10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, April 27, 1949 f V ' .... -riMlHm Dinner Will Precede Talk Forest A. Harness, former In diana representative and princi pal speaker here Wednesday night at a public meeting in the Salem Chamber of Commerce, will be the honored guest at an informal banquet tonight. 1 Harness will speak briefly to a group of state and civic lead ers before addressing a public gathering on the subject of "Federal Thought Control." Frank Ward, president of the Salem Junior Chamber of Com merce, sponsor of Harness' ap pearance in the city, will pre side at the banquet. ' Attending the dinner will be State Senator Allan Carson, State Treasurer Walter Pearson, Deputy Secretary of State Wil liam Healey, City Manager J. L. Franzen, Robert Letts Jones, Charles A. Sprague, Dr. F. How ard Kurtz, Dr. Morris Carruth- ers, Dr. W. W. Baum, Dr. James L. Sears, Herbert Barker, Harry Collins, Adam Lefor and Bruce W. Williams. Governor Douglas McKay will attend the banquet if he arrives in time from a confer ence In the state of Washington. More Equipment for a Growing Capital Journal Crated parts of a new Linotype machine are shown being hoisted into the Capital Journal building. The additional line-casting machine, which helps set the type that goes into the newspa per, will be in operation by the end of the week to handle its share of the load of giving the Central Willamette valley a better newspaper. Scout Circus Has Interest Stayton Mortician's wax, lip stick and "blood" made of wa ter colored by vegetable color ing and ground chocolate, were used by Stan M a 1 o, Albany Scoutmaster, to produce the ef fect of a severed artery at the mepting of Marlon district Boy 8n.ul leaders at Marion. This method of realistically di imatlzlng the work has ere ated much the boys, giving them a picture of actual conditions which exist In injuries. A report on the camporee re cently held at the Scout camp above Mehama was given. An other Is scheduled for Septem ber 24, 25. Plans for the annual Scout circus at Salem were outlined by Eric Soderberg, assistant Scout executive. An event of May 7, it will feature demon stratlons of various Scout activi ties, with various troops assign ed to sections for showing their chosen skills to vlstors, who will walk from one to another conn ty fair fashion. The next meet ing of the district leaders will be held at Lyons, May 10. Present at Marion were: from Mill City, Clyde Golden, W. Hampton, L. H. Verbeck; Lyons, Walter Hilton, Chet Grimes; Stayton, F. M. Forrette, chair man, Raymond Frey, L. E. Spra- ker; Marion, J. H. Smith, Dor aey Gray, I. W. Klellng, Miles Arthur, Rankin E. Wright, E. J. Snyre, and Mr. Soderberg and Mr. Malo. fUB 0S3MEB Ml JljL IN THE II jJkT DISTINCTIVE M f& GREEN t Una til liniuu ill. utiii. ill. Music Event Calls Unionvale Miss Joyce Craw ley of this district and Miss Bar bara Will of Grand Island mem bers of the Dayton Union high school were among those who attended the northwest Oregon music contest held at Hillsboro. 'A - v Linn Seed Crop Increase Noted Lebanon Increased acreage on several seed crops and con tinued high acreage on others is planned for the Dessert Seed company's second year opera tions in Linn county, it Is point ed out by Hal Burgess, manager of the company's Willamette val ley division with headquarters in Lebanon. Contracts for vine seed crops have now been filled and plant ing operations will commence soon after May 1. Yields on these Former Congressman Forest A. Harness of Indiana who will address a public meet ing at the Salem Chamber of Commerce tonight at 8 o'clock on "Federal Thought Control." The meeting, which is free, is under the sponsorship of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. and 23. Roy Henn was elected district treasurer. I SENSATIONAL INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL! BRAND NEW V4" GALVANIZED . PIPE 13c t.&.c portland steel & supply co. 2500 N.W. Nicolai, Portland CA. 1676 Henn Named Treasurer Woodburn Roy Lester Henn, master councilor of the Wood burn DeMolay chapter. Earl Ehrens, Dwaine Rogers and Chester Daniels attended the De Molay state concave at Eugene Friday and Saturday, April 22 ROBBED of Sleep by Awful Dry Eczema Itch "... tried Resinol relief aeemed like a miracle!" Ask your druggist for this fa mous ointment today. Have the comfort enjoyed by thousand!, as the Resinol medication in lanolin acti fast to give lingering relief to itchy, burning akin. NEW TREAT Here's a ready-made lenten meal in itself! Tfonkxs J (hp y VEGETABLE VLu K L SALAD S- ;Tj!M?yf?f TASTY VEGETABLES- jrUTHEVITAMS( MIXED WITH SMOOTH AND MINERALS ) V. COTTAGE CHEESEI ) I OF CREAMY ) -V-sJ COTTAGE CHEESI SN ASf' . . . PIUS THE V X J NOURISHMENT OF SIX ANGGETABIESI Juflt Imagine the creamiest Cottage Cheese ever Bordrn 'a with aix tempting. chopped vegetables. Deliciout ! AT YOUR GROCER'S NOWI crop last year weer reported as very high by the company manager. Burgess said that contracting Is now being done with local farmers for biennial seed crops. These crops are planted during the summer and fall and mature the following year. A major number of these crops have been successfully raised locally for many years. Many farmers are contracting for these in placa of grain rais ing. The latter crop now is fluctuating In price and no long er holds a dependency for good v f r We build our bodies like a wall Jr If With foods that make us strong j j With Master Bread for bulldlnf jk gjL blocks i We surely cant' go wrong. S,SJ0' At your Grocer's i ft s iirriajjf) needn't be a grind withO-Cedar No-Rubbing Cream Polish to speed housed caning. It CLEANS as it polishes as It riOTicri furniture, wood work, porcelain and all enamel surfaces ail in one easy appli cation! AskforOCa-darNo-Rubbiog Cream Polish to day where you boy yoor deatv log supplies. garni! Ifs to oaiy with 0"(dar "TW fie.laet help ti ko(kfiin9F1 0-CfDACOteK.CkUit.tfl.IToMt.CM. profit, announced Burgess. I In the Bcroggln feed and seed Company offices are located! warehouse on west Sherman. . my. HARVBOARD ottoofases Maa. aaaVaBi ' - sSa MBBh aVaaa ' NATURES W00O IWXWWO 100 fOlv STRONG YET WORKABLE AND BEAUTIFUL EXTERIOR Sheathing, concrete form liners, for farm build ings, garsge doors, and for exterior uses when painted. INTERIOR Wall board, partitions, flooring and subfloora, fixtures, furniture, cab lnets, table tops, shelves. ' vA. ' COMPAII CHAPCO IOAID fO USABIltTY, ouAinr and met J. W. COPELAND Lumber Yard 520 Wallace Rd.,W. Salem Ph. 36627 SEE CHAPCO BOARD TOD AY I Dlmeniloni-4'sl' hi three Hilduienee-tl", J14", 14 Now-enjoy the other wonderful advantages of "step-down" design with a Revelation Drive the cr Hudson's yeare-ahead 4'atep-Hnwn" deaiKn made potwiblel The car with not jtint "more", but the moat of all you've wanted moatl Meat utlfun Millions choae Hudnon "Kirat for Heauty!" It's the mosf stream lined, loweat-built rar on the road ... yet there's full road clearance! Meat teemyt Amating head room; the mott roomy, most comfortable seats. Meat RMd-weettiyl Loweet center of gravity in any American stock car. You nde down within the base frame where riding's moat relaxing, moat safe! Meit Ail-rovne' Parforfnai.ee! Your choice of America's Moat Powerful Six . . . the all-new. hiph-compriwion Super-Six engine, or the even more powerful Super-Kight. Center-Point Steering, Triple-Safe Brnkea, Fluid -Cushioned Clutch, Dual Carhuretion and Drive Master Trammisaion for automatic Sear shiftingmany other high-per ormance, long-life featuree that only Hudson brings you in one great car. Optional ml alight ntrm aawaseaaaaBasBBi 1909-1949 . . . CefVbrarfag 40 Tears of En inring Ltodtthip HUDSON PRICES $ Q Q AM START AS LOW AS for Hie Hveiea tvper-K 3-POMnf r Cove, d1 kee. Mir eiripped, Mue-le, WMtkef.Cirrel Neree Celnoaee-Alr tyttMe. leeel reM te ee t4i4. SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY 316 N. Church Salem, Oregon Thursday, Friday, Saturday . . . Last 3 Days Sars National I- f "N. Sars National '2x-yV mimmm April 21 through April 30 VrW COMPARE! Features, Advantages, Prices! CRAFTSMAN BENCH SAW v 6.00 dn., 5.00 mo. en Sean Easy Terms (usual carrying ohar(e) A Boll Bearing, Tilting Arbor Saw . . One That Givei Greater Accuracy. Where else but at Sears cart you buy a saw for so little yet get such features as these: (1) A single control adjusts both angle and depth of cut. (2) One device locks rip fence at both ends. (3) A new motor mount gives smoother opera tion, longer wear! Don't wait! See it now at Sears saving iriral Split Phase) Motor K Horsepower 9.50 tmtap tpm pna awear. H.P. 1 1 J yo 60-cytl. KC operation. Derelopi 1750 k.P.M. Irons bMrinas. Single tSafl Mxl Vin. Turning Lath Dependable Cralttmon Quality 40-kv OvaroH... 22.95 Com. b ond cfceck Ml feotvree at IMe ovtne price) Heavy coe) Iron constrve eni MtfubrieaHns brera. beorinva. Craftsman Drill Ufltihwiahl EUonc Hand Drill ,A 13.50 eitoe (mk. 'HamnHe W-ta. elwdi. 1600 "..CM. Sr Somil., trlgg. rHKk. ear w)wiy,wi w.u nni i. ii. Motor Rail, Clips DaOMlooiliisisiotTooh) RooNnfl Type.. 1.10 eavia11 feMSae slse aeer eocfc tool evrf eMSt mr tml limit cm e&aeVsSsasasMeas CCHDC ' JUiAJ Opan End Wrenches Sn-eomllnd for Eosy Handling Croftsmon i-pc Set 3.98 ee (TMler lvme. HwdW beet- Handy Manila Rope Extra-Strong, long Wearing ioo.ft.k-w..,. 35 100-ft. H-ln. eoll . . MS MAX., H-ln. eoU l.li 484 STATE ST. Phone 3-9191