12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, April 28, 1949 Albany School Contract Let Albany, April 28 Ending long session of discussions over terms nd details of the Albany grade school bic the district No. 8 board of directors Wed nesday awarded to the Ken Ward Construction company of Portland the contract for erec tions of the three projected buildings. The Ward bid was $571,595.12, well under the $575,000 ceiling the board had established, but the school officials were thrown Into a quandary when it was found that the Edwards Broth ers, local contractors, had ten dered a bid of $571,959, which was but $334.12 higher than the Portland firm's offer. The Portland firm reported that work will start immediate ly and that the hope was also expressed that each of the three buildings will be completed ahead of schedule, Waverly school before November 1, Sun rise before December 1, and Lib erty before January 2, Youth Killed by Roller Enterprise, April 28 W) A high school freshman died yes terday after being crushed un der a one-ton earth roller on the school athletic field. Students said Bill Ortman, Jumped on the roller frame, lost his balance and fell beneath the implement as it was being tow ed by a truck. 5 20 Companies employed us last month George S.May Company OFFICII IN MINCIFAl CITIIt WANT : WHITER DUDS? vm" Rain Drops guarantees em. In any water, any washing method, rain or thine, dried indoors or out I No soap film. mm s.r v cc r Hay itktt pint MttWy I I RAKE OLD U. S. STAMPS VALUE $435.00 I'roi,- Inl on Iwautlfulli eoinrMl San Marino of tbtM valuta. Ala Int fronting I'eaca and Ylcterv 1auti. In blip. Rnyat WmMidi, Ohm pie lanra; II M, It 00 and K,no IT. ft. itamM and manr mot. attrai-llfa lit ma, lorludlni t acarM Erppalto Nam P. THE KNTlRat COLLECTION worth mini' tlin.t nut .fir of ONLY 10c ! ! To apprnnl titmtra. Wtlta imUt. llflpp'T limited. knl? (ilia lot tit a customer. Bargain Packet Prlca 1.1 il kiwi Inrluilnd Utr MARCO STAMP CO. P.O. Box 888, 8n Krnnclioo 1. Calif. I Uoufbon vAJ' Jf T,,le- 7ukConipr... SI . jf Knjov... Today enjoy truly delicious. delightful, it lure Kentucky flavor! KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY A BLEND $230 $360 PINT QT. Rslnnsl Diilllltri Producti Corporation, N. Y. It I Frost SI Kintucky Straight Bourbon Whukaj . 49jt griia Nautili Iplrltl NEW LOW PRICES AT IGA STORES As always, when market prices decline, yaur IGA Stores are the first to lower prices to give you the lowest prices on Every Item, Every Day. LOOK AT THESE NEW Everydoy LOW Prices. SOAP SALLY MAY TOILET Large OC. 22 oz. pkg 4 bars 33C Beauty Cloth Free IGA SOAP GRAINS New Formula for OC. Whiter Clothes, lg. pk. -tIC PEACHES No. 1 con Halves Elsinare. No. 2i can Halves Eltinora. 19c 29c CORN No. 303 can f) Tairy Pok J. for 27c Remember These Are New Every-day Low Prices SAVE MONEY At These IGA STORES Pearson's Food Mkt. 194 N. Commercial Model Food Market 175 North High St. Orcutt's Market 4X00 North River Road Central Cash Market Monmouth, Oregon Independence Food Market Independence, Oregon Highland Market 100 Highland Avenue Ken Colliet Mehama, Ore., Open Sunday Broadway Grocery Brrlwy. Mkt., Open Sunday Krueger Kash & Karry E. Center ft 40th, Open Sun. Ronner's Grocery Gervals, Oregon Equall's Grocery Woodburn, Oregon Lemmon's Market 591 N, Commercial St. Quality Food Mkt. 17th and Center Carter's Market 17th anil Market State Street Market till State Street Scio Food Market Srlo, Oregon Jim. Se hilling. M J B. Fnlsr or what huve Ton. 1 1 yS ' vM ' 'M, Mw A V-s "T J JyX , ( 'Klia& Vv.-Wwbt7 f SPRECKLES canned milk r 2, 23cJ-ff KlTr ""suZT Look to Bordens fop nourishment In baby feeding. JsZ' s22?ytZ 0 St r Jt. ' ' k ' '':.'.?..;:! Pllll... ' s J m mmm tBU .... iJllfJ11Jlf7Te V F g rmurY s Best ( chocolate 25c tUM fel HOUR $1t k1087' Just add hot water or milk and mis for a deiicious drinky I ... UfL J CtlAMY I ' Bog t ivSaaBaaeaa wmmimBammmmZ, f mand Extra-Whipped smooth ' ?o , (Vc A flour":,, t $ll9j( SALAD DRESSING fBESfe 2-'' C 5YRUP Large 11 ox. Jar 07C lYrTi M Jar .. . . 5 5C Ynil:i. ' C Oii mrt W 1) 2STrBEIIWe 11 V WtT ,J4T IGA JELL-IT 1 rV"RES . COFFEE ltxY. a..t - t """" e.- J3t AW Increaiinr lales U the proof of lupreme flavor, 16c Shredded Wheat 12 oz. pkr Delicious break fa-tt cereal topped with your fn'nrhe frnl AT YOUR IGA STORE 41c Get one package at ! price when you buy one package at regular price! 2 S", PEETS GRANULATED SOAP 37c PALMOLIVE Mmr g. Sizs PALMOLIVE SOAP Bath Size 2ffflr 25c 2,25c Inwrrn uunr! r D VCT A l uuiTi LW.All a mm BORAXO can 17c Borax Powder 2 lb pkg.. . 27 1 Cteana Dirty Hands DELSEY Toilet Tissue New Low Price 2 ,011. 29c SOFT WEAVE TWO PLT CRISCO 3 con....... 87c iSJ Special Low Frlca Hersheys' Baking CHOCOLATE X j"c Hershey'i A COCOA V'X. IV Sunshine Graham M Jfc CRACKERS 2, 4VC L AC I Whole Bean AXr Lb. pkg tJC 3 Lb. pkg. . $125 Only in stores with Grinders BUY THESE FRUITS FOR VIESTA PIN WHEELS BUY IN LOTS OF i TO 12 CANS AND SAVE MONEY. APRICOTS "SKSt-u.... 6 .A69 12 ...$2.35 These are IGA's famous ripe and ragged Elslnora In heavy ayrup PEACHES 6 ...$1.45 12 ...$2.89 Freestone peaches. Will make your pin wheels more delicious. PEACHES r 61.75 12 .$3.45 Tasty Fak sliced, aweet and delicious. APRICOTS n..i 6...$1.10 12..$2.15 Elslnore halves, fancy grade , FIGS No. 303 jar 6.-$1.45 12fc-$2.89 GERBER'S BABY FOODS Chopped or Strained U cant GERBER'S READY COOKED CEREAL so, Pk, 17c Oatmeal or Barley HALEY MEAT PRODUCTS OREGON PRODUCTS PRICED LOW Spaghetti and Meat Balls 95c loi. can Meat Balls and Gravy A Hoi. can Vegetable Stew with Beef Air No. li can V Chicken Broth 15 H os. can r & & '""h foods Specials for Friday and Saturday 19c I i agasVsssMsssssssssssslliiMssssaassMsssasssssslllilllllllllw Grapefruit Ari rgo Siio 59c 1 zona . . dozen Enjoy a half grapefruit for breakfast Sno Maid Winesap Apples b0 98c Special low price. Fine for sauce sr Calavos 2i., 25c J Dress up your fresh fruit salads Fresh Rhubarb 4.b, 19c 1 Loral grown It garden fresh for more delirious flavor White Onions 2 lbs. Bermuda type. Fine for aliclng. 7urrtiini 5nnnch .L lTr mmmiMm w m mmm urn mm id. V W Dfllclou ft tender Tef ettble, a delightful menu change It makes no difference whether ifs a round ateak, sirloin, porterhouse, tenderloin or your favorite roast, your IGA meat man will give you the quality you wish at saving prices. Guaranteed to satisfy too, or your money refunded. I Each I V Oscar Mayer Wieners 49c n os. can . . Plain or with Pliofilm bar ol barbecue saure. BEN GEE DINNER 49c For a complete Chinese dinner Beg More Dog Food cana 29c Contains mil the necessary .ngredl ents for healthy peU. IGA CREAM STYLE CORN 2 for 35c Quaker Puffed Wheat oi. pkg 2 for 23c IGA PEANUT BUTTER 37c LINIT STARCH MM. ,,.." 12c ARM0DR Q CHILI CON CArNE 33c MWI 18 o.. Armour's Star I O C Deviled Tonguo 5i . n m i . v .i ar -1 19e 5 ?M r,vteyS; 7r Sm - syZm. rrTrrrrm - i . " rt -'Ik MM Sunshine a s r Ttrtqood 8 ox. pkg. ftyttme . . . and good 4 o yew, toe. U,C 29c Elbow atylo for your favorite dish. oi. pkg.. 29c For delicious dish In a Jiffy. SPAGHETTI Elbow style lot JIFFIES u r Gtt a FREE packctjt of MUFFETS TNI II. IMPItVII IIDII INIII0I1 NIT MmMmt H tor M OlW BRINC IN THIS CERTIFICATE! TM nnta ft I tra Wm (Ma I SHU nlisl S lua, K. lairaovzo n ' tuau wwm. mn aa m torrM est itm 1tt. sVsswivt wmmt e" ssfjs4 Tbsi ssjpfjijsjs? eei ej. 4 rvtulsw stWM tor MwH u ft W Mtoe IB W O faai Mai? sal CwifwHtl UsaatvsJ tMM. Osfr MpaWW Mstf iJ. IMf I : 00 s o : s 2 cans of KEN-ls-RATION AT NO COST! S o-i aaa a Sriaf t All offer Uoak, proper!? iiiroasi, aoJ fom wfll S etm of Km-L-Rmmmi cm wboa tM tmv i ant at our rejrulir price. Thta mmn roe f 5 catM fot tb price of 5. Hariri Otttr A Ckf.. Offer CloM Jin 50, 1949. fl imrB Two can m m tatra coat to a cuatoaier) I J I