i m m mm ,mm mm ,., i i is i it. 3 ( '"'ss " L- Mrs. Pearl Owens Gillis . . . With favorite book. AMERICAN MOTHER 1949 Texan Mother of 6 Wins Honors in Annual Vote New York U,R The American Mother of 1949 is a tiny Texan, mother of six. whose world has been her church and music She is Mrs. Pearle Owens Gillis, 60, of (831 East Harvey street) Fort Worth, Tex., chosen by the American Mothers' committee of the Golden Rule foundation. Mrs. Gillis, wife of a postal department employee, is the mother of four boya and two girls, all of them musically in clined. She has long been active in the Baptist church, local wel fare activities and during the depression years took eight young college students into her home. One of her sons. Dr. Carroll O. Gillis, is a foreign missionary Brush College Boys Organize New Club Brush College The boys of Brush College have organized a 4-H Livestock club and de cided upon "College club" as Its name. The principal animals in the project are pigs, rabbits and beef. The College club will meet t the home of members on the first and third Tuesday nights in the month. Leonard Kinkaid is leader. The officers include Jimmy Kinkaid, president; James Rowe, vice president, and Stew art Mathls, secretary. Other members are Charles Kinkaid and Larry Wacken. Mrs. Welton Hostess Mt. Angel Mrs. Robert J. Welton entertained at a family reunion at her home Sunday in compliment to her house guests Mr. and Mrs. Ray Welton, who have been visitors here for the past week from their home in Superior, Wis. Those present included the honor guests, also Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Welton. Jr., and family of Eugene, Mr end Mrs. Albin Bean and family of Oswego, Mr. and Mrs. Mel chior Uselman and children, Michael Welton and the hostess. Mrs. R. J. Welton. of the Southern Baptist church, currently ohem on furlough. Another is Don Gillis, a produc tion director of the National Broadcasting company in New York. Dr. Everett Gillis, a third son, is a college professor of English and the fourth, Lewis. is a composer and arranger of music. Both daughters are married and live In Fort Worth. The American Mothers' conv mittee has selected a national mother and 48 state mothers for the past IS years. Selections are based on her success as a mother evidenced in her children's character and achievements. She must reflect religious and moral integrity, courage, cheerfulness, patience affection, kindness, understand ing and homemaking ability. She must have, as well, a sense of civic and international under standing and be active in com munity work. . Mrs. Gillis was notified of her selection in Fort Worth last week-end. She will come to New York, appear on a number of radio programs, speak at Moth er's day ceremonies on May 8 on the Central park mall and be honored at luncheons and recep tions. (Advertisement) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin is irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanitone Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears imme diately Sanitone Ointment Is also wonderful for Itching feet. cracks between toes and Ath iete'1 foot. For Sale at Willett's Capital Drug Store State at Liberty Phone .1-3118 . Don't tak chances Buy from ar established local concern whoso prlcts and sorvlcos aro right. The ery safety and security of jour home depend on vour roof. Thsi's why, in considering roof repair), of re-roofing, it is so important to deal only with a reliable established concern. VTe hive been selected by Johns. Msntillt as their dealer in this vicinity. Consult with ui. V e offer you complete seme, quality Johnl Minville roofing or siding materials, the right price. 10 Year Guarantee 10 Down 3 Ytort to Par MATHIS BROS. ROOFING CO. 164 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4642 Roberts Grange Gives Degrees Roberts At the grange meet ing, Mr. and Mrs. John Earnest received the third and fourth degree obligation. In the agriculture report, it was advised to dust the straw berries for the spittle bug and also not to use the DDT spray on cows as it has been found to show up in the milk and the meat. There was a summary of the bills and resulotions passed at the legislature in the legislative report, and through the shortage of steel the Independence bridge will be delayed until fall. The resolution to change the meeting date of the grange from the third Monday to the third Saturday was read and voted to delay the second reading un til the October meeting. It was announced that on account of the annual school meeting in June, the grange will hold their monthly meeting the second Monday. It was voted to observe church Sunday on May 22, the chaplain to choose the meeting place. The lecturer, Mrs. Mclvin Trindle presented the following program: group singing: readine by Mrs. S. L. Minard; which was followed by the song "The Old Rugged Cross" song by Mrs Floyd Plank, reading by Mrs. Chas. Fulton: an educational talk on Farm Forestry by E. D Hanneman: contest which was won by Mrs. S. L. Minard and Mrs. Chas. Fulton. Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Spillcke and Mrs. Olga Northrup of the Red Hills grange. Mrs. Frank Sol lenberger and Mrs. Chas. Ful ton served on the supper com mittee. rwu www ru I i." """Wafc-T X v astly -H" TZT -. Weight Problem Compo and Susan are weighed by Lon don zoo keeper K. G. Smith because Susan, refusing to be weighed alone, forced Smith to weigh Compo and subtract. Hanrahanto Head Woodburn Rotarians Woodburn Dr. John M. Han rahan was elected president of the Woodburn Rotary club at a meeting of the board of direc tors held last week. Lyman E. Seely was elected vice presi dent, P. C. McLaughlin was re elected secretary and William E. Dunn, Jr., was elected assis tant secretary. The president and vice president will form the board of directors with Dr. Del bert Reed, Philip LaBarr, Win ton J. Hunt, Pat DeJardin and William Merriott. The new of ficers take over July 1. Winton J. Hunt, the retiring president, has been appointed chairman of the club service section for the joint Rotary Conference which will be held at Spokane May 15, 16 and 17. A large group of members and wives of the local club will at tend the conference. Early Bridges Nearly Finished Mill City Vincent Palmer of Portland, head engineer in Mill City for Consolidated Builders Inc., states that construction of the temporary bridge crossing the Santiam river upstream from the dam sight, is nearing completion this week. The big Job being undertaken now is the excavation for an upstream portal tunnel for di version ot the river One of the large bulldozers has been trans ferred to the other side of the river to work on the project. To gain the desired location the machine had to be taken in a round about way over the top o a mountain, then down the opposite side, which was al most perpendicular. In the attempt the machine had to be held back by cables tied around trees and finally the Job ended by having to bring another bulldozer over the hill to rescue the first one. Palmer, accompanied by several other men, made a' trip to the dam sight Friday to take picT tures for official use. Work on the housing proj ect is showing more progress this week. Concrete for the Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Tusflay, April 2fi, 194!) 15 foundation of three of the hou ses had been poured by Friday and it was thought that studding for one would be up within a I tew aays. xne construction 01 to nuuM-i as lurmeriy announc ed, has been cut to 22 in num ber, for the reason that more ground has been allowed for each home. The Miss City council issued permits for the construction f 18 of the homes this week Foundation for one house is to be poured each day. The men of key personnel for the Detroit dam are anxious to get their families here, as the offices are open six days a week, which does not allow them to make the trip home very often. Mehama Couple Buy Home in Stayton Stayton Mr. and Mrs. Or ville Hcrrold of Mehama are planning to move into the home at 606 Sixth street which they have recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Monte Rouintree. Herrold is a partner in the Her-rold-Philippi Motor company in Stayton, and there are two daughters, one of which is of school ago. The house was built about two years ago by the Rouln trees, but he was recently transferred by the Shell Oil company from Stayton to Eu gene. Mrs. Rouintree, who has been teaching the second grade in the Stayton grade school, has been assigned as a teacher In the primary department of the Eugene public school system. They have bought a home in that city and will move there as soon as the school term ends here. Residence at Dallas Damaged by Blaze Dallas The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Al Holter. 209 Jeffer son street, was seriously dam aged by fire of undetermined origin Saturday afternoon about 5 o'clock. Fire Chief Walter Young stated that the blaze apparent ly started in the vicinity of the electrical switch box and spread to the attic and kitchen. Al though the family, which in cludes two children, was away at the time, firemen succeeded in saving most of the furnish ings. The contents of the home was damaged by smoke, how ever. The house is owned by Clay Gordon Huntley and is fully covered by insurance. Mrs. Ediger Heads Webfoot Home Unit Fairview At the annual election of officers Mrs. Peter Ediger was elected president of the Webfoot Home Demonstra tion unit at the April meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stockoff in the Day ton Prairie district. Others were: Mrs. Ivan Gubser, vice president; Mrs. John Allison, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Ray White, librarian. There were 18 members and two guests present. The guests were: Mrs. William Belto and Mrs. Dolph Goodrich. Miss Murle Scales, home dem onstration agent, was lesson leader on "Window Treatment." Dinner was served at noon. The next meeting will be 'Finland" in the associated country women of the world de partment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lembke in this district with project lead ers Mrs. James Watts and Mrs W A. Stockoff in charfp. SPECIAL Packard 6 and 120 Brake Reline Labor 12.00 Motor Tune-Up Labor 3.00 Chassis Lubrication Lobor 1.00 Front Wheels Balance Lobor 1.50 Front Wheel Bearings Repack Labor 1.00 STATE MOTORS, INC 340 N. High PACKARD DEALERS FOR THE BEST Hauling Storage Fuel Phone or See LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE SS9 No. Liberty Ph. 3-3131 Our Reputation is Your Security local Agent for VAN LINES CO. wf L it j A Mr NV VI II 1 XtJi C4TY M. . .If II ! OMAHA . . . ,W7 I Just the Tiruur r tot J a carefree vacation! Whether to the large centers Chicago . . . New York . . . Washington to the old home or anywhere East Go Union Pacific. Convenient schedules... luxur ious pullman accommodations or sleep easy coach seats. ..delicious meals... friendly service they're yours when you choose Union Pacific! DAILY SERVICE EAST "CKy mt farHaaW" "Prtlii Rh." "IMm" Lv. Portland 5:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. AH leMlila (taatfw TIM Tat Complin Trtvtl Inlormmtlot Comult GINIRAL PASSING! II OIPAKTMINT .Mm 751 lttc Hack rriaa' I, Ort UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD if t& Strc4ttlctri. AT Penney's SALEM, OREGON Something New! Something different 3-T0NE SHORT COATS A summer hit in 100 wool suede Cleverly styled in three colors Expertly lined with royon sotin. Sizes 10 to 16. Penney! Second Floor