I r i A li 5 12-CapHa! Journal Salem. Ore.. Tuesday, April 26. lMCH,f Cfllem ClUD MeiYIDerS Receive Achievement Pins I i--n fi s - - aT - s it . m r - " na i enne Fabry. JuinlU Hanjn.,ber. Lewis Patterson. Jr. lAttend Pomona Crane (Galloway. Jack Richards and rabra Blankenship. Gladys Wer- The meeting of the Pig club Stayton Member, ol Stayton Mrs. L. S. Lambert. Shirlev Page Joanne or uiis wee, wn posiponea o ,Y", " anirirjr rage. ,,uiui at Union Hilla ffranae hall, were Scharf. Bonnie Stoller. Delore. , ednesday night of thu week. ;Mrl J(U Stemberg M CIira ! Werner. Carol Kaufman. Shir- Independence Mri. W. F. McBee is in Salt Lake City thia Mr. and Mrs. tan Maim oi c..,. . . ., m,. Salem, April zo ai me Werner Jamce scharf. Ma-iMiddle Grove community are Sandner. Mrs. Lena Lambrech!. "" "P"""" wregon g held at the school house the program Provided m, movm thu week int0 their neW;Mrl. Martha Glover. Clarence CoUege of Education In a meet. . i - . . M.atw iw i4 inn pari fi i rn rnm miiiFa " - - - . . Mrs. Robert Wagers. Mrs Dan home on the Silverton road Overholts, Mr. and Mrs. Thurs-ling of the association of cnild ton Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1 education. meetin: lUinBBniuiii"m., r, . ,.. n.- hnm nr. th. Silwrlnn chairmen was presented before a capacity filled auditorium. - . .mnanirt and which is lust competed. Following the business meeting conducted By the president, airs, i . . lewis ranerion, iui ui pm and achievement cards wer'! first, third, fifth. iS3fJ presented to the 4-H cooking teUh year, of work completed I the play. Refreshments were seventh and served by Jack Wikoff. William -1 - - M tnhn fom an1 I txrs of the Pig club anl Kleen and Cleo Keppinger. The Achievement cards were giv- girls of the 4-H cooking classes en Yvonne Good, Ruth Greene, i had cake, muffins and bread Bruce that thev had made on display T I i,r1Biwm in nrMtiH tnw ik.i. bank of Salem and presented by jHammer E1(Jon Buetler and !how Silverton this week. Dairy Calf club. Pin, were pro-;Dae y clea; d vided by the First Mnl Howe for conds. L year: The April meeting of the 4-H .r,- ... h ! E d 1 n Stahl. fourth SZw i,i ..m th. hn w'! Goode. sixth year:,Calf club was held at the home " Joyce Kuenli and Robert Buet- of Edwin Stahl the past week m ine worse. iler. seventh year. iHe has received his Ayreshire Shiney Page, fifth year; Jo- The program committee pre- i heifer calf which was awarded anne Fabry, fifth year: Carol sented Mrs. Gerald Jaffee in two him last fall as the Elmer Klein Hillificker, fifth year: Marvin J vocal solos; fap dance numbers award. This is the second year Cage, fifth year; James Kuenzi.jby Ronald Theisen with Henry Klein of Aumsville has made fifth year; David lurner, tniro: sprick at the piano: a vocal the award which he gives to Lewis Patterson, third: andlsolo by Janice Scharf; and alboys for outstanding records in first to Marie Hammer, Donna , one-act comedy. "The Twelve! 4-H Calf clubs and to encourage Lou itieen, jMorma natnjen, uia fliaias" with 11 teen age the raising of purebred cattle Marshall Jelderks, and Gary Do-! girls and one adult taking the. Last year the award also was ty. pins are only given tor me parts: orace Vanderhoof. Jo-! given to a Middle Grove mem Small Ship for Big Trip Maggiora Vergano's 29 'i -foot-long Pagaso, nine-ton schooner, arrives at Milan, for exhibtion at the Fair before sailing for New York in MayJ Problem Presented Albany School Men Albany Still unsolved Mon day was the problem that con fronted the Albany school board when it opened bids on the pro posed three local grade school buildings last Friday. The problem arises from the fact that the bid of Edward Brothers of Albany was but of the committee will begin! making personal calls on those who have not yet donated their shares of the cost. The new contributors were: Glenn G. Makin, Herbert Davis Carl Elligsen, W. O. Melum, Mrs. Oscar Bolland, Curtis Johnson, Jr., Walter Kraxber ger, American Legion Post No 122 and John Steffenson. "For reallqiVHITEiVASKES, I'll take To find a buyer run a Journal Classified ad phone 22406. Ask f 334. 12 higher than the low oiajfor classified. ox 37i,03Z suDmuiea Dy ine Ken Ward Construction compa ny of Portland. Both bids were well under the stipulated maxi mum limit of $575,000. The board was In session Monday discussing details of the two offers and Chairman Floyd Mullen said it Is expected that a decision will be reached not later than Tuesday. Ambulance Backers Are Hearing Goal Aurora Completion this month of the drive to raise $5, 000 for purchase of an emer gency ambulance for the Canby area was the goal set for them selves by chairman Virgil Gi gcr's committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Canby Fire men members. A new high total of $3,488.61 was reported last week, an in crease of $189.81. Nine new contributors, all of them purely voluntary, were listed. It was expected that members THANK HEAVEN I HEARD EVERY WORtr THE PREACHER SAID I MAodob,wht ablesiiogic ta! I miss nothing at church or the oofiei. fw 1 PCTtr K tfy- people to rjv negan lor me when a marvellous free book told me all about correcting hearing loss." You too, should learn the full facta. Come in for free demonstration today. James N. Taft & Associates 218 Oregon Bldg., Salem &-ftMe MONO-PAC f?S SERVICE ii'.'.ni'.iilll.lll.llin m OREGON'S APPROVED mm AND HOSPITAL PLANS NOW MAILABLE FOR INDIVIDUALS tad their FAMILIES Fiomiluo iiwe of mlndattunuicc of tdcquaia M k Sim o OMd; all an aniliblt through 2 new plini of tmpald awateal and botpinl torrriK oSirtd si modest com by Onm Fbrriciiiu' ferric. Oragaw Itfrta Mdlal toclafy astaWea N aw aivnt The ooTcract now offered k backed by the experience and profMstonal responsi bility of the Oregon 8tate Medical Society more than W of whoa mem bership belong to OPS. Already some 100,000 Ore gonlana have protection through OPS. group em ploye contracts. Now O P.fl. ervtr Is extended to an Individual and family barns for hundreds of thousands of adddltlonal Oregontan. Fnr literature and appil tlon blank send coupon to your nearest OPS. office. NHi O.S.S, rvp tvff H) mi aMltehle. If r K Itlltw mplyt with Hi Mvlna tfcaf r Mttial wnvr '! CV w will fvtftUh Mrmla OREGON PHYSICIANS' SERVICE Itl4 f.W.M kf.,Pm4 I AMD HOUrTU 4vW lMlrt-41IM pm MMlli, tuvoicAU LiMirro midicai MOIIAl w) 4W faalltM ., (2.00 IMJf tTt 1H -tlJ, $1 .33 P mth, 74 ahli), 71 1. mt MMthi 9t4 tMlaJ, 50 to Mts mihsm taiwrM m Plan 2. : . uawL UMITI MltNCAl AN MOftmai W H Ms 9mptj4 MlMtU fi ll ptw ana Hi. U0'CAI, tlMITIO MIOICAl HOt FIT Al M.wrjajt Ht ffMlliM ) . I, MM fM)l I w ,( tat 4 tA.OOO aM ror. OREGON PHYSICIANS' SERVICE f)n nll lltrr m4 llcflM 4nk 411 tany IKmI, Mm 111 hM tu., hM Orchids for Mother's Day FREE A beautiful orchid will be presented to the oldest liv ing mother in the Willomette Valle , the mother with the most children, ond the newest mother on MOTH ER'S DAY, May 8. All you have to do is come into our store and register the mother or friend whom you think will Qualify for the orchids. SALEM'S GIFT HEADQUARTERS The VdflDDDOLSt 305-315 COURT STREET it s nifi . X .aflT I i 1 . t V -aMaaaM tay$ Mrs. Mari Thomas 20 Tuscaloosa, Atherton, Calif. "SEEING A NEW PEHS WASH IS BELIEVING", fays Mr.. Thomas, "and I've seen a big change in the whiteness and brightness of my wash since I started using new P east's Soap. I've never had such marvelous results with so little effort! New Peet'a Soap is a washday blessing." SEE THE DIFFERENCE... OR DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! New Peet's will prove itself to you. Try it. If it doesn't give you the whitest, brightest wash you ever had, simply send the unused portion of the package to Col gate-Pal motive-Peet Co., Berk eley 10, California, with your name and address and the price you paid. We'll send you double what Peet's Soap cost you. GRANULATED SOAP 92 for really wmro was net, try new Peat's Soap! Ill Favorite of millioot nun imr-ituvtu I Wj I with new giVMIRAClE INGREDIENT! THE ITOR-aS IITTIR ATALUti YOUR HEADQUARTERS for . HOME & GARDEN SA VMGS DON'T MISS THESE VALUES from Our Complete Plastic Dept.! UNBREAKABLE PLASTIC TUMBLERS c Perfect for picnics! Choice of colorful RED IVORY BLUE 0 MP Vk3 GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW! REFRIGERATOR Large 4"xS" aiie Choice of aast. colon. Strong durable plastic. 4"x4" aiie . . , 25c each. Plastic Clothes Spray Choice of Colorful Bright Colors DISH 25 GIGANTIC GARDEN VALUES Complete Line of Seeds, Plants & Supplies BAKED-ENAMEL FLOWER POTS ASSORTED COLORS IVi size BEDDING STOCK ASTERS Mixed, red, roie, whit and Hue SNAPDRAGONS Red, roie, white, yellow and mixed CARNATIONS Mixed SALVIA Dwarf and tall variety MARIGOLDS Dwarf and tall variety LOBELIA Dwarf and toll variety PETUNIAS Elks Pride and white, roie, blue, red, mixed PLASTIC MEASURING CUP One cup measurement. Graduated markings. A must lor the homemaker. PLASTIC "MARGI-MOLD" I PLASTIC EGG TRAYS 2Mremoved,cubMr'M a40a Choice of assorted colors yQ sralmprmtoVcleanU " each Strong, durable plastic PLASTIC DIVIDED PLATES I SPICE CABINET Colorful dinner plain A Holds 8 to It cans of spices. I &'unpt,nt" fr J7C WH. green, ye.low and red. PLASTIC LONG TEASPOONS I PLASTIC COAT HANGERS Perfect for Iced beverages V for Hf AasoHed colon lift Colorful , , . long shank w Sturdily made IVI doz. YOU ALWAYS SAVE When You SHOP . . , 136 North Commercial Street STURDY POTTED PLANTS PRIMROSES ----- 35c FUSCHIA 45 and 85c PHIL0DENDR0N - - - 39c GERANIUMS 35c IVY, Wi" pot 19c IVY,2Vi"pot 29c VEGETABLE & GARDEN SEEDS"-" 10c NEEDED GARDEN SUPPLIES TROWEL, large 12" site metal-wood car handle jf TROWEL, transplanting metal, 12-inch size ni fjJf FORK, straight prongs, 1 1 inches long, metal I " WEEDER, 5-prong, metal 11 inches long f LILLY'S LUX M0RCR0P S lbs. 40 C , LILLY'S LUX MORCROP..... 10 lbs. 75 C gcn HOUSEHOLD SAVINGS Two-ply yarn Reversible head won't shake off it dfe Lies nat on floor Wa,hable without Uklng apart 'j wU t m Adjustable handle Guaranteed satisfaction df Jf Clothes Line, 50 ft. heavy - 49c Waldorf Glass Cleanser Franklin Wet Mop, 8 or. --49c reg. 39c 23c All in one Plate Hanger - 39c DuPont Cellulose Scouring Pads, reg. 10c 5c Sponge - - - 25c & up Home of L I k mtfk t J t f lIIAUILI KA I LIKe 1 ISA! lUrlALLT MSUWN BKANUi THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES Salem Oregon Mai I O.a.S. NiHard, Uitm r HMM, i t