12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday,. April 27, 1949 3 Hydro-Electric Development Starts at Big Cliff Engineers make soundings at site of Big Cliff power dam where genera tors operating from Detroit dam spillways will ultimately develop 100,000 kilowatts. Completion date for this project and Detroit dam is set for 1093. O. A. Cannon 688 S. Lancaster dr. The Harold Laytons, 685 S. Elma ave., were hosts to Wil liam Kilgore of Scotts Mills, Mrs. Claud Kilgore, Joyce Judy and Gary Kilgore all of Mc Minnvllle. Week-end guests In the I. H. White home 200 Beck ave., were Mr. and Mrs. L. T. White and daughters Sharon and Charlene of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Walker 200 Mahrt ave., were hosts for the Krazy Kard Klub. Pinochle Four Corners School Plans Annual Open House Four Corners, April 27 The Rickey Mothers' club held Its meeting at the school house. Dr. S. D. Wiles spoke on dental health In general, stressing the need for children. Mrs. Edward White was appointed chairman to represent Rickey school at the pre-school and Infant health clinic to be held May 4 at Swegle school. Mrs. Lawrence Lee and Mrs, C. A. Lossner volunteered to serve on the committee. Rickey school will hold open house May 6. The club is planning a food sale, date to be announced later. The next meeting will be Friday, May 13. Care will be provided for the small children whose mothers wish to attend Hostesses were Mrs. Fred Gep hardt, Mrs. Waldo Miller, Mrs Melvin Scott and Mrs. Jess Mc- Ilnay. Scouts Organize Team Cub Scout Den 3 attended the regular meeting of Pack 101 at the Presbyterian church. Den 3 competed in a "yell" contest for the Pack. The local den has or ganized a Softball team to play against other den teams. They have completed wood working project making bird houses, boats and scrap books. Two new members are Gary Mcllnay and Rodney Anderson. Other mem berg are Gary Pierpoint, Craig Scott, Eric and Gary Pederson, James Burke. Boys age t through 11 are eligible to join Guests Are Numerous There have been many out of town guests during the week in Four Corners. Mrs. Allen Looney of Ventura, Calif., who has been visiting her mother Mrs. Ross Wood, 3915 State St. has returned home. She expects to bring her children up for the summer. Mrs. Looney was ac companied south by Mrs. G. G. Looney who will make the re turn trip also. Visitors In the Nick Schwei gert home 3628 LaBranche ave., don. Ediann and Tommy Hern- don, Ediann and Tomy Hfern- don of Halsey, Oregon. Mrs. Trevor Humphreys and children Nancy and Helen of John Day, Oregon, visited for several days with Mr. and Mrs. WOMEN WANTED For beauty training. Ex cellent opportunities are al waya op an to the skilled beautician. Cla&nes are now forming at Salem's oldest and most advanced beauty school. Call or writ (or our new low rates. Oregon School of Beauty Culture 130 N. Liberty Ph. 36800 Palmistry Readings Will tell your put present and future. Will advise on love marriage and business, A n m ra all qaestions. Are you worried r W h hi i n doubt? Special Readings Onn S m stiSrt a1 o 10 pun. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 8. Commercial was In play and late refresh ments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales, Mr. and Mrs. William Fiester, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Cable, Mr. and Mrs. Chris man, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcll nay, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Osborn. Honors went to Mr. and Mrs. Bales. New Santiam Highway Approaching Completion . By JAMES D. OLSON The major obstacle to the beginning of evacuation work on the Detroit dam completion of the new North Santiam highway, is expected to be removed early in July. Three contractors are involved in the construction of 12.78 miles of the new road and two bridges. The Kuckenberg Construction company has the largest road contract with Guy F. Atkinson company completing the remain der of this section. Bridges over Tumble creek and Breitenbush creeks are being constructed by the Port Construction company The entire cost of this portion of road work and bridges totals S4.333.000 while an additional 3.5 miles of roadway not yet under contract is estimated to cost an additional $1,060,000. When the grading work on the new road is completed, the entire stretch of improved road way will be oiled. It is not ex pected that the new road will be hard surfaced until after the construction of the dam has been completed as it is feared that heavy traffic would break the road up. As quickly as the portion of the road, now under contract is ready to be opened to gen eral traffic, the army engi- H mm nam rairroi Fur storage during the warm weather Is a MUST for fine furs. Don't delay and risk a needless loss. Protection From MOTHS FIRE THEFT HEAT hi?? 135 North Liberty ft r$l 5)62 1 1 HllTl TO II S .ORYOUROU) I mXIVl NOW JJJ SIT OF TIMS I Tsar pick if tie tout Dm art its ruttstnlMswi'n ie Brtaf Is yiw itri Urn wa ll sty (of prices. fk III Wilis Aw kl'S ftfMHIt MtltJ tlrs-U. S. Hull Mistsr Mr m. it Fni irtntlt isilritlii if tat Milnt stiiriai is saltitt rMlif i tin mriin u..ioyil Mr Rid. WALTER H. ZOSEL CO. Chemeketa & High Salem, Oregon ri Specially made for new cars -makes all cars perform better AT HELPFUL PSivcnput associated VKAUK neers in charge of the project, will take over the branch rail road line extending from Mill City to a point just west of Idanha and make the rails avail able to the contractor for trans portation of equipment and materials. Scio Poults Burn Scio, April 27 More than 300 17-day-old turkeys valued at $750 were lost here Tuesday when fire in an oil brooder stove destroyed the brooder house belonging to M. L. Bink- ley. Carl Sues to Colled From DAV Group Complaint in circuit court here by Henry Carl, contractor, vs. Veterans Living Memorial Building association and The Disabled American War Vet erans, Salem chapter No. 4, seeks to collect $10,283 for labor and materials allegedly expended on construction of veterans memorial building at Marlon and North Church streets. Carl claims that between June 7, 1948, and November 4, 1948, he furnished $20,283 on the building in labor and mate rials and that only $10,000 of the amount has been paid. He says under the contract he was to receive 85 per cent of the value of labor and materials monthly as work progressed 5 What About Windows? Windows make - all the difference in a home's ap pearance and comfort! Let us tell you of the many good looking, dependably working types we make. Same time, let's go over your other Mill Work needs. We can tell you much about Mill Work that may help you and, perhaps, ease the purse strain. SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1225 Cross Ph. 3-5953 I The complaint says that the Vet erans living Memorial Building association was known as Vet erans Building Association oi Marion county, Inc., from . March to November, 1948. f BEIL0WS 'ljl I J who aw fPO wf Sj fWms Choice 11 SPECIAL PRICE WATER HEATERS REDUCED! 40 gal. El ecUic Water heater Reduced Price ?95 All (he hot water you want automatically ... at a price that means extra value! The two immersion-type elements heat quickly for a constant supply of hot water. Heavily insulated for greatest operating economy. White enamel tank jacket is easy to keep shining clean. See it now at hears. f f i in . I 'i III' 1 i 'I- v 1 ), ;, I i i ' i Wo;" I Table Top Hot Water Heater White Porcelain Enamel 10-Year Guarantee 138 88 30 Gal. Plenty of hot water right at your finger tips ... 30 gallon size glass lined tank; spun glass Insulation. Automatic thermostat adjustable from 120 to 170 de grees. Ideal for the small home, uie it in the kitchen ... top pro vides working spacel Homart Gas Water Heater 10-Year Guarantee 20-gal. size AO Reg. 112.50 OO flenty of clean hot waterl Glass tank lining prevents corroiion, rust or stain; lasts Indefinitely. Heavy blanket of glow wool in sulation reduces gas bills I Safe, new burner design gives wide even heat distribution. M OaL Htf. Usji now 99 .si Homart Electric Water Heater 10 Yr. Guarantee 50 Gal, Glass Lined Tank Reg. 154.95 s)Q88 Now IsJO 0 v Plenty of hot water con venient, quick, low in cost! That's what you get with a Homart! Heavy blanket of glass wool insulation re duces the electric bills. At tractive white enamel, ad justable heat control. Also available in 30-gal sizes. Homart Electric Water Heater 5-Year Guarantee 30-gal. tank QAIS reg. 112.95 OO Easy Terms Hot water . . , day and night ... for the entire family. Thick zinc lining in tank cannot rust, peel or corrode ... is practical ly indestructible! Auto matic thermostat keeps water hot day and night . . Just set and forget. LET SEARS GIVE YOU A FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR COMPLETE PLUMBING AND HEATING REQUIREMENTS. Complete Chest of Tools Loaned Free with Each Complete Plumbing Installation cfwgt SEARS 484 State Street Phone 3-9191