Solons Even Tar Series on 7-4 Win Meadows Owner Draws Fire From Commission Head Portland, April 28 ( Dr. Frank Menne, chairman of the Oregon racing commission, cri ticized the owner of the Port land Meadows track last night i "tactless" and of objecting to "something that hasn't yet been done." Bill Kyne, San Francisco owner of the Portland track, said yesterday he might close the track unless suitable open ing dates are set. A July 14 opening, which he said had been awarded, was unsuitable. Dr. Menne, however, said no dates have been awarded be cause Kyne has not submitted an application for the racing season. WIL Standings W L Pft. L Prt. Yaklmt I 1 .70 Br urn art on I f Mo Ml'in 7 .Mi Vinrouvtr Wtnttehtt 4 3 .6T Vlrlorlt 8pokn S 2 .MO Ticttmt Holdout Joins Klamath Squad Lodi, Calif., April 27 (U.R Ralph Mohler, 23, holdout catch er, today joined the Klamath avails Gems at their training Vimp here. Mohler nearly quit baseball, but after a talk with officials of the Gems, he agreed to Join for another season. Mohler was voted the Gems' most valuable player last season. 1 4. 100 1 I .111 Gimm WasaaaSaa Halam 1, Bramarton 4. Wanatchaa I, Tieomi I. Spokana 11. Vleurla 4. Taklma at Vaneourar. rain. Canadian Bid on Hockey Franchise Expected to Pass Seattle, April 28 (UP) Vic toria, British Columbia today loomed as a sixth entrant In the 1949-50 Pacific Coast Hockey league season. The annual PCHL directors meeting tomorrow at Tacoma. Wash., will consider prospective applications for franchises from Victoria, and San Bernardino and Bakersfield, Calif., in the southern division. Informed sources said the Victoria appli cation was "practically certain" to pass. The Vancouver island city has been without hockey for more than a decade, pending construc tion of a new ice arena. The new structure is sceduled to be com pleted May IS, and will seat 5, 500 fans, quite comparable to other northern division rinks. Jackie Robinson, Brooklyn's second baseman, won the NCAA broad jump title In 1940, while at UCLA. su "" Scratches BY FRED ZIMMERMAN, Capitol Journal Sport Editor Hitters League When three baseball games produce a total of 59 runs, then one can safely state that the hitters have little to fear from the effec tiveness of the moundsmen. In pointing out this circumstance, Coach Johnny Lewis of the Bearcats said he. for one. was hard pressed to find pitchers who could come close to handcuffing the stickmen. The S9 runs were garnered in a doubleheader with Linfield and a single clash with the Oregon College of Education Wolves late last week. Defensive play around the Northwest conference loop has been fairly tight, so the high scoring cannot be charged against those afield. College baseball is a short seasoned affair and unless those involved are able to catch on with a bush league during the summer there is not much opportunity for rapid development. Anglers Frolic When the Salem chapter of the Izaak Walton league held " their spring frolic last year, the press to get Into the place where it was held was so great those In attendance could scarcely wiggle. Foreseeing another crowd this year, a larger room has been secured. It Is St. Joseph's hall, corner of (hemeketa and North Winter streets and the time Is 6:30 o'clock the night of Monday, May t. Since the date la 'r the day after the opening of the fishing season, the gathering f will present a grand opportunity for unloading those tall fish tales If anybndyta'Wlllinr to listen'." Profits from the affair ' will go Into the Walton League's building fnnd, a project that ts of prime Interest to the youth of the community. The Old Mill Stream Since the legislation didn't have the emergency clause attached to it, the measure passed by the last legislature and signed Into law by Governor Douglas McKay, closing Mill Creek Its entire length from Stayton to its junction with the Willamette In Salem except to juveniles will not become effective until early in July. This means that any person with a license will be within his legal rights to fish the stream. Don Harger, one of the prime movers in the legislation, hears that a number of property owners In the Turner district feel inclined to post their lands bordering the stream even though the Iznak Waltons feel the program has ex ceptional merit in combatting juvenile delinquency. Harger point! out what has taken place in the slate of Vermont where 21 streams are now devoted to the exclusive use of the younger fry. The program was opposed at first, but land owners became converted to the idea and have since grown enthusiastic over the plan. Opening Game Plans With exception of few minor details, arrangements for Friday night's shindig at Waters park have been completed. With his honor, the mayor, R. L. F.lfstrom still absent from home base, the task of tossing the first ball may fall to J. L. Fransen, elty manager. There will be a flag raising If the brand new pole is hoisted In time. The big stick Is painted and ready for being placed on end. A brand new six foot Illuminated clock Is being placed to the left of the score board by the manufacturers of a popular soft drink and guesses as to the opening night attendance have been flooding Business Manager George Emigh'a mail. The winner will be awarded a season's pass good for two seats. Sine the main attraction Is the ball game between the Senators and tha Vancouver Caps, all those Involved In the opening program have agreed that it ahould be abort Those Bia Innings ' "V-At any rate the Senators can boast of being the victims of ' a bigger "big Inning" than the one foisted upon the University of Washington Huskies earlier in the week. The Senator! could not subdue the conflagration until IS Bluejackets had scored. The Oregon State Beavers were only able to shove across a mere 11 tallies. Innings such as the one produced In Bremerton quite frequently bob iip without much warning and when they do the defense can do little but weather the storm as best It can. It's certain Ray McNulty is a much better pitcher than one would surmise from the assault upon him in Tuesday night's third Inning. Bremerton, Wash., April 18 Rob Cherry, whose It hits In 20 official trips to the dish have given him a fat average of .550 in Western International league play, had a big time at the expense of Bremerton's Alton I. re Wednesday night. The potent center fielder whanged out a triple, double and single as he drove in three runs. Cherry wasn't the entire of fense as the Senators beat the Bluejackets 7 to 4 to even the series one game each. Wayne Peterson, Bud Peterson and Bill Beard each came through with two hits as the Solons grabbed four runs in the fifth and man aged to keep out in front behind Jim Olson's 10 hit pitching. It was big Jim's initial start and outside of a sreak of wildness in the fifth when he walked three batters after retiring the first two, he had little diffi culty in controlling the Tars. With the sacks loaded with free passes Bill Taylor, left field er, lost little time in clearing them. With two strikes against him Taylor slapped a double off the center field fence to send his galloping mates home. The Senators had collected four runs In their half of the fifth. In this frame Manager Beard drew a walk and advanc ed to third on Jim Olson's sin gle into center. Olson moved on to second on the throw to third. Beard scored on Wayne Peter son's fly to Dick Sabotini in center field and Wert drew a base on balls. Bud Peterson aft er looking over a low pitch, picked on the next one for a line double scoring Olson and Wert. Peterson went to third as Mel Wasley grounded out and romped home as Cherry singled. Singles by Bud Peterson, was ley and Cherry's triple off the center field boards gave Salem two runs In the seventh. They picked up another in the ninth when Lee, with the bases full, walked Beard. Taylor parked one of Olson's pitches over the right center field for a home run In the seventh to conclude the Tars' scoring. The two Clubs will continue the series Thursday night. Elsewhere in the league Spo kane Jumped on Victoria for a 11-4 decision to take a sweep of their three game stand. We- natchee stayed knotted with Sa lem by dumping Tacoma 8-5 Yakima's first place Bears were rained out at Vancouver. Wolves Aim at Triangle Meet On Eugene Oval Oregon College of Education. Monmouth (Special) The OCE Wolves, howling for track scores, will participate in a three-way conflict with U of O Frosh and Vanport College in Eugene Friday at 3 p.m. The Wolves have been under wraps in field events, but have been pointing for their next few meets. Last week's battle with Portland U sharpened the squad. Big Hank Decker clicked off a 12-foot effort in pole vault, and is ready this week again. Robin Lee, OCE's shotputter, is set for the high jump, and "Moon" Mul lins, broad jump star, has a good grip on discus. Palmer, second to Decker with the long pole, Is doubling in the quarter-mile. Wade Bothwell, dash man has been shaping up faster- and fast- Curry will run the quarter, and Louis Pinkston the 880. Bill Poole, distance man, has come along well in the last two meets, and will bear watching this week. Rookie Pitcher Saul Rogovin of Detroit hit two consecutive home runs in a game for Buf falo last season. Salan 1 (4) W.Palran.3 Wart, lb B.Pat ran .M Waakr.lf Oharry.ef Ortalv.rl Spattar.Zb Btard. c Olacm, a Tot a la B H O A B H O A 13 11 Sabatlnl.ct 4 3 4 I 1 11 Bmantl.3 ISO 13 14 Pooakar.rf 4 0 3 113 0 Taylor.lf 4 3 4 13 3 4 Ronnlna.l 4 1 10 3 13 0 Cnnatntn.o 4 3 3 4 3 4 S Stanford.S 4 4 1 3 3 10 Arnartch.aa 3 13 110 1 Laa. p 3 10 coray", e 3 0 MarahaU 0 0 0 43 13 37 IS Totala 33 10 37 Ran tor ConMantuift In OUl. Oroundad for Laa In 3th. Salam 000 040 301- Bramarton 000 030 100 4 Laa: Innlnia pltahad t; hit off 13: runa acorad oil 7: aarnad runa 4: BO br 3: BB off 3. OUan: Innlnaa pttchad 3: hit off 10: runa arorad off 4: aarnad runa 4 BO ba 1. BB oft h. Hit by pilchar: Bpaa- ar by Laa. Homa runa: Taylor. Thraa baaa hit: Oharry. Sn-rora: Arnarlch, Laa. Two baa hits: Oharry, Taylor 3. B. Pa taraon 3, Oharry 3, Taylor 4. Stnlan baaaa: Oharry. Doubai playar B. Pataraon to Apaatar to Wart: Boaatar to B. waon to Wart; B. Pataraon to Bpaatar te wart. Tint 3 hour. Umpire: Bil ham and Huaband. Bhort aeoraa: Wanatehao 003 000 3033 8 3 raroma 000 001 3114 3 3 McCollum, Ollaon (7) and Paaut: La aor, Waldan (8), Olauoo IS) and War ran. Spokant 0O0 030 304-11 14 3 Victoria 010 000 1O04 3 3 Taatan and Parka: Ward. Clrlmall (7). Bartletb (31 and Mortan. Hurls Opener Salem, Oregon, Thursday, April 28, 1949 17 Predict Capacity Jam At Waters lor Opener Given weather conditions that are favorable, the 1949 Western International league season will open at Geo. E. Waters park Friday night before a near capacity crowd. This is the prediction made by officials of the Salem Breakfast club who are beating the drum for th occasion. 4 The game will pit Manager! fLL J Bill Beard's Senators against, rTIZCS Uttered the Vancouver Caps. Opening ceremonies will start at S o'clock and the contest IS minutes later. Last year's opening game, postponed two night on account of rain, drew 3669 cash customers. rnirs offered for numbtr of "firm" Include: - Firt hit. bufbBtl hnM, Maple; firm lit 'Ik out, tank of can, SmlUy'; ftnt error. 3 chicken dtnneri, Cline John xon; IlrM walk. tS, O. J. WilMm; firm turn, IS, Orval'; dm flnile, lb. Home Fuel; finit double, jtwealer, BUh np'i; flrxt triple IS, Capp'a; Iriflt home run. ham. Valley Packint:, xportliaht. Burrell'a; hit Into double play, 4 lube jobs. Marlon Motor; first put out, ' wah and 1 lube Job. Warner Motor; flrit ajtatat two wa.h, two lube Jobs, Val ley Motor: first R.B.I. 110, fihrock'a; first run. 110, EUxtrom'; most hits, travel kit. Hart man's; winnlnn Salem pitcher, coffee maker, Yeater'a; first double, play, aim Blaise. Borlnt Optical: first pinch hitter to hit aafely, foe llahts, McKay a; see ond Salem player moet hits, fire en tin. aulsher, J. D. Harlwrll; most assist J item player, 15, Bishop Electric. In Trout Derby Lebanon Special prizps for the largest trout caught on open ing day ot the season next Sun day are being offered by San tiam Sporting Goods store. Sine the season opens on Sunday, entries must be brought to the store before noon Mon day to be judged. Any angler is eligible to en ter the opening day contest without previous registration. First prize is a level winding reel or choice of two dozen se lect flies. Second prize is one dozen flies. These prizes are in addition to the one offered for the larg est fish caught during the season. y4V. I'.., V Webfoots Wallop , Portland, 26-6 Portland, April JB (1Tha University of Oregon Ducks were In their element last night while walloping the University of Portland, 23 to 8, In a base ball game halted by rain after five innings. The Ducks scored heavily In each inning and climaxed the parade of scorers over home plate with nine runs in tha fourth inning. Al Cohen, Johnny Kovenz and Dick Bartle wera the big guns for Oregon. Portland collected only five hits off three Oregon hurlers, but managed to combine them with walks to rack up the six runs. Of the five hits, Leo Ms guigan got three in as many times at bat. First Nighter Johnny Blanco, fttronjt armed pitcher named by Manager Bill Beard to han dle the mound chores again the Vancouver CapHanos Fri day night. The game will mark the Water field open ing of the 1940 WII, season. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport 13;M am. 1:11 p.m. 18 41 a m. 13.33 P.m. 1 of a ra in pin. 1 J7 a m. 1 M pm I 11 a IN R l a i n , Ma I is p T W a T 01 p m. .01 m. S 4 m. -0 4 -facts are La to a lot It's THREE FEATHERS that has scarce 567-year-,d whiskies blended with choice grain neutral spirits OLDER. WHISKIES! BETTER. TASTE 1 U925 MKT 360 AOT. RARE BLENDED WHISKEY u mm. m smitm wmmrs rs nrn rmsm IE FIVE TE13S 03 SOI! MS. 1S SlllltHt MIUEV. .! CI1IB IF3TI.1 SflflH. ir siinein misiET ) mis mb, n imicst wmisift t ti.ii on, t sin inn WHIMSY J TfHli Sl. SF1I05E I COMPiaf, RK., KW TOII, 1.1. Duckpin Bowling rcanalata aaaalta) BASEBALL (fly tha AJoelatd PruuO Hlfh irhool iraTM i At Portland) Kooaavalt 1, Franklin 9. Lincoln ?, J'fferaon 4. Grant 13, Waahintion ft. Boruton I. Clvtland f. Ontral Catholic 1, Columbia Prep t. 4Kan7 II, Bwt Homt t. ICUwaukti II, Hill MUitarj (Portland) War ronton T, Knaora I. uan 14. Un1rrlty Htiri MSN'S A I' TO MOTIVE LP. A Oil Tha OMxmobU tam took top honora with a 74 aama and 304C atr.a whlla lnJW- . .dual arirlni markui wrr t br Char If Campbell with a 319 cam and Bill Ham i br with a 460 rtra. KaUar-rrairr 0)- Lrle 33. Nlaon 344, 1 Famby 40. Mink HBP, Ah nmacliM 31ft. 'llriamoMla l4 Downy 410. Chakarun 378, Surratt 431, Shuck 434, Baumaart 375. Cadillac MWOampbtll 4SS. Bowr 14. Hadr 418, Pry 3.M. Berry 347. Rndtan ') Harold 404. Waltn 441, Shuck 331. Owen 333, White 151. Ford 0 Boock 170, Burn 184. Hnltnvx 340. Flerk 39ft, Bohroyer 361. CHrtmlM 4 Olbb 377. Short Iftl 33ft, Tompon 36, MlttNidorf 438. Wlr it lander 431. nodre i) Cooler. OamPbll 441, Ktaar 3. Jon., 3!0. Acott 338. Bulrk Ml Hndf 363. WllAon 311, Holt 416, Moon 33, Van Dtll 436. Triumphant Trio These three stara swept the Mult nomah club of Portland, Ore., to vic tory In the AAU national women's Indoor swim champion ship held at Daytona Beach, Fla by wlnnlnf the 3.10-yard medley relay. They are, left to right: Sue Zimmerman, Nan cy Merki Lees and Rlllie Atherton. AP Wirephoto) PLAN HOLE-IN-ONE GOLF CONTEST AT SALEM CLUB The first of a series of hole-in-one golf contests at the Salem Golf club has been scheduled for this Saturday on an US-yard range. A aeries of awards has been arranged for those who cup the ball of come closest to the pin. Society d3rand CiollieS Hewitt's Distinctive Men's Wear High at Court Senator Hotel Bldg. Attention Boys - BASEBALL Get your Saltm Senator baseball cap btfora tfia opening Friday night with picture of your favorite playar. Ona picture free with tha J f t purchase of each cap. Cap la4ir For each additional Individual lx.ll picture of plirers 23e each FISHING SEASON OPENS Sunday, May 1st Get your license early. See trie most complete stock of quality tockle at lowest prices. n J , $) "fftj J ., VJ'e have all the standard brand reels, ROUS at.. J Ona Up spinners, salmon eggs and files. Get thet new Johnson motor new. Terms if desired. Fly Howard Maple Sporting Goods, Inc. 372 State St., Salem, Oregon Tel. 3-6042 BASEBALL Opening Night APRIL 29 - 8:15 p. m. SALEM SENATORS V, VANCOUVER ENTIRE GRANDSTAND J1ESERVED Tickets on Sale HOWARD MAPLE Sporting Goods No Phone Reservations nates Open (:4S P.M. Are You Ready for Trout Season? WE ARE Have a look at our "priced right" tackle Also register for "Buck's Bass Derby" which opens May ISth. Bass Derby Registration Book open now. MOORE'S Bicycle ond Sport Shop 237 N. High Street, Salem J .'-it IPSO Yes, srrt Sk-ks' Select Eifra Pale la the sriMinrh raf, mellowest beer you've ever ranted. Foe the treat of a lifetime, pour yourself a sparkling glaaaful. It's extra refreahing . . . extra deli, rxras. Aak far Sictra' Select the imum pU beer. mrx MtrwiNo odmpany Vnh of one &4 the World Grat rVewjaiff Ortetiicarlfaiw Salem, Oregon GOING FISHING O Better Get Your Boots Now! SEASON OPENS MAY 1ST TST Tr? ns n Light Weight Fishing Boots Wide or Fitted Ankle Sites 6 to 12 Sportsmen! This is your boot. It's comfortable . . . sponge innersole. It's rugged . . oil-rubber with cleoted sole and heel. It's adustable ... the dual bind permit? cutting down to a shorter height. Choice of wide or fitted ankla . , , you get adiust oble knee hornew ond belt strip . . . snop fo.t eneri to hold boot in place when rolled. See this Sportsman's Boot todoy . . . buy a pair! For Women Sii 8.50 i r