Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 26, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    Spring Show June 9 The Marlon County Jersey Cattle
club, meeting Sunday at the RNA hall at Quinaby, tet June S
as the date for the annual spring show. It was decided to pre
pare a catalog similar to that of last year. The club is strongly
uenind a state plan for the employment of a regular Jersey
cattle field man. At Sunday's meeting a no-host dinner
was served. Included in the picture are Ross of Rossmere
Farms, Mt. Angel; L. A. Lee, Aumsvllle; Stanley Riches, Tur
ner; William Vogt, Salem; Neal Miller, Woodburn; Henry
Zorn, Aurora; Robert Clark, Aurora; Newton Davis, Wood
burn; Arthur Buyserle, Woodburn; Calvin Michelson, Wood
burn; Floyd Bates, Salem; T. C. Hobart, Salem, secretary of
Marion County Jersey Cattle club and field man for United
States National bank. (Photo by Mrs. Ralph Gifford)
Some Fish Can Hear
Better Than Us Humans
New York W) Some fish can hear very well, even better than
This is the finding of Dr. Karl von Frisch, famous Austrian
zoologist. Some fish can tell the
difference between sounds as
close as two notes of a piano
And sometimes a fish can even
learn the difference between
half tones.
Dr. van Frisch trained blind
ed fish to expect food when he
blew a note on a whistle, above
water. They came for food in
response to that note, but not
to others.
The fish in water could hearl
tones barely audible in the air
to humans, he said. A human
with his head underwater
couldn't hear the sounds quite
as well as the fish.
Fresh water fish, like min
nows, carp and catfish, hear
better than fish that live In the
sea. The good hearers among
fish have air bladders connected
by tiny bones with their inner
ear. The air bladders pick up
the vibrations of sound.
Dr. von Frisch is most noted
for his work in solving the
curious language of the bees
This is a dance through which
a scout bee tells other bees how
far away nectar-laden flowers
are, what direction, and even
now good the pickings are.
Dr. von Frisch is lecturing In
the United States, under the
sponsorship of Cornell Univer
sity and the Rockefeller Foun
Linn Pork Prices
Reported Plunging
Albany, April 28 Local pork
prices took the longest plunge
on the wholesale market since
1946 Monday when the noon
quotations on block hogs showed
a drop of $2 since Friday, mak
ing the present price range from
$14.50 to $19.50 a, hundred
weight, according . to market
quotations released by local
packers. Sow prices dropped $1
since Friday making the pres
ent price range from $13 to $18.
One packing company report
j 3
1 w
ITie summer sun . . . the comfort of
sport clothes ... the thrill of the drive
... then the joy of pleasant
companionship and refreshing light
Olympia. These are among the
good things of life.
ed their price drop for pork was
$1.50 to $1.75 a hundredweight.
Reasons for the plunge, local
meat handlers report, is the ov
er-supply of hogs on the market
and a buyers' resistance to high
prices. However, they report, in
normal years there is always a
post-Easter price drop in hogs.
But this year's drop makes the
price the lowest since OPA days
when block hogs sold for $15.80
a hundredweight.
Auxiliary Entertained
Gcrvais The Womens' Fire
mans auxiliary was entertain
ed at the home of Mrs. Lige
Eaton, with the following mem
bers present: Mrs. Bruce Barn
er, Mrs. Albert Bauman, Mrs
Robert Jones, Mrs. Donald
Gould, Mrs. Marion Druba
Mrs. Earl Rondeau and Mrs
Plans were discussed for teen
age entertainment once a week
at the fire hall. Refreshments
were served by the hostess at
the close of the meeting.
. . . to better tasting
Calvert Reserve
than ever before I
-88 Proof-65 drain Neutral Spirits.
Calvert Distillers Corp., New York City
tht Wattr
Birr, the ligx Sfmtmnl Simp if MiUhn tf Trmfmai Pnfh
iTavu itiwitia coaeANi: tiTae!. vAiNiMatoM. a. a. a,
l ., Ill
Extension to
Be Hastened
City Manager J. L. Franzen
has found a way to get early
action on the purchase of right-of-way
for the extension of
North Commercial from Tryon
avenue to North River road
The city council Monday night
approved the plan.
The net cost of the right-of-way
will be around $15,000, and
there will be no money for it
until after approval of the next
budget, effective July 1.
But the manager told the
council that the route of the ex
tension is also the route of the
interceptor sewer, soon to be
built with money from authoriz
ed bonds. He proposed that
bond money be used to buy the
right of way, to be repaid with
money from the street fund
after July 1.
The council approved the
recommendation without argu
saw m&i&i&tei&m&m
Quickly reitore lost1
brilliance and lT! r 1,1
parkle to your cor fTll m
with the., .aiy-io- life,
mogle. tjX- "lJ """" '
LIQUID CIMNK SLrCj ' J - 1 " m2lZ!!Sttm
POUSHINO WAX rJl3' ' ' ' --""
POLISH AND CLUNSB I F2: "" ,t : ' Lu.a
CHROMI CLIANER - jAl' " jf'X '
pord uauio olazi haim j. I j "V fj'TiTiiLi ihsst) MwtwSS
Seattle Firm
Will Make Pioe
The Seattle Concrete Pipe
company, and not the city itself,
will make the huge concrete
pipe for Salem's interceptor
sewer. j
The Seattle company was em
ployed for the Job by the city
council Monday night, with all
council members except Tom
Armstrong having pre-pledged
their votes so that the work
could get started without delay
The company's equipment is al
ready in town.
Because of no success in get
ting satisfactory bids for the
work the city administration
had decided to do the work with
a city crew, set up the neces
sary housing on the sewage dis
posal site, and assembled some
Then a contact was made
with the Seattle company and
satisfactory terms were offered.
City Engineer Davis told the
A Limited Number of
Several Styles
While They Last
Tonkin Fly Rod
Mode of Fin. Quality Split Bamboo
Now Sailing lor. . 6.98
Durable 2 piece rod hat Interchangeable,
extra tip. Irown tone lhade. Aluminum.
plotHc Krew kdtb)0 reel rtat. Cork aria.
Big Chief
Fish Eggs
5C jar
Snell Hooks
23c pockogt
aSiiajuatasSifft pout m&uy
council that the company should:
be making pipe next Monday
The cost to the city will be!
around $142,000, coming out of i
the sewer bond fund. The com-!
pany will make 10,720 feet of,
pipe, of which 1289 feet will be
72-inch pipe. 1653 feet 86-inch,
and 7778 feet wlil be 80-inch.
The company will furnish the
labor and the concrete. The city
will furnish the plant and the
steel, and pay on the 10th of
each month for the pipe that
has been turned out.
The pipe diame-er Is inside
and you save at Woodrow'i
when you pay CASH for
Willard Batteries. Seiber
ling tires "with' full road
hazard guarantee " Nason
paints, auto glass and un
painted furniture.
R. D. Wood row Co.
450 Center St. Phone 22476
.". . SWING ijrolT! SEARS
Aluminum Fly Rl
60-yd. Capacity 5.45
Finely conttructed J. C. Higgint
reel at a low pricel Silent drag
quickly adjuiH from freo to
' pull. 100 yd. reel
Light Tackle Box
Canter lock and 2 Snop locks
Selector Trav C AC
Reg. 25 NOW '
Heavy gauge aluielwum vftfc ripple PnleS
tatlrte bae bai falector tray that rtMe M
btogei tor eory aeleetkjn ( tug-
measurement. The 72 Inch pipe
"Ttiiun wuiKus me
Birthday Celebrated
T vnnm !llalnli. A
wjw.ia miai.iio kiiiii;i(-ii ai
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar-gan
vln Edwards to help Mrs. Ed-1
wards celebrate her birthday
- i v
Mother's Day
Greeting Cards
Nylon Fly Line
18-pound Test 1.45
25-yord colt. J. C. Higgini nylon,
level fly line for longlaiting per
formance. Amber color.
28 lb. ttt...0.00 32 lb
Fly Assortment
Meol for Small Pon Fiih
sm"o(....; 77c
Aieortment of 0 twlr Kiel attractive to
pan fan, Uted far Mue gllli and croo
ptei. AR t Sean low price!
ShU $$
IV $r jl
' (j '
Capital Journal. Salem, Ore.,
anniversary. A w ener roast
was held. Those present werejward. Mr. John Edwards of
.Mrs. Byron Bates and Donald ' f'0' nd Mr- "d M- Marvin
!. -J ... ...
utiit.B, ii i . anu 1110. .ijur mur-
of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Stavang. Carl and Wayne,
Mrs. JoHanna Stravang of Jor-
hu Libhey Glass
A gift that will earn you gratitude and affeevi
tion from mother, new brides, weekend
hostesses . . . these dramatically personalized
glasses ! Each initial is wreathed in bright
22K gold ! Satin etched and gold initial is
fired on won't wash off 1 Bases are heavy .'V
Rims are gold banded too, and are guaran
teed! "You get a new glass if the 'safedge
ever chips!" And each glass holds 11 ounces.
You get a set prepacked in its own elegant
green and gold gift carton.
Compare it with
costing up to
& $f(jf(fl'hd
Your prize catch in casting reels. For greater fishing thrills
at no greater cost choose this great new J. C. Higgins reel.
Adjustable non-backlash control; precision ground gears;
light weight aluminum spool flanges with cork arbor, for quick
getaway. Etched in plate, chrome plated over nickle. All
these and many more better reel features. Come in today
ana inspecr mis new reel value
Braided Silk Line
12-pound Test 1.05
50-yardi on two Intorconnocttd
pooli. High grade braidad lilk
catting (In , , , waterproofed for
protection from water and tun.
6 H. P. Motor, Reg. 139.95
Tuesday, April 2fi, 194911
dan. Mr. and Mr. rnni. w
. "Q LHUB.
You'll find what you want 1 1
the Journal Classified ads
other reels
ar 3ears.
Bail Casting Rods
Dttochoblo Aluminum Hand I
With Caw- 2.95
Vnu ran rhoone your J. C,
Hlrttlnn bH ctlrif rod with
fonfldentlal! (nrk rear, for
ward trip. Chroma guide,
Smooth 2Vi
H. P. Outboard
New In Every Rupert
Reg. 84.95 dCQ95
Special ... U7 iy.
Juit what you'll Mad for your
boating pleotur thit tumrnar.
2.5 Horsepower Elgin motor U
right up to the minute in ipeed,
performance and smooth oper
ation. Moves good sir boat
6-7 MPH. Sea ona now at
Stars. You'll like all its features.
NOW 129.93
484 State Street
Phone 3-9191
1 1