- 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Wednesday. April 27, 1949 Legion Backs Band Uniforms Uverton C. E. Hlginboth m, commander of Delbert Reeves Port No. 7, American Legion, named Fred Evans as chairman of a dance commit tee to arrange "band uniform" benefit dance Friday evening, May IS, at the armory, through the courtesy of the National Guard and the head of the school music department, Jus tin L. Dyrud. The committee personnel assisting Evans are Oscar Edlund, F. M. Powell and Justin L. Dyrud. With plans for a play for Le gion funds falling through the renewal of the annual crawfish feed was decided on at Monday night's regular session, with George Manolis and Al Pearson the committee on arrangement. Roy Davenport told of the or ganization of the Junior base ball boys who are doing regular practice with prospects good for real players this season. You Get Hearing UNDERSTANDING A Hearing Aid la Not Enough See W. F. DODGE ONOTONE 19JJ State St, Salem The date for the annual Pet Parade was set for Friday, May 27, beginning at 8 p. m. with the entries for pets costumes and pageantry as In former years. This will be the eighteenth con secutive year the youth of Sil- verton have had the pleasure of the parade in which hundreds take part. The members of the post Join ed the auxiliary following the separate business sessions of the two groups, for the annual past presidents' parley fun night drama, supplemented by a pro gram of music with Mrs. Fred Luchfas soloist. Naval aviation has a program to support the model airplane builders of the United States. Armory Ready For Hobby Show The Salem armory drill room will be the scene of an unusual collection of articles and work ing exhibits Friday when the Salem Rotary club opens its sec ond annual hobby show. Entries for the show which will extend through Sunday are being received in considerable volume and It is anticipated vir tually all available space will be taken. Late entries Include a collec tion of trail signs, plaster of paris animal tracks, a model house with furnishings to a quarter inch scale; bells and a display prepared by Cub pack leasing mr ti ii m y ill. ...i urn urn III! ner w nil a . Jl L V JUL LT clear BUSNDISD h'JJSKEY clean taste ! lUtwui IstMm Pnfictt Cms., Ms Ytit, I. T. MWIliil. Ilhwt Ji Inia Nsstrsl Isatta, L-s- On Goodycar's Famous UntrEdaQJARB SAFETO TTOJBES We will allow you full list price for your present tubes ... UP TO 40 EACH when traded in en new liteOuards LUeOuartls maKe bowoufs as harm'' lets as ilovr leaksl UfeGuards outwear as many as 3 sefs of fubesl ORDINARY TUB! BLOWS Instantly both tlr. and tub. go flat, frequently throwing car out ol con trol. SAFI ON LIFEGUARDS reserve ol air in the strong cord fabric Inner chamber supports the car long enough lor a sals, gradual atop. MM MCttOM g or tMi ft M BID B9DI3EY FOR YOUR TIRES! when traded in on new Supercushion TIRES by GOODYEAR Don't miss this cbance to modernise your car with bigger, solter, safer Super-Cushions at a bargain liaurel EVERYTHING A TIRE CAN DO . . . UPIR-CUSHION DOES BETTER! I doo THE MASTER SERVICE STATIONS CENTER and COMMERCIAL Phono 3-4163 w. CI flr.cn Stamps COURT and CAPITOL No. 4 of Boy Scouts. The program committee has arranged with the state school for the deaf and the school for the blind to give demonstrations Saturday and Sunday after noons. The Cnemawa Indian school will have on display a typical teepee while Salem high and elementary schools plan to enter comprehensive displays. The entire display is fully protected against loss by either fire or theft while the Rotary club is prepared to police the display throughout the three day atand. Carnival Successful Falls City The high school carnival held at the high school gym netted $350. Miss Vera chosen May queen. New Uniforms Jinx Woodburn Musicians Woodburn The Woodburn high school band made a splen did appearance In their new uniforms at the district music contest at Albany Saturday when the members finally ar rived at their destination. They experienced some bad luck on the trip when the school bus In which they were being transported broke down en route. The remainder of the trip was made by taxi, hitch-hiking and "shank's mare," but they finally arrived just in time for the opening number. The direc tor, Mrs. Alice Rose Jones, ar rived just five minutes before time to raise her baton. The band received a third class rat ing. Also attending the contest from Woodburn were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Henn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Pantle and son, Fred. Albany Arranging Program for Week Albany Justin Miller, local music instructor, has been nam ed chairman of the annual mu sic week, sponsored by the Al bany Music Teachers, which starts Sunday, It has been an nounced. Among the programs plan ned are a sacred music service participated in by the combin ed choirs of the city, Sunday at the First Methodist church, a concert by the city schools at the high school and a perform ance of the Forest Grove Glee- man, sponsored by the Klwanls club, May 4. NEW ROTOTILLERS I At New Low Pries LOOK! A N.w Riding Tractor at a Prico You Can Easily Afford It's Worth Monay to You to Call TEAGUE'S Factory Trained Man il Glady DEMONSTRATE on Your Land Yes! We Give Terms TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 355 N. Liberty Salem, Oregon Phono 2-4173 (mt man ti HEnmrnx -s- 7 -r yvsAsr cjse SEARS FfflCB !COLDSPOT Spacemaster LIMITED QUANTITY MODEL I9X 42.00 Down, 1 1.00 Month on Sears Easy Terms (Usual carrying charge) Giant Freeier Stores 38.3-Lbi. of Frozen Foods Stainlass Steel Shelving of Exclusive Design Twin Crispers Freshen 23-Qts. of Vegetables This special low price is for a limited time only. So oct fast if you wont to moke the extra savings on the feature-packed Coldspot! Graceful beauty and gleaming white finish odd new beauty to your kitchen. Its spacious, flexible interior gives you convenient, healthful food storage space. See Coldspot tomor rowat Sears! DURABOND FINISH stays white won't chip, crack, peel or discolor. Porcelain enamel interior with acid resistant bottom. Easy to keep clean. the handy 6-foot Coldspot Freezer Fewer tiring shopping trips for you when your beau tiful Coldspot Freezer is filled with healthful, FRESH foods! Holds approximately 240 pounds of food. Has two adjustable compartment dividers, and record chart for constant inventory of foot and hand. Convenient size 27-in. wide, 4034-in. long, 3934-in, high. 21995 I3S Down 9 Monthly COLDSPOT tMI tlOHt WA 10 SAT ttrtiaiBATOts stiixiet Easy Payment Plan Enjoy the Exclusive Features of KENMORE Automatic installed o)o)H 95 8.50 Month 32.50 Down Set It load It forget It! Kenmora does the entire job of washing automatically your hands never touch water! Thorough 6-vane agitator washing action, 7 complete rinses and rapid spin-dry leaves clothes ready for the line. Save ex tra money now at Sears! 'StOfidbm f0maQf pm muy fiM' fiflfi Phont 3-9191 484 State Street