ao aaa Crlaaa rhetor. Ctiue F hater. Tba flarhaaaa The Plarhoaaa PI rat Nlabtar riret Nlfhter Lawell Thoraaa Jaeb Snlla thaw Mr. Koea Mr. Keoa FWa Star rlaal FBI, PaatWar Alr-fla Haalcal Fin Reranada Tea the World Oona Kraa Oreh. Gene Kraaa Oreh. TO 4:45 P.M. KOIN Klsok News News Fred Back Teg Bitter ew dt Sports To a' Maraing News Consumer News Arl Baker Maslo far Ton Masle far Ton Klng'a Crasadera King's Crasadera Waaler) Meiodias Weslera Melodies Columbia Featar Newa r.ranJ Blmas Basemary Charcb la Wild. Vocal Varieties Motto Wltaoat Wardi Caffea Cap Northwest Reports Rhapsody in Rhythm Wendy Warraa Aunt Jenny Helen Treat Our Gal Bandar Big Sister Ma Perkins Young Dr. Mai on Guiding Light Glass Wag Glass Was Glass Wai Glass Wag News Coma Gat II Norab Drake Makes Yea Tick Every body's Ideas Snd Mrs. Burtan Parry Mas an Colambla Featar Columbia Featar rgaa Moods News Memerable Mule ClasBfe Classtes Listen la Lelberl All-tlma Favorites Newspaper af Air Newspaper f Air Winner Tab AH Pat O'Brien Shew Parrlsb Jr. High Parrlsb Jr. High Records Off tha Shelf News Tunefully Years Meet tha Mlssaa Meet tba Mlssaa l!th St. Boar Ittb St, Hoar Ittb St. Boar Ittb St. Hoar At? bar Oedfrap trthar Godfrey Artbar Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Women's Pag Constant Invader Spotllta an Music Columbia Featar The Little Shaw Club IS Ed. R. Marrow Spolllta en Hnale 1190; KOAC, 550 lftAf Tbaraday P.m.. A, (Tpaoaii r.VaMVtf K:AO Spar ib Clai : Newat :15. Data With Oregan Statai :M, Round tha Campflre; 7:15, Evening Farm Heart S. Psychology ar tha Family :, Gaeat Songs I S:45, Newa) ff:M, Mae la That Endaresi S:45, Evealac MedltatUaa. IAAT Friday a.m. to 441 . IXwMV :0. The Newat lOil. K peelatly far Womcnt 11:, Oregon 9ehol of tha Air: 11:1a, The Cesont Hall; U:tft, Newai It: 15, Neaa Farm Hoan 1:0. Rid en Cowboy i ItlS, Oregon School of Aln 1:10, V.u. Marfas Band: 1:15. Melody Lane; t:00, Clabwoas nan nosn siow, aiemary oooa i mm' S:00, News. Way Out of Iti t:M, Sarprisa Paekag! t:S0, Bride and Groom: S:00, Weleom Travelers) S:IW, Arl Llnklctleri 4M. Saalr rel Cage; 4:50, Jack Armstrong. tier, for the ladies to Mrs. Ed Doerfler. Pinochle prizes went to Herbert Birkolz and Mrs. Eu gene Ditter. Traveling prizes went to Joseph Lulay and Mrs. Eugene Ditter. Lunch was served by the committee with Ben Toepfer as chairman. o pnToipi'icoLiuiA l3alNilL0M SpHIa e bUt a n a o CIHBAROE S du p e bBt- a d e jjlTl Tisnpolwig rQh egg lJe pptTjo ti Pi AC TlDnTZAjB I Tfj ?SS. lllMCIA PjS T A H O PjE RAIT) I V Effg T A pENaY0plffLUP C Y Solution of Ytsttrday't Puzzlo Eichanjc premium Foreman 4. Stir I. 'Dinner truest I. Mak amandt 7. 8allor t Biblical country t. Want away 10. SaluUtlon II. Was a candi dal 14, Hebrew prophet 22. Condition 24, Character t "Th Laat Days of Pom net P IL Flower coi talnra :i. Llmba 27. Indoor ram 21. Three-cornered! all eat be tween maau 22. Infuriated 34. Kind of fur 17. Cylindrical 41. Egyptian gateway 42, Aromatlo btrt 45. Biography 44. Presently 47 Require 48. Curve 4. Congtellitlo It. Indednlt amount By Gent Ahtm ILLTR.Y--TMIS. COUSIN HOMER. IS TW6 MAKE-UP Im GOINS TO USE FOR MY DROLL. CAVORTING AROUND THE j i j rft' mm 1F O V ' 1 r,l PUPFLE TOWERS 1 PL V V l CANT AFFORD TO I jasT I