E th mi t to of J pt th er et th w 1( In e; dt VI it A 3 18 Capital Journal, Salem. CI-ABSIMtD ADVERIlMMOl per Una . . lae Per Llni I lime 0 Per Lin time Me Per Line 1 month M 00 Outald l Salca ISO par Una par car alio loe; I lime inia Me 0 time mlo 11.20 No ftrfunda READER!.!. Lara) Newe CL OBlri Par baa aoa To Place an Ad Phone Z-2406 "t FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER 4.1 acre 810 ml. from 60 tllf limit. Good 2 bdtm. house, wired for range, lull eemeal basement, fur nace, elec. pump. Baraga, enieken house. Suitable lor ubdiviaion. Or will trad for 1 bdrm. home In Salem. Pnone 3-3398 or call at 310 E. Wilson. a99 BYbWNERTNew jfbedrm. home. Hdw. lira. attached garage, uto. heat, f -replace. FHA. terra. Sea 170 N. 33rd. a99 V OWNER; t bdrms. A beauty. Hardwood floors, fireplace, automatic oil beat. Attached plastered a rait. Located a mom all new bo me. Must ba seen to b appreciated. Ph. 3I90O evenings or 39 OS daytime. al03 rVg'7ia1s'DDIST. HOME (3143 No. Cpmm 1 3 BR., fireplace, basemen', nice yard, well landicaped. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS pn. 34707 414 Court Eve. 37233 34773 alOl tARGE BOISE with fireplace and oil furnace, with 10 acres id fruit. Near but line. nt. 4, box 388, 00 old Pac. h"lwajr Soutli. a!02 Multiple Listing MODERN FAMILY HOME Nice living rm, din. tm., 3 bdrnu. hdwd. firs., utll. room. Youngstown kit chen. Low cost Bonneville elec. ht Irutul. and weatherxtr.pped. Price SB. 000 13,000 iiiould handle. 1374 Third St. HOLLYWOOD t bdrm. hm. Full basement. Fireplace Li. Ito. Bu. possibility. 3 dr. from Willamette Valley bank. 110,500. 1920 Fairgrounds fid. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTORS 1111 JEdgewater - Dry or Evt. Ph. 1-5109 aioj g-:.V'KHt 133 acrei good soil, wondrrful Buildings, beautiful view, artesian well Call Ray Davis Ph. 23849, evt. 38658 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 980 S. Commercial bblOl BY OWNER $10,750 . - 20 down. OTi FHA. Payment - lift includes interest and prln , cipal. r . Two bedroom. Una living room and dnitlle. Kitchen with nook. Electric heat wealherahlpped and Insulated. Heat-o-later fire place. Bee at 1310 N 34111, then call 34850. aH I BDRM. HM. by owner. Owner moving to the East. Must sell. Furn. or uniurn. Bet at 1J51 N. Front. alOO FOKRALISBY OWNER.n.cely furnished I BR home, 8 minutes walk down town Balem. Will UK trailer house part pymt. Call 2-5501. aintl $10,500 I rm. new modern home. Just outside t-ity limits View, oil heat. Larae lot. CHAS HUDKINS & SON 250 N. Hilh Ph. 34139. IO0 O T. HOME. A fond one. 4 bedroom Hardwood floors. I lotto down. 152 per mo. Move rliht In F. H. Weir REAL'IOR 1147 8. Commercial Ph. 39411. a 100' ixRM. HOME " In good location. Nire lii tnu... all in aood condition. also a good Karaite. Lite, corner lot. Walks and street paved. Room lur a aeiuuu house. Price 98500. APARTMENT BCII.DING. Completely furn. I ants. A saTe Investment with good In to, e Price 125.000, SIX RM. HOI SE In choice dist. All furn J-ear garage. Lee. lot wllh many shrubs ii tree. A good buy at 19500. Easy terms. J. F. ULRICH, REALTOR 1 17 Court Street Ralem, Ortgon Ph. .1872. 10O if" 054-n"n rVliJi rd 2 bedrm. homt with semi-base mem, Insula l Ion in, Jlvlna quarters in the aaraae. Call Ivan Rivers, Ph. 23849 eve. 37013 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 6. Commercial alOl Home & Income 1 lie. 7 rm. hse. ft I 4-rm. hse. on 1 lot. Dblt. garait. Immed. poss, 19000 Term. B. Ishorwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol 81 Oftirt Ph. 2-3962. Eves. 3-2147 or 3-aaifl a J 00 ft ATI EH en Wallace road. rm. house. Beam 11 ul ?itw. Variety of fruit. 173 so Ph. 26268. aV9 j iOftlTllOM E ft IN CO M ET"sd r m7 1 v . rm, ft utility do n, 3 rm. apartment up, anme furniture goes. Terms. Call Ivan Bheis, Ph. 33849. eve. 37012 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor too S. Commetnal alOl Best Buvs NEW DUPLEX Very well arranged, electric heal, hard- nod Honrs, 3 car aaraie. Income 1190 per month. 1 acre lot Owner leav lui elate Tolal price 118.750. Terms ar ranged. Price Includes 3 bedroom house beilflf duplex. Bet tills onr 3 Bedroom, $7000 Older tvot home in choice location. Full basement. Lane In). Will Irada for suburban propert of equal value. - $8500; Total Trice ANtioat new 7 -bed room home. Very neat. AKached garaite. Clone to hua. Extra larae loi . Be-eral larae walnut trrc. Well aorth the monev. Al Isaak & Co.. Realtors Member of Multiple Lutini Bureau 30.10 Portland Rd. Ph S-76J0, 2-459 Eves 1047S - 1.15MI a 100 JUST3 BLOCKS TO" ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL rR. LR, PR, Ktfchen, and Bath. Pull MAement Oil piped furnace Fruit atiruba. and lawn. Excellent terms tu rftht party. 19 Ml I rooms and acre III -4 total price $00 DOWN, $40 A MONTH BALANCE eiaer dutrirt 14 M0 6 ROOM MODERN HOME 1 Of re land, wo S. Etma Ave Joe Hutchison - Realtor 4M rourt Bt . Pnnne t-ll)t RVt. I-47M or Mr. Craig I MM Member of Ihe aVIem Multiple Listnii Bureau, Inr " 99' " OWNER MOVING TO COUNTRY IWre. flean. all modern, I bedroom bun galow, do Is bus A school. e gar and workroom. Price 1S3S0. Call Boa riar WALTER MUSGRAVE RKAfTORB Ml BWee water. Day er 9jv. pn. I - k 1 0 NIOP RrUTIITL NEW new home. byoner Save real or a ronvnuMinti Will sell at aifrlflet. 113.500. Ph. 35371. too ! Three (Kdran. homt on paved Rt tn nice oirirt. Ii. Iv rm. fireplace had. floora. tvntt, furnace newly eje- ewraien US11 Geo Walters Ph 33949 eve 3JM Geo. A. Walters, Realtor . . M0 fl Commercial a ttt TOR Ml .K or t. for home TubPort hTid. rm. mod home , ait garait io. H.W. eate, fireplace. V blind r. furnace, !l. a-nc, la. yard. I Bdma Journol WontAdsPoy Or., Tuesday, April 26. 1949 FOR SAL! HOUSE NEW ft.RM. UOI'KC brim completed, rl neat, hardwood floor, oa bu Una. Pri vate builder it owner, f 7040 00. Pn. 1-183 daY.J-SSMee. 101 BT OWNER Small haa. to be moved Rte. I. Boa 705. corner 01 Sjnnyvtew at Hollrwood Dr. t01 BT OWNER 1 acre. 3 bdrma. ft unfin upstair. Ait. iar. Small barn. Berries, fruit, flowers ft shrubbery. 1540 Lan caster. alOC 15. WO Beautiful new 3 bedrm. rambling tanch type home, large liv. R., Dinini R, kitchen, nook. Hwd. firs., fireplace. ail furnace. Good loan value. Bet Omer Huff. KM Near Einleaood school, nice clean 4 bedrm . bath up. a rooms, bath down, fine twmt , furnace. A perfect setup tor am. rental as income. Will consider mailer home as trade In. Bea Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. B R. and den. dble. plumb . fireplace, basement, dblt. gar., near Hi and Parrlsn schls. B R and den down. upstairs floored, basement, fur. Pretty yd., pond, fireplace, dblt. iar.. South. Call Hare Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. tlif.Mto Good solid pre-war home on H. 30th 8t., 3 11. bedi-mvt. ft child rm with built-in bunlu. dining rm.. f; re place, hwd. 1 100 j s, Lumt., sawdust furnace, lovely back yd. ft garden snot, near hilh school ft Enawood arade school Call Geo. Walten. Pn. 23849. eve. 25300 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 B. Commercial alOl WILL TAKE a homt on trade up to 18.000 on a 4 unit court apt. Pli. 20035. a 101 NELSON NEWS UPPER CROIfiAN CREEK I't ac. neat 2 bdrm. home, bath tub ft shower, part tuml., elec, wtr., fitr., gar. on school bus. 15000. SUBURBAN N. I. ae. on good traveled rd Gar., lawn, some fruit ft flowers. 8 bdrms., LR ft DR. Elec. heat, elec. wtr. htr . some hdwd. firs., V. blinds. On school bus. blk. to city bus. 18400, about fourth down. TRADE FOR ACREAGE 4 bdnns. with LR ft DR. F-place, full 1 hami.. oil heal. elec. wtr. hn hdwd firs., V. blinds, gar., paved st. garden ft lawn. 18500 cajh above 11300 mortgage or refinance. BUSINESS LOCATION WITH INCOME 57 plus ft. frontaae on N. Com' I. Ji comt from I furnished apta., pays al- mrii 1 nmea uie amount 01 annual tax es, rnceo ti,,30u. LARGE VALLEY FARM 350 acre, about cultv., some bottom iana, some upland, 12 acrea in orchard. 80 acres In timber, all 11. creek Al surina with sufficient flow to irrigate, ft ac. by aramy. j norm, plastered mod home, F place part bsmt., one Ige. barn with -tu siancnion. lie. chicken hc , 2 gar aies, 4 rm. helpers home m;lk house aie. A rm. heioen home. Milk hou.. ty. Owner selling of axe. Would con sider suburban or city home up to Hi.. 000 aa part pay. Price on farm only 130.000, If none of the above meets your needSj us what you want and we will tell you where It Is. SPECIALIZING RLALTOR 703 N. Hiail fit. p), a99 OWNER Will. ACCEPT late model car as pari, payment on this new 3 bdrm. home wliu bath, nice sized living room, combination dinini room and kitcnen. breakfast nook, automatic oil floor fur nace, alt ached garage. Close to bus line, and school. 18250. T.ita home U very well built. Is piaotered and has pecan floors, fireplace, auto mat Ic heal, 2 bedroom, bath, living 100m dinette, kitciwtn. aaraie. ISBiO. P. H. Bell, Realtor 381 CH EM EK ETA STREET Ph. 2154ft. 3-4B8. Eves. 3-7585, 2-6886, 2-8366. alOl BY OWNER, Older type 6 rm. cottage. Basement, lie. lot, lots of trees ft shrubs. Next to Bush park. W. M Good. 360 8. I7tli. alOO ARE" YOUTOOKING ? For 31 A. approx. f ml. from Balem. Lane 5 bdrm. home. Located in lute ly setting. Creek, family orchard. 7 A atrawberrle ft cane berries. Barn, chick en hse 3 car garage. He. has liv. rm., d;n. rm , break. N., double plumb ing. We will honestly say thla place need some work to be done but for 111,000 you cannot beat It. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial pn. 34590 Eve. 39538 or 23018 alOl IF INTERESTED-In a 1 acre goodland. 3 bedrooms, lull plumb. Nice kit., lots of built-ina Garage ft wood shed, own water avstem. Price only l.sauo, isoo down. Call Oscar Sederslrom. Ph. 2-7892 ate. Nice home with beautiful view, over looklni Salem. 3 bdrms . LR. UR. b.nil. Laundrv lrai. Larae lot Double aer ate. Price 19000. 976 Terrace Dr., King wood Heights. Joe Huahe. Pn. l-,o9 eve. Severin Realty Co. 313 N Huh Bt Phone 1-4018. a9 FOR SALE LOTS I JIT MttOO. I blk. from Capitol on Mc Coy. Ph. 38462. aalOl Jl.MIO Lot 75x171 in Keiier. New garaae. Sep tic tank. This Is a buv. CHAS HUDKINS cV SON 350 N. Hill) p,. J4I2B. anIOO' Mi r ( MOM r IntV big" walnut ty -g Rtreel ft aldewalka in. $1000. 34th V I'B 8'- aaloo VI9W LOTS. 500 blk . VutaAveWOOD ru LtXlS. 00 blk, Ratclllf Dr. Re trieted. city water. Pn J-4J84, aa LOT llxsto. Within citylmita Small barn on rear ol lot. 1610 So. 13th 8i Pom3jm. Cah alter 6 m p m aaloo FOR SALE FARMS Creek Bottom Farm 60 A ao rti:t Old imuM nra un'm hse Ciu water, elec. Ouiblilgs. What letter iamii Onl lid ihpm 8THOl;T HEAl.lY 99 8 1211) R: . p) J,.'3. lft,M0 gfl grreA hill faim, good lotely building site, bevt view li bl9 fences Call Ray Davis Ph. 3.1949, eve. 16656 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 96p S Commercial bl01 10 ACRE FARM 1 bedrooen home 3 yeara old. Full natemeni. electric thromiiout. Sma; barn, poultry nouse 9 A. in cultivation rature. Some timber Fenced Good son. a good place or 113 500. Terms. RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. 34664 ph 36013. 7UIt-S75T hm 72 ACRES, NORTH 1 rm. house, electric, ? stanch on barn, poult rv houses, plenty or sheds All under cult h ai inn IMI head of chick ens 3)0 small chickens. Be ires, pa, tore some stock. Place can be bomht wiinoui equipment ror 116 OO0 Will tta.te for RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD l-iriRICT P'i 34RS4 ,,rfn 1$al -"l". 1-5757 klOl XI acres' All excellent snil and gotw rtiainaae M acre In rultttat on and Ihe balance In timber pasture The house is o'd bu! ta aulte livib e, Rrn has concrete floor lust 14 mus fiom Pslem on pe iTnloM"" " ' "" '"" " Dunn Realty Kxch. 894 N Pacific Hav Woodburn Pn. Mam 131 Oreaon blOO- WEeTTrRN land" BARGAINS " Califoinia. Oregon. Wuinni'on ranch giBsuia umner una 3c tft pT trTr - MiFna.ii nr. nr. lit Inds P. O. Boa 31. JP. Hoiirod mm, vbiis. FOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, Realtors NEEDED!! TIME AND ELBOW GREASE To aork over thu oUlrr style 2 bedroom home the location Is excellent (144 I. Wilson Bt.i the lot 1 large. It's vacant. Iisoo down will put you to work. LOTS OP BEDROOMS ft in all, 3 down and 1 up, plenty for the largest family, price Is only 84950. Let u Chow you thru. CLOSE TO SCHOOL Hi and Jr. Hi within one block, this home has Just been redecorated It a vacant and you can move right in. Haa 2 bedrooms and unfinished upstairs, basement and furnace, fireplace. A good buy for 19750. , IP I WERE BUYING A HOME I would like this one BECAUSE It'a It the Ernie wood school district, has a lovely landscaped yard, has a full basement with sawdust' furnace, a tile kitchen and bath. 3 good bedrooms plus living room and dining room and garage. The prict Is 112 000. APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP All this for 110,500 2 blocks north of cltr center, business lone, t apartments. 1130 g month Income. 13000 down will handle. Check this soon, it won't last long. 4 ACRES 3 BEDROOM HOME A dandy set up near Keier. has a aood I bedroom home with part basement and double aaraae, good barn and cnicken house, walnuu, fruit ft berries. Can be subdivided. All for only 112,000. FARM SPECIAL 10 acres with good remodeled home. Lights, waver and bath. 38x33 barn and poultry house. All under cultivation. II you are looking for good Utile farm thia is it for only 87500. I.FE OHMART 477 Court St E,e. Ph. 2-at.i3 - 2-5996 NURSERY START 3 bedrm. home nl bath, aaraie. oil circulator ft elec. range ao with sale, plus one acre fully planted to nar.sery stock, Pius raspberries, loganberries and boysen- btnes. priced at only 17,900. Call Peter Getaer. TODAY'S BEST BUY 4 bdim Dutch Colonial. Ige. liv. rm.. d:n. rm , hdwd firs., fireplace open stair- SELECT RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT If you have children In school, thia home Is Ideal, only l' bit, from Jr. Hilh school and 3' from grade school. Lata 3 bdrm. home. liv. rm., 14x24 ft. wltli fireplace, hdwd. firs., dm. rm., 2 lie. bdrms., full bavunt., lie. lot 50x140 ft. with fenced back yard. On bus line, close to ores. Plenty of closet space. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. pn, 2-2471 Evenlnga ft Sundaya call Peter Ge'..ter 3-9969 Earl West - 2-1232 1 Rov Ferris - 2-8010 a 99 FOR SALE FARMS 10 ACRES Modern rm. house. Several out bldgs. 8 acres, berries. S acre fir a rove. Worth the money. Total prict 18400. 40 ACRES Modern 7 rm. hoiue. Very close to schools and town. All crops to go. Sev eral good outbulldlnKs. Total price tlS.OOO. Terms arranged. Call for Mr. Leavens. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member of Multiple Luting Bureau 3023 Portland Road Ph. 3-7830, 3-4596. Eve. 3-9403, 1-3 , Sa bl00 F0ILSLE ACREAGE SI WMp Ten acres prunes ft pear, new ont bdrm. home, good view, close In on oil road. Call Ivan fliver. Ph. 23849. eve. 37012 Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial bblOl MUST SELL! Bnuiht acreage. Will accept tlOOfl dwn. Good 4 rm. hoti.se. Lkc. corn, lot So. Summer HOOO full price. 8TROUT REALTY 959 8. 121)1 fit. Ph. 2.i323. bblOO READ THIS 152,10. 30 A. Three rm. hse. Small barn Fenced ft c rcvsa f e need . C ree k . Good spring. Elec. W. system. Family or chard. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 94ft S Commercial Ph. 34390 Eve. 39.i36 or 23088. bblOl Silverton Road Not far out. 1 acre ft good 4-rm. modern hse. Lge. well-made barn ft other bides Middle Grove Dist. New 2 BR home, l'it acre. 2 new poul try hses. Brooder hse. 88750. G, X. loan on this. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3862. Eves. 2-3147 or 2-8MB bbioo- Itf f LF4RFD ACRES, I mileiTi oiiTon hlgh wav us K, cash or terms. Phone 2-4:89 or 3-8386 bblOl TRADE OR MEl.l, equity tn mrxlerrr'four rooms, two f.cres for tood trailer or good car. Two miles we.t of Gervais on oil road. Routt No. 1. Mrs. Harold brtinft REAL ESTATE Look Careful Buyers lioo casn 110 month. Lane "bldg. ou. South. Flee. Waier. 1200 CASH, 1:0 MONTH 18x'J0 foundation lumber to build. Trees Elec. Water. Near 99E south. Price 11100. 754 FT. FRONTAGE 99E ft miles Salem. 1 acre berries. Price 92500 and tO0 c.h 5 ACHES t.1400 II miles Salem. Livable house barn Other bldijt. Tree Psvina ' cash 8 ' i ACRES NORTH Best or soil. Some bldsj. paum, Priced at M.oo With 11700 c:,vi E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com. Ph. 24619 . 3-497. Kliven & Cooney, Rltrs. IF YOtI WANT TREKS THIS IS IT A fine 2 btNlroitm nonie only 2 egra old Rrnainied imi. Moor oil furnace, with 22 fruit trees on near! ' acre ea.t. liiMilated. G. I. loan only 14136 per month. 31 ACRKS Wiilamett l!l. Good Writs North Real alue lit (too. STOP' IOOK! 1. 1ST FN' 1 1 loo doan. 144 1 a month. Toi a) i.y 161.7.' There Is k in this I l0 worth of 3 oedioom hoitre and it 'his prt,e for ouick mm Is ol.en-d at Rliven & Cooney, Rltrs. Member of Salem Muhiple Listing Bureau 47 N, Hull Street Phone 3-1617. Rve ft Sun 2-8J66 Insurance for Eerv Need riM LEO N CHII.IW INC. REALTORS GOOD INV KTMIAT: 4 store building on 99 Hlartwav. It goxiMi; concrete building; only 2 veara old. Income 1209 per mo. Pr ce 125 000 W tmr. FRM: Ar-Prox 19 A. alraber rie 3 A borsenberrles. 4 A wheat. wi Ui,1l,tn" '"rK"" noiit- Pflfe WH.1. CONsrRI CTFD NrW S room home. Bratitif il oak floors; lnenla.e. attach ed laraie rtiglenoori d..-trict Price 110 900 FHA commitment a ooo LEO N CHILUB. INC. RFALTGRR 144 state st pi, a-acat Eve Ph 1-4007: S-ld of I 810.1. clOl" CAI'ITOLA DISTRICT ItOPO DOWN Well built. MR house. I atorea f.oored attic Larae Lh and OR com bination. I-arie aardrn space In biek of house. One-half block to store and bus Full price 18 000 00 KEIZER DISTRICT I 500 DOWN New I RR house, Flee I tic heat. Attach ed aaraie Fn-1 pric v 1 yfc EAST ENGLEWOOI) 83 7 DOWN v " 3 BR house. I.R PR N.celr ar ranged ftitrhen F.rep:ai-e piped r I t at, attached garaae Full Price 111 5tw FH A payment on balance 152 54 per month Ahrains & Skinner, Inc. 411 Maswi; R di Pn. 3-9317 Real Estate Insurance Mtae. Loan.1 c;ai J Journal Want Ads Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES RUDY & CALABA Phone 1-4115-8 - 3-3633 - 3-3779 - 3-3539 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE NEED VOUfl LISTTNQ Our loan loan dpt can close your deal- Chas. Hudkins & Son HE ARE In need of good houses to sell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 a. Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ea NOTICE! If your property la for gale, rent or exchange, list It with tu. We have all kinds of ca.b buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS l.)3 8 H:gr St ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $1000 Cash. $50 Month Lane 10 rm. house north Salem, bus at door good opportunity for roomers or apartments. IS750. 12000 CASH. 96500 B apartments furnl-vhed. 1 acre good soil. Needs some repairs. Located. In In dependence. E. M. Hunter, Real Estate 770 a. Com. Ph. 34849 - 25497. Cdl00a TAVERN, card license, shuffleboard. punch boards. Cleared 91500 per mo. 1948. Long lease, 114.000. Have other Interest reason for selling. Wilbur Denny. Rockaway, Ore. cd!04 FOR RENT to couple, full equip, resta' also unfurnished apt. Ph. 21391, be tween 10 ft 12 a.m. cdlOl GROCERY STORE A going business, a good location. Lr'A.se 365 per month. Owner leaving town. Will take a car In on the deal. Siocic at Inven.ory RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. 24664 Eve.Jh. 26013. 3-7128. 2-5757 cdlOl ARE V(H! looking for a b'tslness? We have several good ones listed. Groceries, Apt. Courts, Service Stations, Taverns. Come and talk It over. Ask for Len Orion. Huff Real Estate Co. 341 St. RESTAI'RANT doing good business. Main tiioroualifare. Corner location. Complete ly equipped. Walk In cooler. For com piele in formation see Mr. Byrklt, 3425 Portlind Road. No phone calls. cdlOO rf.staurant"located-on99E V Includes some eqiilnmeni ft lease. 50 mo Puii price fiooo. Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 Siaie, Rm 4 Ph. 3-9201 Eve. 3-4.138 or 3-8763. cdlOO Communlly groc. and lunch conn ter. Good least on Blda. wiih liv ing quarters. Ch'-ap Rent. Oood growing buslneta In fine location. Mutt tell due to lllneni in familr. S.t So. Winter !t door North of Memorial Hop. Open Sundaya. cdei HU R TAVERN and Hetaurant for sale. I'j niile. east ol Gales. Maple Cafe. Or rlte C. L. Anrtera. Gates. Ore. cdlOO Grocery and Meat Market In Salem on a men traffic street. F.x lure.. inciudina delivery truck I7S00 Stock at inventory. Terms. Call lot appointment. Joe Hutchison - Realtor FURNITURE FOR SALE DtVDAO ft (IMIII 149 00 Antique hard Hd maple bedroom set 179 00 Po 2-4,97. di0 j LOWEST OVER HEAP--LOWEST PRICES , i.oveiy nimlein oid cascat.e oak 4 pc oenroom suite consisting of roomy chest, vanliv with landscape plate mirror, vin It bench and lull aise bed. Guaranteed const Rea 1149 50 A sentatlonal buv at 199 95. Only 930 down. 13 a week Fret delivery. H. & H. Furniture Co. 150 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 9-3797 d GOING EAST WILLIS ACRIFICE O E. Auto, clothes drver, Klrbv cleaner A polisher, ont 7-way floor lamp. Baxter Rd, 1 blk. E. of Hiaa. 2nd house on rlalil. Rr AI'TIFt'l. -pe. Eastern m room suite. Real value. 636' ah. bed- d99 BIRDSETE maple bedroom set, corns 61t0. Typewriter desk I2S Bed with maltres. and springs. . Studio rouch. 815. Waahlng machine. 925. Daven port. 120 Platform rocker, 15 Over at in fed chair, 625. Overstuffed rhatr. 915. Fruit Jara per dot . 40c. Wood ranae, 110. Myron Van Eaton, 1750 N Oh ircn do WANTED FURNITURE III (i HE st PRICKS paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. P:. 3-5118 da FI'RN. ft Hoiiseholrla Ph 1-5M1 da AUCTIONS eTRNITCRl ft LfvERTOTK WPDNKSDAY. APRIL 37. 1 a m ft 1 m ew wainui -piece bdrm. set: 7 piece rerrig, davenports, roll lop desk, redar P,T,S. livide or out Ph OiTg. h91 rhet. floor lampt. table lampv rua. LET I s doVour cement work NOW Dr:ve jnio.eum 3 new deep freeze unn- ah-i eavs. s:deaa:ks. pattv. etc. Ph. 1-4412 motor, Iim.Ii and mlscellanecu1 eiv Faroanks Motte scale. cars trurka and produce. Chickens and rab bits, i alves and veaU. feeders and wean er r i cows heilert and fetxier ha. t I AN STUPRL.l. 8 Al'CTTONS SS Yard Fat ! Salem oa 4Si: ton Rd .igoeg. ddM Journal Want Ads Pay AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION Tuesday n:iht 7 30 p tn. Olenwood ball rm. 4 miles norm of Balem on Lou aood new and ued furniture as folio a Daveno sets, davenports ft chairs. Bed rm. suites, dinette set. Washers. Vacuum cleaner, rati 10, lamp. Rigs, springs ft mattress Linoleum, chest, occasional pieces. Swing rora ers. cedar cueM. desc. Many more good items too numerous 10 list. Plan to at tend. Remember Tuesday. April 26. 7 30 p m. Glenn Woodrv, Auctioneer dW9 RABBITS WDWUS BABBITRY needs frier rab bits, top prices. 1985 State 8t PH. 1095 b99 PETS CHOICE CAN AH VS. Ph. 3-4385. 13 Chem. eel JO Y OI R DO G Doea ht obeT?lji-he" "wefl cared for wnen you leave Mm 7 LeGray Kennels. Rts. 3. Ph. 3-1398 ecllO CHOICE Canary Birds 280 N IBth eclOT FUEL TRI-C1TY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph. 27443. We give S ft H Green Stamps. Green 16 In. mill wood. ee GOOD SLAB, dry or green. Green edslni 15 50 ft load. Double load 110.00. Good clean sawdust. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph 3-5533. ee!21( West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN DRY OR OREEN SLAB WOOC DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 18-IN CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAI DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Pnone Saiem 2 4031 Also pick up wood at 1521 Edtewatet St W Saiem ea TRI-CT1 Y FUEL F.-esh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Pb. 27442 Wt give S ft H Oreen Stamps. eel00 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-444 FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS all popular varieties. In cluding Leghorns, Ha input, ires, Par men ters. Austra-Whites and others Phone 2-2861 or write today for Lee'a Baby Chick Chats containing free poul try information, faee's Hatchery P. O Box 725. Salem. Oretron f PRODUCE KHL'BARB picked dally 5c per lb. Coun try eggs, bedding plants, tomatoes A cabbage. Green Apple Mkt., 2 ml. or 99E. Mini" HELP WANTED SALESMEN OR WOMEN. Car a necessity. 1979 Fairground. Rd. g98- PLANER MAN WANTED. Experienced. Ref erences required. Arrow Mill and Lum ber Co. Ph. 36181. 300 Wallace Road. West Salem. g99 BEAUTY OPERATOR New modern ahop Leas boot h ipact if you desire. For Info, write Mrs. C. Gross, Box 355. 8weet Home. Ore glOOi HELP WANTED MALE EXP. TRICK DRIVER. Muit have knowl edge of building materials. Apply 10 to 12 a. m. or 2 to 4 p. m. 2460 State Bt. galOl VOTNO MAN typist (payrolls ft corre spondence Some knowledge of book keeping ft general office procedure. Con-st ruction project. See Mr. Miller. 1152 Marion St.. Salem, Oreaon. a a 100 RELIABLE man with ear wanted to call on farmers In Marlon county. Wonder ful opportunity. tlS to 120 tn a day. No experience or capital required. Per manent. Write todav. McNESS COM PANY. Dept. B, 242.1 Magnolia St., Oak land 7. Calif. ga92 HELP WANTED FEMALE TEACHERS Earn from 875 to 9100 weekly commis Ion during Summer vacation repre senting elementary and grade school reieienre worn; Encyclopaedia Brlian nica. Jr. Write R. H. Restad. 1220 8 W. Morrison, Rm. 429, Portland 8, Oreitoii. 4 gblOS EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. Black ft White Coffee Shop. 1964 N. Capitol. ablOl SECRETARY FOR Dean of Women. Wil lamette University. Call Dean Ewalt at baton Hall. Phone 39266. gb99 SECRETARY to the Wllhamette Un. dir ectory ol admissions Knowledge ol siiort hand, typma. filing necessary. Call for an appointment. Ph, 39266, Ext- 21. ib99' PRIMARY TEACHER for 1st ft 2nd grade next yr. some musical abintv prefer. Pleasnnt surroundings. Oood salary. Ap Plv tr Eva Rate.. Hrbo Ore sblfil EMPLOYMENT AGENc'lES" Commercial Placement Agency Seta tsfe 8 Ph 3-'M if j WANTED SALESMAN SALESMAN with ear to aervice established wholesale route. Salem territory. 1 day a week; "not Saturclsv. Comm. poNi biltlles unlimited. Write Box J80. Capi tal Journal. RklOl Slop PI R SHI. If. you will work" to bnld H Repeat prodiirl. Car necearv. Write Mi. Capital Journal gglOl WANTED POSITIONS"""' PAINTING In ntde or outside. 2fl years Exper.euce. P,i. 3-.:".: ilul Gf N. " HOME " REP AIRING "and remodel ing, Ph. 3-s:.i4 h)04 BOY WANTS lawna to mow. Ph. 9-7894. h!04 Ph. hl04 M01 NEW LAWNS lotot llins. I.and.vcB"lnt. tree ard Boer. Ph 2-6110. hl33 Prunlni POE'S mimeogiBpHine. typlna service, prompt serv ice. quality ork, loaer pr:ces. 6fit N. 16th. Pli 1-3643 hl28 Wll L CARE tor elderlylad:egln ltiv home. Pli. 2-3797. hi 00 HM RNEYMAN PAINTER b hour or con tract. Guaranteed work. Reference Reasonable. Ph. 2-2843 M04 WILL CARE for children "tn itiy 'home from 3 30 till late evening. 425 N. 17' li. hlOl PLOWING For Immediate service Ph. 18f08. hl04 Hoi'SFWORK and cleaning by the" hour Plione 39901. hlOl P A I N T1 Ng7 PlajtirRepa!r Small " Jobs taken. Rea. Ph. 3-6578 hi 00 i.ANDH'AriNNew lawns a' apecla It v F;e estimate. Phone 34549, ht02 ORCHARD- DIScfNOwUCietra Also roiotillerjork. Phone 2-3332 hl02 AI'TO painting ft bod- worka.T3V ft up I me payment accepted Ph. 39960, hI02 i RAND rilIIID draoesmade toerder in our home. Your material. Ph. 4-38.12. I hlOt CFMFNT WORK Side walks, drive av7 paiio. floors, etc. Ph. 3-4650 hl!3 CARPENTER WORK."Nerepairr7emodel or odd lobs. Work reliable. Ph. 2214B f hi 00 J01 RNETMAN PtlVTTR bv hour or'ron- he.son.ble Ph. 2-384... hW i Taintinp: & Decorating Chaplin. 2ft tra. exrr Ph -751 hin ""TOTI1.1IR work. 1990 8. High. 204 ri OWING ft Discing. Ph. 31 IM Ml) INTERJ08 Pwiaung. Exp. PV t-6T9. .uj WANTED POSITIONS BABY SITTING. PH. 30540 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, reraov Int. Insured operator. John Payne 2-6014. 248 S. Church. hill GAR DENwork.-ftl. E. tiller. Ph. 2-2828" I4j5 Lancaster Dr h!09 CARPENTER WK. New. repair. Ph. 22093 nl09 DRESSMAKING and alteration Pb 2-7904. hiio TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins, op. Work guar. W H. Mc Alllster. 340Tradt Ph 2-1496. hl07 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK ft chimney building Ph. 2-4389 Fret estimates M07 all kinds, also LAWNS, prepared and seeded, garden owed. Light tractor on rubber, dozer, disc etc Ph. 28127 Duane Wolcott, hl02 POE'f) mimeographing, typing service prompt service, quality aork, lowei prices 669 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. MOt CHILD CARE II a day. 946 8. 12th. h TELEPHO CALLS TAKEN 24-hr. ser vice. Former phone op. Ph. 3-5073. MOO LANDSCAPING Pruning Rot ot tiling. New lawns, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 2-8110. hl23 SAW FILING, 844 Center St. Ph. 2-5071 ior pick-up and delivery. 1U03 Cl'STOSi 'TRACTOR work. Fordtraetor. D E. Marshall. Ph. 21343. nekt Bwegie chooi. bios Al TO PAINTING Just a shade better by Kay Eiter. call Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101 EDUCATION hut ( ATIUN la job Insurance. Write or can ior tree catalog on 400 ICS courses. Don McNeill. International Cor re.ipondenre Schools. 1553 State, Salem Phone 36330. G.I. Approved. hhlOJ' FOR RENT ROOMS NICELY FIRNISHED sleeping rm. Close in. woman prei. tia mo. 14J4 t erry SLEEPING RMS. (ol single. 885 N. 14th. NICE SLEEPING rm. 'men). 448 Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg. LkiiT COMFORTABLE ROOM. Prlv. home. Gen tlemen. Gar. 985 N. Summer. Pb. 3-6368. jkioo" ri RNISHEDROOM with or' without" gar" age. Close to bus. 860 Spruce. Ph. 20348 Jkllfi LADY TO star nltei with elderly lad; for use of room. 749 N. Liberty. jklOO' RM. AND GARAGE for rent. Hoiuekeep ingpriv. if desired. Ph. 3-9732. jklOO' CLEAN ROOMS for clean men Ph. 36093 Jkl06 FOR RENT APARTMENTS l-ROOM apartment, for trailer house. Ph. 2-8835. Alo dandy space Cheap. ISO Union. JP105' upstairs apt. 1375 N JplOl' 3-ROOM newly decorated bmt. apt., un- lurntsnea. cnnaren aecepteo. lJ- ft Commercial. JplOl NICE FURNISHED apartment. All electric. 1073 n. capitoi. pn. j-Bioe. jpiui- 1 3 ROOM furn. apt. Prlv. bath, auto Has range, tzso n. winter street. JplOl NICELY FIRN. apt., private" bathTs57.50. Ambassador Apt., 550 N. Summer St. JP99 LGE. NICELY furn. 2 BR. rerrig.. priv. ent. 1775 N. 20808 or 39037. FTRNISHED APT.. 2 rooms and kitchen ette. Phone 2-7546. 140 Williams Ave JP102 7 RM. basement apt. Suitable for empl. cple. Close to Capitol. No Drinking. 1209Court St. PhI3525. JplOO' FI RN. APT 2rm ft kitchenette. Ph. 27548. 140 Williams Ave. JplOO I ft S RM. ft private bath. 633 Ferry St. JplOO' FI'RNLSHED t bedroom ground floor apt. Nice yard and garden space. 965. Phone 27793 after 6 p.m. Call at J588 Lee St. JplOO CLEAN FIRN. apt.-3Iarge rmi." with bath ft garage, automatic heat, relrig. Near State Bldgs. Adults only. Ph 2-1709. JplOO' SMALL APT. Close In. outside entrance. Employed adult. No drinker. 823.50 Ph. 3-4469. Jp99 t RM. furn. ant. newlT "decorated. 330 S. 14th. Jp9 XEW 3 rm" unfurnAptrAlPelec7 Ven. blinds. 2229 Lee St. Jp99 WEST SALEM for rent. 3 rmi. Unfurn ished clean apartment. Call 26900 or 28636 alter 5 p.m. or before 11 a.m. JP99 FOR RENT HOUSES LARGE Il6rsE.partly or un furnished 2 mile Wfit of Salem. 860. Ph. 47F21. Jm 100 I RM. house, kitchenette and bath. 1175 .ebratka Ave. Ph. 3-4494. jmlOU' NEW t bdrm. home. Att. gar. So, end of town. Ph. 23104, JmlOO' 1 BDRM. partly Iurn850r"l529 "Oak St. Jm9 j ALI-ELECTRIC -RM." unfurn7 hse. 1 173 6:h St., West Salem. Ph. 20986, Jm99' WANTED to rent, warehouse In Salem, Suitable for food dlatrib. Ph. 3-7111 JmlOl' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS lr' drive trucks" cars Ph 2-9los" T IRI'CKS and cars. Smltty'x Clipper Ser vice. Ph 3-9600. Cor. Center ft Church , 1 C.ROI'ND FLOOR room, suitable lor of fice or stores. Stale Finance Co., Tele phone 34121. POUFR TOOL rentals tor home ft in dustna. use Howser Bros Pb 8-3640 BISINESH KM for rent. H. L. Stiff. J" good"iedplanos II iT'stifff J IRONIRS by week. Phone 24431. Montgomery TO DO a aood Job rent a good floor send er. Wt sell everything to complete the Job. HOWSFR BROS -Ph 1-3616 J WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT or arrange for the use of oiano between V to 11 or 7 to 9 pri. Darrel de Chasby at YMCA. Ji9 W 4.NTFD: Furnished apartment aultable tor 3 working girls. Walking diet. town. Phona 291M, noon hours and af JalOO- ill' NO M.D. and family desire 3 . -bedroom iinfurnlshed house. P. tone 16M iaD ROOM AND BOARD TABLE BOARDFRS at 1543 Court"' Wifl fix lunch to go out. ,& ROOM AND BOARD at 829 N. Wln'er LOST AND FOUND lOT -Men's wrist watch Lord Elgin, ait high achool tennis court. Rew ard Ph. 3-.1419. Don. Rudd. klOl rOl'NDW Mat watch. Ph.J-7972 klBt LOST; Dachshund, black puppy, near Pn glrwood ach. ph. 34472. k 101 LOST Lady's gold wrist watch Sun b ill. Reward Please Ph 2-l9at k 101 MISCELLANEOUS l.rs SPBINt.rK, mens batter 464 Court mi04 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I HR SFR VICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bidt State A Commercial Bit SAIEM Phone 1-3311 m ntVI VOIR SINGER Sewing machne repaired by a eualilied 8 mer represen- 1 ta e Ph 3-1511 for free pick up and d!terv aervie mm si nti ni .. en nee Free estimate given Aerore worg j i carted -iinaer Sewing Mac nine Co I 139 M. OoaaL m BUILDING MATERIAL SALEM'S MOST complete lint of plaster and stucco suppl er. Pl'MILITE BLOCK ft SI PPLT CO. Out tdaewater St. Phone 2oB43 malOO' law-SA ! H W I N IIOW S, 100 new and used doors. 6.0O0 It. of uxed 2x4's, t good used let box. 1 used wood ft ass ranae, new ft used wash bowls and toilets. Uadsen Wrecking Co. 12(0 Howard. nial04 ALI MINI M WINDOW Sash for gale, 'i price. Write to W. L. Johnson, Canby, Oregon. ma 104 CEDAR SIDING. V'xlQ". limited fluan tity. regularly up to 198 pet M, only 18ft per M at Keltb Brown, Front Court St. n GRADE ft PLYWOOD. 4x9 abeeU, Inch. 22'ic: Sin. Iftie. 'a in. 17c. S in. sheet rock 4c ft. or 147.50 per M Rock lathe 3e yard. C. O. Long. ; mit north of Kelser. Phono 35831. ma 100' CASINGS, mouldings and standard trim patterns, short lengths, from 3 ta at 'a regular price! Ideal for ghort trim, fence tickets, garden stakes, etc. KEITH BROWN. Front ft Court. ma HARDWOOD FLOORING (closeout), Vl IV, mixed pecan and oak. Reg. up to 1154 per M, now only 195 per M at Keith Brown. Front ft Court mi' n7C E D A R8 H A KE 8 In 10 different painted colors. 12 80 aq. Including un dercourst. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1198. ma 105 USED LI'MBER, Rt. . Box 273T. Out Center St. to Fruttalnd church, k ml. N. mailt PLYWOOD, reduced prices all grades fhlcknesses. starting '" at 7Sc per sq. ft. and up. Keith Brown, Pront and Court Sis. ma for Sale No. 4 Common Lumber 1x6 ft 1x8 Shlplap $36 00 2x4 17 50 1x6 ft 1x8 84S 17 H No. 2 Com. ft Btr. 1x4 ' 82j OO Independence Lumber ft Manufacturing uompany, me., independence, uregon. PER MA-STONE your home. CaU at Salem Perma-Stont Co., 455 Court. ma 108 ATTENTION BUILDERS NEW DUO-THERM oil furnace complete with all automat It controls and conditioning blower, 75,000 BTU basement or utility Special contractors price onl: 1197.50. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INO. 467 Court St. Phone 3-9611. ana' NEW SHIPMENT piast board. V. 8'ie; ", 60 gq. ft. Rock latht 48 sq. ft. 11.75 MONTGOMERY WARD SALEM ma SAVE ON ROOFING Lei Wards give you com pie t IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM, OREGON ma' ALUMINUM ROOFINO 2 ft. width In the following lengths: 6 SI 74 2.32 10 2.90 12 1.48 A.U about Installation gervlct MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. SALEM. OREGON NURSERY STOCK BEDDING PLANTS, large selection choice colored giant pansies, azaleas, peren nials ft vegetables. Pcmberton's Flower Shop ft Greenhouse. 1980 S. 12th. mblflS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CLOSING out balance of plumbing ttoek wiioiesiiie. uasn aaies oniv. no de liveries. No pipe sales only. No returns. Buy here now and save. W. A. Skewi; Co.. 1390 Madison. Ph. 3-4600. RRIGGS ft STRATTON motor byke. good iura, new morj. new caroureior. SMI. See at 2196 State after s pn. Ph H-5332. nlOl FOR SALE: Speed Queen washer, $45. Al Lansing, fa. 24JJB. n99" ESPECIALLY good used aewing machine" one year guarantee. Verne'a Sewing Machine Serv.. 357 Court St. nlOl BEAI'TIFt'L 5-pc. Eastern mah. bedrm. suae. eai vame. 638' a N. 20th. nlOO' SAVE 3c gal. on gas! Broadway's Super Zl " """y. nl3' PLEASE CALL FOR YOUR CLOCKS AND WAltiltB, CLOCK DOCTOR, 190 8 14. nD9 GARDEN 8 tractor with attachmeriti. Ph 2-43.9 eve., or 3-9346. 3745 Brooks Si nlOl1 FOR SALE Lawn mower 15.00, also 25 caliber Colt automatic 120.00. 325 Bel mont St. nioi IttIS ROTO-TILLER 1425.00. RARRIT IirTCHES. N H. young hens lay ing. 2 week old chicks. Reaaor Ph. 2-4597. nioi CCSTOM SPRINGFIELD." .300TRedl.i .a Silhts: remodelled and stocked fot stooe; cail 3-6648 and see this fin rtHe. ,,104 WESTINGHOI SE elec. range. 5 ft. Gen" eral Electric refrlg. Call after p m. 1446 Broadway. nlOl STEEL CLOTHESL7NE post 112 pair up! Railings in stock to order. 1145 N. Lib erty. nl25 L'SLD WASHERS. (30.00 to 940 00. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO n!17 A REAL BI Y! Deena China Table Lamp Hand paln.ed. 24-karat gold trim on blue bat-e. NEW. never used. 110. See at 965 Garnet St. Phone 3-6255. ni02 PRIVATE PARTY. New 1949 Universal sew ing machine Beautiful walnut desk model. Price 1200. Call Woodburn Green 201. nioo I PRACTICALLY NEW 800x16 6-pIy de luxe Lee tires and tubes. Ph. 2-6230.n99 FRIGHT PIANO in excellent condition Call 22660 after t p tn. or Saturday and Suiid.y. na HANDMADE pillow cases, towels, pillows lor Mother's Day. Pot-holders 50c ft up Siesta Gift Shop on Portland hi way 99B, I mi. N. of Hollywood dlst. nl02 CHICKEN FERTILIZER 50c sack. Ph 26260 moo FOR SALE Remington MiPf Target rt,He. 22 long rifle Also aood used 'A'or!db,ke.433 N 17 St. Saiem. n99 TABLE TOP gas range 315 collapsible baby buigy, excell. cond. 125. 124.i Vista, Jh. 25872. n99- TAOMA YARDER, three drum. fnTerna tional motor. Rigging for loading, yard ing ft skyline 63500 00. H D.-7 trac tor, drum ft doeer. I9O0 hrs , perfect. Summers work at 310O0 per hr. avail able. 17000 00. with tract arch 17500 Set of t'.tll WiJlamet drum, very good 1750 00. Ph. St ay ton Blue I14R for appointment. n I'SED Electric Refrigerators. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. hll7 Jl st arrived, another shipment Texa Bermuda on. on plants. Plant now tor those big white sweet onions this fall Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. nlOl DON'T WAX your floor Use Piastl-Kjte the cellophane Ilka finish for wood or linoleum YEATER APPtTANCI CO Bll7 tw STEP run about Ford V- motor Sfl"to 40 miles per hr. 8400. Call Mr. Booth Ph. 3-3191 Salem. nlOO LEONARD automatic electric-range." al most new, excellent cond. SIM). 79 gal. Mission automatic gas water heater, good cond. tW Ph. 1-1769. nlOO USED TIRE SAUK Due to the tre-n-ndoi" sale of our Riv erside Air Cushion Tires, we have ac cumulated a large stork of unuauellv good trade-tn tires . . . price 91 to 14 MONTGOMERY WARD TIRE STORE 8 E. Corner, Trade and High n NEW If Oa. model 13 pump. Ph. 38317 nlOO 8 M M KFTTO"E move camera. 1 rolls of color film and filter a. Ph. 3-8J3T nlOO ELECTRIC Frnct CrntroMera. 1.4 95 YEATER APPLIANCE CO nll7 FOOT LOCKERS OS A-m with Tray. Like New . . 83 90 At vour war surplua store CASCADE MERC CO Corner Fairground Rd. ft Church Pt 14 rl - rT rHEST freeaer. New 9330 W r, CEDAR POtTl. Ph. M-P-lsC- V' ,F0RSALE MISCELLANEOUS TARPS At your War Surplus Stort. If ox. wa terproof. Gromnieit. 5x7 15 6x6 64 12 719 .657 9x10 88 10 All other aires In at oik CASCADE MERC. CO. Corner Fairgrounds Rd. ft Church St nli BOAT! V-Bottom. Cai top. Deck. Like new. il Park Ave. Ph. 37451. nlt J TRADE-IN YOl'R old refrigerator on a new U-W. Call 33101, Ext. II for esti mate MONTGOMERY WARD. 8ALIM nI01 SPECIAL SAVINGS O. I. Air Liner elec. range, less I mo. use. FuUt auto, oven, reg. 1264.95. Salt price S199.95. Easy terms. Gaa Heat Inc.. 263 N. Comm. nlOl I'SED Electric Ranges, water heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n!17 I Hit FTCHSIAS, mixed pots, panites, petumaa ft primroses. Wt deliver. Ph. 39615. nlOO 1 SMALL TRAILER, all Steel frame. 1 Garden seeder and ether garden tools 1 13" bench saw 1 table aaw and Jointer t 13" planer 8 box 14"xl6" D 8. glass. 356 No. 20th St. nlOO tH GAL ICE CREAM freeser. 30 gal. cab. Inet $300 00. Craftsman power saw, three blades 1300. A49 Ford Street. n9 ELECTRIC Sewing Machines. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. nI17 HAVE 3c gal. on gait Broadway's Super service, . uoerty. nl35" GASOLINE lawnmower. Gootl condition. very rcaaunable. Pb. 26i!66. n9t MILK pasteurizer for the homt. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. BlI7 NEWRERG TYPE RIVER BOTTOM TOP own-. i n quality, attractive prlrg. All kind: Pit run; gravel; aand; mn crush; coocreU pipe ft tilt; rt-lnforc-big steel. OREOON GRAVEL CO. 140B N. Pront St. Ph. 3-3417 nI12 GASOLINE, 1 gal. free with 6 gal. pur chase. Recapping 16 95. 1:00x11 tlx. Retread Tire Service. n ILLER RRl'SHES. 1741 OranL Ph. YOt B CAB greased ft waihed 81.85. Re tread Tire Service n PEAT MOSS, planer shaving, oat hulls, cottonseed hulls, ternall Northwest Poultry 1605 N. Front, Pb. 3-9246. nl09 ELECTROLI'X factory branch rebuilt model 20. Ouaranteed. 139.78. 1079 Broadway Ph. 24078. D107 SILVER PLATING, complete repair ft met al finishing aervice. baby ahoes "bronzed." Aveg Plating Co.. 1440 8. i:th. Call 3-7771. i0 SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing . Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental B- 12 00 per hr. l?,B;rs ,(U 9 M ' "f- D-7 Cat ft Doier lo.SO per nr. D-6 Cat ft Doxer 40 per nr. D-4 Cat ft Dozei 7.00 per Qr, Phone Dayg 1-9408 Zves. 3-8246 or 2-4400 balem Oreaon B GASOLINE, 1 gal. free with 6 gal pur chase. Recapping 16.95. 1:00x11 size Retread Tirt Service. D PET Ml fortified with chick drop, ping, got aack, delivered Valley Farm Stort. 4345 Silverton rd. Pb. 22034. nioi GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley. G.bion" and Montag Appliance) at Oerurtg. a' WALLINO SAND ft GRAVEL CO. CRLSHED ROCK for roads and driveway cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand. Billdozing. drainage and ditching. -d. shovel and drag line. Ph. 3-9249 SPRAY GUNS AND COMPRESSORS You can get the best tn apray paint ing accessories at Wardal Sturdy and efficient spray guns, compressor, pres- W sure tanks, etc. Spray gun toi as T little as 18.85. " MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. SALEM. OREGON TARPAULINS Sturdy canvas. 10 bt1, lrtBttnf Water and mildew reslatant. Mttai groin met ; f t ( t r , J!! io j H U' I 7, MONTGOMmT WARD CO. SALEM, OREOON Gi!fDE ,XD- "" """""l roekl fiS1 ..i""""""' 'tim. WALL. IAQ SAND GRAVEL CO. Th. i-tM. BARDS APPLIANCE Serrlce Dept. til era romplete aervlca facllltla lot all Monliomerr Ward appllanca. Jul "'hHi'JS""10 "'' Hollywood Appliance Co Ph. 1.43,. o FERTILIZER, cow or chicken manura delivered In Salem Well roltad or Ireen Br acli 11.00 pa, ck pllc, wm del. lira aack order. Alao horn m.n ;: I" beda ft plana. rM,l Bro., Rt. I, Box lis, Salem. Ph. MEM. MIKIC t-VERSTrj our electric Hta dond attaenment tnr aolovox. Free d.monatratloa and le. aon. Ph j.oos. n9" WANTED MISCEUANEOUS WANTED: A good viola. Ph. 3-B526! naioi WANTED Frontier Colt revolver. Ph" 359.3. B.oa SEWING MACHINE, any make or CondTw." Davenoort. Ph. J-7671. 1930 H. 18th. nal20 WANTED furniture to glut ft repaTr- Lee Broa. Furn. Re finish In, Co Ph 3-7001. n PERSONAL WILL THE LADY a ho.se car hit the doc on Mapie Ave about 5:30 p.m. Fru Please call 2-5303.jmpiwtBnt. pioi' STANLEY HOME Product85 CroaTst". AUTOMOBILES 9 CHEV. coupe one owner. New paint. Urea. 9595. Ph. 3-7093. 480 8. 17th. 0,101 LEAVING TOWN, must sell new Chev yd. dump truck, with Job. 3260 Tes ve. PH. 2-8744. aid1 Low Cost Transportation 1930 Model A Ford coupe 815( 19.15 Plymouth 2 dr. sedan 8-2! 19.14 Chevrolet 2 dr. aedan,.,,,,,, .922! 19,n Ford 4 dr. town sedan t.'si 1917 Chevrolet town atdaa 844f 1916 Dodge coupe $471 19(8 Ford t dr. sedan. 1949 Willy vi ton pickup .84! 19.19 Mercury 4 dr. aedan 171 141 Ford Coupe t5( 1941 Chevrolet Town sedan 9fl9 1936 Plymouth 4 dr. trunk sedan 8391 Terms McCALLS 137 Btatg Dial 3-9104 flop 114 FORD Deluxe 4-dr. RAH. New sea rovers. Ph. 2-1746. ait: CTT4"4 '36 Ford coupe Ixrellent"nglnt New brakes. Ph. 2-5867. 899 Court St. Apt. 29. qie: '41 DESOTO custom. Radio, healer, nee rubber. call after I. 949 . 33. ejio REMANU F ACTU REDMOTOR9 Ford. Cnev . Plymouth. Dodie owner. . . get power, economy, performanei W'.th a Ward motor New motor a-iiraa-tee- L beral trade-in' A low a HQ0C monthly MONTGOMEHY WARD ft CO . 8ALFM qw TRUCK BATTFRT Par m-jeh iess for a battery that g.vei maximum aervice. power and dependa t.l'tv under all conditions Longer teraj t larant-e reaardles of ttJ-l drhen , Cone n and see' A MONTOMERY WARD ft CO. 8ALFV (Continued on Page 19) i