CIJtBSlFIED ADVEETUIKOl Pet Lint ... .....IN Per Lint tlmw 40e -Pt Line 4 llmfj 40e Line 1 month 13 00 Outside of Salem 15 per lint ptt dar. kiln 80e, I timet bdIb 84a timet mlB 11-30 No Refund READERS la Local Newt CeL Oalri Par uh To Placs in Ad Phone Z-2406 I FOR SALE HOUSES Y OWNER: 1 bdrm. A aeauly. Hardwood floor. fireplace, automatic Ml ht. Attached plastered garage. Located among all new home. Musi bt ta ti bo appreciated. PA. 22904 avenlaa oi IS M daytime. tl02' Fl(iKlND DIST. HOMI OKI No Onmffl I 1 B H., Iirepiaee, bihwdi. - aire yard. well landscaped. : :Goodwin & McMiinn REALTORS PV 34707 M Court It. 37281 . 14771 HOI LARGE HOUSE with fireplace and oil furnae, wits 10 eere ia inm. r boa line. Bt. 4. bos 101, oa Old Pat hlway South. 1M Multiple Listing MODERN FAMILY HOME irk living rm., din. tm, 2 bdrmt., hdd. fir , utU. room. Youngstown kit chen. Low ct Bonnvlll elec. ht Inaul. and weatherat ripped. Price 19 000 13.000 thould handle. 1374 Third St. HOLLYWOOD I bdrm. brn. full bailment. Fireplace. Lt Ho. Bus. poatibllity. 1 dra. from Wlllamett Valley bank. 1 10. 100. 1910 Fairgrounds Rd. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS Jill Bdiawatar - Day or Ira. Fh. I-51M - BY OWNER $10,750 10 down. 10 FHA. Payment 155 Include Interest and prln tipal. Two bedroom, targ living room and dinette. Kitchen with nook. Electric heat weatherahlpped and inaulated. Heat-o-later fire place. Be at 1310 N Hth, then call 24850. all I BDRM. 1IM. by owner. Owner moving to the East. Muat aril. Furn. or unfurn. See at 1751 N. Front. alOO FOR KALE BY OWNER, nicely furnUhed 3 BR home, 8 minute walk down town Halem. Will take trailer house part pymt. Call 2-5501. tl00 $10,500 I rm. new modern home. Just ouUid eity limit. View. Oil heat. Large lot. CHAS HUDKINS & SON 0 N. Hlah Ph. 14119. alOO' O T. HOME. A tortd on. 4 bedroom. Hardwood floor. 11000 down. 152 per ano. Hove right in. F. H. Weir REALTOR 1147 . Commercial Ph. 11411. alOO' sixRf. HOME In aood location. Nice wi rm mil in aood condition, also a good garage. Lge. corner lot. Walka and street pnvro. noom iui house. Prlc 6500. APARTMENT BUILDING. Completely furn I apt. A safe Investment with food In aome Prlc 135.000. IX RM. HOUSE In choice dit. All furn 3-cararaxe. Le. lot with many shrub At tree. A food buy at 18300. Eaay term J. F. ULRICH, REALTOR frwK Unfinished 3 bedrm. home with semi-basement. Insulation In, living quarters In tha aarage. ' Call Ivan Blver. Ph. 33149. v. 17013 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 980 6. Commercial alOl Home & Income 1 lge. 7 rm. hse. At 1 4-rm. ha, on 1 lots. Dbla. garage. Immed. poa. 14000. Terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Otflc Ph. 1-3592. Evea. 3-3147 or 2-8838 alOO sVtnn HOME A INCOME K., Bdrm., It. rm. At utility down, l rm. apartment UP, aome furnltur goes. Term. Call Ivan Slvera, Ph. 33149. v. 17013 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 ft. Commercial alOl Best Buvs NEW DUPLEX Tery well arranged, electric heat, hard " vrood floor, 1 car aarage. Income 8190 per month. 1 acr lot. Owner leaving tat, Total price 118.750. Term ar ranged. Prlc Include 2 bedroom houa beside duplex. Sea titla one. ;. 3 Bedroom, $7000 Otder tPt horn In eholc location. Full baement. Lara Int. Will trad for suburban propertv of equal value. . $8500: Total Price Almost new t-bed room homa. Very neat Attached garage. Close to bus. Extra lint lot. Revcrat laraa walnut tree. -Well worth the money. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member of Multiple Listing Bureau 90)0 Portland Rd. Ph 11 130, 3-4596 Eve 30471 - 13559. a 100 OWNER MOVING TO COUNTRY rV. clean, all modern. 1 bedroom bun galow. Close to bus Aj school. Ie. gar " and workroom. Prica 15350. Call Bon WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS 1311 SMgewater. Day or Eva. Ph. 3-8109 RrtUTItTL Sr.W view home, bv owner. Iae realtor' rommwinn. Will sell a aarrlflce. 113.500 Ph. 35311. alOO aavnt Three bedrm. home on paved 8t la nice duurlrt. It. lv. rm , fireplace, Jd. floora, bsmt., furnace, newly de corated. Call Geo. Waltera. Ph. 11149 eve 35340 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 90 S. Commercial aim FOR fcAI-E or ex. for home aub. Port land. I rm. mod. home . att. f araae. atito. H.W. heater, fireplace. V blind. Fl. furnace, fl. Ht la, at. yard. Ml Edina Idine. Ph. 2-3393. 10l HEW 8-RM. HOUSE being completed, ell heat, hardwood floora, on bin line. Pri vate builder Ai owner. 17950.00. Ph s-1481 day. 1-lMi av. a 101 fr OWNER Small ha. to ba moved Rt. 9. Pox 705, corner of Sttnnyview Hollywood Dr. al01 kVr0 W N T. R lac raTV bdrmA7ti nf In Upstair. Att, gar. Small barn. Berries, fruit, flowers ahrubbery. 1B40 Lan- atar. alfiO fin. on Beautiful new 1 bedrm. rambling renoh trpa home, larta llv. R . Dining - R . kitchen, nook. Itwd. flra , fireplace. all furnace. Oood loan value. Be omer Huff. aaaaa Wear Fnalewood achool, nice cleai 4 bedrm. bath up, I loom, baih down fin bamt . furnace A perfect aetup for am. rental a income. Will eonaider mailer hom a trad In. Be Omer Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor - FT! JB271 B R. and den. dbla, plumb fireplace, basement, dole, gar., near Hi and Par run chi. tt aa J R n and den doa n. upatalri floored. B.emeni, fur Prett yd . pond fireplace, tt)l. gar., Bouth. Call Hanai Iliiff Real Estate Co. Realtors 141 Chemekeia St PVi. 393T1 Ere 35091 a191 ir"OWNrR"r'iyear IdhoiiseT'eeeel gwtdlllon. anew 19 950. I RR. hdwd w fir.. We la eiec heal, fireptac. gar aie. an Lot 20. Fit A term. lMt Vuia P:ione l-af 10 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSE Best Buys To-Day 4 bdrm. Home, 41x10 M. Mwhland Ave. 11500. I bdrm Home, So. Ootnaa'L St. Business Zona f adran New Horn, H.W. floors. Oarag 14500. Laraa House down towa Salem t apu. Inoom aver till Mo. Full pnee 1 11.500. L. E. KLUMPP Real Estate DUPLEX New unocaupied. 1 bodrooma each. Small down payment. FHA, term Owner. 4W S. 30th. a 103' 914,500 Oood aolid pre-war bona an N 30th St, 1 at. bodrma. At child rm. with bullt-ln bunk, dining rm.. fireplace, bwd. floor, bant, awdut furnaee. lovely back yd. at garden apot, near high school A; Englewood grade achool Call Geo. Walter. Ph. 2SI49. av. 25240 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 040 Commercial a 141 W ILL TAKE a hom oaTtrad up to 1100 on a 4 unit court apt. Ph. 10031. alOl 1J.4M DOWN. I room home. Fl:eplace. easement, sawdust heat. Attached gar aae. 50x100 lot. Located close to bus Una on paved St. Full prlee 14950. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 16S S. High St. Fhone 34131 Eves 25304 a 103 OWNER WILL ACCEPT late model car aa part payment on this new 2 bdrm. homa wltn bath, nice sued living room, combination dining room and kitcnen, breakfast nook, automatic oil floor fur nae, attached garage. Clo to bus line and school. 18250. This hom Is very well built. Is plastered and ha pecan floors, fireplace, auto matic heat. 2 bedroom bath, living room dinette, kitcnen, garage. 18950. P. H. Bell, Realtor 141 OH EM EK ETA STREET Ph. 21541, 1-4894. Evea. 1-7685. 2-6088. 3-8508. alOl BY OWNER, Older type I rm. cottage. Basement, lae. lot, lots of tree ft shrubs. Next to Bush a Park. W. U Good. 140 S. 17th. a 100 8H.4AO Near 3 Br. home located east. Ha HW floor, auto oil floor furnace. At tached garage. 1139 aq. ft. floor apace. Lot 11x154. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 142 S. High St. Phone 34121 Evea 25204 alOJ- ARE YOU LOOKING? For 31 A. approi. ml. from Salem. Large 4 bdrm. home. Located In love ly setting. Crek, family orchard. 7 A. strawberries St eane berrirs. Barn, chirk en hse. 3 oar aerate. Hse. has llv. rm., dm. rm., break. N., double plumb ing. We will honestly ear thla place needs soma work to be dona but for 111,000 vou cannot beat It. C. W. Reeve, Realtor THIft NICE 2 B R. home at 1510 Cherry Av. with 1' acre, lined Inside with sheet rock, 18x30 aaraae, 12000.00 cash will handle, bat. term Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS $350 DOWN! and 138 per month. 4 room and bath, not completely finished but liv able, wired for ranae, lire lot. good bus service, full price 13,750 and II. 975. $1,000 DOWN! 1 briroom hom located northraat. hardwood floors, attached garae, close to btts. Also many other on theae term. North. East or South, Inquire today! Reimann for Real Estate Pih. 3-9308 301 South High Street Sun. As Evt. 1-1711, 2-8341, 1-3344, 3-5905 aioo wt.Jltfl This unfln. homa 1 liveable. Ha lot 100x180. Localed 4-Corner Dlt Oarden In. call O V Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS IBS S High St. Fhone 34111 Evea 35308 alOJ 9 BDRM. HOME lust finished. 940 ft. on 1 fl., la. llv. din. rm.. 75x150 lot. new homa dial . near ocean Aj at ore. 15350 or furnUhed 18450. W. Chlev llih A Thorpe. Delake. Ore. a 105 DUPLEX IIS. 500. New Modern Duplex rlose In 3-Br each. Electric heat. Immediate PoAetnn FHA. commitment. This la a wonderful buy for someone. Call Siarlev Brown Kith STATE FINANCE CO. REALTOR 141 S. High St. Phone 34131 Eves. 33541 a 103 MOrtERN'HOME bv ow ne r.lg "lot7"x 150 Sacrifice for quick sale 15950. Immed possession. 998 Locust. a 102 t LOT. North, good location, cheap. 780 . Church. Ph. 39301. a 100 BY OWNER Worth looking gt. S A. I rm house, attic, buillin. shower, etc. Price 91800 00 Pe Mr. Roth. R10 Noi man Ate.. 4 blk east ot State Hospital a 105 1. anclean modern 2-Br. home. 8 yrs. o:d. I-aree tot 70x135. Close in North Hardwood floora. Fireplace. Auto oil furnace Basement. Attached garaae CaM 8:anlev Rroan with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 151 S Huh At Fhone 34!3t Eves 15M1 B103 RY OWNER 3 bedroom home larae riming ' room kitchen with nook fireplace. hod fioora attractive bth. wardrobe clos et, larae israie, ' acre aood a torn soil lth sutne f nil' rrrr iJ bu soil with aonte fruit tree. On bn.o line north. 811,000. FHA term. Pit 37371, a 101' For Thrifty Buyers T-et us show you I lie welt built hoti. at 415 South I3rd street There La a base ment with furnace and trah burner, ont bedroom. LR. PH. kitchen, nook and bath on ground floor and two up atilrs bedrooms: verv nice yard with liehta and outdoor fireplace, also fish pond Priced at 18350 Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 14 N H'alt St ph. 17540 4ll 111 9"FftRNlSHrri Close to Catholic ach Aj Hollvwood Neat clean 1 BR home Nice lot 8010. Pd. at. Onod loan Blue 11000. HOILYWOOD DIRT. Hard to beat thla buy. Has 3 apt , aep ent Full bmt . r-'I ht 1105 mo. in come pi'ui 2 la. DR llv. rm . dm. rm kit . nook for owner Nice outside f Place. Tltia la not Jut an old ahack made ever, am a aood home. Will eon a or trade for close in acreage. Fhone tee so ED LURtNREa.1 REL ESTATE 440 N 14Ut Si. alOl FOR ltll"oi RENT: 3 bed room house. On Saeale road. Robert Fryrear, Rt. 4 bos ii. Pa'em alOJ TODAY'S REST BUY Three bedroom fireplace, full baae menl. furnace, elec veier healer. :re for ranae hardwood floora d"n. ven etiaa blinds Lane let 50104 Win coul ask for anyttone more Yes. Iher i a aerate eW inspect it th-i make vnur proposal to buy It. Tnt pne la 109 Salem Realty Co. REALTORS Journal Want Ads Pay 1 OHMART & CALABA, Realtors NEEDEDft TIME AND ELBOW OREASX To work ovar this older atyl 3 bedroom home th location Is excellent (144 I. Wilson St.t iha lot la large. It's vacant. 11504 down will put you to work. LOTS OF BEDROOMS 8 In all, 3 down and I up, plenty for the largest family. Frlct ia only 44954). Let Show you thru. CLOeJE TO SCHOOL Hi and Jr. Hi within on block, thla home has Just been redecorated. It's vacant and you can move right In. Ha 3 bedrooms and vnfinUned upataira, basement and furnace, fireplace. A good buy for 19150. IF I WERE BUYINO A HOME I would lixe this en BECAUSE If tr the Englewood school district, has a lovely landscaped yard, has a full basement with wdut furnace, a Hie kitcnen and bath. 2 good bedrooms plus living room and dining room and garage. Tna price 1 113,009. APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP All this for 110.500 3 blocks north of ettv center, business aone. 4 apartment. 1124 a month income. IIOOO down will handle. Check this soon. It won't last long. 4 ACRES 3 BEDROOM HOME A dandy act up near Keiier, baa a good 3 bedroom homa with part basement and double aaraae. good barn and entckea house, walnuts, fruit at berries. Can bt subdivided. All for only 112.000. FARM SPECIAL 10 acres with good remodeled home. Lights, water and bath. 38x82 barn and poultry house. All under cultivation. If you are looking for a good littlt farm tbia la It for only 47500. I.EE OHMART & 477 Court St. Eve. Fh. 3-8061 - 3-5994 BLDG. LOTS NO. 2 ZONE 50x134 ft. each, paved at , alley, but In front, close to schools. A Teal bur at 9900 each. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorat. MANBRIN GARDENS Owner leaving city At must sell thla strictly modern 4 rm. home with utility rm., 2 nice bdrm., llv. At d:n. rm. carpeted, all lg. rm.. garage attached, nice yard. Ite. lot. Price tl 1.500. Call O. H. Orabenhorst. Jr. MUST BE SOLD Owner leaving town, muat sell 1 bdrm. hom at 1807 Hazel, llv. rm- din. rm . kitchen, nook, full basmt., fireplace, fenced back yard. Make us an offer. Call Peter Oelser. EVENING DRIVE BY Look at thla fine 3 bdrm. hom high on King wood Heights at 995 Terrace Drive. Overlooks the Capital dome and city. Beautiful lot, dble. garage, full basmt., fire place, etc. Call Roy Ferrl. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS i Sunday call Peter Oeiser Earl West Roy Ferris FOR SALE HOUSES MUST SELL! Bought acreage. Will accept S1UO0 dwn Good 4 rm. nou.te. Lee. corn, lot So. Summer 14000 full price STROUT REALTY 459 8. 12thSt. Pli. 25321. tl01 BARGAIN HUNTERS Come touth on 99E to the 99 Cafe, turn right up Ewald Ave. to first si. left iWilty Ave.) for a block; any evening 4 to 8. and Inspect two ot the finest new ranch atyl FHA built two bdrm. homes on the market today. At about S3. 000 below market price. Do It now. Tomorrow ma be too la'e. aloS" FOR SALE LOTS FTftHKR ROAD Nice Ea. frant bide. alt. 85x388, 1st lot N. oi Sunnvview. rn. 3-CS35, Walt Socolofsky, Real Estate. aalOS LOT BOxloa. 1 blk. from Capitol on Mc Coy. Ph. J8463. a a 101 $1500 Lot 75x179 In Keiier. New garage. Sep tic tank. This ts a buy. CHAS HUDKINS & SON 150 N. Hlah Ph. 24139. aalOO NICE CHOICE lot. 3 big walnut tr a. Street at aiaewaigg in. tivuu. aim v Let St "100 VIEW LOT ft, BOO blk.. Vista Av. WOOD ED LOTS. BOD D1K., KaiCUII UT. nt etricted. city viler. Ph. 1-4384 aa LOT ISiMO. Within City limit. Small barn on rear of lot. 1810 So. 13th Bt. Phone 2-0390. Call after 8:00 p.m. aalOO, FOR SALE FARMS 910,000199 acrea hill farm, good fences lovely building aite, oesi view in val ley. Call Rav DavU Ph. 23849. eve. 38458 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial bioi 10 ACRE FARM 2 bedroom home 3 year old. Full basement, electric throuahout. Small bam. poultry nouse, 5 A. In cultivation failure. Som timber. Fenced. Oood aotl. A good place for 112.500. Terms. RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. 34884 Eve ph. 38011. 3-7138. 2-5757 blOl 72ares7north 7 rm. house, electric. 30 stanchion barn, poultry houses, plentv of shed. All under cultivation. 150 head of chick ens. 230 small chicken. Berries, pas ture, aome stOik. Place can be bouam without equipment for 114.000. Will trade for smaller farm. RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. 34884 Eve. ph. 38011. 3-7138. 3-5751 blOl 33 ACRES All exce.lent unit and good drain 18 acres in cultivation and the balance In timber pasture. The house ts old but la quite livable. Barn ha concrete floor. Just 14 mile from Salem on Ped road This u a real batgain at only 19,000 00. Dunn Realty Exeh. 984 N. Pacific Hwy 99E Woodburn Pit. Main 139 Oretnn bioo 26 ACRES 20 In cultivation 3 irrigating ponds with Irrigation equlptnen'. 7 room home furnished, tnrludlna elect, range. Ex cellent chicken house with brooder sioes. good barn. Everything for onlv 110000. No. 854 31 ACRES! with Irritation rliht. 10 acres rirh bottom land In hops. 4 acres of well kept producing borenbtries. good 7 room home tMrn hut hoiiA. double aarate. On It 113000 No. 845 Reimann for Real Estate Ph 1-9J0J 301 SotiCi 11 th -ieet Sun. t Eve. 3-3739. 2-tl, 2-2J48. 3 :.0.s b'.OO 10 ACRES Modern 9 rm house. Several out bldaa 9 acres, berries.. l, acre t'r a rove Worth th monry. Total price 18400, 40 ACRES Modern T rm house, Very eloie to achool and town. All crops to go. Rev eral aood oiitoulldtna. Total price 15 ono Term arranaed. Call for Mr, Leaven. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member of Multiple Listing Bureau 3015 Portland Road Fh. 9-7910, 1-4594. Eve. 1-9401, 1-1558 hioo1 FORSALl ACREAGE SEVEN ACRES It acrea strawberries, ft raspberries ' acre botseiiberrtes: three bedroon houe. barn, ptviltry house, pressure water system 100. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N Hith S-. Fh 37984 tblOl " I4750-f" ACRES All wooded wonderful Mew Just the place to hde eaay. te. 1 rm house At hov liaoo RW. wir. ytm. 4 ail south. Ph Io ED. LUK1NREAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th Si bbltl1 Itl acres good soil, wonderful emidinaa, beautiful view, aiiasian well Cell Ra Dai. Ph. 1)119 t. lltM Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 99 S Commerce'. bblOl' tee Ten acre pruna at peara. aew ant bdrm home, aood view, close in on ea road Cell ban S--e-s. Ph. HM i 37013 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 4 , Canmium haltl RUDY CALABA Phone 1-4111-4 0 8-SM3 . 1-1779 - 3-9539 alOO Ph. 2-2471 v 1-9981 - 2-1232 - 3-8010 el00 FOR SALE ACREAGE 256 ACRES Few miles out. Fine for atock or div er! fled farming. On a main highway. 4 acres of pears, 4 In cherries. The rest In grain. Good 4 bdrm. home with base ment. 3 barns. Chicken houses. All fenced Ac cross fenced. Some sprints. Full price 135.000. Might consider 3 BR home in Salem. Ph. 3-3389. General Real Estate Co. 355 Center St. Fh. 3-3389. bblOO ACRES Close to city bug and school. Large older 7 rm. home. Grand view. All In fruit. 2 wells. Barn and chicken nouac. Full price 17,000. General Real Estate Co. 155 Center Fh. 1-1289. bblOO x.oon This 30 acres la located about t mtlea 6.W. or Salem. About In tim ber with year around stream. Bal. In cultivation. Part in orchard. Call O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 143 S. High St. Fhone 14131 Evea. 35208 bbl03- READ THIS 13350. 30 A. Three rm. hse. Small barn. Fenced A cross fenced. Creek. Good inring. Elec. W. system. Family or- 'c. W. Reeve, Realtor Silverton Road Not far out. 1 gcre at good 4-rm. modern hse. Lae. well-made barn 4c other bldas. 185(10 Middle Grove Dist. New 3 BR home, l'i acre. 2 new poul try tines. Brooder hse. S8750. O. I. loan on thi. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St. Office Fh. 2-3882. Eves. 3-2147 or 2-8858 bbioo I CLE. RED ACREA, 8 miles out on high way VIE. Cash or terms. Phone 3-4289 or 3-8388 bblOl TRADE OR SELL equity In modern tour rooms, two cre for aood trailer or good car. Two miles west of nerval on oil road. Routt No. 1. Mra. Harold ftlRlr bblOO REAL ESTATE HOMKSFEKFRS AGENCY SPECIALS 7 room and bath, good roof, good paint. Nice and clean in aide. Some furnishings. 2 large lota. Edge of City. $4. 300, $500 down, $50 per mo. 1 acre. All cultivated. 3 year old house. 4 room, modern. Cement foundation. Double constructed. Hardwood floora. Electric heat. House com pletely furnished, including new 9 foot Frigidaire. Elec tric range, etc. A beauty of a place 6500 20 acre farm with 7 room modern home and full set of buildings. To trade on city home or 1 acre close in. Give or take difference, 2(1 acres. 20 acres cultivated Substantial 7 room modern Full basement. Wired for range. Furnace heat. Good barn, etc. Water for Irriga tion. Irrlaation eauioment. Some household furnishings and eauipment go. About 2 miles out $10,000 200 acres. About 80 cultivat ed. 8 room hom. Full set buildings. Several strong springs. A buv at $12,000 w h,v m,n ,th.r luimm. Com, In tiMl 1,1 u. knitw whil you vtnt. Writ, for tr4 Ml, lut. HOMKSEEKERS AGENCY SILVERTON, OREGON Look Careful Buyer? una easn tl4 month. Laraa bldg. lei South Elec. Water 1104 CASH. If4 MONTH 18x10 foundation lumber ta build. Tret FJec Water. Near 91 couth. Prt I1L0J. 754 FT. FRONT AO t 91 ft mile Sam 1 acr berries. $2500 and I4O0 easM 9 ACRES 11444 II milea Salem Liable bouat Other btdte. Tree P nt ci 9' ACRES NORTH eat of toll. Some b-di Faviai. Price era ith. Priced at 100 with 11704 vaan E. M. Hunter Real Es tate 174 S. Ceaa. 147 aitt Near Englewood School N.vor bfore of!.r,d for Hi,, thl fin, S B R. (oil on on, noor) hom,. Ovr tn.lvc hundr.4 huii fMt of Uvabiltty. wltn H.W. nr., clreulittni flrtplac, Phllln pin, mkhoi.ny trim L R.. nuttful kuenin 4in,u,, iniio utiuti coolf r room. lniuUI.4. Thu hom, U In top condition tniid, and out. on a lara, eornr lot vlt ntautlful lawn, ahruha, flowtrj aardrn, autlt In '41 ilb A-l matenala. It'a pr,Mc: rlaht at lll.Mf, THA unna If you dfilr. Pl,aa,, appointment only. Call Crawford. Unfinished Home 14154. A 3 bdrm. home. In a new dUtriet 4 blocks Or school. City but I bl. Mort gage 12300 gt 4 payablt 130 per mo. $2150 will handle and will take car tn an payment. Johnson. Exchange A t bdrm. home with titra lot, priced at 14704 with mortgata of 12100 ta ax- BURT PICHA, REALTORS 378 N. High St. the. call' Crawford 1-5390 REAL ESTATE EXCLUSIVE Zone 3 BELLE VUE & S. LIBERTY Lot approximately 40x100 with good home. 4 rms. and bath on first floor. 4 rm. apartment up with outside ent rance. Full basement. Thl ia Ideal rental property. It la only four blocs from State Sr. Owner will considet a good lot 50x100 ft. close tn part payment. Call Beraland for appointment. ' ART MADSEN REALTY CO. 1128 State St. Ph. 3-6580 Eve. 3-4438. C102 APARTMENT HOUSE Hose In. Good location. 4 apartments up. 1 In baxement. Income 1275 mo. All furniahed. Private baths. Price 115,500. General Real Estate Co. 355 Center Ph. 3-1299. clOO NELSON NEWS N. SIDE HOME 1 bdrm,, TJt. noak. kit., bath, elec wtr. htr. Keiier bus. Finiahed garden At lawn. 18300. GOOD CONTRACTING BUSINESS State wde operation. Oood crew of men. equipment At atock. 140.000 In future contract with more coming. Equipment valued at 118,000 Inventory, approxi mately 130,000. No blue ky Involved. 15 ACRES IMPROVED S9000 All in cultv. 7 c. clover. 4 ac. boysenb.. biackb. Locanb. Ft. orchard. Well with elec. pump. 4 rm. home with bath, toi let don stairs. Barn ft chicken hse. 12 ml. North. If neither of the above meets your needs, tell us what you want and we will tell you where It la. Nelson & Nelson SPECIALIZING ' REALTORS TM N Huh St. Pti 343J. 100- Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS GOOD INVESTMENT: 4 -store building on 99 Highwav Lot 80x150: concrete building, only 3 years old. Income 1205 per mo. Price 125,000. 3 ACRE FARM: Approx. 10 A. ttraw- berries; 2 A. borsenberrlex. 4 A. wheat. All m cultivation. 7 room house. Price 514,000. WELL CONSTRI CTED NEW 5-room home. Beautiful oak floors; fireplace; at tached garage. En le wood District. Price 810,900 F H A. commitment 18000. LEO N. CHILDS. INC., REALTORS 244 State St Phone 2-3842 Evt Ph. 2-4007; 3-4510, or 2-8103. C102- SACRIFICE $6850 An exceptional buy on hi-wav to De troit, restaurant A confectionery, fully a toe Iced, equip. St living quart era. All On arre. An excellent Investment, $9950 FULL PRICE 14 acrea of choice Willamette tilt toll localed In excellent, farming dist.. 14 acres now in crop. 2 hse. on prop erly both rented, good well, live stream, a Place that la priced right, 13.000 will handle. H. E. Corey, Real Estate Bliven & Cooney, Rltrs. IF YOU WANT TREES THIS IS IT A fine 2 bedroom home only 2 years old. Repainted 1948. Floor oil furnace, with 22 fruit treea on nearly ' acre east. Insulated. O. I. loan only 141.34 per month. 31 ACRES Willamette atlt. Oood bldaa. North. Real value 811,000. STOP! LOOK' LISTEN! tiJOO down. Balance 144 74 a month Total price only 1875. There Is over 1500 worth of tile work in this fine 3 oedroom home and It la offered at this price for quick tale. Bliven & Cooney, Rltrs. Member of Salem Multiple lasting Bureau 447 N. High Street Fhone 2-3417. Eve. ft Sun. 3-8244. Insurance for Every Need clOO LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS GOOD INVESTMENT: 4 -store bultdi on 99 Hithwav. Lot 80x150: concrete building: only 3 years eld. Income 1205 per mo. Price 125.000. 5 ACRE FARM: Appro. 1 A. atrtwber- ries: 3 A. bovsenberrtes: 4 A. wheat All tn cultivation. 7-room house. Price 918 000 M.L roXSTRITTED NEW S-room home Beautiful oak floors: f. re place: at; ach ed aaraae. Ene le wood distrirt. Price '10 900. FHA commitment tl 000 LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 34 State St Ph. 2-1441 Eve. Ph. 2-4007: 3-4510 or 2-8103. clOl "ca pTtolaT "district" noon DOWN Well built. 3 BR houa. l'i at ore. floored attic. Larae LR and DR com bination. Large aardrn apace tn back of house. One-half block to ttore tnd bu. Pull price 18 OOO 00 KEIZER DISTRICT 1 5O0 DOWN New I BR home. Electric heat. Attach ed taraer Full price 17.500 EAST ENGLEWOOD 83 200 DOWN r-ew 1 BR house. LR, DR. Nicely ar ranaed k lichen. Fireplace, piped oil r. at. attached aaraae. Full price 111,500. FHA, payment on balance 132.54 per month. Abrams 4 Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bll Ph. 1-8117 Real Estate - Inaurance - Mtge, Loans cl01 VALUE PLUS Ranch ttvle newly built 3 BR home on 77x135 lot. Attractive homes all around. $825. Will carry large loan EXCELLENT TERMS TO RIGHT PARTY 2 RR LR, DR. kitchen and bath P-itl basement Oil piped furnace Fruit. anruM. and lawn Just ft blocks la En tlewood school. 16954. $.500 DOWN. $40 MONTH S A tnd I rooms. 11954. Total price Keiter Out net. Joe Hutchison - Realtor 4ftt Court Rt. Phone 2-1429 a I-47B ar Mr. Cra.g 3-545 Member af the R;em Multiple Uit'.n Rifeai Inc tW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR RFNT to couple full eu p re'. : unfurnished apt. Pa. 11191. be ta. 14 ft 11 a as- aditl Offict 3-3449 a 100 Johnson 3-7491 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION and repair garaae. Some equipmrnt. 24x50 bldg. Well lo oted on Hwy. Price 25,000 plus Inven tory. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 152 . High St. Fhone 34121 Evea 25208 cdl02 IN SALEM Established business St lease on large bldg., excellent location. Sale Includes all equipped tavern, restaurant and 30 rm. hotel Bldg. also has 3 other busine-v rentals. Low rent At lease can "9 renewed. Will take a home In trade. This took like a good deal. Come In A talk it over. No phone Information. Bee Kiggtiu BURT PICHA, Realtors 279 N. High Bt cdlOO EXCELLENT BUY! Service atation and grocery Also Greyhound bus atop. Corner location on hi way north, living quarters, land and buildings. 18.500 with 13.500 down. Reimann for Real Estate Ph. 1-9303 201 South High Street Sun. ft Eve. 2-2788, 2-8241, 3-2344, 3-5905 CdlOO' Men's Furnishing Store Located in good district. 12.000 plus atock at inventory. Will consider late model car In trade. See JOHN H. HANSEN REALTOR Ph. 1-7819. 3-4522. 1991 Vrgrolind Rd edl03 $1000 Cash, $50 Month Large 10 rm. house north Salem, bus at ooor good opportunity for roomer or apartments. 18750 12000 CASH. 84500 8 apartments furnished. 1 acre good toll. Needs some repairs. Located In In dependence. E. M. Hunter, Real Estate 770 S. Com. TAVERN, card license, ahuffleboard, punch boards. Cleared 11500 per mo. 1948. Long lease, 114.000. Have otner Interests reason for telling. Wilbur Denny. Rockaway. Ore. cdl04 GROCERY STORE A going business, a good location. Lease 185 per month. Owner leaving town. Will take a car In on tha deal. Stock at Inventory RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. 24884 Eve. Ph. 34011. 3-7113. 2-87S7 edlOl ARE YOU looking for a b'lalness? We have several good ones listed. Groceries, Apt. Courts. Service Stations, Taverns. Come In and talk It over. Ask for Leo Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. RESTAURANT doing good bmilnesa. Main thoroughfare. Corner location. Complete ly equipped. Walk In cooler. For com plete Information tee Mr. Byrklt, 3425 Portland Road. No phone calls. cdlOO R 1ST AURA NT LOCATED ON 99E N Includes aome equipment St lease. ISO mo full prica IIOOO. Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors BEf-R TAVERN and Restaurant for tale. l'a mile east of Gates. Maple Cafe. Or write C. L. Anders. Oates. Ore. cdlOO WANTED REAL ESTATE Nelson Wants Land A California client wanti 1 000 or more acres of foothill land. Slump ft snags on aome will be O.K. Muat have all year live wa;er. Nelson & Nelson SPECIALIZING REALTORS 702 N. Hlah Phone 3-4522. ralOi WE NEED YODR LI8TINO Our loan loan dept can close your deal Chas. Hudkins & Son 250 N Hii cal!2' WE ARE In need of good bouses to sell In or near Salem If yon wish to I your property for aale aee CRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 22471 c NOTICE! If your property It for tale. rent or exchange Hat It with ua Wr have all kinds of cash buvera STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S H'th St ea F U RNITURE FO R SA L I DAVENO $10. 3 occasional chairs 14 ea Solid oak blond modern kitchen suite 130. 4 piece maple bedroom auitt 157. Good condition and aood values. Rear door 1367 N. Winter St. arter ft pm dlOJ DAVENO " A CHAIR. A-l eond. 845. 9 cu. ft Phllco ref. 1315. Mutt sell. 1342 Wal ler after 5 p.m. dl05 HOLLYWOOD double bed complete. Ivory leatherette head board. Breakfast t M0 Ph. 2-8.VV1 alter 5:30 p.m. dlOJ' DAVENO aood i 1-4597. A CH4IR 849.00. Antique hard lapie bedroom aet 179.00. Ph. dlOl LOWEST OVERHEAD LOWEST PRICES Lovely modern aolid cascade oak 4 pc. bedroom uite consisting of roomy chest, vanlt with landscape plate mirror, van It. bench and full aire bed. Guaranteed const. Reg 1149.50. A aentatlonal buy at 19945. Only 120 down. $2 a week Free delivery, H. & H. Furniture Co. H50 Fairgrounds Rd Phone 1-379 d WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at W oodry A vie Hon Market. Ph. 1 - 8110 d a Ft'ttS, ft Households Fh. 1-55U. da AUCTIONS FI RNITI RE AI CTION TONIOHT 7 pm Lane Sudtells Auction Sale Yard, lo cated l't miles East of Fairgrounds on ! vert on Fd Ph 1-4098 ddlOO RABBITS PETS TOt DOG Does he abeyt I be well cared far wtien you leave hlml LeGray Kennel. Rit. 1. Fh 1-118 eel 14" rHOICE Canary Birds 160 N. 18th erl87 FUEL if wood Old and Second Orowtb Fh? . 2 Unit Load Delivered to Salem 31140 For ardr pleas ca't collect Independence 41 Independence UntWr ft Manufartunig Com pa .it ladapeadenca. Orate. a 144 fOR SALE Clean Sawduat No bark Pick Up and Haul at 1100 per Unit Call Independence 43 for Delivered Price eelOO' TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh rut sawduat. Prompt delivery. Ph. 37442. W give S ft H Green Stamp. Orern 14 in. mill wood. GOOD SLAB, dry or green. Oreen tdglng 15 50 a load. Double load 110 00. Oood clean aawdutt. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5511. ee!21" West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN. ' DRY OR OREEN SLAB WOOD DRT PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 14-D CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OtX Phone Salem 1-4011 Ala pick up wood at 1528 tdwtr St W Salem ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oil. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 1-4444 FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS all popular varieties, In cluding Leghorns. Hampahlrea, Par mentcr. Austra-Whiles and other Phon 2-2881 or write today for Lee Baby Chick Chat containing free poul try Information. Lee Hatchery F. O. Bof 725. Salem. Oreon. f" PRODUCE RHI BARB picked dally Sc per lb. Coun try eagj, beddma plants, tomatoes ft cabbage. Green Apple Mkt., 2 ml. on 99E. ff!04 HELP WANTED BEAUTY OPERATOR New modern ahop Lease booth apace If you desire. For Info, write Mrs. C. Gross, Box 155. Sweet Home. Ore glOO HELP WANTED MALE EXP. TRt'CK DRIVER. Must have knowl edge of building materials. Apply 10 to 12 a. m. or 2 to 4 p. m. 2460 State St. galOl HELP WANTED FEMALE STENO-BKPR 1185 T Y PIST-BK PR II 50 TYPIST-CLERK 1150 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 160 State Bt. Ph. 2-1488. gblOO- WOMAN for llaht house work and com panion. C. S. preferred. Ph. J-812S. tblOO TEACHERS Earn from $75 to 3100 weekly commla aion during Summer vacation repre senting elementary and grade school reference work: Encyclopaedia Britan nic. Jr. Write R. H. Rented, 1220 S.W. Morrison, Rm. 429, Portland ft, Oregon. gblOS PRIMARY TEACHER for 1st ft 2nd trade I next yr. Some musical ability prefer. 1 Pleaxant surroundings. Good salary. Ap ply to Eva Bates. Hbo Ore gblOl EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 380 Stare St Ph 3-1418 gf WANTED SALESMAN CANADA DRY NEFDft an alert, lntelliaent, neat-appearina and agtresslve young man. 25-20. to take charge of advertising, mer chandialng and selling their bev erages in Salem and surround ing territories on already-established route. Salary, commission, car allowance and mileage. Appli cant must live in Salem and have aood background. Call for ap pointment. Monte Bass. EA 1159. Portland, Or. gglOl SALESMAN with car to aervlce established wholesale route. Salem territory, 1 day a week 'not Saturday). Comm. possi bilities unlimited. Write Box 380, Capi tal Journal. gglOl Simw PER MO. If you will work to build It. Repeat products. Car necessary. Write H65, Cepltal Journal. gglOl WANTED POSITIONS LANDSCAPE service, garden plowln. tree topping Ben Brown, Phone 2-0004 eve. hl05 NEW LAWNS Pruning Rototilllng, Landscaping, tree work Richard Boyer. Ph. 2-8110. h.1331 POK'S mimeographing, typing aervlce. prompt service, quality work, lower prices. 469 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643 hl28' JOI'RNEYMAN PAINTER by hour or con tract. Guaranteed work. Reference Reasonable. Ph. 2-2843. hl04 WILL CARE for children In my home from 3 30 till late evening. 425 N. 17th hlOl HOt'SEWORK and cleaning by the hour Phone 29901. hlOl I FAINTING. Plaster Repair. Small Jobs taken. Reas. Ph. 2-6578 hlOO 1'TO painting ft body works, 125 ft up T-me payment accepted Ph, 19940. h!02' HAND FINISHED draoes made to order in our home. Your material. Ph. 3-3632 mi hlOl" CEMENT WORK. Sidewalks, driveways patiov floors, etc. Ph. 2-4850. H112 CARPENTER WORK. New. repair, remodel or odd tob. Work reliable. Ph. 22348 hioo LET 1'S do your cement work NOW. Drive way, sidewalks, patio, etc. Ph. 2-4412 hill Painting & Decorating Chaplin, 20 it, expr. Ph. 8-7552. hill ROTOTILLER work. 1980 S. High. 30594 hllS PLOWING ft Discing. Pb. 31140 338?$. bll3 INTFRIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 1-6794. hill' BABY MTTINQ. PH. 20580. hi I: TREE WORK topping, trimming, remov Ing Injured operator. John Payne 2-6014. 248 S. Church. hill C'RE FOR CHII.DRFN to my home. 183 18th Ph. 2-6S;6 M09 DRESSMAKING and alteration Ph I-T904 nUO TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. In op. Work guar. W H Mc Allister 840 Trade Ph 2-1494 nl07 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK chimney building Ph. 1-4189 Free estimate hl07 GARDENING of all kinds, alt lawns put lnPh. 1-1443 hi 03 LAWNS, prepared and aeeded. garden owed Light tractor an rubber, dorer disc etc Ph. 28127 Duane Wolcott. hl2 FOE'S mimeographing, typing aervlce prompt service, quality work, lowet price 849 N 14th Fh 3-1643 h!4I TE1EPHO C 4.LLS TAKEN 34-hr. er. vice Former phon op. Ph. 1-5073. hi 00 LANDSCAPING Rototii.tng New tawna. tree wor'i R chard Bor P.-. 2-8110 h'.3 SaW FiriNnT14'4Cer7teV7CPaT"2"j4fl far pic t-up and delivery. fclftS 1.1 n i ki jit int D. E. liaranau. rn. iuu naai rwrgi school. h 104 A I ' TO PAINTING Just a ahede better by Ray Etter. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-1101. EDUCATION EDUCATION I Job Insurance. Write or call tor iree raiatog oa v o. courses. Don McNeill, International Cor respondence School. 1553 State, Salem. Phone 34330. G.l. Approved. hh!03 FOR RENT ROOMS WELL" Fl'RN. H. A C. water. Clo In. Men only. 737 center. jw PLEASANT SLEEPING KM. for gentle man. 105P Norway, rn. j,.va- ROOM WELL furn., quite kitchen home privilege, un out una, sn fmrn JklOl 1 KM. AFT. Middle-aged employed lady. 1118 Oak St. J'" NICELY FI'RNISHED sleeping rm. Close In. Woman prei. 42b mo. rerrv. JklOl SLEEPING RMS. for men, double and single. 385 H. 14th. J ' NICE SLEEPING rm. meo. 448 Center St. Rear Woodrow Blfla tZ COMFORTABLE ROOM. Prlv. home. Gen tlemen. Gar. 9B5 ti. summer, rn. . IklOl FURNISHED ROOM with or without gar age. Close to but. 4o spruce, ea. jojsb. jkllft LADY TO atay nltea with elderly lady for use of room. 749 N. Liberty, jgtw FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 RM. FTRN. apt., 2nd fir. 540 Marlon. No children. PH. 3-5QB7. jPioa L'NFVRN. APT., 2 rooms ft bath, ground floor. Adults, laio Maauton. z. CLEAN, nicely furn. apt. suit. 1 or 2 emp. ' girl. 435 N. Winter. JPioo NICELY FTRN. 3 rm. apt. for empl. adults. I5S 00: tingle, 845.00. 495 N. Summer. Jpl05 3-RM. modern furo. cottage. Ph. 26618. JPIU2- UPSTAIRS unfurn. 4 rma. ft bath. In clude! gaa range, oil circulator, auto, water heater. Large ft cheerful with private entrance ft large yard. 858 with utilities paid. Ph. 37977. JplM I'NFI'RN. 3-rm. apartment, $28. SIS S. 32nd St. jpmz' MODERN FI'RX. large 3-rm. apt. 208 Bush St. Ph. 39331, Jpl02 3-RM. COTTAGE. 2663 Portland Rd. Jpl02 SMALL Fl'RN. AFT. for 1 or 3. Clean. 740 N. Church. Ph. 29201. jplOO I RM. APT. Also dandy apace for trailer house. Cheap. 150 Union. Ph. 2-935 1P105 S-ROOM. furn. upstairs apt. 1375 N. commercial. jpioi NICE FI'RNISHED apartment. All electric. 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8706. jpI04" 3 ROOM furn. apt. Prlv. bath, auto gaa range. 1250 . winter street. Jpioi ? RM. APT., automatic hat water, HO a month. Inquire 243 Chemeketa. iplOl LGE. NICELY turn. 3 BR. Act. Bath. perria., prlv. ent. 1775 N. Front. Ph. 20808 or 39037. jpl01s FI'RNISHED APT.. 3 room and kitchen ette. Phone 2-7544. 140 William Ar. JP102 t RM. basement apt. Suitable for empL rple. Close to Capitol. No Drinking. 1209 Court St. Ph. 35925. JplOO Fl'RN. APT. 2 rm. ft kitchenette. Ph. 27546. 140 William Ave JplOO t ft t RM. ft private bath. 633 Ferrv St. JplOO" FURNISHED J bedroom ground floor apt. Nice vara ana garaen space. Fnone 27793 after 4 p.m. Call at 2586 Lee JplOO CLEAN Fl'RN. apt. 3 large rma. vrltn oain ft garaae. automatic neat, reirig. Near State Bldg. Adult onlv. Ph. 3-1789. Jpltw- FOR RENT HOUSES ALL ELECTRIC S-RM. unfurn hse. 1173 4th Bt.. Wefct Balem. Fh. 20986. JmlOO . RM. t'NFTRN. modern hse. 800 N. Madison. Silverton. Ph. 4242. JmlOl S-RM. HSE., 4 mile west of Salem. Ph. 21320 eves. Jml02 LARGE HOUSE, partly or unfurnished. 3 lies weat oi saiem, itw. rn. 4TF21. JmlOO 1 RM. houae, kitchenette and bath. 1178 ebra.ska Ave- .Ph-a'44?- JmlOO" NEW 3 bdrm. home. Att. tar. Bo. end of town. Ph.22104. JmlOO WANTED to rent, warenouae In Salem. Suitable for food dlatrlb. Ph. 3-7111. JmlOl" FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS V DRIVE trucks ears Ph 3-9103 TRUCKS and cart. Smitty'a Clipper Ser vice. Ph 1-9600. Cor. Center ft Church. 1 GROUND FLOOR rooms, eulteble for of fice or stores. State Finance Co., Tf.e phone 34121. t POWER TOOL rental Tor home ft in dustrial use Howatr Broa Pb 3-3848. I BUSINESS KM for rent. H. L. Stiff. 1 GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. J IRONERS by week. Phone 3-4439. ' FLOOR SANDER for rent. Montgomery Ward J TO DO a good Job rent a good floor tend er. We tell everything to complete tha Job. HOWRFR BROS -Ph. 3-3446 J WANTED TORRENT DEPENDABLE settled couple would like care of apt. house or court m exchange for comfortable living quarter. Phone 3-7438. Ja102 WANTED: Furnished apartment suitable frr 3 vnrklng girta. Walking dist. town. Phone 29180. noon hour and after 5. JalOO LOST AND FOUND FOUND-Wrlstwatch. Ph. 3-7972. kl01; MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY S RM L ER DENT I ST Adolph Bid-. tafe A Commercial St. SALEM Phone 1-3311 m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Sinier represen ta' ve. Ph 1-3513 for free pick up and delivery aervlce on all make of ma chines. Free estimate given before work I atarted. Singer Sewing- Machine Co. 130 N ConVl m- BUILDING MATERIAL 'V FI.YWOOD piece 5e gq. ft. Takeyour cr.o:ce. 6 I:te window sash Ideal fnr barn, garage or chicken house. $1.3$. Used glas door complete with hard ware and frames. Used toilet, wash basin, shower cabinet. C. O. Long. 1 anil north of Keiter. Fh. 2-5721. maios ALUMINUM ROOFING, corrugated W'n 4' to 12 . IV crimp 14 x4' ta 12'. Ph. 214.S9. mal02 sTql.EM'S-MOST complete Una of plaster and stucco supplies. FUMILITE BLOCK ft SUPPLY CO. Out Edeewater St. Phone 5443 tnt 14r tea 4sn windows, loo new and used door. 8 004 ft. of used 2x4'. 1 good used Ire bov 1 used wood ft gag range, new ft used wash bowls and toilets. , Madsen Wrecking Co, 1380 Howard ma 164 ALUMINUM WINDOW Butt for tale. Write to w. L, Johnsoa. Cenb. Presort tnt '.at CrnE SIDING, V'alO". limited quan tity, regularly up to tt$ per M. onlv $83 per M at Ketth Brown. Front ft Co irt '. ma (Continued on Page 19)