8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore- Wednesday, April 27, 1949 m ii.i.ni.iiw.LLMjMfcri m m ttr "i miiua MffHf i ,'ir"ffJr" .t! - . (Mi-. 7 : rZ:rO?A i I V I "''"'"-'till I III,!. I.,, : ' Rector Held on Slaying Charge Hochester, N.Y., April 27 U. The Rev. George Hetenyl, 40, an Episcopal clergyman, wa held In $50,000 bail today in the slaying of his wife, whose bullet-pierced body was recovered from the Genesse river. The Hungarian-born minister was held as a material witness after he angrily smashed a win dow and furniture in the county building when asked to identify the body. Mrs. Jean Hetenyl, 25, former California war worker and vio linist in the Oakland, Calif., Symphony orchestra, had been shot twice in the breast with .25 caliber bullets. Police said a bullet removed from the door of the Hetenyi family automobile was fired from the same gun as two slugs removed from Mrs. Hetenyi s body. The body lay unidentified In the morgue for 55 hours before it was identified by FBI finger prints made while she was em ployed on the west coast war plant. Hetenyi, supply minister in the western New York Episco pal diocese. Insisted that he had his wife "hadn't been living to gether and said he knew nothing of her activities. Frank Harrow Interprets Detroit Dam Frank Harrow, head painter for the Detroit project, made this oil color sketch lot the Detroit dam as it will appear when completed in 1953. Four days of work were required to complete the painting, iiow a property of the U. S. engineers. Harrow, who has paint ed from Mexico to Alaska, has held several one-man shows, pther of his area landscapes are on display in a Detroit cafe. 4-H Exhibits to Be Opened to Public Silverton, April 27 Judging all hundreds of entries in the an nual 4-H club spring show con tinues with the display to be open to the public after 6 o'clock tonight. Feature of the show will be the Friday noon street parade. There is a total et 1231 separate entries in the show. Paul Cooley, Hayesvllle, top ped the 394 entries in the health poster division with his entry in the fifth and sixth grades di vision. Reserve champion was Garry Webber, West Salem, in the seventh and eighth grades eection. Second place in the two groups were won by Mar tha Anderson, Hayesville, and Richard Hein, Cloverdale. - Other individual winners to date are David Gilham, Union Hill, woodworking; Sharon Gibby, Silver Crest, water col ors; Marlyn Shellon, Stayton and Richard Hayden, Roberts, forestry, and Dons Lane, Lib erty, Intermediate knitting. Mrs. Helen White, Salem, gave a report on the number of junior courts in the state and of some which will soon be formed. The group sent telegrams to Arch bishop Edward D. Howard of the archdiocese of Portland In Oregon and to Bishop McGrath and Co-adjutor Bishop Fahey of the diocese of eastern Oregon extending greetings and pledg ing continued support and offer ing congratulations to Arch bishop Howard on the occasion of his 25th anniversary of his consecration as a bishop. Biennial CDA Session At Tillamook Sunday Tha 12th hipnnint etata fnn ference of the ClnthnUe naiis-h- ters of America in Oregon was held in Tillamook Sunday. The conference opened with holy mass at Sacred Heart church. The delegates and members attended mass and re ceived holy communion in a group of 125. Rev. E. J. Mur nane, state chaplain of St. Rose's parish in Portland was the celebrant. The first business session in the morning was opened by State Regent Rose Bell nf stav. ton at which delegates from the in couns in uregon reported on the .spiritual, educational, char itable and social activities. The state junior CDA chairman Food Price Index Drops One Cent New York, April 27 (U.R)The Dun & Bradstreet index of wholesale food prices declined one cent in the past week to $5.67, the agency reported to day. The decrease brought the in dex to a level one cent above the 28-month low of $5.66 reached last February 8. The Index was $8.76 a year ago. At $5.66 on February 8 the index was at the lowest point since OPA price controls were removed and was 23.1 per cent under the all-time high of $7.36 reached last July 13. The index represents the to tal price per pound of 31 foods in general use. i John Paul Jones, early Amer- j lean naval hero, never became i an American citizen. Two High Ratings For Salem Academy Two high ratings, a No. 1 and No. 2, were awarded Salem academy musicians in the state interscholastic contest at Al bany Saturday. The No. 1 rating was taken by the academy choir of about 40 voices. The choir Is a favor ite for engagements away from home and is now on a 10-day trip to Canada. The No .2 rating was awarded the academy band of 50 pieces Both the choir and the band are under the direction of Prof. Ronald Lush. Get results now! Advertise in Classified! ROOFING Now is the rime to order that new roof before the busy summe' season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons Salem 255 No. Commercial Street Phone 38478 STANDARD'S Up to 3 months rental al NEW PORTABLES elusive representative for the Royal Standard, lowed toward nurchasa. Et- KAY TYPEWRITER CO. 157 Court Ph. 1109$ Refreshing To You, Kind To Your Purse lotiiia Mil AutHontr of ihi o oi toaMxr it COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF OREGON IALIM, OREGON H. T. LOVE JEWELER 1316 State St. Watches, Diamonds, Clocks, Silverware, Lighters, Novelties, etc. Also Watch and Clock Repairing Are You Ready for Trout Season? WE ARE Have a look at our "priced right" tackle Also register for "Buck's Bass Derby" which opens May 15th. Bass Derby Registration Book open new. MOORE'S Bicycle and Sport Shop 237 N. High Street, ' Salem r- HISTORIC MEDICAL HIGHLIGHTS No. 31 , -A MATTER OF MINUTES- ! ID you ever stop to think hew much of your life is regulated by your clock? Getting up in the morning, going to the office, the amount printed on your pay check, meeting your best girl on Saturday night - It's all timed to the minute or if it isn't, things are likely to gat pretty chaotic. Your body runs on a schedule too, sleep, food, exercise it needs them all, and regularly. Off its schedule, with irregular sleeping, haphazard eating, your body has a hard time functioning properly and efficiently. Keeping on time all the way means more fun per minute. mi ouiitNir coNfJ wlVtAfHsCuCijtjQ COUtl 4 COMMKQA1 Mmm FKL I J. jT ' T uu aiiAi mm nw.ur "7"' Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. MiottAeitest triple tAriH in motoring See.., Drive... and SaveJfonetmtA WMJtiM TWt STYintJI DtlUXI 4-DOOI SEDAN Wain Maw Krai optional ! Mai 7e most Beautify IB WL of 7 SEEL.. The most Beautiful BUY for Styling and Visibility You'll enjoy your 6rst thrill the minute you look at this new Chevrolet! For here's the car that people everywhere are saying out-ttyle all othert ... the only low-priced ear with a Body by Fisher. Moreover, hen you sit in the big. Super-Sire Interior with extra-wide "Five-Foot Seats," you ran see perfectly in all directions ... for there's lrl more vindom area all around . . . true Pano ramic Visibility that makes trery trip more satis tying u well as much safer! AMftlCA'f CNOICI o ti riAM DRIVEL.. The most Beautiful BUY for Handling Ease Riding Ease and Safety with New Center-Point Design You'll enjoy an seen bigger Ihrill when you drive and ride in this car! It provides that unmatched 4-way engineering advance, Center-Point Design, including Center-Point Steering, Center-Point Seating, Lower Center of Gravity without loss of road clearance, and Center-Point Rear Suspension. You'll enjoy a totally new driring and riding eat available elsewhere only in more expensive cars. Moreover, Chevrolet offers firefold tafety protection exclusive to this one low-priced car. SAVE!... 3 With the mofl Beautiful BUY for Performance and Economy You'll enjoy the greatest of all motoring thrills with this new Chevrolet! It's the only low-priced car offering the split-second getaway, lively accelera tion, and dynamic hill-climbing abilities of a world's champion Valrt-in-Biad engine. And it gives this finer performance at lowest eott. See your nearest Chevrolet dealer now, it yon haven't already done so. Enjoy the biggest triple thrill in motoring . . . tee, drit and tar. money with Chevrolet ... the most beautiful buy ml all! n New lower prices make it more than ever FIRST FOR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST DOUGLAS MW CHEVROLET CO. Salem, Oregon