On Murder's Skirts By TERRY ADLER ( Chant r 35 Fenton clapped his hands ner vously. "In view of these horri'-le events you're entitled to an explan ation. It's true that I have a key to Professor Hubbard office. On Thursday morning when we were Informed of the death of Profes sor Hubbard, I obtained a key from Mr. Vail, the Janitor. I had a dupli tate made at a hardware store down town and then returned Mr. Vall's key. Early this afternoon i usett the key to enter the olfice." There was a long pause during which Fenton kept rubbing his hands together. No one spoke. Fi nally Fenton went on: '"I went Into Professor Hubbard's olfice looking for a letter or mine which has been in his possession for live years. It was a letter writ ten by the mother of one of my students. At that time. Professor tfubbnrd had Just accepted the chairmanship. The student was a yaung girl, very Impressionable and very prone to hero-worship. Unfor tunately, the girl developed a sort of Infatuation for me. 4"It was not, I realised, a very healthy mental attitude for a young girl. And yet I felt that a rebuke from me at that time would have been cruel. And to I arranged to have a talk with the mother. When I saw her I told her the best pos sible thing for her to do would be to move from the city and take her daughter out of this school I told her I could arrange through tome friends to find her a job In a small Midwestern college where the Hrl omilH mntinn hr at.nrliM Torn days later she sent me a note say ing arrangements had been made for them to leave the city, and since I had shown such Interest and kindness would I please see to the necessary details for obtaining an honorable discharge for the girl. "Of course. I was happy to do It. I took the note Into our then tiew department chairman and ex plained the whole situation and requested a recommendation for the girl. He was most kind about It and the matter was arranged and apparently forgotten. "A month or so later, I was In vited to head the department at .Western Methodist. I obtained a release from this department and went there with the good wishes of Professor Hubbard. "A little over three years ago Professor Hubbard paid me a visit In my lab at Western Methodist. He told me he was having a diffi cult time staffing the department here and would I come back? I told him we, my wife and family, were too well satisfied where we Were to consider It." VProfewor Hubbard." he con tinued, "then said he felt he could probably persuade me. He handed me a photostatic copy of that note Apparently I had left It with him, or somehow he had obtained It from my desk. At any rate, he explained to me that should I persist in re fusing to return to this university, te would be forced to publish the itter." "Then you decided to give in to this blackmail?" Raff asked. "I told him that my colleagues vera essentially fair - minded peo- Ble. that If he carried out his ireat I had no recourse but to wait Upon their Judgement. Thereupon he left. I "But you did come back," Raff aid. "Yei, I came back." Fenton nod ded wearily. "Two days nfter this visit from Professor Hubbard he ailed me on the telephone, He told me he had the present ad dress of the young lady this for mer student. That she was living In a small community in Nebraska. That she was engaged to be mar ried that coming June and that bt, Hubbard, was about to release the story to the newspapers. I had no choice. I talked it over with Martha and she an reed. We had to come back." Fenton stopped talking and stared off into space. Then this afternoon was the first Mme that you made an unauthoriz ed visit to that office?" "Yes, I couldn't get in there on Thursday because professor Brav was In there during the day. And In the evening I was giving an extension class in West Bend.- PATTERN Ne, RI6S0 mTT7yfmmmm'm Plaeapple Pretty This sumptuous jmML., ! arrangement of pineapples does full SlWSV Justice to your creative skill as well VaV. li making an unusual chair set. I'p- L. J iholstered furniture retains Its orlg- m V I,R nfW k and freshness with I W. pretty companions. V' jV-A ' Pattern Envelope No. R3680 eon- 'CWfJ' aYV it-"1 complete forchetlng lmtrue- W5 bvQV it. llteh illustrations and ma- f V V 1 tcr1' requirements. ZZJt To go'1" thla pattern, tend 30c JVr tA ln COINS' tlvlng pattern number VVY a "J om name, address and acne num l XYAa wyi T ppR,0r R00"1. Capital Jour- 5V725fjl nai 828 Mission Street San Fran West Bend? That, over a nun dred miles from here. Pretty far to travel lor one class, isn t it?" "It meets Just once a month. Dean Elliott has a class there, too, and he drives me out in his car." "I see. Incidentally, about what time did you come back last night?" "Dear me. I don't know exactly It's usually about 1 o'clock In the morning. The class Is over at 10 o'clock and It's about a three hour drive." The doubt which had been spread ing In Raff's mind now gave way to certainty. Bray had already been dead when Fenton had come back to the city. "Well, you've been very kind, both of you. Do you happen to know the address of Al Vail? At the look of consternation on the faces of both Dr. and Mrs. Fenton Raff hastened to explain, "No. he isn i a suspect, not yet anyway I Just want to get a list of all the people In the department who nave borrowed his key." Fenton gave the address to Raff Raff thanked him and bade them both good night. The door closed behind him as he crossed the snow covered porch. It was opened im mediately. "Dr. Rafferty. just a minute." Fen ton called to him. "I had complete ly forgotten something. When I was going through Dr. Hubbard's oiiice this afternoon I came across a bulky envelope. It had your name on it. I believe It was in Profes sor Bray's handwriting. Perhaps it may contain something relevant to an in is "Where? Where Is It now?" Raff demanded. "Why, I put It In the lntra-mu- ral man," Fenton said. "You'll prob ably get It on Monday morning." (To Be Continued) 2921 SIZES Empire Story Em Dire walsted dress with a wealth of new de tailIncluding the fashionable por trait neckline and flaring skirt. The added splash of applique makes a smart accent for crisp cotton. no, wi is cut in sizes 11, 13, IS. 17. and IS. Size IS, 4 yds. 35-ln. i yd. 35-ln. contrasting. The ap pllqeu is Included. Send 25c lor PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number State Size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK Is Just off the press, presenting the best in Summer fashions, all de signed with the simplicity that spells good style and easy sewing and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 150 nattern designs for all age and occasions feend now for your copv, prlre Just 20 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 552 Mission Street. San Franclsro 5, Calif urn I i IF, " THOSE APE THE HIGHLIGHTS. GENTIEMEN'--IN THE FOOG ISLAND HIDEOUT. I POUND THAT CHARGED LETTER TO CRUNCH' IT GIVES f t AWAY THE WHOLE SHOW '. TOMORROWS HEARING' f IIIMM inr rT A WOMAN AS5'5 1ANT--I , 0T , f fr ' jtl F n '"mmtmalummmmmmmmmm W' jeb! QUICK ! UMI!fEH?viftioT' T M6RT MUSBWO IS 0) r 'COUPS6 I CHDMT SUSPECT THOSE J EWAHO NEW TROCTOR-HO IS (T? I THE TRCPTOR -fiHO flNNC 6-B-8UT, HOSSY - 1 R MOUNGSTERS BUT AFTER AL.L FIVE 1 V PUOW -AHO AU. SORTS OF J WW- 1 I AMD USSA ARE RIOINCJ IT MUST ALL B6 I THOUSANO IS A HEAP OC MONtV-qLAO i R MACHINERYTURNIMq f HOW??? I I WrTH HIM SHOWING HIM SOME MISTBKE 1 ; z i TVOU'RE 50 I N0BTUVILLE PE0PLEX VVOMT)! I I'D tOVE TOAWIBV; IT5 AM 1 1 NEVEBKNEW IT " ,TSq I IPOP'IARTHAT' ARE 50 NICE TO ME VOU ' PLEASURE TO SAVSUCW Aj BEPORE.BUT WWEM 1 . A UARDLV SET TO THAT I OUST CAN'TCALL ME FINE STRONG NAME 7 VOOSAV IT, ROSIE GIRL, ItV. ' V5EE VOU MUCH . SAV'NO'.MR POTTSjAMBY? -,r SOUNDS LIKE THOSE WUMMV H MISS ROSETTA J Ty , f SOUNDS 1 USED TO MAKE OKV E mymta , 11 K 1 JS" 1. COMB WHEN 1 WAS i h MCjm lifW. 4Mf imEk ESrriKISJSI ITH AT NOW VOU THINK NOJ ) I WITH THEOTHtRfl HADQUnxl LI'L AEJNER DO THINJGS HE'D ) CURSE IT. MR faTBA VWTRC' ARC ONE.TtJUST SAVING HOSS, AJVOURy ATlME,CON- L NEVAH DO, IN HIS RIOHT y THE KINGOF SWWE. . -OINKT ISN'T SERKXS-BUT 6LUfrt- VlNClNQ -THE . MIND-SO-WE'LL BE ' GO., TmDUVeTeEEnT HEN VOU STFWWED AW HOOSCT-EGAt-Jk CHIEF I MARRIED SOOM ? jJ AOAIN.J cEStHPKJS , FROM THAT ESOARD Jjf THAT WAS A A BUTCHER,) I . -S fm t4L FOR SO UDNG 1 MEETING, AND ABSENT- F . CUDSE CALi-T) THAT I L , T TmTrSl . MINDEDL.V GOT INTO . , (wASNfTAY VOUSOT ) (TONIGHT I HELD DOES NAW.'sHE SHE DONV? V VEH. I Ap WE BOTH N -AND THEN ONE S M ANEW HER CLOSE IN MV SHE TOLD ME AND VOU FIGURE . OUFD EACH OF U5 MIGHT GET GIRL? ARrAS AND I LOVE I ;hb tinnY WANNA ,6UKt LOVED EACH - I OFUSmibHi uei U Z-Zy WHISPERED, - YOU 1,5e? A MARRV HFR5 'fS BETTER OTHER-WHILE JEALOUS AND THEN T I I II III I "T .V ,. " , (J uam """tX that I WASMAKIN6 THERE D BE T tVK7) -ov VOliV Ta aromtmfi? VWAVJT LOVE TO HER. p7Ur ROUBLE' 1 Af?i S JsTh, shed probably EjggrvL- AttSi J vfi CO VPJIVTs i O jfT- BEMAKINGLOVE ( . Z 'vK K"SHT A1,UV' CU WERE 60IN3 TO Y OH.YES-SO I WAS. WELL, I Iw.MilES MILL Be HOVE T0M6HT.ANP IP HE 'CT-- ,..,,. , kJ6"" TELLME ABOUT THAT A. MILES IS INTEffiSTEP IN HANTS WE TO SO OUT THESE, I FUSSER SADDLE UP THAT BAY FILLV, JWJ WESTERN SADDLE.TEX. SOME WESTEUN SAPDLE HORSES. I'P LIKE AAV OuP TEXAS 6ADPLE R JIMMY. IM 60INi3 TO LET RUSTY " IV-! J PALOMINOS. SO HE STOPPED UNPERWE. 6IVE HER A LISHT WOKKOUTJ I f N 7 CFFATA DUPE RANCH OWNEP k. w -rtfT 1 U :- fn;I I VA BY A 7EAAS BUDPY OF MINE "sr ,l 0 JJ . XJCkL ) ir mr-&rs U VV' , 1 P" ' 4HDlN6(,lA DOCV--ONI Or L- sXlANCV.' I WV" I-H0Pt . WR0N4 IMPRW I WITH MY OWN EVE4-. AND . . BUILT INTO OUR NEXT , tiENT X J WllU BOTH BE ' n ALL 1 V HEARD WITH MY OWN EAR! I ) M MWSOfMOMB!, . jgSfhCr VERYHAPPV-K L ..f mm DON'T EVER COME NEAR V 4. 1 Wtmm W llBrf SHOCKING-STAV IX L WASHINGTON, MUBOPER' TAKE THE STAND TOMORROWS WE MAY ASK YOU TO J TO TESTIFY BOSS' AND l --DO WHAT UU5T St I II TAKE THE STAND AT ( I HE KNOWS TOO MUCH DONE' If YOU NEED . I ZSSS ae FIND WHERE HE IS I I Mttr Me MSIM J . I II 1 I I TELl VOL! WES HERE ( STAYING LOUIE -THEN ITHI I&CHMH' J I I II RADIO PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY P.M. IKSLM JSf KGW MBO 5:M ginrBii Doffr'i Tivcni Rlecpp let Kn Manoioi II Swrnu Dmttr'$ Tr RbrthM RsKch Bulh :M CsvuIb MKalibl PIrhM Bint Crvibv L'hcl Hiallir :U 1m Mis Plivhonn M KtJt Nwi 6:M Gabrlal HailUr Mmleal Slrc UcUdy b Cennlr Fair II Stwm Myleal laira Candlfllfbl Ceunlr Fair :M Orrbntrs Cvrlais Tlma Nawa Kpotllta an Yaulb :R Ore hc.tr a Curtain Tlma Sar MomrnU Hpollltt an Yoath Too Lynm Murrar SifNf Clnfc Uat Wa Forcat Holtrwood Mutia :IS Lju Marraf N.wa Eddlt LaMar Hall :M t'lac Kid Graal Tap Band al lha Clack M litem Kid CHdaralaaw Tap Band Bat lha Clacb let What' lha Nama III and ta Batkrtball Lowell Tboataa :la af Tbat ao?l Blaadl Bandttand Jark ftmllh Ahaw : Variety Shaw Diilrlel Allarnay Duaout Dapa Dr. CbrUtlaa :45 Varirtr Sbaw PUlricI Allarnay Biieball Ur. Chrlitlap. 5 Stmt Hn Flaibaa Bawball F1a Blar Final 15 T B A Sparta Final Baaaball CaplUI Claakraaa :U Family Theatr Band Waian Baacball tlMn an Cantary :4 Family Th.ratra U art an Dawnay Baaaball Saranada j jfc. :0Q Fallen-Ltwia. Jr Newt Baieball Ym lha Warld lffl IS 8tfl Laval Nawa Orthattra Nawa Koundnn nana Kmpa Orrh. 1I:M Mutaal Nawircal Orrhaatra Trark ll!W irn KfttP Oreb. " :U Mutual Nawirtal Orchaalra Track IIKO Xawa n:M John Btrala, Track 1490 16 Advantarar Track HM i9 Foya Orcb. Track I4H 4A Lanny Bmi Track MM nTlW Sign Ott Sim 0 Sim Q "llanl THURSDAY 6 AM. TO 4:45 P.M. m :00 Newa Nawa KOIN Klock ;15 Newa Clock Wat char Nrwa W :S0 March Tim Tba Old Soma Newa " ;4ft Newa Ham Hayrt Fred Beck iQO Newa Fred Warlni Tea Bitter Conaumer Nawa " la Brcakfaat flanr Fred Warlni Newa A Sporla Art Baker ;Mi Rrcakfait Gang lark Berrb Top O Uornlof Muilc for Yaa :45 Top Iradct Tommy Show Newi Muale for Yon 8:00 Barcaln Connter Tommy Doftei Harm of Beat Columbia Fealara 15 Victor Lindlahr Tommy Doraey Uaven af Beat Newi :M Sona of fioneai Tommy Daracy Waaler Melodlaa Roaemarr :4ft TBA Nrwa Wetern Meladlai Wendy Warren -.90 Nortbweat Newa School Proiram Church In Wild. AuntJenny . (A KiM Smith School frocram Vocal Varletlea llflrn Trent :V Pt.iort (al Pan-American Mania Wllboal 0ur Gal Sunday :4ft Charlie Sptvab Brighter Pay Warda sic Rlitar Jofl Newa Double ar Coffee Cup Ma Perk In :IS Bennla Walket Nothing Nortbweat Report youna Dr. Malana :M Wilea Oraanalltlea Today'a Children Khapaody la r.uldlng Light Serfiud Light af Warld Bhytbm stmt m p. :tw Ladlea Flrl Newa Glaia Was Came A Gel II H Tj :lft Ladlea Firil Ma Pcrklaa r.laaa Wax Norah Drake J L :Sh Queen far Day Pepper taunt Glasa Wax Make You Tick B ;4s Queen for a Day Ta Happlneia Glaaa Wax n& Mrc. Bartaa mm :00 Top Trades Barkatacc Wife Fvervbodr'a Ideas perry Maaen 1"1:IS New. Stella Dallaa Orrao Mooda Columbia Featart I :30 Nortbweat Newa Lorente Joaea New Columbia Feature 1 owl Bob Eberly Show Widdcr Brawa Memorable Muale Newspaper af Air :00 Orcheatra Clrl Harrlea Capehart Concert Newipaper of Air ,15 Johnson Family Portia Facta Life Capehart Concert winner Take All SO Tell Neighbors Just Plain Bill Capehart Concert pat O'Brien Ibow :4S Bing Sings Front Page Capehart Concert Nws a m Aaainat the Storm Road at Life Record off SheTf Tunefully Yoara mm :(fl Against the storm Lore law ion Records off Shelf Mr inf.,mt(tn M :30 Hollywood Mel. AUf,t Mary Itecordi off Rhelf M ht MlMUl 48 Hollywood Mel. Loya A Learn Records off Shelf Meet the Mlwus 3:00 Happy Gang iVoman'i Secret KOCO K a pert Arthur Godfrey 1 5 Happy Gang i.ife Beautiful KOCO Kapera Arthur Godfrey :30 Sonn of Times Tropic Echeea KOCO Kapers Arthur Godfrey w.; Mora Out of Life KOCO Kapera Arthur Godfrey 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr News Women's Pais Columbia" Feature 16 Hemingway George Moored Dirk Shannon The Llltle Shew :30 Passing Parade .. Sunny Slda Spot lite on Muale Clpb IS :4ft News Elmer Peterson Spotllta en Musle Fd. ft. Morrow DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1190; KOAC. 85A lpV Wednesday P. M V01. Keeping IX C A tP Hfth Sport: ft: I ft, Home Edi tion; 5:311, Challenae of Yukont :MI. Mu sle Festival: :30, Jack Klrkwood: 7:M, Iine Ranaer; ?:.t(l, Atateur Houti :M, Groucho Marx: 0:00, Richfield Reporter; :lft, Intermeaxo: w:M, Concert Hour: tll-.m. Memo to Tomorrow; 11:00, Extra Hour) 15:00, Sign Off. lCY Thuraday A.M. :00. McCall llXCA News; :IS, Time Tern pom :Sfl Robert's Almanac: :.. Time Tempaat 7:t0, Mvrt and Mars: 7:15. Martin Asron- kyi 7:30 Eay Aceai 7:15. Zeke Man ners; :W. Breakfast Cluhi 0:OA, Newa: ft IS. Mars of Today; 0:ftn, Kay Kvser'a College; IV:00, Ted Malone: 10:1.1, ialen ske: 10:M. My True Story :l 1 :IMI. Hetty t;rockert 11:15, New: U:ftn. Baukhagej rlkinr: 11:15, Dorothy Kilgallrn. Dallas Imperial Apartments Sold Dallas Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rosenkranz of Forsyth, Monta na, have purchased the Imper ial apartments from Mr. and Mrs. Alva Johnston and came here recently to operate the I business. ACROSS 27. Inn 4. Subject JJ, Exltta 9. Roman iroddeaa 30. Force 12. Southern SL Cherry constellation IS. Oatllke 15. Predicamenta 17. Kind of danra IS. So. American blossom color 22 Dragged S3 Parts of tha ears 24. Peaceful 26 Rid Inn costuma 37. Wandered It. Vertical windlaaa 40. Exerting fore 42. Greek latter animal 19. Light ira 20. Swindle 21. Loses brilliance 12. Ocxl of war 2:1. Accepta 24. Pronoun 26. Groova 45. Writ 44, Swisa aong X 3 , 4 7 m 7 0 f ,y f IO I j- it "Z if ,32 33 34 las 55 y , 4Z 43 " 44 itf ROOM AND BOARD MAYBE I ACTED POMPOUS IM OPPOSING CHAXWORSS JOB AS A CIRCUS CLOWN APTER ALL ENTERTAINMENT IS HIS PROFESSION YES I RECALL READING ABOUT BUSINESS MEN VAO PLAYED CLOWN ROLES WH A CIRCUS, TO RELAX V ? T7i1 CHATMORE COULD - a ;y ( ; I 5ET ME A CLOWN X . ' V JOB.' ITLLBS KOCO i'.M ikOIN nelty Croeken 11:1ft, Dorothy Kllgalleai n:aw, norinwestertiera. irAC wd rM B:9- ca IXVMVai Beat: 6:50, 550 Sparta Clabi 0:00, The Newai :lft. Meladleat :, Chemistry: Gaeat Itari 1:t, Farmers' Cnlon; 7:13, Farm Baari S:00, Radio Shorthand) S:M, Vela Newa S:I5, Newst :), Maslci 0:19, Meditations! 10:00, Sign Off. irAr Tban M l 10:15. For Women: 11:00. Oregon School af lha Alri 11:15. Ceacert Halh lt:0O, Newst 11:15 Farm Haari 1:00, Ride 'em Cowbort 1:1ft. Oregon Scboel at the Air: C:M, Home Garden Roan t:M, Memory Booht S:4ft, Oregoa Schael af lha Air; 11:00, Newa. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson havt moved to Truckee, Calif., where they purchased a service station, hotel and garage. The Imperial Apartments are located In down town Dallas, across from the courthouse square. lAff AL A RUM 8olution of Yesterday's Puzile DOWN 1. IHumtnant t. Klrat macnl tnda tur 1. Railing 4. Tapes try . Across (. Foot like part t. At noma 2. Kortreaa 9. Vearna 10. Press 11. Hebrew prophet 14. Passenger! It. Imitate! 19. Maker of certain food 20. Thick cotton cloth or carpet 21. Destined 2.1. Drew 24. Become dull 25, Female ah en 27. Tim of recreation 1. Charged to. Horse of a certain gait SI. Heavy nai la Til. Port 33. Part of a coat 34. Support 25. Kay gait 16. Posses 15. Spanish hare 39. N'gatlva 41. For By Gene Ahem SA TjRA I RIA C EfJ OlU Nil P U N I C ElSflRjO tIsIIS A P 6' t !MutTjepc6 a is eip S AiVIElfBlO nieHu I T i "?j E HEjKjblsBM I. Ng fo "rm;a Rg JiOIk e. b ElpjErr"lciLJA T E NT RiETolRlTiAlwlElN T i VV liil IS-. A & iiVJ ( A JOLLY LlPE-'I W ffV THE TRAVEL JY.Vl'-'V AND l AWIIIB- VVJ ' SOMETHING 1 y V.ll J NEED -YES-- 1