14 Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Tuesday, April 26, 1949 t I w ' ' ' , , , , . ,V X Ax ' v M, ,f Iff f' 5- lf ."iMy? fc..,..,,!, ft.g Form of a Champion i: Yvonne Sherman, of Brooklyn, Y demonstrates one of the (if urea that won the IT. S. it n lor women's figure skating cham pionship at Colorado Springs. Jumper's $300,000 Suit Goes to Trial on May 16 New York, April 2d W) Danny Gardella's long-pending $300, 000 damage suit against organized baseball is scheduled to come up for trial May 16. The way was temporarily cleared (or bringing the case be fore a jury yesterday when base ball filed its answer to the suit in federal court. The game's leaders asked for dismissal of the suit on the grounds that baseball is not en gaged In Interstate commerce and thus is out of federal court jurisdiction. The answers also denied that the former New York Giants outfield had suffered the dam ages he claims by his five-year suspension that followed his Beavers Trounce Huskies, 17 to 7 Corvallis, Ore., April 26 (U.W Oregon State college pounded out 11 hits to drub the Univer sity of Washington 17 to 7 In a Northern division Pacific Coast onference baseball game on Coleman field here Monday aft ernoon. Beaver southpaw pitcher Chuck Sauvain held the Husky batters to three hits In the first alx Innings as the Staters were rolling up 16 runs to Washing ton's three. Sauvain eased up after that, however, and allowed four more Husky hits to drive In four runs. The Beavers scor ed their final run In the eighth Inning. leap to the Mexican league In 1948. Frederic Johnson, Cardella's attorney, said that now that base ball had presented its side the case can be tried in court. "The case goes on trial 20 Calendar days after the issue is joined," Johnson said. "That is, twenty days after baseball made its answer today." Earlier yesterday baseball's leaders asked federal court for dismissal of parts of the $2,900, 000 suit brought by Max Lanier and Fred Martin, former St. Louis Cardinal pitchers also un der suspension. Arguments are scheduled to be heard Friday in this action. i YM Gymkhana To Be Staged on Thursday Night The annual Oymkhana of the YMCA, an event that covers a wide variety of athletic endea vor, will be staged Thursday night at 8 o'clock in the Y gymnasium. Th program will include folk dancing by the club that has participated in this activity dur ing the winter; gymnastics by a group of experienced Portland ers; "maze" running and games by the Cadets, a 9-10 year age group; track and field acts by Preps, 11 and 12 years old; bas ketball by junior high boys; wrestling under the direction of Jerry Grimm, badminton super vised by Rae Farmer and mod ern dancing by Gertrude Ayers. The program will extend for a period of one and a half hours. rpjT" ,: v ,,, , , , , SCORES in the ALLEYS ICMlt RttalU) COMMERCIAL LEAfit'E NO. I The Stirr Fruit 4uad PMtod t 3941 Mrlea unlit A Hn of thit crew scored th hiih Indlvlduil rl of S17. Olner, Acme Auto Wracken, tallied 235 me. Ktarr Fruit )) W1U 475. ScbIu 513. Leniren 537. Powell 479, Alien 617. Goad Hntkrfplnf fOl Mlrlch 493. Simoru 4S7. Cntrrloiton 44B, Jone 415, Duncan 547. Cat Par (3 La net 473. Sloan SW, Heinkt 474. Soheideiier 494, Coc 571. Aetna Aula Wreekera (1 Duffu 4fl4, Prlexen 531 Albrlch 437, Nailer 633, Ol- nti 540. Lull Plorltlt t InilU 475. Kitxmll- ler 571, Upjtton 434, Price 444, Lull 494. Marlon Creamery 3 Krn?on 511. Park er 4t6. Pekar 480, Davenport 430, Ouatai- on 473. Ootrt Utrett Kadi (n CadT 45. Bol ton 501. McCune 513. Wtltaey 465, Wjt 553. Cltr Rleclrle '3 Evana 503. Val- dei 510, Brennan 543, Olodt 571, Header- I 555. laitt-r Bread '1 M altson 449, Prelm I Newcomb 452. Powell 602, farmer 530. Goldiea of fllirerton 13) Howell 471. Herr 467, Frank 444. Herr 459. Bentson 516. WaltM Brawn 0Oallahier 463, Bilke 6. fllnaer 451, Rlffey 433. R tenet 513. Eailta a Peteraon 531, Korb 533, Cook-1 In 463. Schmidt 418. Nuber 599. 51 Winning Leap ;k J. I'ith this Iran through the air on water skis, Katy Turner won the Dixie jump ing title in a tournament of the American Water Ski associa tion at Cypre&a Gardens, Fla. 3 COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. t The Union Ollera chalkrd up the top Uim jierle of 3563 while Chet Boyct, pltoh- int ior orvai cara poatea a ut iame and a 607 aertea. Union OH Co. fit Porter 437, W 11 lard 475, Prather 473, BenLaon 513, CuAhlm Ml. Orval'a Uaed Can 0t Crawford 478. MrClarr 441, Oabel 531, Rou 400, Bojce 607. Rlnaland'a Pet flhop (1) Clark 513. Rlmland 493. Herr 513, Praae 445. De La ney 453. Woodbarn 3 flliore 614, Aus tin 431. Deaaen 314, Steele 532. Hick 491. Nable'a Tavern U I Reeve 526. McMul len 483. Noble 407, Woir 498. Betl 513. Barb'a Sporltni Gonria 3) Slmoru 503. Jonea 548, Brauiht 468. Irons 510, Wllker-to- 587. Monlaoaiery Ward f0 Btralton 386. KVet 433, Herr 457, Phlppa 423. Oalund 466. Ia Rche'i Tavern 3t Barr 477. Curtlx 488. La Roc ha 485, Bud Straw 560, Bob Straw 4S4. Barkland Lvmber Cm. 1 Webb 397. Hlankley 475 D. Burkland 557. B. Burk- land 487 H. Webb 4S0. llartwell'a Eleetrlr -Push 400, Evan 680. Chtrrlngton 477. Schwynoch 406, WhlU 66S. nick Meyer Lumbar Ca. 3i Brown 516. Lacy 533. Barber 471. Stelnka 483, Llv- nsaton 480. Highland Market D Cauaev 485, Oraham 513. Cllne 533. Johruon 300, Lindsay 484. Deboest Resigns Ring Commission Portland, Ore., April 28 U.?X- Joe DeBoest resigned from the Portland boxing commission Monday because he said he wanted "to keep the commission legal and save the mayor em barrassment." DeBoest, only member of the retiring commission to be re appointed by Mayor Dorothy Mc Cullough Lee, said one member of the commission must by law be a doctor. "The mayor overlooked this requirement in making her ap pointments," DeBoest said. "My resignation seemed the simplest way out, for she can now name a doctor member without dis turbing her other appointments." Preps Nose Past Central, 11-10 Portland The Mt. Angel Preps clubbed out nine runs in their first time up, then held off Central Catholic attacks to win their baseball game, 11 to 10. Buccheit, on the mound for the Preps, fanned eight. Pete Reuf homered for the victors while Payseno counted a two for three performances. Mt. Angel 900 002 011 8 3 Central 003 104 210 8 2 Buccheit and Nosack; Mossen beier, O'Flaherty (1), Delaney (6) and Modun, Casslday (5). SPECIAL! LEATHER OR COMPOSITION HflALF SOLES WED..THURS I FRIDAY FAST WHILE-U-WAIT SERVICE $129 For All the Family SHOE REPAIR DEPT. DOWNSTAIRS "HOT IRON HOLDER" HANDY TO USE 4 ON THE IRONING BOARD O 01 O O 0 o The curved sides prevent the "HOT IRON" from falling or burning the ironing Board cover, o o; io o :o :o Protects the cord connection from breakage. o oi e o oio Light and Convenient. o oi o o e io Adds Security During the Ironing Operation. it IM II I T- I I -mi nAiysj'i i -nU I NO COOLING NECESSARY Select handy place and hang the HOT IRON away from danger and your HOT IRON chora Is quickly ever. STRONG AND DURABLE Fits Most Standard Makes of Electric Irons. PRICE ONLY . . . . ; .$1.49 ON SALE SALEM: YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ALLEN HARDWARE CO. SILVERTON: WIESNER'S APPLIANCE'S INDEPENDENCE: M & F STORE STAYTON: PORTER & LAU if MS T . & ' ' ' " I - . . i iWoIves Defeat Pilots, 9 to 6 I Monmouth The O.C.E. Wol ves Jumped off to a 6-4 lead In the first three innings as they turned in a 8 to 8 decision over the Portland Pilots on the lat ters diamond Monday afternoon Claude Buckley went the route for the Wolves as he struck out nine Pilots. I OCE 330 020 0019 14 3 Portland 202 101 0008 9 3 Buckley and Estes; Luizzi, Murphy (5) and Mulhern. 1 WOMEN ANNOUNCED IN WOMEN'S BOWL TOURNEY Bunny Lindsay placed first in the singles tournament held at the Capitol alleys with a 587 series while Alberta Thompson and Lois Hodges teamed up to take first In the doubles with 1139. ! Thompson was first in the all- j events scoring with 1128. I OKEGON TIDES Correct for Newport 11:M .m. 11:10 p.m. 11 01 m. II SI p.m. IMS a.m. I -33 p.m. IS 41 A.m. 13 S3 p-m f.t 1 01 a.m. 3.4 1:13 pi 1 37 a m. 1:31 p.m. I 10 a m. 03 p.m. J a.m. 0 1 3:40 p.m. 30 I 31 a.m. -03 3 03 p.m. 3 4 3 II a.m. .0 3 3 00 p.m. 3 4 3:53 a.m. -0 4 0 IS p.m. 1 1 1:30 a.m. -0 3 T:01 p.m. 3.1 Wafer Skiing Bruce Parker. U. S. champion, and Muriel schard rive Puerto Ricans a new thrill as they whin over the waters of Luquillo Lake at 30 miles an hour. BUSINESS WOMEN LOANS T Stnoiraph r. Secretarial. Cajihtfri. Book Keeper, at., to women UadUy employed. Per sonal offr a Special Service Loam midt on saltrr no out Hlderi Involved. tlO.Ot per mo i re pa ya II Ml In 30 mom hi. Special lunch hour ervlca for folk la Uurrr. Prion first for (alter rvlca Ajk for llr. Bord Biulneu Women Dept. Personal Finance Co. Lic-S-m-M-165 Ph. 2-2464 SCO emu as nitfiiiM REBUILT MERCURY V-8 ENGINE DYNOMOMETER TESTED tveiv Motoi Pre-Run These engines are not just reconditioned. They are completely rebuilt to precision standards . . . to give you new engine performance: 34 USb UUR BUDCE1 PLAN It Mo to fay Only 11. "0 Per Mo WARNER MOTOR CO. Your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer 430 No. Com ! Diol 2-2487 So they shall know good music of all nations Casey Jones, Paul Bunyan.Pecoi Bill, Johnny Apple seed. ..all the legendary heroes of America are this year coming to life for children in 2,663 schools through the music of the Standard School Broadcast. Each week, this program plavi and explains good music for an estimated 400,000 classroom listeners. of the current course is"American Music and Folklore"... but over the years, music of all nations has been studied and enjoyed. Manuals and other materials are supplied for the use of teachers. This is the twenty-first year of Standard School Broadcasts. It is our sincere hope that we have helped children in the West know and appreciate the music of the world and understand better its people. Standard Oil Company of California - r,