, !.. SI. ....... 1 0IO' tnitA T nuranalain lnfM nf Ktlirtoaft named "Miss Germany of 1949," is greeted by Else Kisch, "Miss Frankfurt," one of the competitors, at Bad Homburg. Socialized Medicine Is Here, Says Gill , Lebanon Socialized medi cine is in the future, atated Rep. Warren Gill, speaking before the Santiam Realty board Mon day evening. "Socialized every thing i coming. If you don't like it, it's too bad. It's coming." Thus the legislator summed up his concept of the future. So cialism Is not desirable, stated Gill, "it Is going to increase our taxes." The speaker also related sev eral events during the recent 97 day session of the Oregon legis lature. Bills he helped draw up. and reasons why bills were passed or defeated were explained. 60 GLADIOLUS 100 Yes, friends, I'll send you 00 strong Glad bulbs, 2 each of 30 prize winning varieties, every color of the rainbow, every bulb guaranteed to bloom, bearing tall exhibition type flowers, a $5.00 value, for $1.00.' Plant right away for best results. 60 bulbs, $1.00; 120 bulbs, $2.00, 180 bulbs $2.75. Safe arrival and satisfaction guaranteed. GLAD GARDENS 579 Empress Bldg., Seattle 4, Wash. Keep the Wind and the Sun and the Rain OUT , your HAIR Let ELFSTROMS Do It with F10NEER-FLINTCOTI ROOFING Ysur home Is your most valu able possession. Protect It against the ravages of time ano the elements. Your best pro tection Is good roofing Installed by a good contractor A tiny leak can sink a ship and a sin gle leak can also ruin your property and prized possessions II YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE PAY AS LITTLE AS $S A MONTH FREE ROOF INSPECTION Dial 2-2493 340 Court Cascade TO SAN FRANCISCO You'll enjoy your trip on this deluxe, diesel-propelled, all Pullman train to San Fran cisco. It's like a fine hotel on wheels wtth two dining cars, spacious lounge and Pullmans with sections, bedrooms com partments and drawing rooms. Leave Portland 4:50 P. M. daily be In San Francisco for lunch tomorrow, S-P Tha friendly Souther Paclftt C. A. Larson, Agent Phone 3-9244 'Classified is diversified, fun to read the ads. It's turn can help the scout masters with the troop. Boys going out for two nights were Wayne Goode. Jack Wikoff, Jr., Del bert Bottens, Leonard Hammer, Dean Way and Lewis Patterson, Jr., and Marvin Cage for Sat urday night and Sunday. There were adult leaders with the boys at all times; Hubert Aspinwall and Robert Pickerel, assistant scout masters, were with the boys Saturday night and Lewis Patterson, Sr., Sat urday morning; Robert Wagers, scout master, and Donald Bas- sett, his assistant master, Satur day night and Sunday. Jack Wi koff, Sr., furnished transporta tion for the boys coming home and Hubert Aspinwall to camp. Troop 42 received top honors 1 for their camp. At the recent court of honor held in Salem four of troop 42, Donald Bassett, James Kuenzi, Dean Way and Leonard Ham mer, received special merit And Troopers at Camporee' East Salem, April 27 Taking an active part and winning hon ors in the week-end leaders camporee were the Middle Grove Scout leaders for troop 42 and several members of the troop The leaders camporee which proceeds the regular camporee, in which all the boys take part, is for the purpose of training leaders in camping so they in badges. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wi koff opened their home for the April meeting of committeemen and their wives. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Bye were welcomed as new members. He is committee chairman of scout committees. As a special for the social hour for both groups the birthdays of Mrs. Cleo Keppinger and Mrs Theodore Kuenzi were remem bered with cakes. Robert Fromm on Silverton road. The demonstration, "Con serving You," was given by Eleanor Trindle. Guests were Mrs." Lou Schultz, Mrs. "Anna Frey and Mrs. Irving Larson. Officers elected for the new year are chairman, Mrs. Albert iabry; vice chairman, Mrs. Rob ert Fromm; secretary, Mrs. Dan Scharf, and treasurer. Mrs. Hen ry Sprick. Project leaders for the May meeting will be Mrs. Ernest Barker and Mrs. Cleo Keppinger, and the meeting will be with Mrs. Leonard Malm. As sisting Mrs. Fromm for (he so- members present were Mrs. Wade Carter, Mrs. Anna Jess, Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mrs. Harvey Page, Mrs. Rob Wagers, Mrs. Covil Case. Mrs. Don Addison, Mrs. John Ackerman, Mrs. Rob ert Pickerel and Mrs. E. C. Men nis. Mrs. Ralph Ilein and Mrs. Otis Dawes represented Swegle Woman's club at the county fed eration meeting held at Aums ville on Friday. To find a buyer run a Journal Classified ad phone 224(16. Ask for Classified. Lincoln Rummage Sale Nets Cash for Center Lincoln Proceeds from the rummage sale held as a benefit for the Lincoln Community Cen-i ter association were $64, which1 will be applied on the building fund. All of the four districts of Lincoln, Zena, Spring Valley' and Brush College, which eom-i prise the association were rep-'j resented on the committee, un-j der the direction of Mrs. James 1 P. Smart and included Mrs. J Eva Purvine, Mrs. Jot Singer,! Mrs. Ted Burns, Mrs. Lois Crawford, Mrs. Fred McKinney.i Mrs. Betty Rivett. Mrs. Harold Washburn, Mrs. Walter Brog. NEW LOCATION 1144 Center St Faltm. Oregon Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Nglira-rrtrUltiiit total I Ft) en Offt. 1-ftlM. FIniF Fro Fsrk tas South Aerou Street Berg's New Market VP & ( The regular April meeting of TIME to repair or replace GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS FLASHINGS fPL UME V? -HE A TING AT Penney's SALEM, OREGON ISO WOMEN'S LONG SUMMER AGAIN RE-GROUPED AND RE-PRICED FOR FINAL ALL COATS NOW IN 3 GROUPS 100 ALL WOOL TWEEDS, COVERTS, GABARDINES The latest in coat styling at a rock bottom price! Smart modified flare or three-way coats. Clever Barrymore or Peter Pan collars. Flattering yok backs, stylish novelty cuffs. Skipper blue, jade, Chinese red, grey, beige. Sizes 8 to 16. SECOND FLOOR $ 100 ALL WOOL SHEEN OR WORSTED COVERTS, SHARKSKINS, FINE GABARDINES Outstanding quality coats formerly of much higher priced lines now slashed in price for immediate clear ance. Season's latest styles with yoke backs, popular modified flare, smartly detailed cuff and pocket treat ments. Skipper blue, beige, grey, pink, aqua, sum mer brown. Sizes 9 to 17 and 10 to 18. SECOND FLOOR 100 ALL WOOL SHEEN GABARDINES, SHARKSKINS AND TWEEDS Deluxe QUALITY COATS formerly our very highest priced coats, now priced at this sensational savings for you! Most stylish spring fashions, finest fabrics exquisite in detail and expertly tailored. Silver gray, Chinese red. aqua. Sizes 3 to IS. SECOND FLOOR NOW PRESENT THE ? NATIONAL BEAUTYREST WEEK X 'V- U t'?,(i fTfTIFPWTfc fsr';g-MpL You don't have to dream III I'rl'f-s llSPK about owning a Beautyest! JIM Ml 8(1 1 1k3 9 Jt M WXW We've made it as easy as we know how for yon to 91-' " FiTl S 1 jT 'ffi '"Joy this wonderful really wonAerful comfort. I I'JJw'ItI I, '-, ''lL.Li' Beautyrests are in stock for immediate delivery . . . I fWie I fl rrTQltS-W'l beautiful covers to choose from . . . anil our Budget .e7iW3f Vlw's tSXWf0 -a, Plan lets you sleep in peace ' I kTOjig y Py Come in this LOOK INSIDE - SEE WE DIFFERENCE! "fPM M Our X-Ray mattrass display lets you look inside ' Jp I Mmt3 ''"!r?iji koaulyrost and an ordinary mattress. Compare thorn I ' Jlf yourself, loom with your own oyos why Boautyrost is 7t 1l j M irA your best buy. Soo tho actual construction that's 1 ffd and guaranteed for 10 years. lv 7 , " . WEEK Vr I ivIQl ELI am ?fSrlPB)lrt(M i