Keizer School Counts Cost Of Vandalism at Building Keizer, April 27 Vandaliim at the ichool home ii estimated by the school board memberi In excess of $75 and both school unit nolice authorities are continuing the investigation. A total of 68 windows were broken In four rooms with the greatest dam age in the three upper ones, particularly the sixth grade room -which Is in the rear of the school r xrm Via v Two guests were present, Mrs. J. P. Marlti and Mrs. P. E. Gurske. Members present Mrs. Nick LeRud, club presi dent, Mrs. Luther Melton, Mrs. Harry Vasey, Miss Echo Hall, Miss Alto Hall, Mrs. John Der rick, Mrs. Ben Claagett, Mrs. J. A. Gardner, Mrs. Ray Melson, Mrs. J. E. Whitehead, Mrs. El mer Ideen, Mrs. Mary Sloan, building where more than half: Mrs. A. E. Cummings, Mrs. Alto the panes were broken. TheiYunker, Miss Ruth Rulifson. music room was also damaged. Mrs. Rrances Huffman and the Sewing Club Meets The Keizer Ladies hewing club met at the L. E. Gilkey home in Manbrin Gardens. Miss Ruth Rulifson assisted the host ess, Mrs. L. E. Gilkey in serv ing the noon covered dish luncheon. High light of the afternoon was a plant sale. The plants were sold to the highest bidder by auctioneer, Mrs. Otto Yun ker and a great deal of fun was had by the group in trying to out bid each other for the plants which were donated by the members of the club. In this manner over $17 was raised which will be given to the Kei zer community church for their building fund. hostess, Mrs. Gilkey. PTA Session Calls Mrs. Ralph B. Sipprell, presi dent of the Marion County Council of Parents and Teachers, left for Eugene to attend the 38th annual convention of the Oregon Congress of Parents and Teachers which opend Tuesday and will continue through Thursday. Mrs. Sipprell, who is also a member of the board of managers of the Oregon Con gress, attended a pre-conven-tion conferenc of the board which was held on Monday afternoon at the Eugene hotel convention headquarters. The planning committee of Cub Pack 41 met for their April meeting at the home of Mrs. Hand Stand Senovio Pa- dilla, four-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Padilla of Los Angeles, has been bal ancing on his father's hand since he was two months old. Addition at School Attracts Visitors Salem Heights Many per sons visited the new addition of the Salem Heights school last Monday night. Bonds for the project were voted last June with the sum being $35,000. The contract was given to Nelson and Smith. The new addition Is constructed of pumice blocks, with a solid con crete floor and covered with tile. Construction was started last October and was ready for the fifth and sixth grades on April of 1949. It has two class rooms, library, two lavatories, a sup ply room and a furnace room. In 1948 the school had only six rooms; now it has ten, all of which are in use. The school will have a music program in honor of Music week on May 6 and will hold open house at that time. Smarts Benefit Hosts Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. James P. Smart will be hosts for I benefit card party for the Lin coin Community Center associa tion at their Zena home Satur day night at 8 o'clock. Priced from With a Reliable JACOBSEN POWER MOWER "None Better" A broad statement we can back up by giving you a list of satisfied owners of JACOBSEN POWER MOWERS right here in your neighborhood. TERMS MOORE'S Pete Nebreja. Plans were made for the April pack meeting. Crude Smudge Pots Prove Effective Unionvale Smudge pots were used in various strawberry fields because of the low ther mometer readings. Those re porting were U. S. Alderman, 80 acres strawberries; Jack Dow ney, 16 '-j acres strawberries; L. W. Scoggan more than 10 acres strawberries. This smudge-pot usage is new in this area and equipment while crude has proven efficient in the use of buckets of sawdust saturated with oil, old bales of straw also saturated with oil were reported. Pins Are Presented At Hayesville PTA Hayesville The regular meet ing of the Hayesville PTA was held with a cafeteria dinner served preceding the meeting which took In $64.31. Robert Maillee of the First National bank presented 4-H club Dins to members nf last year's clubs. Camp Cookery, Harold Scherman. Jrrv Tnrrs- dal, Bobby Brown, Walter Schu- ler. Monty Richardson, Galen Siddall. Jack Stryffeler and Richard npitzpntitpin nairvinir James Berger. Sewing 2, Ber nlta Tuers and Margaret Katka Conking 2, Janice Siddall, Nell Dean Foster, Francis Finch, Bev erly Christensen and Helen Black. Cooking 1, Marilyn Gib by, Jeanette Siddall, Louise Hoo ner, Betty Adams and Janice Eckhout. This was also 4-H club achievement night and the fol lowing clubs took part: Cooking 1, Cooking 3, Sewing 1, Health club and the Teen Age club. Flute solos were played by the following pupils of Mrs. Branson's room: Holland Sher- Capitnl Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, April 27, 194911 man, Virginia Griffith, Alberta Freeman and Carol Carathers. Mr. B. Christofferson, Mr. J. Versteeg and Mr. A. Stryffeler were named on the nominating committee. The next PTA meet ing will be May 10. Everyone reads the ads. Jour nal Classified. ITCH:: AflftrtUtaial cftbUi) It blihl? - Ian fr IHt It t !). Ill tiaii It ih tick nit ahleb It iMsBUnt it t'ditttr treatment, it SOKA klUi Iht Htk nit ilmtal Inattnl lT. OnlF thrtt tUrt KXSOBA trtatntal It rttlrt4, Al Vtar ftrtrtit PRCO MEYER Drtji rtU Mat) Or tiara OUta Prtntl Atltntltm. I DIRT FOR SALE About May 2 Sound Construction & Engr. Co. New State Office Bldg. Phone 2-5660 SI 35.00 u Bieye, and SPort ShP 18" to 30" models 237 N. High Street - Salem A Goot Companion I bb 1-Toot ' KENTUCKY WHISKEY A BLEND National Distillers Prod. Corp., N. Y. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits CLEARANCE OUT THEY GO! REMAINING sprng COATS Many Regularly Priced at $69.95 AT ONE LOW PRICE $2D Shorties, 3A Lengths, Full Lengths Gabardine, Covert or Tweed Just Arrived! Raven end Cotton Knit Dresses Just the thing for hot weather) SMART SHOP 300 Beautiful Spring Prints and Gabardine Casual Drettet JUST Vi Price! 3d ANSWERS ARY SPECIAL IT'S NEW. .NEW. ..NEW! GLORIOUSLY NEW, ADVANCE STYLING . . . AT THE NEW, LOWER PRICES YOU ASKED FOR! PAY ONLY 709 Monthly A VERY SPECIAL PURCHASE PERMITS THIS SPECTACULAR 1 fei ylltf SflSr:: lis Also ivailaUe In group Indud- F tit j ja' J kg nity, vanity bench, bed, Cote;f m "Kt' T chest with same mattreu ami f 0 fr . box spring reS) ", 7 ftp $17.00 DELIVERS IT! 'Zl'ij I a Pl h' Bed, Mr, and Mrs. Dresser, and Night Stand . . . PLUS This Quality Innerspring Mattress and Box Spring Here is positive proof that the new bedroom styles are bigger values than ever before. Here is an outstanding example of the new styling . . . lower vanity base, taller mirror, new South Pacific woods in light finish, clean lines . . . com bined with a regular $69 innerspring mattress and box spring by one of America's best known makers in a special money-saving offer. Buy either group . . . the one with Mr. and Mrs. dresser or the one with the vanity and vanity bench ... on our special low terms. Inspect the finer construction, see the lustrous new finish, compare the styling and details, and you'll see why we consider this the biggest dol lar's worth we have offered in a bedroom group in years! But HURRY! We were able to secure only a limited number to offer in this special group. When they are gone there will be no more. Many Other Similar Bedroom Values From Which to Select ALL FOR 16950 115 NORTH LIIERTY