Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 27, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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    Bluejackets Clout Senator Mound
Trio for 26 Hits in 23 to 3 Rout
Bremerton, Wafth., April 27 Three Salrm Senator pitchers
had no secret that the Bremerton Tarn did not quickly learn
Tuesday night as the local mem hers of the Western International
nnp celebrated their home opening of the 1049 season with a rous
ing t3 to S decision over the hapless crew from Oregon's capital.
A 18-run blast in the third de
cided tht issue without a doubt.
Since the Tars had earlier blast
ed Wenatchee 20-10 they are
rapidly acquiring the reputa
tion of carrying the most potent
bats Jn the circuit.
As a result of the Ions tht Sol
ens dropped down Into a tie
with Bremerton for second posi
tion, while Yakima, due to its
8 6 win over Vancouver, moved
up to the top. Wenatchee drop
ped Tacoma fl-3 and Spokane
measured Victoria 7-4 in other
The whipping was one of the
worst ever absorbed by Salem
as Ray McNulty, Jack Ferluga
and Don Medlin were conked
for a total of 26 blows as the
Tars went to the plate an of
ficial 49 times. Medlin, a new
recruit to he Salem ranks,
tossed the last two frames.
In that awful third, 17 Blue
Jackets faced McNulty and Fer
Jnea as they shelled them for
ift blows. Here is how it went:
Bill Taylor tripled to the
fence. Jay Ragnl grounded out
Al Banning lined a single, scor
ing Taylor. Don Stanford sin
pled to right. Lil Americh dou
bled to left scoring Bonning.
John Marshall doubled to right,
scoring Stanford and Arnerich;
Dick Sabotini singled to center,
Lou Briganti singled to right,
scoring Marshall. Walt Poce
way lined a single to right, scor
ing Sabotini. Taylor, up for the
second, time, grounded out to
Jim Wert. Ragni hit a Texas
leaguer back of third, scoring
Brigantl and Pocekay. Bonning
walked. Stanford singled to cen
ter, scoring Bagni. Arnerich
singled to left scoring Bonning.
Marshall singled to left scoring
Stanford and Arnerich. Sabotini
was safe at first on Bud Peter
son's error. Briganti singled to
left scoring Marshall and was
out at third, Beard to Peterson.
Marshall, a slow ball special
ist, in addition to holding the
Senators to seven hits, collected
three on his own account.
Salrm Bremerton C!Z)
wPrtHwn, B 1 I Ssba'lnl, cf 5 1 31
Wert, Jim
111! Britain), 3b 4 11
Pocekay, rf 6 3 8
t Taylor. If (10
i 3 Hianl. 3b 3 13
1 ' 1 Ronnlne, e 4 4 6
1 Stanford, XI) 8 3 0
Wit ley, if
Clierry, ef
enaeter, 3b
JWsnn, rf
MrNtilty. P
FrliiBa, p
Medlin. p
S Am r ich, m ft 3 1
0 Corey,
1 0 ft
36 7 24 Tntala
47 36 37
--Olaori" for Ferlitta In 7th.
-Bart a, for Couraat In 9h.
(Ml em 000 flOO 031 S
Bremerton 3013.311 04--23
Pitcher Tp Ad H R SrAoBb
MrNultr W 17 11 1 7 3 1
F'Huta i II 10 13 6 1 I
M11ln 3 11 4 4 10 1
Marshall 9 36 7 3 3 6 3
HIM by pltrbtr: Stbatlnl by McNulty.
Paaapd ball: Beard. Three bae hit: Tay
tor. Two bae hit: Arnerich. Marshall
1 Taylor. Run batted In: Pocekay 4.
Fonnln. Arnerich. Marshall B. Bertanol
3. Raant 3. Stanford, Taylor. Stolen bae:
Bwhattni. Double play: Spaeter to Peter
Iftrt to Wert. Time 3 30. Umpire: Hiwband.
Bttham. Error: W. Peteraon. Wert, B.
Peterxon 3, Beeon, Haani, Arnerich.
Short cora;
Yakima 30! 004 0011 13 I
Vaneouver flJl 103 0000 4 3
Dtekey. Soriano 7t and Ortelc; Kind
ff her, Snkter (3 and Bheely.
Wenatehe 000 100 0334 10 S
Taroma 001 000 0033 7 0
Bruce. Wearer 9t and Peauti Clarey,
t?-ndron (9) and Warren.
Brnkane 303 030 100 7 13 3
Victoria, 001 000 0.104 10 3
Blahlp and Parka: Ixttue and Morian.
Independence, April 27 (Spe
cial) The Independence Gun
club will hold PITA registered
hoot lit the Inciil trap on next
Sunday, starting at 9:30 a m.
Pt the Aaaoctated Pre)
Ftrb Sen! Srnrea
Albany 6, Bruin afield t.
VM vault. 13. Canby 1.
Amity I. Yamhill 3.
VThort 6. Bank 4.
W-itherw 4. Millaboro t.
Bcappooaa IS, Tillamook I.
Sllrerton 30, btacada I.
Beaverton I. Tiiard i.
(&h3c CAMEls m 30 DAys-J sr vt
fcOM NOW 0H, itS ) I y
l . . y.-ip S ' -""s, ..'.T..""",'':
WIL Standings
Taroma ,
(iamea Taeadar
Bremerton 23. Salem t.
Yakima (I, Vancouver fl.
Wenatchee. , Tacoma I,
Spokane 6, Taroma J.
Spokane 7, Victoria 4.
Softball Group
To Make Final
Plans Wednesday
Final arrangements for the Sa
lem Softball association season
will be made during a confer
ence to be held at the school
administration office on North
High street at 7:30 Wednesday
night. Managers of all eight
clubs must be in attendance.
The clubs and managers con
sist of: Campbell Rock Wool,
Del Campbell; Mootry's, Jim
Rawlins; Marine Reserve,
George Wilkinson; Golden
Pheasant, Bob Warren; 12th St.
Market, Sam Blisch; Randle Oil,
Ed Randle; Papermakers, Bob
Knight; Knights of Columbus,
Bruce Weisner.
The association expects the
teams to be evenly balanced un
der the eight club program.
Duckpin Bowling
(Complete Retail)
won Lost
Sunet Donut Co 34 32
Davla Otl Company 31 33
F-omty Olson 30 3fi
I Malm Chevron Station 3 37
'commercial Seat Cover Bo, SO
Eisner Molora 30 30
! Lea Newman' 3.1 31
I Mick's BlK n Shop 31 3b
Team Hlah Three Garnet
1. Frosty OUon 3473; 3. DavU Oil Co.
3341; 3. Elmer Motora 3317.
Tram Hlah Slnale Game
1, Frosty OIxoq 865: 3, Klaner's Uotora
854; 1, Davla Oil Co. 351.
Individual Hlih Three Game
1, Waldo Willema 584; 3, Hank Miller
501; 3. Al Kenfleld 554.
Individual HUh Stride Game
1. Emll Be boll 333; 3. Al Kenfleld 334;
3 Waldo WIHems-BIU Gambler 331.
Two Blah A vera tea
1, Waldo WlUema 155; 3, Al Kenfleld 154.
The Frosty Olson crew chalked the
hlah team aame of 855 and tht top aeries
of 3313 Tuesday nlaht while Al Kenfleld
counted the huh Individual series of 511
and Keith Kaye scored the top tame of
Lea Newman' (S) LI nil art 3fl4, bye
137. Fox 389. Ellsnn 323. Netmeyer 359.
Flsner'a (liH. Miller 414, L. Russell 410,
Stull 363, Potter 397, P. Rusaell 380.
Malm Station (J) Malm 448, Wenaer
390, Kam 387, Keppinter 3S1. Dlmbat 379.
.tflek'a Plana (3) Weston 434, Eshletnan
358. Willi-ma 441, Hauaen S8, by 3S1.
Commercial Be It 4 1 C. Cappa 440.
Hampton 419. L. Cappa 384, Kaye 451,
L. Cappa 403. Front? Olson (3 Wood
474, Smith 480, Scholl 399, Gauthter
508. Meyer 454.
Sonnet Donut (4 Still 449. Oliver
404, Schaefer 413, Wenser 380, Schwaru
498 Davla OH era (0) Harrison 453, Hen
set 417, Kenfleld ill. Creasy 403, DavU
Western Sportsmen Win
Fight on Hunting Area
Washington, April 27 W) Oregon and California sportsmen
have won their controversy with
its proposal to include 1,300 acres of hunting lands in the lava
beds national monument in California. The hunting lands will
not be included.
The nervice notified Senator
Morse and Rep. Stockman, Ore
gon republicans, that a presi
dential proclamation it blng
prepared to carry out an agree
ment to keep the lands for hunt
ers. The congress members said
the 1,300 (T) acres, in the pen
insula area in the western part
of the south end of Tule lake,
will be assigned as permament
public hunting lands.
A recreation area will be es-i
tablished on the eastern edge!
of the monument and 210 acresl
- tue aaaBBitia 4, eA mm
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,
Bearcats Trim Pioneers,
9-5, in Conference Game
In Northwest conference play Tuesday afternoon Willamette's
Bearcats downed the Lewis and Clark Pioneera, 9 to S on the
Bush Pasture lot. A big third inning when the Cata (cored five
runs, decided the issue. Lou?
Scrivens, Bearcat freshman
chucker, was touched for 10 hits
but his mates came through
with an even dozen, half of
them for extra bases. Errorless
ball was played by Coach Johnny
Lewis' squad.
The Pioneers tallied twice in
the opening frame as they col
lected three hits. Willamette
got one of them back in the sec
ond and then annexed five more
in the third as Bruce Barker,
Ray Pointer, John Markoskie,
Gordon Leni, Ray Harrington
and Lou Scrivens all connected.
Harrington had a S-out-of-4
performance at the plate, while
Markoskie hit for the circuit In
the seventh. Other extra base
blows included two two-basers
by Scrivens, one each by Point
er and Barker and a triple by
Willamette engages Pacific at
Forest Grove Friday and then
entertains Portland at 8 o'clock
Saturday afternoon.
Lewis Clark (M Wlll.m.tU )
Thnmax.l 113 0 Dmi.liu.lll 4 10 3
Slthrn1.4 I 1 S 0 Barker.! 113 0
Knapp. 1 4 0 10 Polnt.r.M 3 13 0
rredrrck.m 4 110 Broua-.r, 1 I 0 0 0
fvt.rxon.l 4 110 M.rkoxkl.r 4 3 3 0
WILon,w 3 0 3 1 Lena, 3 3 110
Wrtbt, c 3 0 0 0 H.rrnitn.e 4 3 3 0
DrL5hmtt.3 3 0 0 0 Oxuna.2 4 0 0 0
Wricht. p 3 1 1 0 Srrtvrnn.p 4 0 3 0
Total S4 ft 10 1 TntBla H I 11 0
Lfwla ft Clark 300 110 010 ft 10 1
Wlllametta 018 011 10a 0 13 0
Eugene Nine Tops
Viking Crew 7-1
Eugene high's slugging Axe
men measured Salem high for
a 7 to 1 defeat on their dia
mond Tuesday afternoon in a
Bib Six league gam.
A two - run homer by Don
Siegmund In the opening frame
set the pace for the winners. Five
hits in the second produced four
tallies for Eugene. The lone
score for Salem came In the first
on a hit by Keith Farnam
which brought in Claude Wea
ver. Jim Rock, on the mound for
Salem, matched the Eugene hurl
er with seven hit ball.
Salem 100 000 01 7 2
Eugene ...240 001 x 7 7 1
Rock and Jones, Taylor (8);
Lewis and Hodges.
the National Park Service over
added to the monument. The
latter acreage includes the Pet-
roglyph area, where there are
ancient stone writings of his
torical significance.
Stockman said the lands In
question were under the Juris
diction of the reclamation bu
reau in connection with the
Klamath reclamation project.
The bureau agreed, he said
to maintain its supervision and
permit continued use by the Tule
Lake-Butte Valley Sportsmen's
association of the area it has for
a club house and shooting range.
Sfnf fnf Sfer ef $ entt Scrtce
Wednesday, April 27, 1949 13
Padres Climb Atop PCL
As Beavers Lose Again
(Br ih. AMorlatrd PwuO
Vince Shupe singled in the ninth with the bases loaded and
thus blasted his San Diego Padres back atop the Pacific Coast
The Padres beat Portland 4-3 while Oakland slugged Holly
wood 15-10, the loss dropping the Stars a half-game behind the
PCL Standings
(B tht? ITnltM) PrM)
W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet.
Sun Di0 IS 11 .SB3 Let Airltf 1ft 14 .517
H ol! v wood IS 12 .71 DakUnd 14 H .483
Brattle IS 13 .1 Rin Fran 13 IT .414
Sermon to 1ft 13 .53 Portland t 17 .34S
Tufaday's rtKUlta;
Seattle I. Sarramfnto 4.
Ban Franrlxco ft. Loa Angrlfi 3.
Oakland 1ft. Hollywood 10.
Aan DifRO 4. Portland 3.
At Los Angeles, the San Fran
cisco Seals slammed across two
runs in the 10th to whip Los An
geles 5 to 3. In Tuesday night's
other game, Seattle scored four
unearned runs in the first against
Leslie Rockets
Upset Pioneers
Parrish 2
Leslie 2
West Salem ...1
The Leslie Rockets upset the
league-leading Parrish Pioneers
8 to 4 in an afternoon game at
Leslie, Tuesday.
Jim Dimit's Rockets came in
on the arm of hurler Steve Mer
chant, who pitched an excellent
five-hit ball game. Jack Cobb
swung the big stick for the Rock
ets, collecting a double and a
single. Larry Paulus came up
with an unassisted double play,
Lowell Pearce was the losing
pitcher for Clay Eggleston s boys
Parrish 030 100 0 4 5 4
Leslie 232 001 8 8 2
Pearce and Winter; Merchant
and Pag.
Church Softball
Youth Cpntr ,,,,
Flrxt Mttnodlxt 000 102 t f
Archer and Browler; Al FedJa and Earl
Firm Baptlut 000 001 lift
Calvarr Baptut son 33x I 2
8mit,her and Currri Maudlin, Adanu i5
and Wimmin.
F1rt Chriatlan 110 033 S S ?
EvanaHVat 101 010 0 I f T
KUflcker and Stellar; Mouth and Tan
ner. Kntlewood BUB forfeited to Preabyter
460 N. Church St.
noy your Sprlngtlm. driving with
n ".conomy mlnd.d" car
LIT US: Clean and adjust carburetor for tnim
snr drivmc; you'll rtt mora mile per ajallon
CUma and adjtiat distributor point for nmonthar
fmrfrvnannm Clean and ad just npirlt plum for
grcitar pep and power Adjuot pTe-neriiiir eharf
tnf rate for aura ro or drivinff to prevent damaaa
io aenerator and battery Ftuah orankRaaa to
romoTe wintar aludae Change motor oil to a
pramitira aummar ffrada Replara oil Altar cart
riHa;a to protact your angina from airwaaiv
esr Drain and fluah cooling lyitam Add nial
Inhibitor to hlp kaap your cooling ovateim claaa
Lubricata ahaaak, body, and angina.
pui THIS
Alitor Only
"Vnur l.lnroln
430 '4s. Commercial
Valley Diamond
League to Open
Play on May 1
Aumsville Play in tha Wil
lamette Valley baseball league,
comprising Aumsville, Lone El
der, Aurora, Stayton, Mt. Angel
and Sublimity, will open May 1
with the Aumsville Firemen en
tertaining Lone Elder.
Coach Dean Roberts and the
Aumsville "Fire Fighters" have
been working out evenings for
the past few weeks and show
prospects of having a title con
tender. Aumsville's share of the
gate receipts will be used to pro
vide better fire protection
The schedule: May 1, Lone
Elder at Aumsville; May 8,
Aumsville at Aurora; May 1,1,
Aumsville at Stayton; May 22,
Mt. Angel at Aumsville; May
29, Aumsville at Sublimity: June
S, Aumsville at Lone Elder:
June 12, Aurora at Aumsville;
June If), Stayton at Aumsville;
June 26, Aumsville at Mt. An
gel; July 10, Sublimity at Aums
ville. Sacramento and went on to win
5-4, although collecting but four
hits while the Solons notched 11.
San Diego needed two runs
going into the last of the ninth.
Dain Clay and Steve Mesner
each singled, then Buster Adams
doubled home the tying run. Max
West was walked and then
Shupe, who came into the game
in the ninth, hit his Frank Mer-
riwell single. Marty Krug and
Leon Thomas hit homers for the
Two big Innings that rounted
up 11 runs enabled the Oaks to
blast the Stars. The Acorns had
a five-run splurge In the second
due mostly to Maurice Van Fo-
bay's grand slam homer. In the
Sixth they put together five
singles and two walks for six
or1lnd (B) San metre, 4
Mullen. 3b
Thorn B,3b
Barrett. If
Krua. lb
Burgher. c
Kak. m
lemlnt ,
1 Clay. f
0 Meaner,
1 Adams, If
3 Wet, rf
0 Easter. lb
1 Storey. 3b
3 Rltrhey.e
1 B.WIUon.3
0 JurUlch.p
A.WIlj.rtn 110 0
T fit si 33 13 37 0
31 BIS
One nut when winning run scored.
fiinnled for JurUlch In th.
Portland 000 013 0003
Hit 001 013 001 ft
San Diego 000 300 0034
Hit 000 SM 11513
Pitrher IP Ah RHFrflhBbHbSo
Jurhlrh ... .0 31 t ft 3 1 1 0 S
Monty ,.,.' 33 3 11 4 1 I 1 1
Flermnc ....0 1 110 0 10 0
R: Hiirker, ThomaJ, tCrm, Clay, Mea
ner, Adnms, W5t. Fr. Faster, Loser:
Mooty. HBP: FnMer by Monty. LOB: Port
land 3. San Diego 11. 3HH: Rucker. Ad
ams. MR: Krug, Thomas. AH: Jurlstch,
Thomas. RBI: Btorey, Rite hey, Krua,
Thorns 3, Adams, Ahupe. DP: Storey
to Wilson to Faster; Barrett to Thomas.
Tim 3:30. Umpires: Gordon. Mutart,
Ford. Attendance: H.107 (Official).
lhe linescore:
Seattle 400 010 Oflft- 4 0
Sacramento 000 040 0004 11 3
St-han and Orasso; Gillespie, Rom 3i,
Salvo Ripple (9 and PI umbo.
Ran Franrlxco 010 001 01O 3 S 10 3
Los Ansee 000 001 OM 0-3 1 0
Dempsey, Oahlea (8) and Parte; Wat
kins and Malone,
Hollywood 000 000 00410 13 3
Oakland 3M 100 10 IS Id 3
Paepke. Oliver 3t, Huahea 411, Halt
berock (8) and I truer: Jonea. ZWlch a.
Buntnn 9 and Padaett.
SfMCt f-
Motor Co.
Mrrurjr Dfalrr"
Dial 2-248
fflj drive ta tar Rr)
f tpetaf T . fj, W laps'
gf ym east mt line Iwi
jU tsf Wn froa mt aharf e TsL
Dodger Reserve Power
Shows Against Braves
tJnd Pres Sport Writer)
New York, April 27 UR Brooklyn's bench is Just a spike
splintered old board but Boss Branch Rickey fully believes It is
the magic piece of equipment that will bring another pennant to
Ebbets field.
"We've got the strongest bench in baseball," he said, and he
didn't mean that it was made
out of oriental teakwond or Bra
zilian lignum vitae. "This is the
strongest major league team
with which I've ever been asso
ciated and I think we have an
edge over all of the other clubs
because of our reserve," Rickey
That bench strength was dem
onstrated strikingly yesterday
when Gene Hermanski replaced
Rookie Cal Abrams in the start
ing lineup for the first time. He
not only hit a home run in a
5 to 2 victory over the Braves
that put Brooklyn in first place
but started the first triple play
at Ebbets fiel din five years.
The Thils won a 12 to 11
wooden wedding" from the
Giants in 11 innings when Del
Ennis broke up the game with a
two-run homer.
Bob Lemon's five-hit goose-
rgg pitching and Lou Boudreau's
400-foot homer over the center
field fence spelled victory to the
tune of 1 to 0 at Cleveland as
Red Embree of the Browns lost
a tough four-hit decision.
Rookie Jerry Coleman's fourth
straight hit, a two-run homer.
gave the league leading Yankees
a 5 to 4 victory, their second
straight over Philadelphia and
their fifth straight at home
where they haven't lost this sea
son. The Tigers snapped Chicago's
five-frame winning st r e a k by
sweeping a douhleheader.
OCE Diamondmen
Top Linfielders
Monmouth Pitcher VanLoo
went the distance Tuesday after
noon at the OCE Wolves clout
ed out a 7 to 2 victory over Lin
field college.
The win evened the series with
the Wildcats who had previously
blanked OCE 6-0.
Linfield 010 010 000-2 8 3
OCE 310 100 llx-7 10 2
Beavers Trounce
Huskies, 18 to 8
Corvallis, Ore., April 27 U.R
Oregon State Beavers Tuesday
posted their second straight lop
sided baseball victory over
Washington by downing the Hus
kies 18 to 8.
The win put the Beavers in r
second-place tie with Washing
ton State in Northern division
a V
I wFm': fta"11"! " bl
. . i
" ext A 1 4
E-k- e a j jr
iiK..fJ -J V t ' limn
Major Standings
(Br th Unttta Pre i
AaatTlean -
W. L. Pr t W L Prt
New Turk l l .niri Phllariai
Detrett I 3 .714 Boston
Cleveland 4 9 .MT St. l,mili
Chtcaao 4 .SA8 Waihlnitn
Nat I anal Lea rue
W. L. rVf.
Broklrn I 3 .631. ClolnniU
New Vrk 4 3 .1171 Bt. I.nli
Pitt-hurnh 4 .1 .ATI Chlcaio
Bnntnn 4 4 .600 Phllartel
Retail Tueadaj:
3 4 .420
1 7 .17.1
1 T .131.
Ameriean Leaf tie
St. hnuiM 0, Cleveland 1
Detroit Chicago 3-1 find tttna. K
Philadelphia 4. New York I
Washington at Boiton, postponed, rain.
National Ietae
B rt on 3. Brooklyn 8
New York 11, Philadelphia
Clnrlnnatl at St. Lnuli. postponed, rain.
(Only gamea scheduled !
Willamette Golf
Squad Defeats
Pioneers, 14-4
Losing but one match out of
the six played, Willamette's golf
team scored a 14-4 win over
Lewis and Clark over the Salem
Golf club course Tuesday after
noon. Jim Hanna of the losers, col
lected a hole in one on the eighth
Bob and Jim Johnson turned
in 74s to share medal honors.
Willamette (14)
Aleksa 0 3
I.&C (4)
B. Johnson
J. Johnson
Benape . .
. Jensen
Silverton Drubs
Silverton Scoring runs In
every Inning except the sixth,
the Silverton Foxes trounced
Estacada high, 20 to 3 on the
Estacada lot Tuesday afternoon
The Foxes had piled up a 12-3
advantage before they staged an
eight run rally In the seventh as
they more than batted around
in the Willamette Valley league
Silverton S22 140 8 20 17 3
Estacada 000 210 0 3 2 7
Lester, Koln (7) and Hande;
Kiggins, Richardson (S), Nichol
son (7) and Rallnu.
....3 0
....3 0
,....S 0
....a o
....2 1
Another LODER Feature
To Give You Just a Little Better Service
PHONE 3-4119
Be A Satisfied
Service Customer
465 Center St. Serving Salem Since 1929
-a- a
Vik Cindermen
Eye Next Meet
After Dual Loss
Salem high trarkstars looked
forward to a dual meet Friday
at Albany after they were turn
ed back for the first time In si
milar competition Tuesday at
The Miller varsity cinder team
nosed out the Vikings, 63-A8,
while the Jayvee team of Spring
field high topped a similar craw
from Salem, 8316 to 38 Mi.
Springfield scored eight firsts
compared to Salem's six in var
sity competition.
Broad Jump: Freeman (Bp), Jen III
Bp1, Hsmllton 'Ball.
Bhrt: GtUon (Ball, Rajnolda (Bp), Mav
Javelin: Othetn , Bender (),
Reynold (Bpl.
Dlei,s: Revnold p, Llppert Ba,
.u-ffrle (flsM.
HUh hurdle; Rom Sp), Ralaler (Bp),
Ms tht (Rait.
inn: Jenkln (Hp), Irror (Bp). Hsll (Sal).
Mile; Rurkhalter (8p), Adam (Bal,
Rtrnn 'flail.
40: Covalt Otann (Salt. Oraala
Pfl vault: Mnnre p), Qoheen (,
und Lohr p) tted
Low hurdle: Error (p), Cncklnf (ial,
Ma'hla (AsM.
J JO: Jenklna (ftp), HuH 8a1. Fs
ton (Sali.
S8ft: LofH (Hal. MfDnnald 'Salt. U
Tor 3rd between Adanu (81) and Wal
ler i Pal i.
Htah Jump: (h, Bpor ))
Mivire (Bp.
Relay: Aaltm Fat ton. Covalt. HalL
Hopsters Nose
Monmouth, 11-10
Independence In spite of an
eiRht run second inning on the
part of the Monmouth Wolver
ines, the Independence Hopsters
eked out a 11-10 diamond win
Tuesday afternoon. The locals
tied the count at 10 all with a
five run rally in the seventh and
then scored the winning marker
in the eighth. Monmouth was
credited with 13 errors.
Monmouth ..082 000 00-10 7 1$
Indep 004 100 .11-11 12 7
James, Baker (4) and Partlow:
Harden and Scott
Opening Night
APRIL 29 - 8:15 p. m.
Tickets on Sal
Sporting Goods
No Phone Reservations
Gates Open 6:45 P.M.
Enjoy the whiskey
a a ah Nnin.
i You'll ling the proiiei ot
A. . m B . i ii ...
uia ounny Droon Drona i ii i
the areot whiikey withmellow,
Pdigrd itock ond rich
enjoyment nnHe up 0 drink "on
the Sunny Brook iide"l
-A Blend
loot rot run
3 WTfMM1
tf IVIIT 10