20 Capita! Journal Salem, Or., Tuesday, April 26, 1949 i Vfl. Albany Posting Fete Cash Funds Albany Prizes totaling $. 000 will be awarded during the annual Albiiny Junior Chamber of Commerce Timber carnival . . ...I.. .nit i at staged nere juiy . . - --i, vr.vrlv lake. It i announced i( bv Larrv Roth, carnival chair man. Lake event! contestants will vie for $2,000 in cash and merchandise awards, queen con testants will receive about $500. and other prizei amounting to $3.S00 will be offered, Roth Hated. , Virgil Learning, chairman of the committee on lake contest priiea has released the follow ing increased schedule for this year's events. World championship log chop ping First place, $100; aecond. $50- third, $30: fourth, $20. Total money: $200. Next two places merchandise awards. World champion speed climb ing $200 $100, $.10 and $25. Total, $375. Next two places merchandise awards. World championship topping $200, $100, $50 and $25. Total $375. Next two placet merchan dise awards. World championship bucking $200, $100, $50 and $25. Total $375. Next two places merchan dise awards. Northwest championship log rolling $200, $100, $50, and $25. Total, $375, next two places merchandise awards. Jousting $15 cash prize each day. Total money, $30. Rotating trophies that must be won three timet In tucces llon will continue to circulate as In the past, but smaller per manent trophies will be awarded this year to each first place winner. Rules for the lake events will be announced later. Chambray-f'iiiue Lola Al bright models a dress of cnem bray by Dorris Varnum for office, school or luncheon. Collar and cartwheel hat by Betmar, are of white pique. Deadlock on Perry, Cheek ' The council deadlocked Mon day night trying to elect a mem ber of the civil tervice commis sion, with Kenneth Perry and Monroe Cheek as the candidates. The election waa made neces tary by the recent resignation of Lyle (Barney) Page. . -Terry was placed in nomina tion by Alderman Albert Gille and Cheek by Alderman Tom Armstrong. Five, votet were ncrrssary to elect. On the first ballot the vote was a tie at three each. In three more successive ballots Perry got four votes and Cheek two. Then Alderman Dan Fry moved, and it was carried, that the election be tabled until the next meeting. More Restrictions On Parking Voted Further automobile parking restrictions were mad by the eltv council Monday night east of 12th street. A resolution wat adopted lim iting parking to one hour on State street between 13th and 14th, except on Sundays and holidays. The restrictions will be from 0 o'clock In the morn ing until 6 p.m. Alderman Gille raid It would make the district tonform to restrictions recently placed on State between 12th and 13th, and was necessitated by several new busineesses, In cluding a bowling alley. Another resolution by Gille, which was adopted, made a two hour limit on 111 west side of 12th afreet between Mill atreet nd the Southern Pacific cross ing over 1 2th. This, Gille aaid, waa at tht request of business men who complain that cannery workers are in th habit of park ing all day. Another move In th Interest of traffic tafety was authoriza tion of four-way atop tigus at Market and 17th streets. Hubbard Whll the assem bled members of tht Hubbard PTA sat through a business meeting, listened to a skit and talk on tafety In th school gym Monday evening, thieves appropriated th spar tire and wheel, Jack and other tools from the car of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Miller, parked near th gym. Police Work To Be Speeded It won't be possible to "fix traffic violation tickets when the police department installs machinery for processing them It was authorized by the city council Monday night. However, that isn't the actual reason for it. Police work, like everything else in Salem, is growing. Some times there is a line of offend eres waiting to present their tickets and leave their bail money. As it's now done the sergeant has to take the money put it into an old-fashioned cash drawer and write a receipt by hand. It's slow. City Manager Fran zen told the council, and a speeding-up of the process Is necessary. At a cost of about $1,000 a cash register is to be installed. It will automatically make a triplicate record, show ing the offense, amount of bail and other information. One copy goes to the offender, one to the police, and one to the city Judge with the court docket. Alderman Tom Armstrong moved that it be purchased, and Gille seconded. All members were for it. It will be installed in about 60 days. CALVERT GETS HAND Thousands who've switched to Calvert Reserve applaud Calvert's milder, smoother taste! CAI.VFRT RKSKRVK Blended Whlsket MS Proof as drain Neutral Spirits Calvert Distillers Corp.. New York City Southbound? ,Go Greyhound SAN FRANCISCO $075 OUNO TUP 117.11 LOS ANGELES $1990 id SOUND TBIP lll.tl Taer Art Na Uwr Fcrtil DieOT tit N. Ckrtk It. . Stain mak.s th d'ffrncl KIIM brawn shoea brown, black thoea black, red shoes red. And gives a brilliant, lasting shine. Thrifty, too. In all popular eolort,tt food, variety and drug ttorea, and shoe repair ahopi. IAIT0N MFG. H.IMN It, US. CO. NtW! DYANSHtNl 1 1S North Liberty Phn 3-3191 JL No in r V , t . i . .. z i if r is SB 29c DISH TOWELS IUY 4 FOR 1 49 U Un.nl ail V.I..! I Famous "Start" linen-and-totton towels known for fast drying! Woven borders. 17x32". REG. 2.29 GIRLS' DENIMS J98 Yours at a saving buy nowl Blue or red denim to match your Jetnt Rubber soles, 84-3. REG. 79c T-SHIRTS FOR WOMEN 1.1. Frit.! 68c Smooth-fitting fiat knit cotton. Fine Mother's Day gift, too. Blue, whit, melse, scarlet. 34 to 44. SI-GAUGE NYLONS ON SALE! 1 00 IS SS-tnitor Oryttal-ctear leg flattery at a savings. Just the right sheerness for tvtryday wear. 4-10 Mi. REG. 98c PEBBLE DOT PANELS SI la. kr IS Is. Dainty pebble dot are firmly woven into sheer cotton mar quisette) Hems neatly finished! .78c REG. 37.9S 3-WAY PORTABLE With attrif 33 88 Just open lid n( Airline's smart maroon portable! Plays Instantly on AC; DC battery! A top buy! 24c 10-OZ. CANVAS GLOVES, re9. 30c It tin far-fid it ave Buy now! Heavy cotton with anug double-thick knit wrtota, atrong aeams. Large niza only. REGULAR 45c SPARK PLUGS tutt, a Riverside plug pay for them elves In gaa Having ! Marie to ImI longer without adjustment! .33c REGULAR 1.08 FLAT WALL PAINT ftl-PritMM 88c New pastel shades, aloft, glare less, velvet. flat finish. Dries In 4 to t hours 1.41 Gal t.M 4" REGULAR .75 CLOSET SEAT LaMlnBl HsrtwMt Specially priced now! stronger, lighter, thinner. Won't warp or crack. Complete with hinges. REGULAR 4.95 PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE a(( a tM LMa W About 1,1 lighter than regular rubber hot. Will aland timet ordinary ttty water pressure. SPECIAL PRICE! COOL COLORFUL BEMBERG RAYONS Chum from mlanee, women a ha If-rises Mimming, wiapy sheer rayon print many bearing the "Bemberg" label your guarantee of quality and long wear. Wide variety of youthful style in light and dark ground printa. ENTIRE STOCK REGULAR 1.98 COTTON BLOUSES Specially priced What wonderful values, and you get quality and style too. Wsahabl cottons with dainty eyelet and lace-trlma. Well-made with eap, or ahort aleeves. Pas tels and whit. Sites 33-31 t REG. 14.98 ALL WOOL SPRING TOPPER 7x2 itI WARD WEEK LOwrRlCE purchasi NEW Spring Color Sucdet and Covertt When you feel these toft all-wool auedet and coverts, see how grand you look In the flattering new styles, you'll marvel at the tiny Ward price. Choose your eoat from a wonderful array of expertly tailored, expensive ly detailed Spring Fashions. Sites 10 to It. mnm go asm m& snmu REG. 179.95 FRIEZE LIVING ROOM Plan your modern living room around this handsome two-cushion tanfal tariff mtlahln ak.l.l ..... "" -Qo Ternia ! nwn All-hardwood, kiln-dried frame. Balance Monthly 159" REG. 59.9S CHROME DINETTE SET 5-PC 49 88 JSx40" table extends to 45x40". . Olasa-smooth table top resists heat, stains. Side refectory. norrl.lnrf table top. "8-type" chairs, paddedOn Terms lot Down "":' a Month it . ms- r , - .j .w REGULAR 41.9S HAWTHORNE BIKE It's a champion In any elasa . . . a Hawthorne! Baked-on enamel ftn iah, chrome trim, kirk aland, chain tuard. and big "Alr-Cuthlon" ball oon tires. 37" Bayt' and Glrla Models REG. 98c-1.49 KITCHEN CONTAINERS Sale-priced for this event only! Metal con tainers for a amooth-runnlng kitchen . . matched with Warda own Chanticleer design, red, green and brown on white; red covers. 3 94c- SHOP WARDS TIL 9 FRIDAY NIGHT i MAIN STORE FARM STORE NEW TIRE STORE .USI WARDS MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN . . .TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESI WARD WEEK CUT-PRICES I