8 Capita Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, April 26. 1949 Barber Threatens Injunction If Council Passes Ordinance A. W. Peterson, a Salem barber, told the city council Monday night that if the bill to fix working hours for barber ihopi passes the council he will bring an injunction suit against it. "I don't want to work longer hours than anyone else," he said, "but I don't want anyone telling me how to run my business." ' The bill, on motion of Alder-' man Armstrong, was tabled for two weeks, , Joe Madison of the OK shop told the council that 98 per cent of the barbers had signed the petition for the bill. The sup porting barber also said they thought 10 hours was long enough to work and they fear ed a tendency to get back to the non-regulation of old days when shops remained open until 10 or 11 o'clock at night. I The bill would fix the open ing time at 8 a.m. and closing at 6 p.m.. with no work on bun days and holidays. The bill would charge a license fee of $5 to owners and Journeymen alike As originally introduced the fee was $1, but City Attorney Chris J!. Kowlti said thli wouldn't pay the cost of collection. I ! Ordinance bill passed by the council were: I Re-establishing the sidewalk line on the west aide of Laurel avenue between Academy atreet and the south line of Lot 10 Block 8, Platt'a additon. A bill correcting the city Initiative and referendum ordinance. Bill prohibiting the discharge of water, oil, etc., upon sidewalks and parking stripe adjacent to service station) and other places. i The only bill for first read ing proposed a sone change from Class I residential to Class III-X, on application of the Portland General Electric company In Block 35, North Salem addition, where the company Intends to build a sub-station. ; Several persons who had join ed In the petition for the change requested withdrawal of their names. i Street Improvement petitions sinned by enough property own ers to make or exceed the re quired SO per cent were as fol lows, and the engineer was In structed to prepare the plans: , Hines from 14th to 13th; Alice avenue from South Com mercial to Mountainview drive; 15th from Lee to Waller; Myrtle rom Pine to Hickory; Moun tainview drive from Hansen to Candalarla boulevard; Madison from Cottage to Winter. , A petition for the Improve ment of Madison from Church to Cottage was Insufficient. i Resolutions were adopted de claring intentions to improve the following streets: 1 North 22nd from D street to Nebraska; West Nob Hill from Hoyt to Fawk; Argyle drive from Hansen to Candalarla bou levard; North 22nd from Brey man to the south terminus of 22nd; Hickory from Valpak to Brooks; alley In Block 10, North Salem addition; alley In blocks 4 and 5 of Brooklyn ad dition; alley in Block 1 of Hugh Owens addition; Block 9 of G. H. Jones addition. Petitions were approved and the engineer Instructed to pre pare plans for the widening of Union street to 34 feet from Capitol to a point 425 feet east of Capital; and for the widen ing of Marion street to 40 feet from Capitol to 12th. Approval was given petitions for sanitary sewers to serve Block 8, Brooklyn addition; and South 15th from Waller to Hines. A petition asking the city to accept a deed for the extension of Ford street south of Turner road was referred to the man ager for Investigation. A claim was received from Mrs. Mary Mulkey for injuries received when she fell on a de fective sidewalk. It was refer, red to the city attorney. Tabled until the next meeting was a remonstrance against the improvement of Grant street from 19th to Kay's Second ad ditlon. The remonstrance was not fit ed within legal time, but some of the property owners who petitioned for the paving sold their property and the buyers do not want the paving done now. On favorable reports from the planning and zoning com mission the council set pubic hearings at the next meeting on petition of the Church of God for permission to build an addition to Its church at 940 South 22nd; and of the Court Street Christian church for per mission to complete construc tion of its building at 17th and Court. Foster & Kleiser applied for authority to set up billboards at 1391 Broadway and 985 Broad way. They were referred to the aldermen of the wards where locsted, The council voted a motion by Gille for a woven wire bar ricade on South 18th street where it enters Shelton ditch, for the protection of children. The Oregon Pulp & Paper company will be notified of a similar situation on South 17th at the millrace. Silverfon Women Sew, Eat Dinners Sllverton Mrs. Victor David and Mrs. Adolph M. Haugen will serve as project demonstra tion leaders for the Sllverton home extension unit at the Thursday meeting at the church Broiled dinners will be the theme with the meal prepared foi group observation, the meet ink to begin at 10:30 o'clock and served shortly after the noon hour During the business session following the serving of dinner, Youth, Government Session Comes to Salem This Week The second annual Youth and Government legislative session, sponsored by the YMCA will bring approximately 150 boys and girls to Salem from many parts of the state for the two day program April 29 and 30. A few of the "legislators" including those from far distant parts of the state will as well as those who have been elected to head up the program, will ar rive Thursday. This group will go Into executive session for the purpose of naming committees and in other ways preparing for the official opening Friday forenoon. Registration will begin at 9 o'clock Friday morning, follow. ing by an organization meeting at 10:30 and a Joint session at 11 o'clock when Governor Douglas McKay will address the delegates. Immediately there after Jim Cooke, member of Ar- Mrs. Martin Hannan, president, will be In charge assisted by Mrs. Marie Riveness, secretary. SPICTT, the pmazlng new flavor booiler, octuolly accents the nat ural taste of all foods, yet adds no flavor of its own I Use SPIOT for fuller flavored soups, meats, salads. As easy as adding sah. STRETCH YOUR DOLLARS WITH UNIVERSALE SENSATIONAL 3-N-I OFFER I Doat saiM this lionied-dme, snoaey swing opportunity t See tht sew Uni versal D-Spssd Washer. Notice tbs (vast sofaa of she LOW Speed . , , WMdi how REGULAR Speed gels heavy pieces whiter! Buy today. Get without emtra charge the convenient Pearl. Wick Hex) peri Cordottk Clothesline Reel. 037 ' " . I," ' .- $-..-t:'!:' - PEARL-WICK Jumbo Hamper valued at ift.Vt. Made from triple-strength "Duroweve" with woven-in steel ribs. Will sot dent or bulge, telf-'issilliiisf, Ccliacse plastic pearl OFFER GOOD FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY A tumJy means lor fjryinft cloihee indoors. 18 ft. oi durable, pUtiic line rewinds automatically. lust iht ihinf for that everyday wash. Valued at $4.99 mom " m W pump emu MOIL SHOWN tMt.tt WITH PUMP YEATER APPLIANCE CO II Crown Tlour U'i m gives you Vi f ij-way I thur Cotton HI Y chapter of Salem, named "governor" for the legislative session, will give his "state of Oregon address." Students elected to top legis lative posts are Rod French, La Grande, president of the senate; Dan Boyd, Lincoln high, Port land, speaker of the house; Carol Winslow, West Linn, clerk of the senate; and Barton Adams, Klamath falls, clerk of the house. A banquet will be held at the YMCA Friday evening, with Carlton B. Greider, member ship secretary of the Y and World War veteran, as princi pal speaker. Housing of out of town youths Is In charge of a committee in' eluding Mrs. Ray L. Crittenden, Mrs. Jsmes McClelland, Mrs (red H. Humphrey, snd Mrs. J. F.dgar Resy. Dr. U. G. Dubsch, head of the department of political sci ence, Lewis snd Clark college, is chairman of a state-wide YMCA committee for the Youth and Government program. Gov- ernor McKay, Secretary of State Earl Newbry and State Treat urer Walter Pearson, head the advisory committee. Senators Dean Walker, Independence; Senator Howard C. Belton, Can by; Rep. Frank J. VanDyke Medford and Rep. Rudie Wil- helm, Portland, have agreed to be on hand during the two-day session. Oranges Distributed Sllverton Close friends of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cramer are receiving fresh oranges picked from the trees as gifts from the Cramers on their re turn Wednesday from a three weeks visiting and sight-seeing trip ss guests of their daugh ters' families in Riverside, Calif., Mrs. Nana McPherson and Mrs. Vivian Price. TOP SOIL and FILL DIRT Phone SS737 or S964S BE A STENOGRAPH (Moehlne Shorthand) Secretary A Personnel Assistant Executive Assistant SPECIAL CLASS 2 NIGHTS PER WEEK at SALEM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE See Registrar, Howard S. Dieti At Marion Hotel, April 27-28-29 SEE FREE MOVIE FILM "Miracle Machine of the Age" Showing Graduates and Students Using These Machines In Portland Stenotype School At SALEM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE April 28 and IS at S p. m. (p-.rtl.nS Sten.trse 8eh.l ftorlnf New 8ten.tr.sh Machine.) Did you read the ads today? Journal Classified. , MeOul Tut PrttW TUt x I au B-C ttslAsWOMaut tat T FEMALE FAINS Are you troubled by tttstreee of fe male functional monthly disturb ance? Doea tola make you euffer from pain, feel ao nsrtmt, vk. hlfb-atrunf t ueb tlmee? Tbeo so try Lydt E. PlnkJuun'a Vegetable Compound to relieve auon aymp tomai In a reosnt medloal teat tnla proTed remarkably helpful to wom en troubled tola way. Any drugstore. LYDU L PINKHfWSSeSmr NO EXTRA COST with last Inch of sealing strip from a can of wonderful new Bliss Coffee r I W J,l:iMBL jV State " i .;... . L sT sV .l.V'f 1 tx ... . , ssssa aasaa . nmmm,r. Hurry I Don't miss this bonus offer mads by wonder ful new BLISS... lbs coffee that gives you marvelous fla vor at a low, low price. Clip tbs coupon below. Get 2 handy food-saver bags to keep meat, vegetables, snd bread fresher longer io refrigerator or freez er. (If your grocer doesn't have Rllfl h. mn f ( rM wv .v. ,. win m I General Foods Representative.) & 1 I 1949 MERCURY OWNERS REPORT 17,18,19 MILES PER GALLON-AND UP1 Even mora wi'fi optional Overdrive I NOW $22771$ Price Includes i 5 Super Cushion Balloon Tires, Grille Guards, Oil-Bath Air Cleaner, Oil Filter, Wheel Trim Rings, Electric Clock. Does not Include sales tax, license fee. ...,.. rnvmri veliyeki OR WITHOUT TRADE-IN I t4f MFRCURY SlX-PASSfNtt COUP! White Wdewoll tires end reer wheel shields eptienel et eatre cost PROMPT DELIVERY! LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE! II KKFS tout chance to own the $marml'Uokingi ear on the road today and rawr saw money, tool 1. There are no xlnu for toii to hurt 3. You frt iinmt4fi7v food fpuoine tctmamy! Ownm report 1 7, 1ft, 19 mil ca prr gallon and up. Y.rrn more with optional Overdrive I S. We pr you iwrv Utmttl allourmc on your old ear, tool And rem ember, thta big, roomy Mercury la the swieaf.nflnriVin $momhflridin itWiest car in ita flaw! Ita powerful 8-cy Under, Vtype engine ia etrner-pmivn foe milliotu of mile, toot Come In today gm pnmpt biinryt tfoj pirnI 1949 ER RV WARNER MOTOR COMPANY 430 North Commercial St., Salem, Ore. 255 North Liberty Phone 3-4311