Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 27, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    I Capital Women 1
' t Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, April 27, 1949
; Announce
New Members
' Seven new members sre an-
nounced for the Salem Spinsters.
The list includes the following:
Miss Martha Steusloff, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Miss Jane Carson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carson.
Miss Patricia Burrell, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bur
rell. Mis Patricia Larson, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lar
(on. Mis Edith Fairham, daugh
ter of Mrs. Silas Fairham.
Miss JoAnne Adolph, daugh
' ter of Rex Adolph.
Miss Harriet Huston, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Huston.
The club is meeting next Mon
' day evening at which time plans
; will bo mad for the annual
; Mothers' day breakfast on May
, 8. Place for n x t Monday's
meeting will be announced later.
Alumnae Meet
Delta Zeta alumna met Mon
' day evening at the home of Mrs.
Bjarne Erickson, Mrs. Charles
! Fulton and Mrs. Hugh Morrow
being the hostesses. Dessert
was served.
Attending the meeting were
' Mrs. Gene Spaniol of Stayton,
. Miss Maxine Paulson, Miss Pru
' dence Paulson, Mrs. Charles
Feike, Mrs. Charles Derthick,
Mrs. William H. Foster, Mrs.
, Arthur Lewis, Mrs. Albert
Deckebach, Mrs. Emmett Kleln-
ke, Mrs. Ericksen, Mrs. Fulton
and Mrs. Morrow. Next meet
, lng is to be May IT at the home
. of Mra. Spaniol In Stayton,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl
- Becke of Salem, has been elect
ed by the senior class at Annie
! Wright seminary In Tacoma to
represent the seminary In the
'. queen's court at the College of
Puget Sound during May fes-
. tivitles on the campus there,
' May 13 and 14. Mr. and Mrs.
' Becke plan to go north to Ta-
coma to be with their daughter
for Mother' day week-end
. event t Annie Wright.
PAST President olub of ttie
American Legion auxiliary, Cap
: ltal Unit No. 9, Is meeting
' Thursday at Y:80 o'olock for
dessert at the home of Mrs.
Donald Madison, 286 North Cap
itol. TUB PLEF olub i to meet
this evening at 8 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Earl Burk, 642
Edgewater street, Mrs. Wayne
Stanton and Mrs. A. A. Nieder
berger are the hostesses.
VISITORS In Salem Tuesday
were Mr. and Mrs. Loyall Rugh
of Eugene who were en route
home from Portland where they
visited their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mur
ray Wiltse.
to Salem relatives and friends
of the birth of a daughter, Leslie
Kim, April 1, to Lt. and Mrs.
Wallace Wittwer, Albuquerque,
N. M., formerly of Snlem. There
Is a eon in the family, Wallace
Richard. Grandparents are Mrs.
J. L. Steed and Mr. and Mrs.
H. O. Wittwer, all of Salem.
Mrs. Steed Is now visiting at
her daughter's home.
ing extended to Mr. and Mrs.
George P. Roth on the birth of
a son, Jeoffrey Theodore, Tues
day, April 26, at Salem General
hospital. There Is a daughter
In the family, too, Nanoy Louise.
Grandmothers of the new ar
rival are Mrs. Theodore Roth of
Salem and Mrs. Louise Forbes
f Portland. Mrs. Frank Dsmlan
ef Portland ie a great grand
mother. SALEM HEIGHTS Mrs. Ed
A. Carleton will be hostess to
the Little Garden club of Salem
Height. Thursday, April 28, at
1:80 o'clock in her home on
Liberty road. Mrs. Robert
; Hawkins 1 In charge of the
Mason, Mrs. Robert Torhune,
eoretery of the county Federa
tion of Women's clubs, Mrs. J.
O. Fontaine, Miss Marjnrle Fon
taine, Mr. Helen Cay wood, Mrs.
M. D. Looney, Miss Marguerite
Looney, Mri. John Terhuue,
Mr. Karl Stelwer, Mrs. Edwin
Bwarti, all of Jefferson and Mrs.
David Looney of Salem attend
mA Ik Aiuntv Federation of
Women'f club at the Maclray
Orange nan, saiuraay. unrum
the business session Mis Mar
inria Fontaine was elected
treasurer of tha federation. Mrs.
Nancy Dalvdson of the Talbot
elnh uv an interesting report
Miss Storruste
Awarded Prize
Silverton Miss Ragnhilde
Storruste, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Storruste, was the
honored senior member of the
high school graduating class to
receive the $23 award from the
Business and Professional Wom
en's club as the one complying
with the committee's choice as
the best "all around home and
school activities member."
Mrs. Irene Roubal, club pres
ident, made the presentation of
the award, topped with an or
chid, at the annual tea honor
ing the senior girls, Sunday aft
ernoon, at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. E. A. Teter on Silver
Miss Hannah Olson, tea pro
gram chairman, was assisted by
Mrs. Gladys Montgomery, Mrs.
Al Tippner and Mrs. Lela Quin
tall. The program selections
typified various ages of girls
The pre-school age number was
a song sung by Carol Spencer,
small daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Spencer. The primary
school age was depicted in song
by Christine Tippner, daugh
ter of the Al Tippners, Miss
Shirley Seid, accompanying at
the piano. Miss Seid gave a
piano number as a Junior high
age presentation.
Twenty-five girls, members of
the senior class, were present
as special guests of the club.
Following the formal presen
tation of the award and orchid,
Mrs. Earl Spencer, assisted at
the piano by Mrs. Lela Quintall,
gave several vocal selections
during the social hour.
Receiving at the door were
Mrs. Roubal, Mrs. Leonard Hud
son, Mrs. Dale Lamar, Mrs.
Robert Webb, Mrs. Wayne
Weeks and Miss Caroline Nae-
gell. Mrs. Ernest R. Ekman was
chairman of a group of 12 mem
bers assisting about the rooms
and serving.
Iris rhizome were presented
the hostess, Mrs. Teter, and the
hostess of the past year, Mrs.
R. J. VanCleave. The club is
making the Iris rhizome presen
tation to the hostess, an annual
event in keeping with the adopt
ed floral slogan acknowledging
the work of Dr. R. E. Klein
sorge and Rholln Cooley in
propogating new varieties, and
commercial sales.
MACLEAY Mr. and Mrs.
Onie L. Martin entertained
members of the 4-M club in
their Salem home Saturday
night. After the business meet
ing BOO was in play with "high
scbre going to Mrs. Milton Kep
hart and Alford Propp. The May
meeting will be held at the
Milton Kephart home.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Propp, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Kephart, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Mo
Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Martin Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Martin Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Onle
L. Martin.
HOSTESS to her bridge group
today was Mrs. Raymond Bone
steele at her home In Corvallis.
the group meeting for luncheon
and cards. Mrs. James R. Hum
phrey was asked as an additional
' fa- ;.H6i & 9 1
f.,.rMr.t.,,..lL Lt-rrnnii il Ii fnirrr nr - mm-nm-mi 1 r
An enjoyable event for a
large group Tuesday afternoon
was the tea given by the YWCA
at the West Lincoln street home
of Mrs. Bruce Spaulding. The
tea was one of the events dur
ing the national YWCA week
and was occasion for the mem
bership to become better ac
quainted. Honored especially
were charter member and new
comers in the group, this being
YW birthday week.
Asked to be in the receiving
line were Mrs. A. A. Schramm,
president of the local YW; Mrs.
W. E. Kirk, the charter presi
dent of the Salem YW; Mr.
Frank H. Spears, the charter
corresponding secretary here;
Miss Mattie Beattie, who was at
the organizational meeting in
1914; Mrs. P. L. Blackerby, the
first executive secretary for the
local association; Mrs. Esther
W. Little, present executive di
rector of the association.
Various members of the local
board assisted in receiving the
guests and in taking charge of
the dining room.
Pouring were Mrs. Paul B.
Wallace, Mrs. A. C. Haag, Miss
Dorathea Steusloff and Mrs.
Charles A. Sprague.
Especially attractive was the
tea table in a green and white
motif. The eloth was green. A
silver candelabrum, holding
swirled white tapers, stood on
a mirror in the center of the
table and at either side was a
silver bowl with white tulips,
white lilacs and lilies of the val
ley. Many spring flowers dec
orated the home, one bouquet
attracting special attention be
ing a large one of lavender li
lacs and pink dogwood.
During the afternoon music
was provided by Miss Edna Ma
rie Hill at the piano and by a
string quartet of junior high
school girls, Doris Helen Spaul
ding, daughter of the hostess,
Carol Lee, Roberta Graham and
Sidney Kromer.
Members of the Tri-Y groups
of the YW assisted in serving
in the dining room.
At Anniversary Party Mr. and Mrs. L. A. (Roy) Miller
observed their golden wedding, April 17, at a reception in the
Hinson Memorial Baptist church in Portland. In the family
group above are, left to right: Miss Marcia Miller, Salem,
granddaughter of the couple, Mrs. Forrest West of Salem,
daughter of the Millers; Mrs. Miller, Mr. Miller, their son,
Floyd Miller of Portland, formerly of Salem, and the grand
son of the couple. Warren Miller, Salem. Many Salem friends
went to Portland for the reception for which Mrs. West and
her brother, Floyd Miller, were hosts. (Jesten-Miller studio
Club Organized
Jefferson Mrs. Viola Jones
of Portland, chairman of the
Theta Rho board of control of
the state of Oregon, assisted by
Mrs. Ruth Colman of Forest
Grove, organized a Theta Rho
Girls club, No. 53 at the I.O.O.F
hall Saturday afternoon.
Alpha Beta club No. 26 of
Forest Grove initiated and in
stalled sixteen girls, all daugh
ters or granddaughters of Re
bekas or Odd Fellows.
The officers are: president,
Paula Smith; vice president,
Veloris Mitchell; secretary, Bar
bara Armstrong; treasurer, Bar
bara Black well; marshal, Ruth
Hart; warden, Janie Smith; con
ductor, Donna Armstrong; R. S.
P. Greta Cameron; L. S. P.
Paula Harris Smith; L.S.V.P.,
Jessie DeVaneyt chaplain, De
loris Meyers; I. G. Doris Hig
gins; O. G., Donna Higgins;
first herald, Donna Argo; second
herald, Mary Swanzy. Rebekah
members initiated were Keithel
Smith, Lizzie Mills, Velma Hig
gins, Lillian Smith, Blanche
Morissette, Carrie Swaniy, Edna
McKee, Hazel Hinsdale, Carrie
Glasgow, Ada McKee, Ada Weill
and Nettie Hawk. Mrs. Mills
received the commission as ad
viser and assistant adviser. Re
freshment were served at the
close of the meeting.
ABOUT 50 attended the In
formal social and dance for
which the Junior Woman's club
entertained Monde evening for
husbands of members, th new
member being in charge.
Mr. William Judson, Mr. X.
B. Woodson and Miss Betty
Nile Tea Thursday
An event interesting to many
for Thursday afternoon will be
the annual benefit party of the
Salem club, Daughters of the
Nile, the event to be a silver:
tea between 2 and 5 o'clock in
the Masonic temple.
All members and friends of
the group are invited to call.
Proceeds go to the Shrine hos-
pltal in Portland for work with
crippled children.
Several officials from Nydia
temple, Daughters of the Nile
Portland, will be here for the
tea, including Mrs. Exra Royce
queen of Nydia temple.
Jean Bergner were the committee.
Legion Auxiliary
Backs Mrs. Krueger
Mrs. Stanley Krueger of The
Dalles, formerly of Salem, re
ceived the endorsement of Unit
No. 136, American Legion aux
iliary, for her candidacy for de
partment vice president. The lo
cal gLOup voted its endorsement
at its meeting last evening.
Speaker for the Tuesday
meeting was Miss Elizabeth
Aebischer, case worker, child
welfare, welfare commission,
who discussed her work.
The community service chair
man reported members had giv
en 360 hours of community serv
ice to date this year. It was re
ported an examination and eye
glasses had been provided for
a daughter of a veteran and that
a veteran's family had been pro
vided with clothing.
Mrs. Edward Klippert pre
pared the unit's scrapbook. A
white elephant sale was con
ducted to raise funds for the
unit's work.
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