to of Pf TX th r 3 E it It a; u A i d i i a E o a V - 18 Capital Journal, Satan, On Murder's Skirts By TERRY "No. At tout I did not e nun then, I saw nun earlier, at nine- IU teen, xie kcuicu j "Wu he the onlv one here?" "Yes. No. wait a minute. I think Bill Griittth was here, too. I did not look." Verek sighed. "What a tragedy. And he waint uch u old man. either." He held out hk hand to Raff. "Qood night, Dr. RaXferty. We must come to- Ether aome tkn. It will be pood talk oX research." Rail held out nil band and found he was still clutching the nail dark object he had picked up from Hubbard's chair. It was , pen . tie turned u m uia uu.u. t hnrw th initials "H.P." "Ah." said Verek, "you have found . Penton's pen. He will be most ppy. He was looking for It this afternoon." (Chanter 24) Penton's pen," Raff mused. "So this Is Penton's pen. Well, I'm glad I found It." He looked at Ellen. TJear. don't you think we'd bet ter go now?" Ellen said, "It will Just take a minute to get Al Vall's address." She looked at him soberly. "Do wmi suDoose it was Fenton?" "I don't know. I'm going to find out what his pen was doing In a room to which he claimed he had Do key," he said grimly. She copied the address and hand ed him the slip. In a few minutes they were on their way. The house where the Penton's lived was In the middle of a whole blockful of Identical two-family residences, all badly In need of a coat of paint. Raff stopped the car and told Ellen, "I'm going in alone. You tay here. I'm leaving the keys, and If I'm not out In fifteen min uates you go straight to the police station. Understand?" She nodded and he kissed her briefly. "Be careful," she whispered. Raff pressed the bell. The house was dark and quiet. After about two minutes of silence he rang gain. A light became visible some where in the back of the apart ment. Presently the porch light vent on and the curtains on the door were parted. The door was opened a crack and a woman's husky voice asked: 'What Is it? What do you want? "Sorry to disturb you at this hour, but I must see Dr. Fenton." The door opened wide. "Come in. won't you? Dr. Pen ton will be here In a minute. Fenton came into the room, hur riedly pulled on a bathrobe. He blinked at the lights in the room. "This man wants to see you, Har old." Mrs. Fenton went over to her husband's side. Despite the friendliness she displayed toward him. Raff felt that she was ready to stand by Fenton. i He was beginning to experience ft bad taste in his mouth. "Why, hello." Fenton was ex tremely cordial. "You're that young doctor fellow who was in the office this morning. "That's right. My name's Raffer 7." The men shook hands. "And this Is Mrs. Fenton." Raff inclined his head In acknowledge ment. "And now, young fellow, what an I do for you?" "Dr. Fenton, Is this your pen?" "Yes. Yes, It Is. Well, thank you for finding It." "I found It In Dr. Hubbard's of fice tonight," Raff said quietly. A change came over Penton's face Instantly. It was difficult to realize he had been smiling only a moment before. Now there was only fright. "Why do you tell me this?" Pen ton whispered. "Dr. Fenton.' Raff said not un kindly, "there's something I'd like to talk to you about." He hesi tated, and then added. "There's no need to keep Mrs. Fenton up at this hour with our talk." Mrs. Fenton made a move as If to go, but her husband put hts arm out to stop her. "I'd rather you stayed. he said In a broken voice, "it's all right." "May I ask whv vou've enme here at this hour? Certainly not to return my pen." Indignation filled Penton's voice. "You're right. It wasn't lust to return your pen. I want to know What you were doing in Hubbard's private office the office to which you told Miss Carter you had no "I can't see. young man. where Ml- mm R28U SS Ore., Tuendar. April 26. 1949 ADLER It is any concern of yours." There was a slight note of belligerency in Penton's voice. "All right, I'll tell you what con cern it Is of mine. Dr. Bray called me last night. He told me he had some information that Hubbard's death was not. shall we say, due to natural causes. I was to be at his office at nine o'clock this morn ing and he would turn the Informa tion over to me. Apparently he had reasons of his own for not want ing to communicate with the police." "But this is well, confusing Is the word. Is It possible that Pro fessor Bray's mlna was deteriorat ing and that this ultimately led to the poor man to suicide.?" "I think that Is what the mur derer wanted us to believe." "The murderer! Then you do think that Professor Hubbard was" He oldn't finish the sentence. "Yes. Dr. Fenton, Hubbard was murdered by a very clever meth od. It was only at the autopsy that we discovered it." "But, upon my soul, I don't un derstand Bray's desperate deed." He seemed rather unconcerned over Hubbard's murder. "It's easier to understand If you realize that Bray was murdered, too," Raff said softly. "You mean it wasn't suicide?" Fenton said hoarsely. "It was not suicide. We have definitely established thai. "The poor man the poor, poor man." Fenton shook his head slow ly from side to side. Suddenly he looked up at Raff. His lips began to tremble. "Why, then, you've come here you suspect you think I killed them." He turned to his wife. "Martha, he thinks that I killed two men. "Dr. Rafferty, Just what makes ou suspect my husband?" Mrs. Penton's voice was still calm. "We have reason to believe that the culprit had managed to obtain a key to Hubbard's office. I'm afraid I'll have to know Just why Dr. Fenton obtained one." Martha Fenton looked hard at Raff, then turned to her husband. "Harold, tell him about the letter," she said. (To Be Continued) Sun-Top Style This pln&fore type drew, t(uns two wonderful Idea the un-top styling to catch every whisper of a cool breeze, the wide midriff to mold the waistline to a smart minimum I No. 2830 Is cut In sizes 10. 11, 14. 16, 18. 30, 36, 38, and 40. Size 16. 3'. yds. 35-ln. Send 25c lor PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number State Size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK Is Just off the press, presenting the best In 8ummer fashions, all de signed with the simplicity thai spells good style and easy sewing and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions Send now for your copv, price Just 20 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal. 552 Mission Street. San rYanclsco 5. Calif. PATTERN NO. RiMl Flowers to Embroider These lovely floral designs are equallv I beautiful when decorating clothing. hnil.KnlH lltiana a nillnw . Fourteen motifs measuring from icn-oy-nine incnea lo two-and-one-hslf by three Inches. Include lrU, row. panslei and orchids. Pattern Envelope No. R3811 con tains hot - Iron transfer for 14 'motifs, stitch Illustrations, em broidering Instructions and material requirement. To obtain this pattern send 50c In COINS, living pattern number your name, address and aone num ber to Pegsy Koberts. Capital Jour nal 2 Mission street San Fran euro 1, Calif 2830 SIZES J J 1M S0C8Y XWltrT APOLOGIES NEVER POURED T THERE ARE MANY ENTRANCES I VI rrn-u, sjOL. . REALIZE YOU WERE WIT MIX BACK INTO THE TO THE BUHOlNO S'R' BUTTM CHASIN0 Aj-AV BOTTLE HE5 PB06ABLY (W0OUN6 CERTAIN NO 5UCH PERSON , TV. &b V72T ft la .sBls- " CaAJ f" -BBfclBWem w, m to. mm4 f AMDCaSoM a " ii-t-m " ' "i rtMfcia W m, eH3-fseEM they're both fine, f mtr tm for T hm-m-thbt much. 1 HERE COMES THOT TRUCKED; JERRY, NOW- I MB TO ASK HOW JERRV-lflCT IB, ANNE I SOLO HER STOtE FOR PLEMTV-) EH? WRi-WEU. ' R FIQftEREO HE WCS ABOUT DUE THROUGH D I MY LTrTLE ML. OMMIE, JUST BOUGHT A TRflCRR- I OOT HVE-S SRftO, I QUESS-l IU TEU. W . H6RE-SOOOHe's STOPPtN" KEEP V IS MAWN OUT AND RQQERS ON DOW SOME I CHE'S QOT A HEAD QRLS lOU US "-" Kl- ,A I TO COUSIN VAM ME BROOSHTil I WAIT.TRUC-1 DON'T ) LET MER HAVE IT, rTWT ISN'T.AMBV-) AMBVPOTTSN US A BAG OF J BELIEVE THAT CANDY S WILBUB-THERES A ill t HELLO, WlLouajS XB0TCOM6 - T .WAS MEANT FORVO0-J SPECIAL Ol JELLV BEAK)S ' MISS ROSETTA MOmETLOH IN ANYW pj VTTS. I r THIS WEE SO 1 CM 6ET 'STSTX I YORE JA ( ? ?- I HE VENTOFF-XwE VOrJT LrS ; metcSeter-an' Ai?I22, Jl ) I WIUBETKEZP) ( BUT J BEPO'WE COULD ) BE1 MUCH J L feSAT-N'STHAlKcSa ME UNDER J THAW'S S TELL HnTHETy GOOD AS S 7 's,.,rKIK GOODNIS57 y.K'9Pr.cs l I comKi.,efHY sohethin' , fc-p.wi: A. guards. wtu I YO KIN" J Tm-STARK, RAVIM MAD-rS. I NIGHT. DURIM' VJE GOTTA GOT VOKUM J GO JEST AS i jo .1. - m.i '.) . r jidf i blood w J. stark,ravin' 1 ) 60SH!MUTt!s OH.WEU.lUl. WHAT ) it's THREE Y THREE OCLOCK.') f3 VOO LET ME SLEEP M 2-2 STILL SLEEPING LET HIM SLEEP W) T,NVE 1 O'CLOCK WHV DIDN'T VOL) fvJU iRlSrtT THROUGH MV ) U SNOREi AND HE WENT IF HE LIKES l( IS ,Tv I IN THE WAKE ME UP AT AFTERNOON NAP I ZS3Y OH,HELL0,RUSTyl6LAP HI.PARPNER! W MAY I TAKE A HOKSE FOR. 1 1 TMANKS. TEX."VM'OU STOTTEP ThA ( TO SEE YOU VP I YES. LOOKIN' FOR A LITTLE RIPE.TEX? JJJST j WHO OWNS TUAT B.l EH? WELL, I'LL TEU JIMMY, HAVE YOU 1 VsJEX IS IN THE PAPPOC - J"1S ON OUR OWN TRACK f y grrXK WJOliA WW r WHILI r 6fa - ffl . IflV Khow MUCH IS 94 I pfl V- J R nELLQ UNCA OONxfi -PVOEP P THREE?) '4 s ; o 22 ju " M ABU TO UlL YOU! y-l -BUTOOO N- asjJ A QUKK HANT AT TMOJt KETCHE, zA ,W0MN "AVING " -f lMOREC ANCLNCy I RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P.M. IKSLM iISS 'KGW IK0C0 'aT'KOIN & 5" :M 8trlfht Arrvw Ntwi 'F I Climblm Mlui 1 lrictl Arr (im MniH Ebritaa luik Th Little ttaw :M ci VMM hw Blni Crtby Clak U iU Tib Mil AU U Ktyi Ed. K, Mittit 64 Gbrll HIUr Bk HM Mriadr by Knai HubIb it Nrtbwat Kiwt Bb UM CBllUfhl Btalab :M LillU Shw Fibber MtOM Stmt ' Fnliri ttry :U Liltlt Bhw UMf lib WIU Kiwi 7 M Medietas Drama- HtllrwcW Kdim Dbchla MdlUlt T)m 1S D Ym Bcmanbtr TbtaUr Eadl LMar Bob Yaanr Shaw Ot Cbltbalai Trail pMla Ara raaay r Baa Btrika It Bieh ,4S ChUbali Trail rta ala Ara Fanny Tap Banj Slrlka It BJcb 8" m Caaat tl HM S"r Clab Baseball Hit tha Jackaal -li Crista Ntw nr" Ban4itaa Hit tha Jackaal U Warld af Sonr Thl" Jmt L1t Daiaat Daaa Paaa tha Back :U WarIA af 8on Tbli li taar Ufa Baaeball Paw tha Back m Z7Tm Lra Marrar Babatl Thaaaa T B A LrB Usrrftr Haacball Smith Shaw Mi Favarlta Btan B-nl" Calaaan Baarball Mr. Mr a. Narth l Fatartta !ori Calian Baseball Mr. M Mrs. Warth : raltaa ewls Ram Bare, News Baaeball Flta Star Final Via gcirci Lacal News Sparts Pasa Final Neva Boandaa Mratery Theatre llfl:S0 News Orcbeatra Track IIM Mratery Tbealra I r :io Matnal Newsreel Carrcnt e Chalee TrackllP Alr-fla mm M Official-DetectUs Newa Track UN Serenade 11:10 Official DetectlTa Here's la Tati Track !M Yoa th Wert I l:H Dick Fay's Oreh. Orchestra Track 149 nana Krvp L tA Lanny Bass Orebestr Track IIM Newa """liTdS Sign Off Sign Off aim Off Silent WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. iOO News Hods Podia News :18 News Hods Podia K01N Klaek :S0 March Tin Farm Time KOIN Klaek :40 News Farm Time KOIN Klock 7:00 News News Tst Bitter KOIN Klaek tin Breakfast Ganf Clack Watcher News A Hpsrte News SO Breakfast Gang The Old Bane Tap O' Morn Ins News 45 Top Trades 8am Hares News Fred Beck F:0t Bargain Counter Fred Waring Klni's Crnsadcrs Consumer News .13 Vlctev Undlabr Fred IVarin Klni's Crusader Art Baker :M Bone at Pioneers Jack Bareb Wester Melodies Masle far Tea .45 T B A Tommy Doner Western Mslodies Masle tor To 900 Nw Tammy Doner Cfaarch In wild. Colombia Peataro 15 Kate Smith Tommy Dereey Vocal Varieties News go Paster's CaU Toniroi Dorsey Mnsle Grand Slasa J45 Wiles Walts Time News Mule Rosemary , A ;M News Troplo Eebaeo Coffee Cup Wendy Warrea lfl'lj Gospel tlncer Hemetewners N.W. Report Aant Jenny I SO Lcn Selene Br-Waya Rhapsody la HHea Trent J J ;45 WltiSerenade Brlfhtar Pay Rhythm our Gal Bandar :M Ldlee First Doable or Nothlna Glass Was BIk Ulster 1 1 :1ft La0,e" r,r Donbls ar Nelblna Glass Was Ma Perkins R I :I0 Qneca D Todays Children Glass Wax Young Dr. Melon l! I ;4a Qcn tar a Day Light af World Glass Was Guldlni- Light jb. :00 Top Trade News Ererybody's Idea News 1 "1:1ft N,w Ma Parkins Organ Moods Come 4 Got 1ft I M ; Bob Eberly Shew Pepper foang Vewe Norah Drake " :4 Verlety Shew Ta Happiness Memorable Mails Make To Tlek 10 Orchestra Baekstag Wlf Claatlos nd Mr Burtoai :1ft Johnson Family Stella Da Das Classics Perry Mason : Tell Nelhgbar Lor em Jons Listen to Lelberl Columbia Feat a r M Bing Sings Wldder Brown All-tlm Favorites Columbia Pea tar ?) Against the Storm Girt Harriot Records Off Shelf Newspaper af Air ,5 Atainst tha Storm Portia Faees Life Records aff Bhelf Newipaper a Air :M Orchestra jM rial BUI Records tt Shelf Winner Take All :a On Parade Front Page Records aff Shelf Pat O'Brien ghew Happy Gang Eoad or Life Itth St. Honr Newe J .1.1 Happy Gang Le Lawtan itth SL Hoar Tunefully Toara ry :S0 Songs f Time Annl ary itth SL Honr Moot th Mines w : News Lot A Learn Itth 81. Hour Meet the Mlsena 4:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr. Woman's Secrei We men's Pag Arthur Godfrey IA Hemingway Lire Beantlfal Don't Whisper Arthur Godfrey M Passing Parade Dardanolle Trl Spotlit Mail Arthur Godfrey :4ft Carmen CaTaller the 440 Fly Spotlight an Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS 1 HEX, 1190: KOAC, 550 lCY Tuesday P.M. 0:0. 8lrrel ixt-A Caga; ft:M. Sky Klngt 0:00. Keep Ing l'p With Sports: 0:15. Home Edition 1 0:30. Hop-alang Can Idyl 7:00, Mnsle Fes tival) 1:M, Talent Touri 8:00, Counter sprt :. Town Meeting) 0:30. Monitor News; :4, Book Adventuresi 10:00, Rlcb rield Reporter; 10:15. Intermeiiot 1:M, Concert Hour; 11:110, Memos to Tomorrow) 11:00, Extra Hoar; 1:00, Sign Off. LCY Wednesday, I A.M. t 4:15 P.M IX t A 8:00, Early Bird; :45, Farm Newst 7:00, Newst 7:15, Time Tempos; 7:80, Robert's Almanac; 7:5, Time Tern- post 1:00. Mrrt A Marge 1 1:15, Martin Ag ronskyt 8:30, Easy Aeest 8:45, Zeks Man nem 8:00, Breakfast Clubt 10:00, Mildred Bedell; 10:10, Stars of Today; 10:10, Kay Kvser Kollege; 11:00, Ted Malonet 11:15, Galen Drake) 11:30. M) True Story 1 1t:0fl. Betty Crocker 1 1X:15, Newsi 1X:30, Baruk bage; lt:45, Get More Out af Life; 1:00, Northwesternersi 1:80, Kay West; 1:00, Breakfast In Hollywood) t:S0, Talk Tear Johnsons Dinner Hosts Silverton For the pleasure of the mother of Elmer John son, Mrs. Ingeborg Ormbreck, on the occasion of her 77th birthday anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson entertained at ACROSS L Flowering plant T, Danger ilfnaj; archaic 11. uean a of conveyance) 14. Cherry color H. Hurried 18. Pres for payment 17. Play on words It. Frozen dessert 15. Decays 20. Gloomy 21. Stroke gently 2!. Labyrinth 23. Cronies 24. Syllable of hesitation Bewilder , Shape will an ax , Thin , Stopped , Dutch comtnun . Touns; salmon . Myself , Rescue , OsnlAed tlsao , Irnlted , fcormer President's nicknam , God of lov . Beloni-lng to ma . To . DixflKTir . Jests , Paradlaalo rrrr 5 w WV I I ' " I'3 - fA m I ""til 27 a pgaf Jo 3; IZZUZZ-!" 4 0, ?3f ROOM AND BOARD I SOT OUT AY THEATRICAL AAAtCEUr KIT AND THIS OUP FRiGHT-WlG TO PftACTCE CREATING A CLOWNS FACE FOR VY CIRCUS JOB '- HOW DOES THIS APPEAL TO yfJU, ROBIN, AS A SAMPLE OP V-m BUFFOONERY? t B VfAC On the Op. IXWMVrf bati 6:S0. Sports Clnbt 0:00, Tha Newst 0:15, Grac Berger at th KOAO Organ :80, Bound th Campfirei 7:15, Farm Hour. 8:00, Stories ta R emberi 8:15, Holland Today and Tomor row; S:S0. Rrrand of Mereyi 8:45, Nw 9:00, Campus Headline t :S0, Musi That Endnrest 8:48, Evening Medltallensi 10:00, Sign Oft. UAAr Wea- AM- 1. Mewtt 18:11, XVVMx- Especially for Women; 11:00, Oregon Sehoo) of the Air; 11:15, Th Cats cert Hall 1 11:00. News; 11:15, Farm Houri 1:00. Ride 'em Cowbayi Va riety Timet I: SO. This Dayt 1:45. Melody Lane 1 t:00. Especially for Women; t:80, Memory Book af Muilei 8:45, Orege) School of ttio Air; 1:00, News Way Oat f It) 8:00, Surprise Package 8:80, Bride Groom 1 1:00, Welcome Tran sient 4:80, Art Llnkletter. their Pine street home in a Sun day early afternoon dinner with additional guests the family of a daughter of Mrs. Ormbreck, Mr. and Mrs. John Adams and Elaine and Judy of Hlllsboro. B t TflF A us TflC o o ClR e A hyBe npu r k samal k E BO R N C3 lie tsHerHb CAMS j v y BhT rTcHam o N H a go gjR TTv JeTpQ R o 1 PiUEpe ve1hOto ff Solution of Yeitorday'o Puzxla 47. UndoTeloped 48. Sharp reply 41. Spikes of now era DOWN 1. Barred L So. Amoricaa bird S. Shoestring 4. Contend i, Uldweatern tat: abbr I. Like T. Sharp 8. Optical glas I. Piece of land 10 meter square 10. Saws for cutting with th grain 11. Customary 11 Repair 14. Sleep Hfhtly 19. demolish 11. Companion 22. Fruit 2. '.. Fop 28. In thl placo 28. Young taar 29. Puts up 50. Distingulahod 51. Hates SS. Indigent 35. Leas perilous S. Habitation 87. Modified leaf 3ft. Compnr 40. Arabian chleftatn 41. Speck of duet 44. Congestion 46. Negative 47. Note of th OAlO By Gene Ahern 6oao!or course, YOU AND I WITH OUR, 6 PUFFLE NOSES WAVE 1 THE NATURAL FOUNDATION FOR. A CLONS FACE ' ALL WE HAVE TO DO FOR A START IS EAT A WHOLE BLUEBERRY PIE OUT OF OUR, HANDS CLOWN FACE TO Besin vvim.