- HassetrwrnT FFA Trophy Senior Don B t e 1 1 wns warded troohy and a $25 W bond for being the outstanding aericulture student of the year during the parent and ion oro gram held by the Future Far mers of America In the high school auditorium, Tuesday eve ning. The award was presented by C. B. Robins of the Business In surance company. Other awards given were Judged by Gurnee Flesher, dean of boys at the high school, Pete Larson and Charles Fulton, agriculture In structors. Runners-uo were Wayne Johnston and Clay Ram bo. Juniors who received a $2? bond each. Gerald Brog, senior, received a S100 scholarship for being the outstanding agriculture student planning to attend colloge. Other awards were the Sears Guernsey heifer calf chain going to Ron ald Hammack; the Holsteln hei fer chain went to Allen Hahan: Wayne Johnston (first). Bob Gardner (second) and Clay Rambo received honorable men tion. Honorary degrees given to two men who have been of ser vice to the chapter during the past year went to C. L. Harris and Glenn Southwick. FFA letters went to Seniors Ronald Barnick, Dale Cam thers, Donald Curry and Bob Gardner and Juniors Clay Ram bo. Jim Cartright, Bob Bliven. Y and Allen Russell, and Sopho mores Bob Perich, Allen Hahn, Gerald Andresen and Kenneth KPDpenger. Newly-elected officers for the coming year are president Wayne Johnston; vice-president, Ray Girod; secretary, Jim Cart right; treasurer, Don Snyder; reporter, Clay Rambo, and sen tinel, Bob Bliven. Numbers on the entertain ment program included a trick rope act by Don Schmltt, and Wayne Johnston's prize-winning speech of Rattus Rattus. Gerald Brog, president of the FFA, was chairman of the pro gram. Some naval reservists travel as much as 40 miles to attend weekly meetings. I : ; r y;,'y;iinm.j mtai.im .ir"t t' i)JWI t Begonias Discussed For Jefferson Club Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gilmore of Albany were guests of the "Friendly Garden club" which met at City hall and told how to grow tuberous rooted begonias. Mrs. Gilmore illustrated the making of four different corsages which she presented to women in the i Endurance Fliers Sit Down After 1,000 Hour Spectators crowd around the plane of endurance fliers Bill Barris and Dick Riedel Just after they landed at the Fullerton, Calif., airport after spending 1,008 hours and one minute in the air. They established a new endurance record set 10 years ago. The old mark was 759 hours. group and also a potted begonia, and Mrs. Paul Smith. Hostesses The club will take part in the "or the May meeting are Mrs. Darade which will be given at Guy Roland- Mis ,Mary Don parade wnicn win De given ai, Mrs. Art e Harris. the May day program May o. Those joining the club were Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pierce, Mrs. C. M. Cochran, Mrs. Harold Knight Did you read the ads today? Journal Classified. THIS IS OUR BEST... Serve this flavorful natural cheddar to the family and guests at lunches and dinners . . . and in-between times, too, when there's a craving for a bite or two of something really good. NOW AVAILABLE After monthi of aging and mellowing, Rost Valley Cheeie is now ready for you. ASK YOUR GROCER or order Ub. bricks dirert. me Ecire B00KUT& Sew, appealing ways to serve tbeese. Write for your copy now. Pasteurized I Mellowed! it uoiicioui (.neaaartv t " V Mis teWM I 1BiM I MT. ANGIL CO-OP. CREAMERY, Ml. Anatl. Oram PIMM Mnd racip. booklet I AMr.u ' City Mt. Aniil Caaairativa Craimaiy, makara tl Rom Vallay twaat cream birttar J Grocar. OREGON f DEPf.Of ACRICUlf UREl INSPECTED PASSED A 1 MIDGET MARKET Solem's Retail Pocking Plant 351 State St. Inspected Meats Only OREGON F DEPT.Of AORKUlfUREl INSPECTED AND PASSED A 1 STOP - SHOP - AND SAVE Come in look around note our quality and prices you will then understand why PARTICULAR PEOPLE PATRONIZE THE MIDGET Pig Pork Roasts cut, lb. 33c Lean Pork Steak sid Butts lb. 45c Loin Pork Chops Dainty Lean lb. 55c Beef Pot Roasts shoulder cuts lb. 45c Boneless Corn Beef Plate & Brisket lb. 3C BaCOn SQUareS Makes Veqerables a Main Dish lb. 14C Lean Jowl Bacon si.ee and lb. 30c "Flavorized" Hams simPiv mm lb. 53 LlinCheOn MeatS Assorted Delicacies lb. 45C PUre Lard Home Rendered Open Kettle lb. 1 5C WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO Kuraneuronn Approve Budget Albany, April 27 Voters o( the Linn county rural school district have approved by a sub stantial margin the 1949-30 bud get of $976,622, it was deter mined after the ballots cast in the April 18 special election were canvassed at the courthouse. The rural school district board members then voted to levy for 5705.172 above the tax base of S271.4S0 to assure sufficient funds for the school year The election was necessary as the district is otherwise limited to an increase of only 6 per cent above the tax base, according to County School Superintendent J. M. Bennett. Approval for the additional levy resulted when the county snowed 426 lor and 305 against from 8t of the 90 polling dis tricts. Three of the districts unreported, ul tnoTe leporU'd SI were favorable and 29 against by slight margins. The board voted that a bud get of $728.276 48 was needed for the elementary schools. They also decided that $248,345 52 was needed for the high schools Ttie rural school district of Linn county covers all schools except Albany No. 5, Lebanon No, 16 and Sweet Home No. 55. Your prospect is watching the ads. Journal Classified. $$ MONEY $$ FHA w 4H teal Estate Loans Fanr o City Personal l Auti Loans State Finance Co. 153 8. Hi(b St, Lie. S2I '"3J IIP I RE-SurnridalOtaat (HEMORRHOIDS) EECTAl AND COION AILMENTS STOMACH OISOEDEES Treated Without Hospital OparaHoa Man. through Erl.i 10 o.ai. to S p.m. Ev.ningiiMon.,Wad.and Eri.,.nlll I Writ, or call for FREE oatcrlptlv. bookla The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Year N.E, Carnar E. tumtia ond Gran. Ava. Ttlaohona EAft 3918 PorHon. M, Ora. Kecofnise Syrian Government Washington, April 27 . The United States today for mally recognized the new Syrian' government established by a bloodless military coup March 30 Ut6 FORD WAXES, POLISHES AND CLEANERS Quickly rettore loil brilliance and aparkle to your car with thete eaiy-io-opply Ford product!. They're ipecially mod for Ford fln I i h I Work Ilk magic. LIQUID CLEANER POLISHINO WAX POLISH AND CLEANER CHROME CLEANER IODT POLISH FOAM UPHOLSTERY CLEANER FORD LIQUID OLAZE CLEANER FORD LIQUID OLAZE SEALER A complete fin of ford Beauty Aith" Valley Motor Co. FORD SINCE 1915 375 Center I'h. 3-3147 .TIRES MOUNTED, . NO . EXTRA . CHARGE . BUY ALL TIRES ON SEARS EASY TERMS ONLY 10 DOWN Allstate Battery Gooronteod 12 Full Months With Old Battery . . 7,45 Owr kwMt priced Alhtote battery! 39 plate SO ampere hevr capacity. Safety natvtpill venti. Initalt yowrt today! Allstate Battery t..ll ID 11 L -. run iq monrn vjuoratvee W.th Old Battery , . 9.25 Faikad .Ith powar ... 4 plat., lull 90 ompar. hovr copotrty. Noptll 7ou may be r u II mm by constipation and not know itl If you suffer from: Headaches, Dizziness, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Gas, Pimples, Loss of appetite, Loss of sleep beause of constipation. READ EVERY WORD-ACT NOW! For million of men and women, the above symptoms can be Na ture's enterjirncy warnings thai ine body is having difficulty in ridding itself of the intestinal wastes that bum be climinatrtl . . . rcKu bilr nd complcwlr. Mtttr trail know thai ii II ouite fiimbl to be iiott ly ponontd y liultf clicniniiioo. Clinical iciii ihow thai if fou have (uliy c lioiinaiioa. the am toik up in tour "Dpt 2q" i the farce intfttinr where chy a bKOmt pumiicd and ((ntierd by manf authorities poiiooou. The loocr thcte wauci tey in your inimiusi tract, ihr g teater thru ocrc of danjt'r K your tyttrtn. la an maiinttly ihon Icnftth of time, you tan bciome the ktitn ot iI-poiooifuj." Keep inteni. : waites OKiviac out 01 yuur i OK t "'J..""ru7.1U0M', T.k. MARVELAX lo, Ko J.n. 1 -t ec(oliai to tiaiple inurunKWi. II yM n not abioiuicir ptnm end ibnit1 with rewlo. put cha rtkc wdl be fCMfoed us full! 'WW- Take Marvelav tor a moi thorough, healthy c I imi nation, mt. MARVELAX (ottmnt no drug. DO (XII OT laltL MfUl- VELAX ci be Nature's lamout ati-cot atipirtioo food at well as on to and four other mtrt ingredients that soften, tlKkca inmtitul wattes for eatier elin ioatton . . . and gntly "emereist" and condition the important muKles in your aignuve uan. Fred Meyer 148 N. Liberty O vtv r lei TIRE PRICES Reg. 11.45 Sears Extra-Safe CRUSADER Your (Q) AH Old ; Tire U plui tax - 6.00x16 THIS EVENJ. ONLYI .. Compare prices see the savings! Compare quolity see the performance-value! 4-ply ruggedness with smooth-rolling block tread, strong cord body, tough side walls. It's an Economy Sale buy! Size Retf. Price Exchange SAVE 6:50x16 14.10 11.70 2.40 4775x19 1U5 9.40 1.95 5T507l7 125 10.25 2.10 all erleee ! tes Reg. 2.60 ALLSTATE TUBES A value at regular price, now better than ever at the nale reduction, fiuilt to stretch lesn, wear long, fight blowout-hcat. Buy now. 2io Plui Tu :00ll P Allstate Battery Guaranteed lor Full 24 Monthj With Old Baitery 11.95 Hal 43 Cha tat plotat for bartar tfi.it r.r.g. parfMrMnc NoplH Mlaty v.nt. 100 ampar. hoar Mpacirv Super" Battery Alklol.l 30-Monlh CuaianiM. With Old Boitery 15.75 Tkr'r. Jl KaQvy duty plotaa far fajt at.rn, longar Ufa, iwi cor pnaaiaiy mm. Llf.war rwbMr Mpara'art. i 90 .mpar. howr copotrty. Ho r aofaty vanl (apt. Tr.d-I. todcryl SHOP UNTIL 9:00 P.M. EVERY FRIDAY "Sattyzd&K jtuaz&tZeitt n pent money faai 484 State Street Phone 3-9191