Local Paragraphs Saah and Door Only The I wage dispute that ha resulted In the closing of four Salem wood working plants involves mill workera only. At the Oregon Pulp & Paper company It was explained that neither the retail nor the sawmill operations are involved, and both are doing business as usual. Nab Sllverton Man Leonard W. Hue, Silverton, has been cited by state police to appear in Justice court at Milwaukle fol lowing his arrest near Molalla on a charge of driving while un der the Influence of Intoxicating liquor. Final Rites Held Final ser vices for Mrs. Mattie Packer- man, 61, former resident of Clackamas county who died here Friday after a long illness, were held at Canby Wednesday after noon with burial in the IOOF cemetery at Aurora. She was born in Louisville, Ky., Aug. 20. 1887 and had lived in Oregon 36 years. Her husband, Ben Pac- kerman, died in 1949. Surviving are two daughters, brother, three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Mrs. Pac kerman had made her home in Salem the last five years Bids Invited The Salem school board is advertising bids for S00 cords of slab wood to be delivered at the various build ings which use this type of fuel During Tuesday night's session of the board it was decided to ask for bids for the drilling of a well and the furnishing of pumping facilities at the new Four Corners school sue. Club Meeting Thursday Sa lem Toastrhistress club is meet ing Thursday at 6 p.m. in Nohl gren's restaurant. Dr. Horace Miller, psychiatrist at the state hospital, is to lead a discussion on mental health. Miss Ada Ross will be the toastmistress for the evening. Members are asked to bring their decortive flower containers for the Inter national Toastmistress club's conference and speech contest. Northwest Regional council, No S. in Salem all day next Sat urday. Mrs. Grace Hartley is to preside as council chairman for the Saturday evening. Maphl Tnnrnv Kt Tha marbles tournament sponsored! by the Veterans of Foreign Warsl will be held at the Salem high school grounds May 7 at 10 o'clock with boys competing in two divisions, those from six to 12 and from 12 to 15 years old. All pupils of schools in the Sa lem area are eligible to com pete with medals for the two winners in each division. The two top boys will take part in the state playoff in Portland May 14 with the state champion to be sent to the national tourn ament in Pittsburgh, Penn. Sim ilar tournaments are being held in Silverton and Dallas. Leave Salem General Leav ing the Salem General hospital with recently born infants are Mrs. Glen Hansberry and son, 2455 E. State: Mrs. Richard A. Phillips and son, 1587 Market and Mrs. Peter L. Feskens and ion, Route 5. Building Permits Georgia Harris, to reroof a one - story dwelling at 815 Electric. $75. Ira T. Short, to alter a one story dwelling at 365 Richmond. $675. Harvey Mitchell, to wreck a chicken house at 2270 Claude. $50. Federick C. Klaus, to build a store at 2210 Fairgrounds, $8000. A. J. Feilen, to build a one-story dwelling and garage at 1845 Saginaw, $10,000. Rob ert E. Carolan, to build a one story apartment house at 380 186 South 17th. $14,000. Mrs. Dora Atwell, to alter a one-story duplex dwelling at 773 Mill, $50. Alex Jones, to alter a one story dwelling at 2025 Trade, 800. O. C. Vogan, to alter a two-story dwelling at 1796 Che meketa, $500. Harold Dunsmore, to alter a one-story dwelling at 195 West Myers, $1000. J. L. Busick & Sons, to alter store at 197 North Commercial, $11, S75. Mrs. W. D. Johnson, to re- roof a 1H -story dwelling at 1645 South Liberty, $360. J. E. Salisbury, to reroof a 14 -story dwelling and garage at 1675 South Winter, $274. J. L. Busick tt Sons, to alter store at 197 North Commercial, $900. Mrs. Nellie R. Thayer, to build a greenhouse at 1307 South Com mercial, $250. Norval Emmons, to alter a one-story dwelling at 1687 North Summer, $100. A W. Lovcik, to alter a 1 'j -story dwelling at 2593 Lee, $50. Clara J. Norton, to repair a 1 '4-story dwelling at 849 Market, $30 Broyles Sisters, to alter a ga rage at 835 Shipping, $100. Petition Against Plan M. C Petteys, 697 South Liberty street Is circulating a petition on that residential street against making South Liberty a one-way street and a main highway artery un der the Baldnck plan. BORN The Capital Jnunul Wrtrnmre the follnwtnt Nw Cltltrna: an.vraroi CARLBERO To Mr an Wn W!(. tilts Carlbare of Mtlilift. at Silwtoa hm'Ul April IS, o aatiamar CARROT Mr. ana Mra. Btrl Carr of Oalam at atlTtrtoa boapitol. aprll ft. M. aRKOTflN To Mr and Mr M.urt" W Brnnn. till tut Rob Hill, II UM Otioa (Muni muu1 a sir. As. M Scout Ship Returns The Sea Scout ship Willamette has just returned from a three day cruise to Wesport where the crew members were the escort of the girl Mariner ship Bounty of Portland and the China Clip per of Oswego. The Mariner "Gam" and cruise was sponsor ed by the "Flying Cloud" of Portland. Other units partici pating were the Marine ships Bounty, Yankee Clipper, China Clipper, Flying Cloud, Shangri la, the Longview ship, Sea Scout ships Willamette, City of Roses, Montecello, Robert Gray, Wan derer and the Westward. Mem bers of the SSS Willamette were Skipper Edward Gottfried, Quar termaster Mike Kaye, Bos'n n 'b Newcomer, David Hill, Bill Thomas, Bob Gilchrist and Dick Wright Mrs. Magness Better Mrs. W. B. Magness, who has been receiv ing treatments at a Salem hos pital, is making improvement and expects to return to her home In the Wheatland district in a few days. Group Meeting Here The home economics club of Labish Center will meet at the Portland Gas & Coke company offices in Salem Friday at 10:30 o clock for a demonstration on broiled din ners. Project leaders are Mrs. Horace Bibby and Mrs. Harry Boehm. A no host meal will be served at noon. Methodist Men Meet Walter Winslow, Salem, reported on the general Methodist conference at Boston when he spoke at a sub district meeting of Methodist men at the Shedd Methodist church. In charge of the meeting, attended by around 25 men, was William Thomas, Lebanon, sub- district lay leader. Detroit Project Visited F. D Van Sweringen, executive secre tary of the Salem Building Trades council, and J. H. Barnes, business agent for the Carpen ters' union, visited the Detroit project Tuesday. Van Sweringen reports about 4000 men now re gistered for employment, when available, at the Niagara office of the building trades council. Possibly 150 men are now em ployed he said, and additions to the payroll will not be rapid. "UKe universuy rioms a"".'wn." graduate student at Duke univer sity, at Durham, North Carolina. They Are All Women There is one barber shop quartet on earth composed entirely of wo men. So announces the Salem Elklet this week, and they will sing foj the Elks Thursday night. They are all from Mill City, and their names, Rosamond Remine, Doris Sheythe, Belle Trask and Edna Ross. They call themselves the Barberettes. Body Shop Named Braden's Body and Paint Shop is assum ed business name filed with the county clerk by Luke A. Braden, 3690 Cherry avenue. Third Anniversary Special. 50 off on 80 selected wallpa per papers. R. L. Elfstrom Co.. 340 Court. 105 Willamette Valley Horsemen's Association presenting Western Horse show May 7-8, Fair grounds Stadium. 100 Rodeo May 7-8, Fairgrounds Stadium, Salem. First of sea son. Be therel 100 Lawnmowers ground to paper cutting edge. Moore's Bike Shop. Ph. 33844. 237 N. High. 100 Asparagus for canning and freezing, Fiala Ranch. S miles north of Salem in Polk county. Bring containers. Phone 22814. , US' Capital City Transfer, agents Aero Mayflower hsehld. mov For Sale blooming azaleas. Wide range of colors, red to white. Strayer Azalea fields, 5th and Locust streets. 100 Dance Wed. over Western Auto. Dick Johnson Orch. 99 Painting 20 years ence. Phone 3-7552. experl- 103 Insured savings earn more than two percent at Salem Fed era) Savings Association, $60 Stat street FREE PUBLIC LECTURE Gods Health Insurance Pro gram for America. Sat., April 30, 8 p.m. Beaver Hall, 248 4 N. Com'l. Sponsored by Salem Bible Forum. 103 Rummage Sale every Friday. Garage, 141 S. Winter. 100 Corner Cabinets; Bookcases; Benches; Wardrobes; 20 off. WOODROWS, 450 Center. 100 Now is the time. Place your order for the coming season's canned fruits and vegetables. Ph. 38487. Aufranc's Custom Cannery. 100 Chests, Desks, Vanitya' Beds, Bedside chests. Nite stands: Chairs; stools 20 eff. WOOD ROW'S, 450 Center. 100 Rummage sale. Willamette Beta Mother's club. Friday, April 29, 9 to I. Over Green baum a. 101 Contractor! Listed Certifi cate of assumed business name for Hastla and Wilcox, contract ing houses, has been filed with the county clerk by Glen L. Wil cox and Robert Ray Hastit. The firm is situated in Salem but owners giva their address as Hubbard. Horseshoe Season Opens - The Salem Horseshoe club open ed its season Monday evening by preparing Olinger field courts for operation, and the first work out of the season. One new pit cher has come to Salem whose average, it is understood, is 75 percent ringers. It is understood that one of Salem's former top pitchers, and a state champion, will return to Salem this sum mer. With these two top pitch ers the Salem club expects to be ready to challenge the best In the state, according to Eugene Prescott, vice president of the club. Lions Club Program Dr James W. Kirkwood. psycholo gist for the state of Oregon and a member of Willamette univer sity's faculty staff, will appear before the Salem Lions club Thursday noon. Manager Cochran Returns Clay Cochran, manager of the Salem Chamber of Commerce, returned Wednesday from Bell- ingham, Wash., where he attend- ed the Pacific Northwest con ference. The conference was in three divisions, industrial, trade and tourist. Among speakers was James W. Wadsworth, for mer United States senator from New York, who spoke on the European recovery plan. Gov ernor Douglas McKay of Oregon and Governor Langhe of Wash ington attended. Reckless Driver Caught AJysius P. Williamson, Rt. 7, was nabbed by Salem police early Wednesday morning after a high-speed chase from Fair grounds road almost to the downtown section of Salem. He posted $250 bail on a charge of reckless driving, liquor involv ed. Will Hear Kefauver Marion county democrats will be repre sented when United States Sen ator Estes Kafauver of Tennes see speaks at the annual Jefferson-Jackson banquet there Saturday night. At an after noon meeting the party mem bers will elect new state offi cers of their organization. About 600 party leaders of the state are expected. Heading the Mar ion delegation will be Luis A. Martine-Lally and Mrs. Roy Hewitt, chairman and vice chairman of the county central committee. Townsendltes to Meet Town- send Club No. 16 will meet at the home ot Mrs. Anna Arnold, 2256 Ford street, Thursday night. Logger File Certificate of assumed business name for E and N Logging company, Silver- ton, has been filed with the county clerk by Emil Bergstrom Sweet Home, and Norman Bergstrom, star route 2, Silver ton. Road oiling call Tweedie. Ph. 24151. Eves. 35769. 104 SPRING FESTIVAL WHEN? Friday, April 29th, 5 to 9. BOOTHS Fish pond. plants, ice cream, hotdogs, pop ham dinner. WHERE? Jason Lee church, cor. Jefferson and Winter Sts. WHY Raise funds for new church school building. 101 Cafeteria Ham dinner. Jason Lee church, North Winter and Jefferson St., Friday, April 29th 5 till 7 p.m. 101 Rummage Sale Thursday, 28th. 2360 North Church. 120' Rummage Sale every Friday, Garage, 141 S. Winter. 100 Beginning shorthand class in the New Revised Gregg Short hand starting May 2, Capital Business College. Phone 2-5987. Learn easier and quicker. 103 Federally Insured Savings Current dividend J 4. See FIRST Federal Savlrga FIRST 142 S. Liberty Ph. 8-4944. Capital City Transfer, House hold Moving & Stor. since 1906 Willing Workers Rummage Sale April 29-30 at 235 S. Com mercial. 102 At very reasonable price Good view lota on Kingwood Heights Shown by appoint. Call 86718 after g p.m. 101 Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 1-5730. 100 Air-steamship tickets, Kugel, 735 North Capitol. Ph. 3-7B94. 100 Furniture Refinishing Plant of Lea Bros. Phone No. is now 27001, We repair and remodel. 100 Self Service Laundry, May tag washers. 1815 So. 12th St. 100' LAUNDERETTE, 129B Ferry. 100 Clearance sale of tires and batteries. Woodrow's. - 100 Best Shatterproof auto glass installed. Floor senders for rent R. D. Woodrow's, 450 Center. 100' Drawing hat. plans. Ph. 8R821 100' If W Lucky Fall Mrs. Erna Alldredge of Portland. Ore., tumbled from a fifth story window (broken arrow), hit a ledge and caromed onto an automobile below (right). The car top was badly damaged, but Mrs. Alldredge's injuries consisted only of a few ankle cuts. (AP Wirephoto) Class to Start The instruc tors first aid class under aus pices of the American Red Cross will begin next Monday, May 2, at 7 p.m. in the Willamette gymnasium. Those qualified to take the course are those hold ing a current standard first aid certificate and a current ad vanced first aid certificate. Richard Evans, safety services representative from the area of fice, will be here to conduct the course, reports James E. Wiles, first aid chairman for the local Red Cross chapter. Those in terested in the course are asked to register with the local Red Cross office. Tag Day Sale A police per mit for a tag day sale to finance a trip of Salem high musicians to the state contest in Klamath Falls May 13 and 14 for the state contest was issued today. The tag sale day was set for Satur day, May 7. The Salem high school band and orchestra won first place superior ratings last week-end in district competi tion held in Eugene. The suc cesses of the student musicians in the district won for them the right to enter the state festival, but the band and orchestra faces the problem of raising approxi mately $1500 to cover the ex penses of the long trip. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Shirley v Thorn i J. Fttan, dfvorci com pi lnt tlleiM cruel ind Inhuman trealmrnt nd ukt ciuHoay of two chil dren. Marr.td October 23. 1944, In flulem. Bmll Balls Florence Mill Ireland and IC. Ireland, anawer of defendant, uk that defendant! be awarded 14000 ji counterclaim for alleted breach leaie. alo aa aupplemental counterclaim 112.000 for itleced damage for occupancy of land and that defendant havt reatttu lion of farm premlaea. Charlotte Ut? w MHt 1. Harris, appli cation for trial. Interjtate Trarlor Equipment rorrv piny vs Cnarle Moyt, dirtmUuied on attp- tlatlon with prejudice, e tiled. Pro bat Court A. It. Aiutln ivlate appraued at IM07 M oy Pearl Lanaden, sila Walter and Mil' lie (Mann. Order for aale of peraonal property authorised to Grace J. Auatln. executrix. P. X Kaytor eatate. final account of Bi1a HendarMM, admlnutratrlx, final hearlnt May 11. Iva Jane tec etate. order appro, inc final account of Pioneer Trial com pany, executor. Harriett Loalle aetat appraited at 110,011 11 by Loretta Muru. Otto ft. 0kopll, Jr , and Carl Wellman. Carrie Binder-man admlnutratrlx, authorised to cell pereonat property. Mrta K Tyrell eatate valued at 11000, W. H, Gardner named executor and Dor- thle A. Lou, Dona T. Hoffman and W. J. Braun appraiser. Blcabeth Mintenmeier estate, final account or Manuerlta A. Will, admin li tre trlx, final heanni May Jl. JtMeph Buekltr ronrtilorh!p. auth. orltr lo U. O. Port, cocuervitor, to Mil ooroontl proptrtr. Mint. SJHnor ajtat. .ppralAM at t?aan M br B f,. Rradl,. Val.no L. Bonaatwla and Hln U. BraHlav. District Court ratl'ira t procure a 6ot llftnjo: Vll 11am arlea. eontinu4 to rrldar (or plaa. bail aot at 131. Larranr: WIMtam Fflra and Chir'.M MrK-nft'. pla4! Inoorrni. prliminir 'lamination. al for FrlOar. ball IIA0 aaeh. Folic Court Rackla alua f. ball. J dnttnl. Honor lnvolvd: A'o. Wllltanuon, Rt. 1, poatae al0 Marriagt Litanies Oanraa H. Darvaeva, II. farmar. routa 1, and LiMllla V.nd'l.ar. II, both Amltr. SPECIAL Packard 6 and 120 Irak Retina Labor Motor Tuno-Up Labor Chassis Lubrication Labor Front Wheals lolonce Labor Front Wheal Itaringt Repack Labor. STATE MOTORS, INC 340 N. High PACKARD DEALER Late Sports AM ERIC A V I Philadelphia .004 300 000 6 11 0 Boston 300 122 30x 10 10 0 Scheib. Hrru (6) Hauamann '7i. McCahan B, and Astroth; Kinder.! Johnson (4), and Tebbetts. Chicago 001 020 000 3 10 1 Cleveland . . . .300 004 40x 11 13 0 Pierettl. Gettel U, Grove iflt, Wright (7. Oroth 8 and Tipton; Gromek, Garcia (5), and Hegan. NATIONAL I.KAUL'E Cincinnati 200 100 000 I 13 0 Chicato 000 110 10I-S 13 1 Vandermeer, Lively Ml, Kraut t , Burl, hart S. Creu , and Mueller; Leonard, Kuan la) and Brhefflnt. Civil Service Board Postpones Meeting A meeting of the Salem civil service commission was called off Wednesday morning when Richard Severin advised City Recorder Al Mundt that h was leaving town on business. Scheduled to come before the meeting was a proposal to set new age limits for police depart ment employees. The resolution the members have been asked to pass on would set the range from 21 to 35 years instead of the present 27 to 41 limits. A meeting was cancelled last week for lack of a quorum, and two previous meetings resulted in no action on age change pro posal. The change in the rules is contemplated in advance of a call for applications to establish an eligible list for police work U off 0 Student Wins ANP Award New York. April 27 (IP) Jamea L. Rogers, 23-year-old University of Texas student, was announced today as the winner of the 1949 journalism contest of the American Newspaper Pub lishers association. He was presented $500 and a gold medal for his entry on the topic, "How Readership Studies Affect News, Features and Ad vertising In Newspapers." Second place went to Clifford T. Johnson, University of Ore gon student and first Negro win ner in the six years the eontest has been conducted. Rubbish Dumped C. M. Ar ney who resides two miles northwest of Woodburn has fil ed complaint with the county court of rubbish dumping in that vicinity and says he has found license plates for 1948 in one sack of rubbish which is be ing turned over to officers for investigation. Land Deeded Deed for five acres of land on the North San tiam river to O. K. and Ella De Witt for $200 haa been submit ted to the county court for ap proval. The navy has the only two enlisted men piloting planes In the Berlin Airlift. Life "Savaid my A Goal-aa. fa GAS-HEARTBURN" Wimm mmm Mmtrti .vWi rftiM pftlnrul, riffml tftfl w. tour sjiomovh awl fiavtlnarn. dnatnn i trial I r prwrfltt Ih lMH 'ana meilHr,m Innwo t'R? vmptncMlteralUf hna(hai. n H!,-M Tthftu. No Uutm. Bll-aM bririfa fiftiforiln llffr or ntur botiia o 1nt tlnibla morwr bv-k Q BEli-ANS for Add Indigestion 25 12,00 .3.00 ..1.00 .1.50 ..1.00 Gerth Fails to Locate Bodies Walter Gerth of West Salem, experienced In the ways of the Willamette river, does not be lieve the bodies of Robert C. Woods and W. A. King, drowned near Independence April 7 as the remit of the capsizing of a boat, have risen to the surface. He came to the conclusion after making a trip with Ray O'Mara downstream to Wheatland Mon day and another upstream to In dependence Tuesday. Gerth and O'Mara explored every place where the bodies might have hung up were they afloat. There is the possibility that they may have gone fur ther down stream than Wheat land but in this case Gerth be lieves they would have been sighted by the crew of one of the many tugs operating in the stream. During Tuesday's trip to In dependence, two other boats were seen whose occupants were searching for the bodies. The water in the Willamette has been cold for the past few weeks because it is from melt ing snow, little rain having fall en since the first of the month, Woods and King were employ ed on the Independence bridge project. Rotary Told of Mental Hygiene The principles of a well coor dinated program of mental hy giene were outlined for the benefit of the Salem Rotary club members Wednesday noon by Dr. George C. Seecks. pro fessor of psychology of Willam ette university. In discussing the maintenance of a good bal ance in personal relationships. Dr. Seecks said the responsibili ty should not be shifted to the school or the church, but must be centered in the home. The need for greater study concerning mental attitude was pointed out by the speaker as he declared this need had con stituted a gap in our education. al program for many years. Cost of maintaining our state institu tions should constitute a reason for getting at the root of men- tal maladjustments, he said. The Rotary hobby show, scheduled for the armory Fri day night, Saturday and Sunday, was brought to the attention of the membership by "Sharkey" Arbuckle, general chairman. Bob Douglas, Willamette uni versity senior, was named Ro- tarian of the month from that school. Ghoulish Prowlers Rob Dead Woman Ghoulish prowler were being sought by Salem police Wednes day following a report that the apartment of the late Myrtle Ty rell, 1 93 N. Commercial, had been ransacked. W. H. Gardner, roUte 4, ad-i vised police that the woman's apartment had been entered, and i check of the premises above Busick'i Market showed that a plywood section substi tuting for a window pane had been taken. The apartment, which' had been the woman's tomb for at least a week before the discov ery of her body several days ago, had been ransacked, but police were unable to determine if anything was missing. Jaycees Sponsor Mental Health Effort A program of information dealing with mental health is being sponsored this week by the Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce In cooperation with he National Jaycees and the Oregon Mental Health associa tion. Window displays in Cooke's stationery store, Commercial Book shop, Needham's Book store, and Bishop's have been arranged In conjunction with the program which is also be ing featured at the city, state and university libraries. A similar theme has been arranged through service groups for the week for guest speakers. QQ3 I Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., military men AND VETERANS Thursday. April M Meadowlirk post No. 102. VFW.l at VPW hall. Orniii Naval Rrv aurfsef unit at Naval and Marina Corps I Reserve Training unit. Tells History of State Hospital Dr. Ruth Jens, psychiatrist at the Oregon State hospital, furn ished ample proof Wednesday for members of the Salem Ex change club that mental doctors are only too human. The doctor outlined the his tory of the state institution, told how patients were admitted and explained various practicea at the hospital in Salem. After the meeting adjourned however. Dr. Jens discovered she had forgotten to mention that the new treatment build ing on Center street will be open to public inspection from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. this Saturday and Sunday. In her speech which was de voted to mental health. Dr. Jens estimated that SO to 60 1 percent of the 28,000 patients who have been on the hospital roster in its 65-year history have been released as cured. She pointed out, too, that new systems of treating the mentally ill were being developed at the institution, and that those which were proved were passed on to the practicing physicians. County Budget luonunued irom page n A delegation came down out of the mountains in the eastern part of the county to give backing to continuation of predatory animal control and other hearings dock eted for the day were to hear from the sheriff, recorder, dis trict judge, county clerk and others. The matter of garbage disposal was expected to con sume some time in discussion as was a proposal for funds for veterans' memorial and also part of the day was expected to be set aside to analysis of road prob lems before the committee. Tuesday afternoon the assess or, circuit court, county court, coroner, courthouse, district at torney, registrations and elec tions and some justice courts were up for consideration. Ensigns Promoted To Lieutenants Salem's Naval and Marine Corps Training center this week received word of the order for blanket promotion to lieutenant, junior grade, of all those men with rank of ensign who be came ensigns during June, 1944, or prior to that. The order applies to all men who served with the navy and they need not now be on active duty or members of reserve un its. It will affect approximate ly 300 men in the Salem area. Men in the Salem area to re ceive their promotion should re port to the Naval and Marine Corps Training center to take their acceptance oath and to have a check on their physical qualifications. I f aHrwttofi k Mommy1 '$ go o rvr ar to hay hr N N far Mr ao mailt, ftar Mrvka daportm.nl ptrotgM aa a bo ( Bttmiana), Ortftoory daonmo bx't anaugh, aayl Meaaaay, M ftral H i Hollondarlllnfl, to out oil rho glinimar no) fiomewr back bilo htr fun and booiurlfy (Wana wanaVt for lor-lrtmmod atolti aoori tooll Ttion, V noaawary, wa l repair anal rarryto har aoot aa only a aaaa, ana) axt "on Wo" tar m m. Mote Mia sAcr1lfkfeJJf' 111 oVspsotf fcfla1 a)1!!1 eaf Is) fcn lMOaloaittt4HofpM laaoOJSol )OUANOM7IMa Make kl RR tnrtr mat la atnred In a REAL Fur Storage Vault! Wednesday, April 27, 1949 B Local Sedbee i h i board Named . . . . nnnouncemeni 01 me ap pointment of a local Seabee ra- serve enlistment selection board by the commandant of the 13th Naval District was received In Salem this week. Appointed on the board were four men, all residents of Salem. They are Lt. Comdr. R. Barber, CECR, USNR, senior member; Lt. Ray Webber, CECR, USNR; CWO G. D. Anderson, CECR, USNR, and M. O. Clemens, CEC, USNR. It will be the responsibility of this board to interview, examine and re commend appropriate rates for men of the Salem area applying for enlistment in the Seabee reserve, V-8 (inactive). This bureau functions under the program authorized by the Bu reau of Yards and Docks for en listment ot 7S.000 skilled men In the inactive reserves. All construction men are eligible whether they have had military experience or not. Officers Named For Legion Post Nominated for the position of commander of Salem post No. 136. American Legion at the meeting of that organiza tion this week was Kenneth Potts. Others nominated for office were first vice commander, Wayne Perdue; second vice com mander, Capt. Bert Walker; service officer, Peery Buren; judge advocate, Charles Jens; finance officer, William Letter man; quartermaster, Don Cas tillo, sergeant-at-arms, Richard Irwin; membership officer, O. L. Donaldson, Jr. Nominated for posts on the executive committee were Frank Cross, Carleton Greider, Boyd Babbitt, Ralph Atwood, Glen Harbaugh, Clinton Standish, Earl Abler, Bob Green, Clifton Mudd, George Spaur, Joe De Phillippi, Charles Creighton, Sgt. Lester B. Lent, Howard Kaffun, Elwood Townaend and Joe Matujec. Election of officers will bat held at the next meeting of the post and at this time nomina tions may be made from m floor. After the business session the post held Its second annual spring frolic with approximately 400 members and guests in at tendance. During the evening the Scout troop sponsored by the post was introduced and mem bers of the troop explained the annual scout circus. The boys were introduced by Frank Vltar is, assistant scout master for the troop, who was introduced by the Scout Chairman Earl Ahlers. Permits Granted Permits to haul logs have been granted by the county court to Ralph E. Mollet, route 1, Sublimity, and Carl Jones, Silverton. Plat Submitted A. M. and Sylvia Tone have submitted to the county court for approval R. M. Tone Subdivision cover ing 21 tracts on county road 839 southeast of Salem. Included in the tracts are dedications for Hillrnse and Sunland streets and 'Sylvia avenue. right rabil Sfm'i SmoM